Showing posts with label Kappa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kappa. Show all posts

20 Mar 2016

KAPPA - Kappadera temples

KAPPA Temples

Kappa temples


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .

. kappa 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ Kappa, the water goblin - - Introduction .

. Kappa Jinja 河童神社 Kappa Shinto Shrines .

- - - - - Introduced below - - - - -
大観音寺 Dai Kannon-Ji - Mie
曹源寺 Sogen-Ji - Edo / Tokyo
聖徳寺 Shotoku-Ji - Kumamoto
善行寺 Zengyo-Ji - Ishikawa
瑞龍寺 Zuiryu-Ji - Osaka


Kappadera かっぱ寺 Kappa temples
Kappa Daimyoojin 河童大明神 Kappa Daimyojin - Great Deity Kappa


Daikannonji 大観音寺 Dai Kannon-Ji
三重県津市白山町 Mie, Tsu town

Kappa Daimyojin 河童大明神 Great Deity Kappa


Soogenji 曹源寺 Sogen-Ji
3 Chome-7-2 Matsugaya, Taito / 台東区松ヶ谷一丁目 Tokyo

naminori kappa 波乗り河童 Kappa riding the waves
Kappa Daimyojin 河童大明神 Great Deity Kappa

The Folklore of Kappa-dera Temple
According to a legend,
at the beginning of the 19th century there lived in the vicinity a raincoat maker named Kappa Kawataro 合羽川太郎(合羽屋喜八 Kappaya Kihachi). In Japanese the word for"raincoat"is also "kappa". This region was once a basin with poor drainage, therefore rain would often bring floods causing undue trouble for the residents. Because of this, Kawataro began the construction of a series of drainage ditches with his own finances.The project was said to have been completed only with the assistance of the kappa living in the Sumida River whom had been helped by Kawataro in the past.
It is said that those who actually witnessed the river kappa thrived in business.

This legend is the origin of the name "Kappa-dera".
Furthermore,the name of "Kappabashi" (a bridge that once stood at the Kappabashi intersection) is also said to come from this legend.

At the temple they celebrate the Kappa Daimyojin 河童大明神 and there is a stone monument that is said to be Kappa Kawataro's grave.

source :

The Kappa riding the waves is now an amulet for good business.

- Homepage of the temple
- source :

source :
Matsubacho 松葉町 Edo / Tokoy

. Asakusa KAPPABASHI 東京都 かっぱ河 / 合羽橋 .

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 

. - - - Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! .


. 聖徳寺 Shotoku-Ji, Kumamoto 熊本市 .
kappa yoke, kappayoke 河童除け to ward off the evil influence of a kappa, especially water accidents.
mizuyoke 水難除け amulets to ward off water accidents


. Kappa - Haiku and Senryu 河童 俳句 川柳 .

tanekabocha arechi ni marobu Kappadera

pumpkin seeds
scattered in the wasteland -
Kappa Temple

御子柴光子 Mikoshiba Mitsuko

Kappa tairu 河童のタイル Kappa tile
in the shopping street near Kappa Temple
- reference : -



田淵定人 Tabuchi Teijin


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- #kappadera #kappatemple #templekappa -

KAPPA - Kankara Boshi from Mie


Mie 三重県 

- quote -
There is a restaurant called "Kappa club" in my hometown 紀北町 Kihoku-cho, Mie Pref..
When a boy is born in the house of the fisherman in my hometown, manners and customs to have they go with Minato-ya of Honmachi on 11th for New Year holidays and take the cup of parent and child and exchange it stay even now.
湊治郎左衛門 Jirozaemon Minato lived in 長島浦 Nagashima-ura was in the middle of crossing the 赤羽川 Akaba river on the back of his white horse, when the tail of his horse was caught by Kankarakoboshi (Kappa).
When Jirozaemon slashed with his sword, they left the right arm which kankarakoboshi (kappa) screamed, and was catching a tail and escaped in a river.
Because Kankarakoboshi appeared in the evening of the third day after Jirouzaemon took the arm home with, he got his arm back and made a promise to be able to never let the person of the whole families of this house die in the sea and a river.
Thereafter the people of the Minato family didn't seem to encounter drowning in the sea or a river.

When a boy is born in a family of the village which just runs fishery after it for nearly 400 years, they go to the Minato's for New Year holidays and in them for the first time, and a custom to exchange the cup of sake making the vow of parent and child.
Thus the Kappa will also protect them.

