Showing posts with label Fudo Myo-O. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fudo Myo-O. Show all posts

4 Jan 2016

TEMPLE FUDO - Miyukiji Matsuyama

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Miyukiji 御幸寺 Miyuki-Ji
Matsuyama-shi, Miyuki, 1 Chome−442−1

A temple famous for the 天狗 Tengu.

. . Tengu and Japanese Culture . .  
- Introduction -

Mount Miyukisan 御幸寺山


- source : Bradford on facebook


. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .

天狗泣き 天狗笑ふや 秋の風
tengu naki tengu warau ya aki no kazw

one Tengu cries
one Tengu laughs -
autumn wind

秋の山 御幸寺と申し 天狗住む 
aki no yama miyukiji to moshi tengu sumu

mountain in autumn
it is called Miyuki-Ji
and Tengu live there

秋の水 天狗の影や うつるらん


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #miyukiji -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Fudo Myo-O - Introducing Japanese Deities at 12/30/2015 09:34:00 PM

23 Nov 2015

TEMPLE - Jingoji Kyoto


Jingoji 神護寺 Jingo-Ji, Kyoto 

. Pilgrimage to 49 Temples of Yakushi Nyorai in Western Japan
西国四十九薬師巡礼 .

- Introduction -
Nr. 44 Takaosan 高雄山 神護寺 Jingo-Ji 京都市右京区

One of the three great temples in Sanbi, 三尾 in Kyoto, famous for their autumn colors.

- quote -
Founded in the 8th century, this Shingon temple is located at Takao, northwest of Kyoto. Kukai, founder of the Shingon sect, came here in 809 and stayed for 14 years.

After the temple burnt down the monk Mongaku persuaded Retired Emperor Go-Shirakawa and shogun Minamoto Yoritomo to rebuild it, the work being completed in 1184. However most of the temple buildings were destroyed again in the Onin War. Only the Daishido survived the war and several of the current buildings date from 1623.

Stone sculpture of Fudo Myo-o at Jingoji Temple.
- source and photos : -

京都市右京区梅ヶ畑高雄町5番地 / 5 Takao-chō, Ume-ga-hata, Ukyō-ku Kyoto

- quote
Jingo-ji Temple is nestled in the mountainous area to the northwest of Kyoto city. The area is particularly known for autumn colored leaves and is called the Sanbi area consisting of three regions: Takao, Makio and Togano-o.
Jingo-ji Temple is located on the slope of Mount Takao. Crossing Takao Bridge above the Kiyotaki River 清滝川 and steeply ascending through the tunnel of crimson leaves. There, an incredibly beautiful Japanese temple welcomes one.
The official name of this temple is "Jingo Kokuso Shingon-ji" and it derives from two temples. One is Shingan-ji Temple and the other is Takaosan-ji Temple, both of which merged in 824. This is the place where Kukai (or Kobo Daishi) founded the base of his Shingon esoteric Buddhism and is regarded as one of the three most important esoteric Buddhist temples along with To-ji Temple and Kongobu-ji Temple.
It has experienced devastation many times in the long history but was successfully restored each time. A number of valuable temple treasures are preserved up to today, including the statue of Yakushi Nyorai (National Treasure) and other articles from the Heian and Kamakura periods. Another popular point about this temple is the Throwing Roof Tile. From the garden in Jizo-in Temple, people throw a roof tile over the cliff side as far as possible, an action that is believed to ward off misfortunes.
- source :



Yakushi Nyorai in the 金堂 Kondo Hall.

鎌倉時代の末に編纂された『神護寺略記』に引用されている『弘仁資財帳』に「薬師仏像一躯 脇士菩薩像二躯」とあるのがこの三尊に当たると思われる。

- source : -

- Homepage of the temple Yuiseki Honzan 遺迹本山
- source :


- Yearly Festivals -

一月一日 新年法要 金堂
二日 初大護摩供 明王堂
八日 本尊供 金堂
二十一日 御影供 大師堂
二月十五日 涅槃会 金堂
三月二十一日 彼岸会 金堂
四月八日 仏生会 金堂
五月一日~五日 寺宝虫払行事 書院
四日 和気公祭典 霊廟
十三日~十五日 五大虚空蔵菩薩像御開帳 多宝塔
六月十五日 降誕会 大師堂
七月二十一日 文覚上人忌 墓前
八月十五日 孟蘭盆会 金堂
九月十八日 性仁親王忌 墓前
二十三日 彼岸会 金堂
三連休 五大虚空蔵菩薩像御開帳 多宝塔
十一月一日~七日 板彫弘法大師御開帳 大師堂
四日 和気公祭典 金堂


. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

Jingoji no momiji akari ni hito bonpu

among the bright lights
of autumn foilage at Jingo-Ji
one normal man

Jingoji no koko de ippuku momiji chaya

at Jingo-Ji
just right for a break
the tea stall in autumn foilage

Takazawa Ryooichi 高澤良一 Takazawa Ryoichi

CLICK for more colorful photos !


- - - - - There are other temples with the name 神護寺 JingoJi in Japan.

