Showing posts with label Heian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heian. Show all posts

7 May 2017

HEIAN - wolf okuri okami legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. ookami 狼 伝説 Okami, wolf legends .

okuri ookami 送り狼 "a wolf following someone"

. madoo 魔道 - まどう Mado, road where monsters pass .
ma no toorimichi 魔の通り道 / mamono no toorimichi 魔物の通り道
masuji, ma-suji 魔筋 // nawasuji, nawa-suji 縄筋

- Introduction -

source :

okuri ookami 送り狼 "a wolf following someone"
If people walk alone on a lonely mountain road,
sometimes they hear a strange sound like a tail hitting the ground and think, a monster wolf is following them.
In that case they should never turn around to have a look. Wolves often follow women, but sometimes also men.
And there are wolves tho are kind and helpful at night.
This monster wold is especially active at sunset. People call this twilight time オオマガトキ ooma ga toki.
If people begin to whistle there will be even more Mamono monsters gather in the area. Children have to be especially careful.

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 ......................................

In Maniwa, 落合町 Ochiai, in the hamlet 栗原 Kurihara there was a woman walking along 城山 Shiroyama, Monster Road, to the next village, when a monster wolf was following her. She went straight home in a hurry, never daring to even look left or right. When she reached home and shut the main gate, she could see two eyes glowing outside and staring at her, then slowly disappearing.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
55 to explore (02)

. ookami 狼 伝説 Okami, wolf legends - wolves .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #okuriokami #wolflegends #okamiwolf -



Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 5/06/2017 10:13:00 am

6 May 2017

GOKURAKU - Eingakyo Sutra

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

Eingakyoo 絵因果経 E-Inga-Kyo - Illustrated Sutra of Cause and Effect

Different parts of the Eingakyo scroll are available at various temples and museums.


- quote -
National Institutes for Cultural Heritage:
"Eingakyo" is a set of eight painting scrolls created by adding paintings to "Kakogenzai Ingakyo
(Ryusho Gunabattara, translated in the mid Genga period (Sung) (fifth century)" consisting of four scrolls.
The list known as "Tenmeishouhin gonengogatsunanoka ruishushoujoukeinouhitsu mokuroku (天平勝寳五年五月七日類収小乗經納櫃目録)" of Shosoin Monjo has an item of "Gaiinkei nibujuurokkan (畫因果經二部十六巻) (two sets of 16 scrolls)" and this is the first appearance in Japanese literature. Another list known as "Heikatuhinhassai sichigatufutsukaruijuu toshoryoukeimokuroku (平勝寳八歳七月二日類従圖書寮經目録)" has an item of "Souingakeihatu Jusankan ichinichi tunonaka itchichitsue (繪因果經八(十三)巻 一(二)帙之中一帙繪)."
At that time, the creation of pictorial covers of Kyokan became popular at places where Sutras were copied when the relationship between the places and the painters deepened. It is significant that Buddhist paintings were understood in conjunction with the text expressions in "Eingakyo."

Existing "Eingakyo" from the Nara period are those held by Jobon Rendai-ji Temple (the first one of a set of two), Godai-ji Temple (the first one of a set of three), the old Masuda family (the first one of a set of four),
Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku (the second one of a set of four) and
the Idemitsu Museum of Arts (the first one of a set of three).

The painting held at this museum is one of those that used to make up one scroll together with those held in Jobon Rendai-ji Temple and represent the last scene of "Shimon Shutsuyu" following the four scenes ("Kyoshibugei (競試武芸)," "Kanjyo Taishi (灌頂太子)," "Enbujukashiyui (閻浮樹下思惟)" and "Nouki (納妃)"). They represent those including scenes of Prince having a dialogue with Biku (a trainee Buddhist priest) after exiting the north gate and then Biku heading for the sky, of Prince coming back to the castle on a horse, of Udai (one of Shaka's disciples) talking to a king, of Prince meeting Biku, of a dialogue with Biku, of Prince and his wife watching Geiki singing and dancing to music and finally Prince asking King for permission to become a priest.

As each existing "Eingakyo" has unique expressions, it seems unlikely that they were created by the same painter in the same period. However, it seems this can be a valuable clue to looking into the situation of the Gakoshi (an institution to which painters belong) of the time.
This is a rare and extremely valuable work from the Nara period that still exists.

- Look at the scroll here :
- source : -


mamono 魔物 demons and monsters from the scroll
They represent the deities of other religions which Shakyamuni encounters.
There are more than 30 Mamono appearing on the scroll. Some look very much like Oni.


Joobon Rendaiji 上品蓮台寺 Temple Jobon Rendai-Ji

- quote -
The Illustrated Sutra of Cause and Effect from Jobon Rendai-ji
This sutra is called the
Sutra of Cause and Effect in the Past and Present (過去現在因果経 Kako genzai inga kyo),
more commonly known as the
Illustrated Sutra of Cause and Effect (J., E inga kyo).
The words of the sutra are copied in the lower half, while the upper half illustrates representative scenes described below. The story begins with the training of the historical Buddha Sakyamuni in his past lives, how he was freed suffering and delusion, and how he achieved enlightenment and became the Buddha. In other words, this sutra is somewhat like the Buddha's biography.

