Showing posts with label Daruma Museum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daruma Museum. Show all posts

16 Oct 2020

SHINTO - Yasaka Shrine legends

Yasaka Shrine Legends

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

Yasaka Jinja 八坂神社 Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto - Legends

Also called Gion Jinja 祇園神社 Gion Shrine.
There are now many Yasaka Shrines in Japan.

. Yasaka Shrine and the Gion Festival .
祇園祭 Gion Matsuri Festival - - - There are many kigo related to the Gion Festival.
yamaboko 山鉾 (やまぼこ)Gion Festival floats

. Gozu Tenno 牛頭天王 - Legends.
In 869, the people were suffering from plague and pestilence which was attributed to Gozu Tennō 牛頭天王.

. hayariyamai はやり病 / Ryukobyo 流行病と伝説 Legends about epidemics .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

....................................................................... Chiba 千葉県 .....
成田市 Narita city

千葉県成田市吉岡 Chiba, Narita, Kichioka
- reference source -

The ujiko 氏子 parishioners of the Yasaka Shrine never eat eggs.

. ujiko 氏子 local worshiper, parishioner of a Shinto shrine .

....................................................................... Fukuoka 福岡県 .....
小倉 Kokura city

Jonai, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka
- homepage of Kokura Yasaka Shrine -

At the shrine 小倉八坂神社 Kokura Yasaka Jinja there is a legend about the beginning of the festival. Once Lord 細川越中守忠興 Hosokawa Tadaoki (1563 - 1646) went hunting with hawks and took a rest at 不動山 Mount Fudoyama. There was one small stone shrine and when Tadaoki placed his staff against it, it opened and one 霊鷹 sacred hawk flew out of it. The hawk kicked out both eyes of Tadaoki. He felt great pain, went home soon but would not heal at all. He realized it was the punishment of Gozu Tenno and had a shrine built in his honor. After a performance of a ritual Kagura Yudate, 神楽湯立, one eye begun to heal. He had 能興行 No Kogyo rituals of Noh performed and the other eye begun to heal too.

....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....
尾道市 Onomichi city

Gion Jinja 祇園神社 Gion Shrine
広島県尾道市土堂  Tsuchido, Onomichi, Hiroshima
- reference source -


....................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 .....
津久井郡 Tsukui district 城山町 Shiroyama town

. hitodama 人魂 / 人玉と伝説 Legends about the lights of the human soul .
The main festival of Yasaka Shrine is on August 1. Sometimes on a bright evening, when the mikoshi 神輿 floats parade through the town there appear hitodama 人玉 lights like human souls among the floats.

....................................................................... Kochi 高知県 .....
幡多郡 Hata district 大月町 Otsuki town 

960 Himenoi, Otsuki, Hata district, Kochi

八坂宮 Yasaka no Miya Shrine
During the war, an important person came to this shrine and said "If you do not worship here, you will be cursed!" Then he died. So the villagers now pray for him here.

....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....

京都祇園八坂神社七不思議 The seven wonders from Yasaka Shrine - there are varieties
The West Gate 西楼門(にしろうもん) Nishiromon (Sairomon), formerly called Kagomon 籠門 / also Goryumon
saru 猿 monkey
竜宮まで届く底無し井戸 a well to the dragon palace
kiji 雉 pheasant Futami Iwa 二見石
kinukake iwa 衣掛岩
chikaramizu 力水
ryuuboe 龍吼
ryuuketsu 龍穴
Tadamori no tooroo 忠盛灯篭 / ? 油取りの燈籠
yonakiishi 夜啼石

- source : yasakajinjya-nanafushigi... -

東山区 Higashiyama ward

kaibutsu 怪物

....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
仙台市 Sendai city 青葉区 Aoba ward

宮城県仙台市宮城野区岩切字若宮前11-7 / Wakamiyamae, Iwakiri, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi
- reference source : -

Kappagami カッパ神,O-Tenno Sama お天王様

Gion Kappa 祇園かっぱ The Kappa Water Goblin connection
祇園さま Gionsama, Gion Sama, Gion-Sama - The Gion Deity
The messenger of お稲荷さん the Inari deity is the fox, but the messenger of the deity Gion sama is the Kappa.
Therefore on the festival for Gionsama children must not play in the river to avoid accidents. Instead they have to throw cucumbers into the river from the bridge.

