18 Jul 2018

EDO - Neribei district


Neribei district Kanda Chiyoda

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Neribeichoo, Neribei-chō 練塀町 Neribei-cho, Neribei district
千代田区神田練塀町 Chiyoda ward, Kanda-Neribeichō

neribei 練塀/煉り塀
is a fence (mud wall) constructed with alternate layers of dried clay bricks and kneaded mud.
tile-and-mortar wall.
. tsuijibei 築地塀 Tsuiji fence and Neribei .



- quote
Neribeichō (練塀町), officially Kanda-Neribeichō (神田練塀町),
is a district of Chiyoda, Tokyo. As April 1, 2007, its population is 246. Its postal code is 101-0022.
Kanda-Neribeichō is located on the northeastern part of Chiyoda.
It borders Akihabara, Taitō to the north, Kanda-Matsunagachō to the east, Kanda-Aioichō, and Soto-Kanda to the west.
Located to the north of the Akihabara Station, Neribeichō is home to several skyscrapers ...
- source : wikipedia

In the Edo period, this district was better known as 下谷練塀 Shitaya Neribei, as part of Akihabara.

秋葉原練塀公園 Akihabara Neribei Park
Akihabaraneribei Park
81 Kanda Neribeicho, Chiyoda


Neribei kooji 練塀小路 Neribei koji district
千代田区神田練塀町 Chiyoda ward, Kanda-Neribeichō, 外神田 Soto-Kanda 4th district, since 1964

During the Edo period, there were many Samurai estates with stately mud walls, so the district was also called
下谷練塀小路 Shitaya Neribei Koji.

Around 1700, the estate of 新発田藩 Shibata han (now Niigata) the Mizoguchi clan, 溝口家屋敷 Mizoguchi Yashiki was located here with a special large mud wall, which soon gave rise to the name
"Alley of the Mud Wall".


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. Kanda 神田 Kanda district  .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #neribei #neribeikanda #neribeikoji - - - -

SENNIN - Kanda Sao-Uchi


Sennin Kanda Sao-Uchi

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Kanda 竿打仙 Kanda Sen/ 竿打ち仙人 Sao-Uchi Sennin

He is Nr. 30 of
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .


kanda (sao-uchi) means "hitting with a pole".

竿打(さおうち)仙人 Saouchi Sennin

The quest for an immortal life is long and difficult, and some try very hard but do not get anywhere.
Sao-Uchi lived in the Nara period, but not much is known about him.

It seems he took a lot of elixirs of immortality, but his body never got light enough to fly.
He had almost given up of ever making any progress, when he made another effort and could fly above the ground for about 2 or 3 meters.
The other villagers thought this was something special not everybody could do and begun to respect him.
Bud the bad kids of the village made fun of him and hit and chased him around with a pole like a butterfly.

In haste he jumped up again, but again they came after him with the pole.
Eventually he became invisible . . . at least nobody knew where he had gone.

source : toki.moo.jp/gaten/ 475 ...

For some reason he was mentioned in a book from 1097:
本朝神仙記伝 / 本朝神仙伝 Honcho Shinsenden - Lives of Japanese immortals.



. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninkanda #kanda #kandasennin #saouchi -

13 Jul 2018

EDO - Kohinata Myogadani district


Kohinata Myogadani district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Kohinata Myogadani choo 小日向茗荷谷町 Kohinata Myogadani district
"Myoga Ginger Valley"

文京区 Bunkyo ward, 小日向1丁目と3丁目、4丁目, Kohinata first, third and fourth sub-district.

In former times there was a shallow valley between the higher areas of 小石川 Koishikawa and 小日向 Kohinata.
There were a lot of Myoga fields in the valley, hence the name. Nowadays, there are no more Myoga fields, but in the compound of 拓殖大学文京キャンパス Takushoku University in Bunkyo ward they still harvest Myoga.
Until around 1713, there were farmers in the district, but then it came under the jurisdiction of the Edo City government and some Samurai estates were established here, like 旧大垣野村藩戸田淡路守屋敷, and the 十二軒屋敷 Juniken Yashiki.

This district used to be part of the former 小石川区 Koishikawa ward, now 文京区 Bunkyo ward.
In 1966, the district became part of the Kohinata area.

