Showing posts with label Daruma Museum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daruma Museum. Show all posts

13 Nov 2016

FUDO - Fukuoka Pilgrims

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. 九州三十六不動尊霊場 Kyushu - 36 Fudo temples .

- Fukuoka 福岡県

32 清岩寺 開運厄よけ不動 - Kaiun Yakuyoke Fudo
33 不動院 身代り不動尊 - Migawari Fudo
34 鎮国寺 波切り不動 - Namikiri Fudo
35 恵光院 五鈷不動 - Goko Fudo
36 東長寺 結願不動 - Ketsugan Fudo

Some Temples also belong to the Henro Pilgrimage.
This number is given in brackets (xx).

source :


32 Seiganji 清岩寺 Seigan-Ji
開運厄よけ不動 - Kaiun Yakuyoke Fudo

福岡県甘木市三奈木町三奈木15 / Fukuoka Amakishi

Fudo Statue in the hall 上動堂
- source and more photos : -

- quote -
Seiganji temple belongs to the Shingon sect Ninnaji school.
The temple was established inviting Eisai in 1175. Eiasi was a priest related to Ninnaji and so he stayed at this temple which faced the sea for fourteen years and dedicated himself in purchasing all the sutras the Sung ships brought into the country.
- source : -

The temple was later supported by
黒田忠之 Kuroda Tadayuki (1602 - 1654) and became the Kuroda clan temple.
The High Priest 法印正範大和尚 resided here.
The main statue is of 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai.

. Myōan Eisai, Myooan Eisai 明菴栄西 Myoan Eisai .
(1141 – 1215)


Fudooin 不動院 Fudo-In
Nr. 33 (92) 大原山 Daigensan - 不動院
身代り不動尊 Migawari Fudo

福岡県北九州市門司区吉志171-3 / Kishi, Moji Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka

On request of the Kamakura Bakufu government in 1244, 藤原親房 Fujiwara Chikafusa came to the region to supress the Heike completely. He changed his name to 門司 Moji and unified 6 districts under this name. In the course of history the region was governed by various local lords.
The temple is located in the South-Western part of the Moji peninsula and overlooks the 周防灘 Suo-Nada sea.
The founder of the temple, 心玉阿闍梨 Shingyoku Ajari, was the son of a rich farming family. He build it in 1863 as a place to pray for protection from fire and other natural disasters.
In the temple compound are some old trees and two special statues of Jizo Bosatsu
- miminashi Jizo 耳なし地蔵 Jizo without ears
- agonash Jizo アゴなし地蔵 Jizo without a jaw



shuin 朱印 stamp

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- reference source : -

. Agonashi Jizo Temples 腮無地蔵 .


Chinkokuji 鎮国寺 Chinkoku-Ji
Nr. 34 (88) 屏風山 Byobusan - 鎮国寺
波切り不動 Namikiri Fudo

福岡県宗像市吉田966 / Yoshida, Munakata, Fukuoka

Founded by Kobo Daishi in 806, after he had visited 宗像大社 Munakata Shrine.
He carved statues of the three deities venerated at Munakata,
大日如来 Dainichi Nyoria, 釈迦如来 Shaka Nyorai and
薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai.

Then he carved Fudo Myo=O to protect the people from all kinds of disaster.

The temple is known for its beautiful blossoms in all seasons.


The statue of Fudo inside the temple is a hibutsu 秘仏 hidden statue.

shuin 朱印 stamp

profile of the priest

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

4月28日 - April 28 fire ceremony for the hidden Fudo Statue


35 恵光院 五鈷不動 Eko-In - Goko Fudo
瑠璃山医王密寺 Rurisan Iomitsu-Ji


福岡県福岡市東区馬出5-36-35 / Fukuoka, Higashiku, Maidashi

Founded by 黒田忠之 Kuroda Tadayuki (1602 - 1654), the lord of the 筑前国 domain.

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


Toochooji 東長寺 Tocho-Ji / 東長密寺 Tochomitsu-Ji
Nr. 36 (01) 南岳山 Nangakuzan - 東長寺 
結願不動 - Ketsugan Fudo

This is the last temple of the Kyushu Fudo Pilgrimage.
ketsugan, kechigan means the fulfillment of the vow to complete a pilgrimage.

