Showing posts with label EDO - Tokyo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EDO - Tokyo. Show all posts

27 Jan 2020

EDO - Koyasan Kaido pilgrim roads

Edo - the EDOPEDIA -

Koya Kaido pilgrim roads

Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:58 PM PST

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Koya Kaido 高野街道 pilgrim roads

. Mount Koya San in Wakayama 高野山 和歌山県 .
- Introduction
Koyasan is a sacred mountain monastery of the Shingon sect of esoteric Buddhism, founded by

. Kukai Kobo Daishi 空海、弘法大師 .


Various routes are leading to Mount Koyasan. They start either in Kyoto or in Osaka.
Most came together at 河内長野 Kawachi Nagano in Osaka and made the way to the mountain from there.
Another starting point was 橋本市 Hashimoto city in Wakayama.

They were popular pilgrim roads since the Heian period then Kukai founded the monastery.

- - - - - Coming from Kawachi Nagano were
東高野街道 Higashi Koya Kaido
中高野街道 Naka Koya Kaido
下高野街道 Shimo Koya Kaido
西高野街道 Nishi Koya Kaido

- - - - - Coming from Hashimoto were
町石道 Choishi michi
京大坂道 Kyo-Osaka michi
勅使坂 Chokushi saka - 三谷坂(ミタニザカ)Mitanizaka slope
黒河道 Kuroko michi


東高野街道 Higashi Koya Kaido

中高野街道 Naka Koya Kaido

下高野街道 Shimo Koya Kaido

西高野街道 Nishi Koya Kaido

長野から橋本 from Nagano to Hashimoto


- Detailed introduction to the hiking courses -
. source : .


Koya nanakuchi kaido 高野七口街道 seven entries to Mount Koyasan

高野山町石道(チョウイシミチ)Choichi michi
also called
麻生津道(おうづみち)Ouzu michi
- reference source : -

黒河道(クロコミチ)Kuroko michi  

高野街道京大坂道(キョウオオサカミチ)Kyo-Osaka michi
世界遺産 高野参詣道 不動坂は、高野街道京大坂道のルートマップ上のいろは坂を起点とするルート(地図上では「不動坂ルート」と表記)となります。


大峰道(オオミネミチ)Omine michi

有田・龍神道(アリダ・リュウジンミチ)Arida Ryujin michi

相ノ浦道(アイノウラミチ)Ainoura michi

三谷坂(ミタニザカ)Mitanizaka slope / 勅使坂 Chokushisaka slope

女人道(ニョニンミチ)Nyonin michi - road for women 

はじめての『高野七口と参詣道』入門 Introduction to the seven entries
- reference and many photos : -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #koyakaido #koyasan #kukai #kobodaishi #nyoninmichi - - - -
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EDO - Hagi Okan Highway

Hagi Okan Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Hagi ookan 萩往還 Hagi Okan Road
Yamaguchi Kaido 山口街道 Yamaguchi Highway

Connecting Hagi city at the Sea of Japan and 三田尻 Mitajiri (now 長府 Chofu) on the Inland Sea, via Yamaguchi city.

The 毛利氏 Mori clan lived in Hagi and used the 萩往還 Hagi Okan for Sankin Kotai to Edo.
It was built in 1607 and is about 53 km long. It is about 4 m wide and mostly paved with stone.
It was also used by traders.

Many names of the old postal stations have changed in the Meiji period.
徳山 Tokuyama became part of 周南 Shunan.
小郡 Ogori became part of 山口 Yamaguchi city.
府中 Fuchu became 長門府中 Nagato Fuchu, shortened to 長府 Chofu

introducing four routes
- reference source : hagi-okan.yamaguchi-city... -


There are still many parts with stone pavement and mile markers along the road.

- Click on the photos for more samples ! -

ichirizuka 一里塚 mile mound


Hagi castle 萩城 (CG version)

- quote -
Hagi city (萩市, Hagi-shi)
- History
In the medieval period, Hagi was dominated by the Yoshimi clan, who built Hagi Castle, the ruins of which can be visited today. The Mōri clan became daimyōs of Chōshū Domain at the beginning of the Edo period and built Hagi Castle at the foot of Mt. Shizuki in 1608. They transferred the capital of the domain from Hiroshima to Hagi at the same time. Since then, Hagi developed as the political center of Chōshū for over 250 years.
When the Meiji Restoration came about in the 1860s,
as the result of efforts by samurai from Chōshū and a number of other domains, this small city gained great historical significance. Many Japanese statesmen and Prime Ministers were born and brought up in this city.
On March 6, 2005, Hagi absorbed the towns of Susa and Tamagawa, and the villages of Asahi, Fukue, Kawakami and Mutsumi (all from Abu District) to create the new, expanded city of Hagi.
..... Hagi Pottery (Hagiyaki)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Yamaguchi town 山口市

. Oouchi Daruma 大内だるま Ouchi Daruma
and more Ouchi Lacquer ware 大内人形 Ouchi ningyoo

. More Folk Art from Yamaguchi .