- source : Yuichi on facebook -

かんからこぼし Kankara Koboshi

- Look at more illustrations here:
- reference :  -


18 Mar 2016

KAPPA - warai onna TOSA yokai

laughing woman yokai

- Yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - - ABC-Index -

- warai onna 笑い女 the laughing woman
sanboku no warai onna 山北の笑い女 from the Northern Mountain -

and two more Yokai from the Tosa region 3大妖魔 :

勝賀瀬の赤頭 the red head of Shogase
本山の白姥 the white old hag from Motoyama

- - - - - and more about
Tosa no Yokai 土佐の妖怪 The Yokai monsters of Tosa

Kochi Tosa 土佐 高知県 安芸郡和食村 Aki district, Wajiki
高知県香南市 Konan town and other regions

- quote
She is a special Yokai of the mountains of Tosa.
Her stories are told since the late Edo period until the early Meiji period.
She is mentioned in the book
Tosa Bakemono Ehon 土佐化物絵本 Picture Book of Yokai from Tosa.

Every month on the first, ninth and 17th day, if people went into the mountain forests, they came home more dead than alive.
- but once upon a time
a man called Higuchi 樋口関太夫 did not pay heed to this, told his men to follow him and went into the forest. Suddenly a girl of about 17 or 18 years appeared, pointed at Higuchi with her finger and laughed loudly. Her laugh became higher and higher, and all things in the forest, the stoned, plants, the water and wind, all laughed loud.
Higuchi and his men were stuck with fear and run away back home. At the foot of the mountain his men all fainted, but Higuche made it to his home. But until his death he could never forget the laugh of this devilish situation.

A similar story has been told about
warai otoko 笑い男(わらいおとこ) the Laughing Man.
Here the hero is a young man and Higuchi could never forget his laugh, which sounded in his ear like the shot of a gun every time he remembered the situation.

In the village of 芸西村白髪 Shirege at タカサデ山 Mount Takasadeyama two old women went to pick 山菜 wild herbs in the mountain. A young woman showed up and started laughing. The two old ladies soon begun to laugh with her. When the young woman disappeared, they could not stop laughing and developed a high fever for a few days.

In 香南市 Konan town at the ruins of the Doi castle 土居城 the laughing woman was killed by a sword. In the compound there is a small Shinto sanctuary 祠, ツルギ様 Tsurugi sama, where this sword is venerated.

In 土佐山村 Tosayama village the laughing woman appears when the wheat is ripening.

In many villages, they say the laughing woman is in fact a Tanuki 狸.
- reference ; wikipedia

南宇和郡 Minamiuwa district

An ancestor of Hirata 僧都の平田 has met the laughing woman. When he flet to his home and closed the door, her hair became like a tree, knocking on the door until it had a hole.

橋上村 Hashigami village

She comes out in the deep mountain and laughs geragera ゲラゲラ, but she is invisible.

In the hamlet of 和食村 Wajiki
there lived a man deep in the mountains and blew his Shakuhachi every night in front of his hut. One day a beautiful woman came up and asked him to play the Shakuhachi for her. She said her name was "Laughing Woman".
The man smiled and told her he would play a tune to make her laugh.
Her laugh became louder and louder as he blew his Shakuhachi and was heard all over the mountain.
Now the man became angry and threw his ax and hammer at her, but the woman just picked them up and ate them with good appetite.
When the man did not know what to do any more now, suddenly the sound of a rooster came up from the valley and the "Laughing Woman" disappeared.
But the voice of the rooster did not come from an animal, but from an amulet that was hanging at the breast of the man to protect him.
This is a dangerous Yokai, because if you begin to laugh with her, you will be eaten by her.

. komusoo 虚無僧 Komuso and the Shakuhachi Flute 尺八 .
- Introduction -


Shoogase no akagashira 勝賀瀬の赤頭 the red head of Shogase
Shogase is located in いの町 Ino, Agawa District, Kochi Prefecture

Once a man from the village met this Yokai and felt like looking into the red sunrise, but soon became very ill and almost lost his eyesight. After special treatment he could then see again.

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

A red-headed Yokai is also known in other parts of Japan, like Tottori.
It is often depicted with red hair instead of a red head or face.
Images are found in the Hyakki Yagyo Emaki 百鬼夜行絵巻 illustrated book of 100 Oni

- quote -
A plant-like humanoid with intense red hair that can burn ones eyes if looked at.

