Showing posts with label Heian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heian. Show all posts

24 Jun 2016

GOKURAKU legends - Somen Noodles Jizo

- Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC-List -

Soomen Jizoo そうめん地蔵 Somen Noodles Jizo

. soomen 索麺 Somen noodles .
hiya soomen 冷索麺 cold Somen noodles in Summer
- Introduction -

source :

Nagashi somen 流しそうめん "noodles flowing past"
a typical summer food to enjoy outside.
Small bundles of Somen noodles are send down a 'half-pipe' (usually made of bamboo) flowing with cold water from a nearby clean brook. You pick them up as they flow past and dip them into a small bowl with soy sauce and some herbs and spices for extra flavoring. The last bundle is usually colored, mostly pink.


Once upon a time
the lord of Katsuyama castle 氏家勝山城 went to a pilgrimage to Nikko. After the important pilgrimage was over and he was on his way home, the Lord realized that he had not eaten a thing since the morning and suddenly, relaxed, he felt quite hungry.
Just then he passed the temple 満願寺 Mangan-Ji.
But the priest at the temple was quite a wicked one and served him only cold Somen noodles.
Word of this wicked priest had come to the Jizo from Nikko. He changed his form to a young monk with the blink of an eye came to the temple Mangan-Ji. He asked the priest: "Please give me some food!"
The priest smiled to himself "Today I can do a lot of wicked things!" and served the young monk some Somen noodles.
The young monk begun to eat, first 10 bowls, then 100 bowls and even 300 bowls with great pleasure and was still hungy. The old priest had his pride too and served ever more. But eventually his mean spirit was appeased and he got quite afraid of this young monk.
After he had finished all the bowls, the young monk said "Thank you so much for this meal!" Then he went home.

After he had left, the woodworkers from the valley came running up to the temple and shouted:
"Help help, our valley is suddenly full of Somen noodles!"
When the old mean priest went to the valley, he saw the river all white with the noodles floating downwhill.
Then he understood. The young monk must have been Jizo Bosatsu, trying to teach him a lesson.
And from this day on, he canged his mean ways and become a friendly, caring old priest.
The valley got the name そうめん谷 "Somen Valley" and the Jizo came to be called
soomen Jizo そうめん地蔵 The Somen Noodle Jizo.
- reference : xxx


. 出流山 満願寺 - Izurusan Mangan-Ji .
栃木県栃木市出流町288 // 288 Izurumachi, Tochigi
Mangan-Ji temple is the seventeenth temple in the Bando (33 Kannon temples of kango region) pilgrimage circuit.

CLICK for more photos!


そうめん地蔵 Somen Noodles Jizo
This legend tells about the origin of the ritual
Nikkoo Goohan-Shiki 日光強飯式 Nikko Gohanshiki
From Rinno-Ji in Nikko.

. Rinnoo-JI Goohanshiki 輪王寺強飯式 .

The story is just a bit different from the one told above.

About 400 years ago, at the temple 地蔵寺 Jizo-Ji, there was a very gentle kind priest. One day he was asked by 勝山城の左衛門尉 the lord from Katsuyama castle, Saemonnojo, to go to Nikko to Shrine 二荒山神社 Futaarayama Jinja on his behalf. The priest agreed cheerfully and was on his way.
Having finished his business, on his way home, he stopped near 滝尾別所 and suddenly felt very hungry. So went to a nearby temple and asked for a bowl of Somen noodles. The priest of the temple was a rather wicked person and asked him to come in, with a wicked smile on his face.

After some time the priest carried a huge tray to his visitor with a huge bowl of Somen.
"Since you asked for a bowl, we brought you one. Now you have to eat it all!"
The priest ate as much as he could, but still could not eat it all and begun to cry and apologized. But the wicked priest did not accept his apology.

Just in this moment a traveling monk appeared and asked:
"Please let me have one bowl of Somen noodles!"
The priest grinned from ear to ear and brought another huge bowl of Somen noodles.
But the travelilng monk just ate it all with no problem, slurping down the noodles. In no time the huge bowl was empty.
The priest got angry, had his subordinate priests buy all so Somen noodles in all of Nikko and offered them to the traveling monk. But the monk only smiled and slurped the huge portion of noodles in no time.
The priest and his subordinates were quite perplex and whowh - the traveling monk just vanished like smoke in the air. In his place stood a Jizo now. This was in fact the Jizo from the temple of the priest from Jizo-Ji.
Now the wicked priest apologized with tears in his eyes.
Then a woodworker came running past, calling out that the whole Western Valley was full of Somen floating down the river.

So the valley was called そうめん谷 Somen Valley and the Jizo became known as そうめん地蔵 Somen Jizo.
- reference : -


A legend involving Somen
from Nara, 大塔村 Oto village

Once upon a time a woodworker went to the forest for work. But he did not come home in the evening and his wife got worried. All the people from her family went out looking for him. The husband had carried some Abura-Age Tofu for his lunch, and a fox had gotten it from him. The fox then bewitched the man so he lost his way and wandered aimlessly in the forest.
When they found him he said he had eaten some Somen noodles, but looking closely he had only eaten earthworms.

. soba 蕎麦 buckwheat noodle legends .
They are quite similar, about foxes bewitching people.


- Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction -

. Pilgrimages to Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - 地蔵霊場 Jizo Reijo .

. Legends about Jizo Bosatsu - 地蔵菩薩 .