The two towns of Suo and Nagato in Yamaguchi prefecture were connected in the South to the 山陽道 Sanyodo and in the North to the 山陰道 Sanindo.
Hōfu 防府市 Hofu City - "the capital (国府) of Suō Province (周防国)".
Founded in 1936.

- quote
Suō Province (周防国, Suō no kuni)
was a province of Japan in the area that is today the eastern part of Yamaguchi Prefecture. It was sometimes called Bōshū (防州). Suō bordered on Aki, Iwami, and Nagato Provinces.
The ancient provincial capital was in Hōfu. Suō was ruled for much of the Muromachi period by the Ōuchi clan, who built a castle at Yamaguchi. In the Sengoku period it was conquered by the Mōri clan, and was ruled remotely by them for much of the Edo period.
- Historical districts -
Kuga District (玖珂郡)
Kumage District (熊毛郡)
Ōshima District (大島郡)
Saba District (佐波郡)
Tsuno District (都濃郡)
Yoshiki District (吉敷郡)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- quote -
Nagato Province (長門国, Nagato no kuni),
often called Chōshū (長州), was a province of Japan. It was at the extreme western end of Honshū, in the area that is today Yamaguchi Prefecture.[1] Nagato bordered on Iwami and Suō Provinces.
Although the ancient capital of the province was Shimonoseki, Hagi was the seat of the Chōshū han (fief or domain) during the Edo period. Nagato was ruled by the Mōri clan before and after the Battle of Sekigahara.
In 1871 with the abolition of feudal domains and the establishment of prefectures (Haihan Chiken) after the Meiji Restoration, the provinces of Nagato and Suō were combined to eventually establish Yamaguchi Prefecture. At the same time, the province continued to exist for some purposes. For example, Nagato is explicitly recognized in treaties in 1894 (a) between Japan and the United States and (b) between Japan and the United Kingdom.
Historically, the oligarchy that came into power after the Meiji Restoration of 1868 had a strong representation from the Chōshū province, as Itō Hirobumi, Yamagata Aritomo, and Kido Kōin were from there. Other natives famous for their role in the restoration include Yoshida Shōin, Takasugi Shinsaku, and Kusaka Genzui among others.
- Historical districts -
Abu District (阿武郡)
Asa District (厚狭郡)
Mine District (美祢郡)
Mishima District (見島郡)
Ōtsu District (大津郡)
Toyoura District (豊浦郡)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Hagi Okan Matsuri 萩往還工芸まつり Art Festival


Hagi was the center of political activity during the Bakumatsu period, causing the change to the Meiji government.
bakumatsu shishi 幕末志士 born in Hagi :

Yoshida Shōin 吉田松陰 Yoshida Shoin (1830 - 1859)

- Kido Takayoshi 木戸孝允 (1833 - 1877) -

- Takasugi Shinsaku 高杉晋作 (1839 - 1867) -

- Kusaka Genzui 久坂玄瑞 (1840 - 1864) -

- Itō Hirobumi 伊藤博文 Ito Hirobumi (1841 – 1909) -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - ##yamaguchikaido #hagi #hagiokan - - - -

EDO - Kinu no michi silk roads

kinu no michi silk roads

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

kinu no michi 絹の道 the Silk Roads of Japan
shirukuroodoo, shiruku roodo シルクロード Silk Road

浜街道 - 「絹の道」のはなし Hama Kaido - kinu no michi no hanashi
馬場喜信 Baba Yoshinobu

. kinu 絹 silk in Japanese culture .
- Introduction -

. kinu to densetsu 絹と伝説 Silk - legends and tales .


This Silk Road starts deep in 多摩丘陵 the mountains of Tama.
Raw silk has been transported from 八王子 Hachioji to 横浜 Yokohama.
This part is the Hama Kaido 浜街道 Beach Road.
Also called
Yarimizu Kaido 鑓水街道 Yarimizu Highway
About 44 km.
It was used since 1859, then the silk industry grew in Japan and luggage had to be transported to the port of Yokohama.