- source : -


Motoyama no hakuba 本山の白姥 the white old hag from Motoyama
Motoyama village is located in Nagaoka District, Kōchi Prefecture

source :

There is not much to be found about this Yokai.


waraiotoko, warai otoko 笑男 the laughing man

source :


Tosa no kechibi 土佐の鬼火 / けち火 "demon fire" from Tosa

- quote -

民話研究家・市原麟一郎 Ichihara Rinichiroの著書によれば、大きく二つに大別され、人が死んだ瞬間にその肉体から発生したものと、眠っている人間から発生するものとがあるとされる[5]。

後者の事例としては、明治初期の高知県香美郡(現・香美市 Kami district)の以下のような民話がある。Yoshiyan 芳 やんという男が夜道を歩いていると、物部川のそばで道端にけち火が転がっていた。近づくところころと転がりだすので、好奇心から追いかけたところ、けち火 も逃げ出し、その内に人家に入り込んだ。その家では、うなされながら寝ていた男が目を覚まし、妻に「芳やんが追いかけて来るので必死に逃げて来た」と語っ たという[6]。

また同じく明治時代の高岡郡 Takaoka の民話では、斎藤熊兄という度胸のある男がけち火を目撃し、「ここまで飛んで来い」と怒鳴ったところ目の前に飛来して来た。斎藤はけち火を生け捕りにしよ うとするが、手でつかんだり足で踏みつけようとするたびにけち火は消え、また現れを繰り返した。ようやく両手でつかみ取って家へ持ち帰ったが、家で手を開 くと、いつの間にかけち火は消えていた。翌日から熊兄は原因不明の熱病にかかり、そのまま死んでしまったという[7]。

- source : wikipedia -


- quote -
It is stated to be the onryō of humans turned into balls of fire, and it is said to be possible to beckon for it by beating a zōri three times, or putting saliva on the zōri and calling for it. It is also said that the face of a human floats in the fire.

They are also said to appear above water, and from this they are sometimes called a type of funayūrei. In the Nara Prefecture, they are sometimes seen to be the same as the kaika janjanbi.

According to the folklore researcher Rinichiro Ichihara's book, they are largely split into two different kinds, the ones that come forth from the flesh the instant a human dies, and those that come from humans while they sleep.

As an example of the latter, there was a folktale as follows from the Kami Distrinct, Kōchi Prefecture from the early Meiji period.
When a man called Yoshiyan was walking through the road at night, beside the Monobe River, there was a kechibi turned over on the roadside. Upon coming closer to it, it would start rolling around, and when he chased it due to curiosity, the kechibi would also run away, and eventually he found himself entering a person's home. In that home, a man who was having a nightmare woke up, and said to his wife, "Yoshiyan was chasing me, so I ran away desperately."

Also, as a folktale in the Takaoka District also from the Meiji Period, a man with much bravery named Kumaani Saitō witnessed a kechibi, and when he shouted, "come fly over here," it flew right in front of him. Saitō attempted to catch the fire alive, but each time he tried to catch it in his hand or tread on it with his feet the kechibi would disappear, and then reappear over and over. He finally captured it in both hands and took it back to his home, but at his home, when he opened his hand, the kechibi had already disappeared before he knew it. The next day, Kumaani had a fever of unknown cause, and died just like that.

In the Tosa Obake Zōshi, a Yōkai Emaki from the Tosa Province in the Edo Period, it was written as 鬼火 and had furigana indicating a reading of "kechibi."
- source : -

. onibi 鬼火 "devil's fire", will-o'-the-wisp .
"fox fire", kitsunebi 狐火 (きつねび)
- kigo for all winter -
"a mysterious light associated with spirits, found in various folklore tales"


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- reference : -


土佐の妖怪 Tosa no Yokai - - 市原麟一郎 Ichihara Rinichiro

- reference -


. - - - Join my Yokai friends on facebook ! - - - .


. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
- Introduction -

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #waraionnatosa #akagashira #tosayokai #waraiotoko #tosayokai -



1 Nov 2015

KAPPA - Jozankei Hokkaido

- KAPPA - 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - ABC-Index -

- Jozankei Hokkaido 定山渓 北海道 -

This onsen hot spring resort is now having Kappa everywhere. The most important one is the

Kappa Dai-O, Daio 河童大王/ かっぱ大王 Great King Kappa


The town has a map with 24 Kappa figures to find while taking a walk.