Kumamoto, Aso Town 熊本県 阿蘇市

One of the priests of the temple Jingo-Ji, where women were forbidden to come, got involved with a girl named オカメ O-Kame from nearby and spent almost every night with her.
The other monks punished the two by digging a hole in the ground, put the two of them inside and rolled a large boulder atop of this living grave.
From this time on in the villags around the home of O-Kame whenever a girl was born it would not grow up to become a woman. The villgers became afraid and asked the monks to pray to forgive O-Kame, whom they now called お上神様 O-Kame Kamisama.
They made a wooden statue clad with paper robes.
Whenever some difficult would happen in the village, the statue would shed off half of the paper robes as a warning of it.

reference yokai database


. Koozanji 高山寺 Kozan-Ji .
and priest priest Myoe 明恵上人 (1173 - 1232)

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- - #jingojikyoto -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 11/19/2015 10:06:00 a.m.

28 Oct 2015

TEMPLE- Eifuku-Ji Shikoku 57

. Shikoku Henro Temple List .

Eifjkuji 栄福寺 Eifuku-Ji

. 四国お遍路さん Henro Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information -


Nr. 57 - 府頭山 Sareizan 無量寿院 Muryoju-In  栄福寺 Eifuku-Ji
愛媛県今治市玉川町八幡甲200 / Imabara

- quote
The Temple of Good Luck
The temple was founded by Kōbō Daishi on the orders of Emperor Saga. The complex started off as a Shrine, but when Kōbō Daishi prayed here for safety at sea and stopped a storm with his prayers, Amida Nyorai appeared to him. Kōbō Daishi then converted it to a temple, carved the honzon of Amida, and enshrined it here.

In 861 Emperor Saga frequently sent Gyōkō (a priest from Daianji in Nara) to Usa in Kyūshū to receive an oracle from the God Hachiman. On one trip, his ship was wrecked in the area of this temple. Since the area around this temple resembles the area around Usa in Kyūshū, he simply climbed up to this temple and received the oracle from Hachiman here. Gyōkō believed that Hachiman was a manifestation of Amida Nyorai. The temple is now often called Katsuoka Hachiman by the locals.

The temple has been destroyed by fire several times and was deserted for almost a century, but has always remained as a favorite location for people offering prayers for safety at sea, as is Konpira Shrine in Kagawa Prefecture.

- source :

- Chant of the temple
Kono yo ni wa yumiya o mamoru yahata nari raise wa hito o sukufumida butsu

- Homepage of the temple
- source :

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .


source : Jake Ojisan


. - Photo Album from my visit - .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction - .

The Five Great Wisdom Kings, Godai Myo-O - 五大明王
. The Five Great Elements of the Universe - 地水火風空の五大 .


- Two short Haiku Henro Trips, Summer 2005

. 四国お遍路さん Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information

Koya San in Wakayama

Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海
(Kooboo Daishi, Kuukai )

Haiku and Henro:
.... . The Haiku Henro Pilgrimage  


. Jizoo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu - Kshitigarbha .
- Introduction -

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

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Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 10/28/2015 09:48:00 a.m.

11 Sept 2015

FUDO - Ninnogyo, Ninno-Kyo


Ninnookyoo Ninnōkyō 仁王経 Ninnogyo, Ninnokyo Ninno Kyo
- Sutra of Benevolent Kings

source :

仁王経曼荼羅図 Ninnogyo Mandala
Fudo Myo-O is seated in the middle.

"I will place a seal on the ogress' arm by chanting the Ninnogyo"

- quote -
Buddhist Divinities and the Text of the Ninno-gyo Ritual

- Heian - Kamakura period, 12th - 13th century

Ninnō-kyō is a bible of the Shingon school of esoteric Buddhism on rituals praying for peace and protection for a nation. This is part of the iconographic drawing collection "Kakuzen-shō" compiled by Kakuzen, a famous iconograph scholar monk of the Shingon sect. It shows records of rituals and rules related to Ninnō-kyō. While there is an inscription at the end saying "1183", it is probably a copy from a somewhat later period.

Formerly owned by Tōji temple, Kyoto.
- source : -


. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja – Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .


4 Jul 2015

FUDO - Fudo-Do cho Kyoto

 . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Fudoodoochoo, Fudōdōchō 不動堂町 
FudoDo-Cho villages
不動堂村 Fudodo Mura

Some villages and streets are named after a 不動堂 Fudo Hall in the neighbourhood.

Kyoto, Miyagi, Chiba . . .

Kyoto 京都市

Fudoodoochoo, Fudōdōchō 不動堂町
FudoDo-Cho in Shimogyo 下京区

Fudoochoo, Fudōchō 不動町 Fudo-Cho
in Nakagyo 中京区  

. Kyoto- hana no miyako 花の都 .  
- Introduction -

In Kyoto there are four towns that were newly established during the change of town names in 1966 in the area west of Kyoto Station
(Kita Fudodo-cho, Minami Fudodo-cho, Higashi Aburanokoji-cho, and Nishi Aburanokoji-cho).


明王院不動堂 Fudo-Do Myo-O-In / Meio-In
Aburanokoji, Minami-Fudodo-Cho

The Fudo Hall is in the compound of an Inari shrine 稲荷社.
It was founded on behalf of Emperor Uda Tenno.