. Join the Jizo Bosatsu Gallery - Facebook .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ] - - - #soomenjizo #somenjizo - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 6/22/2016 10:02:00 am

19 Jun 2016

SHRINES - Hashihime Bridge Deity

. Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

Hashihime, Hashi Hime 橋姫 / はし姫 "Princess of the Bridge"
"bridge maiden", "The Lady at the Bridge"

Uji no Hashi Hime 宇治の橋姫, 織津比売 (せおりつひめ)の神
. Checkpoints, barriers around Kyoto .


- quote
Hashihime (橋姫) ("the maiden of the bridge")
is a character that first appeared in Japanese Heian-period literature, represented as a woman who spends lonely nights waiting for her lover to visit, and later as a fierce "oni" or demon fueled by jealousy. She came to be associated most often with a bridge in Uji.

Kyōka Hyaku-Monogatari 1853

Very little is known about the origin of Hashihime. The most common interpretation is that she was a lonely wife pining for her husband / lover to return but due to his infidelity, she became jealous and turned into a demon.
- source : wikipedia


Hashihime no Yashiro 橋姫の社
Hashihime Jinja 橋姫神社 Hashihime Shrine

橋姫の社(はしひめのやしろ) は宇治橋の西づめにあり。はじめは二社なり。一社は洪水のとき漂流す。いま、礎存せり。
『古今』  さむしろに衣かたしくこよひもやわれをまつらんうぢの橋姫  読人しらず

ajirogi ni izayou nami no oto fukete hitori ya nenuru uji no hashihime 
慈円 - Jien (1155 - 1225) - 『新古』

後宇多院 Gouda-In (Gouda Tenno) (1267 - 1324) - 『新千』 

宇治市宇治蓮華47 Uji
- source : -

Writing Margins: The Textual Construction of Gender in Heian and Kamakura Japan
By Terry Kawashima
The figure of Hashihime, . . .
- with poems about the Hashihime
- source : -

Hashihime no momijigasane ya kari te mashi tabine wa samushi Uji no kawakaze.

Wondering if I should borrow
from the Princess of Bridges
this robe of autumn leaves—
my rest while traveling so cold...
the Uji River wind.

Otagaki Rengetsu (1791 - 1875)

- source : -

samushiro ni koromo katashiki koyo mo ya ware o matsuramu uji no hashihime

On a thin straw mat
Beneath a single layer of clothes
On this night, too,
I wonder, does she await me,
My maid at Uji Bridge.

source : Anonymous -

さむしろや待つ夜の秋の風ふけて. 月をかたしく宇治の橋姫
samushiro ya matsu yo no aki no kaze fukete tsuki wo katashiku uji no hashihime

How cold!
waiting out the autumn's weary night
deepening as the wind blows
she spreads out the moon's light
the Princess of Uji Bridge.

Fujiwara no Teika
- source : wikipedia -


- quote -
- Image 鳥山石燕『今昔画図続百鬼』より「橋姫」。解説文に「橋姫の社は山城の国宇治橋にあり」とあることから、宇治の橋姫を描いたものと解釈されている。
- Image 鳥山石燕『今昔画図続百鬼』より「丑の刻参り」
- Image 現在の堀川と戻り橋
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- quote -
Hashihime – The Bridge Princess
From Mizuki Shigeru, Yōkai Stories
Nothing quite embodies the saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" like the Hashihime. A human woman consumed by jealousy and hatred, she transformed herself through sheer willpower—and the assistance of a helpful deity who taught her a complicated ritual—into a living demon of rage and death. A yokai from the Heian period, she is one of the most powerful and fierce creatures in Japan's menagerie.

What Does Hashihime Mean?
With only two kanji, her name is straight-forward: 橋 (hashi; bridge) 姫 (hime; princess). But there is a secret meaning hidden inside. In ancient Japanese, the word airashi (愛らしい; pretty; charming; lovely; adorable) could be pronounced "hashi." So "Hashihime the Bridge Princess" was also a homophone for (愛姫) "Hashihime the Pretty Princess."
The only real question is why does such a horrible demon have such a lovely, delicate name? This is because the name predates the monster. There have been Bridge Princesses—benign deities of the water—for far longer than there have been jealous women with crowns of iron and burning torches clenched between their teeth.
- - - Hashihime as Water Goddess
Going back into ancient, pre-literate Japan, there has long been a mythology built around bridges. Japan was—and still is—an animistic culture where nature is embodied by spirits of good and ill. The wonders of nature, like particularly large and twisted trees or odd and out of place rocks, had their own guardian deities called kami. Rivers too, especially large rivers, were the abodes of gods. ...
In the year 905 CE, we get one of the oldest known written mentions of the Hashihime, in a poem from the 14th scroll of the Kokin Wakashū (古今和歌集; Collection of Poems of Ancient and Modern Times). This is especially notable because it mentions not just any Hashihime, but the Hashihime of Uji—a legend that would come to dominate all images of this fantastic creature.