福岡市博多区御供所町2-4 / Gokushomachi, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka

The temple was founded by Kūkai Kobo Daishi, who had come back from his travels to China and landed in Hakata.
It was completed in 806, making it the oldest Shingon temple in Kyushu.

The main statue is a standing Kannon with 1000 arms and 11 faces.
十一面千手観音 Juichimen Senju Kannon

The temple had the strong support of 黒田家墓 Kuroda Tadayuki (1602 - 1652), the second lord of Fukuoka province, who has his grave in the temple compound.

The temple is also Nr. 24 on a pilgrimage to
九州24地蔵 24 Jizo Bosatsu temples in Kyushu.

- photo by Bradford of facebook -

Fukuoka Daibutsu (Great Buddhist statue)
The carving of the statue started in 1988 and it took 4 years to finish. The statue is 10.8 meters in height and 30 tons in weight. This is the largest statue of a seated Buddha among the ones in Japan. The ring of light behind the Buddha stands 16.1 meters in height and is carved with numerous images of Buddha. Besides the statue is a treasure exhibition hall.
- source : wikipedia -


source :


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事
1月 1日 新春はつもうで
2月 3日 節分大祭
3月21日 正御影供
6月15日 弘法大師誕生祭 Birthday of Kobo Daishi
8月16日 大施餓鬼会
10月20日 土砂加持法要


東長寺 Tocho-Ji is the last temple of the Fudo Pilgrimage
and the first of this one :
. 九州88ヶ所108霊場 Kyushu - 88 and 108 Henro temples .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


- - - reference - 福岡県 - - -


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .

- #fukuokapilgrims #tochoji #ketsuganfudo -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Fudo Myo-O - Introducing Japanese Deities at 11/08/2016 02:00:00 PM

6 Nov 2016

FUDO pilgrims - Koboji Kyushu 48

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. 九州88ヶ所108霊場 Kyushu - 88 and 108 temples .

Koobooji 弘法寺 Kobo-Ji
Nr. 48 - Yakuyoke Daishi

Kagoshima 鹿児島


Kushiracho Shimoobaru, Kanoya, Kagoshima

The main statues is Dainichi Nyorai
at his side are Kobo Daishi and Fudo Myo-O


本尊:大日如来 脇侍:弘法大師、不動明王

五大明王 Godai Myo-O

- More Photos of the Temple compound
- reference source : -


弘法寺内の滝行場 waterfall rituals
(Note the two statues of Kappa on the right !)

厄除大師 yakuyoke Daishi stone statue
聖観音菩薩 Sho Kannon stone statue
役行者 神変大菩薩 En no Gyoja stone statue
薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai stone statue - standing
水子地蔵 Mizuko Jizo stone statue
馬頭観音 Bato Kannon stone statue
Graveyard with 6 Jizo and Fudo Myo-O statues

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

毎年2月の第一日曜日 Every year on the first Sunday in February

毎月第二、第四、日曜日午前- 護摩供養 Goma Kuyo


. 弘法寺 Kobo-Ji in Tsugaru, Aomori .
o-yasumi Daishi お休み大師 Kobo Daishi taking a rest.


- - - reference 弘法寺 鹿児島 - - -

. 九州88ヶ所108霊場 Kyushu - 88 and 108 temples .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .

- #kobojikyushu #koboji -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Fudo Myo-O - Introducing Japanese Deities at 11/03/2016 09:11:00 PM

27 Oct 2016

GOKURAKU - Tengu from Nikko

Tengu from Nikko

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Nikkoozan Tookooboo 日光山東光坊 - Tengu Tokobo. Toko-Bo from Mount Nikko
He is one of the
. 四十八天狗 48 Tengu of Japan .

