Showing posts with label Heian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heian. Show all posts

11 Jun 2018

HEIAN - Yamanokami Kagawa legends

Yama no Kami Regional 14 Kagawa

. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .

Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Kagawa 香川県

. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .


山の神展望台 Yamanokami Tenbodai Observatory
丸亀市広島町茂浦 Hiroshimacho village, Moura, Marugame, Kagawa

. Yama-no-kami Kofungun 山ノ神古墳群 Yamanokami Kofungun .
香川県坂出市加茂町山の神下 / Yamanokami shita, Kamocho, Sakaide, Kagawa "below Yama no Kami Tumulus"


Japan's Smallest Prefecture, Kagawa, has the best Udon in the world, Sanuki udon!
. 讃岐うどん Sanuki udon noodles .

手打ちうどん 山の神 hand-made Udon - Yama no Kami
大阪府大阪市北区曽根崎新地 - Restaurant in Osaka


. Yamanokami and his messenger, the Yamainu 山犬 Wolf .
仲多度郡 Nakatado district 琴南町 Kotonami

In Sanuki there are no really tall mountains. Mount 飯野山 Inoyama, better known as 讃岐富士 Sanuki Fuji,
has a flat top almost like a soup bowl. The 四国山脈 Shikoku Mountain Range is difficult to access, with thick forests and dark mountain paths. There are few people, and this is an area to get lost easily. If people were not careful, they might meet a Yokai monster or even worse, not find their way back home.
Under these difficult natural conditions, the villagers in former times took to Yamanokami for help and protection. Before going to the forest for work, they would make offerings and prayers to 山の神さま Yama no Kami sama, a female deity.
Her messenger was the wolf.
Here in Sanuki he was a gentle helper and path finder for lost people. When they called for him in the forest, a wolf would show up and lead the way to the village.


ryuuoosan no kai 竜王山の怪 Ryuo-San no kai monster
At 竜王山 Mount Ryuosan "Dragon King Mountain", 1060 m high, people sometimes hear the voice of children, even if nobody is there. Sometimes there is a loud noise, sometimes someone is laughign, even a huge priest has been seen roaming around.
Fishermen can see a light above the mountain from their boats. They say it is the Deity of the Mountain having some fun up there.

ushi no yoo na mono 牛のようなもの like a bull
A man named 岡馬次郎 Okaba Jiro went to his water mill for work. On the way he passed Mount 菅生のトキ Sugo no Toki when he saw something like a bull running past. The ground begun to shake and the bull run up to the top of the mountain. Back home Jiro asked the other villagers, but they had not felt any shaking of the ground.
It must have been the local Yamanokami, taking a ride.

yamaneko 山猫 mountain cat
A man was making charcoal, taking them out in the middle of the night, when he heard the voice of a cat. The voice got louder and louder and he thought the cat must have been frightened by Yamanokami.
From this day on, he never worked at night in the mountain.

....................................................................... Higashi-Kagawa 東かがわ市 .....

The 7th day of the first lunar month is ヤマノカミノキダネマキ the day when Yamanokami plants the seeds for new trees in the forest.
People are not allowed to go to the mountain on this day. If someone dares to go, he might meet Yamanokami and get lost for ever, never to come back. Or he might get a severe wound on his head.
Some families keep this taboo on the ninth day of the first lunar month.

....................................................................... Marugame 丸亀市 .....
手島町 Teshima

On the ninth day of the first lunar month, Yamanokami performs 護摩を焚く special fire rituals and people are not allowed to go to the mountain.

....................................................................... Nakatado district 仲多度郡 .....
琴南町 Kotonami

Every month on the ninth day, people do not go to the mountain. This is a day to celebrate Yamanokami with food offerings.
Other families do not go to the mountain on the 7th day of the first, fifth and ninth lunar month.


- reference source : nichibun yokai database -


. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .


- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -

. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #kagawa -

7 Jun 2018

SENNIN - Gyoei Koji

Sennin Gyoei Koji

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Gyooei Koji 行叡居士 Gyoei Koji

He is Nr. 13 of
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .

The dates of his life are not clear. He was a monk, maybe living in the Asuka or Nara period.
He lived in a hermitage in the 東山山麓 Higashiyama Mountain range in 山城国愛宕郡八坂郷 Yasaka, Atago district of Yamashiro no Kuni.
In 778 priest 延鎮 Enchin came to visit him.
Gyoei gave Enchin a precious piece of wood and soon after he left for the Eastern Provinces and was not seen again.
Enchin was involved in the building of temple 清水寺 Kiyomizudera, together with Sakanoue no Tamuramaro.

