Showing posts with label Mingei - Folk Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mingei - Folk Art. Show all posts

28 Nov 2017

MINGEI - Nishikimatsu pottery


Potter Nishikimatsu 錦松

. yakimono 焼物 pottery .
- Introduction -

七代錦松 Nishikimatsu, 7th Generation

- Tanuki 狸置物

- Hanya mask

. . . CLICK here for more Photos  !


- #nishikimatsu -

Posted By Gabi Greve to DARUMA MUSEUM (02) ... DARUMA ARCHIVES on 11/22/2017 07:50:00 pm

MINGEI - komori taking care of baby

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

komori 子守 / 子守り taking care of a baby

. Mikomori Myōjin 御子守明神 protector of children .
Mikumari Jinja 御子守神社
- Introduction -

Baby sitting was important in all times. There are many paintings and figures about it.
It was often done by an elder sister. The baby is bound on the back so her hands are free to do some work in the kitchen or the fields.

from がねこ堂


dorei 土鈴 clay bell


爪楊枝入れ container for toothpicks
koppa ningyoo 木端人形 wooden doll

- ABC - List of Komori dolls from the Prefectures

................................................................................ Aichi 愛知県  

komori musume 子守り娘 girl as baby sitter
about 17 cm high.

. Asahi tsuchi ningyoo 旭土人形 Asahi Clay Dolls .


made by 杉浦松太郎 Sugiura Matsutaro

. Tanao ningyoo 棚尾人形 Dolls from Tanao .

................................................................................ Aomori 青森県  

盃・傘女・筆持ち・ 子守り komori ・犬斜め・犬たて / 獅子舞・蛸・俵・纏い

. Shitakawara Tsuchiningyoo 下川原土人形 .

................................................................................ Fukuoka 福岡県  

komori men 子守面 "babysitting faces"
They are much smaller that the mekaeshi faces and have bamboo stick of about 1 meter.
They are also called ororondako おろろん凧.
ororon is the local dialect to pacify a baby. In former times when mothers carried the babies on their back, they would stick the bamboo with the child so it has something to watch.

. Kites from Kyushu 九州 - Fukuoka .

................................................................................ Niigata 新潟県  

Yamaguchi clay dolls 山口人形


. . . CLICK here for Photos - 子守人形 !
. Reference 子守人形 .

. gangu 玩具 伝説, omochcha おもちゃ  toy, toys and legends .
- Introduction -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Kagawa 香川県

aoboozu 青坊主 Ao-Bozu "Blue Priest" Yokai monster
When the babysitter was preparing food for the family and bring it to the fields, an Ao-Bozu came into the kitchen and suggested she should hang herself from the neck.
The babysitter tried to ignore the monster, but he grabbed her and made her loose conscience. The baby begun to cry out loud and grandmother from the other room came to pry into the kitchen.
The babysitter had already hung herself from the neck. Grandma cut the rope and placed the girl on the floor, where she came to herself and was saved.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
22 子守り (01)
09 青坊主 (01)


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - #komori #babycare #babysitter - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Omamori - Japanese Amulets on 11/22/2017 01:14:00 pm

22 Nov 2017

PERSONS - Taira no Atsumori

. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .

Taira no Atsumori 平敦盛
(1169 - 1184)

- quote -
a samurai famous for his early death in single combat. At the Battle of Ichi-no-Tani,
Atsumori engaged Kumagai Naozane, an ally of the Minamoto, and was killed. Kumagai had a son the same age as Atsumori. Kumagai's great remorse as told in the tale, coupled with his taking of priestly vows, caused this otherwise unremarkable event to become well known for its tragedy.
- - - The Death of Atsumori as told in the Tales of the Heike
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

Sumadera ya fukanu fue kiku koshita yami

temple Sumadera -
I listen to the flute nobody plays
in the darkness under the trees

Tr. Gabi Greve

In memory of Taira no Atsumori 平敦盛 and his flute now kept at the temple.
Samurai had to learn all kinds of aristocratic things to be able to please their masters.
Atsumori was famous for his flute playing,, aoba no fue 青葉の笛.