. . Miyagi 宮城県 Kappa Legends 河童伝説 .
. Gion Sama 祇園さま / Gion Kappa 祇園かっぱ .


. sugi no ki 杉の木と伝説 Legends about the cedar tree .
It is a taboo to cut the sugi 杉 cedar tree in the compound of 八坂神社 Yasaka Shrine or pick up some needles from the ground.
Once the tree seemed to bend and almost fall down, so a miko 巫女 shrine maiden performed an oracle ritual.
She was told to leave the tree alone, the Deity would care for it.

....................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県 .....
甲賀市 Koka city 水口町 Minakuchi town

Behind the Shrine 八坂神社 Yasaka Jinja is Ryuu-ga-mori 竜ヶ森 the Dragon Forest. There stood a huge sugi 杉 cedar tree which 6 people could hardly cover with their arms around it. A dragon lived in this tree. The tree was hit twice by lighting, and at the second time, the Dragon went back to heaven.
This special tree broke down during the Isewan Typhoon.
Nearby is a Ryuu-ga-ido 竜ヶ井戸 "Dragon Well" which is used for amagoi 雨乞い rain prayers.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- #yasakashrine #yasakajinja #gozutenno #Gionjinja #gionshrine -

11 Oct 2020

EDO - Legends from Asakusa

Asakusa legends

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. 浅草観音伝説 Legends from Asakusa Kannon Temple .

Asakusa densetsu 浅草伝説 Legends from Asakusa
台東区元浅草 Taito ward, Moto-Asakusa and others

. Asakusa 浅草 district in Edo .

. 浅草観音伝説 Legends from Asakusa Kannon Temple .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Tokyo 浅草 Asakusa

浅草安部河町 Asakusa Abekawa district. Asakusa Abekawachō

. Asakusa Abekawacho 阿部川町 Abekawa district .
River Abe-Kawa 安倍川 / 阿部川 and Tokugawa Ieyasu

koonotori 鸛 Konotori, stork
In the year 1810, there was a temple of the Ikko sect 高田派一向宗, where a stork had put up his nest. Until then the stork had put up his nest at the temple 西福寺 Saifuku-Ji. In the same year in December, there was a fire and the temple Saifuku-Ji burned down. They say if a stork moves his nest, there might be a fire at the old spot.

- quote -
Ikkō-shū (一向宗) or "single-minded school" is usually viewed as a small, militant offshoot from Jōdo Shinshū Buddhism though the name has a complex history.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

浅草花川戸 Asakusa Hanakawado

. Asakusa Hanakawadocho 花川戸町 Hanakawado district .

marushime no neko 丸〆の猫 / 丸〆猫 / manekineko 招き猫 the lucky cat from Imado
. Imado yaki 今戸焼  Imado ware and the Lucky Cat .

浅草今戸町 Asakusa Imado district

In the year 1813, a man saw a strange woman and followed her. The way led to a graveyard in Imado, where the woman vanished in front of a grave.

. 浅草駒形 Asakusa Komagata / Komakata district .

onna no ushi-oni 女の牛鬼 a female bull-demon
People have seen a female bull-demon running out of the gate to the Komagata district.

. ushi oni, ushioni, gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" .

浅草南馬道竹門 Minami-Umamichi Takemon

. boozu 坊主と伝説 Legends about Bozu priests .
In the year 1810, on the 20th day of the 7th lunar month, there was suddenly a naked boy about 15 years old falling from the night sky at 竹門 Takemon. The boy was a retainer of a 京都安井門跡 Yasui, a samurai from Kyoto. He had climbed 愛宕山 Mount Atago on the 18th. Since it was very hot he had taken off his cloths. Just then an old priest appeared and said he wanted to show him something special. The boy did not remember any more.
But his 足袋 tabi socks were made in Kyoto.
- reference : -
and 浅草北馬道町 Kita-Umamichi district

浅草御蔵 Asakusa Okura

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
at Asakusa Okura there was a serpent coming out and ate all the rice in the fields. The farmers wanted to install a watchpost for snakes, but another man told them not to. Once this man had been shut in a storehouse for rice and had nothing to drink. A snake came along, took his hand towle and wetted it so that he could suck out the moisture and thus survive.
. . . . . another legend about
. mugiwara hebi 麦藁蛇 / 麦わら蛇 serpent made from wheat straw .