清水寺 観音像 Kiyomizu Kannon

- quote -
It was said that Kiyomisu Dera was found by a Nara monk named Enchin who practiced asceticism in 778.
He met a Buddhist old recluse called Gyoei Koji while wandering nearby Otowa-ni-taki waterfall, to look for a site with a golden stream to build a temple, after being inspired in a dream.
Gyoei told him that he was a devotee to Kannon Bodhisattva and had been waiting for him to come as he was to leave. He presented the monk a piece of wood and left.
Monk Enchin soon found a pair of sandals on top of the hill and realized that the old hermit was a Bodhisattva.
The monk Enchin later created an image of eleven headed thousand armed image of Kannon and carved it on the sacred log given to him by Gyoei, and built a little hut to house it.
One day, General Sakanone Tamuramaro (758-811) happened to pass by the waterfall when hunting a deer. He met Enchin. Seeing him killing a deer and carrying it in hand, the monk delivered him a Dharma talk and lectured him with merciful teaching of Kannon Bodhisattva. General Tamuramaro repented and became a pious disciple to Enchin, devoted and in faith to Kannon. He donated a proper hall to enshrine the image of Kannon by dismantling his own house and in year 794, he contributed to the master
The Emperor's old residence that was gifted to him after the emperor built a new palace when moved to Kyoto. The building was made into the main shrine hall of the temple.
- source : ANICCA -


. Kiyomizu-dera 清水寺 Kyoto .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 .
(758 - 811)
conquering the Emishi (蝦夷征伐 Emishi Seibatsu) in Tohoku.

................................................................................. Fukushima 福島県 
田村郡 Tamura district 三春町 Miharu

kinma 木馬(きんま) "wooden horse"
Tamuramaro fought against the local tribesman, 大多鬼丸」(大滝丸) Otaki Maru, who lived in a cave at 大滝根山 Mount Otakine san (1,192 m).
延鎮上人 Saint Enchin had carved the statue of Kannon at temple Kiyomizudera and from the left-over pieces of wood had carved 鞍馬 100 wooden horses with saddles and sent them to Tamuramaro. Tamuramaro put the horses in his armor and left for Tohoku. When he was in a pinch fighting, all of a sudden 100 horsemen came out and helped him fight at Mount Otakine.
When he returned in triumph, the horses had disappeared from his armor.
One day later, one of the wooden horses was found all sweating at 高柴村 Takanomura village near 三春 Miharu. A man named 杵阿弥 Kiami realized it was one of the wooden horses given by Enchin and out of piety he carved the other 99 anew.
Three years later, the one horse became missing. The family of Kiami still preserves the memory of the wooden horses.
When they gave a horse to a family with an ill child, the child got well very soon. Now the horses are a kind of amulet for bringing up healthy children in Miharu.

People kept them as talismans for an easy birth of their horses.
They also build statues of a Kannon with a horsehead (Bato Kannon) at the entrance of their villages to protect their animals.

. Miharu koma 三春駒 horses from Miharu .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senningyoei #gyoeikoji #enchin #kiyomizu -

30 May 2018

HEIAN - Sennin Kisen Hoshi

Sennin Kisen Hoshi

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Kisen Hooshi 窺詮法師 Kisen Hoshi

He is Nr. 12 of
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .


Kisen 喜撰 / 喜撰法師 Kisen Hoshi

One of the Rokkasen 六歌仙 Six Immortal Waka Poets.

- quote -
Kisen (喜撰) also known as Kisen Hōshi (喜撰法師)
was an early Heian period Buddhist monk (僧 sō) and poet.
Little is known about his life other than that he lived in Ujiyama.

When Ki no Tsurayuki wrote the Japanese preface (仮名序 kanajo) of the Kokinshū, he selected Kisen as one of the six poetic sages (六歌仙 rokkasen) whose work was to be considered as superior. Tsurayuki says the following to comment on Kisen's work.

ことばかすかにして 始め終り たしかならず
kotoba kasuka ni shite hajime wohari tashikanarazu.
The use of words is a delicate thing—from start to end it does not express the thing that actually is.

いはば、 秋の月を見るに、 暁の雲に あへるが ごとし
ihaba, aki no tsuki wo miruni, akatsuki no kumo ni aheru ga gotoshi.
That is to say, to speak of the autumn moon, one compares it to the clouds at dawn.

is sometimes said to be the author of the poetry collection waka sakushiki (倭歌作式) (also known as the kisen-shiki (喜撰式)), but it is probably apocryphal and created well after the end of the Heian period.

The following two eika (詠歌) of Kisen are the only poems that can be confidently traced back to him.

waga iho ha miyako no tatsumi shika zo sumu yo wo ujiyama to hito ha ifu nari
People say that I am a secluded hermit living in Ujiyama, but my hermitage is just to the southeast of the capital!
(Kokinshū 18:983; also in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu)

ki no ma yori miyuru ha tani no hotaru kamo isari ni ama no umi he yuku kamo
What I see through the trees seems to be the fireflies (蛍 hotaru) from the valley—or is that the luring fires (漁火 isaribi) of the fishermen as they head to the sea?
(Gyokuyōshū 400)
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

source :

Kisenyama 喜撰山 Mount Kisen - 91 m high
in Kyoto, UJi 京都府宇治市池尾南組
喜撰山ダム Kisenyama dam
a rockfill hydroelectric dam finished in 1970.


- Rokkasen 六歌仙 6 Immortal Waka poets

source :

- quote -
The Rokkasen (六歌仙, "six poetry immortals") are six Japanese poets of the mid-ninth century who were named by Ki no Tsurayuki in the kana and mana prefaces to the poetry anthology Kokin wakashū (c. 905–14) as notable poets of the generation before its compilers.
... There are numerous phrases that show the conceptualization of these six as a cohesive group, but the term "Rokkasen" first appeared in an early Kamakura-period commentary on Kokin wakashū,
titled Sanryūshō 三流抄.