Paul Muldoon, Basho and the Temple Sumadera
... In the real war almost two hundred years after The Tale of Genji, the war epically recorded in The Tale of the Heike, the young Taira general Atsumori was killed by a Minamoto warrior named Noazane, near Suma. Noazane, father of a warrior son the same age as his victim, then discovered on Atsumori's body a flute, and, reflecting on the insanity of a world in which such killing takes place, he became a Buddhist monk to pray for Atsumori's spirit. That "Green-Leaf Flute" remains a treasure of Suma Temple to this day.
(The temple was founded in 786, some 400 years before the war and 900 years before Bashô's visit.)
Bashô plays with the tradition of sadness, isolation, death, and giving up the world at Suma, making the sound of the unplayed flute a metaphor for Zen koans (on silent flutes, clapping, and so on) that lightly dissolves into the pleasant shade of a tree under summer's sun in this desolate place. But note how that shade suggests again the "Green-Leaf Flute"—and the death of Atsumori. Light as the last line of Bashô's poem may seem on first reading, it grows deeper with the next. ...
by William J. Higginson

- More information about this haiku
. Atsumori and the Flute .


無官太夫平敦盛 Mukan no Taiyu Taira Atsumori
歌川国芳 Utagawa Kuniyoshi


. Bihoku ningyoo 尾北人形 dolls from Bihoku - Aichi .

source :

about 20 cm high. Made by 岩間房太郎 Iwama Fusataro

. Asahi tsuchi ningyoo 旭土人形 Asahi Clay Dolls - Aichi .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Hyogo 兵庫県
神戸市 Kobe

tsue 杖 walking staff
At the Shrine 生田神社 Ikuta Jinja in Kobe Atsumori planted his walking staff into the ground and it grew into a bamboo.

- quote -
Ikuta Atsumori (生田敦盛), sometimes known simply as Ikuta,
is one of many Noh plays derived from the story of Taira no Atsumori, a young Taira clan samurai who was killed in the 1184 battle of Ichi-no-Tani. Taking place largely at Ikuta Shrine, near the scene of the battle, it centers on Atsumori's fictional son, who seeks to meet his father's ghost.

- - - Plot summary
A monk opens the play, introducing himself as a disciple of famous priest Hōnen Shōnin, and explaining how Hōnen once found a baby boy in a box at the Kamo Shrine in Kyoto. The monk says that Hōnen raised the boy, and, that many years later, a young woman came forth revealing herself to be the boy's mother, and explaining that his father was Taira no Atsumori. As the boy now longed to see his father's face, Hōnen suggested that he should go to Kamo and pray there for a week.
The monk concludes his introduction by explaining that this is the last day of that week, and that he has come with the boy to Kamo once again, to pray. The boy then tells the monk that he had a dream while praying, in which a voice told him to go to Ikuta Shrine in order to see his father.
Traveling to Ikuta, the pair come upon a small hut, where they decide to ask to spend the night. The man in the hut explains that he is the ghost of Atsumori. Through the intervention of the Kamo kami, Atsumori explains, he has been granted by Yama, the lord of death, a brief opportunity to appear here in the mortal world, to meet his son. He regales his son with the tale of the battle of Ichi-no-tani, in which he was killed. A messenger of Yama then appears, and takes Atsumori with him, back to the realm of the shura, the hell of constant battle.
- - - Taira no Atsumori
Atsumori is a complex character. He is a great warrior from the Taira family but he also shows a sensitive side with his son. His philosophy on life also seems to contrast during the story. Before the meeting of father and son, Atsumori recites the five attributes of "beauty, perception, knowledge, motion, consciousness". He talks about how the body is weak and it is the soul that guards it from corruption. Yet, when he meets his son, he suddenly becomes concerned about the ratty garments he wears. The idea being that someone who comes from the Taira line should have a better presentation. When talking to his son, he has great pride in telling the story of the Taira family at its peak. As soon as he speaks of the downfall of the great Taira family, he is called back to Hell and just like the Taira family, he fades away.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- Reference - 平敦盛 -
- Reference - taira no atsumori -

. Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets .


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- - - #tairanoatsumori #tairaatsumori - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to PERSONS - index - PERSONEN on 11/20/2017 10:06:00 am

15 Nov 2017

MINGEI - Masaoka Tsuruchiyo dolls

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Masaoka and Tsuruchiyo 政岡と鶴喜代

Meiboku Sendaihagi 伽羅先代萩 "The Disputed Succession"
This is based on the troubles in the Date family of the Sendai clan in the Edo period. It tells the story of Nikki Danjo, the regent for the Ashikaga family in Oshu, who conspires with his younger sister Yashio to take over the Ashikaga family.
The main scenes performed today are: the one commonly called 'Goten,' in which the wet nurse Masaoka protects her young lord Tsuruchiyo from a party of villains by sacrificing her own son; commonly called 'Yukashita' in which Arajishi Otokonosuke who was on guard under the floor of the goten (palace) is overcome by Nikki Danjo's rat magic, then Nikki Danjo calmly escapes; and commonly called 'Taiketsu' and 'Ninjo' in which Nikki Danjo loses his legal case due to the judgment by Hosokawa Katsumoto, and resists but is executed.

Masaoka is the leading role in the 'Goten' scene, and is considered one of the important goten jochu (high-ranking lady-in-waiting in a palace) roles called Katahazushi. Nikki Danjo's role is famous as that of a major villain type called Kunikuzushi (person attempting to take over the country) and shows how fascinating a villain can be.
source : Invitation to Kabuki


. Jitsuroku Sendai Hagi 実録先代萩 "The Real Succession".
Jitsuroku Sendai Hagi 実録先代萩
a noble family dispute within the Date samurai clan, which occurred in 1671.
Harada Kai Munesuke 原田甲斐 宗輔 (1619 - 1671)

- ABC - List of dolls from the Prefectures

a clay doll from the Meiji period


................................................................................ Aichi 愛知県  

clay doll, about 31 cm high
by 岩間房太郎

. Asahi tsuchi ningyoo 旭土人形 Asahi Clay Dolls .

................................................................................ Gifu 岐阜県  

from Kani 可児市 - 広見土人形 Hiromi Clay Dolls
About 24 cm high, late Taisho period
made by 高田伊兵衛 Takada Ihei
His son 覚太郎 Kakuraro continued the family tradition, but when he died the craft came to an end.


瑞浪 from Mizunami

................................................................................ Yamagata 山形県  

Meiboku Sendai Hagi 伽羅先代萩 Kabuki figures
政岡と鶴千代 Masaoka and Tsuruchiyo

. Udogawara tsuchiningyoo 鵜渡川原土人形 Udogawa Clay Dolls .


CLICK for more Ukiyo-E paintings !

「つるき代 尾上菊之助」「政岡 尾上梅幸」
歌川国芳 Utagawa Kuniyoshi

. gangu 玩具 伝説, omochcha おもちゃ  toy, toys and legends .
- Introduction -


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - #masaoka #tsuruchiyo - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Omamori - Japanese Amulets on 11/10/2017 10:11:00 am

23 Oct 2017

MINGEI - Tanao clay dolls Aichi

. Aichi Folk Art - 愛知県  - Introduction .

Tanao ningyoo 棚尾人形 Dolls from Tanao
Tanao was elevated to town status on January 1, 1924.
After World War II, Ohama Shinkawa and Tanao towns merged to form the city of 碧南市 Hekinan on April 5, 1948.

Clay dolls were made in many parts of the 三河地方 Mikawa region.
The general name is 三河人形 Mikawa Ningyo and each hamlet added its own name, like Tanao.
In the Edo period, many villages had their own theater group and Kabuki plays were performed. Many theater heroes turned into clay dolls.