- source : miyakomeisyo -

Emperor Uda 宇多天皇 Uda-tennō
(May 5, 867 – July 19, 931)
was the 59th emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession.
Uda's reign spanned the years from 887 through 897.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Dooso Jinja 道祖神社 Doso Jinja
"Shrine for the Wayside Deities (Dosojin)

Aburanokoji, Shiokoji-sagaru, Minami Fudodo-Cho

- quote -
The deity of matchmaking and marital harmony
Doso-shin (Traveler's Guardian Deity)

is usually placed between streets and villages, hence this deity's function is protection during travel and helping to avoid evil spirits.
Doso Jinja Shrine was rebuilt during the era of Toyotomi Hideyoshi (late 16th century), but originally it has a quite a long history. Here enshrines Sarutahiko no Mikoto, deity for travel and Ama no Uzume no Mikoto, deity for entertainment.
They're a married couple deities, therefore, they have been worshiped for successful matchmaking and marital harmony. "Two figures Doso-shin", there are many Doso-shin statues, but here is a couple statue of a man and a woman snuggled against each other, who are wearing the clothes of Heian period in front of the gate.

It is a small shrine located between the buildings near Kyoto Station. Here you can see a harmonious couple and it makes people smile when they see it.
The benefit of this shrine is for matchmaking, but if you visit with your partner, you can receive a blessing for a long and happy marriage life.
- source : -

. 道祖神 Dosojin - Introduction .


不動堂村屯所跡 Fudodo-Mura Tonsho
remains of military headquarters

in rememberance of the Shinsen-Gumi 新選組
Yagi House (former Shinsengumi Tonsho)

京都市下京区松明町 / Taimatsucho Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto
- source : -

. Shinsengumi 新選組 - Introduction .


Fudocho Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto
Fudoochoo 不動町 Fudo-Cho 中京 

a machiya town house in the Fudocho district.

- reference -


Fudoodoochoo, Fudōdōchō 不動堂町 宮城県 FudoDo-Cho in Miyagi Prefecture

Toda District 遠田郡

It used to be Fudo-Do village 不動堂村 since 1889.

Founded in 1954, former 遠田郡中西部 Central-West Toda District
現在の美里町の小牛田駅周辺にあたる。 Now part of Misato Machi, 小牛田町 Gogota Cho.

遠田郡:涌谷町、北浦村、南郷村 志田郡:松山町、敷玉村

Fudodo Village is Nr. 11. - 11.不動堂村

The village office is in

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Fudoodoochoo, Fudōdōchō 不動堂町 千葉県 FudoDo-Cho in Chiba Prefecture

- quote -
The 8th general of the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) Yoshimune TOKUGAWA had already ordered Aoki Konyo to cultivate the known sweet potato as an emergency crop at the famine in West Japan, and make trial pieces in the Koishikawa Medicine Garden (Koishikawa Botanical Gardens), Makuwari-mura village in Chiba District of Shimousa Province (present Makuhari, Hanamigawa-ku Ward, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture), and
Fudodo Village in Yamabe County of Kazusa Province (present Kujukuri-cho, Sanbu-gun, Chiba Prefecture).

- source : -

青木昆陽 不動堂甘薯試作地
Aoki Konyo Fudodo Kansho Shisakuchi
Memorial stone at the place where he planted the first sweet potatoes.

source :

Aoki Konyoo 青木昆陽 (1698 - 1769)
. "Doctor Sweet Potato", 'Master Sweet Potato' - Introduction .


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #fudodocho #fudokyoto #fudocho - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Fudo Myo-O - Introducing Japanese Deities at 7/02/2015 05:15:00 PM

19 Jun 2015

FUDO - mimamori Fudo protector

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

mimamori Fudo 身守不動 protector
he always watches over you and your family

at Shoorinji 聖輪寺 Shorin-Ji,
Sendagaya, Tokyo
From the feet of the statue fresh spring water is welling forth.

- source : fukusanpo.blog62


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #fudomimamori #mimamorifudo - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Fudo Myo-O - Introducing Japanese Deities at 6/18/2015 09:41:00 PM

5 Jun 2015

FUDO - mudras



Mudra, Mudrā of Fudo Myo-O
(hand gestures, postures, emblems)

不動明王印 Fudo Myo-O no In

More about the hand positions and gestures of Buddha statues.

Daruma Mudra


There are 14 mudra signs attributed to Fudo Myo-O in various sutras :

01 needle sign, one-legged sign, mystic mudra
02 treasure mountain mudra
03 head mudra
04 eye mudra
05 mouth mudra

06 mind symbol
07 back manual sign, shiso kaji in 印
08 shishi funjin sign (a lion at bay) 分身不動
09 fire-flame manual sign
10 kaen rinshi manual sign, cessation of fire

11 sankha manual sign
12 khadga sword manual sign, removes disaster
13 noose manual sign
14 three-legged diamond manual sign

Reference : Sampa Biswas




18 Apr 2015

FUDO - Fudo Legends 02

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Legends about Fudo お不動さま - 02
densetsu 伝説 - minwa 民話 