僧正遍昭 Sōjō Henjō, 17 poems
在原業平 Ariwara no Narihira, 30 poems
文屋康秀 Funya no Yasuhide, 1 poem
喜撰法師 Kisen Hōshi, 1 poem
小野小町 Ono no Komachi, 18 poems
大友黒主 Ōtomo no Kuronushi, 3 poems

The concept of the rokkasen had a lasting legacy on poetic scholarship both in the pre-modern and modern periods....
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

Kisen Hoshi hotaru no uta mo yomarekeri

Kisen Hoshi
has also written a poem
about fireflies . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

山口素堂 Yamaguchi Sodo

. kigo - hotaru 蛍 firefly .


喜撰山入道雲の頭出て Kisenyama


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninkisen #kisenhoshi

20 May 2018

SHRINES - Yama no Kami 13 Regional Iwate

. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .

Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Iwate 岩手県

. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .


Yamanokami Onsen 山の神温泉 hot spring Yamanokami
岩手県花巻市 Hanamaki town

優香苑 Yukaen
Our popular hot spring is 100% natural spring water, made soft and silky on the skin due to its high content of natural mineral deposits. You can enjoy looking at our mountain stream while submerged in the hot water of our large outdoor bath. We also recommend our spacious indoor bath with its high ceiling.
- source and more hot springs : -


. noogami 農神 / ノウガミ様 No-gami, Nogami, God of the Farmers .
deity for agriculture, especially the rice fields and sake rituals.

On the 16th day of the third lunar month, Yamanokami goes back to the Mountain, and in his place Nogami comes down to the village and the farmers. The villagers have to get up early and make fire. If the smoke climbs up high into the sky, the family will be lucky.

....................................................................... Kunohe district 九戸郡 .....

To celebrate Nogami on the 16th day of the third and 9th lunar month, villagers prepare
ウキウキダンゴ Ukiuki Dango and offer them to the deity.

. ukiukidango, ukiuki dango うきうきだんご / ウキウキ団子 .
"dumplings swimming buyoantly"
An offering for nogamisama 農神様 God of the Farmers.
ukiuki is a word used for things dumpling on water, as the dumplings do when put into the hot soup.
They are prepared for the last prayer to the god of the harvest (nogamisama) to take with him on his way back to the mountains. Nogamisama is a large boulder at the side of the field.
Made from millet flour mixed (kibiko きび粉) with dango flour.
They are round with a little cavity in the middle "like a navel", so in local dialect they are also called
"hetchoko dango "へっちょこ だんご "navel dumplings".

Yamanokami is seen as a Monkey or as a woman. In some regions he is even seen as a Tengu.
. Yamanokami, 猿 the Monkey .

In 平内 Hiranai,
the 9th day of the 12th lunar month is the day when Yamanokami, gives birth. Villagers avoid going to the forest on this day, because it brings bad luck and causes injuries.
In 戸田 Toda,
on the 9th day of the 2nd lunar month it is forbidden to go to the mountain. This is the day when Yamanokami is born or re-born. Field work is not done on this day and people hold sacred rituals to venerate the deity.
On this day, Yamanokami also counts the trees in the forest and people can not go there. They take a rest.
Once a wood cutter tried to cut a tree down, but splinters hit his eye and he lost is eyesight.
On the 12th day of the 12th lunar month, Yamanokami becomes one year older. This is his special day. Yamanokami has 12 children and women of the village prepare dishes with 12 pieces of Tofu.
If a woman eats such a dish, she will get pregnant and will have 12 children - so the women avoid eating these dishes.

軽米町 Karumai

Once there was a family with people falling ill, one after the other. An oracle told them to build a small sanctuary for Yamanokami and pray there.

sugi no tatari 杉の祟り curse of the Japanese cedar tree
There was a Shinboku in the forest, but one villager cut it down. He died soon after. The person who bought the wood became blind.
To bread the curse the villagers had to offer prayers at the local Wakamiya Hachiman 若宮八幡 shrine.

. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree .

山形村 Yamagatamura

Yamanokami is seen as a female deity who gives birth to 12 children in one year, one in each month.

....................................................................... Shimohei district 下閉伊郡 .....
岩泉町 Iwaizumi

Yamanokami no koshikake 山の神の腰掛 seat of Yamanokami
A tree with three stems is seen as a seat of Yamanokami and not to be cut down.

. Yamanokami no hooki 山の神の箒 broom of Yamanokami .
and the tengusubyoo 天狗巣病 "nest of a Tegnu", witch's broom disease

namomitakuri ナモミタクリ namomi takuri
Namomi Takuri is another name for Yamanokami. He takes away crying children and eats them. He comes down to the village only during the New Year celebrations.

This is similar to the custom of the
. Namahage なまはげ monsters .
(namomi o hagu)
Similar customs to the Namahage : 遠野市のナモミタクリやヒカタタクリ等がある。
..... namomihagi なもみ剥ぎ, amamihagi あまみはぎ
namamihagi 生身剥(なまみはぎ)、nagomehagi なごめ剥(なごめはぎ)、namomitakuri なもみたくり、ひがたたくり、nanamitakuri ななみたくり、namomi hagi なもみ剥(なもみはぎ)

....................................................................... Shizukuishi 雫石町 .....