八王子 Hachioji
片倉台 Katakuradai
鑓水峠 Yarimizu Toge Pass
御殿橋 Gotenbashi gridge
田端 Tabata
町田街道 Machida Kaido - see below
常磐 Tokiwa
木曽 Kiso
小鶴橋 Kozurubashi bridge
南町田駅 Minami-Machida station 
長津田辻 Nagatsuta-tsuji
川井浄水場 Kawai Josuijo
. Nakahara Kaido 中原街道 Nakahara Highway . - branching off to Edo / Tokyo
鶴ヶ峰 Tsurugamine
白根 Shirane
上星川 Kami-Hoshikawa
保土ヶ谷 Hodogaya
浅間台 Sengendai
戸部 Tobe
野毛 Noge
シルクセンター silk center Yokohama

- reference and photos : -

- quote -

Kinu no Michi, or Japanese Silk Road,
is a highway connecting Hachiouji City to Tokyo and Yokohama City of Kanagawa Prefecture and it follows the same journey as today's Route 16.
Hachiouji City had been known as Souto (translated as the city of mulberry) since old times and thrived with the production of raw silk. In 1859, as Yokohama opened its port to limited foreign trade, raw silk became an important export and Hachiouji became a vital hub for raw silk merchants from Nagano and Yamanashi area.
The road frequently used for the raw silk trade was called Yarimizu-kaido or Hama-kaido, but because the road was what the Silk Road was to the Asian continent, it later became known as Kinu no Michi, or Japanese Silk Road.
The road has been recognized for its historical importance and some parts of the road and vicinity were restored and preserved. In Yarimizu region of Hachiouji, there is the Silk Road Museum built inside the ruins of the mansion of a famous raw silk merchant.
The Silk Road is a valuable historical record that has many stories to tell of the silk trade merchants in late Edo period and the Meiji era to this day.
- source : nippon-kichi... -


- quote -
Hachiōji 八王子市, Hachiōji-shi - Hachioji City
- - - - - History
The area of present-day Hachiōji was part of ancient Musashi Province. It has been an important junction point and post town along the Kōshū Kaidō, the main road that connected the historical Edo (today's Tokyo) with western Japan. Hachiōji Castle was built during the Sengoku period in 1584 by Hōjō Ujiteru, but was soon destroyed in 1590 by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. During the Edo period, the area was tenryō controlled directly by the Tokugawa shogunate.
During the Meiji period, Hachiōji prospered as an important location for the production of silk and silk textiles.
The industry faded away, however, in the 1960s.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Machida shi 町田市 Machida city "city of fields" .

Machida Kaido 町田街道 Machida Kaido Avenue
A road between Machida-kaido Iriguchi Intersection in Hachioji city and Machida-shi Tsuji Intersection in Machida city.
- the part running through Machida city, also called 町街 Machikai.
It runs along the river 境川 Sakaigawa,
a watershed between the river 鶴見川 Tsurumigawa going to the Tokyowan 東京湾 Tokyo Bay and
the river Sakaigawa going to the Sagamiwan 相模湾 Sagami Bay.


Silk Road Museum Yarimizu シルクロード鑓水 
Yarimizu, Hachioji, Tokyo

鑓水峠 Yarimizu Toge Pass


- Silk Museum Yokohama - シルク博物館 -


- quote -
The Silk Road or Silk Route in China - Seidenstrasse -

is a network of trade and cultural transmission routes that were central to cultural interaction through regions of the Asian continent connecting the West and East by merchants, pilgrims, monks, soldiers, nomads, and urban dwellers from China and India to the Mediterranean Sea during various periods of time.
- source : wikipedia -

. Silk Road シルクロード - Asian Highway アジアンハイウェイ .


. yama-ai no shiruku roodo 山あいのシルクロード "silk road in the mountains" .
Kotaki Kaido 小滝街道 Kotaki Highway
A waki kaido side road from the Yonezawa Kaido, Yamagata prefecture.

. Chirimen Kaidoo 縮緬街道 the Crepe-Silk Road .
Tango - Chirimen Rekishikan


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -


奥田智久 Okuda Tomohisa


絹の道句会 Kinu no Michi Haiku Group
- reference source : -

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


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. Nakahara Kaido 中原街道 Nakahara Highway .

. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

25 Jan 2020

EDO - Nakahara Kaido

Edo - the EDOPEDIA -

Nakahara Kaido Highway

Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:18 PM PST

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Nakahara Kaido 中原街道 Nakahara Highway
From 平塚 Hiratsuka 御殿 Goten to Edo 江戸; Marunouchi 丸の内.
Crossing the river Tamagawa at 丸子 Maruko.
Connecting the former provinces of 武蔵国 Musashi and 相模国 Sagami.
Back to the 東海道 Tokaido at Nakahara/Hiratsuka.
This route was shorter than the Tokaido from Hiratsuka to Edo.

- - - - - Other names are
Edo Kando 江戸間道 side road to Edo
Kosugi michi 小杉道 road to Kosugi town
Koyashi Kaido こやし街道 - carrying manure out of Edo and coming back the same day
Sarucho Kaido 猿町街道 - leading to the Sarucho district in Edo
Soshu Kaido 相州街道 / 相州道 Soshu Highway, 相模街道 Sagami Highway
o-su kaido お酢街道 vinegar highway - see below

This road has been used by Tokugawa Ieyasu on his way to Edo.
The final route of the Tokaido was planned later.
In the town of Nakahara was an official residence, 中原御殿 Nakahara Goten and this road became a waki kaido 脇街道 side-road.
小杉 Kosugi and 下川井 Shimo-Kawai also had official residences, used by the Shoguns when traveling along the Tokaido or takagari 鷹狩 going hunting with hawks.

Many normal travelers, pilgrims and tradesmen used this road to avoid the Tokaido, which was always used by officials on Sankin Kotai tours to Edo.
. Tokaido 53 stations 東海道五十三次 .

Since this was a side-road, there were no special lodgings along it.
Sakuradamon 桜田門
Gotanda 五反田 
Mita 三田
Togoshi 戸越
Magome 馬込
Maruko no watashi 丸子の渡し Tamagawa 多摩川 river crossing at Maruko
Kosugi 小杉
Odanaka 小田中
Nogawa 野川
Saedo 佐江戸
Seya 瀬谷
Yoda 用田
Nakayama 中山
Sakuragaoka 桜ヶ丘
Samukawa 寒川
Nakahara Goten 中野御殿

. kinu no michi 絹の道 Silk Road / Hachioji to Yokohama .
is branching off from this road.


o-su kaido お酢街道 / 御酢街道 vinegar highway
The road was used to transport vinegar made in 平塚 Hiratsuka to 江戸城 Edo castle.

Tokugawa Ieyasu liked the vinegar from Hiratsuka very much . . .
- reference source : -


- reference with many photos -

- reference course -


Nakahara is now a ward of Kawasaki city.
Primarily a commuter suburb, Nakahara-ku has popular green spaces by the Tama River, including parks, a fishing pond, and cherry blossom picnic spots near Nikaryo dike. Spectators take in soccer and track events at Todoroki Stadium and basketball at Todoroki Arena. Exhibits at Kawasaki City Museum trace the city's growth from ancient times to present day. Noodle bars and izakayas surround Musashi-Nakahara Station.
- source : -


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #nakahara #nakaharakaido #osu #vinegar - - - -
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22 Jan 2020

EDO - Hida Nomugi Kaido

Edo - the EDOPEDIA -

Hida Nomugi Buri Kaido highways

Posted: 15 Jan 2020 08:56 PM PST

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Hida Kaido 飛騨街道 and Nomugi Kaido 野麦街道

The part from Toyama to Hida-Takayama is called Hida Kaido.
The part from Takayama via the Nomugi pass to Matsumoto is called Nomugi Kaido.

Used to transport buri 鰤 yellowtail fish to Takayama (Gifu) and Matsumoto (Nagano).

. buri 鰤 (ぶり) yellowtail .
Yellowtail is used for the New Year soup (zooni) in Western Japan.

鰤街道―その歴史と文化 Buri Kaido - History and Culture
市川健夫 北林吉弘 菅田一衛

ーーーーー not to mix with
. shio no michi 塩の道 the salt roads of Japan .
The main "Salt Road" was used for transportation of salt from Toyama at the Nihonkai 日本海 Sea of Japan to 松本 Matsumoto in Nagano.
Also known as
Chikuni Kaido (Chikoku Kaido) 千国街道 or Matsumoto Kaido 松本街道


Hida Kaido 飛騨街道 Hida Highway

From 富山県富山市 Toyama city to 岐阜県高山市 Takayama city in Gifu - two roads

- Passing 猪谷 Inotani and along the gorge of the river 宮川 Miyagawa past the 宮川盆地 Miyagawa plain to Takayama.
This part is also called 越中西街道 Etchu Nishi Kaido - Western Road.

