Showing posts with label Persons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Persons. Show all posts

28 Apr 2018

HEIAN - Sennin elixir of life food

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Sennin no shokuji 仙人の食事 Food of the Sennin
The Elixir of Life and Immortality

仙人は霞を食べて生きている Sennin have been eating dew and mist . . .

. kuko no mi クコの実 Lycium rhombifolium .
Chinese wolfberry, goji berry, barbary matrimony vine, bocksdorn, Duke of Argyll's tea tree, or matrimony vine.
Wolfberries have long played important roles in traditional Chinese medicine where they are believed to enhance immune system function, improve eyesight, protect the liver, boost sperm production and improve circulation, among other effects.
- wikipedia


chorogi チョロギ Stachys affinis
commonly called crosne, Chinese artichoke, Japanese artichoke, knotroot, and artichoke betony, is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Lamiaceae, originating from China.
Its rhizome is eaten as a root vegetable.


道の駅「久米の里」Roadside station Kume-no-sato
563-1 Miyao, Tsuyama, Okayama

They sell special food items for Sennin in the 仙人館 Sennin Kan hall:

for example
仙人みそ Sennin Miso paste.

道の駅久米の里「仙人まつり」Sennin Matsuri Festival

In honor of the Immortal Kume Sennin they sell a lot of special food and even make
久米仙人の人形焼き waffles of Kume Sennin.

. Kume no Sennin 久米の仙人 .

. kanpooyaku 漢方薬 Chinese medicine .
Kanpo, Kampo . . .
In the times before the advent of modern Western medicine, Asia relied heavily on the use of traditional remedies, medical plants and minerals and then prayers to the various deities !


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Immortality, the Elixir of Life and the Food of the Gods
When we look into the accounts of many different mythologies and religions, it becomes clear that the gods are either immortal or live a life of many thousands of years. What is rarely mentioned is the fact that in ancient religious texts there is reference to their immortality or longevity being connected to a specific kind of food that only the gods are allowed to eat. The gods were required to eat this food regularly to maintain immortality, power and strength. Many references also refer to the fact that if mortals ate this food, they would also become immortal like the gods. So let us explore the mythology surrounding this 'Elixir of Life'.

One of the main references to the food of the immortals can be found in Greek mythology.
It is written in the stories of the Greek gods that ambrosia and nectar was the food and drink of the immortal gods and this first appears in the Greek mythology relating to the birth of Zeus. Before the 'invention' or 'discovery' of ambrosia and nectar by the gods, it was written that they would feed by 'sniffing' the vapours of their dead enemies, as if they would feed from the energy of the dead souls.
- snip snip -
In the Hindu religion,
the gods would harness a milk called Amrita, a nectar that was collected and drunk by the gods to give them immortality, but forbidden for humans to drink. This milk was apparently surrounding the Earth, and the gods would collect it with the help of a serpent.
In Chinese mythology
we have the 'Peaches of Immortality' as the food of the immortals. Eating this food ensured the everlasting existence of the gods. If humans would eat from this fruit they would also become immortals.
- snip snip -
Nectar and Ambrosia, the Tree of Life, Amrita, Peaches of Immortality, Soma and Haoma
are all these references simply the imagination of our ancient ancestors? Or, like other myths, is there an element of truth to be found in these ancient tales? It is possible that immortality or longevity can really be achieved through the consumption of a 'special' food, which has always been held as a privilege reserved for the gods? Perhaps the search for the 'Elixir of Life' is a valid and one day it may be found ...
- source : John Black -


- quote -
Seeking Life but Finding Death: Deadly Chinese Elixirs of Immortality
..... These elites would normally patronize Taoist alchemists, who would provide them with some sort of substance that would supposedly give them immortality. The ingestion of such elixirs, however, certainly did not allow them to live forever. In many cases the elixirs, which contain extremely poisonous elements, (ironically) were responsible for the deaths of those who consumed them. .....
Chang'e and the Elixir of Immortality
The elixir of immortality is a concept that can be found in Taoist mythology. .....
Recipes for Immortality
..... One example of the former is the Lingzhi, which has been translated literally as the 'Supernatural Mushroom' and known also as the 'Mushroom of Immortality'. .....
Death by an Elixir of Immortality
..... The most famous Chinese Emperor to have died by taking the elixir of immortality, however, is Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China. The emperor's obsession with attaining immortality is well-known in Chinese history and was recorded by ancient Chinese historians. .....
- source : Wu Mingren -


- further reference -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninfood #elixiroflife -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 3/29/2018 09:31:00 am

HEIAN - Sennin 08 Kan Shiwa Kanshiwa

. - - - - - ABC-List of the Sennin Immortals Hermits - - - - - .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

飛龍士韓志和 Hiryushi  Kan Shiwa

He is Nr.08 of the
. 日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan .

source :

Maybe he was a master carpenter of Hida Takayama. The statue shows him with a chisel and hammer.
. Hida no takumi 飛騨の匠 expert carpenter or craftsman from Hida .
They were already well known in the Heian period.

Later he was 飛龍隊の兵士 in the Imperial guard of "the flying dragons" in China.