- quote
There is a "legend of Kappa" in Jozankei hot springs.
And Kappa is a mascot of Jozankei. "Kappa road" was named for "Kappa" and also there is a "Kappa" designed drinking fountain. Do you know there is a openwork "Kappa" on handrail of Tsukimi-bridge over Toyohira River?
Fairy tale kappa statues which are seen everywhere in the hotspring town are based on ideas given by residents of Sapporo, and made by sculptors from both inside and outside of Hokkaido .
Enjoy walking, guessing what kind of "kappa" you will run into...

Until the Choshiguchi hydroelectric power plant was built in 1908, the water flow of the Toyohira River was big enough to wash out logs (for straight-grained boards) of the interior of the mountain down the river. There were also many big river fishes inhabited everywhere in the deep channels. Around that time, there was a young boy, named a Mr. Seyama, who was working for road works. When he was fishing by one of the deep pools of the river, all of sudden he was sucked down into the bottom of the river, even though he did not miss his footing. Villagers who were working to wash out the logs down the river saw the boy being sucked into the river, and immediately jumped into the river to try to rescue him.

But the river was so deep that they could not rescue him, and at the end the days passed without being able to find the boy. A year later, on the night of the first memorial service for the boy, the young boy appeared in his father's dream and said, "I am living happily with a water goblin wife and a child." The most handsome boy in the village was probably charmed by the goblin wife living in the river. Since then, the area has been called as the goblin's pool, and there has been no one who goes missing.

- - - - - Check out the 24 Kappa statues here :
- source :

かっぱ太郎 Kappa Taro
near the hot foot bath 足のふれあい太郎の湯

かっぱ妹子(いもこ) Kappa Imoko
カッパーマン Kappaaman


Kappa Ema 定山渓河童絵馬 votive tablet


- quote
Some say the Kappa is of Ainu origin, . . .
The Ainu, Japan's earliest inhabitants, live primarily in Hokkaido, the northernmost island, and their folklore is rich in imagery and monsters. Near Sapporo, the main city in Hokkaido, is an area called Jozankei, home to the "Great Kappa King" and the "Kappa Buchi Legend." However, the Jozankei legends are probably not of Ainu origin.
According to the Angelfire web site:
The Ainu believe in a magical connection between trees and humans. For example, when a certain tree is cut down a girl will die. They feel that willows are like living humans and make miniature sacrificial willows from willow peelings (see also Willoughby-Meade, Chinese Ghouls and Goblins for more). The Ainu are also known for their Shamanistic beliefs and practices (perhaps of Siberian origin).
... Ainu tales ... One story in the collection is called The Old Man of the Sea (Atui Koro Ekashi). It describes an ocean monster able to swallow ships and whales.

The symbol of Jozankei Valley is the Kappa, the water sprite.
Jozankei (valley) 定山渓温泉 is a hot spring area and spa near Toyohiragawa River in southwest Sapporo (Hokkaido). Called "Sapporo's Back Parlor," the spa is surrounded by mountains, and was discovered by a monk called Jozan, and named after this monk for the efforts he made to develop it. The Kappa is the guardian spirit of the area. Local legend tells of a young boy who fell into a deep pool, where he was taken to the land of the Kappa, and lived happily thereafter. Approximately 23 Kappa stand in various poses around the spa town, including the Great Kappa King. There is also a Kappa Pool, which becomes very lively during the Kappa Festival that takes place in early August.

Kappa-Buchi (Kappa Pool) Legend in Jozankei 定山渓
According to local folklore, a young man was fishing in a deep pool in Jozankei, but fell in and never surfaced. Months later he appeared in his father's dreams to say he was living happily with the Kappa, and his Kappa wife and child. The pool is named "Kappa-buchi," or kappa pool, in light of this legend.
- source : Mark Schumacher


Kappon かっぽん 定山渓温泉 Jozankei hot spring

. Kappon かっぽん - 定山渓 Kappa Mascot .


Jozankei Kappa Festival 定山渓河童まつり / かっぱ祭り / 定山渓カッパまつり

The annual"Kappa Week" in early August
Various events and "Kappa food" at many places.

定山渓かっぱのやわらかたまごサブレ Tamago Sabure bisquits

hot spring extract with cucumber


At Jozankei, they run a Momiji Kappa Bus during the autumn season.
momiji kappa basu 「紅葉かっぱバス」
. momiji kappa basu 「紅葉かっぱバス」in Jozankei .