In Tanao lived more than 10 doll makers, including 鈴木市太郎 Suzuki Ichitaro. But by 1960, most of them had gone out of business.
The last was 鈴木 初太郎 Suzuki Hatsutaro, who died in 1961.
- reference source : -

Takechi Juujiroo, Jûjirô 武智十次郎 Takechi Jujiro

made by 岡本開太郎 Okamoto Kaitaro

After a novel turned Kabuki, 絵本太功記 Ehon Taikoki
with 武智光秀(たけち みつひで) Takechi Mitsuhide (Akechi Mitsuhide)
and his son
武智十次郎(たけち じゅうじろう) Takechi Jujiro

- quote -
Ehon Taikôki
The play "Ehon Taikôki" was originally written for the puppet theater (Bunraku) and staged for the first time in the 7th lunar month of 1799 in Ôsaka at the Toyotakeza. It was adapted for Kabuki the next year and staged for the first time in the 11th lunar month of 1800 in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai [casting]. Because of strict censorship, the authors had to change the names of the characters:
Real name --- Role
Akechi Mitsuhide --- Takechi Mitsuhide
Oda Nobunaga --- Oda Harunaga
Hashiba Hideyoshi (later Toyotomi Hideyoshi) --- Mashiba Hisayoshi
Katô Kiyomasa --- Satô Masakiyo

"The play consisted originally of thirteen acts, one act for each day that passed between Akechi Mitsuhide's murder of Oda Nobunaga and his death at the hand of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The tenth act is the only one which has survived. This act tells of an incident during the battle in which Mitsuhide was finally defeated. When Akechi Mitsuhide determined to murder Oda Nobunaga, he laid his plans carefully. He chose a time when Nobunaga was in Kyôto with a bodyguard of not more than two hundred men, while his other forces were dispersed far from the capital. In particular, the two men Mitsuhide knew to be most likely to thwart his plans were, he trusted, in no position to resist him.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi was away, laying siege to the castle of Takamatsu in Bicchû, the last stronghold of Nobunaga's enemy Mori Motonari. Ieyasu was awaiting Nobunaga at Sakai with a small contingent. Mitsuhide arranged for Sakai to be surrounded at the same time as he made his own coup. Ieyasu escaped capture through the friendly warning of a local tea-grower. Mitsuhide had, however, underestimated Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Having brought Takamatsu Castle to its last gasp, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was able to conclude a speedy truce with Mori. He hurried back to Kyôto by forced marches, surprised Mitsuhide at Yamazaki, and defeated him. Legend has it that Toyotomi Hideyoshi killed Mitsuhide with his own hand, but, in fact, he was cut down by a peasant as he fled from the field."
(Aubrey and Giovanna Halford in "The Kabuki Handbook")

Sawamura Tosshô II and Nakamura Shikan IV playing the roles of Jûjirô and
Takechi Mitsuhide in a print made by Toyohara Kunichika in the 8th lunar month of 1868

- - - - - Full text of the story is here
- source : -


komori 子守り taking care of a baby

made by 杉浦松太郎 Sugiura Matsutaro


. Shiokumi 汐汲人形 Shiokumi Dance Doll "Salt-scooping girl" .

. Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 / Taiko Hideyoshi 太閤秀吉 .
Hideyoshi clay doll from 棚尾 Tanao, Aichi. About 34, 5 cm high.
Made by 鈴木初太郎 Suzuki Hatsutaro


Princess Neiwannyo 寧王女(ねいわんにょ)
source :


- - - - - Neiwannyo (寧王女 )
Chinsetsu yumi harizuki 椿説弓張月 Tametomo The Archer General 源為朝
Novel by Takizawa Bakin, turned into a Kabuki play

Iwai Shijaku I as Princess Neiwannyo of the Ryûkyû Kingdom
by 春江斎北英画 Shunbaisai Hokuei
source :

Shimameguri Tsuki no Yumihari [嶋巡月弓張]
"According to historical accounts, Chinzei Hachirō Tametomo, a renowned archer and warrior of the Genji clan, was born to a courtesan in 1139. By the age of fifteen he was already seven feet tall and had conquered half the castles in Kyūshū. While battling the Heike general, Kiyomori, he was captured and exiled to Ōshima, a group of islands that he subdued and set about ruling. An army was sent from the mainland to quell him once and for all, the continuation of the tale by Takizawa Bakin, escaped from Ōshima the Isles of Women. Later shipwrecked, he was cast ashore in Okinawa where he defended the princess of the island against usurpers, married her, brought peace, and produced a son who became king.
In the present print, the castaway Tametomo has just arrived on the shore of Okinawa and is sighted by the princess of the island, Neiwanjo, who rides toward him on a water buffalo."

