Showing posts with label Daruma Museum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daruma Museum. Show all posts

8 Dec 2020

KANNON - Seisuiji Matsugaya

Seisuiji Kannon

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. 江戸三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples of Edo

Seisuiji Kannon 清水寺 観音 - Matsugaya
江北山 Kobokuzan 宝聚院 Hoju-In 清水寺 (せいすいじ) Seisui-Ji (Kiyomizudera)

台東区松が谷2-25-10 / Taito ward, Matsugaya 2-25-10

Senju Kannon Bosatsu 千手観世音菩薩 Kannon with 1000 arms
. Senju Kannon 千手観音 Introduction .

Founded in 829 by on request of 淳和天皇 Emperor Junna (active 823 833) - to pray for the end of an epidemic,
by 慈覚大師 Ennin Jikaku Daishi, who had come from Kyoto, 延暦寺 temple Enryaku-Ji .
Ennin copied the statue of 清水寺 the Kiyomizu temple in Kyoto, making one cut and praying three times after it for the healing of the people.
The temple was located at 平河 Hirakawa in Edo, where many people had died from an epidemic.
During the Edo period it was relocated to 馬喰町 Bakuro cho on request of 、徳川家康 Tokugawa Ieyasu.
In 1657 the temple burned down during the 明暦Meireki fire and was relocated to its present place.

. Ennin - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 / 慈覺大師 (794 – 864) .

. hayariyamai はやり病 / Ryukobyo 流行病と伝説 Legends about epidemics .


shuin 朱印 stamp

 1 "ハンドクリーム "・・・京都よーじや製。
 2 "にほい袋 "・・・京都市中京区「石黒香舗」。
 3 "お年玉袋 "・・・「日本橋 はいばら」。
 4 "お守り "・・・住職デザインのオリジナル。携帯電話に装着可。
omamori お守り amulets

- Homepage of the temple
- source :


This temple is Nr.2 of the
. 江戸三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples of Edo

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .


Emperor Junna 淳和天皇 (785 - 840)
Junna reigned from 823 to 833.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Matsugaya 松が谷 "Valley of Pine Trees", district in Taito

There is also a Machigaya district in 東京都八王子市 Hachioji City.
Matsugaya Station (松が谷駅, Matsugaya-eki) is a station on the Tama Toshi Monorail Line in Hachiōji, Tokyo. The station serves the Kashima and Matsugaya areas of Tama New Town, running above Tokyo Metropolitan Route 156.
There are few shops or municipal facilities nearby, only homes and apartment buildings; the station surroundings are therefore very quiet. Two parks and several schools are also nearby.
- source : wikipedia

. Taitoo, Taitō 台東区 Taito Ward . .

. Join the Kannon Bosatsu Gallery on Facebook .


. 江戸三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples of Edo

- - #edokannon #seisuiji #kiyomizudera #ennin-

5 Dec 2020

EDO - Asakusa Kannon Legends

Asakusa Kannon Legends

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Legends from Asakusa .

Asakusa Kannon densetsu 浅草観音伝説 Legends from Asakusa Kannon Temple
台東区元浅草 Taito ward, Moto-Asakusa 

. Asakusa Kannon Temple  浅草観音 .

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 伝説 legends about Kannon .


. Asakusa 浅草 district in Edo .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Tokyo 浅草 Asakusa

Asakusa Kannon 浅草観音 and temple 浅草寺 Senso-Ji, Asakusadera .

Around the year 1802, a country bump came to Edo for sightseeing. After visiting the Asakusa Kannon he then was on his way back home. On the bank of the river he met a very drunk man who attacked him and killed him . . . at least the man lost his conscience and fell to the ground. When he came back to his senses, he felt for the amulet of the Asakusa Kannon, which he had placed into his breast pocket. The imprint of Kannon had disappeared from the paper. 
Now he knew that Kannon had taken his place and saved his life.

In the compound is the temple
. Denboo-In 伝法院 Denboin, Denbo-In .

Kannon 観音 / Kanzeon 観世音

A man named 土師臣中知 Haji no Nakatomo, an official during the Asuka period around 628, came to the Asakusa area. He heard the story of two brothers, 檜熊浜成 Hinokuma Hamashige and 武成 Takenari. They worked as fishermen. One day they fished a statue of Kannon out of the river, but threw it back. At another place in the river they again caught the Kannon statue in their net. Nakatomo realized it was a special statue and venerated it in his home, making it into a temple and he himself became a priet.
But the statue smelled very much like fish, so he used a lot of incense to get rid of the smell.