牛込山伏町 Ushigome Yamabushi cho district

Tanaka 田中幸右衛門 Tanaka Koemon and the gate 田安門 Tayasumon
. Ushigome district 牛込 .


ema 絵馬 votive tablet of a horse and a dragon

. 狩野元信 Kano Motobonu and 左甚五郎 Hidari Jingoro .
and the stray carved horse or dragon on the votive tablet

. Kasha 火車 Kasha Demon "burning chariot" .

At 筑後守屋敷 the estate of the regent of Chikugo the 庚申 Koshin deity is venerated on the 7th day of the 4th lunar month.
In the evening they heard the noise of someone falling on the roof. It was the body of a drowned person. They say 火車 the Kasha Demon has dropped it there.
. kooshin 庚申伝説 Legends about the Koshin Cult .

kitsune 狐 fox

. Yasuzaemon Inari 弥惣左ヱ門稲荷. .
A fox named 熊谷弥惣左ヱ門 Kumagaya Yasuzaemon got caught here in a trap and died.
The shrine was erected in his honor.
- - - - -
Once a daughter was bewitched by the Inari fox from a nearby pond. A priest in a session asked the fox why. The fox said hw wanted to eat manjuu 饅頭 steamed buns and wanted them to be offered at a place where no dog would disturb him. The priest was well versed in the tales of Asakusa and got rid of the bewitchment with a special ritual.
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .

kuchi-ire Inari 口入稲荷 Takadaya 高田屋

This shrine was located in the garden of the former employment agent Takadaya 高田屋 in the Yoshiwara pleasure quarters of Edo.
In 1701 it was relocated in the precincts of 浅草玉姫稲荷 Tamahime Inari Shrine in Asakusa.

. Kuchi-ire Inari shrine 口入稲荷神社 .

Iinuma no tenjin 飯沼の天神 Tenjin from Iinuma in 下総国 Shimosa no kuni (Chiba)

The Temple 浅草報恩寺 Asakusa Hoon-Ji was formerly located in Shimosa no Kuni (now Chiba). When the temple was built, there came an old man listening to the sermon and then told the priest that he was the Tenjin deity from Iinuma. He would care for the priest from now on.
In a dream he told the priest he would make an offering of two koi 鯉 carp. But during the annual festival a large tree fell down and all the carp in the pond were killed by the angry deity.

Hoon-Ji 坂東報恩寺 6-13-13 Higashiueno, Taito Ward

o-neko sama お猫さま the honorable cat

In Asakusa lived a poor family, making a living by selling vegetables. When the old father got ill, they became even poorer. His son mumbled about the cat, which should be killed and from that day on the cat did not show up any more. The son thought this strange and asked the old man about it. The old man told his son that the cat came every night and lay on the part of his body that was ill. That way he could get some sleep. And soon the ill old man was cured.
. neko 猫 / ねこ と伝説 Legends about cats, Katzen .

tamashi 魂 soul

A man who had been ill for a long time went to the temple of his family and asked the priest to be burried there if he would die. The next day he came again and the priest thought this was strange. The priest investigated the case and found that the man had already died.

tanuki 狸 badger

. tanukubayashi 狸囃子 Tanuki procession .

