Showing posts with label Persons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Persons. Show all posts

8 Jan 2017

PERSONS - Kose Kanaoka - painter

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Kosei no Kanaoka 巨勢金岡 / こせ の かなおか Kose Kanaoka
Kose no Kanaoka

( ? 802 — ? 897)

- quote
Kose Kanaoka was a proponent of the artistic styles of the Tang dynasty of China. Though few of his works have survived, he is known to have painted landscapes and portraits. He also founded the Kose School of Art, which is named for him. He made the first tonal gradation, and the first Buddha in crayonage style.

Active during the formative days of the aristocratic culture of the Heian period (794–1185), he was reputed to have moved beyond Chinese-inspired subject matter and techniques and to have forged a new style of painting that was uniquely Japanese. As the scion of an aristocratic family, he held court rank and the office of director of the imperial garden.
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Kannon Bosatsu 観音

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. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Many legends about a horse he painted that went off the painting to bring harm to a village. The horse would also eat the 萩の戸の萩 bush clover growing on gates.
There is also a legend from China about a painter of bulls who went wandering around at night.

Gifu 岐阜県 益田郡 Mashita district 下呂町 Gero

At the 蚕飼薬師堂 Kogai Yakushi Hall (with prayers for making silk) was a painting by Kanaoka (or maybe 狩野法眼 Kano Hogen) of a horse running away at night.
So someone painted a horse bridle to keep the horse in place.

Kyoto 京都府

At the hall 武徳殿 Butokuden, in the eastern Pine Forest, there was a 鬼 Demon who ate humans.
So on the auspicious 19th day of the 9th lunar month in 892, Kanaoka was ordered to paint it on a sliding door to keep it in place.

At the temple 仁和寺 Ninna-Ji the story of the horse is told. To keep it in place the eyes were stamped out.

At the Imperial palace, a horse painted on sliding doors by Kanaoka was eating the bush clover from the gate. So the painting was changed and the horse got a strong bridle.

Okayama 岡山

. Kibitsu Jinja 吉備津神社 .
Painting of a horse

Tottori 鳥取県 倉吉市 Kurayoshi 余戸谷町

At the temple 長谷寺 Hasedera - the painted horse got a bridle painted to keep it in place.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- Reference - 巨勢金岡 -
- Reference - English -

. Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets .


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Posted By Gabi Greve to PERSONS - index - PERSONEN on 1/06/2017 02:42:00 pm

30 Dec 2016

DARUMA - Nakamura Hisako


Nakamura Hisako 中村久子

「だるま娘」 Daruma Musume
- source : wikipedia


- - - ダルマ娘 - Daruma Musume - - -


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The inspiring life of Hisako Nakamura
Hisako Nakamura is probably one of Japan's most popular practicing Buddhist who has touched many lives through her works and her struggles. Many would think that no other person can be more influential than the great Buddha himself and many of his followers including the Dalai Lama. Unless people would understand the way Hisako Nakamura has lived, perhaps they could understand why she had become influential and inspiring for many Japanese.

Nakamura was born into a poor family in 1897 in Takayama city, Gifu prefecture in Japan. It is known, at the time, that the changes in temperature in this part of the country are very severe with their winters among the most aggressive out of all. Nakamura, at the young age of three, got frost bite on her feet and hands. At the time, her frostbites developed into idiopathic gangrene. Soon, her limbs were all amputated at the young age of four. Her survival in these ordeals is the most amazing because at the time there were no anaesthetics and for a child of four to survive amputation without it is truly a proof of her with and courage.

The physical pain through her sickness was not the only thing that she had to endure. The first of this would be the loss of their father who died from over fatigue and over work just to collect enough money for her medical expenses. Furthermore, as she was growing up she was continuously being taunted by other children in the village calling her an animal due to her disability. Because of this, she was determined to prove to them that she was a normal human being – training herself to eat using chopsticks without her hands. Seeing that she was successful in doing so, her mother was determined to teach her how to live a normal life and be productive despite what she went through. So, she learned how to do calligraphy, sew clothes, do household chores despite the lack of both arms and legs.