ubagaike 姥ヶ池 the pond of the old woman
- quote -
In the old days this unremarkable park with its little pond was shallow marshland that grew smaller and smaller as the city of Edo (old Tokyo) grew around it. In 1891 the local government finally had the marsh filled in and the present day park was put in its place. The name of the pond comes from an old legend concerning a stone pillow housed at a nearby temple.
During the reign of Emperor Yomei (585-587 A.D.), in a place called Asajigahara, there was a small trail connecting Oshu and Shimofusa. It was the only trail in the area and along it there was only a single house, inhabited by an old woman and her beautiful daughter. Any traveler wishing to rest on his journey had to stop over at their house where the old lady would promptly bash his head in with a stone pillow and steal his clothes and belongings. The old lady would then dump the bodies in a nearby pond.
Naturally her daughter was not happy with this and pleaded with the old lady to stop the killings but there was no persuading her. The body count reached 999 and the daughter was desperate to stop the killing.
One day a young man came to stay over and the old lady, as was her habit, took the stone pillow and promptly split his skull open. Upon closer inspection though, the old lady found that she had killed her own daughter who had gone in disguise, hoping that this final sacrifice would persuade the old lady to stop the killings. As the old lady was going mad from the realization of her deeds she took her daughter's corpse and threw herself and the corpse together into the pond.
Since that day, the pond has been knows as Ubagaike, the Pond of the old Lady
(old hag might be a better translation).
- reference source : ubagaike.. -
The daughter turned into daija 大蛇 a large serpent and became the protector deity of the area.
. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake - legends .


. henjoo nanji 変成男子 a boy with a mysterious story .
was saved through the grace of Asakusa Kannon.


. Ennin - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 / 慈覺大師 . - (794 – 864)
and the old man with a white beard


. Legends about Jizo Bosatsu - 地蔵菩薩 .

Around 1760, there lived a priest near the Asakusa Temple, called Arigata Bo ありがた坊 "the thankful priest".
His other name was Rakushin 楽心 (rakuchin . . . to feel at ease), but he was deaf.
He had to make regular prayers at the Jizodoo 地蔵堂 Jizo Hall. When he recited his first prayer, he heard the voice of Jizo callilng him 楽心 Rakushin. Next Jizo called arigatoo gozaimasu 「ありがとうござります」 "thank you very much".
Since then he could hear again and also talk to people.


. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 伝説 legends about Kannon .
migawari Kannon 身代り観音 Kannon as a substitute
As the belief in Kannon spread, a man was walking along the Nihonzutsumi embankment when a robber stabbed him. All his money was stolen, but he did not get any wounds. This happened in 1806.

. Migawari ... the deities substitute for us .

Nihonzutsumi 日本堤 Nihon Embankment, Japan dike district in Taito ward

raijin 雷神 God of Thunderstorm / 浅草寺雷神門 Asakusa temple Kaminari mon gate

. Raijin 雷神 God of Thunder .
. To protect a child from the hoosoo 疱瘡 Hoso smallpox .


. uma 馬 koma 駒伝説 horse legends .
The horse painted on an ema 絵馬 votive tablet walks off to feed and cause trouble at night. To appese it, reins were painted.


浅草仲見世 Asakusa Nakamise

. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
tanukibayashi 狸囃子 "Tanuki Orchestra"
In 1877, at the home of the Ohashi family in 浅草仲見世 the Nakamise, Asakusa, for about half a year many weird things happened.
Well, this was a curse that goes back some time.
An ancestor of the Ohashi family was a Samurai attendant of 伝法院 the temple Denbo-In. He had to clear a bamboo grove in the temple compound, where tatari 祟り a curse was lingering. To appease the deity, a small Shrine was erected to appease the angry deity.
As a protector amulet against fire and disaster, the golden statue of a tanuki was erected.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -

. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. Legends from Asakusa .

. Taitoo, Taitō 台東区 Taito Ward .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #asakusakannonlegends #kannonlegends - - - -

21 Nov 2020

FUDO - Tajima blood Fudo Ibaraki

Tajima Chi Fudo

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼 .

Tajima Migawari Chi Fudo 田島の身代わり血不動尊
Substitute Fudo painted with blood

伝灯山 Dentozan 和光院 Wako-In 明楽寺 Myoraku-Ji

茨城県水戸市田島 / Tajima town, Mito, Ibaraki

Behind the temple is a park with 四国八十八カ所 the 88 temples of the Shikoku Henro walk.

This temple was first erected in 1381 in 鹿島郡 the Kashima district and later moved to 水戸城 the Mito Castle. In 1595 it was moved to Tajima, where 不動堂 a hall for Fudo had already been.
The main statue is 延命地蔵 Enmei Jizo, where people also come to pray for the safe upbringing of children.


Fudo painted on silk by 興教大師 Kogyo Daishi with his own blood
. Kogyo Daishi 興教大師 (1095 - 1143) .


shuin 朱印 stamp

- Homepage of the temple
The 不動堂 Fudo Hall had been rebuilt in 2001.
- source :

. Enmei Jizoo 延命地蔵 life-prolonging Jizo .


This temple is Nr. 26 of the
. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .

. Chokuganji 勅願寺 Chokugan-Ji, "Imperial Temple" .
Temples established by direct orders from an Emperor

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #migawarifudo #fudo #tajima #chifudo -

18 Nov 2020

SHINTO - Ishigami 2 Stone Deity

Ishigami Stone Deity 2

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

Ishigami 石神 Stone Deity
石の神 Ishi no Kami

手力男命 / 天之手力男神 / 天手力男神 Ame no Tajikara Onokami, Amenotajikara O no Kami
天手力男神 Amenotadikaraonokami / Ame-no-tajikarao

Jinseki 石神 a place name in Hiroshima


. Iwagami 岩神 "rock deity" .
Often a special rock or boulder venerated by the villagers.

. Shibagami 柴神 / シバガミ Shibagami / 柴取り神 Shibatorigami .
and トンビョウ神 Tonbyogami

. magaibutsu 磨崖仏散歩 Stone Cliff Buddhas .


Isonokami, iso no kami 石上 (ishi no ue) 石上サン on a stone

- quote -

homepage of

. Isonokami Jingu 石上神宮 .


- - - - - Various shrines with the name Ishigami Jinja 石神神社 / 石神社 - - - - -

- quote -
The "Ishigami-san" (Stone God) on the grounds of 神明神社 Shinmei Jinja Shrine
is worshipped by the women divers since the old days as a god who "grants at least one wish of a woman".
In the present day, many women from all parts of Japan come to worship here.
All you have to do is to write just one wish on the "Wish Paper", and post the Wish Paper in the wish box in front of "Ishigami-san", then pray.
A rather unique good luck charm, which has the embroidery of a star and grills, is also popular.
Because a star could be drawn in one stroke, the women divers believed "they could return where they started after the dive".
Also, the grills implied that "there is no open space from where a demon could enter".
- source : -


source :

高千穂の石神神社 (いしがみじんじゃ)in Takachiho
Deity in Residence is 牛神大明神 Ushigami Daimyojin
. ushigami 牛神 Kami of cattle .
= Ta no Kami, Ta-no-Kami 田の神 Tanokami, God of the Fields


. Onishi Jinja 鬼石神社 Onishi Shrine .
Onishi 鬼石町(おにしまち) was a town located in Tano District, Gunma Prefecture.
The region produced many stones 石の産地.
The protector deity of stones was called 鬼石明神 Onishi Myojin and is known at least since 1703.

oni ishi 鬼石 lit. Demon Stone

- Reference : kojiki.kokugakuin...


. shingun 神軍 / jingun ジングン heavenly army phenomenon .
Stones like arrowheads falling from the sky.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -




- - - Ishigami 石神 often refers to an unusual stone formation, venerated as a deity.

reference : 蒲生郡安土町老蘇式内奥石神社『神社本紀』

青森県黒石市牡丹平大山祇神社 砲弾鬼石神
大山祇神社(おおやまづみじんじゃ)Oyamazumi Jinja


Hakoishi Jinja 箱石神社
in 宮城県 Miyagi 石巻市 Ishinomaki city

. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
A ujigami 氏神 clan deity of the ashigaru 足軽 soldiers of the Sendai domain, who lived in 成田町 the Narita town, along 北上川 the river Kitakamigawa.
When 坂上宿禰高道 Sakanoue Sukune passed here in 863 to fight the Emishi, he found his death here.
His soul turned into a dragon and caused great flooding. To appease his soul, the shrine was erected.

. ashigaru 足軽 "light legs", common foot soldier .

. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811) .


Retsuishi Jinja 裂石神社 "split stone" Shrine
in Yamanashi 山梨県, Enzan city - 岩盤から湯が湧出
The saddle of the deity riding to Retsuishi Shrine became a stone.

At the temple 裂石山 雲峰寺 Retsuishizan Unpo-Ji
source :


Tateiwa Jinja 立石神社 (たていわじんじゃ) "standing stone" in various places / 立石稲荷
- photos -


. ubusuna ishi うぶすな石 stone for the Deity of Birth .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

// 石の神
There is 自然石の神 a natural stone deity called 松倉様 Matsukura sama.
They say if flew here in one night.

source :
Matsukura Jinja 松倉神社
Aomori, 五所川原市前田野目


....................................................................... Akita 秋田県 .....
秋田市 Akita city 金足 Kanaashi

Ishigami Sama 石神様
At 鳰崎 Niozaki there are two hokora 祠 small Shrines, one dedicated to 石神様 Ishigami Sama and one to 白山様 Hakusan Sama.
At the Hakusan Shrine, amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals are performed. If they do not bring any result, the next rain ritual is performed at the Shrine for Ishigami Sama.
. amagoi 雨乞いと伝説 Legends about rain rituals / Regenzauber .