- - - - - Osaka Prints said of this diptych:
"The Tametomo depicted in Hokuei's print is based on an epic tale written by Takizawa Bakin (1767-1848). It was published in fiction-book format in 29 volumes from 1807-11 under the title "Strange Tales of the Crescent Moon" (Chinsetsu yumihari zuki). In this version, Tametomo finds refuge in the Ryûkyû Islands. When Tametomo shipwrecks at Okinawa in the Ryûkyû archipelago, he defends Princess Neiwanjo against a minister plotting to take over her throne. He then marries her and fathers a son who becomes the first in a lineage of Okinawan kings, the ancestors of Ashikaga Takaiji (1305-58), who established the Ashikaga shogunate, reigning from 1336 to 1568. Tragedy strikes, however, when Neiwanjo dies. Tametomo then follows her to heaven, leaving their son to rule."
Later they added:
"Hokuei's diptych depicts the first meeting between Tametomo and Neiwanjo. The princess rides upon a water buffalo as she approaches Tametomo on the Okinawan shore. Seated on a rock, the warrior holds his battle fan (gunsen), grips his sheathed sword (katana), and raises one leg in a posture of readiness. The figures are isolated against an unusually conceived seascape, with a gently rolling sea, ruler-straight horizon line, and repeated groupings of stylized cloud plumes. The latter show the influence of Occidental art and, in particular, the works of Katsushika Hokusai, for a brief time the teacher of Hokuei's master, Shunkōsai Hokushū."
- source : Lyon collection -


. . . CLICK here for Photos of Tanao dolls !


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - #tanaoclaydolls #tanao #aichitanao - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Omamori - Japanese Amulets on 10/22/2017 10:01:00 am

14 Oct 2017

PERSONS - Toyotomi Taiko Hideyoshi

. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .

Toyotomi Hedeyoshi 豊臣秀吉 / Taiko Hideyoshi 太閤秀吉
(1537 - 1598)
Hashiba Hideyoshi 羽柴秀吉 

- quote
A daimyo in the Sengoku period who unified the political factions of Japan. He succeeded his former liege lord, Oda Nobunaga, and brought an end to the Sengoku period. The period of his rule is often called the Momoyama period, named after Hideyoshi's castle. He is noted for a number of cultural legacies, including the restriction that only members of the samurai class could bear arms. Hideyoshi is regarded as Japan's second "great unifier."

February 2, 1536, or March 26, 1537 – September 18, 1598
kigo for mid-autumn

Taikoo Ki 太閤忌 (たいこうき) Taiko Memorial Day
Hideyoshi Ki 秀吉忌(ひでよしき)Hideyoshi Memorial Day

. Memorial Days of Famous People .

. Shogun Daruma Dolls 武将達磨 .


- quote -
Toyokuni Shrine 豊国神社 Toyokuni-jinja
a Shinto shrine located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Japan. It was built in 1599 to commemorate Toyotomi Hideyoshi. It is the location of the first tamaya (a Shinto altar for ancestor worship) ever constructed, which was later destroyed by the Tokugawa clan.
This shrine is the official tomb and shrine of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who died September 18, 1598 in Kyoto.
Nobles, priests, warriors, and townspeople gathered at the shrine to celebrate the anniversary of Hideyoshi's apotheosis with banquets, musical recitals, and boisterous festivity. The shrine was closed by Tokugawa Ieyasu in June 1615 "to discourage these unseemly displays of loyalty to a man he had eclipsed."
The Meiji Emperor
directed that the shrine be restored in Keiō 4, the 6th day of the 6th month (April 28, 1868). At that time, the shrine area was expanded slightly by encompassing a small parcel of land which had been part of the adjacent Hōkō-ji.
In 1897,
the tercentenary of Hideyoshi was celebrated at this site.
- source : widipedia -