- Passing the gorge of the river 高原川 Takaharagawa, crossing the 古川盆地 Furukawa plain to Takayama.
This part is also called 越中東街道 Etchu Higashi Kaido - Eastern Road.

source : 飛騨ぶりのみち

Yellowtail transported from the sea of Toyama to Takayama was called Etchu buri 越中ブリ and
in Matsumoto it was called Hida buri 飛騨ブリ.
Hidaburi no michi 飛騨ぶりのみち road to Hida for the yellowtail

. buri 鰤 (ぶり) yellowtail .
Yellowtail is used for the New Year soup (zooni) in Western Japan.

buri kaido 鰤街道 yellowtail road


Present-day national highway nr. 41.
- reference source : -


鰤のきた道 Buri ga kita michi - the road where Buri was transported
松本市立博物館 (著, 編集)


Hida Seseragi Kaido 飛騨せせらぎ街道 Autumn Colour Road

Autumn Colors Along the Seseragi Kaido
Beginning in late October, stunning autumn colors abound in and around Gujo Hachiman, and are easily seen along national highway 472 between Gujo Hachiman and Hida Takayama. Along the way are many waterfalls and hiking trails, and of course delicious restaurants where you can stop and enjoy a nice meal or a light snack.
- seseragikaido official website -

Also called
飛騨美濃せせらぎ街道 Hida Mino Seseragi Kaido
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- quote -
Gifu Meiho,Gujo-shi.Kiyomi-cho,Takayama-shi
Broadleaf trees such as a Japanese oak, beech, and the Japanese larch along the highway are dyed gold. Especially, the route from around Meiho Highland to Kiyomi-cho, Takayama City is a splendid place abundant in untouched nature.
Due to altitude difference, the best time of the to view autumn in full bloom varies according to the place and the climate of the year.
- source : -


Nomugi Kaido 野麦街道 Nomugi Highway
Kaido to transport yellow tail (see above) and

Hida jokoo no kayoi-michi 飛騨女工の通い道
road used by the female workers of the Hida region.

The road was used in modern times by women who had to go to work in the silk factories
in 岡谷 Okaya and 諏訪 Suwa in Nagano.

From 信州松本 Matsumoto via the Nomugi Toge 野麦峠 Nomugi pass to 岐阜高山 Gifu Takayama.
An important road to connect Eastern and Western Japan.
nomugi is local word for kumazasa クマザサ / 熊笹 Kumasasa reed grass.

野麦峠 Nomugi Pass

野麦街道を行く Walking the Nomugi Kaido
- page with many photos -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -


松本たかし Matsumoto Takashi


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. Hida no Takumi Kaido 飛騨の匠街道 Hida Craftsmen Road .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #hidakaido #nomugikaido #burikaido #nomugitoge #nomugipass #matsumoto #takayama - - - -
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16 Jan 2020

EDO - Bungo Kaido highway

Bungo Kaido Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Bungo Kaido 豊後街道 Bungo Highway

Connecting 熊本 Kumamoto city with 鶴崎 Tsurusaki in Oita.
About 124 km long. Now mostly National Highway 57.
In former times it took 5 days from Kumamoto to the harbour of Tsurusaki, and from there by ship on to Edo.

source :

Higo no Kuni Kumamoto 肥後国熊本 (present-day Kumamoto city)
Bungo no Kuni Tsurusaki 豊後国鶴崎 (present-day in Oita city)

Also called
Bungo Okan 豊後往還 Bungo Road / Higo Okan 肥後往還 Higo road

Built mostly by 加藤清正 Kato Kiyomasa for Sankin Kotai of 熊本藩 the Kumamoto domain
and 岡藩 the Oka domain (located in Oita).
The part leading from Oita to 肥後国 Higo no Kuni (Kumamoto) was called
Higo Kaido 肥後街道 Higo Highway.

. Kato Kiyomasa 加藤清正 (1562 - 1611) .