Upon a narrow grass mat
laying down her robe only
tonight, again –
she must be waiting for me,
Hashihime of Uji

- - - Hashihime as Female Demon
How the transformation happened—from benign, sexy river goddess to avatar of female rage—is unknown. Most likely it happened like all folklore, organically and over time. The shrines to the Hashihime existed near bridges, and as people forgot their original purpose they began to make up new stories. Most of these stories tended to include some legend of the Hashihime as "woman done wrong." There are old legends of a woman whose husband went off to war and never came back, and she wept by the river bank in sorrow until she was transformed into the Hashihime. Others are stories of jealousy and revenge. ...
While Lady Rokujo is not the Hashihime, ...
- - - The Heike Monogatari and the Hashihime of Uji
...The Heike Monogatari emphasizes repeatedly than the Hashihime is a "still-living" oni. ...
Toriyama's Text:
"The Goddess Hashihime lives in the under the Uji Bridge in Yamashiro province (Modern day Southern Kyoto). That is the explanation for this drawing of the Hashihime of Uji."
- - - Kanawa 鉄輪 – The Iron Crown
The Noh play Kanawa (鉄輪; The Iron Crown) comes from one of the versions of the Hashihime story from the Heike Monogatari. ...
- - - Other Hashihime
Although she is by far the most famous, the Hashihime of Uji is not the only Hashihime. Nagarabashi bridge over the Yodogawa river in Osaka and the Setanokarabashi bridge over the Setagawa river in Sega prefecture also lay claim to their own Hashihimes.
- - - The Hashihime Shrine
..... Shrine records claim the Hashihime Shrine dates back to 646 CE, making it older than most known legends of the Hashihime of Uji. Most likely it was originally dedicated to the water goddess under the bridge, and the kami of the shrine evolved along with the legends. ...
- source : Zack Davisson -


- quote -
The Tale of the Hashihime of Uji
Translated from the Heike Monogatari
During the Imperial reign of the Emperor Saga, there lived a courtly lady consumed by jealousy. So powerfully was she in jealousy's grip that she made a pilgrimage to the shrine at Kifune and cloistered in prayer. For seven days, she devoted herself to a single-minded wish: "Oh great and powerful Kami of Kifune, grant me the powers of a devil while I am still living. Make me a fierce being, terrible to behold. Let my outer form match the flame of jealousy that burns so brightly within. Let me kill."

That great miracle-working Kami of Kifune understood the depths of her desire, and heeded her call. "I am moved by pity and by the sincerity of your prayer. If you wish to become a living oni, to change into a monstrous form, get thee to the Kawase river in Uji. Perform the ceremony I shall now teach you, and then return to submerge yourself in the waters of the river. Do this for 21 days." This courtly lady saw and heard the manifestation of this celestial being, and was in rapture.
- continued here
- source : Zack Davisson -

. ikiryoo 生霊 . 生き霊 Ikiryo"living spirit" .
vengeful spirit, mostly female
ushi no toki mairi


totose 十歳 - an expression from the Genji Monogatari.
Hashi Hime, Hashihime 橋姫

sono hito mo kashiko ni te use haberi ni shi nochi,
totose amari nite

A pictorial subject based on "The Lady at the Bridge" Hashihime, Chapter 45 of GENJI MONOGATARI 源氏物語 (The Tale of Genji).

The last ten chapters of the Tale are known as UJI JUUJOU 宇治十帖 (The Ten Books of Uji). This chapter, the first of the ten, introduces the Eighth Prince Hachi no miya 八宮, a half-brother of Genji, and his two daughters, Ooigimi 大君 and Naka no kimi 中君, who live with him in his self-imposed retirement at Uji (south of Kyoto). The prince is known for his piety and wisdom. Kaoru 薫, whose serious character is engendered by deep misgivings about his paternity, begins to study under Hachi no miya.
Eventually he learns from Ben no kimi 弁君, the daughter of *Kashiwagi's 柏木 wet nurse, that he is not in fact Genji's son, but rather the illegitimate son of Kashiwagi. The scene most frequently chosen for illustration shows Ooigimi playing a lute biwa 琵琶 and Naka no kimi a harp koto 琴 under the moon and clouds while Kaoru secretly peers in through a break in the villa's bamboo fence.
This scene survives in a section of the earliest illustrated version (12c) in the Tokugawa 徳川 Art Museum.
source : Jaanus

. Matsuo Basho - totose 十歳 .
aki totose kaette Edo o sasu kokyoo


Tea Bowl, Known as "Hashihime" (bridge maiden)
Mino ware, Shino type, Azuchi-Momoyama - Edo period, 16th - 17th century

- source : Tokyo National Museum -


- Reference : 橋姫
- Reference : Hashihime

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .

- #hashihime #hashihimeshrine -

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Shrine Hashihime no Yashiro, Uji

If the procession of a wedding passes before this shrine, someone will certainly become very ill or even die. It is also possible that the wedding will not be successful and the couple divorced.

During the Time of Minamoto no Raikō many people suddenly disappeared.
When he investigated the events, he found that during the times of 嵯峨天皇 Saga Tenno a very jealous woman cast a spell at 貴船の社 Kifune Shrine.
The shrine is therefore associated with the Ushi no toki mairi 丑の時参り, the ritual of wearing candles on one's head and laying a curse at a shrine during the "hour of the Ox", since it is from the resident deity that Hashihime learns the prescribed ritual to turn herself into an oni鬼 demon to exact vengeance.
This story is told in the Noh play Kanawa 金輪 ("The Iron Crown").

. 源頼光 Minamoto no Yorimitsu, Raiko (948 - 1021) .
Minamoto no Raikō

- reference : nichibun yokai database -




Posted By Gabi Greve to Japan - Shrines and Temples on 6/18/2016 10:35:00 am

11 Jun 2016

HEIAN - baka uma-shika yokai

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

baka uma-shika 馬鹿 と伝説 Legends about the Baka Yokai
baroku 馬鹿(ばろく)
yokai 妖怪:馬鹿(むましか)Mumashika, Muma-Shika
Yōkai demon with a horse's head and deer's body

Hyakki Yakō Emaki

A Yokai beast with one horn, sometimes wearing robes like a monk. The head is long like that of a horse and his hands and nails are like the hooves of a deer. It has only one eye, which can jump out of the eye socket.
Its facial expression is that of a human Baka, a fool.