....................................................................... Aomori 青森県 .....
大石神社 Shrine Oishi Jinja

Gomiso ゴミソ a Shaman like the Itako
Around 1920, 工藤むら Kudo Mura was worried about the health of his daughter さだ Sada. He consulted a local Gomiso Shaman, who told him she should to go to 赤倉山 Mount Akakurayama.
For three years and three months, she went to venerate the ウブスナさま Ubusuna-Sama in the village of 鼻和村 Hanawa. At the end of this time, 成田の不動様 the great Fudo of Narita showed his form. The following year from the New Year on she went to Akakura and the shrine 大石神社 Oishi Jinja for three days of prayer and eventually became a Gomiso Shaman.
The Shrine 赤倉山神社 Akakurayama Jinja is located at Higashiiwakisan-1-39 Hyakuzawa, Hirosaki.

....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....
今治郡 Imabari district // 石神サン

There is kyoseki 巨石 a huge stone megalith and if people touch it, their stomach will begin to ache.

There are various large stones in Imabari.

伯方島 宝股山 石神
石清水八幡神社 磐座
伯方島 喜多浦八幡神社の亀石
- reference and more photos : shamon/kyoseki/ehime/imabari... -

Ehime 西条市 Saijo city 千町 Sencho town // 石の神体

osainoki san, o-sai no ki san おさいのきさん honorable tree at the border
This type of tree is located ath the borders of a village.
One is at 旧加茂村内部落 Kamo village Murauchi hamlet at the pond 御代池 / 御代ヶ池(みよがいけ) Myogaike, where ia rock is venerated as Kami.
At its side are many zoori 草履 straw sandals.
It is venerated as tagori no kami タゴリの神 (tagori means coughing).
If prayers have helped to cure, people offer straw sandals.

. Sekigamisama 咳神様 Deity of coughing .

....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 .....

source :

hanasaki ishi 花咲石 - ハナサキイシ Hanasaki Stone
Yamato Tekeru was on his way to Northern Japan to fight 悪勢(おぜ)Oze, a bad grouop of people.
In the mountains lived majin 魔神 a bad deit (Oze), which did not follow the orders of the Imperial Court but brought trouble to the villagers.
This bad deity was overpowered and burned. His daughter was a pure girl, but the soldiers of Takeru captured and killed her. Her maid servant cried herself to death and her soul became a stone. The stone was called Hanasaki "Stone of flowering blossoms".
The stone is now a historical landmark in 片品村 Katashina village.
Another version of the legend tells of the wife of Oze, which had hidden in a cave. The enemy set fire to the cave and she died in the flames. Her dead body begun to grow into a large stone, with the pattern of rainbow-colored botan 牡丹 peony blossoms.
After her death, the villagers begun to get ill and have misfortunes, so they built a red torii 鳥居 Shrine gate and venerated the place as
This part of Katashina village is called 花咲 Hanasaki Hamlet.

. Yamato Takeru 日本武尊 .

. majin 魔神 - akushin, akujin 悪神 devil, Teufel .

....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....
神石郡 Jinseki district 神石高原町 Kogencho town // 石神さん

A 伊勢参りの旅人 pilgrim to the Ise Shrine forgot a package on iwa 岩 a rock, but the villagers found it. First they wanted to throw it away but the next day they put it back in the rock. This went on for a few days and eventually they opened it.
Inside were tamagushi 玉串 branch offerings. The villagers placed them on the rock and venerated them as shintai 神体 the Body of Kami.
Later a stone mason wanted to split the rock, but red blood came out of it.
The stone had originally been the size of a bed, but now it begun to grow more and more into the sky.

. tamagushi 玉串 offering of a sacred Sakaki branch .

. shintai 神体 "body of the deity" .

Hiroshima 庄原市 Shobara city 東城町 Tojo town

. Ishigami san 石神さん The Venerable Stone Deity .

....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 .....
明石市 Akashi city // 明石の神 Kami from Akashi

. Kakinomoto Jinja 柿本神社 Shinto Shrine in Akashi, Hyogo .
moojoozakura 盲杖櫻 / 盲杖桜 "Blind Stick Cherry".
A blind person from 筑紫 Tsukushi no Kuni province come here and repeated the prayer for a certain time:
ほのゞとまこと明石の神ならば 我にも見せよ人丸の塚
When he could see again, he placed his blind stick here and it grew into a cherry tree.

Hyogo 神戸市 Kobe city まや山天上寺 Mayasan Tenjo-Ji

yakusui shinkoo 薬水信仰 belief in healing water
At the temple Tenjo-Ji there is a special stone monument with a hole on the top, where the water collects.
In former times this was attributed to 石神 Ishigami or 石仏地蔵碑 a stone statue of Jizo Bosatsu.
The water would heal eye diseases.

. Maya san Tenjooji 摩耶山天上寺 Tenjo-Ji .