At the Myoga Valley, there used to be a stone statue of a small Jizo Bosatsu.
When villagers went get a doctor for a very ill person, they came past this statue. If it was there as usual, the ill person would be all right, but if the stone statue faced the other side, the doctor could not help any more.
. myooga 茗荷 Japanese ginger, Zingiber mioga .
- Introduction -


shibarare Jizoo 縛られ地蔵 string-bound Jizo
林泉寺 Rinsen-Ji

- reference source : s.webry.info/sp/navalin.at.webry... -

. Shibarare Jizō 縛られ地蔵, String-Bound Jizō .
More statues in Japan.


There is a train station named
Myogadani eki 茗荷谷駅 Myogadani station


Myoogadanizaka 茗荷谷坂 / 茗荷坂 Myogazaka slope
3 Chome-4 Kohinata, Bunkyō

. saka, sakamichi 坂道 the slopes of Edo .


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The Name Has Nothing to Do With Ginger
There is another theory.
This one says there was never any myōga growing in the area. Instead this theory claims the name derives from myōga 冥加 a Buddhist term that means divine protection.
On the other side of the tracks from Myōgadani Station
is an area called 小石川 Koishikawa. This area was a very elite area in the Edo Period because the Mito Tokugawa clan had a massive residence here. There were other daimyō residences and samurai residences located in the vicinity. The residence of the 簞笥奉行 tansu bugyō the magistrate of the shōgun's arsenal was also nearby, as were the barracks his samurai staff.
The idea is
that the samurai who lived in the barracks town of 御箪笥町 Go-Tansu Machi would make offerings at the 稲荷神社 Inari Jinja Inari Shrine at the top of Myōgadani Hill (where the station stands today) and pray for good luck in marksmanship. The shrine was called Myōga Inari Jinja 冥加稲荷神社 Shrine of the Inari of Divine Protection. Since this area was the valley where Myōga Inari Shrine was, the locals called it 冥加谷 Myōgadani.

This theory states
that the Meiji government changed the kanji. After winning the Boshin War against the last Tokugawa supporters, they kicked out all of the samurai and daimyō from the area and began repurposing the land. They hated the association of the name with the Tokugawa Shōgunate and so they changed the kanji from 冥加谷 Myōgadani Valley of Divine Protection to the less "confrontational" 茗荷谷 Myōgadani Valley of Japanese Ginger.
In nearby Jinkō-ji 深光寺 Jinkō Temple,
the author of Nansō Satomi Hakkenden 南總里見八犬傳 the Tale of Eight Dogs 馬琴 Bakin Bakin is buried. Interestingly, there is a small stone lantern hidden on the side of the temple called the Kirishitan Tōrō 切支丹灯籠 the Christian Lantern. It uses the word Kirishitan which is a direct reference to the Christians of Pre-Modern Japan. I'm not sure if this monument has been commemorating them since the Edo Period or if it's a recent thing. Judging from pictures, the statue doesn't seem very old – but it could be a replacement.
Even more curious
is that another nearby temple, 徳雲寺 Toku'un-ji, which seems to make most of its money off funerals, offers a
キリスト教プラン Kiristo-kyō Puran Christian Plan. At first, I thought this was related to the hidden old Kirishitan monument at Jinkō-ji, but then I saw it came under the heading 無宗教・キリスト教のプラン Mushūkyō/Kiristo-kyō Puran non-religious/Christian plan.
- and the connection between the Myōgadani temples and Christianity.
- source : japanthis.com/2014... -

茗荷稲荷神社 Shrine Myoga Inari Jinja


. Temple 清水山 Seisuizan  専教院 Senkyo-In .
文京区小日向3-6-10 / Bunkyo ward, Kohinata 3-6-10


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #myogadani #kohihata #kobinata - - - -

EDO - Kanda Tacho district



Tachō, Tachoo, Ta choo 神田多町 Kanda Tacho district    
With two sub-districts, second and third chome, 二丁目 and 三丁目

The name refers to the fields 田 TA, which have been here. The first characters used were 田町 Tacho "district with fields".
Around 1600, there was the first sub-district, 一丁目, but this has become part of the third sub-district.
The greengrocer 河津五郎太夫 Kawazu Goro Daiyu started a 青葉市 vegetable marked here around 1606. After the great fire of Meireki (1657), the place was widened and an official vegetable market established. This esisted as 神田青物市場 Kanda Aomono Ichiba until the destruction of the Great Kanto Earthquake (1923). The market was then relocated to 秋葉原 Akihabara.