. Folktales 昔ばなし mukashibanashi about Fudo .  
- Part 01 -

アイバのお不動さん Aiba no O-Fudo San / Aichi

- on koro koro sendari matoogi sowaka -


- - - - - ABC order of the prefectures -


- - - - - Aichi 愛知県

アイバのお不動さん Aiba no O-Fudo San
near the temple Tooshooji 東正寺 Tosho-Ji there is a well with clear water, now famous as the "water of Fudo" お不動さんの名水.
1 Chome-7 Heishichimachi, Hekinan, Aichi
Once a statue of Fudo Myo-O had been found in the mountain nearby, so the villagers built this temple for it. Now it is in a Fudo-In 不動院 hall, founded by 源為義従者 Minamoto no Tameyoshi in 1288.
source : トボトボ歩く碧南市

- more - お不動さんの名水 -


- - - - - Akita 秋田県

山本郡 Yamamoto gun 二ツ井町 Futatsui machi

ryuujin 竜神 The Dragon Deity
Between the hamlet of Kogake 小掛集落 and Karimataishi 刈又石集落 there is a waterfall dedicated to Fudo Myo-O. At the Fudo Hhall there, the messenger of Fudo, the Dragon Deity 竜神 takes care of business. If someone taking a retreat at the hall (komori 籠り) the deity comes to have a look at him.
About 1951 they say, there was also an apparition of the Dragon Deity near the great cedar tree near the hall, but it was only a small dragon.

. Ryuujin 龍神, 竜神 Ryujin, the Dragon God .

Here is another legend from Kogake, about
. Shooki 鍾馗 Shoki, the Demon Queller .

In the small hamlet of 鬼神集落 Onigami the protector deity, in fact 不動様 Fudo Sama, is also called オボシナサマ Oboshina sama.
Its festival is the 28th day of the 3rd lunar month, now on May 8. On the evening before the festival people put their boiled vegetables in a bento lunch box and meet at the shrine, to eat it all together. They are not allowed to eat any meat on this occasion.
Then in 1956 some brave one eat some meat and what do you say - the next day was a huge fire in the hamlet and 17 homes burned down.


- - - - - Fukushima 福島県

会津若松市 Aizu Wakamatsu

A story told by 長嶺トキ Nagamine Toki.
After an operation for an artificial hip joint she was unconcious for 4 days. In the evening of the 4th day in the room for the nurses there appeared Fudo Myo-O in the left corner of the ceiling. In the middle appeared many Jizo figures and in the right there was Kannon sama leading a child.
(After that vision she was healed.)

郡山市 Koriama 湖南町 Konan

Two farmers were sleeping in the fields during lunchtime, when suddenly a large boulder came rolling down and stopped right beside them. "This must be a stone to venerate Kannon Bosatsu"!
Then some specialists came from Aizu Wakamatsu and said it should be placed at the Waterfall of Kitamori 北森の滝 where Fudo Myo-O is venerated.
So the villagers carried the stone near the waterfall, shounting "Kan man baran" all the way. カンマンバラン Kanmanbaran is the local name of the Fudo Myo-O.
Kanmanboron, Kanman Boron カンマンボロン.

This is "kanman boron" in a different cliff
at Mizugakiyama 瑞牆山(みずがきやま) in Yamanashi

- source and photos :

noomaku sanmanda bazaradan senda
makaroshada sowataya
un tarata kanman

. The mantra of Fudo Myo-O .


- - - - - Gifu 岐阜県

揖斐川町 Ibigawa

- source and more photos : fairport_asai
memorial stones of Fudo Myo-O near the waterfall

At the 不動の滝 Fudo Waterfall upstream of the river Takashitanigawa 高科谷川 Fudo Myo-O is venerated. When there is a water shortage in the village, people come here to pray.
If a frog appears while they pray, then rain will fall soon.
If bees come out while they pray, it will not rain for a while.


- - - - - Ibaraki 茨城県

北相馬郡 Kita Soma gun 守谷町 Moria

O-bake ishi お化け石 The ghost stone

In July of 1975 there appeared a ghost face on the memorial stone for Narita Fudo Myo-O 成田山不動明王石碑に幽霊. Some said it was the ghost of whe samurai Taira no Masakado 平将門様, others said it looked like their grandpa, others saw a woman in white robes carrying a child. No, it was a white cat buried below the stone. . . . All kinds of visions!

This story got so famous that it was even shown on TV and the village was flooded with inquisitive tourists. They needed a car parking space and the road to the Stone was always packed with cars. Then in the end it became clear that the "ghost" was some dried autumn grasses 枯れ尾花 and the fame died down, the village became quiet again.
source : #moriya

那珂郡 Naka gun

yonayona hikaru ishi 夜な夜な光る石
the stone that sparkled all night

This region, once ruled by the 佐竹家 Satake clan cam under the lordship of the Tokugawa.
The graves stones of the Satake clan had been removed and thrown into the river. Among the grave stones was also a stone statue of Fudo Myo-O which begun to sparkle at night. 丹下の宗助 Tange no Sosuke picked up the stone and began to venerate it.