In the village of 南畑 ミナミハタ Minamihata they have a festival for Yamanokami.
On this day, young and old, men and women, all use a furoshiki 風呂敷 cotton wrapper to make a mask for their faces and dance in the local Shrine. After that, they spend the night all together in the Shrine (zakone).
If they do not keep this custom, the harvest of 麻 hemp will be bad in the coming year.

. zakone 雑魚寝 sleeping together .
"group sleep" - "like all kind of fish", all crowded together

....................................................................... Tono 遠野市 Tōno .....

- - - Reference:
山神の憑依について「岩手県遠野地方の事例から」by 川島秀一 Kawashima Shuichi


A man of about 30 went to a drinking party and came home quite drunk. He mumbled all the time "Yamanokami has taken possession of me!" and then he fell asleep.
A friend who knew about it came visiting next morning and kneeled at his bedside to ask him a question, using him as a medium.
The man said they should venerate Ujigami 氏神 the clan deity and pray for his recovery. After ten days the man was healed and the friend came to say thank you.
Thus the man became quite famous.
- - - - -
Another man possessed by Yamanokami could see right through to the truth in the heart of people.
He told a visitor: In the ground of the entrance to your house there is an old mirror and a sword buried. If you take that away, someone in the house will die soon or the house will burn down. When the visitor came home and started to dig, he found the mirror and sword.
- - - - -
Where the road comes to a T-crossing a villager heard the noise of someone walking down the mountain. When he looked up he saw a huge naked man, all red and with frightening eyes.
This was Yamanokami.
- - - - -
If the female Yamanokami does not come down to help with a birth, three will be a problem. Therefore the husband of a pregnant woman has to go and invite the deity when birth comes close.
The husband takes a horse an lets it find its way, When the horse suddenly stops there is a voice to be heard and the husband knows that Yamanokami is now sitting on the horse. So he leads the horse back home and then makes an announcement. Usually the baby is born by the time the husband comes back.
- - - - -


田の神神社 - Shrine Tanokami Jinja in Tono

Ta no Kami 田の神

Yama no Kami 山の神

- reference source : -

地元の方は「お田の神さん」と呼んでいるそうです。別当の方はここから少し離れた処にお住まいで草刈りに先日奥様が来ていたとか。この神社の近くに庚申塔群があります。 すべての石塔が庚申塔というのもめずらしい。この庚申塔の手入れをしている奥様に伺いました。この方は駒形神社の別当ということで先祖代々受け継ぐ者の苦労をお聞きすることが出来ました。
- reference source : -


- reference source : nichibun yokai database -


. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .


- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -

. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #iwate -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Japan - Shrines and Temples on 8/20/2017 04:00:00 pm

19 May 2018

HEIAN - Yama no Kami 11 Regional Ibaraki Ishikawa

. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .

Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Ibaraki 茨城県 and Ishikawa 石川県

. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .


....................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県 .....

Yamanokami and the 庚申 Koshin Deity

. Tsukuba san 筑波山 Mount Tsukuba, Tsukubasan .

日立市 Hitachi 入四間町 Irishiken cho

. Yamanokami no yadorigi 山の神さんの宿り木 sacred tree for Yamanokami .
When a forest worker tried to cut down the sacred tree of Yamanokami in Irishiken town, he was struck by kanashibari 金縛り a sudden paralysis and could not move any more.

常陸太田市 Hitachi Ota 真弓町 Mayumi

shinboku 神木 sacred tree
On the mountain of the deity 真弓権現 Mayumi Gongen was a sacred tree for this Kami. But the magistrate had it cut down and sold it anyway. But the tree was taken away by a flood during a strong rain, so the magistrate had another tree cut down. That night there was a yamanari 山鳴り strange rumbling in the mountain and 10 of the forest workers fell dead on the spot. The other workers saw this and fled in great fear.

石岡市 Ishioka

ryuu 龍 dragons
A male and a female dragon are seen as Yamanokami.
The male dragon once shape-shifted into a woman near the pond, met a young samurai and the two fell in love. But the young samurai died after their first encounter.

北都留郡 Kita-Tsuru district 小菅村 Kosuge

. Yama no Kami matsuri 山の神祭り Yamanokami festival .

On the second day of the first lunar month, workers take a rest and go to the mountain.
They bring offerings of sake 酒 rice wine in bamboo tubes and place sasa ササの葉 bamboo grass leaves in it. They pour these offerings over the leaves of a tree.
This tree will then become a sacred tree for Yamanokami.

久慈郡 Kuji district 大子町 Daigo

. daija 大蛇 huge serpent .
In a cave there lives a huge serpent and prevents humans from passing along the road. So the villagers came in a large crowd and drove her out. They could now drink the water from the well and jump into the pond. One man who talked about this pointed to another and became suddenly invisible. The one pointed was maybe the serpent and the others shot him down with arrows.
One arrow hit the eye of the serpent and the animal fled into the pond, where it died.
The people living around the pond say the serpent was Yamanokami.