Taroo Inari 太郎稲荷 the Deity Taro Inari

. Tachibana Sakon 立花左近 and Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Taro Inari Jinja 太郎稲荷神社

柳川藩立花家 Yanagawa han, Tachibana clan - Naka Yashiki 中屋敷

- quote -
..... one of these Edo Yashiki shrines in Tokyo's Asakusa district, the Taro Inari Jinja (Shrine). This used to be the estate shrine of the Tachibana House of the Yanagawa clan, who ruled southern Fukuoka province on the Island of Kyushu. The estate and the shrine was established here around 1660. This is the only remains of the old estate, even though some of the lots are still in the hands of the original noble family members who seem to be in the hotel business.
..... the Torii, the red gate in front of all shrines and holy places, has actually been incorporated into the neighboring building when it was erected, a torii shaped hole has been made in the building wall itself!
No matter how crowded Tokyo gets, you can't really ask the Gods to move!
- source : -

yakujin 疫神 Deities of Illness

. Yakubyogami 疫病神 / 厄病神 Deity of Diseases .

In the year 1848 in Autumn, a pandemic was in the city. An old woman from Asakusa was walking with a strange youg woman, who said she had not eaten for some days. The old woman cooked some soba そば buckwheat noodles for her. After the meal the young woman thanked her and said she was in reality ekijin 疫神 the Deity of Disease. She instructed the old woman that if she would feel ill, she should soon eat some dojoo どじょう loach to get better soon.

- - - - - ekibyoo 疫病 epidemic and 第六天神様 Dairokutenjin Sama
There was an epidemic in the village 宝木塚村 Hogizuka with many dead people. The reason was the missing faith in a protecting deity - or so they said. Finally they got a deity from 第六天神社 DairokuTen Jinja Shrine in Asakusa and the epidemy stopped.

. Dairokuten Ma-O 第六天魔王 Big Number Six Heavenly Deity .

................................................................................. Yamagata 山形県
山形市 Yamagata city // 浅草の慶養寺 Keiyo-Ji

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
The tutelary deity of the Temple 竜門寺 Ryumon-Ji was a dragon.
Once the stone wall of the temple collapses and when people came to check, they found a serpent coming out. They chased the animal and killed it. The man who had killed the serpent died the same night. The others became very ill for about two months.
The serpent was rather thick and had four legs. The body is preserved at the temple Keiyo-Ji in Asakusa.

慶養寺 Keiyo-Ji
台東区今戸1-6-22 / Taito ward, Imado
founded in 1653 by priest Ryokan 龍門寺十二世良寮和尚.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -

. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .


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. 浅草観音伝説 Legends from Asakusa Kannon Temple .

. Taitoo, Taitō 台東区 Taito Ward .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #asakusalegends - - - -

24 Sept 2020

Utageya Daruma


Utageya Art Daruma うたげやart達磨

. . . CLICK here for many more Photos !
- Utageya on Facebook

- source : -


. . . CLICK here for utageya Photos !


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Edo no shokunin 江戸の職人 Edo craftsmen .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - #utageya - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Omamori - Japanese Amulets on 9/02/2020 01:03:00 pm

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11 Sept 2020

FUDO - Umezawa Fudo Tochigi

Umezawa Fudo Tochigi

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼 .

Umezawa Fudo 梅沢不動
梅沢山 Umezawazan 金蔵院 Kinzo-In 華蔵寺 Kezo-Ji
umezawa - lit. swamp of plum trees

栃木県栃木市梅沢町801 / Tochigi city, Umezawa town 801

The temple is surrounded by plum trees.

It was founded in 1202 by 佐野安房守実綱 Sano Sanetsuna, Lord of 唐沢城主 Karasawa castle.
Sanetsuna was a retainer of 源頼朝 Minamoto no Yoritomo. He built this temple in honor of Yoritomo.

- quote
... ある日、実綱は唐沢山城から小曽戸板を通り不摩城へ向う途中、寺尾郷が一望できる頂で馬をとめ眼下を眺めていた。 その時実綱は、過ぎし日鎌倉八幡宮で行われた流鏑馬(やぶさめ)に参加しその技量を讃えられ、政子夫人より紅梅一枝をおくられたことを思いおこし、 「先の将軍の冥福を祈るための寺は、この山に建てよう」と決意。
金剛照浄和上が第三十五世となり、常徳、持宝の二ヶ寺を合併し興隆を画す。昭和9年には、本堂と庫裏を再建した。 まさに華蔵寺の歴史は波乱に満ちている。
- source :


shuin 朱印 stamp

- Homepage reference of the temple
- source :