She worked for the circus for most of her life showing off to the audiences that even a woman who lost four limbs will still be able to perform normal tasks. Because of her work she was able to travel and meet a number of people who introduced her to the true way of life. It was when she met Hellen Keller that she was truly awakened to Buddhism. She strove to become a beautiful lotus flower, knowing that it will not become what it is without the muddy water it lives in.
She realized that her disability and all that she went through in life were not hardships but blessings for her to attain her true goal of being a lotus flower.
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- #nakamurahisako #darumamusume -

Posted By Gabi Greve to DARUMA MUSEUM (02) ... DARUMA ARCHIVES on 12/28/2016 09:42:00 pm

6 Dec 2016

PERSON - Hanabusa Itcho

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Hanabusa Itchoo, Itchō 英一蝶 Hanabusa Itcho / Iccho
(1652 – 1724)

富士山図 Mount Fujisan seen from river 相模川 Sagamigawa

Hanabusa means "Flower Bouquet"
Itcho means "One Butterfly"

- quote
Hanabusa Itchō (英 一蝶, 1652 – February 7, 1724)
was a Japanese painter, calligrapher, and haiku poet. He originally trained in the Kanō style, under Kanō Yasunobu, but ultimately rejected that style and became a literati (bunjin). He was also known as Hishikawa Waō and by a number of other art-names.

Born in Osaka and the son of the physician Taga Hakuan, he was originally named Taga Shinkō. Hakuan was the official doctor for Lord Ishikawa of the Kameyama Clan in the Ise region.
Itcho studied Kanō painting with Kano Yasunobu, but soon abandoned the school and his master to form his own style, which would come to be known as the Hanabusa school.

In 1693 was arrested and thrown into jail.
He was exiled in 1698, for parodying one of the shogun's concubines in painting, to the island of Miyake-jima; he would not return until 1710. That year, in Edo, the artist would formally take the name Hanabusa Itchō.
In 1709 Shogun Tsunayoshi died, and in honor of the new government, Itcho was granted pardon to come back to Edo.

Most of his paintings depicted typical urban life in Edo, and were approached from the perspective of a literati painter. His style, in-between the Kanō and ukiyo-e, is said to have been "more poetic and less formalistic than the Kanō school, and typical of the "bourgeois" spirit of the Genroku period".
Hanabusa was the master of the later painter Sawaki Suushi.
was a friend of haiku poet Kikaku and studied poetry under the master Matsuo Bashō, his haikai name was Gyoun.
He was an excellent calligrapher as well.
- source : wikipedia -


Daruma 達磨

. Who is Daruma ? 達磨 だるまさん .
We have the story of a curtesan who commented about Daruma
"Well, he was sitting in quiet meditation for nine years, but we here have to sit and suffer in the Noisy Pleasure Quarters for more than ten years!"
The painter Hanabusa Itcho made a picture of the courtesan, which became the model of the Princess Daruma Dolls.

. Fujisan 富士山 Mount Fuji, Fuji-San .
Inrō in the Shape of Mount Fuji
18th–early 19th century - by Kajikawa School, based on a design by painter, calligrapher, and haiku poet Hanabusa Itchō (英 一蝶, 1652–1724).


The Life and Afterlives of Hanabusa Itchô, Artist-Rebel of EDO
(Japanese Visual Culture)
by Miriam Wattles

Miriam Wattles recounts the making of Hanabusa Itchô (1652-1724), painter, haikai-poet, singer-songwriter, and artist subversive, in The Life and Afterlives of Hanabusa Itcho, Artist-Rebel of Edo.
Translating literary motifs visually to encapsulate the tensions of his time, many of Itch s original works became models emulated by ukiyo-e and other artists. A wide array of sources reveals a lifetime of multiple personas and positions that are the source of his multifarious artistic reincarnations. While, on the one hand, his legend as seditious exile appears in the fictional cross-media worlds of theater, novels, and prints, on the other hand, factual accounts of his complicated artistic life reveal an important figure within the first artists biographies of early modern Japan."
- source : -

- quote M. Wattles : -
I have worked extensively on Hanabusa Itchô, someone lauded from the Edo period through to Taisho for being the father of giga, and so spent some time excavating "giga" as a genre of the Edo period. (Discused in my book, The Life and Afterlives of Hanabusa Itchô, 2013,
and in my essay "From Adverb to Noun: Some Thoughts on Hanabusa Itchô and the Instability of the 'Giga' Genre"
in Ota Shôko, ed, Edo no shuppan bunka kara hajimatta imeeji kakumei," 2007)
- Follow the discussion here:
- source : PMJS listserve forum -


source :

Twelve Months: New Year
英一蝶十二カ月の内 正月 Hanabusa Iccho Jūnikagetu no Uchi Shōgatsu
Painted by Hanabusa Icchō / Hanabusa Itcho

nunozarashi 布晒し Nuno Sarashi Mai-zu - Dancing with Cloth

"The Falling Thunder God"

一休和尚酔臥図 Ikkyu, the priest, lying down drunk

ne narande kochoo to neko to oshoo kana

sleeping in a row ...
the little butterfly, the cat
and this old priest

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .

. oshoo 和尚 Buddhist priests in Haiku .


. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

. Mingei 民芸 Folk Art from Japan . 

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! .


- Reference - 英一蝶 -
- Reference - hanabusa itcho -

. Authors and writers of the Edo period .

. Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets .


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Posted By Gabi Greve to PERSONS - index - PERSONEN on 12/06/2016 09:40:00 am

4 Dec 2016

PERSONS - Kasane and Yoemon

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Kasane and Yoemon 累と与右衛門

A piece of real life, about a husband killing his wife and her revenge as a ghost.
This story later became a Kabuki play.

- quote
Meiboku Kasane Monogatari
The drama "Date Kurabe Okuni Kabuki"
was premiered in the 7th lunar month of 1778 at the Nakamuraza [casting]. It had an influence on the evolutions of "Meiboku Sendai Hagi". Many scenes from "Date Kurabe Okuni Kabuki" were integrated within "Meiboku Sendai Hagi".
"The play is based on a real event involving the Date clan of Sendai during the 1660's, but censorship prevented contemporary incidents being dramatized, so the drama was set during the Muromachi period (1336-1568), and names were changed to disguise the protagonists' identity."
(text courtesy of Jean Wilson 1998)
- - - Introduction
Kinugawa Tanizô, a sumôtori patronized by Lord Ashikaga Yorikane, assassinated the courtesan Takao, Yorikane's lover, in order to save him from his scandalous love affair about to bring ruin to his household. Kinugawa Tanizô succeeded in escaping and hid himself in the village of Hanyû. Disguising himself as a farmer and calling himself Yoemon, he married Kasane, the younger sister of both Takao and the tôfu maker Saburobei. Soon after their wedding, Kasane was cursed by Takao's evil spirit and her face was horribly disfigured. Kasane was not aware of the change, however, as Yoemon forbade her to use any mirror at home.
- snip -
Dobashi - The Earthen Bridge
When she arrives at the river bank near the earthen bridge, Kasane notices the approach of Kingorô and Princess Utakata. So she hides in a bush and overhears their conversation in which Kingorô persuades Princess Utakata to marry Yoemon. Yoemon arrives and asks Kingorô to hand over Princess Utakata. As he has not brought the 100 ryô, however, Kingorô refuses to comply and, being convinced that Yoemon is in fact Kinugawa Tanizô, threatens to betray him to the magistrate's office. As Kingorô runs off in the direction of the magistrate's office, Yoemon follows him in hot pursuit.

Kasane appears from the bush and, jealous of Princess Utakata who is going to marry her husband, attacks her with a sickle. Yoemon comes back and tries to stop Kasane and in so doing accidentally cuts her wife's throat with her sickle. When she dies her face miraculously recovers its original beauty.

The tôfu maker Saburobei, Kasane's elder brother, who has been hiding in a bush, appears and goes near his sister's body. Yoemon attempts to kill himself with the sickle to atone for the horrible murder of Kasane but is dissuaded by Saburobei. He cuts off Kasane's head and takes it to the magistrate's office to pass it off as that of Princess Utakata, who is wanted by the magistrate.
- source :

Utagawa Kunisada

「与右衛門 - 松本幸四郎」Yoemon - Matsumoto Koshiro
「累 - 尾上菊五郎」Kasane - Onoe Kikugoro


source : ...