久慈郡 Kuji district 中里村 Nakasato

. Yamanokami no yadorigi 山の神さんの宿り木 sacred tree for Yamanokami .
Once a wood worker cut down this tree and thus was hit by the jintsuriki 神通力 divine power of Yamanokami. He could not move his body any more.
After special rituals to honor Yamanokami this spell was finally broken and he could move again.

久慈郡 Kuji district 小里村 Osato

. Yamanokami no yadorigi 山の神さんの宿り木 sacred tree for Yamanokami .

A tree with three main stems on the top of a mountain and a tree with two main stems near a swamp are sacred to Yamanokami.
Once a man tried to cut such a tree but instead hit his own leg and obtained a great wound. To heal better he went to a hot spring. While he was on his way, his own home burned down . . . Yamanokami took his revenge.
These trees are also sacred to the Tengu in Gunma.

桜川市 Sakuragawa 真壁町 Makabe

dondoya no tatari ドンドヤの祟り, dondoyaki no tatari ドンドヤキの祟り
Yamanokami gets angry easily. He is also very poor. If a debt collector comes to his home, he will burn it down and flee fast.
On the 15th day of the 11th lunar month, children prepare straw and make a fire for the Dondonya ritual near the Pine of Yamanokami. The ashes from this fire are never taken back home, this would bring a curse of Yamanokami.

. . dondon yaki どんどん焼き fire rituals .

多賀郡 Taga district 十王町 Juo machi

. daija 大蛇 huge serpent .
The 弁天池 Benten-Ike pond never dries up.
Putting a stick into the pond and praying for rain to Yamanokami, then taking home some water from the pond, will certainly lead to a good rainfall soon.
In former times there lived a huge serpent in the pond.
. 源義家八幡太郎 Minamoto no Yoshiie Hachimantaro, . (1039 – 1106) built the temple 八幡寺 Hachiman-Ji (Yahata-Ji). Sometimes villagers can see a huge serpent sleeping on the veranda of the temple.
If people throw improper unclead things into the pond, there will soon be a strong storm.


....................................................................... Ishikawa 石川県 .....

能美郡 Nomi district 新丸村 Shinmaru mura

Yamanokami is the same as a 天狗 Tengu.
On days were it is not allowed to go to the mountain, all forest workers must rest. If someone does not keep this taboo and goes to work, he will get hurt and have other misfortunes.

白峰村 Shiramine mura

. Kanko odori かんこ踊 Kanko Dance festival .
in honor of Saint Taicho coming down from the mountain.
Yamanokami is seen as a Tengu.

Related to
. Hakusan shinkoo 白山信仰 Hakusan (Shiramine) belief .


- reference source : nichibun yokai database -


. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .


- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -

. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Japan - Shrines and Temples on 8/20/2017 03:12:00 pm

16 May 2018

HEIAN - Sennin Gotenbayashi

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Gotenbayashi Sennin 御殿林仙人

He is mentioned in the second volume of
. 本朝神仙記伝 / 本朝神仙伝 Honcho Shinsenden .

He lived in 信濃国更科郡御殿林 Shinano no Kuni, Sarashina district, Gotenbayashi (now 長野県 Nagano)

He was born in 上野国 Kozuke no Kuni (now Gunma).
He is first mentioned in 1875. He was first seen in 六月(みなづき)村 Minatsuki mura by a farmer, named 信平(しんべい) Shinbei.
Shinbei saw a rather tall man who was looking for a horse to help with his farming. To pay for the horse the man gave Shinbei a medicine and said:
"Dear man, if you eat this you will never get ill until you die."
He gave the man the fruit of a tree named komoshii コモシイ.
The tall man said that he was 神仙にも天狗にもあらず neither a Shinsen nor a Tengu.
He had left the world of dust behind him and lived in the mountain, not counting the years he had been there.


There is a famous Gotenbayashi Forest in Yamagata.
Kiyokawa, Shonai Town, Higashitagawa-gun, Yamagata / 山形県東田川郡庄内町清川


- quote -
Gotenbayashi Forest
The forest is the battleground where the Shonai Clan and the new government army fought in the Japanese civil war between Imperial and shogunate forces. Today, there is a walking path.
In 1893, the poet, Masaoka Shiki visited and composed a poem about cicadas.
- source : -

- reference source : -

蜩(ひぐらし)の 二十五年も 昔かな
higurashi no nijuugo nen mo mukashi kana

. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 (1867 - 1902) .

higurashi 蜩 evening cicada, Tanna japonensis
. hatsu higurashi 初蜩 first Higurashi .
- kigo for mid-summer -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senningotenbayashi #gotenbayashi -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 3/30/2018 09:57:00 am

3 May 2018

HEIAN - Ariakeyama Ariakesan Nagano

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.
- - - for Hachimen Daio, see below

. Ariakeyama 有明山 Ariakesan, Mount Ariake - Nagano 

Nobutaroo 信太郎 Nobutaro
Once Nobutaro went with a friend to 有明山 Mount Ariakeyama.
When they tried to jump over the Tenguiwa 天狗岩 Tengu boulder, their bodies became an enormous in size and they jumped over 馬羅尾谷 Baraodani valley and disappeared.
Nobutaro's father 久作 Kyusaku, who had lost his only son, went everywhere to look for him. He could not find him and had to work in the fields all alone from that time on.
He build a small sanctuary for Nobutaro, 信の宮 Nobu no Miya.