In 1911 the districts of Kanda were re-distributed with their present names.

There were other aoba ichi 青葉市 vegetable markets in Edo.

  . Edo 青物町 Aomonocho "vegetable" district .
Edo no Aomono Ichiba 江戸の青物市場 Vegetable Markets in Edo
In the "three vegetable district" 青物三ケ町 Aomono Sangamachi in Kanda
Tachō, 多町 Tacho - 連雀町 Renjakucho - 永富町 Eifukucho
- - - aomono uri 青物売り vegetable vendor


12 Jul 2018

EDO - Katsushika Shibamata


Katsushika ward Shibamata

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Katsushika ku 葛飾区 Katsushika ward
"decorated with kuzu 葛 arrowroot "

Formerly a part of
. Musashi no Kuni 武蔵国 Musashi Province .

It might have been a land overgrown with arrowroot.
The name was also spelled 勝鹿, 河都志加, 加止志加 - therefore the original name did not refer to
the kuzu, katsura 葛, but to the land formation of lowlands and ridges near the 利根川 river Tonegawa.

. kuzu 葛 kudzu flower, arrowroot flower .
Pueraria lobata, grows very strong in wetlands
A person like a kuzu, "ningen no kuzu" means "human garbage".


- quote -
... one of the special wards of Tokyo, Japan. It lies in the northeast of the ward area. The ward calls itself Katsushika City in English.
The long running film series, the Otoko wa Tsurai yo series starring Kiyoshi Atsumi as Tora-san, takes place in Katsushika, as does the manga series, Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kōen-mae Hashutsujo.
- - - - - History
Katsushika District was originally a division of Musashi Province. When the province was divided and reconfigured, the district was partitioned between Kita-Katsushika District (within Saitama Prefecture), Higashi-Katsushika District (within Chiba Prefecture) and the remainder was based in Tokyo Prefecture. Minami-Katsushika District conformed today's Katsushika Ward proper, plus Edogawa, Koto and Sumida wards.
On October 1, 1932,
the former Minami-Katsushika District of what was then known as Tokyo Prefecture, and its seven towns and villages, merged and became part of the old Tokyo City.
The special ward was founded on March 15, 1947.
- - - - - Districts
Higashi Kanamachi
Higashi Mizumoto
Higashi Shin-koiwa
Higashi Yotsugi
. Horikiri district 掘切 "digging a moat" .
Minami Mizumoto
Mizumoto Koen
Nishi Kameari
Nishi Mizumoto
Nishi Shin-koiwa
Shibamata - see below
Takaramachi 宝町
. Tateishi 立石村 Tateishi Mura Village .
Yotsugi 四つ木
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- quote -
The name is attested in the 万葉集 Manyōshū so we know this is an ancient name. The probability of it not being Japanese in origin is high.
There are various theories, but none of them are certain.
1 – Katsushika's かつ katsu
comes from an older word カテ kate or カト kato which meant cliff, hill, or knoll. shika しか comes from an older スカ which meant "sandbar." The general idea being that this name referred to the lowlands on the right bank and the elevated ridge on the left bank of the Tonegawa 利根川 Tone River (present day 江戸川 Edogawa Edo River).
2 – The name was given
to the area by the "people of the south sea".
According to this theory, in whatever dialect or language these people spoke it referred to a hunting ground.
3 – The kanji is literal. 葛 katsu
is an onyomi and nanori of kuzu arrowroot. 飾 shika is the nanori of kazaru to decorate. Arrowroot is a kind of vine that grows near rivers. It's an invasive plant that quickly spreads and takes over an area. It is used to make some kinds of jellies for Japanese sweets. If this etymology is accepted, the meaning is then literally "a field or area decorated (overgrown with) Japanese Arrowroot."
- source : japanthis.com/2013... -


Katsushika no Mama 葛飾の真間 Mama town

An old poem from the 万葉集 Manyoshu poetry collection :