- quote -
"…'Golden Butterflies' is about a Japanese immigrant living in the T'ang dynasty China (619-905), probably one of the many Japanese students and pilgrims who went to China during the early T'ang to learn Chinese arts and sciences for their own newly developing nation of Yamato (Japan).
The name of this particular individual, Han Shih-ho (Han Shiho, or in Japanese, Kan Shiwa) would seem to indicate that he was in fact of fairly recent Chinese or Korean ancestry, as were many families among the upper classes of ancient Japan and in the craft guilds they patronized. Kan Shiwa was a master craftsman, one of the professional pursuits traditionally associated with Taoism.
Although stories about him mention no details on this point, he was evidently also a martial artist, another profession with traditional Taoist connections, for he served in the imperial guard of the ruling house of the T'ang. His story illustrates a number of Taoist ideas. His ability to make lifelike moving replicas of insects, animals, and birds represents what is sometimes called taking over creation, the power to infuse inert matter (the physical body) with vitality, energy, and spirit. The relationship between the color of his mechanical insects and the 'food' he gives them illustrates the way personality is formed by education and environmental influences.
The story of the golden butterflies represents the Taoist theory of 'equalizing things' in worldly terms, through redistribution of wealth by nonviolent means."
-from Vitality, Energy, Spirit: a Taoist Sourcebook // translated and edited by Thomas Cleary (p.37-38)

- quote -
"In the time of the emperor Mu-tsung (Muzong) of the T'ang dynasty, in the ninth century, among the members of the elite corps of the imperial guard was a Japanese man named Kan Shiwa.
Kan Shiwa
was a most extraordinary sculptor. He could fashion any sort of bird and make it so that it could drink water, hop around, stretch out its neck and call, and so on, all in the most beautiful and charming manner. He put machinery in the bellies of the birds he made, so that besides having beautiful plumage they could also fly one or two hundred feet in the air.
Shiwa sculpted cats that could do even more; they could run around and even catch small birds.
Now the captain of the guard thought this was truly marvelous, and wrote to the emperor about it. Emperor Mu-tsung summoned Kan Shiwa into his presence, and he too was captivated by Shiwa's skill.
The emperor asked Shiwa
if he could carve something yet more marvelous. Shiwa told the emperor he would make a 'dais for seeing dragons.'
..... Not without misgivings, the emperor stepped up. The moment he did so, a gigantic dragon appeared in the sky. It was about twice the size of a man and had scales, a mane, claws, and horns; it flew into the clouds and rode on a mist, dancing in the sky. Its energy and appearance were such that one would never think it to have been made by human hands.
The emperor
was flabbergasted. Frantically he jumped off the little platform and said, 'Fine, fine, very good, now take it away with you!'
Strange to say, the moment he got off the dais the big dragon disappeared. All that remained was to put it back in its place.
Now Shiwa apologized to the emperor for startling him so, and offered to make good by doing something amusing. .....
- source : -

- quote -
..... Shiwa made some small things, "They are like spiders, they are flycatchers."
"Are they real?" the emperor asked, amazed by their lifelike quality.
"No, they are manmade," Shiwa answered. . . .
Catching the flies, one by one they returned to Shiwa's palm.
The emperor marveled at this. He gave Shiwa a big reward of silver, which Shiwa ungrudgingly gave away to poor people in the city. Now the rumor passed around among the people of the city was that Kan Shiwa was a spiritual immortal from the Isles of the Blest in the East Sea.
Just when this gossip reached its peak, Kan Shiwa disappeared from the imperial guard and no one ever saw him again.
- reference source : The Taoism Reader - Thomas Cleary -


韓志和 Kara Shiwa(木鶴大明神)Kitsuru Daimyojin - Deity of the Wooden Crane

- look at more photos
- reference source : -

- source : 飛騨高山まちの博物館

韓志和伝説 - Detailed study
- reference source : jiangnankejp03/book/jnihonzo... -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninkanshiwa #kanshiwa #hidanotakumi -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/12/2018 08:00:00 pm

HEIAN - Sennin 07 Yoro

. - - - - - ABC-List of the Sennin Immortals Hermits - - - - - .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Yooro Sennin 養老仙人 Yoro Sennin
Nanigashi 草野某(なにがし)

He is Nr. 07 of the
. 日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan .

Not much is known about this Sennin. He was a poor 樵夫 forest worker in 美濃国多藝郡 Mino no kuni, Tagenokoori(たげのこおり)
now 多芸郡(たぎぐん)岐阜県(美濃国) Tagi district, Gifu.
As a reward for his filial piety he obtained longevity.
The water of the waterfall does not only turn to Sake, it also heals various ailments of humans.
Some people come here to get the water and have even seen an old man near the fall.
Sake no Izumi 酒の泉 the fountain of Sake

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Yoro's power is outlined in an old legend about a poor woodcutter who went into the woods to find firewood, and discovered the water of the spring had turned to rice wine. He filled a hyooten ひょうたん gourd with the spring water and brought it to his aged and ill father, who was returned to good health by the wine. The water-to-sake transformation was believed to be the gods rewarding the son for his dedication to his father.
The Empress Genshō, visited the area, and renamed the period of her reign after it ...
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- more
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Yōrō (養老) was a Japanese era name (年号 nengō, "year name") after Reiki and before Jinki.
This period spanned the years from November 717 through February 724. The reigning empress was Genshō-tennō (元正天皇).

The gourd, a most common water container for travelers in the Edo period, has become the symbol of Yoro town and there is a Gourd Festival.