Jozankei yuki no kai kudari yu no hoteru

Jozankei -
down to the Snow Floor
at the Hot Spring Hotel

Watanabe Shiori 渡辺しおり


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

- reference -


. - - - Join my Kappa friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #jozankei #josankei -



Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 10/30/2015 12:53:00 p.m.

4 Sept 2015

KAPPA - Miyazaki Kappa Legends

- KAPPA 河童 伝説 / かっぱ / カッパ - Legends -

- Kappa Legends from Miyazaki  河童伝説 - 宮崎県

- KAPPA 河童伝説 - 九州 - Legends from Kyushu -
- Introduction -
Fukuoka / Kagoshima / Kumamoto / Nagasaki / Oita / Saga

CLICK for more photos from Kappa in Kyushu.


....................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県 

. Kappa and Legends with tofu  豆腐伝説 .
from temple 泉福寺 Zenpuku-Ji, Takachiho


On the 5th day of the 5th lunar month (Boy's Festival) you have to eat tsunonoboo つののぼう (?角の坊) to prevent water accidents caused by the Kappa.
Once a Kappa invited a farmer to do Sumo wrestling, but the farmer refused, saying he has to go home to eat tsunonoboo. This kept him safe from the mischievious Kappa.

木城町 Kijo

At the Kawabaru Nature Park かわばる自然公園 is a bronze statue of a Kappa.


Every year after the autumn equinox the Kappa climbs to the mountain, moaning ピーヒョピーヒョ (piihiyo piihiyo) and playing tricks on the way.
Once he used the bath of a home on his way and people know he was there when the bathwater was all black and smelled terrible. So the farmer captured a monkey and bound him to the bathroom wall 風呂場. The Kappa came at night and was surprized, got angry and shook the house like in an earthquake. Then he left and never came back.

Once there lived a Kappa family near the riverpool. When the farmer gave them three tail hairs of his horse for fishing, the Kappa showed great gratitude to the family.

Hyoosunbo ひょうすんぼ Hyosunbo

In the year 1489 an ancestor of the 正一家 Masakazu family wanted to cross the river on a horse. A Hyosunbo grabed the tail of the horse and to get rid of him he had to cut off the right arm and take it home. Later the Hyosunbo came to his house and asked for his arm back. To show his gratitude he showed the family how to make medicine using the bark of the mountain peach tree (yamamomo 山桃の木, Myrica rubra), 茶の葉 tea leaves and もち米 mochigome sticky rice. This powerful medicine heals broken bones, bruises and even stomach ailments.
The family brings ritual sake and thank-you offerings to the river every year on the last day of december.

Hyosunbo, this is a Yokai monster with the name Hyoosube ひょうすべ Hyosube
ひょうすえ Hyosue、ひょうすぼ Hyoosubo、ヒョウスンボ Hyoosunbo、ひょうすんべ Hyoosunbe

. Hyōzu 兵主神 Hyozu no Kami .
兵主部 Hyōsube the Yokai Monster

and a strong liquor with this name 芋焼酎 ひょうすんぼ
from 松露酒造 Shoro Shozo / 宮崎県串間市

清武町 Kiyotake - Ioya Kiyotakechō Funahiki

The company 庵屋の北山様 Kitayama sama from Ioya venerated the Kappa.
Once a villager had shot a Kappa carrying some cucumbers. But afterwards that man got ill himself and died.
So now they venerate the Kappa.

In a pond with cold water in the dark forest below a sanctuary there lives a Kappa.

There is also a liquor made in Kiyotake, with the name
Kappa no sasoi-mizu 河童の誘い水 "water to invite a Kappa".


上使橋 Joshibashi

The Kappa from the bridge Joshibashi tried to pull a horse into the river but got caught.

宮崎市 Miyazaki town

A Kappa from the waterway of 松井いぜき / 井堰 Matsui Izeki had come to a farmhouse to get the liver of a horse. But two strong men named 太吉 Takichi and 次郎 Jiro made sure the Kappa did not come.

松井用水路 / いぜき waterways and seki せき(堰) weirs along the river 清武川 Kiyotakegawa.
This has been constructed by the official 松井五朗兵衛 Matsui Gorobei from 飫肥 Obi around 1643 to gain farmland for the poor villagers.

source : Kyushu regional agricaltual administration office

In 1934 the weir had been rebuilt in concrete.

