Showing posts with label Mingei - Folk Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mingei - Folk Art. Show all posts

20 Feb 2025

DARUMA - Darumapedia on Facebook


Darumapedia on Facebook

- The latest news is always HERE:

. Daruma Museum - Newsletter .  

. . . . . Expanded older entries will be added here since 2016:
. .

. Darumapedia - small news BLOG .


The Darumapedia has expanded over the years.
Here is a list (growing) of my presence on facebook :


. Joys of Japan - Main Gallery .   

. Joys of Japan - Poetry for Tohoku .   

. Tohoku Japan - Information .   

. WASHOKU - Japanese Food Culture .   


. MINGEI - Japanese Folk Art .   

. Kokeshi Gallery .   

. Japanese Festivals - Matsuri .   

. Japanese Interior Gallery .   


. Japanese Literature .   

. Japanese People .   

. Japanese Calendar Days .   


. Edo - the Edo Period .   

. Edo - Senryu 川柳 .

. Edo culture via Ukiyo-E 浮世絵 .

. Gofunai 御符内 88 Henro temples in Edo .


. Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 .   

. Jizo Bosatsu Gallery 地蔵菩薩  .

- and more -
. Buddha Statues - Japanese Deities .   

. Enku - Master Carver 円空  .

. Buddhist Temples - Japan .   

. Shinto Shrines - Japan .   

. Ta no Kami Yama no Kami 田の神 山の神  .


. Japan in Spring .   

. Japan in Summer .   

. Japan in Autumn .   

. Japan in Winter .   

. Japan - New Year Season .   

. Fujisan Gallery - Japan .   

. Dragon Gallery - Asian Art and Animals .   

. Japan - Animals .   


. Haiku Culture Magazin .

. Matsuo Basho .

. Kobayashi Issa .

. Yosa Buson .

. Masaoka Shiki .

. Mongolia Saijiki - Mongolian Haiku .   

. WKD - World Kigo Database .  

. Japanese Haiku Poets  .   


. Kappa 河童 - Kappa san on facebook .

. Manekineko 招き猫 The Beckoning Cat .

. Tengupedia 天狗 - the Tengu Goblins of Japan .

. Onipedia 鬼 - the Demons of Japan .


. My Treasure Box .   


- The latest news is always HERE:

. Darumapedia - Newsletter .  



Posted By Gabi Greve to Daruma San in Japan, Japanese Art and Culture (01)

9 Nov 2022

MINGEI - Shingenbukuro leather pouch


Shingen-bukuro. Shingenbukuro 信玄袋
Shingen leather drawstring-pouch

The normal Samurai outfit did not have any pockets, so small pouches or bags were used to carry things. Some say that Takeda Shingen was the first to use such a bag, hence the name. The bag is made with two layers of ray-skin (untanned hide) and lined with leather. A drawstring keeps it closed.

The Shingen Bukuro is an essential part of a formal uniform. Since there are no pockets available, where do you carry things like your car keys, wallet, or cell phone. This type of bag was used for the first time by famous Daimyo Takeda Shingen (1521-1573) on the battlefield. Thus the name of this traditional style of bag is "Shingen Bukuro", which can be translated as "Shingen's pouch". This ultimate Shingen Bukuro is made of two tanned rayskins and lined with leather.

. Kiyomizu mame ningyoo 清水豆人形
Small Clay Dolls from Kiyomizu.

Set of dolls packed in a Shingen-bukuro 信玄袋.

. Takeda Shingen 武田信玄  .


Yamanashi Specialities 山梨郷土料理

. Yamanashi Folk Art - 山梨県 .

. kawabaori 皮羽織 leather haori coat .

- #inden #shingenbukuro -

Inden deerskin products

. Yamanashi Folk Art - 山梨県  .