Katsushika no Mama no urama o kogu fune no funabito sawagu nami tatsu rashimo


真間の紅葉手古那の社継はし Maple Trees at Mama, Tekona Shrine and Linked Bridge
歌川広重 名所江戸百景 Hiroshige

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Mama in Katsushika was described in some Japanese poems in Manyoshu (Myriad Leaves), and many poets have written Mama in their works since then.
In Edo period, Hiroshige painted Mama in his work 'Edo Meisho Hyakkei' (the 100 best scenic places in Edo), and Mama was introduced as one of the best spots in Edo in Edo Meisho Zue (a guide book of Edo), Issa Kobayashi, a famous haiku poet, and Mitsukuni Mito, a famous lord and a relative of Tokugawa Shogun Family, visited.
In early 20th century, many people loved and lived in Mama, many writers such as Rohan Koda, Shotaro Yasuoka, Hakushu Kitahara and Kafu Nagai lived and wrote memories of Mama and Ichikawa city.

- - - - - Ota Dokan
Mononofu no ikusaba no Katsushika ya kuni wa kokoro no Mama no Tsugihashi

Mama no tsugihashi - the connecting bridge of Mama
Mama no Tsughihashi Bridge is a small bridge with red parapets under the stone steps in front of the Niomon Gate of Mamasan Guhoji Temple has described in some poems since the period of Manyoshu or Myriad Leaves. The word Tsugihashi means that a bridge attached with planks, so it was a simple wooden bridge connected several wooden bridges to be built on the sandbar called Ichikawa Sasu, it might be called Mama no Irie (Mama Cove), Mama no Ura (Mama Creek) and Mama no Hama (Mama Beach) in thousand years ago. Mama where Tsugihashi Bridge built over was popular scenic spot during Edo period,

- - - - - Priest Nittei
足の音せず行かむ駒もが葛飾の 真間の継橋やまず通わむ
Ashi no oto sezu yukamu koma mo ga Katsushika no Mama no Tshughihashi yamazu kayowamu

I would like to get a horse that could run silently
since I would like to pass Mama no Tsugihasi bridge in Katsushika
to visit my sweetheart every day.

- - - - -Masaoka Shiki
Mamadera ya kareki no naka no niomon

fuyugare ya haruka ni miyuru Mama no tera

Mamasan Guhoji Temple - page with more poems about Mama.
- source : smileandhappiness.net/mama...-

真間弘法寺 Mama Kobo-Ji
江戸名所図会 Edo Meisho Zue

- Homepages of Mamasan Guho-Ji
- reference source : mamasan.or.jp... -

- Mamasan Guhoji Temple - The Head Temple of Nichiren Sect
- reference source : mamasan-guhoji-temple-english... -


Shibamata 柴又 Shibamata district
葛飾区柴又 Katsushika Shibamata

The old name was Shimamata 嶋俣 "Island with thighs".
There were many islands in this area, some with strange formations along the river.
Already since the Nara period about 40 families lived here.
The name was later written 柴俣, Shibamata. At the beginning of the Edo period, the characters 柴又 were used.
The farmers of 柴又村 Shibamata village often suffered from the flooding of the river 江戸川 Edogawa, with famine and epidemics.
One village headman, 斉藤七郎右衛門 Saito Shichroemon, worked hard with the Bakufu government to improve the crops of the farmers and helped the village to survive. 40 years later in 1826, a memorial was erected in the Shrine 柴又八幡神社 Shibamata Hachiman Jinja.

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While not the largest shrine in Katsushika, there is something special about Shibamata Hachiman Shrine.
The original shrine was reportedly to have been built on top of an ancient tomb of the Shibamata village according to documents from the Edo period.
A 98 ft. (30 meters) circular mound was found and it dates from the 6th to 7th century.
According to historical documents, the shrine is mentioned as part of Shibamata Village, known as Shimamurasato was found in the Shosoin documents dated back in the year 721 and it is mentioned that a main hall was build on an ancient tomb.
The shrine was rebuilt or restored in 1633 but the current shrine was rebuilt in May 1943.
- source and photos : dennis amith com -


Close to Shibamata is
Yagiri no watashi 矢切の渡し, the river crossing of Yagiri
Yagiri no Watashi was a famous exit road of Edo, crossing the river 江戸川 Edogawa
to the village of Yagiri in 千葉 Chiba.