Unuma: Yoemon and His Wife Kasane,
from the series Sixty-nine Stations of the Kisokaidô Road (Kisokaidô rokujûkyû tsugi no uchi)
「木曾街道六十九次之内 鵜沼 与右ヱ門 女房累」
by Utagawa Kuniyoshi 1852

. Nakasendoo 中山道 Nakasendo Road - Kiso .
Gifu Prefecture
52. Unuma-juku 鵜沼宿 (Kakamigahara)

- quote -
Unuma-juku 鵜沼宿
was the fifty-second of the sixty-nine stations of the Nakasendō.
It was also the last post station on the Inagi Kaidō. It is located in the present-day city of Kakamigahara, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. The eastern and western portions of the old post town joined together to become a formal post town in 1651. Unuma-juku is approximately six kilometers from the preceding post town, Ōta-juku.

print by Keisai Eisen

The old post town contains such historical treasures as Kuan-ji Temple, the ancient tomb of Ishozuka, and haiku-engraved monuments left by Matsuo Bashō.
- source : wikipedia -


. Edo Kabuki .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! .

. Famous Buddhist Priests - ABC-List .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Kasane カサネ / かさね
On the 11th day of the 8th month in 1647, Kasane was killed by her husband Yoemon at the river Kinugawa.
He later married again, but his wives were all killed by the jealous Yurei ghost-spirit of Kasane. His 6th wife bore him a child named 菊 Kiku, but this wife was also killed in September of 1671.

When Kiku was 13 years old, Kasane tried to possess Kiku, but was finally enlightened, healed from her jealousy and could pass on to the Buddhist Paradise.

- reference : nichibun yokai database -

死霊解脱物語聞書 - 江戸怪談を読む
小二田誠二 Konita Seiji (1961 - )


- Reference - 累と与右衛門 -
- Reference - kasane yoemon -

. Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets .

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Posted By Gabi Greve to PERSONS - index - PERSONEN on 12/02/2016 09:45:00 am

3 Nov 2016

EDO - Atsuhime Tenshoin Satsuma

. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

Atsuhime, Atsu-Hime 篤姫 Princess Atsu
Tenshooin 天璋院 Tensho-In

(1836 - 1883)

- quote -
the wife of Tokugawa Iesada (徳川 家定), the 13th Shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan

She born as the daughter from Shimazu Tadatake (島津忠剛) was the head of Imaizumi Shimazu (今和泉島津) branch family of the Shimazu in Satsuma with his wife named lady oyuki

She was originally named Katsu (一) by her parents. When she was adopted by Shimazu Nariakira, her name was changed to Atsuko (篤子), and later changed to Fujiwara no Sumiko (藤原の敬子) when she was adopted by Konoe Tadahiro.

Tenshōin was born in Kagoshima in 1835. In 1853, she became the adopted daughter of Shimazu Nariakira. On August 21, 1853, she travelled by land from Kagoshima via Kokura to the Edo jurisdiction, never to return to Kagoshima again.

Atsuko was thought to have been sent to Edo castle with the aim of helping Shimazu Nariakira politically. The question of the next heir to the Shogunate was divided between the choice of Tokugawa Yoshinobu, then head of the Hitotsubashi-Tokugawa house and Tokugawa Yoshitomi, then head of Kii-Tokugawa house and later known as Tokugawa Iemochi. In order to ensure that Yoshinobu became the next in succession, Atsuko was arranged to wed into the Tokugawa clan.

In November, 1856, Atsuko married Tokugawa Iesada. In 1858, both Tokugawa Iesada and Shimazu Nariakira died. The 14th shogun was decided to be Tokugawa Iemochi. Following the demise of her husband, Atsuko took the tonsure, becoming a Buddhist nun, and took the name Tenshōin. In 1862, as part of the Kōbu Gattai ("Union of Court and Bakufu") movement, Iemochi was married to Imperial Princess Kazu-no-Miya Chikako daughter of Emperor Ninkō, and younger sister of Emperor Kōmei.
The Satsuma clan brought up the request for Tenshōin to return to Satsuma, but was rejected by Tenshōin herself. In 1866, Iemochi died. Tokugawa Yoshinobu became the next shogun. During the Meiji Restoration, Tenshōin and Seikan'in (Kazu-no-Miya's name after tonsure) helped negotiate for the peaceful surrender of Edo Castle.

She spent her remaining years nurturing Tokugawa Iesato, the 16th head of the Tokugawa clan. In 1883, she died in Edo at the age of 48. She was buried in Kaneiji in Ueno, Tokyo, together with her husband, Iesada.