- quote -
Karasawa Castle (唐沢城, Karasawa-jō) or
Karasawayama Castle (唐沢山城, Karasawayama-jō)
was originally built in 927 by Fujiwara no Hidesato, and Renovated in 1491 by Sano Moritsuna, of the Sano clan. It was a mountain-top castle, and one of the main castles of the Kanto area, Honshu, Japan. It is sited on the border of Kanto plain and northern mountain areas. and sat next to Sano, the corresponding castle town during the Edo period.
Over a period of time,
the Sano clan expanded their control over the area, and gradually built up the castle. At its peak, it was a substantial castle, commanding a mountaintop position. During the 16th century, the powerful Warlord, Kenshin Uesugi (1530–1578), lord of Kasugayama Castle moved into the area, and took over landholdings of some of the smaller clans. However, in so doing, he had to travel quite far, and was also being attacked by the Hojo clan. The castle saw most conflict in this period. Under the leadership of Sano Masatsuna (1529–1574), the castle withstood attacks by Kenshin Uesugi. At one point, Masatsuna allied with Kenshin, but eventually he broke free, regaining independence for the castle and for the Sano clan. The Uesugi clan attacked the castle 10 times during the Sengoku Period - a large amount of castle attacks, in a short time period.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi
conducted a campaign against the Hojo clan, and the Sano supported Hideyoshi. At the time, the Sano were on good terms with the Hojo, but Hideyoshi removed them from the castle. At the battle of Sekigahara the Sano clan sided with Tokugawa.
The story goes
that after one of the early Fires in Edo, the Sano clan could see the fire down in the city from their mountaintop. The clan sent their condolences to Edo for the unfortunate event. Allegedly, the Emperor was unimpressed that the Sano clan castle look down on Edo, and told them they would have to remove it. Whatever the reason, the clan rebuilt their castle lower down the hill, in a nearby but different position,
and this new castle was named Sano Castle.
- source : -


This temple is Nr. 16 of the
. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #umezawa #tochigifudo #sano #karasawa #karazawa #umesawa -

4 Sept 2020

FUDO - Fukiage Fudo Tochigi

Fukiage Fudo Tochigi

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼 .

Fukiage Fudo 吹上不動
光明山 Komyozan 金智院 Kinchi-In 正仙寺 Seisen-Ji

栃木県栃木市吹上町1375 / Tochigi Fukiage town

The temple was founded aruond 1400 when the area was called 山城国 Yamashiro no Kuni.
The founder is 俊海 Shunkai, 醍醐山松橋無量寿院十一世俊海.
Shunkai is the younger brother of 藤原俊成 Fujiwara Toshinari (1114 - 1204).
He was an 阿闍梨 Ajari priest at the temple 醍醐寺 Daigo-Ji.



弘法大師像 Statue of Kobo Daishi


small bell in the compound


shuin 朱印 stamp

- Reference of the temple
- source :


To the east of the temple are the remains of 吹上城 Fukiage Castle.


This temple is Nr. 15 of the
. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #fukiage #tochigi #fudo #seisenji -

28 Aug 2020

FUDO - Migawari Enmeiji Tochigi

Migawari Fudo Tochigi

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼 .

Migawari Fudo 身代わり不動 Fudo as substitute
如意山 Nyoinzan 吉祥院 Kichijo-In 延命寺 Enmei-Ji

栃木県栃木市大平町西水代1864-1 / Gunma Tochigi city, Ohiramachi, Nishi-Mizushiro

Founded by 良弁上人 Saint Roben as a retreat along the river 永野川 Naganogawa aruond 730.
Later around 1276, priest 亮弁 Ryoben built a hall and placed a statue of 延命地蔵菩薩 Enmei Jizo in it.
In 1378 秀範上人 Saint x built 愛染堂 a hall for Aizen Myo-Oto venerate the dragon deity
清龍権現 Seiryu Gongen.
With the wish to provide riches and health to all people, the name Kichijo-In was then choosen.

. Kichijōten 吉祥天 Lakshmi .