有明山 Mount Ariakeyama (2268m).
Ariakeyama is also called
Shino Fuji 信濃富士 Mount Fuji of the Shino region.


- quote -
Ariake-yama (2268m)
Today, rather few people know Ariake-yama.
Of those who do, not many pay the mountain much regard. And, although the ridgeways between Yari-ga-take and Tsubakuro may be crowded enough to qualify as an Alpine "Ginza", fewer still pay much attention to Ariake-yama even when they find it rearing up at them on their way to the foot of Tsubakuro. Rather, their eyes are drawn to the more imposing heights beyond. Ariake, it seems, has been consigned to the meizan of past ages.

In former times, though, people would direct their gaze not to those indistinct higher peaks but to the shapely mountain right in front of them, revering Ariake-yama as the Mt Fuji of Shinano Province. In an age when the Northern Alps were still "terra incognita",
Ariake was celebrated by no less a poet than Monk Saigyō:

In Shinano on a day
It sent me awestruck on the way
To Hosono, the sight
Of mighty Ariake on the right

And then there are these lines by Monk Yūgyō:

By this moon's kindly light
I will not lose the narrow
Road to Hosono, although
It leads me under Ariake's height

- Ariake-yama seen from Otensho-dake; print by Yoshida Hiroshi -

According to an old chronicle, the mountain was opened in the second year of Daidō (807), when the great avatar Tohanachi Gongen was enshrined there at a place sacred to Ame-no-Uzume, where this goddess of dawn, mirth and revelry had manifested herself as a Buddha to save all living things. The mountain was once called Tohanachi-dake or "Door Away Peak", in honour of the legend in which the sun goddess Amaterasu shut herself up in a cave and was coaxed out again when the goddess Ame-no-Uzume performed a comical dance. At which the god Tajikarawo-no-mikoto wrenched away the cave's door and hurled it to earth at this very spot.

I came across this chronicle, the Record of Ariake's Inauguration (Ariake Kaizan Ryakki), in Mr Kumahara Masao's book on the dawn of Japanese mountaineering. By this account, the mountain mystic Yūkai, finding it lamentable that people had altogether given up climbing this sacred mountain, set out with his youngest brother in the sixth year of Kyōho (1721) together with fifteen or so villagers from the hamlet of Itadori at the mountain's foot, and found his way over trackless slopes to the summit. There they stayed overnight and descended the next day.

The first path up the mountain was presumably opened on this occasion, as the chronicle says. And after a small shrine was installed on the summit, people came every summer, from far and wide, in droves to climb the mountain.

For evidence that this custom lasted into the Meiji period, we need look no further than Walter Weston, the mountaineering missionary and so-called Father of the Japan Alps, who climbed Ariake on August 14, 1912, in the first year of Taishō. Presumably he'd heard of Ariake's reputation as a "meizan" of long standing. Most people associate Weston with Mountaineering and Exploration in the Japanese Alps (1896), and rather fewer are aware of his later book, The Playground of the Far East (1918), which also concerns itself mainly with the mountains of Japan. This is probably because there is no translation. It is in this later book that he describes his ascent of Ariake.
- - snip snip - -
And then it's easy to understand how Ariake came by its title of Shinano-Fuji.
- source : -


Azuma fushi 安曇節 song
- reference source : toki.moo 961 - - tba


. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

Nakatsuna koo 中綱湖 Lake Nakatsuna
Once upon a time, Mount Ariake and Lake Nakatsuna were fighting about which one was higher.
Then one day a pregnant woman came along and looked at mount Ariakeyama. She said laughingly: "Well Ariakeyama is not that high ... "
Since that time Mount Ariakeyama stoppe getting higher.

yakoo no tama 夜光の玉 a ball of light in the night
In the center of Mount Ariakeyama, there is a ball of light.
Because of this, the valley at its foot are never completely in the dark. They can never loose their way in a dark night.


. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons of Japan .

- - - Hachimen Daioo 八面大王 "Great King with Eight Faces" - - -
魏石鬼 八面大王 (ぎしき はちめんだいおう) Gishiki Hachimen Daio is a legendary figure in Nagano.
Gishiki no Iwaya 魏石鬼の岩屋(ぎしきのいわや) Cave of the Gishiki Demon

At the foot om mount Ariakeyama there lived the farmer 弥左衛門 Yazaemon with his son 弥助 Yasuke.
The son has been abducted by a Demon named Hachimen Daio 八面大王. Yasuke grew up to be a fine young man. One day he helped a yamadori 山鳥 pheasant.
Three days later Yasuke med a beautiful young woman and married her. But Hachimen Daio became quite jealous and wild again.
When 坂上田村麻呂 Sakanoue no Tamuramaro came tho the Kannon Hall to pray, He had a vision telling him to use the feathers of a pheasant tail to make an arrow.
When Yaskue heard this, he begun to worry. But his wife, the incarnation of the pheasant, offered her tail feathers and then disappeared.
With this arrow, the evil Hachiman Daio could be shot down and driven away.
- Another version of this legend tells of Yazaemon being kidnapped by Hachimen Daio while he was looking for medicinal herbs in the forest. His wife had bo bring up Yasuke all by herself.

. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811) .

- quote -
Once upon a time in the Heian period, there lived a demon named 魏石鬼 Gishiki at Mount Ariakeyama in Nagano.
He called himself 八面大王 the "Great King with Eight Faces".
He used all kinds of bad tricks and witchcraft and eventually the court in Kyoto send Sakanoue to drive him away.
- reference source : -

八面大王足湯 Hachimen Daio Ashiyu - Hot spring and foot bath


- quote -
Daio Wasabi Farm was opened in 1917
and is named after the ancient local hero, Hachimen Daio, whose spirit is also said to be the farm's protector.
- source : -

明科町 Akashina

momiji onibito もみじ鬼人 Demon Momiji "red leaves.
Momiji Onibito was the wife of Hachimen Daio, but they quarreled all the time. Then came Tamuramaro and killed Hachimen Daio. He also tried to kill Momiji, and his third arrow hit her.
But later she she came back, all crying with pain.

monomi-iwa no oni 物見岩の鬼 the demon from Monomi Rock
The demon from Monomi Rock was very bad, stole things and tormented the farmers.
Tamuramaro killed him also.

大町市 Omachi

Near the かや場 Kayaba reed field is a huge rock of about 1.5 m length.
Once uopn a time, when Hachimen Daio lived at Mount 矢沢山 Yazawayama a blacksmith brought his tools there to make weapons to fight this Oni, Hachimen Daio got angry and threw the rock in his way. They also say Tamuramaro used this rock to test his sword, so there is now a cut of about 30 cm in the rock.


- reference source : nichibun yokai database -


- - - Gishiki no Iwaya 魏石鬼窟 "Cave of the Gishiki Demon" - - -
古墳 Kofun Tumulus

This is a rock chamber where the demon Hachimen Daio is said to have hidden,
The ceiling of the chamber is one huge boulder.
Nearby are more boulders, the footsteps of Hachimen Daio 八面大王足跡岩



. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -

. Join the Tengu friends on Facebook .

. Tenguiwa, Tengu-Iwa 天狗岩 Tengu rocks and boulders .


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- - - - - #ariakeyama #ariakesan -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 4/20/2018 02:20:00 pm

2 May 2018

HEIAN - Sennin 16 Saga no In Kunshi

. - - - - - ABC-List of the Sennin Immortals Hermits - - - - - .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Saga no In Kunshi 嵯峨の隠君子 / 嵯峨隠君子

He is Nr. 16 of the
. 日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan .

He was 嵯峨天皇の隠君子 the son of Emperor Saga Tenno.
He entered priesthood as a child before becoming an adult. As he grew older, his hair grew white while he kept his childlike figure.

Not much is known about him.

He lived during the time of Sugawara no Michizane (845 - 903) - Butsusen Nr. 15.
He lived as a hermit in 西山 Nishiyama. (Or maybe in 南山 Nanzan).
He liked to play the 琴 Koto.
He also got along well with the local Onigami Kishin 鬼神 Demon Deity.

老君子 / 隠れ若子

. Emperor Saga 嵯峨天皇 (786 – 842) .
Saga was a scholar of the Chinese classics. He was also a renowned as a skillful calligrapher.
According to legend, he was the first Japanese emperor to drink tea.


南山白頭翁 Nanzan Hakuto Okina
Old man with white hair from Mount Nanzan

He was 98 years old and still had full white hair, a face fresh like a peach.
Nanzan is another name for 吉野山 Yoshinoyama.
The old man lived in a small hut, he was not a farmer nor a merchant.
He only had a desk and a bamboo basket.
He had no money and no food provisions.


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #saganoinkunshi #inkunshi #kunshi -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/14/2018 06:00:00 pm

HEIAN - Sennin 14 Miyako no Yoshika

. - - - - - ABC-List of the Sennin Immortals Hermits - - - - - .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Miyako no Yoshika 都良香
(834 - 879)

He is Nr. 14 of the
. 日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan .

- source : wikimedia / painting by Kikuchi Yōsai 菊池容斎

Miyako no Yoshika (都良香) was a poet and scholar of the Heian Period and had an office at the court.
His speciality was kangaku 漢学 Chinese learning.
Legends say that 100 years after he left office, he was spotted on a mountain as a hermit, his face unchanged.

When Miyako no Yoshika passed through the Rashomon Gate in Kyoto, he composed the beginning of a new poem:
From the roof of the gate there was a voice continuing with the second part of the poem:
This must have been the voice of the Demon of Rashomon Gate.

. Rashomon Gate 羅生門 - Introduction .
羅城門の鬼、羅生門の鬼 // The Demon of Rashomon

. Sugawara no Michizane 菅原道真 (845 - 903).

A similar tale is known when he traveled to 竹生島 Chikubu Island in Lake Biwako.
There it was 弁才天 the Deity Benten who provided the second part to his poem.

Although their life dates are different, there are tales about Yoshika and Sugawara no Michizane.
They were shooting arrows at the estate of Miyako.