Putting aside these tales of his previous lives, Sakyamuni himself was born about 2,500 years ago in India as a prince, named Siddhartha. His family name was Gautama. His father was Suddhodana, the ruler of a small kingdom called Kapilavastu (on the boarder of present-day Nepal and India); his mother was Queen Maya. According to legend, he was born in the nearby garden of Lumbini. As a prince, Siddhartha spent his childhood and youth in comfort.

This sutra from Jobon Rendai-ji Temple in Kyoto starts from around the time the prince was ten years old. The young Siddhartha spent his time competing in skill and strength against his cousin Devadatta and his half-brother Nanda and always winning. The illustration here captures such a scene that demonstrates the prince's amazing abilities.
- photo -
Here, Siddhartha is about to shoot seven drum-shaped targets made of gold and silver. Since there are seven targets, at least seven arrows would usually be needed to hit all of them, but Siddhartha hits all seven with a single arrow!

According to legend, Prince Siddhartha one day ventured out of his castle from four gates-in the directions of east, south, west, and north-and on each occasion he encountered an old man, a sick man, a dead man, and a spiritual man. The image below represents the scene in which the prince leaves the castle from the south gate to see a sick man. The prince, who had been protected from the outside world, was deeply struck by this sight of illness, as he had never seen a sick person before.

The sutra also captures several other interesting scenes such as Siddhartha competing in a wrestling match and plowing a field to demonstrate his strength. The sutra itself was copied in a beautiful kaisho (formal style of calligraphy) in Japan during the Nara period (710-793). The colors used to paint the illustrations even today are surprisingly brilliant. Moreover, this manuscript not only represents one of the few existing examples of painting from the Nara period, but also served as the prototype of emaki (illustrated handscrolls), which became popular from the Heian period (710-793) on. Finally, there are very few eighth-century sutras from the East Asian Buddhist countries of China, Korea, and Japan that are illustrated and that are as well preserved as this wonderful work.
- source : Kyoto National Museum-
Text by Eikei Akao, Department of Fine Arts- 1998


The Buddhist biographical scriptures that the ancient Japanese used were mainly those written in Chinese and even they were introduced as illustrated biographies. 'Eingakyo( (Illustrated Sutra of Cause and Effect) is one of the most famous ancient works that was imported to Japan in the Nara Period (8th century AD).

- reference : Eingakyo -


Joobon Rendaiji 上品蓮台寺 Temple Jobon Rendai-Ji
京都府京都市北区紫野十二坊町33-1 / 33-1 Murasakino Jūnibōchō, Kita-ku, Kyōto

It was built by 聖徳太子 Shotoku Taishi to venerate his mother.

The main statue is 延命地蔵菩薩 Enmei Jizo Bosatsu - Life-prolonging Jizo

- reference source : wikipedia -


. jigoku no oni 地獄の鬼 demons of the Buddhist hell .

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #onipedia #eingakyo #causeeffectsutra -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 5/03/2017 10:08:00 am

14 Mar 2017

TENGU - Tengu Legends Fukushima

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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

Tengu Legends from Fukushima

Let us start with a sip of the local Daitengu Sake !

大天狗酒造株式会社 -福島県本宮市 Motomiya town - - - Dai Tengu


Some legends about Tengu, the Mountain Goblin, are told in all of Fukushima, some are related to a special district or village.
Many legends have been collected by 柳田国男 Yanagita Kunio
in a collection named
妖怪名彙 / Yōkai Dangi 妖怪談義 Yokai Dangi

. Yanagita Kunio 柳田國男 .
Kunio Yanagita, Yanagida 柳田国男 (1875 - 1962)

Yanagita Kunio, "Tengu no hanashi" (1909)


Tengudaoshi, Tengu-daoshi 天狗だおし / 天狗倒し
"Tengu knocking down trees"
- - - 空木倒し sora kigaeshi
- - - 天狗の木倒し Tengu no kidaoshi

The sound of cutting down a tree with a saw or ax is heard at night, but next morning nothing is to be seen.
This refers to strange noises in a lonely forest.
Also in 相馬郡 Soma district 飯舘村 Iidate and 田村郡 Tamura district
This phenomenon is also known in other parts of Japan.

- - - Tengusama 天狗様 Tengu Sama
On the 8th and 9th day in the second and 12th month of the old lunar calendar people were not allowed to work in the mountains. That would certainly bring them bad luck.
Someone who tried to go to the mountain on the 9th day of the second lunar month got hit by a boulder, fell down a crevice and died.


In the very remote mountains of Fukushima, where people rarely come,
Tengu throw down trees.
Another Yokai monster creature living there is
オンボノヤス Onbonyasu / オボノヤス Obonyasu.
He can blow fog and make the region unsafe. People easily loose their way in his fog.
Maybe 尾のある妖怪.
- reference source : wikipedia -

福島県田村地方の山 The Tamura Mountains, where Obonyaku lives

福島市 Fukushima city

- - - Yama no Kamisama 山の神様 Deity of the Mountain
Every year on the first of January, February 2 and October 17, the Deity of the Mountain comes down to visit. He is most probably a male Tengu. On these days people involved in forest work come together in the main family home, eat rice cakes and drink Sake. On these days it is not allowed to go to the forest to work.