There lived another Tengu, also one of the 48 great ones, called
Myoogizan Nikkooboo 妙義山日光坊 - Nikkobo, Myogisan
- see below -

En no Gyoja 役小角 and Unpen Shonin 雲遍上人 once came to a 清瀧 waterfall in the 日光山 Nikko Mountains to practise austerities. Suddenly a black cloud hang over the waterfall and a terrible thunderstorm rattled and strong wind blew.
The two of them were 一心不乱 undisturbed by all this, sat down and said their esoteric mantras in deep quiet.
Suddenly the sky cleared again and now they saw a Tengu sitting in the branches of the large cedar tree. The Tengu faded from sight in no time.

. Tengu, sugi 天狗と杉と伝説 Legends about Tengu and Cedar trees .
- Introduction -


Nikkoozan Tookooboo 日光山東光坊 Tengu Tokobo. Toko-Bo from Mount Nikko

source :

In a highland called 古峯ヶ原 Kobugahara, from where the town of 鹿沼市 Kanuma can be overlooked, there is the shrine
Komine Jinja 古峯ヶ原古峯神社.
It dates back more than 1300 years. If was founded by a man from Kyoto, 隼人 Hayato,
and its deity in residence is
日本武尊 Yamato Takeru

This shrine is better known by its name of
Tengu no Yashiro 天狗の社 Shrine of the Tengu
People used to stay here for religious rituals and practise, so it is also called
Tengu no yado 天狗の宿 "The Inn of the Tengu"

The shrine has many memorabilia of the Tengu, big and small.
It also offers stamps of the Tengu, 天狗の御朱印 with 16 different faces of the Tengu.

. Tengu Shuin 天狗朱印 temple stamps .


There used to live many Tengu in the mountains of Nikko, and their boss was Tokobo.

Apart from Toko-Bo and Nikko-Bo there was the local Tengu

Kobugahara Hayatoboo 古峯ヶ原隼人坊 Hayato-Bo from Kobugahara
It is not quite clear if he is the person who founded the shrine.
Hayato may have been a disciple of En no Gyoja or a relative of
. Zenkibō 前鬼坊 Zenkibo, Zenki-Bo .
and his wife Goki 後鬼.

- - - Later
. Shoodoo Shoonin 勝道上人 Priest Saint Shodo Shonin - Introduction . (735 - 817)
practised Shugendo rituals in Nikko and helped deepen the belief in the Tengu, who would protect people from misfortune and extinguish fires in the region.

There is a ceremony in Nikko where the participants receive large bowls of rice.
Nikko Gohanshiki 日光強飯式 Nikko Gohan Shiki
It is also called
tengu no goohan 天狗の強飯 large rice portion of the Tengu
..... One bowl contains 5,4 kilograms (一升五合) of rice.
This ceremony goes back to Saint Shodo Shonin (Shoodoo Shoonin 勝道上人)(735 - 817), who started the mountain worship in Nikko, connecting the Shinto and Budshist religion.


日光の天狗は徳川家康 The Tengu of Nikko and Tokugawa Ieyasu

Mount Nantaisan 男体山 (2484.2m) in Oku Nikko had been first visited by Saint Shodo in 782. At that time it was called 補陀洛山 Fudaraku San, later changed to 二荒山(ふたらやま) Futarayama.
Kobo Daishi Kukai read the two Chinese characters 二荒 as にこう nikoo, and soon the name changed to にっこう Nikko. The Chinese characters then changed to 日光.

Legend says that Toko-Bo was in incarnation of 徳川家康 Tokugawa Ieyasu.
His posthumous name was 東照権現 Tosho Gongen, but legend says he had also pondered the name of
Tookoo Gongen 東光権現 Toko Gongen (Deity Shining in the East)

Since his soul-Tengu was a newcomer, he tried to fight the older Tengu of the deep mountains of Nikko, but always lost ground.

When his memorial shrine, 東照宮 Toshogu, was finished, many people came to visit here and venerate the former Shogun (turned Tengu), so the older Tengu of Nikko were quite upset.
They played tricks on the visitors and caused much confusion.