Yooro no Taki 養老の滝 Yoro no Taki Waterfall

The famous Yōrō Falls (養老の滝, Yōrō no Taki) is a waterfall in Yōrō Park located in the town of Yōrō.
There are a few other waterfalls in Japan with this name.

yooro no kooko 養老の孝子 filial piety at Yoro

about 26 cm high

. Yooro no Taki 養老の滝 Yoro no Taki Waterfall .
Once a pious son scooped some water from the waterfall pool and brought it home to his old parents.
When they took a sip - oh wonder - it had turned into sake and all their ailments were healed.


Kooshi jinja 孝子神社 (こうしじんじゃ)"Shrine of the Filial Piety"

岐阜県養老郡養老町 / Yoro Town Gifu
- reference source : -


松尾芭蕉 Matsuo Basho wrote:

sakazuki no shita yuku kiku ya Kitsuki bon

below the sake cup
there is a chrysanthemum -
tray from Kitsuki

Written in 1675, 延宝3年, Basho age 32.
He took the inspriation from an old song, Yooroo 養老 Yoro.
The sake in the small cup is overflowing rapidly and becomes the famous waterfall of Yoro. Its flow looks like the chrysanthemums flowing in the river.

. Kitsuki bon 朽木盆 tray from Kitsuki .


Nanigashi 草野某(なにがし)
was a Samurai who lived around 1580 in 美濃国本巣郡 Mino no Kuni, Motosu gun district.
His family was very poor and he lost his father at age 4. He was brought up by relatives and later went to Kyoto to the temple 西園寺 Saion-Ji.
There he got a letter from his mother, who was very ill and wanted him to come back soon. On his way he got involved in fights between Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Shibata Katsuie, but managed to find his way home. His mother was very pleased to see him. He took some medicine from his luggage and gave it to his mother as an expression of his filial piety.
Since his family was so poor, they could only eat rice and wild vegetables, and he decided to practise ablutions and austerities at the waterfall.
His mother died shortly after, but he had obtained the power to fly and change places freely and eventually left the waterfall to become an Immortal.


HŌJŌGAWA - a noh play by kanze motokiyo zeami
Hachiman River
I am Chikuba Nanigashi, priest at the Kashima Shrine.
- Read the full translation
- source : ross bender -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

The story of the filial piety and healing water from the waterfall is also known in 千葉県 Chiba, 香川県 Kagawa, 兵庫県 Hyogo and 茨城県 Ibaraki.

................................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県 養老町 Yoro

The son had to care for his father, who loved to drink Sake . . . and then found the miraculous pond at the foot of the waterfall.

kogane take 黄金竹 golden bamboo

tengu 天狗

ubakiri ishi 姥切石

zengashi iwa 膳貸岩


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
19 養老 to explore (00)


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninyoro #yorosennin -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/12/2018 10:08:00 am

20 Apr 2018

PERSONS - Hayakawa Noritsugu Tokuji

. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .

Hayakawa Noritsugu 早川徳次(のりつぐ)
(1881 - 1942)
(The characters 徳次 can also be read Tokuji, see below.)

He is renowned for funding the construction of Japan's first subway system, now known as the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line, which opened in 1927.

「地下鉄の父」 The Father of the Subway in Tokyo

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Noritsugu Hayakawa, builder of Asia's first underground railway, is considered the father of subways in Japan.
was an apprentice of "railway king" Kaichiro Nezu, the founder of Tobu Railways.
Impressed by the subways he saw while touring Europe in the 1910s, upon his return to Japan Hayakawa began fiercely lobbying for Tokyo to build its own system.
After obtaining a license, he established the Tokyo Underground Railway Co. in 1920. The first underground rail link connected Asakusa and Ueno in 1927.
This is now known as the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line.
- source : -


だるまは鼻の下にひげを生やし . . . Daruma with a beard in his honor - 2018

A group of about 50 local people has formed in 2017, making papermachee Daruma dolls.

- quote

source :



Hayakawa Tokuji 早川徳次
(1893 - 1980)

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Tokuji Hayakawa (早川 徳次 Hayakawa Tokuji, November 3, 1893 - June 24, 1980)
was a Japanese businessman and the founder of Hayakawa Kinzoku Kōgyō (the present-day Sharp Corporation). He invented and patented the "Tokubijō" belt buckle in 1912 (a belt which can fasten without perforating) and invented the "Ever Ready Sharp" mechanical pencil (from which his company would later get its name from) in 1915.

The success of the "Tokubijō" belt buckle led to Hayakawa starting his own metallurgical processing, which then developed into the present-day Sharp Corporation.

Tokuji Hayakawa was born in Tokyo in 1893. Due to difficult domestic circumstances, he was adopted by the Ideno family. It was not until he grew up, however, that he learned of this. He left primary school after second grade due to his family's poverty, and was apprenticed to a maker of metallic ornaments. He worked diligently there to improve both his skill in metalwork and understanding of the trade, earning the trust of his master.

Though the buckle had been used since ancient times for such accessories as armor and shoes, it started to be used on belts for boys' trousers in the 15th century and came to be used in women's clothes in the 19th century. It took two forms: practical and decorated. When Hayakawa launched his buckle in 1912, demand in Japan for the buckle increased with the spread of Western-style fashions.

Hayakawa and other artisans, however, had not yet had a chance to wear Western-style clothes and belts.
Hayakawa happened to notice a silent film actor whose belt had come undone. This inspired him to spend time after work inventing a new belt that could be fastened to any length.

As a result, he developed a buckle that used a roller to fasten a belt without puncturing it. His master admired his inventiveness and recommended that Tokuji apply for a patent. He suggested the name "Tokubijō" adopting one character of Tokuji.