東白川郡 Higashi Shirakawa district 古殿町 Furudono

Hime no Gozen Yama 姫の御前山 /姫御前山
at "the Mountain of the Princess" there lives a Tengu.

東白川郡 Higashi Shirakawa district 塙町 Hanawa

- - - Tengu no ashiato 天狗の足跡 footprints of a Tengu
They say the footprints of a Tengu are still visible here.

- And at 古殿町 Furudono Town, 鎌倉岳 Mount Kamakuradake

The legend tells of Waka Poet Sarumaru.
「歌人猿丸が大同年間に葛野より狩りに出て、 たまたま姿を現した白鹿を追って日光に至る途中、鎌倉岳で休みうたた寝をした。

- - - - -
In the early Meiji period, some pilgrims wanted to visit Kobugahara.
There was a wicked one among them. When they stayed at an inn in Furudono, he went to have a bath, but he was taken away, including the bath tub, by a tengu.

. Kobugahara 古峯ヶ原 / 古峰原 / コブガハラ Kobugahara . - Gunma
and the Tengu Hayatoboo 隼人坊 Hayato-Bo, Hayatobo

飯坂町 Iizakamachi

- - - kami kakushi 神隠し kidnapped by the gods
At 七つ森の峠 Nanatsumori Toge pass on the way to Miyagi

- - - Tengu-daoshi Tengu-daoshi 天狗だおし / 天狗倒し

石川郡 Ishikawa district 平田村 Hirata village

A forest worker took his lunchbox to the forest and hung it on a tree branch, while doing his work. At lunchtime, he wanted to eat, but the box was empty.
A Tengu must have had eaten his lunch - for sure.

いわき市 Iwaki city

The Tengu lives at 団子山 Mount Dangoyama.
Once a man with a twisted neck was healed by this Tengu. Since the man was a painter, he painted the Tengu to show his gratitude.

At いわき市川中子の愛宕神社 the Atago Shrine of Iwaki

いわき郡 Iwaki district 石城郡 いわきのこおり Iwaki nokoori 田人村 Tabitomura

- - - Tengu no warabuchi-ishi 天狗の藁ブチ石
This is the name of a boulder at the Northern side of the Shrine.

- - - - -
- - - - - Takegarayama 竹柄山 / 竹がら山 Mount Takegarayama
Takegarayama Yazawa, Sukagawa-shi, Fukushima
On the highest place lives a Tengu. When the weather changes to the worst, this Tengu beats a loud drum to warn the people.

喜多方市 Kitakata town

- - - Tengu no sumootori ba 天狗の相撲とり場
At the place where the Tengu used to practise sumo wrestling, a Tengu once had his long nose come off.
It turned into the flower of 水バショウ Mizubasho, skunk cabbage.

福島市土湯 「びっき沼の水芭蕉」-
Tsuchiyu Hot Spring : Mizubasho from Bikkurinuma swamp

鼻かけ天狗 Tengu who lost his nose
Mukashibanashi story 山梨県 from Yamanashi
- reference source : -

南会津郡 Minami Aizu district

- - - Tengu-doori 天狗通り Tengu passing
It happens during daytime in the mountain forest. First there is the sound of pyuuun, then the sound of wings flapping.
This is also heard by farmers who try fishing in mountain rivers in the evening.
Another version of Tengu-daoshi.

- - - kami kakushi 神隠し kidnapped by the gods

- - - Tengusama 天狗様 Tengu Sama
In Inamura village 伊南村の宮澤の人が黒谷入という所で魚を釣っていると影がさした。じっとみると水鏡に赤い顔で鼻の高い人が覗いていた。天狗様だろうということであった。
- - - 朝日村 Asahi village 丸山岳 Mount Maruyamadake
Tengu no Hanabatake 天狗のお花畑
Flower Garden of the Tengu

This mountain is the dwelling place of Tengu since olden times. It has a large plain on its top, where many mountain flowers blossom.
The locals call it the Flower Garden of the Tengu.

- - - Hachiroozaemon 八郎左衛門
The Honest, Pious Hachirozaemon

Hachirozaemon had a large swelling on the cheek To get healed he had to dance with a Tengu, who then took away the lumpy swelling.
Another man who could not see with one eye tried the same. But he was a bad, wicked person and thus he did not get healed but instead even got the lump of Hachirozaemon on his cheek too.

- - - - -

- - - Tengu tsubute-ishi 天狗礫石 Tengu throwing gravel stones
At night there is a sound of stones hitting the wooden rain shutters. They say a Tengu is trying to take an aim.

- - - - -

- Odegusama, O-Degu Sama オデグ様
"The honorable huge one", 男の神様 a Mountain Deity

Once a woman at the other side of the river had a competition with him, throwing stones. The stones war called Tengu Ishi 天狗石 Tengu stones. They have fallen down along the mountain forest of O-Degu Sama.