Deerskin goods from Yamanashi

印伝, short for indengawa 印伝革
Inden leather

dentoo kogeihin 伝統工芸品
a government-designated "Traditional Crafts of Japan"

Only produced in Yamanashi, inden are goods made from deerskin with designs in Japanese lacquer.
Inden has its origin in the leather accessories that were brought from India in the early Edo period. By late Edo, production had begun on coin purses, waist sashes, cigarette holders and so on. Nowadays, modern items such as purses, wallets, card holders, handbags and belts have been added to the variety of goods available. Inden production still uses its traditional methods.
source :

Kooshuu inden 「甲州印傳(こうしゅういんでん)」
deerskin products from the province of Koshu
Koshu Inden
(old name of Yamanashi)


Purse with Daruma Logo

The Daruma Logo is only inside, for the owner to enjoy.



Kooshuu Indenya 甲州印伝屋 / 印傳屋
Koshu Inden-Ya
Inden Museum ONLINE

Founded in 1582, INDEN-YA continues to create Inden, a 400-year-old form of traditional leatherwork.
While Inden has been popular among a select few who were interested in traditional Japanese culture, it has garnered very little attention from the general public.

Our mission was to communicate Inden's allure and the historical nature of the brand, and to improve awareness of the INDEN-YA brand through renewal of the brand's site.
Our primary aim was to attract people in their 20s through 40s, who comprise the primary users of the Internet, and the younger generation that prefers minimalistic designs.

Japan and foreign countries
(the name "INDEN" comes from "India")


Tonbo is the Japanese word for dragonfly. Samurais appreciated how they fly straight and preferred to use this motif for armor and ornaments. 
katsumushi ("winning bugs").

Throughout the ages, the word "hana (flower)" referred to sakura (cherry blossoms). Their ephemeral nature paralleled that of bushido (the way of the samurai) and this motif was frequently used on armor and helmets.

This refers to the infinite expanse of the vast ocean. It was used as an auspicious motif to invite good fortune.

patterns, click for more

urushi-tsuke 漆付け lacquer application

fusube gihoo ふすべ技法 fusube method
This is much older. Smoke creates the patterns on the skin. Craftsmen tie deerskin around a rotating cylinder, next fix paper patterns on the leather and turn it over a smoky fire. The smoke darkens the exposed leather, thus creating patterns. It also leaves a smoky aroma that lingers even after many years of use.

Uehara Yushichi, 上原勇七 (Uehara Yuushichi)
13th generation owner of the company



pattern called SHOOBU
refering to the iris 菖蒲 and
to the winning of a fight 勝負

This pattern was a favorite with the samurai since the middle ages.

. shoobuyu, shoobu-yu 菖蒲湯 (しょうぶゆ) "iris bath"  
auspicious symbols for the Boy's Festival
May 5, Tango no Sekku


Bag for my archery glove

inden bag from Yamanashi


24 Dec 2020

MINGEI - Yakuyoke index abc

Yakuyoke Index

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

yakuyoke 厄除け warding off evil - Index

. yakuyoke 厄除け to ward off evil .
To ward off evil influence is especially important for the New Year and at the end of winter (Setsubun, February 3).
The purification rituals in the sixth lunar month, half-way through the year, are also very important.

. Daruma and the color red against smallpox .
. Daruma san だるま さん .

. mayoke 魔除け ward off evil .

. kanai anzen 家内安全 "peace at home" .


全国厄除け郷土玩具 by 中村浩訳 Nakamura Hironobu


. Aizu Wakamatsu no kazaguruma 会津若松の風車 windwheel .
. aka mimizuku 赤みみずく red .

. chigibako 千木筥 / 千木箱 auspicious box . - 芝大神宮 Shiba Daijingu

. Daruma daki neko だるま抱き猫 cat embracing Daruma .

. fukujishi, fuku shishi 福獅子 auspicious lion head .
. Fushimi no Hotei 伏見の布袋 .
. Fushimi no ichimon ushi 伏見の一文牛 "one wish cow" .

. hagoita 羽子板 battledore - 愛宕神社 Atago Jinja - one for each zodiac animal .
. Hakota ningyo はこた人形 dolls .
. hamaya 破魔矢 evil-repelling arrow / 矢数 .
. hassaku no warauma 八朔の藁馬 straw horse of the First Day .
. hatobue 笛人 dove flute .
. hibuse no tako 火防の凧 kite to prevent fire . - 王子稲荷神社
. Hidarimae ningyo 左前人形 dolls from Hidarimae / Izumo .
. Hirosaki no kingyo nebuta 弘前の金魚ねぷた . goldfish
. Hokkeji no mamori inu 法華寺の守り犬 .