- quote -
Baka (馬鹿, ばか, or バカ) means "fool; idiot", or (as an adjectival noun) "foolish" and is the most frequently used pejorative term in the Japanese language.

The same 馬鹿 "horse deer" characters that transcribe baka are also used for names in Chinese zoological nomenclature and Japanese mythology.

In the Chinese language, malu 馬鹿 refers to the common "Red Deer; Cervus elaphus", which has a Japanese name of akashika 赤鹿 (lit. "red deer").

Mumashika is a rare alternate Japanese reading of 馬鹿 that names "a yōkai demon with a horse's head and deer's body".
The c. 1832 Hyakki Yakō Emaki 百鬼夜行絵巻 "100 Demons' Night Parade Picture Scroll" depicts it with one eye, horse mouth and ears, and deer horn and hooves.
- source : wikipedia -


- source : -


. Tanuki no bakabayashi 狸の馬鹿囃子 the Tanuki Band Procession .
in Tokyo

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 ......................................
宇和島市 Uwajima town

In 下波村 Shitaba village, the deity ヒダル神 Hidarugami is called
shirami シラミ. They are a kind of misaki ミサキ.
And the local fishermen call it
baka 馬鹿 / バカ .
It comes like a white cloud surrounding a boat and draws it into the ocean.
Baka are the souls of people drowned during shipwrecks. Their souls are appeased at O-Bon and other rituals.
But when the villagers call it Baka, it gets angry and there will usually be a fire soon somewhere.

. Hidarugami ヒダル神 .

. Misaki ミサキ / 御先 / 御前 / 御崎 Legends about the Misaki deity .

.......................................................................... Kumamoto 熊本県 ......................................
天草郡 Amakusa district

Baka sama no sekihi 馬鹿様の石碑 Stone Memorial of Baka sama
It relates to 主留浦浜.

source :

If children climb this dangerous stone they often fall down and hurt themselves. Sometimes a sword comes out to cut them.
It might be a local diversion of the dialect, hakajun はかじゅん(墓順)- order of the graves and seats of the elders.

玉名郡 Tamana district 和水町 Nagomi

From an old 古墳 Kofun tomb there is often a fire coming out, wobbling here and there.
The villagers call it
bakabi (baka no hi) 馬鹿火 "Baka fire", "Baka flames".

- quote -
Etafunayama Ancient Tomb (National Treasure 江田船山古墳
Eta Funayama Tumulus is a sixty-two-meter long, keyhole-shaped burial mound at the center of the Seibaru Tumuli, a cluster of mounds spread out on a plateau on the left bank of the Kikusui River in Kumamoto Prefecture, Kyushu. It is thought that it was constructed in the late fifth century or early sixth century. In 1873, a set of exquisite burial goods was excavated from the sarcophagus-style stone burial chamber (also called a 'house-style sarcophagus with side opening') in the round portion of the mound. ..... From this we can speculate that the individuals buried in this tumulus played an important role in relations between the Japanese archipelago and the Korean peninsula.
- source : marley -


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
(including baka, a foolish person) 馬鹿息子 - to be excluded
86 to explore (14)

完全復刻 - 妖怪馬鹿 - 京極 夏彦


. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #bakaumashika #umashika -



Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 6/08/2016 01:39:00 pm

31 May 2016

HEIAN - dokuro sharekobe skull

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

dokuro 髑髏と伝説 Legends about the Skull
gashadokuro, gasha-dokuro がしゃどくろ "rattling skull
sharekoobe しゃれこうべ Sharekobe

. skull (dokuro, sharekoobe 髑髏) .
- Introduction and Haiku -

. Shigeru Mizuki (水木 しげる Mizuki Shigeru) .

- quote -
Gashadokuro, Gasha Dokuro がしゃどくろ
TRANSLATION: onomatopoeic; rattling skull
ALTERNATE NAMES: ōdokuro (giant skeleton)
HABITAT: any; usually found near mass-graves or battlegrounds
DIET: none, but enjoys eating humans anyway

Gashadokuro are skeletal giants which wander around the countryside in the darkest hours of the night. Their teeth chatter and bones rattle with a "gachi gachi" sound, which is this yokai's namesake. If they should happen upon a human out late on the roads, the gashadokuro will silently creep up and catch their victims, crushing them in their hands or biting off their head.

Soldiers whose bodies rot in the fields and victims of famine who die unknown in the wilderness rarely receive proper funerary rites. Unable to pass on, their souls are reborn as hungry ghosts, longing eternally for that which they once had. These people die with anger and pain in their hearts, and that energy remains long after their flesh has rotted from their bones. As their bodies decay, their anger ferments into a powerful force – a grudge against the living – and this grudge is what twists them into a supernatural force. When the bones of hundreds of victims gather together into one mass, they can form the humongous skeletal monster known as the gashadokuro.
Too large and powerful to be killed, gashadokuro maintain their existence until the energy and malice stored up in their bodies has completely burnt out. However, because of the large amount of dead bodies required to form a single one, these abominations are much rarer today than they were in the earlier days, when wars and famine were a part of everyday life.