. Mingei 民芸 Folk Art from Japan . 

source :。。。

秀吉と三法師 Hideyoshi and Sanboshi (Samboshi), one year old
about 32 cm high, made by 美濃島 Minoya 鈴太郎 Suzutaro

Oda Samboshi Hidenobu (1582-1602)
Son of Oda Nobutada, Grandson of Oda Nobunaga

- quote -
Oda Nobunaga had not intended to die as early as he did - he was assassinated in 1582 - and, thus, did not appoint a successor.
Hideyoshi, taking advantage of Oda Nobunaga's death, saw that Nobunaga's two sons were quarreling over succession, and, as Nobunaga's top general, placed Nobunaga's infant grandson, Samboshi in charge of the realm. Thus, Hideyoshi was able to rise to power more easily because of the lack of a leader in the Oda family. ...
- source : -


Hideyoshi clay doll from 尾北地方 the Bihoku region, Aichi. About 23 cm high.

Hideyoshi clay doll from 棚尾 Tanao, Aichi. About 34, 5 cm high.
Made by 鈴木初太郎 Suzuki Hatsutaro


Hideyoshi 太閤秀吉 - 小幡土人形 Obata clay doll, Shiga
Made by 細井文造 Hosoi Bunzo

. Hideyoshi doll by Hosoi Gengo 細居源悟 .


source :

武者人形 Musha Ningyo doll for the Boy's Festival in May.

. . . CLICK here for more Musha Ningyo Photos !



鳴かぬなら 鳴かせてみせよう ホトトギス
nakanu nara nakasete miseyoo hototogisu

If the bird does not sing,
I will make it sing!

The famous comparison of three famous warlords
Nobunaga, Hideyoshi and Ieyasu
and their approach to make a cuckoo (hototogisu) sing:

Here is the famous story to shed light on the temperament of the three most famous warlords in Japanese history:
When confronted with a nightingale in a cage, which would not sing, each had his own approach to this situation.

. Hototogisu and the three warlords  


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Wakayama 和歌山県
伊都郡 Ito district 高野町 Koya

meidoo 鳴動 heavenly rumbling
Hideyoshi went to 高野山 Mount Koyasan with 観世太夫 Kanze Dayu, a Noh actor.
On this holy mountain, it was forbidden to blow the flute, but Hideyoshi made the actor blow it anyway.
And then there was a strong heavenly rumbling in the valley, storm, heavy rain and thunder as a reaction from the sky above.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
33 to explore (01)


- Reference - 豊臣秀吉 -
- Reference - Toyotomi Hideyoshi -

. Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets .


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- - - #hideyoshi #tototomihedeyoshi #sanboshi #samboshi - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to PERSONS - index - PERSONEN on 10/04/2017 01:15:00 pm

29 Jun 2017

MINGEI - Yakusugi art Kagoshima

. Kagoshima Folk Art - 鹿児島県  - Introduction .

yakusugi 屋久杉 cedar from Yakushima island

縄文杉 Jomon Sugi

Yakusugi 屋久杉
is a Japanese cedar that grows on the mountain 500 metres above sea level. The term "Yakusugi" refers to trees that are more than 1,000 years old. Those less than 1,000 years are called "kosugi." (lit. small Japanese cedar)'. The Japanese cedars in Yakushima may also be referred to as "jisugi" (literally: "locally grown cedars")', but this also encompasses the kosugi, and is a regional dialect.
In general,
the Japanese cedar lives for about 500 years, but Yakusugi lives much longer. Yakusugi that grows on less nutritious granite grows slowly and is grained very tightly. It contains much resin due to Yakushima's high rainfall and high humidity, making it harder to rot. As a result, these trees tend to have longer lives, and many larger trees have been around for more than 2,000 years. Famous examples include the Jōmon-sugi, Kigen-sugi and Wilson stumps, named for their discoverer.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Daruma made from Yakusugi, Cedar from Yakushima

- Check this page for more items made by Yakusugi-Do : 屋久杉堂
source :



Yakusugi ningyoo 屋久杉人形 dolls from Yakushima cedar

Usually a pair, with a ring around each head.