The year turned to 1825, the time of 徳川家斉 Shogun Tokugawa Ienari.
His Minister, Mizuno Dewa no Kami 水野出羽守, made friends with the Old Tengu of Kobugahara, Hayato-Bo, who helped him to get rid of the other Old Tengu by putting up a sign forbidding them to come closer and not disturb the visitors coming to venerate the Shogun turned Tengu Toko-Bo. If they did not like it, they were free to move on to the other famous Tengu Mountains, like Atago, Kurama, Akiba or Hikosan.
- This sounds like a fantastic tale . . . maybe it is true? maybe not true?

- reference source : -

. Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康 . (1543 - 1616) .
and his mausoleum, 日光の東照宮 Nikko no Tosho-Gu


In the Manga world the Tengu Tokobo is a master of 光壁術
- reference source : -


Myoogizan Nikkooboo 妙義山日光坊 Nikko-Bo, Nikkobo, Myogisan

He is now venerated in Gunma at Mount Myogisan (Myogizan).

- quote -
Mt. Myogisan

The fantastically shaped rocks sculpt dramatic forms of natural beauty and offer various attractive landscapes throughout the seasons. Mt. Myogisan can be viewed with pleasure from afar or enjoyed by climbing its steep slopes, so that it is loved by photographers and mountaineers.
- source : -


Myoogi Jinja 妙義神社 Shrine Myogi Jinja
It was founded in 537 and is thus one of the oldes shrines in Japan.
The Mountain Deity itself is enshrined here.
The Deity is venerated for protecting from fire, bring a good harvest and also for good business and prosperity. So many famous Daimyo Lords came here to worship and donate buildings and treasures.
日本武尊 Prince Yamato Takeru is also enshrined here.

This shrine is located near the eastern foot of Mount 白雲山 Hakuun-zan, one of the peaks of Mt. Myogi.
It is known for its bright colours and decorative ornaments.
The shrine building now is from around 1700.
At its gate are two Demon statues, one red and one in green, with tiger-skin pants.
This shrine serves quite a lot of deities and mountain spirits.

At the back of the main shrine is a small sub-shrine dedicated to the regional Tengu.

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

When Yamato Takeru climbed 白雲山 Mount Hakuun-zan , he founded a shrine to venerate the deity
Hagoso 波己曽(はごそ)神, and the mountain was named after it, 波己曽山 Hagoso-zan. This name later changed to Myogiisan.
Hakoso Jinja 波己曽神社 / 波己曽(はこそ)神社 Hakoso Shrine

In the year 1394 a high-ranking court official named 花山院 Kazan-In 右近衛大将藤原長親 Nagachika (? - 1429) renounced the world and became a Waka poet and monk, calling himself
Kooun Meigi 耕雲明魏 (こううんめいぎ)Koun Meigi
and built his humble abode at mount 華頂山 Kacho-zan in the forests of Kyoto, one of the 36 peaks of the 東山三十六峰 / 東山36峰 Higashiyama Mountain range.
After living there for about 10 years, he took of for a trip to the Kanto region and ended up at Mount Myogisan. The local people had great faith in him.
After his death he was venerated as
Myoogi Hooshi 妙魏法師 Myogi Hoshi , changing his name from
明魏 Meigi to 妙義 Myogi, and also changing the name of the Mountain range in his honor.

- HP of the shrine Myogi Jinja
Hakoso sha 波己曽社(はこそしゃ) Hakoso Shrine in the compound.
- reference source : -

. Tamato Takeru 日本武尊 .
legendary prince of the Yamato dynasty - Introduction -

For Yosa Buson, this mountain reminded him of the famous
峨眉山 Gabi San in China.

source :

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 visiting Myogisan .


Tengu Myoogiboo 天狗妙義坊 Myogi-Bo, Myogibo
Ueno Myogiboo 上野妙義坊 Ueno Myogi-Bo

He is one of the
. 四十八天狗 48 Tengu of Japan .

Mount Myogisan with his special rock formation is venerated as the deity
Myogi Daigongen 妙義大権現
with the character DAI LARGE as its symbol.

The Tengu 妙義坊 Myogi-Bo is an incarnation of this Gongen.

妙義山の大ノ字 Myogisan no Dai no Ji

People walking along the old roads with a view to Mount Mogisan folded their hands in prayer.