. Ichiron san no kubi ningyoo いちろんさんの首人形 head dolls .

. Jinno no tora 神農の虎 tiger .

. Kagoshima Jingu 鹿児島神宮 Kagoshima Shrine . - toys
. Kanazawa no benjo no kami 金沢の便所の神サン toilet Kami .
. Karakuwa no sappabune, sappasen 唐桑のさっぱ舟 fishing boat .
. Komagome Fuji Jinja no wara hebi 駒込富士神社の麦藁蛇 straw serpent .
. komainu こまいぬ Koma-inu dogs from 吉備津 .
. Konbu Daruma 昆布だるま .
. Konoha saru 木の葉猿 / 木葉猿 monkey .
. Konosu no akamono 鴻巣の赤物 red things .
. koropokkuru コロボックル "the little people" - Hokkaido .
. kosodate kinma 子育て木馬 rocking horse .
. Kozakai kazaguruma 小坂井風車 windwheel .
. Kurama temple lucky tiger 鞍馬寺の福虎 .

. Matsumoto no tanabata ningyo 松本の七夕人形 Tanabata dolls .
. Mishima no oni yoozu 見島の鬼揚子 demon kite .
. Momotaro Kami statue 桃太郎神像 - 氣比神宮 Kehi Jingu .
. Muramatsu no takarabune 村松の宝船 treasure boat .
. Mayumi koma 真弓駒, 真弓馬 Uma horse from Mayumi Jinja 真弓神社 .
. mushikiri dorei 虫切り土鈴 .

. Nagahama Jinja hina ema 長浜神社 雛絵馬 .
. nagashibina 流し雛 floating Hina dolls 鳥取 Tottori .
. noborizaru のぼり猿 / 昇り猿 / mayoke saru 魔よけ猿 monkey .

. Okunitama Jinja 大国魂神社 . - 大國魂神社のからす団扇とからす扇子
. oni matsuri 鬼祭り Oni Demon Festivals .
. oni no ema 鬼の絵馬 votive tablets of demons . 鬼鎮神社 Kijin Jinja
. Otakapoppo おたかぽっぽ / お鷹ぽっぽ O-taka poppo hawk .
. Otake no koi nobori 大竹の鯉のぼり carp streamers .
.Ozaki no ningyobue 尾崎の人形笛 flute  .

. saru bobo 猿ぼぼ / さるぼぼ "monkey baby doll" . - 飛騨
. Shimokawahara no ningyobue 下川原の人形笛 .
. shinobigoma 偲び駒 secret votive straw horse .
. Shojo 猩猩 a heavy drinker / 草津の猩々 from Kusatsu .
. Somin Shorai 蘇民将来  .
. Sumiyoshi Taisha 住吉大社の招福猫 lucky cat .

. tai 鯛 auspicious sea bream .
. Takamatsu no Hoko san 奉公さん .
. tako 凧 Kites of Japan .
. tanomobune, tanomo fune 田面船 Tanomo boat .
. Tengu ema 天狗絵馬 - 第六天神社 Dairokuten Jinja .
. Tenjin 天神 Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 .
. to dango 十団子 ten dumplings . - 宇津ノ谷
. tomobiki ningyo 友引人形 doll to put in a coffin .
. Toyama no fukutoku ningyo 富山の福徳人形 auspicious dolls .
. tsuina yakuyoke men 追儺厄除け面 mask . - 吉田神社

. Uwajima no ushioni 宇和島の牛鬼 bull-demon .
. Urasa no neko men 浦佐の猫面 cat mask from Urasa .
. usokae うそ替え / 鷽 exchanging bullfinches .
. uzuraguruma うずら車 - 鶉車 quail on wheels . - Hokedake Yakush-ji 法華嶽薬師寺
. Utsunomiya no kibuna 宇都宮の黄鮒 yellow crucian carp .

. Wakayama no ne ushi 和歌山の寝牛 bull lying down - 深草神社 .

