Showing posts with label Tengu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tengu. Show all posts

29 Jun 2017

TENGU - Tengu from Chichibu

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .
- for Oni from Chichibu, see below.

Chichibu no Tengu 秩父の天狗さま The Tengu from Chichibu

- Chichibu-Tama-Kai National Park -

The mountainous Chichibu region of Saitama is close to Tokyo, yet full of local lore and color.

. Chichibu Yomatsuri 秩父夜祭 Night Festival .

. Mitsumine Jinja 三峰神社 Shrine and Wolf Legends .


- quote
Chichibu - By Sumiko Enbutsu
Tengu Matsuri in November
O-Tengu-Sama (Folk Kabuki) at Kidama Jinja, Tsuyagi
Tengu-ya (noodle shop)
..... Legends abound in rural areas of mysterious happenings attributed to Tengu: chopping sounds at midnight, as if trees were being felled .....
- source :


In Chichibu, the Tengu is seen as a
mountain deity, Tengu-Shin 天狗神 Tengu-Kami, Tengu God.

- quote -
A later version of the Kujiki (? Kojiki), an ancient Japanese historical text, writes the name of Amanozako,
a monstrous female deity born from the god Susanoo's spat-out ferocity, with characters meaning
tengu deity (天狗神).
The book describes Amanozako as a raging creature capable of flight, with the body of a human, the head of a beast, a long nose, long ears, and long teeth that can chew through swords. An 18th-century book called the Tengu Meigikō (天狗名義考) suggests that this goddess may be the true predecessor of the tengu, but the date and authenticity of the Kojiki, and of that edition in particular, remain disputed.
- source : wikipedia -

Amanozako 天逆毎(あまのざこ)Goddess of Tengu
- quote -
... she is a female, she is a god, she has a son. Her nicknames reveal how rare those things are: metengu (woman tengu) and tengu kami (tengu god) refer specifically to her; i.e. there aren't really other female tengu or tengu gods besides her.

I also think she is interesting because while most tengu are considered to be malicious demons lurking in the forests, she is actually revered as a goddess. While it isn't terribly uncommon to see shrines dedicated to tengu or small tengu cults (think of Sojobo from a few days ago), Amanozako's story is special in that she interacts with the other gods in heaven. Her myths are not self-contained stories, but play off of the larger pantheon. She was supposedly born out of a chunk of spit and gall that the temperamental storm god, Susanoo, vomited up. Most tengu don't have that as a claim to fame!
- source : -


. reference by Toyota Toki とよた 時 / 画房【とよだ 時】 Toyoda Toki .
Manga Painter of Satoyama Japan

In Chichibu, the Tengu is seen as a mountain deity, Tengu-Shin 天狗神 Tengu-Kami.

Kokushidake no Tengu-Iwa 国師岳の天狗岩 Tengu Rock, Tengu Boulder
奥秩父 Oku-Chichibu
Mount Kokushidake is 2591 m high.
Oku Chichibu is located along the border of Saitama, Yamanashi and Nagano. Connecting Nagano and Chichibu is the pass Oodarumi Tooge 大弛峠 Odarumi Pass.

Near Kokushidake is the Tengu One 国師ヶ岳天狗尾根 "Tengu Mountain Ridge", with the Tengu Rock formation. In former times there was the Oku no In Mountain Shrine of 大岳山那賀都神社 Daidakesan Nagato Jinja from Yamanashi (former 三富村 Mitomimura). On top of the rocks is an iron sword, the ご神体 image of the deity.
The formation of the rocks is said to look just like the profile of a Tengu, with a long nose.

Mount Kokushidake was named after priest Musoo Kokushi 夢窓国師 Muso Kokushi.
Around 1330 Muso Kokushi stayed in Yamanashi, 塩山 Enzan at the temple 乾徳山恵林寺 Erin-Ji to make a temple garden (he was a specially gifted garden designer).
The mountain name 大岳山 Daidakesan (Oodakesan) also refers to him.

. Muso Kokushi Soseki 夢窓疎石 (1275 - 1351) .

The deity venerated at this mountain peak is 大山祇神 (おおやまづみのかみ Ooyamazumi no Kami.

. - Ooyamatsuminomikoto 大山祇神, 大山積神, 大山津見神 Oyama Tsumi no Mikoto .