The first order for the Tokubijō buckle was huge — 33 grosses or 4,752 in total. Because of the pressures to deliver his product on time, Tokuji decided to go independent. He borrowed most of the capital independently and launched his own shop in September, 1912. He introduced industrial presses, hired workmen and delivered new orders with no interruption. He was able to promptly retire his debt. He continued to improve his manufacturing process and expand his business into a bigger plant.

In 1913, Hayakawa acquired the patent of an innovative water faucet, and in 1915, he developed the prototype of the sharp automatic pencil still sold today. Afterwards he demonstrated managerial genius, expanding his enterprise into electronics manufacturing of world-famous radios, tape-recorders and televisions. He was active in social welfare programs. He died in 1980 at the age of 86.
- source : wikipedia -


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- - - #hayakawanoritsugu #noritsuguhayakawa #hayakawatokuji #tokujihayakawa - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to PERSONS - index - PERSONEN on 4/18/2018 10:05:00 am

16 Apr 2018

SENNIN - Butsusen 01 Koma no Kikori

. - - - - - ABC-List of the Sennin Immortals Hermits - - - - - .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Koma no Kikori 高麗山樵 (こまのきこり)woodcutter from Mount Komayama

He is Nr. 01 of
. 日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan .

His father was 真珠男(またまお)Matamao and his mother 白綿女(しらゆうめ)Shirayume. His parents are known as 神仙 Sennin, living at 春嶽(はるだけ)Mount Harudake in 相模国大磯 Oiso, Sagami.
On orders of Yamanokami 山の神, the God of the Mountain, they had placed the baby at the shrine of Koma Myojin高麗明神.

山下長者 Yamashita Choja did not have any children of his own. He found the baby near a tree in the shrine compound and educated it.
When the boy was older, Koma no Kikori went back tho the mountains to look for his parents.
He lived from leaves and nuts and at the age of 15 mastered the art of flying freely. Now the boy could visit his real parents on the mountain and fly back to the valley to see his foster parents. Eventually he said good bye and never came back to the Yamashita family.
But the family of Yamashita prospered and became very rich (長者 choja means millionaire) over many generations.
Some stories about them from the Kamakura period are known.


Hiratsuka, Mount Komayama 高麗山 and Mount Fuji in the background.
Koraiyama is another reading for this mountain.
It is only 168 m high.
There was a temple, 高麗寺 (こうらいじ) Koraiji, near the mountain. It was founded by 高麗若光(こま の じゃっこう) Koma no Jakko, a prince from Korea, Goguryeo.
Jakko arrived in Asuka (then the capital of Japan, now a village near Nara) but had to witness from afar how his country crumbled until the Chinese / Silla finally ripped it to pieces. He never returned to Goguryeo.
The Asuka Imperial Court held the people from Goguryeo in high regard. Jakko was made a high-ranking court official and was granted the title of kokishi, a hereditary title bestowed upon important people of foreign origin.
There are other shrines, 高麗神社, Koma Jinja, in his honor.
source :

. The Korean heritage 韓国 Kankoku  朝鮮 Chosen .


Yamashita Choja 山下長者 Remains of the residence
神奈川県平塚市山下 Kanagawa, Hiratsuka

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- reference source : -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #komayamasennin #matamao #komanokikori #yamashitachoja -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/10/2018 01:10:00 pm

SENNIN - Butsusen 04 Suzuka Okina

. - - - - - ABC-List of the Sennin Immortals Hermits - - - - - .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Suzuka no okina 鈴鹿翁(すずかのおきな) Old Man Suzuka

He is Nr. 04 of the
. 日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan .

Like the
. Yoshinoyama Nyosen 吉野山女仙 Female Sennin from Mount Yoshinoyama .

he is also related to
. Tenmu, Tenbu 天武天皇 Emperor Tenmu Tenno .
when he was still Prince Ōama 大海人皇子 Oama no Oji and lived in exile in Yoshino.

Suzuka no Okina brought the Prince (who was also known as 清見原皇子 Prince Kiyomihara) to Yoshino to avoid fighting. From there the Prince kept fleeing to 鈴鹿山 Mount Suzukayama in Shiga.
The life story of the Prince continues, but the whereabouts of Suzuka no Okina are lost after that.
He was maybe the 鈴鹿山の神仙 Shinsen Immortal of the Mountain.

- - - - - Here is a PDF page with a photo of the Sennin:
Suzuka no Okina felt that the Prince would soon want to become Emperor (帝王の気).
Okina is shown with the Emperor, both riding a deer and crossing a river.
He has invited the Emperor to come with him to the realm of the Sennin (senkyo 仙郷) to introduce him to his daughter.
- reference source : -


- quote -
Living quarters of Asuka Kiyomihara Palace
..... The building was one of the central facilities of Asuka Kiyomihara no Miya, or Asuka Kiyomihara Palace.
The building was used by Emperor Tenmu and Empress Regnant Jito from 672 to 694, during the Asuka period (593-710).