The 2008 NHK Taiga drama Atsuhime (fifty episodes) was a dramatization of her life.
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Atsuhime (drama)
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- quote
The Shogun's Queen: The Shogun Quartet
Lesley Downer

Only one woman can save her world from barbarian invasion but to do so will mean sacrificing everything she holds dear - love, loyalty and maybe life itself . . .

Japan, and the year is 1853. Growing up among the samurai of the Satsuma Clan, in Japan's deep south, the fiery, beautiful and headstrong Okatsu has - like all the clan's women - been encouraged to be bold, taught to wield the halberd, and to ride a horse.
But when she is just seventeen, four black ships appear. Bristling with cannon and manned by strangers who to the Japanese eyes are barbarians, their appearance threatens Japan's very existence. And turns Okatsu's world upside down.
Chosen by her feudal lord, she has been given a very special role to play. Given a new name - Princess Atsu - and a new destiny, she is the only one who can save the realm. Her journey takes her to Edo Castle, a place so secret that it cannot be marked on any map. There, sequestered in the Women's Palace - home to three thousand women, and where only one man may enter: the shogun - she seems doomed to live out her days. But beneath the palace's immaculate facade, there are whispers of murders and ghosts. It is here that Atsu must complete her mission and discover one last secret - the secret of the man whose fate is irrevocably linked to hers: the shogun himself . . .
- source :


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

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Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 10/30/2016 10:27:00 am

3 Oct 2016

Mingei Ryotsu Kankichi Kochikame

Ryotsu Kankichi Manga

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Ryotsu Kankichi and Kochikame Manga
and temple 種徳院 Shutoku-In

Kankichi Ryotsu (両津勘吉 Ryōtsu Kankichi), often affectionately called
"Ryo-san" (両さん Ryō-san),

is the main male protagonist/antagonist of the long-running Japanese manga and anime series Kochikame by Osamu Akimoto. He is appointed as the Chief Patrol Officer of the Kameari Kouen-Mae Police Box.

Ryoutsu is a middle-aged man of a rather short but robust stature, who sports a crew-cut hairstyle and noticeably thick bouts of body hair, plus visible stubble. His similarly extra thick and curvy 'm'-shaped unibrow is his most famed asset, and serves as the signature image associated with Kochikame in general due to its uniqueness and familiarity with local Japanese fans.

While on duty, he is always depicted wearing his blue police officer uniform, i.e. blue pants and coat which cover his white buttoned shirt underneath, plus black tie. Unlike most other police officers from the series who wear the same uniform as he, Ryotsu keeps his sleeves rolled up to just above the forearm, similar in fashion to Honda. He also has the tendency to favour wearing wooden sandals (called 'geta') whilst at work, but is able to run at rather tenaciously fast speeds with them on (which may, or may not be, the reason as to why he does not wear black shoes).

In his spare time, Ryotsu commonly wears shirts and long pants when out with the others. Holiday episodes set in summer or beach holiday spots usually have him wearing an island shirt with shorts, sunglasses and sandals. When in the midst of intense physical work, he appears to favour wearing white sleeveless tops and jeans or trousers, and may sometimes choose to go shirtless.

. . . . . Background:
source :


Shuutoku-in 種徳院 Shutoku-In
栃木県佐野市戸奈良町960 Ibaraki, Sano town

Kankichi is one of the こち亀六地蔵 Kochikame Roku Jizo statues in the temple compound

The six statues are modeled after the characters of the Manga.

People come here to pray for traffic safety.

The temple was founded in 1438. The main hall now war rebuilt in  1853.
There is a large bell tower in the compound.
A hall for the Kannon Pilgrim Number 21 of the
Sano Bando pilgrimage to 33 Kannon temples.

- reference source : wakataketei-onigiri -

Jizoo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu Kshitigarbha .


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Reference : kankichi ryotsu .


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. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

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23 Sept 2016

TENGU - Priest Sanshu and Tengu

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Priest Sanshu deceived by a Tengu
From the Buddhist collection of teachings and tails, the Konjaku Monogatarishū written between 1120 and 1140.
Sanshuu 三修禅師 Sanshu Zenji

The Tengu from Mount Ibukiyama 伊吹山の天狗 

source :
滋賀県米原市と岐阜県揖斐川町の境 Mountain on the border of Shiga and Gifu.
Written as 伊吹山、息吹山、伊夫岐山、夷服山、胆吹山、五十葺山、伊富貴山、伊服岐山
or Ifuki イフキ
There lived a Tengu called 飛行上人 Higyo Shonin "the Flying Saint".
三朱沙門飛行上人 - Sanshu Samon Hiko Shonin
(samon means priest)

He was very light, only san shu 三朱 "three shu" (一匁の四分の一 one-fourth of 3,75 g)
and therefore could easily fly from mountain to mountain. He lived for many hundred years.
One day on this way to come to help the Empress, who was ill, he stopped on a rock near Lake Biwa, performed some rituals and what do you say, the Empress was healed.