The peak is also venerated by Buddhists, who chant the following when climbing the mountain to pray for good business and protection of the silk industry:
Namu Daidake Nagato no Jinja , Oyama no Kami, Takaoka no Kami, Rokkon Shojo.

- reference : -


nokkinboo 破風山のノッキン坊天狗 Nokkinbo Tengu, Nokkin-Bo
ニョッキンボウ Nyokkin-Bo

at Mount Happusan 破風山, 601 m high, Mount Happu, Minano, Saitama.

At the temple 水潜寺 Suisen-Ji, Nr. 34 of the Chichibu Pilgrimage to 34 Kannon Temples, Nokkin-Bo Tengu is venerated as a protector deity.
Nokkin-Bo is ibo no Kami イボの神, a deity to take away warts. The local people came here to worship, bringing some Sake rice wine in bamboo containers. Even nowadays, a lot of "Cup Sake" is offered here.

. 秩父三十四観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 34 Chichibu Kannon Temples .

. ibotori 疣取り / イボ取り / いぼとり take away warts .
ibogamisan いぼ神さん Shinto deity to take away warts / ibotori san いぼとりさ

- reference : -

- - - - - Closely related to Knokkin-Bo is

Ryookamisan no Tori Tengu 両神山の刀利天狗 Ryokamisan

Mount Ryokamisan, at the northern end of the Okuchichibu Mountains, is 1,723 m high.
Until recently, women were forbidden to climb this sacred mountain up to the Shrine at its top.

Legend knows that En no Gyoja was the first to climb up here.

Ryookami means "two deities". Here they are
イザナギ(伊弉諾)Izanagi and イザナミ(伊弉冉 Izanami.
. Izanagi 伊弉諾 - 伊弉冉尊and Izanami 伊邪那美命 .

Also known as 八日見山 Yokamiyama, 竜頭山 Ryukamiyama (Dragon Head) and 鋸岳 Nokogiridake.
The name Yokamiyama dates back to Yamato Takeru, who 見 looked this mountain for 八日 eight days when he climbed Mount Tsukuba .
. Yamato Takeru 日本武尊 - Introduction .

The name Ryukami is a pun on the writing 竜神 Dragon God. This deity is known for its eight heads ヤオカミ Yaokami - Yokami.

This mountain is also related to the Tengu
. 六尺坊 Rokushakubo, Rokushaku-Bo .
from Mount 御嶽山 Ontakesan in Kiso.
Other Tengu who live here are
前山 - 三笠山 刀利天坊 Mikasayama - Toriten-Bo
前山 - 八海山 大頭羅坊 Hakkaisan - Daizura-Bo
(摩利支天山 Marishiten Yama) on 阿留摩耶山 the peak Arumayasan アルマヤ坊 Arumaya-Bo

- reference : -


Ryookami Jinja 両神神社 Ryokami Shrine
About half-way up to the summit.

source and more photos :


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Tengoo matsuri 天狗祭(テンゴー祭り) Tengo (Tengu) Festival
Tengu is seen as yama no kami 山の神 a Deity of the Mountain
During the festival people pray for safety while working in the mountain forest and blessings for the family.
The main actors of this festival are children.

原の天狗まつり Hara no Tengu Matsuri
秩父市荒川白久(原区)地内 In Hara village

This festival was held in many parts of Chichibu, but now only in the Hara village.
The young boys collect wood, bamboo and leaves to prepare for a huge ritual bonfire.
The sounds of the huge fire,
パチパチ、パンパン、バリバリ pachi pachi, pan pan, pari pari
The Tengo sama is venerated as Hibuse no Kami 火防の神 Deity to prevent fire, also as the Yama no Kami 山の神 Deity of the Mountain and the pillow of this Tengo is on top of the mountain.
- reference source : -


There are a few legends about sacred trees where the Tengu sits and takes a rest -
Tengu no matsu 天狗の松, Tengu no koshikake matsu 天狗の腰掛松.
People protect these trees and dear not cut them down for fear of bad luck and misfortune.
For example in Chichibu town, Higashi-Chichibu, Ogano, ...