..... Other palaces built after the Nara period (710-794) have similar layouts to Asuka Kiyomihara Palace, leading experts to believe that the palace served as a model.
..... According to Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan), written in 720, there were three major buildings at Asuka Kiyomihara Palace. To the "uchi no andono" building, Emperor Tenmu invited princes and other relatives.
At the "o andono" building, parties and other entertainments were held, while the emperor's followers gathered at the "to no andono" building.
- source : -


Kiyomihara Jinja 清見原神社 / 清見原宮
大阪府大阪市生野区小路2-24-35 // 2 Chome-24-35 Shōji, Ikuno-ku, Ōsaka

- quote -
The Kiyomihara Shrine is dedicated to Emperor Tenmu (673 - 686), the 40th emperor.
The date of erection is unknown. It is said that Emperor Tenmu stayed for a while in Ootomo Village (old name of Shoji) during his visit to Naniwa (ancient Osaka) and that the shrine was built to commemorate the imperial visit.
In 1909, five other shrines in the neighborhood were consolidated into this shrine, which was renamed the Shoji Shrine after the village name.
In 1942, the shrine was rebuilt in commemoration of the 2,600th anniversary of the accession of the first Emperor Jinmu, and the old name of Kiyomihara was restored.
- source : -


Suzuka Mountains (鈴鹿山脈 Suzuka Sanmyaku)

a mountain range running through Mie Prefecture and along the borders of Gifu and Shiga prefectures in central Japan.
The tallest peak in the range is Mount Oike at 1,247 m (4,091 ft). In spite of its height, Mount Oike is not the most visited mountain; that distinction belongs to Mount Gozaisho because of its Gozaisho Ropeway, making reaching the peak much easier.
There are seven peaks in this mountain range.
- source : wikipedia -


Suzukayama Shinmai 鈴鹿山新舞 new Kagura Dance of Suzukayama
performed in Hiroshima

- CLICK for more photos !

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Suzukayama is another hero versus demon piece based on a Noh drama.
The hero is Sakanoue Tamuramaro who was given the title of shogun (barbarian defeating generalissimo) for his success in defeating the Emishi in eastern and northern Japan.
There are many variations on the story, but this version seems to be based on the version of the story that has the demon being a "dog demon". Other versions have the demon being invisible.
The demon lives in a cave on Suzukayama which is near Ise. Apparently it was quite a dangerous place for travelers.
What is interesting to note is how halfway through the dance the upper part of the costume is undone and drops to act like a flared skirt during the spinning.
- source : -

- further reference : suzukayama dance -


. Yoshinoyama 吉野山 a power spot in Nara .

. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninsuzuka #suzukanookina #suzukasanmyaku #kiyomihara #suzukayama #yoshino -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/11/2018 02:04:00 pm

SENNIN - Butsusen 02 Udohama 03 Yoshinoyama

. - - - - - ABC-List of the Sennin Immortals Hermits - - - - - .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Udohama Nyosen 宇度浜女仙 female Sennin from Udohama beach
and 漁夫 her husband, a fisherman

She is Nr. 02 of the
. 日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan .

Udohama 宇度濱(うどはま)/ 有度浜 / 宇土浜 / 宇渡浜(うとはま) Utohama
In Shizuoka, 駿河国宇度郡 Suruga, Udo District, near 三保の松原 Miho no Matsubara.

Not much is known about this heavenly maiden. She appeared at the beach of Udohama and became the wife of a fisherman.

西村重長 Nishimura Shigenaga (1697 - 1758)

A dance performed by a heavenly maiden who arrived at Udohama, Suruga Province in the reign of Emperor Ankan is known.

. Miho no matsubara 三保の松原 Miho pine grove .

Miho no Matsubara is known as the site of the legend of Hagoromo 羽衣 "the Feathered Robe",
which is based on the traditional swan maiden motif.
The story of Hagoromo concerns a celestial being flying over Miho no Matsubara who was overcome by the beauty of the white sands, green pines, and sparkling water. She removed her feathered robe and hung it over a pine tree before bathing in the beautiful waters.
A fisherman named Hakuryo was walking along the beach and saw the angel. He took her robe and refused to return it until she performed a heavenly dance for him. As the angel could not return to heaven without her robe, she complied with Hakuryo's request. She danced in the spring twilight and returned to heaven in the light of the full moon leaving Hakuryo looking longingly after her.
- quote wikipedia -

歌川国貞 Utagawa Kunisada (1786 - 1865)

Udohama and Yoshinoyama are stories of two tennyo 天女 heavenly maidens.


Yoshinoyama Nyosen 吉野山女仙 Female Sennin from Mount Yoshinoyama

She is Nr. 03 of the
. 日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan .

She lived during the time of 天武天皇 Emperor Tenmu (631 - 686)
吉野山二女仙 indicates that there were two of them.

. Tenmu, Tenbu 天武天皇 Emperor Tenmu Tenno .
Prince Ōama 大海人皇子 Oama no Oji
Prince Oama pretended to be a monk at the temple in Yoshino,

tennyo 天女 the Heavenly Maiden
Once Tenmu Tenno played the 琴 Koto near a waterfall in Yoshino. On the cliff opposite the river something strange like a colorful cloud appeared. Looking closer it had the form of 天女 two heavenly maiden, clad in traditional layered robes, performing a ritual dance.

This is the beginning of the ritual gosetchi no maihime 五節の舞姫 Gosechi no Mai .
This imperial dance is performed to our day, even in Kabuki.

- more photos source : -

吉野川 - 天皇淵 Yoshinogawa Tenno-Buchi Tenno Riverpool at river Yoshinogawa
Nearby is the shrine 浄見原神社 Kiyomihara Jinja.