The earliest record of a gashadokuro goes back over 1000 years to a bloody rebellion against the central government by a samurai named Taira no Masakado. His daughter, Takiyasha-hime, was a famous sorceress. When Masako was eventually killed for his revolt, his daughter continued his cause. Using her black magic, she summoned a great skeleton to attack the city of Kyoto.
Her monster is depicted in a famous print by Utagawa Kuniyoshi.
- source : -

相馬の古内裏 Soma no Furu-Dairi - 歌川国芳 Utagawa Kuniyoshi
- reference : wikipedia -


kitsune 狐 fox

A fox of 100 years will become an inpu 淫婦, a prostitute.
A fox of 100 years will become a 美女 beautiful woman.
A fox living on a kofun 古墳 Tumulus will become a beautiful woman.
Others say a fox has to become 800 years or 300 years, before shape-shifting into a human.

CLICK for more foxes with skulls 髑髏被り !

A fox might place a skull on his head and pray to the 北斗七星 big dipper. The skull is a 霊天蓋 ritual canopy for the fox. But he has to practise so the skull will not slip from his head. If he can manage to see the Big Dipper 100 times, he will gain the power to shape-shift into a human.


dokurozake 髑髏酒 drinking Sake from a skull

Once in autumn a man left the village on a horse. In the evening he met a woman who offered him a drink. Just then came a hunter with a dog. And the woman shape-shifted back into a fox. The cup in the man's hand suddenly turned into a skull cup.

dokuro hai 髑髏杯 / どくろ杯 scull cups
from the enemies of 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga,

. kitsune densetsu 狐 伝説 fox legends .

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 ......................................

yamanba 山姥 the old hag from the moutain

.......................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 ......................................

On mount 金勝山 Konzeyama there is a rock cave with a skull placed on an altar. The skull is pierced by a sword behind the two ears. The skull is about three times as large as a human one. What might it be?

.......................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 ......................................

. sharekobe 髑髏 skull in the bamboo grove .
a story of the year 774 from Bingo no Kuni 寶龜9年備後國.

.......................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県 ......................................
真壁郡 Makabe district 協和町 Kyowa

suika 西瓜 watermelon
Once a farmer found a watermelon in his field, but he did not remember having planted any. When he looked closer, there was a skull and the melon had grown from its eye.

source : アマゾネス

.......................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 ......................................
鎌倉市 Kamakura

深沢の大蛇 the huge serpent of Fukazawa
In the year 1676 there was enormous flooding in the area of Fukazawa and a lot of landslides happened.
Out of one of them came a large skull of about one meter with huge teeth.

source :

In 江の島の縁起 the history of Enoshima it is called "the huge serpent of Fukazawa".

Oodate Jiroo 大舘次郎 Odate Jiro

Once the blind poet 高野蘭亭 Takano Rantei (1704 - 1757) wanted to get hold of a skull cup. When he begun looking for it at the 大館次郎の塚 Mound of Odate Jiro, suddenly the fine weather changed, it became cloudy and soon a huge storm and thunder filled the sky.

source : - 鎌倉十一人塚 -

Odate Jiro is related to the battle of 新田義貞 Nitta Yoshisada.

- quote -
Juichininzuka (十一人塚) Juichininzuka Mound of 11 people
The monument was erected in memory of Odate Jiro (大館次郎) and eleven of his followers. (The inscription incorrectly adds the character "又" to his name:又次郎.)
In 1333, when imperial troops headed by Nitta Yoshisada (新田義貞, 1301-38) attacked Kamakura, Odate, a general of the Nitta forces, rushed to Gokurakujizaka Pass with a large number of his soldiers. Evading a hail of logs and rocks from both sides of the pass, they broke through the Hojo (北条) defense and headed towards Yuigahama, where the enemy awaited.
Faced with a counterattack by the troops of Honma Yamashirozaemon (本間山城左衛門) of the Hojo side, Odate's army was forced to retreat to Gokurakuji (極楽寺), where Odate and most of his men were killed near the Inasegawa River (稲瀬川).
In the end, only eleven of Odate's men were left, but rather than give up and surrender they chose to take their own lives with their own swords.
The eleven are said to have been buried here, and a statue of Eleven-faced Kannon (十一面観音菩薩, Juichimen Kannon) was erected to their memory under the name Juichininzuka, "Mound of the Eleven." Generally, tsuka (塚, also pronounced zuka) refers to a tombstone, but this particular tsuka was erected later as a memorial.
- source :

.......................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 ......................................

oni no kubi 鬼の首 the neck of an Oni demon
At the temple 建仁寺 Kennin-Ji there is a skull of about 30 cm which is seen as the head and neck of a demon.

tooru no daijin no rei 融の大臣の霊 / Tôru daijin / The Minister Toru
Most of the stories of ghosts are about people becoming ghosts and appearing as a skull.
One of the oldest records is the Nihon Ryooiki 日本霊異記 Nihon Ryoiki.
宇多院 Emperor Uda (867 - 931) made an official visit to 河原院 Kawara no In (the official residence of Minamoto no Tooru 源融 Toru (822 - 895).
The late owner of this Kawara residence, Toru, appeared clad in 衣冠 formal robes as a ghost to greet the visitor.
Kawara no Sadaijin 河原左大臣 - Poet and statesman

- reference - Minamoto no Toru -

. Nihon Ryōiki 日本霊異記 Nihon Ryoiki .
Ghostly Strange Records from Japan
Record of Miraculous Events in Japan
by Kyookai 景戒 (きょうかい/けいかい) Kyokai - Keikai, priest of Yakushi-Ji in the Nara period


source :

Decoration of the inside of a Haori Jacket.