- reference source : 413 -


. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. 四十八天狗 - 48 famous Tengu of Japan .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

- #Nikkotengu #Nikkobo #tokobo #shodoshoninpriest #myogisan -

13 Oct 2016

EDO - Koshu Kaido

Koshu Kaido

. Kaido 日本の街道 The Ancient Roads of Japan .

Kooshuu Kaidoo, Kōshū Kaidō 甲州街道 Koshu Kaido Road
The Highway from Edo via Kofu to Suwa

One of the Edo Gokaidoo 江戸五街道 Edo Gokaido, Gokaidō - Edo Five Routes
Five Kaido starting at Nihonbashi, Edo

Koshu Kaido 甲州街道 Kōshū Kaidō
Nakasendo 中山道 . 中仙道 Nakasendō
Nikko Kaido 日光街道 Nikkō Kaidō
Oshu Kaido 奥州街道 Ōshū Kaidō
Tokaido 東海道 Tōkaidō

The Koshu Kaido was especially planned by Tokugawa Ieyasu to secure his route to escape Edo in case of an attack.
He had a group of 100 special armed guards live in Shinjuku to help and protect him in case of need.

. Hyakuninchoo 百人町 Hyakunincho district .
teppoogumi hyakunin tai 鉄砲組百人隊 100 Riflemen Team
Hyakunin (hundred-man) brigade of shooters //100 men musket (teppo) corps
stationed in Shinjuku

From Sekino-shuku (関野宿) there was a possibility to use the river 相模川 Sagamigawa to ship luggage coming from Kyoto to the coast (now to the towns of Chigasaki and Hiratsuka) and from there by boat to Edo.


There are 44 post stations along the Kōshū Kaidō:

Nihonbashi's highway distance marker, from which modern highway distances are measured
View of Mt. Fuji from Tama River in Fuchū

Starting Location: Nihonbashi (Chūō)
1. Naitō Shinjuku (内藤新宿) (Shinjuku)
2. Shimotakaido-shuku (下高井戸宿) (Suginami)
3. Kamitakaido-shuku (上高井戸宿) (Suginami)

Fuda-Goshuku(布田五宿)Five Stations from Fuda (Chōfu, Chofu)
They are all small posts.
4. Kokuryō-shuku (国領宿) (Chōfu)
5. Shimofuda-shuku (下布田宿) (Chōfu)
6. Kamifuda-shuku (上布田宿) (Chōfu)
7. Shimoishihara-shuku (下石原宿) (Chōfu)
8. Kamiishihara-shuku (上石原宿) (Chōfu)

9. Fuchū-shuku (府中宿) (Fuchū, Fuchu)
10. Hino-shuku (日野宿) (Hino)
11. Hachiōji-shuku (八王子宿) (Hachiōji, Hachioji)


12. Komagino-shuku (駒木野宿) (Hachiōji)
There was a special barrier (sekisho 関所) to prevent women to get out of Edo and weapons to come into the town. The barrier was beside a steep river.

CLICK for more photos !

At the barrier were two stones, one for the traveller to place his hands 手付き石 tetsuki ishi, while the official checked his papers, and one to place his papers in front of the official 手形石 tegata ishi.


13. Kobotoke-shuku (小仏宿) (Hachiōji)
Also called 富士見関 because Mount Fujisan could be seen from here.
There were no lodgings at this station.

Kanagawa Prefecture
14. Ohara-shuku (小原宿) (Sagamihara)
15. Yose-shuku (与瀬宿) (Sagamihara)
16. Yoshino-shuku (吉野宿) (Sagamihara)
17. Sekino-shuku (関野宿) (Sagamihara)

Yamanashi Prefecture / Kōfu
18. Uenohara-shuku (上野原宿) (Uenohara) - Momotaro legend
19. Tsurukawa-shuku (鶴川宿) (Uenohara) - Momotaro legend
20. Notajiri-shuku (野田尻宿) (Uenohara)


