Showing posts with label Heian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heian. Show all posts

14 Mar 2025

DARUMA - Darumapedia on Facebook


Darumapedia on Facebook

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- The latest news is always HERE:

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Posted By Gabi Greve to Daruma San in Japan, Japanese Art and Culture (01)

1 Mar 2021

LEGENDS - nekomata cat monster

nekomata cat legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

nekomata 猫又と伝説 Legends about the Nekomata cat monster
猫また / 猫股 / 猫胯 / ネコマタ

Nekomata are a kind of cat yōkai described in Chinese and then Japanese folklore, classical kaidan, essays, etc.
There are two very different types:
- those that live in the mountains and - domestic cats that have grown old and transformed.
Nekomata are often confused with Bakeneko.
- quote wikipedia-

. bakeneko 化け猫 / 化猫 "monster cat" .
- Introduction -

. bakeneko 化け猫 / 化猫と伝説 Legends about monster cats .


tamadare no yoneko 玉垂の妖猫 monster cat


kinka shichihenge 金花七変化 seven changes in gold flowers

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

......................................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県
If a cat walks over a dead body, it will become 猫股 a Nekomata.
The family must take care and watch that no cat enters the room where a dead body is kept.

......................................................................................... Ishikawa 石川県
能美郡 Nomi district 白峰村 Shiramine village

Once a Samurai wanted to drive out a nekomata 猫又 monster cat.
He shot an arrow at it and hit its hip. The cat fell from the tree and run away.
Soon after an old woman named お菊 O-Kiku was about to die.
When the Samurai touched her robes, he found his arrow.
The old women died soon afterwards.
13 years ago, the nekomata 猫又 monster cat had killed the old woman and shape-shifted into her form.

......................................................................................... Kagawa 香川県

If a cat turns old, it becomes 猫また a Nekomat with two tails and dances on its hind legs.
People give it fish with Tofu and put a red tenugui 手拭 hand towel on its head. Thus the cat wll leave the home.


Priest 隠元 Ingen (1592 - 1673) from the temple 大滝寺 Otaki-Ji went upstream the river 吉野川 Yoshinogawa, where a fisherman attacked him and tried to kill him. But he was helped by a cat.
After three years keeping the cat, it turned to 猫また a Nekomata. It lived in the main hall of the temple and drove out all the mice. Soon it became a disciple of Priest Ingen.

A cat that had been kept well by an old woman turned to 猫また a Nekomata. It killed the old woman and ate it.
Then it shape-shifted to the old woman, but was killed by the son of the old woman.

......................................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県
Kanagawa 相模原市 Sagamihara

If a dog attacks a human and eats it, that means the dog is ill and has a fire in his intestines, that get away with the human meat.
If a cat dies, an ill person will get better again.
If a person has died, the cat of the home has to be put into a cage, otherwise the dead will come back to life, drink some water and will turn into a nekomata 猫又 monster cat.

Kanagawa 津久井郡 Tsukui district

If a cat sits on a dead body, it gains special powers.
If a cat drinks waster from a bamboo ladle in the kitchen, it gains the power of 1000 people.
If one hits such a cat with a broom, it will fall down from the dead body. Thus a broom should be placed nearby.

......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
南丹市 Nantan city

In the shade of a valley there lived a nekomata 猫又 monster cat, which was much feared by the local villagers.
Then came the Samurai 伊藤基 Ito Motoi and killed it.

......................................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県
児湯郡 Koyu district 新富町 Shintomi town

Sometimes a cat goes wandering after being fed for one year in a home.
In the mountain forest it looks for the stump of matsu 松 a pine tree and rub the pine resin on its skin. Then it seeks a place with sand to dry.
That way no arrow or bullet will penetrate it.
After two or even seven years, it will come back to the home and haunt the people.

......................................................................................... Niigata 新潟県

Nekomata Inari Shrine 猫又稲荷 / 土橋稲荷神社 Tsuchibashi Inari Shrine
Around 1882, there lived a monster on 重倉山 Mount Shigemurayama (1029 m).
It often came down to the village and caused great damage. The villagers complained at the government in Takada. Some officials were sent out to drive away the monster. At 中ノ俣 Nakanomata they fought with the monster but could not kill it, neigher with arrows or guns. So they asked the skilled hunter 吉十郎 Kichijuro to hit it and thus got rid of it. But Kichijuro got hurt himself and died soon after.
The monster was placed in front of the official residence. It was a cat as big as a small bull.
Later the bones were buried in a ground that became Tsuchibashi Inari Shrine, better known as 猫又稲荷 Nekomata Inari Shrine.