- source and more photos : -

dokuro to tokage 髑髏と蜥蜴 Skull and Lizard
河鍋暁斎 Kawanabe Kyosai (1831 - 1889)

. . . CLICK here for more spooky ukiyo-e about skulls !

歌川国芳 「相馬の古内裏」
歌川国芳 「於岩ぼうこん」
歌川国芳 「国芳もやう正札附現金男野晒悟助」
歌川国芳 「源頼光公館土蜘作妖怪図」
葛飾北斎 『百物語』より「こはだ小平次」
月岡芳年 「地獄太夫悟道の図」
月岡芳年 「清盛福原に数百の人頭を見るの図」
月岡芳年 「新撰東錦絵 一休地獄太夫」
月岡芳年 「和漢豪気揃 髑髏」
歌川広重 平清盛福原にて怪異を見る図」
小林清親 「地獄太夫」
河鍋暁斎 「美女の袖を引く骸骨たち」
河鍋暁斎 「一休地獄太夫」
河鍋 暁斎 「髑髏と蜥蜴」
小林清親 「清親放痴 東京谷中天王地」and more modern paintings


.......................................................................... Nagano 長野県 ......................................

Hitotsume Kozoo 一ツ目小僧 (一つ目小僧) Hitotsume Kozo - Young Monk with One Eye
and his grave 一ツ目小僧の墓所
His grave is said to be here in the mountains. During the early Meiji period, an old grandpa wanted to clear the place and opened it. He dug out some human bones and re-arranged them anew, because there have been roots of 山芋 mountain yam (Dioscorea japonica) going through one eye of the skull.

There are other regions in Japan who claim his grave is there.

and some graves are dedicated to Jizo Bosatsu
- 一つ目小僧地蔵 Hitotsume Kozo Jizo -
where people found a skull with only one eye opening 眼窩が一つしかない頭蓋骨.

. Hitotsume Kozoo 一つ目小僧 Hitotsume Kozo - Young Monk with One Eye .

.......................................................................... Nara 奈良県 ......................................

The emperor 花山院 Kazan-In (Kazan Tenno 花山天皇 (968 - 1008)) was suffering from a severe headache.
His "doctor", Abe no Seimei, said this was caused by a problem in his former life. The emperor had been a mountain pries and died near mount Omine 大峯の某の宿. Because of his good deeds he was then re-born as the 天子 Imperial Prince. But the skull of his former body had fallen between two rocks, so now he had to suffer headaches. They searched for the skull, took it out and buried it properly. And what do you say - the headache was healed, of course.

. Abe no Seimei 阿倍晴明 (921 - 1005) .

. Matsuo Basho at Natadera 那谷寺 .
The name was changed to Natadera by the emperor Kazan, who ruled during the Heian Period.

... the 65th emperor of Japan ...
Morosada-shinnō (師貞親王) - his priestly name was Nyūkaku.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

hikarimono 光物 the sparkling something

In the year 1672 at a place named 厨子 Zushi, something was sparkling and shining all night long. When the villagers dug at that place, they found something like a skull. They did not like it and feared its power, so after they disposed of it, the shining and sparkling stopped.

.......................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 ......................................
石垣市 Ishigaki

majin, mashin 魔神 malevolent deity, evil spirit

.......................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県 ......................................
大原町千代ヶ丸 Ohara, Chiyogamaru

In the year 1702, on the 24th day of the 4th month, the 観音堂 Kannon Hall at Chiyogamaru was to be repaired. In the ground they found a large stone sarcophage 長さ9尺8寸、高さ2尺9寸、奥行き3尺. Inside were two skulls and two swords, spears and arrow heads. The skull was about 3尺7寸 in diameter, and 1尺4寸 in length.,
1尺 - 30 cm, 1寸 - 3 cm

- reference and photos : -

.......................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 ......................................

tatari たたり a curse
At the 服部坂 Hatorizaka slope there was a Zen temple called しうりん院 Shorin-In.
Once they found a skull in the back mountain of the temple. So they made a grave marker and venerated it on the 位牌堂 Hall for Ancestral tablets (ihai).
But after seven days, the skull begun dancing out of the hall with its tablet. The head priest could not sleep and became ill. When another priest visited, he took the skull and stamped on it in the garden until it was broke. Then the curse was broken and the head priest healed.

Fukiage Goten 吹上御殿 / Fukiage Gosho 吹上御所


.......................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県 ......................................

In a former life 後白河法皇 Emperor Goshirakawa had been a mountain priest named 蓮華坊 Renge-Bo, but he had fallen into a ravine and lost his life. A willow tree grew on the spot, piercing the skull and causing the Emperor a constant headache whenever the wind blew the branches of the tree.
On a pilgrimage to Kumano to get rid of the headache, the Emperor learned of his former life and made a search for the skull. He buried the skull properly and used the willow tree to make a beam of the Sanjusan Gendo hall 柳で三十三間堂の棟木. Other versions say he had a Statue of Kannon made and placed the skull inside to show this greatfulness for being relieves of the headache.
This story is similar to the one of Kazan from Nara, see above.

To our day the temple has an event in January known as the Rite of the Willow (柳枝のお加持), where worshippers are touched on the head with a sacred willow branch to cure and prevent headaches.