....................................................................... Iwate 岩手県 .....
八幡平市 Hachimandaira city

Shizukuishi Jinja 滴石神社

At this Shrine there is a mysterious stone with an opening like a bottle to pour a drink. On its top it makes a sound like シズクイシ "shizuku ishi", on the bottom it makes a dripping sound like tantan タンタン. Many people come here to take a look. The local headman who had to guide the visitors became weary of the job and split the top of the spring stone. As a curse his family became very poor, but the story was told from grandfather to grandchild.

....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....
さぬき市 Sanuki city // 田石の神様 Taishi no Kamisama

. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
The neighbour of 広瀬 Hirose san once said "I am going to pray at 田石の神様 Taishi no Kamisama sanctuary. When he wanted to go back, it was already quite dark. Suddenly 白い狸 a white tanuki appeared in front of him. This Tanuki, quite a Yokai monster, was called Ashimagari 足まがり Ashi-Magari, trying to prevent him from going straight .
But he kicked the animal with one leg, so it disappeared.
It took him more than 12 hours to get home.

....................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 .....
鎌倉市 Kamakura city

At the Shrine 石神神社 Ishigami Jinja (In the compound of Goryo Jinja) there is an annual ritual on the 25th of July to appease the local 河童 Kappa. Young men with bowls of offerings swim as far as the point from where the island of Enoshima can be seen, then they throw the offerings into the sea. This will prevent the Kappa from doing harm to the swimmers on the famous beach.
. Kappa Legends from Kanagawa 神奈川 .

....................................................................... Kochi 高知県 .....
幡多郡 Hata district 西土佐村 Nishi-Tosa village // 石神さん

. kannazuki 神無月 month where the Kami are absent .
kami no rusu 神の留守 the gods are absent
This is the 10th lunar month, when the Kami father at 出雲 Izumo.
During that time Izumo no matsu 出雲の松 the pine of Izumo begins to bend.
Konpira san 金毘羅さん and 石神さん Ishigami san do not go.

. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree / 松の木 matsu no ki .

....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
上京区 Kamigyo ward

iwagami 石神 / イワガミ Iwagami Deity
The rock at 下の石神 Shimo no Iwagami has been pulled here by 高松殿 the lord of Takamatsu. There had been a strange light every night at the top, so the wet nurse of the lord was awarded to become priestess at the temple / shrine to venerate and appease Ishigami 石神寺 / 石神社.
The Shrine is also known as 岩神神社 Iwagami Jinja, 「岩神祠(いわがみし/いわがみ の ほこら)」 Iwagami no Hokora, 、「岩神さん」 Iwagami san or 「岩上神社」 Iwagami Jinja.

Iwagami Shrine (岩上神社) - Daikokucho, Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto
- quote -
It Shrine is very small. When I first visited the place, I almost overlooked it, because the shrine consists of only one water basin and one main building. The size of the shrine is about 10 square meters of land. However, it has obviously been enshrined importantly by local people for a long time.
This shrine's object of worship is this rock.
There is an interesting story related to this rock. In ancient times, this rock used to be placed at Nijo Horikawa. However, people in those days decided to relocate the rock to different places, and they did so several times. The rock was actually really upset about it, and some people heard the sound of crying from the rock at night. What is more, soon after the relocations, many unfortunate accidents happened in Kyoto over and over again. People of that time were terrified and started to believe that these accidents were results of the rock's wrath. Consequently, people decided to establish a shrine to appease the wrath of the rock, and they restored the peace in the city. Today, we can still see the rock enshrined at Iwagami Shrine. - source and more photos : -

....................................................................... Mie 三重県 .....
河藝郡 Kawage district 栗眞村 Kurima village // 石神

A woman in the village became ill. An oracle told her, it was because the family had burned down the little forest around the local Shrine for 石神 Ishigami. Since then the family begun to pray at the Shrine and never cut a tree from there again.

....................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県 .....
西都市 Saito city 銀鏡 Shiromi // 石神

tatsu no koma 龍の駒 horse of a dragon
On the Westernn slope of 龍房山 Mount Ryubusuyama there is a hamlet called 秋切集落 Akkiri.
There is 石神 a stone deity named Ryu no Tama 龍之玉. In the nearby river the tatsu no koma 龍の駒 horse of the deity comes do drink.

銀鏡(しらみ)神社 Shirami Jinja / 銀鏡神社(しろみ神社) Shiromi Shrine
- reference source : -

....................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 .....
マユイシノカミは前石の神 mayuishi no kami

モンイシノカミ mon ishi no kami
門の石の神 stone deity of the gate

パライシノカミ para ishi no kami
パライシノカミ(腹石 hara no ishi) は柱石の神である。

シティイシノカミshitii ishi no kami

ウヤイシノカミ waya ishi no kami

....................................................................... Osaka 大阪府 .....
天王寺区 Tennoji ward

During the construction of 四天王寺 Shitenno-Ji temple, ox carts were used to transport the stones. When the construction was finished, one bull turned into a stone.
He is now venerated at 石神の祠 a small Ishigami Shrine, Ishigami Do 石神堂.