- quote -
Before there were bridges, people were using ferry boats to cross the rivers in Tokyo, as they were doing anywhere else. The only place where this is still in use in Tokyo is in Shibamata, albeit just for tourists. This crossing is called the Yagiri no Watashi.
A ferry, without motor, connects Shibamata with Matsudo city in Chiba prefecture as it has been done for the past 400 years. Maximum 30 people can take place in the boat and it takes 10 minutes to cross the Edogawa river.
This crossing,
together with the Taishakuten temple, is part of the 100 Landscapes of Japan that represent Japan during the Heisei era (the current time period started in 1989 when Emperor Akihito acceded to the throne, time periods in Japan coincide with the reign of an emperor). Only 7 places in Tokyo made it on this list, which means this is really a place dear to many Japanese. It is also part of the 100 Soundscapes of Japan, a list of 100 places in Japan where natural and traditional sounds prevail. It was made in 1996 by the Japanese Ministry of Environment in an effort to combat noise pollution and protect the environment.

The crossing has its origin in connecting the two farm communities at either side of the river. It has sort of an idyllic atmosphere around it thanks to the novel from Sachio Itō titled Nogiku no Haka ("The Wild Daisy" from 1906, literal translation: Grave of Wild Chrysanthemum) and a song about the crossing written by Miyuki Ishimoto. The novel was made into movies in 1955, 1966 and in 1981.
- source : old-tokyo.info/yagiri-no-watashi... -


Yagirinegi, Yagiri negi 矢切葱 / 矢切ねぎ leek from Yagiri
was grown along the Edogawa river bank at temple 西蓮寺 Sairen-Ji in Chiba.


Shibamata Taishaku-Ten temple 柴又帝釈天

- quote -
Shibamata Taishakuten is a Buddhist temple in Katsushika, Tokyo.
Founded in 1629, the main image is of Taishakuten.In 1996 the Ministry of the Environment designated the temple and its ferryboat as one of the 100 Soundscapes of Japan. In 2009 the temple and its ferryboat were selected as one of the 100 Landscapes of Japan (Heisei era).
- source : wikipedia -

. Taishaku-Ten 柴又帝釈天 .
One of the most famous ita honzon 板本尊 deity carved on a wooden plank is at Taishaku Ten in Shibamata.
Monkey amulets from Shibamata Taishaku Ten

Otoko wa Tsurai yo  男はつらいよ "It's Tough Being a Man"
Katsushika Shibamata Torasan Memorial Hall
- source : gotokyo.org/en... -


Shibamata Shichifukujin pilgrimage 柴又七福神

. Shibamata Shichifukujin 七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Katsushika 葛飾区

. Dairokuten Ma-O 第六天魔王 Number Six Heavenly Deity .
There were Shrines for this fearful deity in many areas of Edo.

葛飾区亀有の高木神社(旧称:第六天社)Katsushika, Kameari - Takagi Jinja
北葛飾郡杉戸町下野 - 第六天社 Kita-Katsushima district, Sugito

. 高木神社 Takagi Jinja .

This deity punishes the bad and rewards the good people.
Once upon a time,
There was an epidemy in the village 宝木塚村 Hogizuka with many dead people. The reason was the missing faith in a protecting deity - or so they said. Finally they got a deity from 第六天神社 Dairokuten Jinja in Asakusa and the epidemy stopped.

- - - - -

. 龍燈 / 龍灯 / 竜灯 と伝説 Legends about Ryuto, "Dragon Lantern" .
In Katsushika village at 木下川浄光寺 the temple Joko-Ji in Kinegawa there was always a dragon lantern to be seen on the eighth day of each month and on the third day of the first lunar month.
When priest 慈覚大師 Jikaku Daishi wisited the Northern region, he stayed some time at 浅草寺 Asakusadera.
One day an old man with white hair appeared and told him, that in the East there was 霊地 a sacred place where he should place a statue of himself. So he prepared a statue and set off to the East. Suddenly he saw auspicious clouds all in one place and then a 青竜 green dragon in the clouds.
So Ennin founded a temple here for the dragon. The dragon was happy about this and then his features dissolved again in the sky.
But from time to time there were 竜燈 dragon lights in the area now.