南会津郡 Minami Aizu district 大宮村 Omiyamura village

Below the 天狗岩 Tenguiwa boulder is a 天狗堂 Tengu Hall.

大沼郡 Onuma district 金山町 Kaneyama

Tengu-Iwa 天狗岩 Tengu Boulder
In former times at the Tengu-Iwa 天狗岩 Tengu Boulder, people could hear the sound of Tengu cutting wood.


白川郡 Shirakawa district 表郷村 Omotego village

At Mount Tenguyama 天狗山 Tengu-Yama,
there lives the Tengu. He lives in the high regions and has a very long nose.
Shirakawa's Tengu Mountain - a beautiful scenery with large rice fields at the feet of the mountain.

相馬郡 Soma district

- Tengu no Mori 天狗の森 Forest of the Tengu

相馬郡 Soma district 飯舘村 Iidate

- - - Above のべがみ森 Nobegamimori Forest
there lives a Tengu. Some people have been shocked and surprized by him.

耶麻郡 Yama district

kasakake matsu 笠かけ松 / 笠掛けの松 pine to hang a straw hat


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Fukushima Masanori 福島正則 (1561 - 1624) .


Tengu no ashiato 天狗の足跡 footprints of a Tengu

see above 東白川郡 Higashi Shirakawa district.

- CLICK for more regional photos ! -

茨城県 Ibaraki 新治郡 Niihari district 八郷町 Yasato machi


愛宕山は天狗 From the Tengu of Mount Atagoyama

香川県 Kagawa 高松市 Takamatsu city


飯野山 Iinoyama (讃岐富士 Sanuki Fuji )

長野県 Nagano 駒ヶ根市 Komagane city


和歌山県 Wakayama 西牟婁郡 Nishimuro district 日置川町 Hikigwacho village


山梨県 Yamanashi 南巨摩郡 Minamikoma district 早川町 Hayakawa village

At 奈良田に天狗森 Tengu no Mori in Narada Hot Spring



Tengu Sumoo 天狗 相撲 Tengu and Sumo wrestling

22 legends to explore

How the Tengu lost his nose

- reference source : -



- Join the Tengupedia on facebook ! -

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- tengulegendsfukushima -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Japan - after the BIG earthquake on 3/10/2017 10:43:00 am

19 Feb 2017

HEIAN - Ichijo Tenno

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. ABC List of Heian Contents .

Ichijō-tennō, Ichijoo Tennoo 一条天皇 Emperor Ichijo
Emperor Ichijyo

- quote -
Emperor Ichijō 一条天皇 Ichijō-tennō, 
(July 15, 980 – July 25, 1011) was the 66th emperor of Japan,
according to the traditional order of succession.

Ichijō's reign spanned the years from 986 to 1011.

Before he ascended to the Chrysanthemum Throne, his personal name (imina) was Kanehito-shinnō.
Kanehito-shinnō was the first son of Emperor En'yū and Fujiwara no Senshi, a daughter of Fujiwara no Kaneie. Since there are no documented siblings, it is supposed that he was an only child.
Ichijō had five Empresses or Imperial consorts and five Imperial sons and daughters.
His reign coincided with the culmination of Heian period culture and the apex of the power of the Fujiwara clan.
In 984,
he was appointed as crown prince under 花山天皇 Emperor Kazan. It was rumored contemporarily that his maternal grandfather Kaneie plotted to have Kazan retire from the throne.
Ichijō ascended the throne at the age of six.
Ichijō had two empress consorts. First was Teishi (or Fujiwara no Sadako), a daughter of Fujiwara no Michitaka, second was Shōshi (or Akiko), a daughter of Fujiwara no Michinaga, a younger brother of Michitaka. Most people thought it impossible to have two empress consorts, but Michinaga claimed that the empress held two separate titles, Chūgū and Kōgō, which were different in principle and could therefore given to two different women.
The courts of both empresses were known as centers of culture.
Sei Shōnagon, author of The Pillow Book, was a lady in waiting to Teishi. Murasaki Shikibu was a lady in waiting to Shoshi. There were other famous poets in the courts of the empresses.
Ichijō loved literature and music.
For this reason, high ranked courtiers felt the necessity for their daughter to hold cultural salons with many skillful lady poets. Particularly he was fond of the flute. Ichijō was known for his temperate character and was beloved by his subjects.
Ichijō is buried amongst the "Seven Imperial Tombs" at 竜安寺 Ryoan-ji Temple in Kyoto. The mound which commemorates the Emperor Ichijō is today named 衣笠山Kinugasa-yama. The emperor's burial place would have been quite humble in the period after Ichijo died.
The years of Ichijō's reign are more specifically identified by more than one era name or nengō.
Eien 永延 (987–988)
Eiso 永祚 (988–990)
Shōryaku 正暦 (990–995)
Chōtoku 長徳 (995–999)
Chōhō 長保 (999–1004)
Kankō 寛弘 (1004–1012)

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. 瑠璃山 Rurizan 正光院 Temple Shoko-In .
港区元麻布3-2-20 / 3 Chome-2-20 Motoazabu, Minato ward, Tokyo

The main statue of this temple is
Koyasu Yakushi 子安薬師 Yakushi Nyorai to protect children

The statue was made by 恵心僧都 源信 Eshin Sozu Genshin in the middle Heian period, carved at the birth of 一条天皇 Ichijo Tenno with prayers for the baby to grow up healthy. This wooden statue was lost in WWII, the present statue is a gift from Mount Koyasan.