Tenmu Tenno was quite taken by the dance of the Heavenly Maiden. He composed a poem:
をとめども をとめさひする 唐たまを たもとにまきて をとめさびすも


. 04 Suzuka no okina 鈴鹿翁(すずかのおきな) Old Man Suzuka .
is also related to Tenmu, Tenbu 天武天皇 Emperor Tenmu Tenno
when he was still Prince Ōama 大海人皇子 Oama no Oji and lived in exile in Yoshino.


. tennyo 天女, hiten 飛天 "heavenly maiden"
flying Apsara, divine nymph, celestial maiden .


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninudohama #udohamasennin #senninyoshinoyama #yoshinoyamasennin-

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/10/2018 04:00:00 pm

30 Mar 2018

GOKURAKU - Toran Ni Sennin

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Toranni 都藍尼(とらんに)Toran-Ni - 女仙人 Toran no Ama, a female Sennin 

She is Nr. 09 :
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .

The Buddhist nun Toran-Ni lived in Nara at the foot of 吉野の山 Mount Yoshino, studied Buddhism and lived for more than a few hundred years.
Mount Oominesan 大峰山 was a mountain for religious practise, but not allowed for women to climb. Even now there is 女人結界門 a limit as to how far women should climb.
Toran-Ni was not satisfied with this prohibition and one day started to climb. Immediately the weather turned bad, with thunder and lightning, making her loose her way. She also lost her walking staff 杖, which got stuck in the ground and grew to a huge tree.
Rocks where she stepped on begun to crack and tumble downhill and a pond appeared in their place.

There are other mountains in Japan claiming Toran-Ni was there, like 立山 Tateyama, 白山 Hakusan and 高野山 Koyasan.


Toran-ni: The Old Hag Who Violated the Anti-female Cordon
The woman who is known simply as the Nun Toran (Toran-ni), a legendary person, is believed to be the sister of a minor mountain ascetic who trained with En no Gyōja (d. 701). The first literary reference to her occurs in the Honchō shinsen-den ...
"Toranni, native of Yamato province, achieved several hundred years of long life through her mystical ascetic training. Regrettably, however, her overconfidence led her to penetrate the sacred Mount Kinpusen, only to have Kongo Zao (the tutelary deity of Mt. Kinpusen), who never permits women to cross its boundary, to strike her with lightning. Toran's staff changed into a tree, the earth caved i to create a lake. She left traces of her nail marks on the mountain rock".

- - - "Women, Gender and Art in Asia, -- MORE
- source : MeliaBelli Bose -


- quote -
Daisen Shinkō - 大仙 Mount Daisen
Beliefs and practices associated with Daisen, a mountain located in the western part of Tottori Prefecture, also known as Hōki Fuji. It consists of a number of peaks, including Misen, Tengugamine and Sankomine. The highest is Kengamine (1792 m.). The access route from the north starts from a settlement that has formed around the Tendai temple Daisenji. Beyond this are the inner shrine of Ōgamiyama Shrine, and the shrine dedicated to the attendant kami, Shimoyama Shrine.
Many elements connected with the view that the mountain is the Other Realm, where the spirits of the dead go, can be found in, for example, the Muromachi-period Amida Hall and the site known as Sainokawara. In the Izumokoku fudoki (post 713) the mountain is called Ōgamidake, and Yatsukamizuomitsuno no mikoto is said to have used it as a rudder when he brought in more land to extend Izumo Province (kunihiki). In the Engishiki (905-27) it appears as Ōgamiyama Shrine. Ennin's Diary (Nitto guhō junrei kōki, covering 838-47) records that Ennin made prayers here when he was embarking for China, and so its links with Tendai Buddhism were born.
It was famous as a shugen (see Shugendō) mountain in the Heian period and is mentioned in such works as the Uji shūi monogatari (ca 1190-1242), Ryōjin hishō (ca 1169), Shin sarugaku-ki (Fujiwara Akihira, 1058-65) and Hokke genki.
A shugenja called Kikō is said to have been active here in the Kamakura period. The oldest local legendary history is the Daisenji engi emaki with a colophon dated 1398 (the original was destroyed in a fire in 1928). It relates that a great rock fell from the southeastern side of the Third Palace of the Tushita heaven and split into three - Kumano, Kinpusen, and Daisen. In connection with this, the "mountain" name of Daisenji is Kakubansan (lit. "corner of rock").
The divinities Monju (Manjushri), Kannon (Avalokiteshvara) and Jizō (Kshitigarbha) manifested themselves at the pagoda and are venerated as the Gongen of the Three Places (sansho gongen) (see gongen shinkō).

The founding legend says that a hunter from Tamatsukuri in Izumo called Yorimichi entered the mountain from the bay at Miho chasing a golden wolf. When he tried to shoot it Jizō rose out of the earth and the wolf transformed into an old nun called Toran-ni. The wolf was an incarnation of the mountain kami (yama no kami), who, as a nun, persuaded Yorimichi to seek after enlightenment, and gave him the name of Kinren to encourage him in his religious training. Thus Yorimichi is considered to be the founder of Daisen.