......................................................................................... Okayama 岡山県

There were three nekomata 猫又 cat monsters, at 掌善寺 Shozenji, ごま屋 Gomaya and きさ屋 Kisaya.
They wanted to capture the dead body of Grandpa Gomaya and decided to eat it.
The priest Gengo heard about this.
While the family was walking toward the graveyard, there was a loud thunder and all the people fled in fear.
In the black clouds there were the three cats, trying to get the dead body.
Now the priest from the temple Shozen-Ji hit the cat with his prayer beads.
The cat lost one eye and died soon after.

......................................................................................... Shimane 島根県
松江市 Matsue city

Once the cat from a temple got old and turned into a nekomata 猫又 cat monster.
At night it took the priest's robes, put them on and walked in the villge, chanting religious songs.
Finally they drove the cat away from the temple.
Five days later, they found the body of a drowned cat in the pond behind the temple.

......................................................................................... Tokyo 東京都

nekomatabashi 猫又橋 Nekomata bridge
In the outskirts of 小石川区 Koishikawa ward there was a bridge called Nekomatabashi. It had a bad reputation and children avoided to walk there.

Nekomata-zaka 猫又坂 Nekomatazaka slope
Bunkyo City, 13

- reference source : -


Around 1700 at the temple 徳水院 Tokusui-In in the compound of 増上寺 Zojo-Ji there was akaneko 赤猫 a cat with red hair.
Once it was hunting mice when it fell from the beam of the roof.
It called out a short prayer, so people thought it must be a nekomata cat monster.
Then it disappeared.

. Zoojooji, Zōjō-Ji 増上寺 Zojo-Ji .
the family temple of the Tokugawa family

- - - - -
Around 1796, six friends had gathered at a tea house to drink.
When the owner of the tea house later went to one of guest's home to collect the money, they told him the man had died seven years ago.
The owner remembered that the guest had gulped down three pieces of fish, head and bones and all . . . it must have been a nekomata 猫また monster cat.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .

. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- #nekomata #bakeneko #monstercat -

23 Dec 2020

HEIAN - wheat and barley legends

komugi omugi wheat barley legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

komugi 小麦と伝説 Legends about wheat
oomugi 大麦と伝説 Legends about barley

- - barley and wheat - -

. komugi 小麦 / mugi 麦 wheat .
oomugi 大麦 Omugi, barley, "large Mugi"
- Introduction -

mugimeshi 麦飯 / bakuhan バクハン cooked rice with wheat

. Obon, O-Bon お盆 Bon Ancestor Festival .

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

......................................................................................... Aichi 愛知県
名古屋市 Nagoya city // komugi

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
When the bottom of komugi 小麦 the wheat becomes yellow, foxe shape-shift into humans. If humans do not want to be bewitched, they carry flowers of white clover.

......................................................................................... Aomori 青森県
komugi 小麦 wheat harvested in the 6th lunar month is made to powder and offered to the ancestors at the O-Bon festival on the 13th of the 7th lunar month.
The souls of the ancestors come from 田名部 Tanabu (下北郡恐山) Mount Osoresan to enjoy the mochi, on the 16th they take kinokamochi キンカモチ rice cakes, walk around the fields and go back to the mountain.
Once a woman fo a farmer's family forgot to prepare mugi hatto 麦ハット wheat offerings for the ancestors for O-Bon and just put some ears of wheat out. She also did not prepare kinka mochi キンカモチ rice cakes to see them off. The ancestors became angry, took the child of the family and held it over a fire. In the evening the children had painful burns on their skin.

Aomori 田名部 Tanabu

. wheat offerings for O-Bon .

......................................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
須賀川市 Sukagawa city // komugi

bondon sama 盆殿様 honorable ancestor
In the morning of July 7, people place tanabata uma 七夕馬 horses from komugi 小麦 wheat straw on the roof. The ancestors sit on these horses on their way down from heaven.
People also clean out the family altar on this day.