. Tsubosakadera 壷阪寺 .

This Temple is the sixth of 33 scared place of Kannon in the West of Japan and the principal image Juichmen Kanzeon Bosatsu (Eleven-faced Goddess of Mercy) enshrined in the Temple has been extensively worshipped as the goddess marvelously responsive to eye diseases.
Emperors Gensho, Ichijo and Kanmu and man other famous historical persons prayed for the recovery from their eye diseases.


. Kani Yakushi 蟹薬師 "Crab Yakushi" .
大寺山願興寺 Daiji San, Ganko-Ji // Mitake no Kani Yakushi 御嵩の蟹薬師

closely related to the emperor Ichijoo Tennoo 一条天皇 Ichijo Tenno, when the annual festival 蟹薬師祭礼 started.


. Shiba Daijinguu 芝大神宮 Shiba Daijingu .

Founded in 1005, by the Emperor Ichijoo Tennoo 一条天皇 Ichijo Tenno.


----- A legend about this Tenno:

He was maybe the first "pet lover" in documented history.

source :

He had a cat which he loved very much. One day a dog chased the cat, so he banned the dog for a while from his view. Even when the dog was allowed to come back, he was so afraid of his master that he did not eat a thing.
Therefore the Tenno pardoned him explicitly and took him in his lap again. The happy dog soon begun to eat again.

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .


- quote -
Emperor Ichijo 一条天皇 (Ichijou tennou)
Emperor Ichijô was an emperor of the Heian period, perhaps most well-known as being the reigning emperor during the composition of the Tale of Genji and Murasaki nikki by Murasaki Shikibu, and of The Pillow Book by Sei Shônagon. It was in Ichijô's court that much of the events related or referenced in these works took place.
A son of Emperor En'yû,
born in the Sanjô Palace and largely raised there by his grandfather Fujiwara no Kaneie, he succeeded to the throne upon the abdication of his uncle Emperor Kazan on 986/6/23. His accession ceremony was held on 7/22 that year. Ichijô's grandfather Fujiwara no Kaneie served as sesshô (regent for an emperor in his minority) from 986 until 990, and very briefly as kanpaku (regent for an adult emperor) following Ichijô's genpuku (coming of age) that year at the age of ten. Later that same year (990), Fujiwara no Michitaka took over as regent, holding the title of sesshô until 993 and then that of kanpaku until 995. Finally, Fujiwara no Michikane served as kanpaku briefly in 995.
He took Fujiwara no Akiko, a daughter of Fujiwara no Michinaga, as his First Empress; she came to be known as Empress Shôshi. In 1000, he promoted Fujiwara no Sadako, also known as Empress Teishi, to First Empress, demoting Shôshi to Second Empress and creating considerable factional tension within the palace. As Murasaki Shikibu served Shôshi and Sei Shônagon served Teishi, this event contributed to rivalries between the two women which appear in their writings.
Ichijô abdicated the throne on 1011/6/13
in favor of his cousin, a son of Emperor Reizei, who took the throne as Emperor Sanjô. Ichijô then formally took the tonsure and entered retirement on 6/19, but died several days later on 1011/6/22.
One of his sons would later succeed Emperor Sanjô as Emperor Go-Ichijô.
- source : -


- quote -
In the reign of the Emperor Ichijyo (r. 986–1011),
mikagura was performed in the Naishidokoro (Kashikodokoro) Palace to the accompaniment of kagurabue (a bamboo transverse flute), hichiriki (a double-reed pipe), and wagon.
- source : 2005 Thomson Gale -


. Sei Shōnagon 清少納言 Sei Shonagon .

. Murasaki Shikibu 紫式部 .

. Japanese History / The Middle Heian Period .


一条天皇 (人物叢書) bu 倉本一宏

- Reference - 一条天皇 -

- Reference - Emperor Ichijo -
Emperor Go-Ichijō was the 68th emperor of Japan

- Reference - Emperor Ichijyo -
Abeno Seimei Shrine was reportedly built by the 66th Emperor Ichijyo in 1007.
There was a very clever girl who was a daughter of Emperor Ichijyo.
Ichijyo Modoribashi


. Legends - Heian Period (794 to 1185) - Introduction .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .


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Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 2/18/2017 09:52:00 am

19 Jan 2017

HEIAN - Tengu no Ma - Legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

Tengu no Ma 天狗の間 - 伝説 Legends about the Tengu Room
Tengu-no-ma - "Tengu's Room", Tengu ("Long-Nosed Goblin") room

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -

- - - - -and konoshiro このしろ fish legends, see below

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Ishikawa 石川県 ......................................
羽咋村 Hakui

In the home of the 雄谷家 Oya family, there is Tengu Room. From time to time they hear the sound of drums and flutes from there.