西臼杵郡 Nishiusuki 高千穂町 Takachiho

On the border of Kumamoto, Oita and Miyazaki there is upstream the shrine 川上神社 Kawakami Jinja.
Once a Kappa came to the priest Ando 安藤氏 and asked to remove the Yatsume 八つ目のもの. The priest demanded in return that the Kappa would not take away the children of the village any more and then let him go.
The Yatsume was in fact the harrow used for preparing the rice fields 馬鍬. To show his gratitude the Kappa brought fresh fish every day.
But one day, when the priest had forgotten to take away his knife at the fish deposit, the Kappa did not come any more. And children began to have water accidents again. Therefore priest Ando took his knife again and cut off the arm of the Kappa. This arm is still in the possession of the temple to our day - or so they say.

川太郎湯 Kawataro Yu in Takachiho

Once people dug a dent into the riverbed, stopped the water into a pool and threw hot stones in it for a bath. Then suddenly a Kappa also slipped into the hot water and in no time the water became lukewarm. But this "hot spring" is said to heal all kinds of ailments.

高鍋町 Takanabe

In the garden of 鴫野の水神様 the Water Deity of Shigino a Kappa came for a complaint.
The horse of the deity had been to the river nearby and bitten off the arm of the Kappa.
After a discussion they burried it near Mount Utonoyama ウトノヤマ, a place rather dark even in daytime. Now the Kappa came back every day to ask for his arm and eventually they showed him the place. Since then the Kappa never showed up again.

There are also ひょうすん坊 Hyosunbo legends in Takanabe.
There is also a pub called like this 「ひょうすんぼ」という居酒屋
and a Hyosunbo road with many Kappa statues called 「ひょうすんぼ通り」

statue at Hyosunbo Road

Takanabe is next to 木城町 Kijo town.

宮田の円福寺には とても偉いお坊さんと小僧さんがいました。

木の瀬の小丸川河原は ものすごく川幅の広い瀬になってました。
大人も子供も 魚を取ったり水遊びしたり、それは大賑わいだったそうです。
- source : -

Hyosunbo Kappa Kokeshi ひょうすんぼ

source : kokeshi


- - - - - reference - - - - -
- source : Yokai Database -


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- KAPPA 河童 / 合羽 / かっぱ / カッパ - Legends -
- Introduction -

. mukashibanashi 昔話 folktales - Introduction .
the distinction to legends is sometimes blurred.

. Kappa ishi 河童石 Kappa stone legends
Kappa iwa かっぱ岩 Kappa boulder, Kappa rock .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #kappamiyazaki #miyazakilegends #hyosunbo -



Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 9/03/2015 09:40:00 a.m.

17 Aug 2015

MINGEI - legends about nakodo matchmaker

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Legends - Heian Period (794 to 1185) - Introduction .

nakoodo, nakōdo 仲人 Nakodo, legends about matchmakers for marriage


- quote -
A nakōdo (仲人 matchmaker) serves the role of a go-between for families in the miai process. A nakōdo is not necessary for all miai. The nakōdo can be a family member, friend, or matchmaking company.
Professional organizations have begun to provide go-between services for inquiring candidates. These professional nakōdo are known as puro (pro) nakōdo.
The nakōdo is expected to play a variety of roles throughout the miai process. The first is the bridging role, hashikake (橋架け), in which the nakōdo introduces potential candidates and families to each other. The second role is as a liaison for the families to avoid direct confrontation and differences in opinions between them by serving as an intermediary for working out the details of the marriage.

miai (見合い, "matchmaking", lit. "looking at one another")
or omiai (お見合い) is a Japanese traditional custom
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


nakoodo isha 仲人医者 doctors as matchmakers for marriage
keian 慶庵 / 桂庵 Keian matchmaker
Named after the famous matchmacer-doctor Yamato Keian 大和慶庵 (around 1653).

A Nakodo go-between was necessary for a regular marriage in Edo.
Some doctors with a bad medical reputation could fall back on this kind of "business". Once the marriage was fixed, he would get quite a bit of "thank-you money".


Yokai - Monsters having a miai meeting -

Look at the full scroll of the Monsters having a Miai and Wedding
Bakemono Konrei 化物婚礼
- source : Toyo Daigaku -

In the Yokai world, animals like fox, tanuki, serpent or Kappa are also Nakodo.