Yakusugi mingei kogei 屋久杉民芸 工芸品 Yakusugi handicrafts

- quote -
Yakusugi cedar is a world-heritage-designated tree that grows on Yakushima Island. The title Yakusugi only applies to trees that are more than 1,000 years old—those under 1,000 years old are called kosugi, or small cedars.

Yakushima Island has a very harsh environment, where the local saying goes that "it rains 35 days a month." Many typhoons pass through the area as well. The island's soil is also granite-based, with extremely low nutritional content. Yakusugi cedars that have survived under these conditions accumulate rich quantities of resin, and develop a fine-grained quality.

This precious wood is used to make Kagoshima Prefecture's Yakusugi cedar handicrafts. However, lumbering of Yakusugi cedar has been banned since 2001, meaning all modern handicrafts are produced using deadfall and leftover stock from previous periods of history.

Yakusugi cedars were offered in the form of taxes from the Edo Period (1603-1868), and though they were lumbered in large quantities at the time, only the highest quality trees were actually transported to the mainland. The numerous leftover trees were called domai-boku, or trees buried in the soil, and they have been preserved in their natural forms for 200 years thanks to their high resin content. Further, as Yakusugi cedars grow on thin soil above granite, many are felled by typhoons and strong winds, meaning fallen branches and stumps from Yakusugi cedars can be found in great quantities.

Yakusugi cedar handicrafts represent a means of making use of these already-available resources. The resin-rich quality of the wood not only prevents decay, but as it gives off a beautiful gloss the more it's used, it is a choice material for general woodwork as well.

With the wood's age and its growing scarcity due to the lumbering ban, it's becoming a growing luxury—a natural material with multifarious shapes and grains that are uniquely attained from the severe environment of Yakushima Island.

Yakusugi handicrafts include everything from furniture to chopsticks, artwork and accessories. They all emit a beautiful gloss and have a classical Japanese quality, sure to only become rarer as time goes on.
- Kagoshima Products Association
- source : -

- baby. com. do -


. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Reference : yakusugi handicraft .

. gangu 玩具 伝説, omochcha おもちゃ toy, toys and legends .
- Introduction -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Yakushima Island 屋久島

hitodama 人玉 spirit of a dead person, "soul flame"


. Ikiryō, or shōryō, seirei, ikisudama (生霊, lit. "living ghost") .

oniko 鬼鼓 demon drum

In the 10th lunar month the Gods are off to Izumo, so thy are not on the island. Therefore the Akuma 悪魔 devil, demon dominates the place.
The Akuma likes to hit the 太鼓 huge drum and a strange sound like doon dooon can be heard.

- Design. Koorintei Hyousen 2008 -

There is also a drum festival on Yakushima 屋久島天鼓祭, Tenkosai.

ryuuoo 竜王 Ryu-O Dragon King



- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


- - - - - Haiku and Senryu - - - - -

妹尾健 Seno Ken




Yakushima 屋久島 Yakushima island
is one of the Ōsumi Islands belonging to Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. The island, 504.88 km2 (194.94 sq mi) in area, has a population of 13,178. Access to the island is by hydrofoil ferry (7 or 8 times a day from Kagoshima, depending on the season), slow car ferry (once or twice a day from Kagoshima), or by air to Yakushima Airport (3 to 5 times daily from Kagoshima, once daily from Fukuoka and once daily from Osaka). Administratively, the whole island is the town of Yakushima. The town also serves neighbouring Kuchinoerabujima. The majority of the island is within the borders of the Kirishima-Yaku National Park.
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. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - #yakusugi #kagoshimayakusugi - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Omamori - Japanese Amulets on 6/10/2017 01:29:00 pm