.......................................................................... Nara 奈良県 ......................................
吉野郡 Yoshino district 野迫川村 Nosegawa vilage

At the pass 陣ヶ峰峠 Jingamine Toge there is the tea stall 天狗見茶屋 Tengumi Chaya with a room of 8 tatami mats, the Tengu no Ma 天狗の間 Tengu Room.
The son of this family, 仙太郎 Sentaro, was quite a Yakuza hanging around gambling. So the Tengu came to teach him a lesson and waited in front of the house.
But Sentaro did not listen to his sermon and instead invited him to come along gambling. The angry Tengu picked up the young man and threw him into the large Tengu Room. Sentaro was quite surprized, fell ill and soon died. That is how the room got its name.

.......................................................................... Shimane 島根県 ......................................

Tengu no ma no yuurei 天狗の間の幽霊 The Ghost of the Tengu Room

This room is located in the 5th floor of 松江城 Matsue castle.

Once upon a long time, the new lord of Matsue castle wanted to relax in the Tengu Room of the main castle tower.
Suddenly a lovely maiden with a robe from the Heian period came right out of the back wall.
The lady told the lord:
"This castle (konoshiro) belongs to me. I want to have it back. Please leave here at once!"

The young lord soon realized that this was something quite unusual and thought about it for a while. Then he told the maiden:
"If you want (kono shiro この城) this castle so much, I will give it to you. Please wait here for a while!"

He left the Tengu Room and went to the local fishermen to get some fish, which was called
konoshiro コノシロ (Konosirus punctatus).

But the fishermen were too afraid to walk up to the Tengu Room.
So the lord said:
"Well, then, I will bring her the fish!"
As he said so, a young retainer called 久弥 Kyuya came up and said:
"I will carry it up to the Tengu Room."

Kyuya placed the fish on a 三方 ritual tray for Shinto offerings and then went up all the stairs to the castle tower to the Tengu Room.
Nobody was in the room when Kyuya placed the tray with the fish on the ground.
Then the lovely maiden with a robe from the Heian period came out of the back wall.
She looked quite puzzled at the tray: "What is this supposed to be?"
Kyuya answered:
"This is Konoshiro, a fish. So please accept it as promised."
The lady hesitated.
"Please, accept the offering!" Kyuya insisted.
So she took the tray.
Indeed, the young Lord had succeeded in fooling the maiden and keeping her promise.

- - - - - Tengu no Ma, the Tengu Room

Next morning Kyuya found the tray near the central Honmaru building of the castle.
And the Lovely Lady was never seen again.
She had been a "human offering" when the castle was built. By mistake not a girl from the village but the daughter of the first owner of the castle had been burried.

. hitobashira 人柱 "human pillar" - human sacrifice .
- Introduction -


- Matsuo Basho, Oku no Hosomichi 奥の細道:
"I went to see the shrine of Muronoyashima. According to Sora, my companion, this shrine is dedicated to the goddess called the Lady of the Flower-Bearing Trees, who has another shrine at the foot of Mt.Fuji. This goddess is said to have locked herself up in a burning cell to prove the divine nature of her newly-conceived son when her husband doubted it. As a result, her son was named the Lord Born Out of the Fire, and her shrine, Muro-no-yashima, which means a burning cell.
It was the custom of this place for poets to sing of the rising smoke, and for ordinary people not to eat
このしろといふ魚 konoshiro, a speckled fish, which has a vile smell when burnt."

"Pay our respects to the Muro-no-Yashima Shrine.
Companion Sora relates: "The goddess here, Princess Konohanasakuya, is the same as at Mt. Fuji. She set fire to the birthing hut in proof of her wedding vows, so this place graced with the birth of Prince Hohodemi, and, from this, the shrine is called Muro-no-Yashima.
This is why the reading of smoke is practiced here."

They say that this fish when cooked gives off the smell of burning human flesh and therefore is associated with the Lady of the Flowerbearing Trees. This is also why people are forbidden to eat this fish.

. Station 4 - Muronoyashima, Muro no Yashima 室の八嶋 .


. WASHOKU - Japanese Food Saijiki .

shad, gizzard shad, spotted shad 鮗 (このしろ)
Konosirus punctatus, Clupanodon punctatus

- kigo for all autumn -

shinko しんこ/ シンコ(新子) the smallest kohada fish
kohada 小鰭(こはだ) the bigger fish
konoshiro このしろ the grown fish

By changing its name, this fish is a typical "career fish" (shusse sakana) and thus auspicious for festival food.


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

愛媛県 Ehime 西条市 Saijo

Children which are born in an unusual position should not eat Konoshiro fish all their life long.