- stations on the road -
Kumamoto castle, Fuda no Tsuji 熊本城の札の辻
大津 Ozu (菊池郡 Kikuchi district)
内牧 Uchinomaki
白丹 Shirani
久住 Kuju
境川 Sakaigawa
追分 Oiwake
上野 Ueno
神堤 Kamitsutsumi
今市 Imaichi
野津原 Notsuhara
木上 Kinoe
八幡田 Hachimanda
津守 Tsumori
萩原 Hagiwara
鶴崎 Tsurusaki

Kumamoto Prefecture
Starting Location: Kumamoto Castle (熊本城) (Kumamoto)
1. Ōzu-shuku (大津宿) (Ōzu, Kikuchi District)
2. Uchinomaki-shuku (内牧宿) (Aso)
3. Sakanashi-shuku (坂梨宿) (Aso)

Ōita Prefecture
4. Kujū-shuku (久住宿) (Taketa)
5. Imaichi-shuku (今市宿) (Ōita)
6. Notsuhara-shuku (野津原宿) (Ōita)
Ending Location: Port of Tsurusaki (鶴崎港) (Ōita)

野津原 Notsuhara


The part from Kumamoto to Ozu was called
Ozu Kaido 大津街道 Ozu Highway.

The part from 大津町 Ozu town to 阿蘇市 Aso city was called
Seisho Kodo 清正公道(せいしょこどう)Road of Kiyomasa


- - - - - Kumamoto no Ishitatami no Michi 石畳の道 old roads with stone pavement

At some parts of the old road there are still 石畳 stone pavements and 杉並木 roads lined with cedar trees.
The stone pavement was usually 3.8 m wide and sometimes lasted for more than 500 m.

Bentenzaka no ishitatami 弁天坂石畳 Benten slope
About 3.7 m wide and 80 m long. Built in 1807, taking 4 years.
Now there is a favorite promenade called 弁天坂の石畳.

Futae no Toge 二重峠 Futae Pass stone pavement

Imaichi no ishitatami 今市の石畳
野津原町今市の石畳 Notsuhara town Imaichi no ishitatami
About 8.5 m wide and 660 m long.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Sakanashi 坂梨 "no slope"
There was a postal station in Sakanashi.
From Sakanashi Sekisho 坂梨関所 the barrier station up to the slope of the outer ring of the mountain the pavement was 3 km long.
At the top of the slope was a Shrine, 護法社 Gosama ごうさま」.
- - - The Sakanashi clan 坂梨氏
阿蘇大宮司族 . High Priests at the Aso Shrine.
. Aso jinja 阿蘇神社 Aso Shrine .

Sakai no Matsuzaka ishitatami 境ノ松坂石畳
About 2.3 m wide and 200 m long. The stones are now covered with moss.
From here it is not far to the border of Oita. It was the last difficult pass in Higo.

stone pavement at Takimurozaka slope 滝室坂石畳
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


hyakken ishigaki 百閒石垣 stone wall of 100 ken length
at Kumamoto castle, about 180 long.

The Samurai 山東弥源太 Santo Yagenta jumped down this wall to his death when he realized his life was lost during the fight.


- quote -
- - - - - The Hosokawa clan 細川氏 - - - - -
The Hosokawa of Kokura (later Kumamoto) became the "main" line of the Hosokawa clan during the Edo period. Hosokawa Gracia, the wife of Hosokawa Tadaoki, was one of the most famous samurai converts to Christianity; she was also the daughter of Akechi Mitsuhide.
The Hosokawa sided with Tokugawa Ieyasu against Ishida Mitsunari during the decisive Sekigahara Campaign, and thus were made fudai (inside) daimyō under the Tokugawa shogunate. They were given Higo Province, with an income of 540,000 koku, as their han (fief).
Hosokawa Tadatoshi, the third lord of Kumamoto, was the patron of the swordsman Miyamoto Musashi.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

旧細川刑部邸 mansion of 細川興孝 Lord Hosokawa Okitaka
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

細川コレクション 永青文庫展示室 Hosokawa art collection museum
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

一夜塘(いちやども)Ichiyadomo Embankment to prevent flooding
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Constructed in 1796 by 細川斉茲 Lord Hosokawa Narishige. The stone wall of about 70 length is still there.
If this embankment would break, the town of Kumamoto would be flooded "in one night" (ichiya 一夜).

