. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
Shimoda Kaido 下田街道 Shimoda Highway
Connecting 三島大社 the Shrine Mishima Taisha in Mishima (postal station of the 東海道 Tokaido Highway)
with 下田 Shimoda (Shizuoka 静岡県)
In the Edo period, it was also called
Shimoda ji, Shimoda-ji 下田路 Shimoda Road
Present-day National Highway Nr. 414.

- quote
1880年(明治13年) 北伊豆で馬車が走る。
1899年(明治32年) 豆相鉄道 三島-大仁間に鉄道敷設。
1904年(明治37年) 旧天城トンネルが開通[1]。自動車でも通れるようになり、難所の天城峠越えは一応解消した。
1916年(大正5年) 下田自動車 下田-大仁間に米国製乗合バス運行。
1924年(大正13年) 駿豆鉄道 大仁-修善寺間開通。
1933年(昭和8年) 伊東-下田間の東海岸道路開通。この後、伊豆半島の陸路は東海岸道路が主となっていく。
- source : wikipedia
- Postal stations along the Shimoda Kaido
Mishima 三島
Nirayama 韮山
Baraki 原木村
Oohi 大仁村
Yugashima 湯ヶ島村
Amagi Toge Pass 天城峠
Nashimoto 梨本村
Konabe Toge Pass 小鍋峠
Meharano 芽原野村
Mitsukuri 箕作村
Shimoda 下田
- quote -

Amagi Toge Pass 天城峠
Famoun for the story of
"The Dancing Girl of Izu" or "The Izu Dancer" (伊豆の踊子, Izu no odoriko)
a 1924 short story by the Japanese writer and Nobel Prize winner Yasunari Kawabata.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Kawabata Yasunari 川端康成 Yasunari Kawabata . - (1899 – 1972)
Konabe Toge Pass 小鍋峠

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Shimoda (下田市, Shimoda-shi)
is a city and port located in Shizuoka Prefecture,...
- History
Shimoda has been settled since prehistoric times, with numerous Jōmon period remains found within city limits. It is mentioned in Nara period documents as the location to which Prince Ōtsu was exiled in 686 after his failed rebellion, and in Heian period documents in reference to its iron ore deposits.
During the Sengoku period it was controlled by the Odawara Hōjō clan, who built a castle (later destroyed by Toyotomi Hideyoshi).
Under the Tokugawa shogunate, Shimoda was tenryō territory directly administered by the shōgun. During the Edo period, Shimoda prospered as a seaport, and was a major port of call for coastal vessels travelling between Osaka and Edo.
Until 1721, as a security measure, all vessels were obligated to call at Shimoda before proceeding on to Edo.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Mishima Taisha 三嶋大社、三島大社 Grand Shrine at Mishima .
11. Mishima shuku 三島宿 (Mishima) / The 53 stations of the Tokaido
. Nirayama 韮山 "Chives Mountain" .
The scholar Egawa Tarozaemon 江川太郎左衛門 (1801 - 1855) lived here.
. Shimoda and the Black Ships 黒船 kurofune .
Commodore Matthew Perry comes to Japan in 1853
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
................................................................................. Shizuoka 静岡県
南伊豆町 Minami-Izu town / 韮山 Nirayama
- quote -
Nirayama town (韮山町, Nirayama-chō)
... During the Kamakura and Muromachi period, Niirayama was the site of a castle belonging to the Hōjō clan, and the later Hōjō clan.
During the Edo period, it was the location of the daikansho offices of the Tokugawa shogunate controlling Izu Province.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
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. boozu, 坊主と伝説 Bozu Legends about priests .
In a gloomy room of a lodging there were the imprints of a large and a small priest on the wall, all wet with rain. In the evening there was the sound of kooshido 格子戸 a lattice door, which was supposed to be closed, suddenly opening. The large and small priest were leaving.
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. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
At the home of shooya 庄屋 the village headman, there stayed a man named 韮山様 Nirayama Sama. When eating he would not allow people to look at him.
He was a Tanuki !!
Shizuoka 下田市 Shimoda city
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
At the temple 龍巣院 Ryuso-In there lived dokuryuu 毒龍 a poisonous dragon which brought great harm to the villagers.
The priest read some special Sutras Buddhist scriptures and the pond became too small for the dragon to live there any more.