. Temple Shitenno-Ji 四天王寺 .

....................................................................... Saga 佐賀県 .....
東松浦郡 Higashi-Matsuura district 鎮西町 Chinzei town // 石の神

ochosusama, o-chosu sama おちょす様 Deity to protect children
At the roadside is a stone deity named O-Chosu Sama, venerated in a small shrine with a thatched roof.
On the 20th day of the New Year there is 的射り a ritual of children shooting at a target. The small shrine was once relocated to 十二社宮 the place for 12 Shrines, but a priest said this was not good, so it was brought back to its old place.

....................................................................... Shimane 島根県 .....
浜田市 Hamada city

Once upon a time, there was a huge rock. If people touched it, they got crazy or even died. When スサノオノミコト the Deity Susanoo no Mikoto split it into two parts, the strange things did not happen any more. One of these rocks gave name to the Shrine erected there, 石神神社 Ishigami Jinja.

....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
練馬区 Nerima ward

. Shakujii Park 石神井公園 Shakujii Koen .
石神井神社 Shrine Shakujii Jinja

sakana 魚 fish
At 石神井の池 the pond in Shakuji Park there lived a strange fish, each of its scales looked like a torii 鳥居 gate of a Shinto shrine.
During flooding this fish is swept out to the surrounding rice and vegetable fields. The villagers revere it as a messenger of the deity of Shajuji Shrine and never catch it.

- - - - - 石神井川 River Shakujigawa
Once a man heard the bell of a bicycle along the river Shakujigawa.
There were very few bycicles in this area and it might have been the mischief of the ghost of someone who had once fallen into the river and drowned.
Suddenly the place became quite popular and many people came to look out for the ghost.
Finally they realized it was the voice of frogs and the excitement died down.

. Yamata no orochi 山田の大蛇 / 八岐大蛇 huge monster serpent .

....................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 .....
防府市 Hofu city // 立石

Tateishi Inari 立石稲荷 / 立石稲荷神社
Dannouracho, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi

Built in the slope in three steps.

Tateishi Inari Myojin 立石稲荷明神
Once the elder brother was very sick and his life in danger. The parents went to 立石稲荷社 Tateishi Inari Jinja to pray for his recovery. The next morning there was a long flag from white cotton hanging from the ceiling. The flag touched the cheek of the boy, fell down before the mother and then vanished. The sick boy recovered very soon. The flag must have been from the Deity of the Tateishi Shrine.

. momen 木綿 legends about cotton .
大島郡 Oshima district 周防大島町 Suo Oshima town

On the mountain near the Shrine 志度石神社 Shidoishi Jinja there is a bird with white patterns below its wings. It is said to be fed by the Deity itself.
On the 11th day of the new year, there is a ritual called Otogui, O-to kui 御鳥喰 "feeding the bird", when the bird is fed. If the bird does not eat the food, there will be a bad year with disasters ahead.

....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 .....
// 石の神

On the 14th day of the New Year the Dosojin 道祖神 Wayside Gods are venerated as 石の神 Ishi no Kami. The fire of the ritual will protect children from getting ill.
. Doosojin 道祖神 Dosojin, Dososhin - Legends about Wayside Gods .

. Yooka sama. Yōka 八日様 Yoka Sama, the Honorable Day Eight .
oyooka sama お八日様 O-Yoka Sama


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- #ishigami #stonedeity #stone #rock #iwagami #rockdeity #tateishi #shibaori #jizo #jinzeki #shakuji #magaibutsu -

16 Nov 2020

SHINTO - shinshi otsukai messenger

shinshi otsukai messenger

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

shinshi 神使 messenger of god, divine messenger
kami no o-tsukai 神のお使い / 神の使い

. Yama no Kami, Yama-no-Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain .

- - - - - Yamanokami has some animal messengers :

. Sarugami 猿神 The Monkey Deity .
. Inugami 犬神 The Wolf Deity .
. Hebigami 蛇神 The Snake Deity .

. hitotsume kozo 一つ目小僧 and 厄神 .
. inoshishi 猪 wild boar .
. kitsune 狐 fox .
. ningyo 人魚 human fish .
. risu リス / 栗鼠 squirrel .
. shika 鹿 deer .
. usagi 兎 rabbit, hare .

source :
神の使い 鹿は奈良の象徴


- more animal messengers of other deities -

. hachi 蜂 bee - Futaarayama Jinja 二荒山神社 .

. hato 鳩 dove - Hachimangu shrines 八幡宮 .

. hebi 蛇 snake / serpent - Benzaiten 弁才天 at Oomiwa Jinja 大神神社 .