21. Inume-shuku (犬目宿) (Uenohara)- Momotaro legend

甲州犬目峠 Inume Toge Pass by Katsushika Hokusai 葛飾北斎  


22. Shimotorisawa-shuku (下鳥沢宿) (Ōtsuki, Otsuki) - Momotaro legend
23. Kamitorisawa-shuku (上鳥沢宿) (Ōtsuki) - Momotaro legend


24. Saruhashi-shuku (猿橋宿) (Ōtsuki) - Momotaro legend
It was famous for its 猿橋 Saruhashi, the "Monkey Bridge".

- quote -
Located in Otsuki is one of Japan's most famous bridges. The 1300 year old wooden bridge crosses the Katsura River in Yamanashi as it flows between two high cliffs. The ingenious cantilevered design is said to have been inspired by monkeys holding hands to cross the river. Obviously it must have been rebuilt many times, but the basic design has never been changed.
- source : -


25. Komahashi-shuku (駒橋宿) (Ōtsuki, Otsuki)
26. Ōtsuki-shuku (大月宿) (Ōtsuki) - Momotaro legend
27. Shimohanasaki-shuku (下花咲宿) (Ōtsuki)
28. Kamihanasaki-shuku (上花咲宿) (Ōtsuki)
29. Shimohatsukari-shuku (下初狩宿) (Ōtsuki)
30. Nakahatsukari-shuku (中初狩宿) (Ōtsuki)
31. Shirano-shuku (白野宿) (Ōtsuki)
32. Kuronoda-shuku (黒野田宿) (Ōtsuki)

33. Komakai-shuku (駒飼宿) (Kōshū)
34. Tsuruse-shuku (鶴瀬宿) (Kōshū)
35. Katsunuma-shuku (勝沼宿) (Kōshū)
36. Kuribara-shuku (栗原宿) (Yamanashi)
37. Isawa-shuku (石和宿) (Fuefuki)
38. Kōfu-shuku (甲府宿) (Kōfu, Kofu)
39. Nirasaki-shuku (韮崎宿) (Nirasaki)
40. Daigahara-shuku (台ヶ原宿) (Hokuto)
41. Kyōraiishi-shuku (教来石宿) (Hokuto)

Nagano Prefecture

42. Tsutaki-shuku (蔦木宿) (Fujimi, Suwa District)
43. Kanazawa-shuku (金沢宿) (Chino)
44. Kamisuwa-shuku (上諏訪宿) (Suwa)
Ending Location: Shimosuwa-shuku 下諏訪宿 (Shimosuwa, Suwa District)
 (also part of the Nakasendō)

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- reference source :

There are various legends along the Koshu Kaido. Even Momotaro, the Peach Boy, was here!
This story is basically fun with the pun words.
From the mountain in the North of the road, called 百蔵山 Momokurayama (momo is a pun with momo 桃, the peach) the peach came rolling down the river. It was picked up at 鶴島 Tsurushima (Tsurukawa) in 上野原 Uenohara. From this peach Momotaro was born. When he grew up, he got his helpers, the dog from 犬目 Inume, the 雉 pheasant (bird) from 鳥沢 Torizawa and the monkey from 猿橋 Saruhashi.
They went to Mount 九鬼山 Kukiyama (Mountain of the nine demons) in 大月南方 Otsuki-South
and to Mount 岩殿山 Iwatonosan, Iwadonosan in 大月北方 Otsuki-North to drive away the demons.
One of the demons was wounded and bleeding, so now at the shrine 子神神社 Nenokami Jinja there can be found red soil, remains of the demon's blood.

- reference source : -

The red soil, used for a stone wall in the shrine compound, had to be demolished in 2003 due to the danger of collapsing.

. Momotaroo 桃太郎 Momotaro the Peach Boy .

- 大月桃太郎研究会 - facebook -

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Fukushima 福島県
平田村 Hirata

The old demon hag from Adachihara in Nihonmatsu 二本松の安達が原の鬼ババア
used to kill and eat travellers on the Koshu Kaido. From others she extracted money or valuable things.

source :


- reference : nichibun yokai database -



- reference source : -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

O yamabirakishi kooshuu kaidoo to nari ni keri

after the opening
of the mountain this becomes
the Old Koshu Road . . .