香川県 Kagawa 三豊郡 Mitoyo district 高瀬町 Takase

At the shrine 日枝神社 Hie Jinja the fish Konoshiro is used as a kind of amulet to avoid disaster and crying at night by children.
This also holds for children born in the year Showa 24, 25 and 52.
If a healthy person all of a sudden and for no good reason looses his health, it will often find an unusual death.
People can use the fish Konoshiro as an offering to avoid disaster. It is best to see the Shrine priest, because he can take a look at the face and make an apropirate diagnosis.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database このしろ -


Edobashi ya konoshiro tsumoru fuji no yuki

Edobashi bridge !
the snow of Mount Fuji
heaps up on Konoshiro fish

錐水 / 江戸弁慶 Edo Benkei / "Edo's tough men"
A haikai anthology compiled by Ikenishi Gonsui, 1680.


suzushie ni konoshiro o utsu sao no tsuyu

加舎白雄 Kaya Shirao (1738 – 1791)


. Osakabe no kami おさかべの神 at Himeji Castle .
Osakabe no Miko, a Yokai 妖怪 monster.

source :


At 横川の大師 the Temple of Yokawa Daishi at Mount Hieizan, there is a Tengu Room. It is locked up with nails on all four sides.
Sometimes people can hear the sound of wings flapping inside.

. Myoogu, Myōgu 明救 Priest Myogu, Hieizan .
Tenjiku Tengu 天竺天狗 The Tengu from India, turned human.


横浜を愛した昭和の文豪「大佛次郎 天狗の間 今昔散歩」
The famous author Daibutsu Jiro loved Yokohama.

. 大佛次郎 Daibutsu Jiro (1897 - 1973) .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
- reference : "天狗の間" -


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 12/20/2016 10:42:00 am

8 Jan 2017

PERSONS - Kose Kanaoka - painter

. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .

Kosei no Kanaoka 巨勢金岡 / こせ の かなおか Kose Kanaoka
Kose no Kanaoka

( ? 802 — ? 897)

- quote
Kose Kanaoka was a proponent of the artistic styles of the Tang dynasty of China. Though few of his works have survived, he is known to have painted landscapes and portraits. He also founded the Kose School of Art, which is named for him. He made the first tonal gradation, and the first Buddha in crayonage style.

Active during the formative days of the aristocratic culture of the Heian period (794–1185), he was reputed to have moved beyond Chinese-inspired subject matter and techniques and to have forged a new style of painting that was uniquely Japanese. As the scion of an aristocratic family, he held court rank and the office of director of the imperial garden.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- reference source : -


Kannon Bosatsu 観音

- reference source : -


source and more photos :

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Many legends about a horse he painted that went off the painting to bring harm to a village. The horse would also eat the 萩の戸の萩 bush clover growing on gates.
There is also a legend from China about a painter of bulls who went wandering around at night.

Gifu 岐阜県 益田郡 Mashita district 下呂町 Gero

At the 蚕飼薬師堂 Kogai Yakushi Hall (with prayers for making silk) was a painting by Kanaoka (or maybe 狩野法眼 Kano Hogen) of a horse running away at night.
So someone painted a horse bridle to keep the horse in place.

Kyoto 京都府

At the hall 武徳殿 Butokuden, in the eastern Pine Forest, there was a 鬼 Demon who ate humans.
So on the auspicious 19th day of the 9th lunar month in 892, Kanaoka was ordered to paint it on a sliding door to keep it in place.

At the temple 仁和寺 Ninna-Ji the story of the horse is told. To keep it in place the eyes were stamped out.

At the Imperial palace, a horse painted on sliding doors by Kanaoka was eating the bush clover from the gate. So the painting was changed and the horse got a strong bridle.

Okayama 岡山

. Kibitsu Jinja 吉備津神社 .
Painting of a horse

Tottori 鳥取県 倉吉市 Kurayoshi 余戸谷町

At the temple 長谷寺 Hasedera - the painted horse got a bridle painted to keep it in place.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- Reference - 巨勢金岡 -
- Reference - English -

. Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets .


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. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .

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Posted By Gabi Greve to PERSONS - index - PERSONEN on 1/06/2017 02:42:00 pm

5 Jan 2017

HEIAN - Totsukawa Legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

Totsukawa / Totsugawa 十津川と伝説 Legends about Totsukawa village

- quote -
Totsukawa (十津川村 Totsukawa-mura) is a village located in Yoshino District, Nara Prefecture, Japan, along the Totsukawa river.
It's recognized as the largest village in Japan in terms of land area.
Onsen - Hot Springs
Totsukawa has many natural onsen or hot springs. Tosenji hot spring in Totsukawa was put on the list of the best one hundred hot springs in Japan. The water from some of these hot springs is safe to drink. The source temperature of the water is about 70℃ and is also said to cure your cuts and burns. The hot springs in Totsukawa are unusual because the hot spring water is used, as is, directly from the source without reheating or recycling. Good onsen are said to keep you warm even long after bathing and many people claim this of the hot springs in Totsukawa.
There are also many footbaths in Totsukawa which are said to have health benefits for feet.
Footbaths in Totsukawa are free of charge.
- More in the Wikipedia -


. Legends about Onsen Hot Springs 温泉と伝説 .
- Introduction -

Totsukawa Onsen 十津川温泉 Totsukawa Hot Spring
Nara Prefecture, Yoshino-gun, Totsukawa-mura Hiraya / 奈良県吉野郡十津川村平谷

En no Gyoja met a couple of Oni who were eating humans. He asked them not to do that any more but they did not listen to him. He hid in a cave but they wanted to give him human flesh to eat even there.
Now 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O comes along and pressured the couple not to eat humans any more. So they promised to change their ways.
Zenki went to 洞川 Dorogawa (now a famous hot spring), and Goki went to 十津川 Totsukawa .