Another story about his activities is told below.


- quote
A tengu deceives the Buddhist priest Sanshu.
James Kemlo

There once lived a Buddhist priest on Mount Ibuki of Mino Province. This priest was named Sanshu and he knew nothing but the reciting of holy Buddhist sutras and spent many years doing only this.

He taught his students only to recite sutras, but many were worried that Sanshu neglected to teach anything else.

One night, when he was reciting a sutra, Sanshu heard a clear melodic voice call to him from the sky saying, "Because you have been so devoted, reciting so many sutras for me, I will come to fetch you tomorrow at the hour of the sheep (1:00pm to 3:00pm)."

Excited at this, the next day Sanshu purified himself according to the Buddha, told his students to recite a sutra with him and, facing the west, waited for the coming of the Buddha.

At the hour of the sheep, he saw Amida Butsu (Amitābha) "The Buddha of Immeasurable Life and Light," in all his shining gold radiance, appearing from the mountains in the west. Bosatsu (Bodhisattvas) surrounded him, flying about him chanting beautiful holy words and playing beautiful music. Showers of lotus petals were falling from the sky and carpeting the ground.

In the midst of bright purple clouds, Kannon Bosatsu (Avalokiteśvara), "The Buddhist Goddess of Compassion," appeared and gave the priest a golden cushion. The Bosatsu carried him away to the west on the golden cushion.

After witnessing this, the students who were left watching began to value even more the reciting of holy sutras.

However, seven days later, when another priest went into the mountains, he heard someone shouting out sutras from the top of a tall cedar tree. He looked carefully and saw Sanshu, naked, tied to the top of the tree reciting sutras. Climbing to the top of the tree he untied Sanshu and asked what had happened.

"Why did you untie me? The Buddha told me to wait here for a bit until he comes back to fetch me." Sanshu became insane, and died three days later.

This is the story of a priest who, because he lacked the wisdom of the Buddha and knowledge of butsuhõ (the Buddha Dharma), was deceived by a tengu. The condition of maen (ma-en) (deception by Ma, the demon deceiver) and the state of sanbõ no kyõgai (The Three Treasures) are not the same.

Because Sanshu lacked the wisdom of the Buddha, he could not tell the difference between the two, and was therefore deceived. Sanshu could not differentiate between Ma and The Buddha, so he was led astray by a tengu.

Incorrect Buddhist practice leads to conditions that attract evil, that attract the powers of Ma. Wrong minded Buddhist practice leads to destruction. Only with correct practice and formal training under an accomplished Buddhist master attuned to the powers of The Buddha can one hope to achieve merit. One can only hope to correct en (the conditions of a previous life) through The Buddha's wisdom.

From the Buddhist collection of teachings and tales,
the Konjaku Monogatarishū written between 1120 and 1140.
- source : © James Kemlo


Mount Ibuki is 1377 m high.
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. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Iwate 岩手県

In the village of 唐丹村 Tonimura the deity O-Shirasama comes to help is a home burns or there is a forest fire. This is related to legends of 飛行というと天狗 a Tengu called Hiko or the 仙人 saints of the mountains and other Buddhist deities.

. O-Shirasama, oshirasama おしらさま、オシラサマ "White Deity" .

................................................................................. Nara 奈良県

A man called 他惣治 Tasoji from 山添村 Yamazoe village once saw a huge firefly of more than 30 cm long. He followed it into the forest all the way to the top of 神野山 Mount Konoyama. There the firefly turned into a Tengu and Tasoji became its disciple. He studied for three days and three nights, and learned how to fly. When he came back to the village, he found his fellow villagers looking for him everywhere.
Tasoji could fly from Nara to Ueno in just two hours. He was now called

Tasoji Tengu 他惣治天狗

source :

Other sources say Tasoji was invited by
Iga no Ao-Tengu 伊賀の青天狗 the Green Tengu from Iga
Konoyama no Aka-Tengu 神野山の赤天狗 the Red Tengu from Konoyama .