. Ennin - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 / 慈覺大師 (794 – 864) .

- - - - -

sekiji 赤児 a baby
In 1825 on the 18th day of the second lunar month, a fisherman named 与右衛門 Yoemon from 葛飾郡柳島 Yanagishima (Katsushika district) went to his usual place for fishing. There he found a strange baby with four holes in the ears, four arms and two legs.

- - - - -

. 立石稲荷神社石祠 Tateishi Inari Jinja Stone Sanctuary .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

. かつしかや月さす家は下水端 .
katsushika ya tsuki sasu ie wa gesui-bata

Kobayashi Issa
the Katsushika haiku school


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #katsushika #shibamata - - - -

11 Jul 2018



Sennin Jugeso Juge

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Juge soo 河内国樹下僧 Monk Juge from Kawachi no Kuni
河内国 Kawachi is now part of Osaka.

He is Nr. 25 of
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .

樹下僧円宝房 Juge So Enho-Bo
三井寺の円宝房阿関梨 Miidera no Enho-Bo Ajari

His story is not quite clear.
He was either a priest at Miidera or at the shine after which he is named, Juge Jinja.


Related to 日吉神社 Hiyoshi Jinja (日枝神社 Hie Jinja)

miyagomori 宮籠り to make a wish (vow) and stay in the shrine until it is granted
One of them was Juge So 中世日吉神社における宮籠りと樹下僧.

- reference source : oldvin.seesaa.net/article... -


Juge Jinja 樹下神社 Juge Jinja shrines
All are located in 滋賀県 Shiga prefecture.
They belong to the seven sub-shrines of 日吉大社 Hiyoshi Taisha.

Juge shrines are also called
Juuzenji sha 十禅師社 (ジュウゼンジ) Juzenji Shrine ("Ten Zen Teacher's Shrine)
Junizenji are known in Buddhism as 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu.

樹下神社 (大津市北小松) - 滋賀県大津市北小松鎮座 Kitakomatsu
樹下神社 (大津市南比良) - 滋賀県大津市南比良鎮座 Minamihira
樹下神社 (大津市木戸) - 滋賀県大津市木戸鎮座 Kido
樹下神社 (大津市山中町) - 滋賀県大津市山中町鎮座 Yamanaka
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


大津市北小松 Otsu town, Kita-Komatsu

- Deity in residence
. 鴨玉依姫命 / 玉依姫命 Tamayori Hime no Mikoto .

The origin of this shrine is not quite clear.
In 982, 佐々木成頼 Sasaki Nariyori ordered the construction of the 日吉十禅師 Juzenji of Hiyoshi.
This shrine flourished as the protector shrine of the Sasaki clan in 近江国 Omi (now Shiga prefecture).
The shrine was destructed by Oda Nobunaga, but later rebuild.
In 1870, it was named 十禅師社 Juzenji Shrine

Minamoto no Nariyori 源成頼 (676 - 1003) = Sasaki Nariyori


大津市南比良 Otsu town, Minami-Kira


大津市木戸 Otsu town, Kido

This shrine was constructed on orders of 佐野豊賢 Sano Toyokata. the regent of 木戸城 Kido castle, to protect the area and his clan.
The shrine was destroyed by Oda Nobunaga and later rebuilt in 1578.

- reference source : shiga/otsu-kido-jugejinja... -


- quote -
Juge Jinja is a small shrine in the Higashi-Hongu area of Hiyoshi Taisha. This structure is classified as an Important Cultural Asset.
Hiyoshi Taisha
is dedicated to Sanno Gongen, the deity of Mount Hiei, and dates back to 806. The shrine is located at the base of the mountain in Sakamoto near the shores of Lake Biwa. Because of its proximity to Hieizan, it has always been associated with Enryaku-ji. The shrine was destroyed in 1571 when Nobunaga eliminated the Enryaku-ji monks, but it was rebuilt soon after.
Hiyoshi Taisha. Otsu, Shiga.
- source : flickr.com/photos/jpellgen... -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninjugeso #jugeso #jugejinja #enhobo #juzenji -

4 Jul 2018

EDO - Ochiai district Shinjuku


Ochiai district Shinjuku

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Ochiai 落合 Ochiai district
新宿区 Shinjuku 中落合 Naka-Ochiai, 上落合 Kami-Ochiai, 下落合 Shimo-Ochiai, 西落合 Nishi-Ochiai

The area where the river 神田川 Kandagawa and 妙正寺川 Myoshojigawa merged was called Ochiai. The area above the merger was Kami-Ochiai, the area downstream was Shimo-Ochiai.
The name Ochiai represents this "falling" ochi "together" ai of the two waterways into one river.