The main statue is
延命地蔵菩薩 Enmei Jizo Bosatsu for a long life

. Enmei Jizoo 延命地蔵 life-prolonging Jizo .



shooroo mon 鐘楼門 Bell Tower Gate


. Migawari Fudo 身代わり不動尊 Fudo as Substitute .
wagami no kawari ni わが身の代わりに "instead of my own body"

. Priest 良弁僧正 Roben Sojo (689 - 773) .


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulets

- reference


This temple is Nr. 14 of the
. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - ##migawarifudo #enmei #jizobosatsu #kichijo #roben -

17 Aug 2020

MINGEI - Kumamoto ceramics

Shodai ware Kumamoto

. Kumamoto Folk Art - 熊本県 .

Shodai yaki 小代焼 Shodai ware


- Shodai Ware
When 細川忠利 Hosokawa Tadatoshi moved from the fief of Buzen to take control of the fief of Higo in 1632, two master potters were appointed.
One of these was 源七 Genshichi, the first of a long line of potters of the Hinkoji family, and the other was 八左衛門 Hachizaemon, the first of successive generations of potters from the Katsuragi family. It was the appointment of these two men that is said to have marked the beginnings of the making of Shodai Yaki.
Much later on in 1836 and under a directive from the local clan, Senoue Rinemon, an official of the Shogunate, built the Senoue kiln as part of a program promoting industry in the area. The skills and techniques associated with the production of Shodai Yaki have been handed down over the years and it is the Noda, Chikashige and Joshima families, which have inherited them and still use them to this day.
Made from a local iron rich clay,
a particular feature of this ware is its bold and yet simple character. By modifying the blend of glazes and by utilizing the changes which take place at different firing temperatures, delicate control is exercised over the production of colors for the blue, yellow and white Shodai Yaki. In addition, the dribbled, extravagant patterns and the depth of color of the glazes harmonize with the forms of the pieces, to produce this sense of bold simplicity.
- Feature
Shodai Yaki features simple and robust touch made from Shodai clay, which contains abundant iron. Proportion of glaze and firing temperature creates their subtle colorings varying from blue, yellow to white. The patterns created by dynamic glazing makes the unique harmony with its shape.
source :


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- Ceramics
Kumamoto's modern ceramics industry began about 400 years ago.
When the Hosokawa family moved to Higo Province (now Kumamoto) in 1632, potters also settled in the area and built kilns. Koda ware from Yatsushiro and Shodai ware from Arao and Tamana developed under the patronage of the Higo Domain, primarily producing ceramics used in traditional tea ceremony. In addition to these, there was Matsubase ware from Uki, Oda ware from Uto (Higo Domain's only porcelain ware), and Mizunodaira, Takahama, and Maruo wares from Amakusa.
- Shodai Ware
Shodai ware originated about 400 years ago in northern Kumamoto. It became an official pottery kiln of the Higo Domain in the Edo Period and made ceramic cups used in traditional tea ceremony as well as various wares used ineveryday life.
Shodai clay has high iron content and is full of pebbles. Straw and wood ash is used in the glaze to create a simple yet dynamic style.
- Amakusa Ceramics
n the Amakusa region, porcelain ware is made using the region's abundant porcelain stone (of which Amakusa is the top producer in the country), and earthenware is made using local clay deposits.
The production of porcelain ware in the region started 340 years ago, while the production of earthenware started 250 years ago. White porcelain pieces with a translucent quality as well as unique earthenware pieces are made in abundance.
- Koda Ware - photo above
Koda ware first started being made in Yatsushiro City in 1632 during the early Edo Period. The designs are made not by painting, but rather by embedding white kaolin into the motifs carved into the clay.
The pottery is fired after applying a transparent glaze, and turns a slight teal color due to the iron content in the clay.
- source : -


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Reference : Kumamoto Shodai Ware .


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Edo no shokunin 江戸の職人 Edo craftsmen .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

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14 Aug 2020

FUDO - Akaiwa Fudo Gunma

Akaiwa Fudo

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼 .

Akaiwa Fudo 赤岩不動
赤岩山 Akaiwasan 地蔵院 Jizo-In 光恩寺 Koon-Ji
Aka-iwa, lit. "red rock"

群馬県邑楽郡千代田町赤岩1041 / Gunma Ora district Chiyoda town, Akaiwa village

The main hall has the statue of Fudo Myo-O as a hibutsu 秘仏 secret statue, which is only shown twice a year at New Year and Festivals in Spring and Autumn, with rituals of walking through fire.

The history of this temple is very old.
It is one of 9 special temples built on order of 雄略天皇 Emperor Yuryaku Tenno for his son 穴穂宮 Anaho no Miya(安康天皇 Anko Tenno)around 603.
It houses three special Busshari 仏舎利三粒 reliques of Shakyamuni Buddha.
In the year 625, priest 僧恵灌 Ekan, who had come from Korea, walked in many parts of Northern Japan to pray for the safety of the land at this temple.

In the year 814, 弘法大師 Kobo Daishi Kukai stayed here and carved a statue of Jizo Bosatsu, housed in the hall 地蔵院 Jizo-In. The name 赤岩山光恩寺 Akaiwa san Koon-Ji appeared in this time.

Statue of Fudo Myo-O in the temple compound


shuin 朱印 stamp

- Homepage of the temple
- source : akaiwasan-kouonji...


Also on the following pilgrimages :

関東91薬師霊場第40番札所 - Kanto 91 Yakushi Nyorai Temples - Nr. 40
関東108地蔵尊第21番札所 - Kanto 108 Jizo Bosatsu Temples - Nr. 21


- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -

1月28日 - 初不動 - January 28 first Fudo ritual
10月28日 - 秋季不動尊大祭 - Great Autumn Fudo Festival

- reference : -


This temple is Nr. 11 of the
. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


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Emperor Yūryaku (雄略天皇, Yūryaku-tennō)
was the 21st Emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession. He is remembered as a patron of sericulture.
No firm dates can be assigned to this Emperor's life or reign, but he is conventionally considered to have reigned from 456 to 479.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

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Emperor Ankō (安康天皇, Ankō-tennō)
was the 20th Emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession. Emperor Ankō is the earliest generally agreed upon historical ruler of all or a part of Japan.
No firm dates can be assigned to this Emperor's life or reign, but he is conventionally considered to have reigned from 453 to 456.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - ##akaiwafudo #akaiwa #yuryaku #anko -

13 Aug 2020

KAIDO - Shimoda Kaido

Shimoda Kaido Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Shimoda Kaido 下田街道 Shimoda Highway
Connecting 三島大社 the Shrine Mishima Taisha in Mishima (postal station of the 東海道 Tokaido Highway)
with 下田 Shimoda (Shizuoka 静岡県)
In the Edo period, it was also called
Shimoda ji, Shimoda-ji 下田路 Shimoda Road
Present-day National Highway Nr. 414.

- quote
1880年(明治13年) 北伊豆で馬車が走る。
1899年(明治32年) 豆相鉄道 三島-大仁間に鉄道敷設。
1904年(明治37年) 旧天城トンネルが開通[1]。自動車でも通れるようになり、難所の天城峠越えは一応解消した。
1916年(大正5年) 下田自動車 下田-大仁間に米国製乗合バス運行。
1924年(大正13年) 駿豆鉄道 大仁-修善寺間開通。
1933年(昭和8年) 伊東-下田間の東海岸道路開通。この後、伊豆半島の陸路は東海岸道路が主となっていく。
- source : wikipedia

- Postal stations along the Shimoda Kaido
Mishima 三島
Nirayama 韮山
Baraki 原木村
Oohi 大仁村
Yugashima 湯ヶ島村
Amagi Toge Pass 天城峠
Nashimoto 梨本村
Konabe Toge Pass 小鍋峠
Meharano 芽原野村
Mitsukuri 箕作村
Shimoda 下田


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Amagi Toge Pass 天城峠
Famoun for the story of
"The Dancing Girl of Izu" or "The Izu Dancer" (伊豆の踊子, Izu no odoriko)
a 1924 short story by the Japanese writer and Nobel Prize winner Yasunari Kawabata.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Kawabata Yasunari 川端康成 Yasunari Kawabata . - (1899 – 1972)