- - - - - Iwate 岩手県

東磐井郡 Higashi Iwai gun 大東村 Daitomura

Told by a villager.
Once he was cutting down trees. He came to the hamlet of 野田集落 Noda and cut the branches of a torii dedicated to Fudo Myo-O お不動様の鳥居 and spent the night in the Fudo Hall. Because it was bitter cold he tore off the flags and used them to cover his shivering body. Then at midnight there was a sound at the front door.
And then next morning he could not move his body. Because he had slept in the same direction as the deity, he had been obstructing the deity from leaving the hall and this was his punishment.

- - - - -

岩手郡 Iwate

. Fudo as Hearth and Fire Deity 火の神(炉の神) .

- - - - -

遠野市 Tono 土淵町 Tsuchibuchi mura

zashikiwarashi, zashikiwaraji ザシキワラシ/ 座敷わらし Zashiki Warashi Child

Once there was a fire in the village and just then a child with short cut hair おかっぱ姿 walked by the homes asking for food because it was hungry. The people were busy putting out the fire and did not pay attention to the child, but despite all their effort the home burned to the ground.
Another home, where the folks  took the time to give some food to the child, did not burn down.
Now they say it was O-Fudo sama walking around trying to prevent the fire from spreading.

On Zashiki-Warashi
Zashiki-warashi ("zashiki" meaning the tatami room of traditional Japanese houses, and "warashi" meaning a kid or small child) are often seen as a kind of omen in the houses of once-great families on the verge of decline.
- source : Zack Davisson

. Tōno monogatari 遠野物語 Tono Monogatari.
- Introduction -


. Miyagi prefecture 宮城県 - お不動さま  .

- 鬼首村 Onikobe village (Demon Head Village) 
- 伊具郡 Igu gun - tatsubu 田ツブ Tanishi mud snail


- - - - - Kochi 高知県

幡多郡 Hata gun 大月町 Otsuki

When the villagers performed a rain ritual at the waterfall of Fudo, there appeared a white snake and a red snake, telling them their wish would be granted. The snake is an incarnation of Fudo.


- - - - - Nara 奈良県

西吉野村 Nishi Yoshino village

If someone throws the statue of a Fudo Myo-O into the nearby river pool, it will begin to rain during a drought.


- - - - - Niigata 新潟県

上越市 Joetsu

On the top of 不動山 Mount Fudoyama there is a statue of Fudo. In the morning of April 25 the followers climb the mountain to pray and make offerings. At least once in a lifetime followers should climb that mountain.

Mount Fudosan, 1.430 m.

This Fudo will heal diseases of the eyes 目の病に効く.

- - - - -

十日町市 Tokamachi 松代町 Matsushiro

During the great earthquake in December 1833, the statue of Fudo in the temple 大照院(大正院)Daisho-In rolled out of the temple building. The people inside followed him in a hurry and all went out - just in time before the building collapsed. Fudo had saved them all.

- - - - -

新発田市 Shibata

. Fudo and tanishi 田螺 mud snails. .


- - - - - Okayama 岡山県

真庭郡 Maniwa gun

ryuu 龍 Ryu, the Dragon
and the Amako clan 尼子一族

Once there was a beautiful princess called おまる姫 O-Maru Hime at the home of Yoshida Bo of the Amako clan. Every night a young man came to her quarters. He never made a sound and that was very strange. So the Lord ordered his retainers to follow the young man. He went to the basin of the Fudo waterfall 不動の滝壷, became a dragon and disappeared in the water.
Oh dear, that was quite a terrible shock and now the father ordered the princess to stay in confinement. But she became terribly love-sick for her young man. So they brought the princess to the waterfall and she jumped in before it could be prevented.
Her mother was so very upset that she called upon her to show her figure just once more.
So the princes, turned into a dragon, came up once again.
Now her family gave up on her and threw a bottle of sake rice wine into the waterfall as an offering.
This was on the first day of the sixth lunar month, so now there is a festival for Fudo Myo-O on this day.

A similar story is also told in 恵庭郡 Eniwa gun 新座村 Shinzamura.

In some villages of Okayama the Deity of the Toilet is called
不動様 "Fudo Sama".
. benjogami 便所神 / 厠神 Deity of the Toilet .


- - - - - Oita 大分県

佐伯市 Saiki

Once there was a bad fishing season in the village and the local Lord had to borrow food for the people. Then he forgot to pay it back.
Anyway, when they next went fishing there was a statue of 波切不動 Namikiri Fudo caught in the nets .


- - - - - Shizuoka 静岡県

榛原郡 Haibara gun 本川根町 Honkawane cho

kitsune 狐 the fox

Once upon a time
someone went to the village of Senzu 千頭 to by some pacific saury サンマ and was on his way home. When he was near the Fudo Hall, he suddenly became very tired and lay down for a nap. While he was sleeping, someone stole his fish.
People now say he was bewitched by a fox 狐にだまされた.

浜松市 Hamamatsu

daija 大蛇 The Huge Serpent
Kanzawa, Tenryu Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka

In the お不動様の池 Fudo Pond at the Fudo Waterfall of the hamlet 新切 there once lived a huge serpent. The creature seemed to have come from the Dainichi Pond 大日様の池 (or 峯神沢) nearby.
A young temple acolyte from the Dainichi Temple came here to fish and lost his fish hook in the pond. But the serpents dislike metal, so the serpent left the pond and soon after the water was also almost gone.