. Zenkibō 前鬼坊 Zenkibo, Zenki-Bo .
his wife Goki 後鬼.


Totsugawa Go 十津川郷 The Totsugawa Region
There are legends about serpents, cats, wolves and other animals.
Waterfalls also feature in these stories.


When someone feels a buzzing and ringing in the ear, very soon a person of his/her age will die.

hebi 蛇 serpent, snake // daija 大蛇 huge serpent

Sometimes villagers have sighted the bones of huge serpents.

The white serpent 白いグチナワ Guchinawa (Kuchinawa) is seen as a messenger of the Gods.

Once an old woman begun to venerate a white serpent near her home and soon the family became quite wealthy.

Once some forest workers saw a white serpent coming from between some rocks where they wanted to built a road. They became afraid and could not continue. They called a priest, had purification rites performed and then could continue the work.


Once the locals angered a serpent, but in revenge 50 serpents came along with their 蛇の親分 Serpent Oyabun Boss. So the people had to stop working and hold a ritual for the serpents.
Once there came a huge white serpent and a small white one along to live here. Rumors spread and no more workers came to help, even borrowing money became very expensive.


At the waterfall 平内滝 Heinaitaki there live about 10 small serpents.
Some have seen a serpent wound around a human skull.


Ryuujin 竜神 Dragon King
There is a huge hinoki 桧 Japanese cypress where the Dragon King lives. It is covered by thick fuji 藤 and kazura 葛 vines. If people break the vines, there is a strange sound. If this sound is heared, a 大蛇 huge serpent will appear.

- reference : 9 guchinawa legends -
7 kuchinawa くちなわ / クチナワ legends

neko 猫 cat - monster cat

The waterfall from Nekoyoshi 猫良滝 is known as a place of the neko no kai 猫の怪 Monster Cat.

At the waterfall ネコマタの滝 猫又 Nekomata "Monster Cat Legs" a group of travellers once had to take a pee. The Cat Lord of the Waterfall got very angry about this and it started to rain in no time.


Waterfalls along Totsukawa River

Sasa-no-taki (Waterfall of the Bamboo Grass) This waterfall was put on the list of 100 best waterfalls in Japan.
- - - - - Look at all the waterfalls here
- reference source : -

ookami 狼 wolf

If villagers have to go around to spread the word that someone has died, they always should go two of them. If for some reason only one can go, he must carry a knife ready to pull out of his breast pocket. This is a spell against being attacked by wolves.

tanuki 狸 Tanuki, badger

Some villagers have been tricked by the Tanuki.
In the evening there was sand and stones thrown at them, but when they got after it calling 「おのれ、打ち殺すぞ」 "You beast, we are going to kill you", there was nothing.
Once they heard the sound of an ax felling a tree at lunchtime, but there was nobody. They could only feel the touch of a Tanuki.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
64 十津川 to explore (13)


● How the village Totsukawa got its name:
At the time when Tenmu Tenno 天武天皇 was still a prince called 大海人皇子 Oama no Miko and was hiding in Yoshina, he looked all the way South and sighed in grief:
「とほつかは」 tootsukawa

● How Mount Hatenashi 果無山 got its name :

In the Southwest of Totsukawa, near the border to 紀州 Kishu, Wakayama, there is a mountain range called Hatenashisan (Hate-nashi-san).
There was a busy road 上り下り七十二丁 up and down for about 8 kilometers for people to walk to Kumano.
But in the mountains lives an ogre called いっぽんだたら Ippondatara, with only one leg and eyes like huge plates.
Sometimes it brought harm to the farmers, but on the day hate no hatsuka ハテの廿日 (the day 20 of the 12th month) it was especially dangerous and people did not walk along the pass.
This is a pun: ハテナシ山 - On the day HATE there was no traffic (NASHI) - Mount Hatenashi.

. Obamine no Ipponashi 伯母峯 一本足 .
in in Wakayama, 北山村 Kitayama village.

● Tengu-ura 天狗崖 《てんぐうら》Tengu Cliff
At 高津 Takotsu the Totsukawa river runs through a gourge with steep cliffs, called Tengu-Ura.
There live some large and small Tengu. In autumn they all come here to enjoy the colored leaves.

. shichinin misaki 七人ミサキ Misaki of Seven People .
- a group of persons who died in an accident or in unnatural circumstances.
At 吉野郡十津川村榎谷 - 山天 Yamaten in olden times, 七人旅 seven travellers have died of hunger. Now they come out for revenge, if seven people travel along this road.
If a group has to travel here, they make sure to be six or eight people, never seven.

- reference source : 十津川村の伝説 -


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 12/26/2016 01:22:00 pm