. Tomiyasu Fuusei 富安 風生 Tomiyasu Fusei .
(1885 - 1979)

. yamabiraki 山開 "opening the mountain" .
- - kigo for late summer - -

Usually a ritual at a shrine at the foot of the mountain, with members then climbing the mountain for the first time in this new season.


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #koshukaido - - - -

5 Oct 2016

SHRINES Aburahi Jinja in Shiga

Aburahi Jinja Shiga

. Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

Aburahi Jinja 油日神社 Aburahi Shrine, Shiga

滋賀県甲賀市甲賀町油日1042 / 1042 Kokacho Aburahi, Koka, Shiga

- quote
Located in Koka, Shiga Prefecture, not much is known about the establishment of Aburahi-jinja but it is known that Shotoku Taishi founded it. Long ago it is said that the god 油日大明神 Aburahi-dai-myojin ascended the nearby mountain of Aburahidake; upon his ascent he emitted a dazzling light like that of oil that was lit on fire, and thus the name 油火"Aburahi" was given to the mountain.
Due to this legend, this shrine receives much reverence from people who work in the oil industry. The shrine has an unusual "straight line" layout with a solemn "romon" gate, prayer hall, and main hall. All of these were constructed during the Muromachi Period (1336 - 1573) and all of them are designated as Important Cultural Property of Japan.
There are also trees on the premises that are over 700 years old and an umbrella pine tree that is designated as a Natural Monument of Shiga Prefecture.

Every year on the first of May a "Taiko Dance" is held as a prayer for rain; this is designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Asset of Japan.
Another event that is held is the "Yakko-buri"(Yakkofuri); this event is held every 5 years and involves a procession of over 60 people singing unique songs and wearing eye-catching costumes. This event is designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Asset of Shiga Prefecture.
- source :


- - - - - Deitiy in residence - - - - -
Aburahigami, Aburahi no Kami 油日あぶらひ神
油日大神 Aburahi no Okami

In the Eastern Hall 東相殿に罔象女神 - Mizuba no Me no Kami
In the Western Hall 西相殿に猿田彦神 - Sarutahiko no Kami

This deity brings good luck and winning in war and was thus revered by the Samurai.
And also by merchants dealing in abura - Oil.

福大夫面 面、長さ20cm、巾14.8cm、mask

- quote -
福大夫面附ずずい子 mask and zuzuiko figure

徳川の末まで毎年正月初申の夜、拝殿にて上・下の瀬古神主家が勤めていた稲講会、種蒔神事に用いた祭具で、面は、長さ20cm、巾14.8cm、背面には 「奉寄進正一位油日大明神田作福太夫神之面、永正5年(1508)戊辰6月18日櫻宮聖出雲作(花押)」の銘があり、ずずい子は全身像で丈52cm、背面 には「出雲明秀(花押)」の銘があり、花押、出雲などから見て同一人の作と思われる。
彫りは共に素朴で美しく力強い線を出して名工の作とされている。稲講会の歌は21あり、宝暦、安永の古器古書に書き残されている。永禄八年(1565)、 足利義昭将軍当時、覚慶公方が当社にお参りしてこの面をかぶり、ずずい子を抱いて「われは油日のくぐつなり」と自嘲したことはあまり世に知られていない。
- reference source : -

zuzuiko is a word deformation of suzu 鈴 (bell), referring to a strong man with a large penis. It is a symbol of fertility and agricultural blessings for a good harvest.
This figure dates back to about 1508 or 1509. It is about 52 cm high.


- - - - - The Shrine was founded by
聖徳太子 Prince Shotoku Taishi (574 - 622)
用明天皇朝 Yomei Tenno (? - 587) - or - 天武天皇 Tenbu Tenno (? - 686)

. tenpi, tenbi, tenka 天火 "fire from heaven" .
天火(落雷 rakurai) lightning
hi no tama 火の玉 ball of fire

and aburabi 油火 "oil fire"

Aburahidake 油日岳(694m)

The whole mountain Aburahidake is seen as the female deity
. Mizuha no me no kami 罔象女神 Mizuba no Me no Kami .