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.................................................................. Fukushima 福島県 ....................................................................
会津若松市 Aizu Wakamatsu

tori no tobu yoo na oto 鳥の飛ぶような音 sound of a bird flying off

In the family of a matchmaker the wife had died and for about one month every day from the Tokonoma alcove the sound of a large bird flying off was to be heared.
When the husband looked, there was nobody.

.................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県 ....................................................................
和良村 Waramura

kitsune 狐 Fox

The bride of the house had already been on her way when the Nakodo came to pick her up. In fact it was a fox who had shapeshifted as the bride and walked at the top of the group.

.................................................................. Ishikawa 石川県 ....................................................................
河内村 Kawachimura

mujina むじな Tanuki badger

Once a Nakodo went to pick up the bride at her home. But out of the bushes there came a badger, with leaves on his head like the headgear of a bride. The Nakodo pretended not to suspect fraud, went close to the "bride" and hit the "Tanuki bride" with his long umbrella, until the Tanuki was dead.
Then the Nakodo carried the Tanuki to his home and postponed the wedding.

.................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県 ....................................................................
栗駒 Kurikoma - 馬橋坂 Umahashisaka

Umahashisaka no Mansukegitsune 馬橋坂の万助狐 Mansuke Kitsune the Fox

Mansuke is the most well-known fox in this region.
At the time of the cultivation of the 桧沢岳 Hisawadake region there was a man named Sato who had lost his wife and was working all alone.
One evening a Nakodo came and offered to find a new wife for him. The deal was fixed in a few days, the relatives invited for the wedding celebration. When all were drunk the bride, the Nakodo and the visitors suddenly showed her real form and all disappeared, including the feast in front of his eyes.

The bride of Mansuke was お花 O-Hana from Mount 花館山. People walking the path between the two mountains often got tricked by the fox couple.

A fox on a tea pot

Umahashisaka no Manjuuroo 馬橋坂の万寿郎狐 Manjuro the Fox

A legend of another fox called Manjuro tells of 宗作爺 Grandfather Sosaku. Once he went to some relatives to help putting new reeds on the roof. He got some rice cakes 月形餅や撒餅 for his help and was on his way home. When he passed the school the children came to him and asked to see the contents of his packet and wanted some to eat. He felt quite elated and wanted to share them with the children. When he tried to open the packes it suddenly disappeared and all the children were gone . . . Manjuro had played a trick on him!

.................................................................. Nagano 長野県 ....................................................................
山ノ内町 Yamanouchi

kitsune 狐 Fox

A samurai was asked to expell a fox from the village.
But the fox asked him instead:
"I was asked to be the Nakodo and bring the bride to the home of the groom. On the way she suddenly asked to take a bath and I don't know what to do. Can you do it in my place?"
When he tried to help the fox and went to the bath he suddenly found himself sitting in a puddle of mud instead . . .

.................................................................. Niigata 新潟県 ....................................................................
松之山町 Matsunoyama

hebi 蛇 serpent

The serpent wanted the princess of the pond 蒲生池 / 蒲生の池 Kamo-no-ike as his bride. But the Nakodo was refused. In his anger he killed all the members of the family.
He borrowed the famous serpent-cutting sword 蛇切丸 and fought with the enemy.

This is a famous sword 蛇切丸 with more legends in other regions of Japan.
- reference -


.................................................................. Kappa legends 河童 ...............................................................

. Welcome to the Kappapedia ! .

Once a Kappa from the bridge 宮川橋 Miyagawakyo became a bride. The Nakodo was from 二の橋 Ninohashi.
The "Kappa" in this tale is in fact a prostitute from a tea stall. Ninohashi was famous for the Aimaiya, Aimai-Ya 曖昧屋 , a kind of tea stall, eatery or lodging, keeping aimai women 曖昧女(おんな) prostitutes.

Aimai chaya 曖昧茶屋, Aimai yado 曖昧宿.

aimai 曖昧 is a normal word of the Japanese language, it means ambiguous, not clearly defined, obscure, vague . . . (you can google for more).

. chaya 茶屋 tea shop, tea stall business in Edo .
fuuzoku, fûzoku 風俗 Fuzoku, entertainment and sex business


explaining a lot of "aimai" words with ambiguous meanings.
(available at amazon com.)

yokai database 妖怪データベース  - source : -


. minwa 民話 folktales / densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .
- Introduction -

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 8/16/2015 01:50:00 p.m.