- source : 国文学研究資料館


- quote -
Miyako no Yoshika was a scholar and statesman of the Heian court.
Today, he is most famous for having written up the earliest convincing account of Mt Fuji's crater. This appears in an essay entitled A Record of Mt Fuji.
Unfortunately, history doesn't relate whether he saw the crater for himself, or heard about it from somebody else.
- snip snip -
On the face of it, the ninth century would have been a bad time to make the attempt. Three huge eruptions wracked Mt Fuji between 800 and 865, the last one so extravagantly effusive that it created a new lake at the mountain's foot. Yoshika's own account of the volcano describes how a new parasite cone suddenly appeared in March 803.
Even if he wasn't put off by these fulminations,
Yoshika had a lot of business to keep him in Kyoto. He was a lesser private secretary (shō-naiki) in the administration, and a professor of literature too. In 870, he set the civil service entrance examination for Sugawara no Michizane, who later became the greatest scholar-statesman of the age.
the exam's second question required Sugawara to "Analyse earthquakes" – elucidating why the normally still earth moved, how the Chinese explained the phenomenon, and how the Buddhists in India explained it. Michizane first presented the Confucian view – that the earth heaved when the emperor's virtue was inadequate and the government was in disarray – and then added a Taoist interpretation of earthquakes for good measure.
Reading this story, I was momentarily enthused. Perhaps Miyako no Yoshika was a would-be geophysicist, born a thousand years before his time. If so, he would naturally have wanted to climb Mt Fuji, taking samples of the ash and meticulously recording the still-steaming lava streams as he went…
a re-reading of Yoshika's Record of Mt Fuji disabused me. The essay doesn't support the idea that Yoshika was a proto-scientist. Indeed, it's clear that the author's real concerns lay elsewhere than the crater; which is described more or less as an afterthought. What really fascinated Yoshika were the supernatural "Immortals" said to inhabit the upper slopes, or the angels who were seen dancing in the clouds over the summit.
For Yoshika,
it seems, there was no dividing line between the "natural" and "supernatural". In Heian times, nature and super-nature were larger and more mysterious than humans could possibly imagine. A quaintly outmoded way of thinking, one might have thought – at least, until last year, when those waves crashed ashore that were higher than anybody could possibly have imagined.
So perhaps Yoshika didn't climb Mt Fuji after all.
Yet there is still something appealing in the idea of him hanging up his court robes on the back of his office door – perhaps after a stressful day examining the impossibly precocious Sugawara – sneaking out of the Palace incognito, and then hopping aboard the evening Shinkansen to Shizuoka for a quick run up Mt Fuji...
- source : -

Fujisan ki 富士山記 A Record of Mt Fuji


- quote -
都 良香(みやこ の よしか)  (承和元年(834年) - 元慶3年2月25日(879年3月21日))
----- 経歴
----- 人物
----- 官歴
----- 説話
-- ある人が羅城門を通った時に、良香の詠んだ漢詩を誦したところ、門の鬼が詩句に感心したという(『江談抄』『本朝神仙伝』)。
-- 良香が晩夏に竹生島に遊んだ際に作ったという「三千世界は眼前に尽き。十二因縁は心裏に空し。」の下の句は竹生島の主である弁才天が良香に教えたものであるという(『江談抄』)。
-- 良香の家で門下生が弓遊びをしていた際、普段勉学に追われていることから、とうていうまく射ることはできないであろうと道真に弓を射させてみたところ、百発百中の勢いであった。良香はこれは対策及第の兆候であると予言し、実際に道真は及第したという(『北野天神縁起』)。
-- 菅原道真に昇進で先を越されたことから、良香は怒って官職を辞し、大峯山に入って消息を絶った。100年ほど後、ある人が山にある洞窟で良香に会ったところ、容貌は昔のままで、まるで壮年のようであったという(『本朝神仙伝』)。
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- source - 太宰府天満宮・宝物館 - 『北野天神縁起』
Yoshika and Michizane shooting arrows


Who was the first to climb Mount Fuji ?

- quote -
富士山・富士登山者昔むかし - Who was the first to climb Mount Fuji ?



①:最初に登ったのは木花咲耶姫(このはなさくやひめ)。Konohahasakuya Hime

②:中国の仙術士除福(じょふく)。The Chinese Sennin Jofuku

③:弥生時代、西暦150年代?日本武尊(やまとたけるのみこと)Yamato Takeru

④:あの聖徳太子。Shotoku Taishi

(5):次は役ノ行者。En no Gyoja

⑥:桓武(かんむ)天皇 Kanmu Tenno (800年頃・平安時代初期)。


⑧:平安初期の漢学者の都良香(みやこのよしか)Miyako no Yoshika
Yoshika heard the details from someone who had climbed Mount Fuji, when he wrote his report in 879. It seems he did not climb the mountain himself.

⑨:平安後期の末代(まつだい)法師。Matsudai Hoshi


- more
- reference source : -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Kyoto 京都市 

kishi 鬼詞 the demon's poem
When Miyako no Yoshika passed through the Rashomon Gate in Kyoto, he composed the beginning of a new poem. From the roof of the gate there was a voice continuing with the second part of the poem.
When 菅原道真 Sugawara no Michizane heard this story, he said it must have been the Demon of Rashomon who composed this part of the poem.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #miyakonoyoshika #yoshikasennin -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/14/2018 01:06:00 pm