A special feature of the cult was its veneration of Jizō on the basis of belief in the mountain deity and the view that the mountain was the Other Realm. In the late Heian period a cult arose around the central image of Daisenji, Daisen Chimyō Gongen, identified as an avatar of Jizō.
In the Muromachi period Shimoyama Myōjin, the attendant deity (misaki kami), was venerated for its association with Daisen Chimyo Gongen, and was said to enshrine the spirits of a white fox and a shugen practitioner.
The belief spread over a wide area, on the basis of oracles (takugen) and reports of miraculous events (reigen) emphasized by yamabushi. Daisenji came under the jurisdiction of Hieizan in the Edo period. Gōen, the head priest of the temple at the beginning of the period, systematized the organization and ritual, and is therefore called the restoring patriarch.
A fief of 3000 koku was bestowed on the temple, which supported 42 subtemples. The separation of kami and Buddhist practices and worship (shinbutsu bunri) was carried out in 1875. Daisenji was abolished and the main hall of Daisen Chimyō Gongen was turned into the inner shrine of Ōkamiyama Jinja.
In 1903, the temple name of Daisenji was revived and the former Dainichi Hall was converted into the Main Hall, and remains so today. Shugen practices disappeared, but the shrine priests (jinshoku) perform the rite of mohitori, bringing down herbs and water from the summit of the mountain, which preserves elements of the former Misen zenjō, climbing to the summit of Misen, which used to be held on the fourteenth day of the sixth month.
In the Bitchū region (in present-day Okayama Prefecture), Daisen is written with the characters 大仙 rather than the usual大山; a branch shrine has been established locally and veneration rites for the dead are performed there. There remains a strong tradition of veneration of the dead also at the base of the mountain, where gongen confraternities (kō) venerate Chimyō Gongen on the 24th of February and October in order to memorialize ancestors.
Again, at the foot of the mountain, there is a strong devotion to the mountain as a protector of livestock; horse and cattle fairs used to be held in villages there every year on the twenty-fourth day of the fourth month, the day associated with the deity, which developed in the Genroku era (1688-1704) into the Bakurōza, the biggest such fair in the country.
The Daisen Kuyō Taue, a rice-planting festival, best symbolizes the beliefs surrounding Daisen as a water (suijin) and agricultural deity. Here an ox with its horns brightly decorated is led into a rice field and young women plant rice to the beat of accompanying music. This festival is still held at various places and times.
- source : Kokugakuin Suzuki Masataka -


. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and his messenger, the Yamainu 山犬 Wolf .


105 spring and Mount Daisen

. Mount Daisen 大山 / 大仙 - Tottori .
Mount Daisen, which stood directly from the Sea of Japan, was regarded as one of the most important mountain for Japanese Shugendo. According to 'Izumo Kokudo Fudoki, which was completed the edition in 733, this mountain was called 'Ookamitake'', literally, 'Mountain of the great god.'


. Zenkiboo Zenkibō 前鬼坊 Zenkibo of Mount Ōmine, Nara .
那智滝本前鬼坊 Nachi Takimoto Zenkibo / 大峰山前鬼坊 Ominesan Zenki-Bo
the husband Zenki 前鬼 and his wife Goki 後鬼 - and the priest En no Gyoja 役行者.


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #toranni #femalesennin -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 2/26/2018 09:32:00 am

24 Mar 2018

SHRINES - Yama kon Kami 09 Regional Gifu Gunma

. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .

Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from 岐阜県 Gifu to 群馬県 Gunma


....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 .....

. guhin kuhin gubin 狗賓 / 狗嬪 / グヒン Guhin Tengu Yokai .
Guhin mochi 狗賓餅 rice cakes for the Guhin - later gohei mochi 五平餅.

. Sarugami 猿神 Monkey Deity .
- the local Yamanokami.

. Yamanokami and Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin .
tengu-daoshi 天狗倒し


a bus stop named 山の神 Yamanokami
Kasugakawai, Ibigawa, Ibi District, Gifu or Yamanokami Iinuma, Nakatsugawa-shi, Gifu

and at the park さざれ石公園 Sazareishi Koen park there is a lodging
山の神さざれ荘 Yamanokami Sazaresoo


Yamanokami is related to fuji no tsuru 藤の蔓 / 藤のツル the of the vine branches of wisteria.
In a novel called Yamanokami satsujin 山の神殺人 the Yamanokami murder case
by 坂口安吾.

郡上郡 Gujo district, Gujō

There are at least 2 or three people who died because they went to do forest work on a day when it was not allowed out of respect for Yamanokami.

- - - - - strange things happening to Saito san
葉の落ちる音 sound of leaves falling,円柱状の大きな光 a huge pillar of light,壁をドーンと叩く音 loud sound of DOOON on the wall
The head of the Saito family, 斎藤誉逸, from 大洞 Obora, had been harrassed by Yamanokami around 1904.
When he was on his way home from a carpenter job, after some drinks in the evening, he passed the sanctuary of 秋葉様 Akiba sama he heard the sound of leaves falling, although there were not left on the trees.
He tried to keep his calm and then saw a huge pillar of light above the graveyard. When he finally reached his home, he heard the stange sound of someone hitting his wall.
Next morning he asked a diviner. He was told that Yamanokami had tried to challenge his courage (or rather lack thereof).

揖斐郡 Ibi district 揖斐川町 Ibigawa

The messenger of Yamanokami is a shiro usagi 白ウサギ white rabbit.
If someone happens to see it, he will be cursed.

usagi at 熊野神社 Kumano Jinja

. Legends about the White Rabbit 白兎 hakuto .

武儀郡 Mugi district 板取村 Itadori

Some people say Yamanokami is a kitsunefox!

Yamanokami is a deity to protect children, maybe even a child himself.
If a child gets ill parents have to put up a lantern and say prayers for its recovery.