................................................................................. Tokushima 徳島県

In the 板野郡 Itano district at the back of Oasahiki Shrine there lived a Tengu. If someone would stay with him for one year, eat only fruit of the forest trees an wild plants, he would be able to fly freely and become a 仙人 mountain saint, never to die. But the humans are usually threatened by this Tengu and he places them on a wooden door (toita) and carries them back to their home. Therefore those who came back are called
toita sennin 戸板仙人 Mountain Saint of the Wooden Door

. Oasahiko Jinja 大麻比古神社 Oasahiko Shrine .
Naruto, Tokushima


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


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. 四十八天狗 - 48 famous Tengu of Japan .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #sanshuandtengu #sanshupriest #ibukiyama -



Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 9/16/2016 11:09:00 am

6 Sept 2016

PERSONS - Toriyama Sekien

- Yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - - ABC-Index -

Toriyama Sekien 鳥山石燕
(1712 – 1788)

an 18th-century scholar and ukiyo-e artist of Japanese folklore. He was the teacher of Utamaro and before taking up printmaking, a painter of the Kanō school.
Toriyama is most famous for his attempt to catalogue all species of yōkai in the Hyakki Yagyō series.
- source : wikipedia

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

- - - - - Notable works - - - - -

The Illustrated Night Parade of A Hundred Demons (画図百鬼夜行, published in 1776)

Gazu Hyakki Yagyō (画図百鬼夜行, "The Illustrated Night Parade of a Hundred Demons") is the first book of Japanese artist Toriyama Sekien's famous Gazu Hyakki Yagyō e-hon series, published 1776. These books are supernatural bestiaries, collections of ghosts, spirits, spooks and monsters, many of which Toriyama based on literature, folklore, other artwork. These works have had a profound influence on subsequent yōkai imagery in Japan. (Also see: Hyakki Yagyō). The various creatures are described, below, using images to illustrate many of them.

- - - - -with illustrations of the demons
- source : wikipedia -

Toriyama Sekien Art Book
- and more reference at amazon com
- source : -

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !


The Illustrated One Hundred Demons from the Present and the Past (今昔画図続百鬼, published in 1779)

Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki (今昔画図続百鬼, "The Illustrated One Hundred Demons from the Present and the Past") is the second book of Japanese artist Toriyama Sekien's famous Gazu Hyakki Yagyō series, published ca. 1779. These books are supernatural bestiaries, collections of ghosts, spirits, spooks, and monsters, many of which Toriyama based on literature, folklore, other artwork. These works have had a profound influence on subsequent yōkai imagery in Japan.
The three volumes were titled 雨, 晦, and 明.
- - - List of creatures
- source : wikipedia -

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !


Supplement to The Hundred Demons from the Present and the Past (今昔百鬼拾遺, published in 1780)

Konjaku Hyakki Shūi (今昔百鬼拾遺, "Supplement to The Hundred Demons from the Present and the Past") is the third book of Japanese artist Toriyama Sekien's Gazu Hyakki Yagyō series, published ca. 1781. These books are supernatural bestiaries, collections of ghosts, spirits, spooks and monsters, many of which Toriyama based on literature, folklore, and other artwork. These works have had a profound influence on subsequent yōkai imagery in Japan.
- - - List of creatures
- source : wikipedia -


The Illustrated Bag of One Hundred Random Demons (画図百鬼徒然袋, published in 1784)

Gazu Hyakki Tsurezure Bukuro (画図百器徒然袋, "The Illustrated Bag of One Hundred Random Demons") is the fourth book of Japanese artist Toriyama Sekien's famous Gazu Hyakki Yagyō series, published ca. 1781. These books are supernatural bestiaries, collections of ghosts, spirits, spooks and monsters, many of which Toriyama based on literature, folklore, other artwork. These works have had a profound influence on subsequent yōkai imagery in Japan.
- - - List of creatures
- source : wikipedia -

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !


Japandemonium Illustrated:
The Yokai Encyclopedias of Toriyama Sekien

– November 16, 2016
by Toriyama Sekien (Author), Matt Alt (Editor, Translator), Hiroko Yoda (Editor, Translator)

Japanese folklore abounds with bizarre creatures collectively referred to as the yokai ― the ancestors of the monsters populating Japanese film, literature, manga, and anime. Artist Toriyama Sekien (1712–88) was the first to compile illustrated encyclopedias detailing the appearances and habits of these creepy-crawlies from myth and folklore. Ever since their debut over two centuries ago, the encyclopedias have inspired generations of Japanese artists. Japandemonium Illustrated represents the very first time they have ever been available in English.

This historically groundbreaking compilation includes complete translations of all four of Sekien's yokai masterworks: the 1776 Gazu Hyakki Yagyō (The Illustrated Demon Horde's Night Parade), the 1779 Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki (The Illustrated Demon Horde from Past and Present, Continued), the 1781 Konjaku Hyakki Shū (More of the Demon Horde from Past and Present), and the 1784 Hyakki Tsurezure Bukuro (A Horde of Haunted Housewares).
The collection is complemented by a detailed introduction and helpful annotations for modern-day readers.
- source : -


. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .


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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #toriamasekien #sekientoriyama -



Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 8/01/2016 06:07:00 am

5 Sept 2016

PERSONS - Akkamura Shunsaku

. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .

Akkamura Shunsaku 安家村俊作 "Shunsaku from Akkamura village"
佐々木俊作 Sasaki Shunsaku

(1810 - 1837)
Also known as 茂右衛門 Moemon, he later changed his name to Shunsaku.
He was the eldest son of the village leader 佐々木茂右衛門.

安家村 Akkamura is a small remote village in 岩手県 Iwate prefecture. In 1956 it became part of Iwaizumi 岩泉町安家.

Shunsuke was the leader of two farmer's rebellions in the Nanbu Domain 南部三閉伊一揆.
He kept a diary about the events in his village, its bad treatment by the Nanbu regents and the ongoing famine for about 19 years, from 1830 till 1848.
He was one of the leaders of the two
Sanhei Ikki 三閉伊一揆 Sanhei Rebellions of 1847 and 1854
after a severe famine, walking with about 16000 farmers and fishermen all the way to the domaine of the Date 伊達 in Sendai, asking for help.

It all begun with blowing a horagai ほら貝 conch shell from a small hill in 田野畑村 Tanohata village. The sound was heard and passed on and the people begun to move South. They wore a small straw bags with food and even took a bowl with them.
Every village carried their own flag.
Some even had fire weapons (the matagi hunters), others bamboo spears and swords.

They went South along the Tohoku coast, via 宮古 Miyako, 大槌 Otsuchi, 釜石 Kamaishi and finally to the domaine of Sendai.
This was just three days after Perry had shown up with four "black ships" in Uraga, near Edo.
The rebels had a long list of demands they wanted to be granted from their new regent, not only including the farmers and fishermen, but also merchants, salt producers, cloth dyers and other businesses.
Eventually their 49 demands 四十九カ条の要求 were granted in written, 「安堵状」, 「御百姓」
At first, nobody was punished for the rebellion. But eventually just one, Shunsaku, had to be punished to "keep the law".

Shunsaku was punished with exile to 下北半島 Shimokita Hanto.
He was later pardoned and went to Hokkaido, where he lived under the name of
菊池政美 Kikuchi Masami.

Shunsuke had also been to Shikoku in 1842, and took the chance to walk the Henro pilgrimage, writing another diary, 西国巡礼道中記 .


安家村俊作 三閉伊一揆の民衆像 Akkamura Shunsaku : Sanhei ikki no minshūzō
Chadani Jūroku 茶谷十六 Chadani Juroku (1941 - )

- quote
佐々木俊作 Sasaki Shunsaku
1810-1873 江戸時代後期の農民。
- kotobank -

- wikipedia -


- reference source : - 新聞「農民」2002.9.16付


俊作(菊地氏先祖代々)のお墓 Grave of Shunsaku and the Kikuchi family

安家村俊作 with photos (5)
『安家村俊作』 茶谷十六
『一揆の奔流』『一揆の奔涛』『いわいずみふるさとノート』 佐々木京一
- reference source : -


. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! .

. Famous Buddhist Priests - ABC-List .

. Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets .

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Posted By Gabi Greve to PERSONS - index - PERSONEN on 8/30/2016 05:06:00 pm