. Inari Daimyojin 稲荷大明神 Great Fox Deity .

. inoshishi 猪 wild boar - Go-O Jinja 護王神社 - Wake Jinja 和気神社 .

. kame 亀 turtle - Matsunoo Taisha 松尾大社 .

. kani 蟹 crab - Konpira Shrine 金刀比羅宮  .

. karasu 烏 crow - Kumano Sanzan 熊野三山 .

. koi 鯉 carp - Osaki Jinja 大前神社 .
the deity venerated is - Ebisu 恵比寿, he usually holds a tai 鯛 sea bream.

. kujira 鯨 whale fish - God of the Sea 海の神 .

. mukade ムカデ centipede - Bishamonten 毘沙門天 .

. nezumi 鼠 mouse / rat - Daikoku Ten大黒天 .

. niwatori 鶏 rooster - Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮 / Isonokami Jingu 石上神宮 .

. ookami, okami 狼 wolf - Mitsumine Jinja 三峰神社 / 三峯 .

. sagi 鷺 heron - Kehi Jingu 氣比神宮 .

. shirohebi 白蛇 white serpent - Suwa Jinja 諏訪神社 .

. tora 虎 tiger - Mount Shigisan 信貴山 Chogo Sonshi-Ji 朝護孫子寺 .

. tsuru 鶴 crane - Suwa Taisha 諏訪大社 .

. umihebi, orochi 海蛇 sea snake - Izumo Taisha 出雲大社 .

. unagi 鰻 eel .

. usagi 兎 rabbit / hare - Sumiyoshi Taisha 住吉大社 / Okazaki Jinja 岡崎神社/ Tsuki Jinja 調神社 .

. ushi 牛 bull, oxen - Tenmangu 天満宮 . - Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真


- Reference : 神のお使い

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


クジラは海の資源か神獣か Is the whale a source of meat from the sea or a divine animal?

kujira 鯨 whale fish ,umigami 海神
In areas where they fish for for whales and also in areas where they do not, he is venerated as the messenger of
. Umi no Kami 海の神 God of the Sea .

宮城県 Miyagi 気仙沼市 Kesennuma city 唐桑町 / 白鯨 white whale

. Shrine Osaki Jinja 御崎神社 .
There is a legend from a shipwrecked boat, that was rescued by 白鯨 a large white whale fish and brought to this shore safely.
The white whale, as the deity 御崎明神 Osaki Myojin, came riding on 白馬 a white horse. He sat down on the beach on a mat of warabi ワラビ bracken, fern,.
So the people in this area, to show their respect of the deity, never eat whale meat or bracken.


. unagi 鰻 eel - Mishima Taisha 三嶋大社 .
鹿児島県 Kagoshima 大島郡 Oshima district 瀬戸内町 Setouchi town

In the hamlet 大島郡古仁屋町勝浦 Katsuura there was one izumi 泉 spring, where many eels lives. hHe nearby villagers venerated them as divine messengers and would never catch or eat them.
Some had a mark on the head as special messengers.


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
南設楽郡 Minami-Shitara district 長篠村 Nagashina village

yamakagashi ヤマカカシ poisonous snake, Rhabdophis family
If there is raimei 雷鳴 a thunderstorm, this snake is going up to heaven (or so some people say.)
This snake is a divine messenger, the messenger of Atago 愛宕 or the messenger of 山の神 Yamanokami.

....................................................................... Chiba 千葉県 .....
船橋市 Funabashi city

The messenger of the Shrine at Funabashi is shika 鹿 the deer. Six people who had killed a deer got a divine punishment. Their homes burned down and they all got a high fever and died the same day.

....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....
松山市 Takamatsu city

. Sai no Kami, Sainokami 塞の神 and 道祖神 Dosojin, Dososhin deities .
Sai no Kami is venerated in many villages. The Deity is also seen as a matsu 松 pine tree and often shirohebi 白蛇 a white serpent lives there. This serpent is seen as 塞の神の使い the messenger of the Deity.

....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
いわき市 Iwaki city

The messenger at the Shrine 四八社神 Shishu Jinja is kamome かもめ a sea gull. People are not allowed to catch and eat this bird.
四十八社山神社 - Shimokori-14 Shimokoriyama, Tomioka, Futaba District, Fukushima

南会津郡 Minami-Aizu district 檜枝岐村 Hinoemata village
. Hashiba no Banba 橋場のばんば the old woman at the bridge .

....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....

shiro mamushi 白蝮 white viper
This animal is also called オハッスン Ohassun.
It is the messenger of the deity and thus never hunted.

....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....

habu 波布 pit viper
The messenger of 山の神 Yamanokami. On special ritual days it might appear.
One day on the second day of the New Year, a carpenter prepared offerings and there he saw two vipers coiled on this tool box.

....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
亀岡市 Kameoka city 大井町 Oi town
. Carp Koi Daimyojin 鯉大明神 from Tanba province .