On the day of the tiger in the second lunar month and on the 7th day of the 11th lunar month it is time for the Yamanokami prayer group. If people do not keep this day, there might be landslides. Yamanokami is female, and if women eat the left-overs from the prayer meeting they will become all wild.
. hatsu tora 初寅 "first day of the tiger" .

Yamanokami likes the following trees
-- madogi マドギ "window tree" - trees with two stems
-- hookigi ホウキギ broom tree / Kochia scoparia
-- kamoeda カモエダ
These trees are not to be cut down.

Yamanokami is a plain woman and women coming to worship her must keep the necessary taboos.

高山市 Takayama

. The deity Yamabiko 山彦 (山の神) Yamanokami .
Legends about Master Carver Enku 円空と伝説 

On the 20th day of the first lunar month people should not go to the mountain. If they do they will feel the curse of Yamanokami and maybe die under a tree that falls on them.
If a lumberjack forgets his nata 鉈 hatchet in the forest, he has to swing his dankon 男根 penis to show him the right direction to find it.

高山市 Takayama 上宝町 Kamitakara

uma 馬 horse

At the waterfall 鼠餅の大滝 Nezumochi Otaki / 鼠餅瀧
Yamanokami comes often riding a horse and lets the horse walk around.
During that time people can hear the sound of the horse.

吉城郡 Yoshiki district 坂下村 Sakashimo mura

The 9th day of the second lunar month is the 山の講 prayer day for Yamanokami. On this day Yamanokami goes out to plant seeds.
On the 9th day of the 10th lunar month he comes to count the trees.
On both of these days people are not allowed to cut any trees until 10 in the morning.
All the menfolk of the village gather at the 祠 sancturay for Yamanokami and make offerings of ritual Sake and ゴヘイモチ Goheimochi rice cakes.


....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 .....

赤城山 Mount Akagiyama / Akagisan (Red Castle) is 1,828 m high.
The 赤城山の神 deity of Akagisan is a mukade ムカデ centipede.
Mount Akagi, along with Mount Myōgi and Mount Haruna, is one of the "Three Mountains of Jōmō" (上毛三山),
It comes with legends of its own, to be explored later.


【怖い話】群馬県 みなかみ町 山の神の足音
The footsteps of Yamanokami
- a scary story told on YouTube.


A town called
群馬県太田市山之神町 Yamanokamicho, Ota, Gunma


In most parts of Gunma, the 8th day of January is the Day of Yamanokami and people are not allowed to do work in the mountain forests.

. Okojo オコジョ hort-tailed weasel, stoat or ferret. .
- messenger of Yamanokomi
碓氷郡 Usui district 松井田町 Matsuida // 利根郡 Tone district 片品町 Katashina

. Yamanokami and Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin .
Yamanokami is seen as a Tengu in most regions of Gunma.
倉渕村 Kurabuchi / 南牧村 Nanmoku / 東町 Azumacho / 上野村 Uenomura / 片品村 Katashina / 松井田町 Matsuida

甘楽郡 Kanra district 南牧村 Nanmoku

Yamanokami is seen as male and venerated together with
. jigami, jishin, chigami, chijin 地神 Kami of the Earth / the Land .

There is a shrine
Kaijo no Yamanokami Jinja 会場の山の神神社 Yamanokami of Kaijo
on the top of the pass from 秋畑 Akihata to 上日野 Kamihino.
Kaijo is the name of this place.

source :

沼田市 Numata 利根町 Tone village

numa no nushi no tatari 沼の主の祟り curse of the lord of the pond
People younger than 16 years are not allowed to climb 赤城山 Mount Akagiyama.
If they do they will be cursed by Yamanokami and the lord of the pond, there will be a very strong rain and mist to make them loose their way, and they will not be able to find their way back.

多野郡 Tano district 上野村 Ueno village

Yama no Kamisama no ki 山の神様の木 tree of Yamanokami
A woodcutter tried to cut a sacred tree, but was hit as it fell down and he died.
Another died while he tried to transport the tree down into the valley.

モロバンギ Morobashigi is another of the sacred trees of Yamanokami and not to be cut down.
If someone uses it as a pillar for a house, there will be death and illness every year without end.

Yamanokami was once venerated in a sanctuary close to the village at the foot of the mountain, but many got ill and it was brought back to the top of the mountain.

利根郡 Tone district 片品村 Katashina

. Yamanokami and jūni sama 十二様 12 Juni Sama .
On the 12th day of each month Juni Sama is venerated.

碓氷郡 Usui district 松井田町 Matsuida

Some say Yamanokami is a man, others say it is a woman. And others say they just do not know.
On his day each month on the 17th people are not allowed to cut trees in the forest.

yumihari ki ユミハリ木 -- madoki マド木 trees of Yamanokami
There are special trees with two trunks interwoven, they are sacred to Yamanokami.
He comes there to rest and they are not allowed to be cut down.

Once a child got a coin stuck in its throught and they could not get it out!
"Let's pray to Yamanokami for help!" They went to the sanctuary of Yamanokami to pray. And oh wonder, from a far-away mountain, where a lumberjack had cut a sugi 杉 cedar tree, there came the spit flowing through the air, hitting the throught of the child and with this hit, the coin fell out and the child was saved.


- reference source : nichibun yokai database -


. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .

from Hiroshima 広島県 to 山梨県 Yamanashi - will be updated.


- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -

. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Japan - Shrines and Temples on 8/20/2017 03:09:00 pm