- - - - -

In the pool of the 黒滝の渕 Kurotaki waterfall, sacred to Fudo Myo-O, it is not allowed to fish for "アノメ anome". If you do so there will be a divine retribution (Fudo no tatari タタリ / 祟り).
People who dare to pee into this pool will also be damned and die soon afterwards.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

沼津市 Numazu

yamainu 山犬 Mountain Dog

Ill dogs are not let into mountain villages, and if they enter anyway, Fudo will take the leash of the dog and lead him away. The villagers know well about the dangers of ill animals, especially ill dogs and pray to Fudo Myo-O to protect them from damage.

. 霊犬早太郎伝説
The legend of the spiritual dog Hayataro. .

"The Heroic Dog of Kozenji Temple", where Fudo Myo-O is venerated.


- - - - - Yamagata 山形県

最上郡 Mogami gun 金山町 Kaneyama

. Fudo Ryuma 不動 龍馬 and the Kappa .

南置賜郡 Minami Okitama gun 中津川村 Nakatsugawa

At the hut near the charcoal kiln 炭焼き小屋 above the Fudo hall someone killed a cat and ate it.
He then became seized by the Inari fox 狐.


- - - - - Yamanashi 山梨県

都留市 Tsuru

Once there was a huge flooding and and the waterfall changed its course. In the water of the flooded fields something was shining. When the farmers pulled it out, it was a statue of Fudo Myo-O. They built a small sanctuary to pray for it. The sanctuary later burend down but the statue was rescued in time.


- - - - - reference

yokai database 妖怪データベース
- source :

- source :


. Folktales 昔ばなし mukashibanashi about Fudo .  
- Part 01 -


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #fudolegends02 #legends02 - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Fudo Myo-O - Introducing Japanese Deities at 3/28/2015 12:30:00 AM

10 Apr 2015

FUDO - Fudo Legends 02

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Legends about Fudo お不動さま - 02
densetsu 伝説 - minwa 民話 

. Folktales 昔ばなし mukashibanashi about Fudo .  
- Part 01 -

アイバのお不動さん Aiba no O-Fudo San / Aichi

- on koro koro sendari matoogi sowaka -


- - - - - ABC order of the prefectures -


- - - - - Aichi 愛知県

アイバのお不動さん Aiba no O-Fudo San
near the temple Tooshooji 東正寺 Tosho-Ji there is a well with clear water, now famous as the "water of Fudo" お不動さんの名水.
1 Chome-7 Heishichimachi, Hekinan, Aichi
Once a statue of Fudo Myo-O had been found in the mountain nearby, so the villagers built this temple for it. Now it is in a Fudo-In 不動院 hall, founded by 源為義従者 Minamoto no Tameyoshi in 1288.
source : トボトボ歩く碧南市

- more - お不動さんの名水 -


- - - - - Akita 秋田県

山本郡 Yamamoto gun 二ツ井町 Futatsui machi

ryuujin 竜神 The Dragon Deity
Between the hamlet of Kogake 小掛集落 and Karimataishi 刈又石集落 there is a waterfall dedicated to Fudo Myo-O. At the Fudo Hhall there, the messenger of Fudo, the Dragon Deity 竜神 takes care of business. If someone taking a retreat at the hall (komori 籠り) the deity comes to have a look at him.
About 1951 they say, there was also an apparition of the Dragon Deity near the great cedar tree near the hall, but it was only a small dragon.

. Ryuujin 龍神, 竜神 Ryujin, the Dragon God .

Here is another legend from Kogake, about
. Shooki 鍾馗 Shoki, the Demon Queller .


- - - - - Fukushima 福島県

会津若松市 Aizu Wakamatsu

A story told by 長嶺トキ Nagamine Toki.
After an operation for an artificial hip joint she was unconcious for 4 days. In the evening of the 4th day in the room for the nurses there appeared Fudo Myo-O in the left corner of the ceiling. In the middle appeared many Jizo figures and in the right there was Kannon sama leading a child.
(After that vision she was healed.)


- - - - - Ibaraki 茨城県

北相馬郡 Kita Soma gun 守谷町 Moria

O-bake ishi お化け石 The ghost stone

In July of 1975 there appeared a ghost face on the memorial stone for Narita Fudo Myo-O 成田山不動明王石碑に幽霊. Some said it was the ghost of whe samurai Taira no Masakado 平将門様, others said it looked like their grandpa, others saw a woman in white robes carrying a child. No, it was a white cat buried below the stone. . . . All kinds of visions!

This story got so famous that it was even shown on TV and the village was flooded with inquisitive tourists. They needed a car parking space and the road to the Stone was always packed with cars. Then in the end it became clear that the "ghost" was some dried autumn grasses 枯れ尾花 and the fame died down, the village became quiet again.
source : #moriya

那珂郡 Naka gun

yonayona hikaru ishi 夜な夜な光る石
the stone that sparkled all night

This region, once ruled by the 佐竹家 Satake clan cam under the lordship of the Tokugawa.
The graves stones of the Satake clan had been removed and thrown into the river. Among the grave stones was also a stone statue of Fudo Myo-O which begun to sparkle at night. 丹下の宗助 Tange no Sosuke picked up the stone and began to venerate it.