. Sanjusan Gendo Hall in Kyoto, .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

勝川春章 Katsukawa Shunsho (1762 - 1793)


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #dokuro #sharekobe #skull -



Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 5/14/2016 09:29:00 am

HEIAN legend about octopus tako

tako octopus legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

tako 蛸と伝説 Tako Legends about Octopus

. tako 蛸 Octopus in Japanese Culture .
- Introduction -

In the Edo period, money was called "o-ashi" 足 legs,  
and things with many legs, like ika cuttlefish and tako octopus were considered auspicious gifts.

The Fisherman and The Octopus
Kusakabe Kinbei 日下部金兵衛 Kusakabe Kimbei
(1841 – 1934) - fotografer


CLICK for more photos of Ukiyo-E and the Tako !
Hokusai 北斎

The Tako was a kind of hero in lady's dreams
(or maybe in the men's dreams who made the prints).


. tako bikuni 蛸比丘尼 the Octopus nun .

. Tako Yakushi 蛸薬師 Octopus Yakushi Nyorai .


In some regions there are legends about an octopus changing into a huge serpent or vice versa.

source :

hebidako 蛇蛸(へびだこ) serpent-octopus

In many parts of 北九州 Kita Kyushu.


- quote -
Ayakashi (妖 - あやかし) is the collective name for yōkai that appear above the surface of some body of water.

"Ayakashi" from the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi by Sekien Toriyama

In the Nagasaki Prefecture, the kaika 怪火;カイカ (ghost lights) that appear above water are called this, and in the funayūrei 船幽霊 (boat spirits) in the Yamaguchi Prefecture and the Saga Prefecture are also called this. In the western part of Japan, they are said to be those who died at sea and are attempting to capture people to join them.In Tsushima, they are also called "kaika of ayakashi (ayakashi no kaika)," and appear on beaches in the evening, and it would look like as if a child were walking in the middle of the fire. On coasts, kaika would appear as mountains and obstruct one's path, and are said to disappear if one doesn't avoid the mountain and tries to bump into it intently.

There is the folk belief that if a live sharksucker (Echeneis naucrates), an actual fish, gets stuck to the bottom of the boat, it would not be able to move, so ayakashi is a synonym for this type of fish.

In the Konjaku Hyakki Shūi by Sekien Toriyama, the ayakashi is represented by a large sea snake, but this may actually be an ikuchi, sea snake or octopus.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 ......................................
知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami Chita

shoojagama しょうじゃがま

.......................................................................... Fukui 福井県 ......................................

蛇が蛸になる a serpent becomes an octopus

敦賀市 Tsuruga

There was a rock with many shells, so a man once went there diving to harvest them. But he never came back to the surface. When his friends found him in the water, he was circling around a large pillar. They pulled the body up and found that the pillar was in fact the leg of a huge octopus and the head of the animal was huge like a rock.

.......................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 ......................................


.......................................................................... Iwate 岩手県 ......................................

At the Shrine Watatsumi Jinja 綿津海神社
Tako is seen as a deity 蛸神様 / たこ神さま Tako Kamisama.

Once a woman fishing for kelp cut off one leg of a Tako, who later became the
Octopus Deity with Seven Legs "七本足の蛸"を蛸神様
- reference : -

.......................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 ......................................

ヤザイモン / 八左兵門 Yazaimono Tako
Once a huge Tako took a nap on a rock. When Yasaimon 八左兵門 (Yazaemon) saw this, he cut off one leg each day. On Day 8 he wanted to cut off the last leg, but the huge Tako threw him into the sea with it and then continued his nap.
Since that time, the huge Octopus is called ザイモン蛸 Yazaimon in this area.

坂出市 Sakaide

daija 大蛇 huge serpent and oodako 大蛸 huge octopus
Once upon a time a huge serpent and a huge octopus had a fight and the huge octopus threw the serpent into the sea - so he had won! Ten years later there was oil oozing out of the sea where the serpent had perished. A fisherman found the oil, threw out his load of rice and hauled the bones of the snake into his ship. He sold it as medicine in Osaka and became a rich man.

小豆郡 Shozu district 土庄町

At 天津神社 Amatsu Jinja there is a stone with a paining of an octopus.
Once a fisherman caught an octopus and killed it, so the curse of this animal came over the fisherman. To appease it, the fisherman had the carving made and prayed for forgiveness.

.......................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 ......................................


.......................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 ......................................
大島郡 Oshima district 瀬戸内町 Setouchi

人蛸 チュドホ "human Tako"

ケンムン Kenmun - Kenmono
ケンムンと仲良しになったある人が、一番恐いものを尋ねられ、お金と答えた。一方ケンムンは、ヤツデマル(蛸)が恐いと言った。ある日、その人がケンムン にやけどを負わすと、ケンムンは仕返しにたくさんの金を小屋に投げ込んだ。その人は、蛸を捕ってきて、小屋にかけたため、ケンムンは二度と来なくなり、そ の人は大金持ちになった。

ケンモン Kenmono - a Yokai from Amami islands - Amami kappa kenmun
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- and Kenmun from Okinawa
ケンムンの特徴は、体が小さく子供のようで、赤い毛がはえていて、ウスクかガジアルの木にすむ。顔は猫のようだとも犬のようだともいわれる。足は長く、竹 のように細い。漁が大好きで魚の目玉だけ食べる。相撲が好きでよく人に挑んでくる。7月頃海から山へ登っていく。蛸が苦手。ケンムンが家に着くと裕福にな るといわれている。


Yokai of Tako and Shells タコや貝の妖怪

英一蝶 Hanabusa Itcho (1652 - 1724) - 『田原藤太秀郷』
- source : -


.......................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 ......................................