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulets - Daruma in five colors

- - - - - HP of the Shrine
- source :

The shrine has often been a part of TV dramas:
- reference source : -

- quote -
朝野の崇敬と甲賀の総社 The most important of the Shrines of Koka
元慶以降御代々々神階は累進して弘和の頃正一位に昇り給い、明応の棟札を始め古書古器皆正一位油日大神と見えている。この神階奉授のこと、或は朝臣参向の こと共朝廷の御崇敬の厚かったのを窮い得る。中世に入ると、或は明応の本殿再建、永禄の楼門建立となり、或は天正年間永代神領百石の寄進、元和奉献の鐘楼 など甲賀武士及地頭領主等の数々の尊信の跡を残している。然もこゝに特筆すべきは、郡下官民が当社を以て「江洲に無隠大社」と仰ぎ「甲賀の総社」としてそ の御神徳を敬いまつったことである。
即ち明応年間本殿造営の御奉加は実に近郷一円に亘り、油日谷、大原谷、佐治谷、岩室郷に於いて 頭殿 をはじめ多くの所役をつとめて当社大祭を奉仕し来たことは千年来の事実である。岩室の鎮守瀧樹神社、小佐治の明神佐治神社、石部の古社吉御子吉姫神社等の 間に現に存している幾多の縁由、杣、横田、野洲、遠くは大戸の地域に及ぶ郡下全円その史実古伝に於いて或は神輿を頒ち、之を祭り、祭日を特定し、或は分霊 と伝え、親子の縁を称し、その崇敬の跡を豊富に存している。
野洲川(天安河)の上流祝詞ケ原の聖地からは、常に油日大神と天照大神が遙祭されていた。かくして現に崇敬者は郡下四万余戸に及んでいる。この深い広い崇 敬は即ち社頭の隆盛となり、維新前はその神領に於ても野山除地村内にて五百四十余町歩、近郷にて千百三十余町歩の山手米を有し、境内亦十一町三反七畝歩を 算した。
- reference source : -


Yearly Festivals 年中行事

Yakkofuri 奴振 Yakko-furi
and Taiko Odori 太鼓踊 Drum Dance

This festival is held every five years on May 1. The last time was in 2016


油日祭りの奴振・甲賀市 - with more photos
- reference source : -

CLICK for more photos !

- reference : aburahi shrine yakko -

. yakko 奴 halberd-bearers and servants of a Daimyo .

2月18日 祈年祭 New Year Ritual

9月11日 岳ごもり - staying at the top of the mountain and burning a ritual fire all night.

9月13日 大宮ごもり - Autumn Festival
11月23日 新嘗祭 Niiname Ritual

諸願成就月次祭 - 毎月1日 Monthly rituals on the 1st.
油の月次祭 - 毎月13日 Monthly rituals on the 13th.


. Shootoku Taishi, Shōtoku Taishi 聖徳太子 Prince Shotoku Taishi .

- Reference : 油日神社
- Reference : aburahi jinja

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -

aburahi no kami no gosaiden no tagame kana

the giant water bug
from the Shrine fields of the God
Aburahi no Kami . . .

岡井省二 Okai Shoji (1925 - 2001)
Haiku poet from Mie.

. tagame 田亀 / 水爬虫(たがめ) "field turtle" .
Japanese giant water bug / beetle / Lethocerus deyrollei
- kigo for all summer -


- #aburahi #aburahijinja #aburahishiga -

3 Oct 2016

Ohaga Misaki Art World Ichinomiya


美咲芸術世界 / Misaki Art World

美咲町で世界の作品と出会えるイベントのオープニングイベントへcome on!!
小谷野哲郎氏  Koyano Tetsuro
Bali Dance バリ舞踊
- reference : -

八幡神社一宮 Ichinomiya Hachimango Ohaga
. source : facebook

Thank you all !

. Friends of Ohaga - September 2016 .



- source : Misaki Art World - facebook -


. 和田北 一宮神社 Wadakita Ichi no Miya .

. Friends of Ohaga - Facebook .

大垪和 。。。道の駅に戻る – Michi no Eki - BACK