長嶽山 龍巣院 Ryuso-In
Okazaki, Fukuroi, Shizuoka
- homepage of the temple : -
Yugashima 天城湯ヶ島町 Amagi Yugashima town
. kani 蟹 crabs .
Once upon a time the rain did not stop at the end of the rainy season and there was a lot of kiri 霧 fog. Above the waterfall with three falls there was a priest walking when suddenly a huge crab with a black back appeared, spitting out black clouds and fog. The priest begun to recite special Buddhist prayers and the crab fell into the basin of the waterfall. The fog stopped. Since then the uppermost of the three waterfalls is called
kanidaru かにだる crab waterfall.
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. taki no nushi 滝の主と伝説 Legends about the master of the waterfall .
It is
. Jorogumo 女郎蜘蛛 / 女郎ぐも "woman spider" Yokai spider .
a spider that can transform into a seductive woman.
- quote -

Joren no Taki 浄蓮の滝 Jōren Falls. Waterfall
A famous waterfall in Izu in the headwaters of the Kano River. Joren Falls is situated among deep forests, and drops from basalt cliffs 25m high and 7m wide. The cold mountain air and water spray feels chilly even in the summer. Downstream from the plunge pool is the regular Amagi international trout fishing site. Along the valley are wasabi fields, a specialty of Amagi.
- reference source : -
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Hatcho ike 八丁池 Hatcho Pond
The master of the pond at Hatcho Ike is ooshika 大鹿 a big deer or 七首の大蛇 a large serpent with seven heads.

. Legends about ike no nushi 池の主 と伝説 the Master of the Pond .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
湯ヶ島 - ok // 9 下田市 collecting

- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .
. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #shimoda #shimodakaido #izu #nirayama - - - -
Shimoda Kaido Highway
. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
Shimoda Kaido 下田街道 Shimoda Highway
Connecting 三島大社 the Shrine Mishima Taisha in Mishima (postal station of the 東海道 Tokaido Highway)
with 下田 Shimoda (Shizuoka 静岡県)
In the Edo period, it was also called
Shimoda ji, Shimoda-ji 下田路 Shimoda Road
Present-day National Highway Nr. 414.
- quote
1880年(明治13年) 北伊豆で馬車が走る。
1899年(明治32年) 豆相鉄道 三島-大仁間に鉄道敷設。
1904年(明治37年) 旧天城トンネルが開通[1]。自動車でも通れるようになり、難所の天城峠越えは一応解消した。
1916年(大正5年) 下田自動車 下田-大仁間に米国製乗合バス運行。
1924年(大正13年) 駿豆鉄道 大仁-修善寺間開通。
1933年(昭和8年) 伊東-下田間の東海岸道路開通。この後、伊豆半島の陸路は東海岸道路が主となっていく。
- source : wikipedia
- Postal stations along the Shimoda Kaido
Mishima 三島
Nirayama 韮山
Baraki 原木村
Oohi 大仁村
Yugashima 湯ヶ島村
Amagi Toge Pass 天城峠
Nashimoto 梨本村
Konabe Toge Pass 小鍋峠
Meharano 芽原野村
Mitsukuri 箕作村
Shimoda 下田
- quote -

Amagi Toge Pass 天城峠
Famoun for the story of
"The Dancing Girl of Izu" or "The Izu Dancer" (伊豆の踊子, Izu no odoriko)
a 1924 short story by the Japanese writer and Nobel Prize winner Yasunari Kawabata.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Kawabata Yasunari 川端康成 Yasunari Kawabata . - (1899 – 1972)
Konabe Toge Pass 小鍋峠