It used to be outside of the central area of Edo, but in 1818 it came under the administration of the Edo Bakufu government.
At that time a violet line was drawn on the map of Edo, and everything inside was
shubikinai 朱引内 within the "Vermillion Line"

At that time Ochiai was a rural district with farms and forests. It was blessed with clean water and many fireflies lived here. 
The third Shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu used to come here for takagari 鷹狩 hunting with hawks.

- reference source : chinchiko.blog.so-net.ne.jp...-


- quote
Ochiai is a district in Shinjuku located to the west of Takadanobaba Station. It's also served by Ochiai Station on the Tokyo Metro Tozai Line.
Although the area is predominantly upscale residential, the area closer to Takadanobaba station has lots of reasonably priced restaurants and drinking establishments oriented towards the large local student population.
- source : tokyocheapo.com/locations...


Ochiai hotaru 落合蛍 / 落合ほたる / 落合螢 fireflies at Ochiai

Painted by Hasegawa Settan 1834-1836

This scene shows the view when looking out from what is now Takadanobaba 3-chōme in the direction of Shimo-Ochiai.
In Edo times, the area was well-known for viewing fireflies, a fact also noted in contemporary guidebooks. Many people also visited the area to experience cool breezes on summer evenings.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -

広重 Hiroshige
「江戸自慢三十六興 落合ほたる」、

落合螢 - 黒沢明世 Kurosawa Akiyo


Ochiai Water Reclamation Center 落合下水道局 Gesuido Kyoku

- quote -
Located very close to the subcenter of the Shinjuku area, Ochiai Water Reclamation Center is environment-friendly and thoroughly controlled as a water reclamation center surrounded by residential districts. The treatment area is in the Ochiai Treatment District (3,506 ha). It comprises Nakano-ku, and parts of Shinjuku, Setagaya, Shibuya, Suginami, Toshima and Nerima Ward.
The treated water
is discharged to Kanda River, with some part used effectively for toilet water in buildings of Nishi-shinjuku and Nakano-sakaue districts and for restoration of streams in three rivers which nearly dried up in the southern downtown area of Tokyo.
The generated sludge
is pumped through pressure pipelines to Tobu sludge plant for treatment.
- - - - - Sewerage Components
The sewerage system is principally made up of 3 facilities.
Sewers, which collect and carry sewage.
Pumping stations, where sewage is pumped up so that the sewers do not get too deep.
Water reclamation centers, where sewage is treated to be clean water.
Inspections, cleaning, and repairs are done daily in order to make sure each of these facilities works properly.
- Restoration of streams in three rivers in the southern downtown area of Tokyo
The reclaimed water after advanced waste water treatment in Ochiai Water Reclamation Center is fed into the three streams - Shibuya & Furu River, Meguro River and Nomi River, where water was stagnated and stream environment deteriorated in the past. This has contributed to the increase of water volume and recuperation of affluent water environment in the streams.
- - - Ochiai Summer Festa
We aim to be a water reclamation center loved by the local community. We hold this festival each year during summer vacation.
- - - Ochiai Chuo Park
Ochiai Chuo Park is the first park in Japan which was built using the upper part of a water treatment plant in 1964. This park is equipped with baseball park, tennis courts, etc. A large number of people visit and enjoy the parks.
- - - Seseragi no Sato Public Garden
Seseragi no Sato Public Garden has a chilidren's square with playground equipment, and the treated sewage through membrane filtration process flows in the waterway and the pond, providing the Garden with a comfortable waterside environment.

- - - - - Tokyo Sewerage Museum "Rainbow"

There is a facility to enjoy the experience of learning about the sewerage system, its roles, and the importance of water environment.
- source and details : gesui.metro.tokyo.jp/english... -


Ochiai-eki 落合駅 Ochiai Station
is a subway station on the Tokyo Metro Tozai Line in Shinjuku.
The station opened on 16 March 1966.