- - - - - Iwate 岩手県

東磐井郡 Higashi Iwai gun 大東村 Daitomura

Told by a villager.
Once he was cutting down trees. He came to the hamlet of 野田集落 Noda and cut the branches of a torii dedicated to Fudo Myo-O お不動様の鳥居 and spent the night in the Fudo Hall. Because it was bitter cold he tore off the flags and used them to cover his shivering body. Then at midnight there was a sound at the front door.
And then next morning he could not move his body. Because he had slept in the same direction as the deity, he had been obstructing the deity from leaving the hall and this was his punishment.

遠野市 Tono 土淵町 Tsuchibuchi mura

zashikiwarashi, zashikiwaraji ザシキワラシ/ 座敷わらし Zashiki Warashi Child

Once there was a fire in the village and just then a child with short cut hair おかっぱ姿 walked by the homes asking for food because it was hungry. The people were busy putting out the fire and did not pay attention to the child, but despite all their effort the home burned to the ground.
Another home, where the folks  took the time to give some food to the child, did not burn down.
Now they say it was O-Fudo sama walking around trying to prevent the fire from spreading.

On Zashiki-Warashi
Zashiki-warashi ("zashiki" meaning the tatami room of traditional Japanese houses, and "warashi" meaning a kid or small child) are often seen as a kind of omen in the houses of once-great families on the verge of decline.
- source : Zack Davisson

. Tōno monogatari 遠野物語 Tono Monogatari.
- Introduction -


. Miyagi prefecture 宮城県 - お不動さま  .

- 鬼首村 Onikobe village (Demon Head Village) 
- 伊具郡 Igu gun - tatsubu 田ツブ Tanishi mud snail


- - - - - Nara 奈良県

西吉野村 Nishi Yoshino village

If someone throws the statue of a Fudo Myo-O into the nearby river pool, it will begin to rain during a drought.


- - - - - Okayama 岡山県

真庭郡 Maniwa gun

ryuu 龍 Ryu, the Dragon
and the Amako clan 尼子一族

Once there was a beautiful princess called おまる姫 O-Maru Hime at the home of Yoshida Bo of the Amako clan. Every night a young man came to her quarters. He never made a sound and that was very strange. So the Lord ordered his retainers to follow the young man. He went to the basin of the Fudo waterfall 不動の滝壷, became a dragon and disappeared in the water.
Oh dear, that was quite a terrible shock and now the father ordered the princess to stay in confinement. But she became terribly love-sick for her young man. So they brought the princess to the waterfall and she jumped in before it could be prevented.
Her mother was so very upset that she called upon her to show her figure just once more.
So the princes, turned into a dragon, came up once again.
Now her family gave up on her and threw a bottle of sake rice wine into the waterfall as an offering.
This was on the first day of the sixth lunar month, so now there is a festival for Fudo Myo-O on this day.

A similar story is also told in 恵庭郡 Eniwa gun 新座村 Shinzamura.


- - - - - Shizuoka 静岡県

榛原郡 本川根町

kitsune 狐 the fox

浜松市 Hamamatsu

daija 大蛇 The Huge Serpent
hebi 蛇


- - - - - Yamagata 山形県

南置賜郡 Minami Okitama gun 中津川村 Nakatsugawa

At the hut near the charcoal kiln 炭焼き小屋 above the Fudo hall someone killed a cat and ate it.
He then became seized by the Inari fox 狐.


- - - - - reference

yokai database 妖怪データベース - 02
- source :

- source :


. Folktales 昔ばなし mukashibanashi about Fudo .  
- Part 01 -


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #fudolegends02 #legends02 - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Fudo Myo-O - Introducing Japanese Deities at 3/28/2015 12:30:00 AM

FUDO - Fudo Legends Miyagi

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Legends about Fudo - Part 02 .

Legends about Fudo お不動さま 
Miyagi prefecture 宮城県  

for Tanishi Fudo, see below

玉造郡 鳴子町 Narugo / Naruko

鬼首村 Onikobe village (Demon Head Village) 
in the Kurikoma Quasi-National Park, is famous for its two geysers, "Benten" and "Unryu"
Onikoobe onsen 鬼首温泉 Onikobe Hot Spring

oni 鬼 the Demon
Once upon a time
a demon wanted to enter the village of Onikobe, but Fudo killed him and burned the body.
From the ashes arose many many many mosquitoes which to our day suck the blood of the people.

- 鬼の橋 Oni Demon Bridge to the village


伊具郡 Igu Gun

tatsubu 田ツブ Tanishi mud snail
The 田ツブ tatsubu  is seen as a sacred animal of Fudo Myo-O.
Therefore people in the villages around Igu who believe in Fudo Myo-O do not eat them and also do not eat dogs.