武蔵塚公園 Musashizuka Koen - Miyamoto Musashi Park and memorial mound
Tatsuda yuge, Kita Ward, Kumamoto
To pray for the safe travel of Sankin Kotai to Edo by the Hosokawa clan.
Inscription : 新免武蔵居士石塔
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

上井手 Kami-Ide, Uwaide, Uwa-Ide / Kamiide
An irrigation canal of about 24 km length to prevent flooding from the river 白川.
Built by Kiyomasa, 細川忠利 Hosokawa Tadatoshi and 光尚 Hosokasa Mitsutoshi.
Uwaide became a postal station for the Hosokawa clan.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

official ship for Sankin Kotai, stationed ad Tsurusaki.
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鉄砲小路 Teppo Koji Road where the 鉄砲衆 gunmen lived
About 4 ml long, now national road nr. 311.
Built in 1635 by 細川忠利 Hosokawa Tadatoshi.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

泰勝寺 Temple Taisho-Ji
remains of the Bodai-Ji 菩提寺 family temple of the Hosokawa clan
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


熊本城本丸御殿 Kumamoto castle palace
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

立田口赤鳥居 red Torii gate at Tatsutaguchi
at the Shrine 立田口大神宮 Tatsutaguchi Daijingu / 竜田口 Tatsudaguchi
Tsuboi, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


鼻ぐり井手 Hanaguri Ide canal

The Hanaguri Ide is a specially constructed 387-meter canal in Kikuyō, Kumamoto, Japan, which lets water flow into the downstream without depositing the mixed ash. The Aso area from which water flows is rich in such ash, volcanic in nature.
Built around 1608 by Kato Kiyomasa.


円通庵(芭蕉塚)Entsu-An and Mound for 芭蕉 Matsuo Basho
built in 1793 to commemorate the Haiku poet.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

光尊寺 Temple Kosen-Ji
Built in 1652. With a stone brige at the entrance, built in 1815.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

的石の御茶屋 Matoishi Tea House
Used during Sankin Kotai as a rest place. with a beautiful large park.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

的石 Matoishi "the Target Rock"
The deity of Aso Shrine 健磐龍命 Tateiwatatsu no Mikoto used this rock to practise with bow and arrow, standing on 往生岳 Mount Ojodake, one of the five mountains of Aso.
The arrows were collected by 鬼八(きはち) Kihachi. Once Kihachi was not fast enough to bring the 100 arrows and the angry Deity cut off his head. Kihachi took revenge by blowing frost over the land, and the harvest was lost.
The shrine 霜宮 Shimomiya was built in his honor.
. 霜宮 Shimomiya . Shimo Jinja  霜神社 "Frost Shrine".

- extensive reference with photos - kumanago .jp -


- quote
Bungo Province (豊後国, Bungo no kuni)
was a province of Japan in eastern Kyūshū in the area of Ōita Prefecture. It was sometimes called Hōshū (豊州), with Buzen Province.
Bungo bordered Buzen, Hyūga, Higo, Chikugo, and Chikuzen Provinces.
- - - - - History
At the end of the 7th century, Toyo Province was split into Buzen (literally, "the front of Toyo") and Bungo ("the back of Toyo"). Until the Heian period, Bungo was read as Toyokuni no Michi no Shiri.
It is believed that the capital of Bungo was located in Furugō (古国府), literally "old capital," section of the city of Ōita, but as of 2016 no archaeological evidence has been found.
The honor of the holiest Shinto shrine of Bungo Province (豊前一宮, Buzen ichinomiya) was given to Usa Shrine known as Usa Hachimangu or Usa Jingu in Usa district (today Usa, Ōita). Usa shrine had not only religious authority but also political influence to local governance, but their influence was reduced until the Sengoku period.
During the Sengoku period,
in the middle of the 16th century, Bungo was a stronghold of the Ōtomo clan. The Ōuchi clan in the western Chūgoku Region was influenced to Buzen politics. In the middle of the period, both clans declined. After Toyotomi Hideyoshi also took the power in Kyūshū, 120 thousand koku of Buzen province was given to Kuroda Yoshitaka since 1587, who made Kokura, currently part of Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, his site and built the castle. Other parts of the province were divided into pieces and given to other daimyōs.
In the year 1600
the Dutch ship piloted by the Englishman Will Adams foundered on Bungo's coast. When Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu interviewed Adams, his suspicions were confirmed that the Jesuits, who had been allowed to operate in Japan since the 1540s, were intent on gaining control of the country. When the time was right, in 1614, Ieyasu banished all Christian activity. Thus, Adams' landing in Bungo proved significant to the nation's subsequent history.This series of historic events was the basis of the 1975 book Shogun, and the 1980 miniseries of the same name.
In the Meiji period,
the provinces of Japan were converted into prefectures. Maps of Japan and Bungo Province were reformed in the 1870s.
- source : wikipedia