. Tanabata uma 七夕馬 horse for Tanabata .

......................................................................................... Gunma 群馬県
甘楽郡 Kanra district // komugi

go-senzo sama ご先祖様 the ancestors
O-Bon lasts from August 13 to 16.
To welcome the ancestors home on the evening of the 13th, people burn shimegami シメ紙 ritually shaped paper and hulls and straw of komugi 小麦 wheat in the yard. The smoke goes up to heaven and the ancestors can come down on it.

......................................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県
庄原市 Shobara city // 麦飯

. Yamanokami Legends from Hiroshima 広島県 .
mugi shoogatsu 麦正月 New Year to honour barley and wheat
mugimeshi shoogatsu 麦飯正月 eating cooked rice with wheat for the New Year

......................................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県
西茨城郡 Nishi-Ibaraki district 岩瀬町 Iwase town // omugi - komugi

If people eat a lot of omugi 大麦 barley and komugi 小麦 wheat, they will become strong and healty.

......................................................................................... Iwate 岩手県
東磐井郡 Higashi-Iwai district 大東村 Daito village // komugi

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
Once a man went to the mountain to dry his komugi 小麦 wheat harvest. Suddenly it became very dark during the daytime. When a dog barked it became light again. This must have been the mischief of a fox.

......................................................................................... Kagawa 香川県
観音寺市 Kanonji city 伊吹町 Ibuki town //komugi

On the 15th day of July of O-Bon people prepare special cakes from komugiko 小麦粉 wheat flour as offerings.
In the morning of the 16th, the ancestors return home, sometimes turning the offerings upside-down.

Kagawa 三豊郡 Mitoyo district 詫間町 Takuma town // komugi

enko エンコ Kappa (in the local dialect)
From the first day of the doyo no hi 土用の日 dog days until 9 days later, there is a festival at the top of the peninsula.
If people do not eat komugi no dango 小麦の団子 dumplings from wheat, they will be tricked by the Kappa.

. Kappa legends from Kagawa 香川県 .

Kagawa 仲多度郡 Naka-Tado district 琴南町 Kotonami town

hattai ko ハッタイ粉 / 糗粉 / 麨粉 roasted barley flour
On day 14 of the New Year rituals, in the morning people sprinkle this flour around the house, walking from left to right, reciting
naga mushi kona kona 長虫クナクナ - May the worms not come into the home!
The line of the flour on the ground must not be interrupted, lest the worms find an entry.

......................................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
仙台市 Sendai city // 麦飯

. unagi うなぎ / 鰻 と伝説 Legends about the eel .

Genbeibuchi 源兵衛渕 the river pool of Gohei
About 20 meters downriver from 御霊屋橋 the bridge Mitamayabashi there is a river pool.
During お盆 the O-Bon season, the young men from the area gathered here to discuss catching unagi 鰻 eel when a priest came along and told them:
"You should not kill any living being during the O-Bon season!"
The priest had been to a home before and partaken of the food offerings of mugimeshi 麦飯 cooked rice with wheat.
源兵衛 Gohei thought that the priest must have been the eel master of the river pool.
They used poison to catch eels, and when one floated up, they caught it and opened its stomach. Inside was
mugimeshi 麦飯 cooked rice with wheat, which they had offered to the priest.
Genbei died of the curse of killing an eel and the area was called after him, Genbeibuchi.

. O-Bon お盆 rituals for the ancestors .

......................................................................................... Tokyo 東京都

haagen jiisan ハーゲン爺さん grandfather Hagen // komugi
The second day of July is called ハーゲン爺さんの日 Day of Grandfather Hagen.
People prepare fresh yakimochi 小麦の焼餅 roasted rice cakes from wheat and make offerings to the ancestors.
. yakimochi, yaki mochi 焼餅 roasted rice cake / jealousy .

......................................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県
河内地方 Kawachi region // 麦飯 / 麦 wheat

. oni no ha 鬼の歯 teeth, fangs of a demon .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .

. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- #komugi #barley #wheat #omugi #mugimeshi #mugi #weizen #gerste -