Konabe Toge Pass 小鍋峠


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Shimoda (下田市, Shimoda-shi)
is a city and port located in Shizuoka Prefecture,...
- History
Shimoda has been settled since prehistoric times, with numerous Jōmon period remains found within city limits. It is mentioned in Nara period documents as the location to which Prince Ōtsu was exiled in 686 after his failed rebellion, and in Heian period documents in reference to its iron ore deposits.
During the Sengoku period it was controlled by the Odawara Hōjō clan, who built a castle (later destroyed by Toyotomi Hideyoshi).
Under the Tokugawa shogunate, Shimoda was tenryō territory directly administered by the shōgun. During the Edo period, Shimoda prospered as a seaport, and was a major port of call for coastal vessels travelling between Osaka and Edo.
Until 1721, as a security measure, all vessels were obligated to call at Shimoda before proceeding on to Edo.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Mishima Taisha 三嶋大社、三島大社 Grand Shrine at Mishima .
11. Mishima shuku 三島宿 (Mishima) / The 53 stations of the Tokaido

. Nirayama 韮山 "Chives Mountain" .
The scholar Egawa Tarozaemon 江川太郎左衛門 (1801 - 1855) lived here.

. Shimoda and the Black Ships 黒船 kurofune .
Commodore Matthew Perry comes to Japan in 1853


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Shizuoka 静岡県
南伊豆町 Minami-Izu town / 韮山 Nirayama

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Nirayama town (韮山町, Nirayama-chō)
... During the Kamakura and Muromachi period, Niirayama was the site of a castle belonging to the Hōjō clan, and the later Hōjō clan.
During the Edo period, it was the location of the daikansho offices of the Tokugawa shogunate controlling Izu Province.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

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. boozu, 坊主と伝説 Bozu Legends about priests .
In a gloomy room of a lodging there were the imprints of a large and a small priest on the wall, all wet with rain. In the evening there was the sound of kooshido 格子戸 a lattice door, which was supposed to be closed, suddenly opening. The large and small priest were leaving.

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. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
At the home of shooya 庄屋 the village headman, there stayed a man named 韮山様 Nirayama Sama. When eating he would not allow people to look at him.
He was a Tanuki !!

Shizuoka 下田市 Shimoda city

. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
At the temple 龍巣院 Ryuso-In there lived dokuryuu 毒龍 a poisonous dragon which brought great harm to the villagers.
The priest read some special Sutras Buddhist scriptures and the pond became too small for the dragon to live there any more.

長嶽山 龍巣院 Ryuso-In
Okazaki, Fukuroi, Shizuoka
- homepage of the temple : -

Yugashima 天城湯ヶ島町 Amagi Yugashima town

. kani 蟹 crabs .
Once upon a time the rain did not stop at the end of the rainy season and there was a lot of kiri 霧 fog. Above the waterfall with three falls there was a priest walking when suddenly a huge crab with a black back appeared, spitting out black clouds and fog. The priest begun to recite special Buddhist prayers and the crab fell into the basin of the waterfall. The fog stopped. Since then the uppermost of the three waterfalls is called
kanidaru かにだる crab waterfall.

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. taki no nushi 滝の主と伝説 Legends about the master of the waterfall .
It is
. Jorogumo 女郎蜘蛛 / 女郎ぐも "woman spider" Yokai spider .
a spider that can transform into a seductive woman.

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Joren no Taki 浄蓮の滝 Jōren Falls. Waterfall
A famous waterfall in Izu in the headwaters of the Kano River. Joren Falls is situated among deep forests, and drops from basalt cliffs 25m high and 7m wide. The cold mountain air and water spray feels chilly even in the summer. Downstream from the plunge pool is the regular Amagi international trout fishing site. Along the valley are wasabi fields, a specialty of Amagi.
- reference source : -

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Hatcho ike 八丁池 Hatcho Pond
The master of the pond at Hatcho Ike is ooshika 大鹿 a big deer or 七首の大蛇 a large serpent with seven heads.

. Legends about ike no nushi 池の主 と伝説 the Master of the Pond .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
湯ヶ島 - ok // 9 下田市 collecting


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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