- Historical districts -
Amabe District (海部郡)
Hayami District (速見郡)
Hita District (日高郡)
Kusu District (球珠郡)
Kunisaki District (国埼郡)
Naoiri District (直入郡)
Ōno District (大野郡)
Ōita District (大分郡)


- quote -
Higo Province (肥後国, Higo no kuni)
was an old province of Japan in the area that is today Kumamoto Prefecture on the island of Kyūshū.
t was sometimes called Hishū (肥州), with Hizen Province. Higo bordered on Chikugo, Bungo, Hyūga, Ōsumi, and Satsuma Provinces.
- - - - - History
The castle town of Higo was usually at Kumamoto City.
During the Muromachi period, Higo was held by the Kikuchi clan, but they were dispossessed during the Sengoku period, and the province was occupied by neighboring lords, including the Shimazu clan of Satsuma, until Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded Kyūshū and gave Higo to his retainers, first Sassa Narimasa and later Katō Kiyomasa. The Kato were soon stripped of their lands, and the region was given to the Hosokawa clan.
During the Sengoku Period,
Higo was a major center for Christianity in Japan, and it is also the location where Miyamoto Musashi stayed at the Hosokawa daimyō's invitation while completing his The Book of Five Rings.
In the Meiji period, the provinces of Japan were converted into prefectures. Maps of Japan and Higo Province were reformed in the 1870s. At the same time, the province continued to exist for some purposes.
For example, Higo is explicitly recognized in treaties in 1894 (a) between Japan and the United States and (b) between Japan and the United Kingdom.
- source : wikipedia -

- Historical districts -
Akita District (飽田郡)
Amakusa District (天草郡)
Ashikita District (葦北郡)
Aso District (阿蘇郡)
Gōshi District (合志郡)
Kikuchi District (菊池郡)
Kuma District (球磨郡)
Mashiki District (益城郡)
Takuma District (託麻郡)
Tamana District (玉名郡)
Uto District (宇土郡)
. Yamaga 山鹿 .
Yamamoto District (山本郡)
Yatsushiro District (八代郡)

- quote -
The Kikuchi clan (菊池氏, Kikuchi-shi) of Higo Province
was a powerful daimyō family of Higo, Kyūshū. The lineage was renowned for valiant service in defense of the emperor and against foreign invaders. They first distinguished itself during the Jürchen invasion of northern Kyūshū in 1019 and rose to prominence during the Mongol invasions of Japan, when the heroism of Kikuchi Takefusa helped drive back the enemy.
The Kikuchi were active in the Kenmu Restoration (1333-1336), an attempt by the emperor Go-Daigo to reassert imperial authority against the Kamakura shogunate.

Kikuchi Noritaka / Fujiwara no Noritaka 藤原則隆 - Heian period
Kikuchi Jirō Takefusa (菊池 次郎 武房) (1245 – 1285)
Kikuchi Yuriko (1505–1554) - The last and 26th head of the Kikuchi Clan ...
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

菊池一族 The Kikuchi Clan
阿蘇品保夫 Asoshina Yasuo


. Satsuma Kaido 薩摩街道 Satsuma Highway .

Bungo Kaido (this page)

. Buzen Kaido 豊前街道 Buzen Highway .

. Hyuga Kaido 日向街道 Hyuga Highway .

. Miike Kaido 三池街道 / Miike Okan 三池往還 Miike Road . - Kumamoto


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

豊後国直入地方の民間伝承 Legends from the Naoiri region of Bungo.
長山源雄 Nagayama Motoo

................................................................................. Oita 大分県
直入郡 Naoiri district 柏原村 Kashiwara village

sakana 魚 fish
Once upon a time
a man from the hamlet Hiroto caught a large fish at the riverside 黒太郎淵 Kurotarobuchi.
He wanted to carry it home in the net when he heard a voice from the river and the fish answered.
Afraid the man hung the net on a pine tree and run away as fast as he could.

................................................................................. Kumamoto 熊本県
菊池郡 Kikuchi district 大津町 Ozu town

. amagoi 雨乞いと伝説 Legends about rain rituals / Regenzauber .
At the Shrine in 肥後の真木村 Maki village in Higo the main festival is on the 15th day of the 10th lunar month.
Even if the day starts out fine, there will be a lot of rain later on.
If the day starts with clouds, there will be no rain later on.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -

. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .
26 豊後国 (01)
66 豊後


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #bungo #bungokaido - - - -