. Saishooji 最勝寺 Temple Saisho-Ji .
新宿区上落合3-4-12 / 3 Chome-4-12 Kamiochiai, Shinjuku


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Ochiai no Kappa 落合の河童 The Kappa from Ochiai
In 1571, there was a great famine in Edo. From spring to July it was only raining and everything was overflown.
In 落合村の下落合 the village of Ochiai in Shimo-Ochiai there was a mountain priest named 佐貫坊 Sanuki Bo, who had caught a Kappa. This Kappa had fallen in love with a 人魚 "human fish".
Sanuki Bo promised the Kappa that his love would be fulfilled, if he would stop the rain and flooding.
Thus he saved the area.

- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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. Shinjuku 新宿区 Shinjuku Ward .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #ochiai #ochiaishinjuku - - - -

EDO - Kakinokizaka district Meguro


Kakinokizaka Meguro

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Kakinokizaka 柿の木坂 / 柿ノ木坂 / 柿木坂 Kakinoki slope district
"Slope of the Persimmon Tree"
目黒区 柿の木坂一丁目から三丁目 Meguro ward, Kakinokizaka first to third district, 八雲一丁目 Yakumo first district
This is a very small district.

. kaki no ki 柿の木 persimmon tree .

Coming from Shinagawa ward, this slope goes down to the 権之助坂 Gonnosukezaka toward the river 目黒川 Megurogawa and then connects to the 金毘羅坂 Konpirazaka.
Its end point is near the station Toritsu Daigaku Eki 都立大学駅.

- photo : wikipedia -

- quote
地名としての柿の木坂は、坂の北西一帯の地域である。全体は、北西 - 南東方向にやや細長い三角形をしており、北西から南東に呑川柿の木坂支流が縦貫している。南東辺を目黒通り、北東辺を環七通り、西辺を柿の木坂通り(区道)が通っており、柿の木坂二丁目と柿の木坂三丁目の間を東西に駒沢通りが通っている。
- source : wikipedia

The name of this district was created in 1932, when Meguro ward was created.
From the South-eastern part it has three sub-districts, 柿の木坂一丁目、柿の木坂二丁目、柿の木坂三丁目.

In former times, this part was called
Fusuma mura 衾村 Fusuma village
and belonged to the estate of the 吉良氏 Kira clan in Setagaya. Along the river 呑川 Nomigawa there was farm land.
When Tokugawa Ieyasu came to Edo, this district was given to the temple Zōjō-ji 増上寺 Zojo-Ji
Since that time there was a slope called Kakinokizaka. At the beginning of the slope there was a huge persimmon tree, hence the name.

Another story about the name 
tells of farmers, who had to pull up their carts on this steep slope. The children living nearby helped them and got a little pocket money for their effort. They also often managed to pick out (nuki) some persimmons (kaki) from the luggage - hence the name
kaki nuki saka 柿抜き坂 slope of stealing persimmons.


Meguro paashimon hooru めぐろパーシモンホール Meguro Persimmon Hall
1 Chome-1-1 Yakumo, 目黒区 Meguro ward

Concert Hall


Kakinokizaka no Ie 柿の木坂の家 The House at Kakinokizaka

famous song by 青木光一 Aoki Koichi
- reference -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Nagano 長野県
南木曽町 Minami-Kiso town

tanuki たぬき badger
This Tanuki lived just below the Kakinokizaka slope and often came out to trick people.
If someone passes the slope in the evening, there might be the sound of cutting a tree and then a tree fallilng down - but next morning nothing has changed.
Sometimes there is the feeling of a wind licking the face of a farmer - and looking down there might be a Tanuki.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

柿の木坂雑唱 Kakinokizaka zassho poetry collection
by 安住敦 Azumi Atsushi (1907 - 1988)

and the follow-up

Chichi no hi to iu hi ga arite ko ga asobi ki

a day named
Father's day -
children come visiting

Tr. Gabi Greve






- more haiku by Azumi Atsushi -


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #kakinokizaka #kakinokislope #megurokakinoki #persimmonhall - - - -