. Yamana Hachimangu shishigashira 山名八幡宮獅子頭 lion head .
. yoiyasho ヨイヤショ「布団山車」 festival float .
. yome-iri, yomeiri  嫁入り人形  bridal dolls, wedding dolls .
. Yuzawa no inukko 湯沢の犬っこ dogs from Yuzawa .

. zaru kaburi inu 笊冠り犬 / 笊かぶり犬 dog wearing a basket.


全国厄除け郷土玩具 by 中村浩訳 Nakamura Hironobu

- - - - - 目次 contents - - - - -
... 一章 疫病退散 preventing illness

... 二章 厄除消除 protection from evil influence

... 三章 悪霊退散 akuryo, driving away evil spirits

... 四章 家内安全 kanai anzen
- source : amazon com -


. gangu 玩具 伝説, omochcha おもちゃ  toy, toys and legends .
- Introduction -


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  


. gangu 玩具 伝説, omochcha おもちゃ  toy, toys and legends .
- Introduction -
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - #yakuyoke #yakuyokeindex #evil #wardoff - - - - -

24 Sept 2020

MINGEI Azechi Umetaro painter

Azechi Umetaro Painter

. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .

Azechi Umetaro 畦地梅太郎
(1902 - 1999)

- quote -
Umetaro Azechi a Japanese printmaker and mountain climber. He was known for his prints of mountains and people who live in them.
Azechi was born on December 28, 1902 to a poor farming family in what is now Uwajima, Ehime. He enrolled in an art correspondence course where he would send his work to Tokyo for critique. In 1920 he had the opportunity to move there, but returned home to Shikoku after the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake. He moved back to Tokyo in 1925, where he worked for a printing company.
Azechi's prints were noticed by Unichi Hiratsuka, who took him under his wing. He belonged to the Japan Print Association and the Kokugakai Arts Association. After his works were shown in some of their exhibitions, he quit his job and became a freelance artist. During this time, he was heavily influenced by Maegawa Sempan and Kōshirō Onchi.
During World War II, Azechi was sent to Manchuria. When he returned to Japan, he also immediately returned to making art.
Azechi's work was shown at the São Paulo Art Biennial in 1953. It was also shown at the Lugano International Print Biennial in 1956.
Azechi died on April 12, 1999. The Umetaro Azechi memorial museum opened in Uwajima in 2003.
- Style
His early work was reflective of the monochrome sosaku hanga style. He began to develop his own style in the late 1930s. Azechi became known for his paintings of mountains and the people who live there. He became a regular mountain climber, and became well-known for his writing on the topic. His art style was primitive, but intentionally so in the same way as the naive artists. He used the same striped patterns on both people and animals, showing the similarities between the two. Because he did so many landscapes and art depicting the natural world, he used mostly cool colors like blues, greens, and purples.
Museums that hold Azechi's works include the Museum of Modern Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and the British Museum.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


畦地梅太郎の郷里である愛媛の山々や奥秩父、北アルプスなどの山行を綴った47編におよぶ紀行随想集。 文章に合わせて随所に挿絵が入り、絵本の体裁にしてあって、見ているだけでも楽しい。 1957年、朋文堂から『山の眼玉』が初めて刊行され、後に1986年、美術出版社版では『山の目玉』と改題されるが、 「平凡社ライブラリー」版で再度『山の眼玉』にもどされた。 「平凡社ライブラリー」版も口絵にカラー8ページを使い、代表的な畦地ワールドを再現しているが、 今回は「山男シリーズ」など、カラー口絵で16ページ組み、読者にさらに親近感をもたせた内容になっている。
source : amazon com




Daruma だるま
. Daruma Museum Japan .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Ehime 愛媛県

私の郷里のカッパの話 Stories about the Kappa in my Hometown
A man from outside went to the river side to catch namazu 鯰 catfish, but he drowned. This was the bad deed of a Kappa, said the villagers.
The horse of another villager was pulled into the river by the Kappa, but the farmer pulled the horse back and saved it.

. 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Kappa, the Water Goblin of Japan! .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


. Mingei 民芸 Folk Art from Japan . 

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! .

. Japanese Aesthetics エスセティクス - Nihon no bigaku 日本の美学 .


Join the friends on facebook !

. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .

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