....................................................................... Kumamoto 熊本県 .....

shinshi no tori 神使の鳥 a bird as divine messenger
Going down the river 球磨川 Kumagawa there is a stone gate and cave named 神の瀬 / 神瀬 Kami no Se.
In this cave lived a bird with only one leg, the divine messenger, venerated by the local people.
They fear if they capture the bird, the village will be cursed.
If they drink from the water in the cave, all illness will be cured and they will live a long healthy life.
球磨村 神瀬石灰洞窟
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

....................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県 .....
東臼杵郡 Higashi-Usuki district 諸塚村 Morotsuka village

. shirozaru シロザル / 白猿 hakuen - a white monkey .
of 市山大明神 Ichiyama Daimyojin.
- - - - -
At the stone lantern near the torii 鳥居 gate of the Shrine 愛宕神社 Atago Jinja there lives hebi 蛇 a serpent as 神の使い the messenger of the Deity.

宮崎市 Miyazaki city 青島 Aoshima

miyakodori 都鳥 / yurikamome, 百合鴎 ユリカモメ hooded gull, Larus ridibundus
In Aoshima there lived a couple of hooded gulls. They were venerated as divine messengers.

Miyazaki 登米市 Tome city

oino, o-ino オイノ, (oinu, o-inu オイヌ) 狼 wolf
The pronounciation oino instead oinu is an expression of veneration.
Once upon a time, a wolf had come from Mitsumine Shrine as a divine messenger. If people met him, they would greet him and say
"Honorable Wolf, please protect our fields carefully!"

. Shrine Mitsumine Jinja 三峰神社 / 三峯 .

....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
茅野市 Chino city

shinshi no tori 神使の鳥 a bird as messenger
At the peak of 蓼科の峯 Mount Tateshina there lives 神鳥 a divine bird, resembling a raichoo 雷鳥 Raicho snow grouse, "Thunderbird".
In the morning and evening its voice can be heard to announce the time. The male bird is rather black, the female more yellow, with a black breast and white spots on it.
The chicks like to eat matsu no mi 松の実 pine nuts and green pine leaves.

- - - - -
shinshi no tori, uma 神使の鳥,馬 bird and horse as divine messenger
In former times when many horses were kept outside, about six were selected and offered to 権現 the Gongen Deity.
When the horses kneeled in front of the Shrine, a divine bird messenger came with small branches of a pine tree and offered them to the horses. The horses took them in their mouth and went home. If the branches are kept close, the horses will not have problems with wild animals or dokuhebi 毒蛇 poisonous serpents.

Nagano 諏訪市 Suwa city

shinshi no kitsune 神使の狐 the fox as divine messenger

source : suwatakken.naganoblog...

諏訪湖 Lake Suwako freezes every year in the coldest season.
During that time, the 神狐 divine Fox messenger might walk over the lake to the Suwa Shrine. Sometimes even horses with heavy burdens can cross it.
If there is no Fox messenger walking over the ice, it is not strong enough.
In Spring, when it gets warmer and the ice melts, the fox comes back from the Shrine and walks back over the lake. From that time on, humans can not cross any more and the ice melts.

. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain and fox legends .

....................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 .....
石垣市 Ishigaki city / 神の使い

karasu 烏 a crow
The crow is seen as the messenger of the Deity. It is called bunaji 女頭(婢、ブナジ).

....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 .....
春日部市 Kasuga city

. three masks of 竜神 the Dragon Deity .

....................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県 .....
犬上郡 Inugami district 多賀町 Taga town

During the main festival on November 1 there are many ritual offerings at 八幡神社 the Shrine Hachiman Jinja.
A senjiki dana センジキ棚 special ritual shelf for offering of rice, called senjiki 握り飯(センジキ). When the priest claps his hands two times, the sound will wake two karasu 烏 crows which come to eat the offerings. They are the messengers of this Shrine and are called
okarasu, o-karasu オカラス "venerable crows".

....................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県 .....
東伯郡 Tohaku district 三朝町 Misasa town

shiro ookami 白狼 a white wolf
. Legends from Misasa Onsen 三朝温泉 Misasa Hot Spring .

....................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県 .....

. Keyamura Rokusuke 毛谷村 六助 .
A strong farmer turned samurai and messenger of the Deity. He got records of the art of war from a Shrine at the foothills of Mount Hikatayama, where the Deity Kora 高良 is venerated.
みなべ町 Minabe Town

A 天狗 Tengu is the messenger of 秋葉の神 the Akiba deity.
. Akibagongen 秋葉権現 Akiba Gongen .

....................................................................... Yamagata 山形県 .....
長井市 Nagai city / 神の使い

. shishimai 獅子舞 a lion dance for Inari .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- #shinshi #kaminotsukai #kaminootsukai #otsukai #messenger #usagi -