If a pregnant woman eats octopus, the child will have warts.

本吉郡 Motoyoshi district 本吉町


.......................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県 ......................................
南島原市 Minami Shimabara

ある寡婦が磯漁りに行ったところ、蛸の足が石の上に出ていた。彼女は喜んでこれを切って持って帰り、夜の慰みに使った。このようなことを7度繰り返し、8 度目に最後の足を切ろうとしたところ海に引きずりこまれて死んでしまった。それ以来山から原城の沖へ毎晩火が飛んでいくようになった。

.......................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 ......................................
刈羽郡 Kariwa district

蛇が蛸になる a serpent becomes an octopus

.......................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 ......................................

bunaga ブナガ,木の精

キジムナー,アカガミ kijimunaa akagami
昔あるお婆さんが海で蛸をとっていた。その蛸はキジムナー蛸であったので、他の人は誰もとれなかった。そこへキジムナーがきて、「どうしておまえはその蛸 をとるのか」と訪ねた。お婆さんはアカガミという神で、キジムナーより格が上であることを話したが、キジムナーは納得できず、奪い合いになった。しかし最 後はキジムナーがあきらめて「あなたには負けたよ」と帰っていった。

.......................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 ......................................
大島郡 Oshima district 周防大島町 Suo Oshima

Once upon a time there lived a skilfull fisherman named 甚平 Jinbei.

昔、甚平という漁師が住んでいた。魚を捕ることが巧みで近隣の者は皆知っていた。ある日甚平が岩の近くで魚釣りをしていると、急に船が傾いた。見れば大き な蛸の足が船縁を掴んでいた。甚平はその足を包丁で切って持って帰った。その味を覚えた甚平が翌日も岩へ行ったところ、その日も蛸が現れた。こうした日が 5日続き、8本の足が3本にまで減った日に、甚平はこの蛸を捕ってやろうと包丁の代わりに縄を持っていった。それきり甚平は帰らず、主のいない船が夕方に 浦へ流れ着いた。村人達はきっと蛸に食われたのだろうと噂した。それ以来その岩を甚平岩と呼ぶようになった。
There was an unskilfull fisherman called 甚平 Jinbei.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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- #takolegends #octopuslegends -



28 May 2016

HEIAN - koi carp legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

koi 鯉 と伝説 Legends about carps - Karpfen

koi, the carp  鯉 - - koi, the love 恋 - - koi, come here 来い

. The Carp in Japanese Culture - Introduction .

. Koi 鯉 carp and fish as folk toys .


Oniwakamaru driving out a Koi fish monster - 鬼若丸の鯉退治

岩窪初五 Iwakubo Hatsugoro

igyoojin oniwakamaru 異形人おに若丸 The Monstrous Oniwakamaru
- reference : Igyoujin Oniwakamaru - Manga 漫画作品 -

Musashibo Benkei was called Oniwakamaru - "demon child, ogre child" in his youth.
His mother was pregnant for 18 months with him and when the baby was born, it has already hair and teeth.
He was so strong he could fight against 200 men and win.
Since he was such a problem, he was given to Western Part of the mountain monestery at Hieizan 比叡山西塔. At that time he was called 西塔鬼若丸 "Saito Oniwakamaru".

. Musashibo Benkei 武蔵坊弁慶 .

CLICK for more photos !
歌川国芳 Utagawa Kuniyoshi


- quote -
Koi are a legendary fish. Graceful, vibrant, and one of the most recognizable fish in the world, koi are well-loved and respected. Often associated with Japan, koi actually originated from Central Asia in China. They were introduced to Japan by Chinese invaders.

- - - Waterfall Legend
- - - Symbolism and Meaning
Koi fish are also symbolized according to their coloration.. . .
- source : koi-fish-meaning-and-myth-

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 ......................................

. Hidari Jingoroo 左甚五郎 Hidari Jingoro - master carver .
The carp at the main hall of the shrine 久津八幡宮 Kuzu Hachimangu ....

.......................................................................... Mie 三重県 ......................................
久居市 Hisai town - 榊原村 Sakakibara

hazekoi はぜ鯉 sanshouo 山椒魚 Salamander
A villager caught a huge carp, but the animal had legs and fas in fact a salamander. It is called "hazekoi". After he caught this animal, suddenly the water supply of the village became less and less. It was the curse of the Salamander.
Now people never catch any salamander and pray at the local shrine for its well-being.
And the greatful salamander now shape-shifts into real carp every year to grant them a good fishing harvest.

. sanshoouo, sanshoo uo 山椒魚 salamander .

.......................................................................... Tochigi 栃木県 ......................................
小山市 Oyama

In the year 1028 a person named 角田将監 Kakuda Shogen was hit by a huge typhoon. The big 大榎 huckberry tree in his garden had fallen down, so be begun to dig a well in this place. After a short while, clear water welled up from the ground and a huge higoi 緋鯉 golden red carp showed up. This was an auspicious sign. When the village headman 持田 Mochida went to Tokyo to report the event.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
85 to explore (02)


. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #koicarp #carpkoi # karpfen #oniwakamaru #benkei-



Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 5/24/2016 10:47:00 am