- quote -

Shimoda (下田市, Shimoda-shi)
is a city and port located in Shizuoka Prefecture,...
- History
Shimoda has been settled since prehistoric times, with numerous Jōmon period remains found within city limits. It is mentioned in Nara period documents as the location to which Prince Ōtsu was exiled in 686 after his failed rebellion, and in Heian period documents in reference to its iron ore deposits.
During the Sengoku period it was controlled by the Odawara Hōjō clan, who built a castle (later destroyed by Toyotomi Hideyoshi).
Under the Tokugawa shogunate, Shimoda was tenryō territory directly administered by the shōgun. During the Edo period, Shimoda prospered as a seaport, and was a major port of call for coastal vessels travelling between Osaka and Edo.
Until 1721, as a security measure, all vessels were obligated to call at Shimoda before proceeding on to Edo.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Mishima Taisha 三嶋大社、三島大社 Grand Shrine at Mishima .
11. Mishima shuku 三島宿 (Mishima) / The 53 stations of the Tokaido
. Nirayama 韮山 "Chives Mountain" .
The scholar Egawa Tarozaemon 江川太郎左衛門 (1801 - 1855) lived here.
. Shimoda and the Black Ships 黒船 kurofune .
Commodore Matthew Perry comes to Japan in 1853
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
................................................................................. Shizuoka 静岡県
南伊豆町 Minami-Izu town / 韮山 Nirayama
- quote -
Nirayama town (韮山町, Nirayama-chō)
... During the Kamakura and Muromachi period, Niirayama was the site of a castle belonging to the Hōjō clan, and the later Hōjō clan.
During the Edo period, it was the location of the daikansho offices of the Tokugawa shogunate controlling Izu Province.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
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. boozu, 坊主と伝説 Bozu Legends about priests .
In a gloomy room of a lodging there were the imprints of a large and a small priest on the wall, all wet with rain. In the evening there was the sound of kooshido 格子戸 a lattice door, which was supposed to be closed, suddenly opening. The large and small priest were leaving.
- - - - -
. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
At the home of shooya 庄屋 the village headman, there stayed a man named 韮山様 Nirayama Sama. When eating he would not allow people to look at him.
He was a Tanuki !!
Shizuoka 下田市 Shimoda city
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
At the temple 龍巣院 Ryuso-In there lived dokuryuu 毒龍 a poisonous dragon which brought great harm to the villagers.
The priest read some special Sutras Buddhist scriptures and the pond became too small for the dragon to live there any more.

長嶽山 龍巣院 Ryuso-In
Okazaki, Fukuroi, Shizuoka
- homepage of the temple : -
Yugashima 天城湯ヶ島町 Amagi Yugashima town
. kani 蟹 crabs .
Once upon a time the rain did not stop at the end of the rainy season and there was a lot of kiri 霧 fog. Above the waterfall with three falls there was a priest walking when suddenly a huge crab with a black back appeared, spitting out black clouds and fog. The priest begun to recite special Buddhist prayers and the crab fell into the basin of the waterfall. The fog stopped. Since then the uppermost of the three waterfalls is called
kanidaru かにだる crab waterfall.
- - - - -
. taki no nushi 滝の主と伝説 Legends about the master of the waterfall .
It is
. Jorogumo 女郎蜘蛛 / 女郎ぐも "woman spider" Yokai spider .
a spider that can transform into a seductive woman.
- quote -

Joren no Taki 浄蓮の滝 Jōren Falls. Waterfall
A famous waterfall in Izu in the headwaters of the Kano River. Joren Falls is situated among deep forests, and drops from basalt cliffs 25m high and 7m wide. The cold mountain air and water spray feels chilly even in the summer. Downstream from the plunge pool is the regular Amagi international trout fishing site. Along the valley are wasabi fields, a specialty of Amagi.
- reference source : -
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Hatcho ike 八丁池 Hatcho Pond
The master of the pond at Hatcho Ike is ooshika 大鹿 a big deer or 七首の大蛇 a large serpent with seven heads.

. Legends about ike no nushi 池の主 と伝説 the Master of the Pond .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
湯ヶ島 - ok // 9 下田市 collecting

- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !
. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .
. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .
. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .
. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - - - #shimoda #shimodakaido #izu #nirayama - - - -