. tanishi 田螺 / たにし mud snails .
Cipango paludina. Teichschnecke


- More about O-Fudo sama and the Tanishi

Tanishi Fudo タニシ 不動 ・たにし不動 Mud-Snail Fudo

- - - - - Niigata 新潟県
新発田市 しばたし)Shibata town

Mitarase no Taki waterfall

- source and more photos : 郁丸 fumimaru


Sugaya, Sugatani 菅谷

菅谷不動尊のお不動さま Sugatani Fudo and the Tanishi
temple 菅谷寺(かんこくじ) Kankoku-Ji

The temple has been founded in the Kamakura period. In 1189 when the uncle of Minamoto no Yoritomo, Minamoto no Mamoru源護念 had to flee from Mount Hieizan in Kyoto, he took the head of a Fudo Statue from temple Mudooji 無動寺 Mudo-Ji and brought it to Niigata. The statue is said to heal eye diseases 眼病. It is shown every seventh year, in the year of the hare / rabbit 卯年 and the rooster 酉年.

The temple is very old and has a lot of beautiful woodcarvings.
Here is the Dragon.

In the pond below the Mitarase waterfall are many tanishi mud snails. People bring them here and pray for eye diseases to be healed.
Some use the water to rinse their eyes to seek healing.

- source :

Sugatani Fudo Son on facebook

- source :


お不動さまとタニシ O-Fudo sama to tanishi
- source :


The mountain priests of temple Shinko-Ji carried a wooden box with the head of a Nyorai Buddha on their mountain wanderings. The hairdo with many whirls is similar to the mud snail.

- quote -
Die Berg-Asketen des Shinko-Ji, Tokyo, trugen in einem hölzernen Schrein nur den Kopf eines Fudo mit auf ihren Bergwanderungen. Dieser Kopf hatte die Frisur eines Nyorai, mit vielen Wirbeln, daher auch "Wasserschnecken-Fudoo" (Tanishi Fudo) genannt.

. Fudo Myo-O - Deutsch .

source :

"tanishi hairstyle"


. Fukushima - Iwashiro province 岩代国.
Nishiniidono, Nihonmatsu, Fukushima

Once upon a time
in the hamlet of Mokusho-uchi 杢少内 (Mukkyoji in local dialect ムッキョジ) in 西新殿 Nishiniidono there was a wooden statue of Fudo Myo-O お不動様 in the Fudo Hall on the hill.
The villagers had great faith in the statue and came to pray and worship here every day with all kinds of wishes.
"Dear Fudo Sama, please let us have a bountiful rice harvest this year!"
"Please let my father get well soon!"
"Please let me become pregnant with a healthy baby!"

In the villge lived a man called Gohei 五兵衛.
He went to his fields every day to work hard.
And then one morning, when he came to his rice field he found a mud snail lying beside the path.
Gohei, who was a gentle man, began to talk to the mud snail:
"A very good morning to you, dear Mister Mudsnail たにしどん !"
The mud snail looked at him and replied
"Good morning to you too, Gohei san!"

On this day Gohei worked as usual till the evening and then went home.
Next morning he found two mud snails lying beside the path.

"Well, what do we have here! You found a friend, dear Mister Mudsnail! Good morning to you both!"
And this day too Gohei worked all day long in the fields.

And from this day on when he came to the field, he saw one more and one more and one more mud snail and greeted them all with a friendly "Good Morning".

Then after a few days he realized that the many mud snails begun to move on toward the hill.
"Oh well, what do we have now? All of you Mudsnails going to move on! What a surprise!"
And as he looked they almost reached the hill and were gone.

Now it was midnight. The village had become quiet and all had gone to sleep.
Suddenly there was a sound: jaan, jaaaan 「ジャーン、ジャーン」

The noisy sound from a temple bell was heard - oh dear - there was a fire!
The farmers woke up and run out of their homes to have a look.
"Over there, on the hill, at the Fudo Hall!"
Great flames lightened the sky above the Fudo Hall.
"Hurry up, get some water . . . hurry hurry!"

They all run up the hill and begun to carry water from the river way below it. They all worked in a frenzy . . . but it could not be helped, the Fudo Hall was almost burned down.
"How terrible, our dear Fudo sama, your hall is all burned down!"
"Our dear Fudo is made of wood . . . he has burned down now, how sad!"
They all stood by the burning remains and wept loudly, folding their hands in prayer.

Then came the next morning and it became light again.
"Look, hey look at that!"
Gohei raised his voice and pointed at the statue of Fudo Myo-O. It was all black now but still it was their beloved Fudo!
Gohei walked closer to have a good look.
All around the statue were the mud snails, protecting him and got burned themselves.
With little plops and plumps the finally fell down from the statue - quite dead.

But the statue had remained in its full splendor, thanks to the mud snails!

The surprised villagers all run up to the statue of Fudo.
"What a miracle! It seems the mud snails knew there would be a fire and had all moved up the hill and protected him! What a miracle indeed! Thanks to our dear Fudo Sama!"
They all wept in gratitude.
Later they had a new Fudo Hall built and by that time - as you might guess -
the statue was called

Tanishi Fudo たにし不動Fudo of the Mud Snails

- source : Iwashiro Tourist Association


- - - - - reference

yokai database 妖怪データベース
- source :

- source :


. Folktales 昔ばなし mukashibanashi about Fudo .  
- Part 01 -


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #fudomiyagi #miyagilegends - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Fudo Myo-O - Introducing Japanese Deities at 3/27/2015 06:41:00 PM