Tengu no yasumi no ki 天狗の休み木 A tree where the Tengu takes a rest
Along the pass 烏首峠 Torikubi Toge, which connects 名栗 Naguri with 浦山 Urayama in Chichibu there is 大楓 a huge maple tree where the Tengu takes a rest.
When the forest workers cut it down, there begun a lot of accidents to happen, a wood cutter fell ill and eventually even the man who bought the lumber was hit with bad luck.


Until the end of WWII, the Tengu were still quite acitve in Chichibu.
At night, people heard the sounds of someone cutting trees in a valley or rolling boulders around a river. When they looked the next morning, all was the same as before ant not one tree felled.
When the Tengu got angry, he would cause fires and make strange noises. Even his horrible laughter could be heard.
The wood workers and fishermen would offer ritual Sake to the Tengu before starting to work.
Once a worker said something bad about the Tengu, but on this day he fell into a ravine and hurt himself.


At the back of Shrine 和田神社 Wada Jinja was a sanctuary for the 愛宕様 Atago Deity, the 山の神 God of the Mountain.
Once a young man went up there on the 17th night of the second lunar month to meet the Tengu. He saw his huge legs, but could not see the head.

Tengu-Iwa 天狗岩 and Waterfall

There was a Tengu Boulder near the waterfall 七代の滝 Nanayo no Taki, where a Tengu lived. Once a priest from the nearby temple used it to pee.
If the visitors in his temple wanted to eat Tofu from Tokoy, the Tengu went off to fetch it in no time.

kawatengu 川天狗 Tengu becoming a River

A huge flood in the region is called Kawa Tengu.
Once during a huge flood the sacred tree for the Tengu was swept away and something red could be seen floating downwriver. Even a huge boulder floating down was split into two, took the shape of two Tengu and was washed away in no time.

- - - - - And a legend from 大滝村 Otaki village
Once a farmer threw his net into the pond at the bottom of the waterfall and caught about 15 trout fish. When he thew his net a second time, be pulled out a sparkle of silver light and a fearful loud voice from the bottom of the pond shouted:
"The first time I forgive you , but a second time is not allowed!"
This time the Kawa Tengu, the River Tengu was angry. (In other legends, the "Kawa Tengu" is seen as a Kappa.)

. kawatengu, kawa-tengu, kawa tengu 川天狗 "river Tengu" .

東秩父村 Higashi Chichibu

Once upon a time
the Tengu from 武甲山 Mount Bukozan (Bukosan, Mount Buko 1,304 m) and 笠山 Mount Kasayama (837 m) competed about the hight of their mountains.
The Tengu from Bukozan scooped water in a barrel and let it flow toward Kasayama. The angry Tengu from Kasayama took a traveler's hat (kasa 笠), placed it below the barrel and let the water flow back to Bukozan.

Once upon a time
the villagers from 白石 Shiraishi were re-doing a roof with reeds, because when it rained, the roof was leeking. So they kept busy cutting reeds. Just at that time in a nearby farm house, they had just put up reeds for drying. And then - what do you know - in one night all the reeds were over to the neighbour's roof, while they heard strange sounds, ガヤガヤ gayagaya al night.
Next morning the farmer wanted to get his reeds back, but then he realized that only a Tengu could do all that work in one night and returned home in fear.

倉尾村 Kurao

The Tengu from Kurao
often launch a firework from their rock called 天狗岩 Tenguiwa. But it does not make a sound at all, just beautiful colors like chrysanthemums in the sky.

Once upon a time
a woodworker slipped and fell in a ravine, but a Tengu caught him and helped him.

Once upon a time,
a young man was kidnapped by the Tengu. After three years he came back, but he could do nothing, only blowing the flute.

Once upon a time
a farmer went harvesting rye and took his son with him. But the son was kidnapped by the Tengu. They later found him asleep under a tree, remembering nothing.

Once upon a time
a farmer heard the sound of voices, ホイホイ hoihoi, cutting down a tree. The next morning he found his saw broken.
yama no kami 山の神 - Tengu Matsu Pine
Near the Shrine are some trees with abnormal appearance, too thick or very bumpy. They are also called yama no kami no ki 山ノ神の木 "Trees of the Mountain Deity".

皆野町 Minano

Once a young boy did not come home from school. At night they all went out to search for him they found him on the largest tree, high up in the branches.

小鹿野町 Ogano

- Tengu no iwa 天狗の岩 Tengu Rock / Tengu boulder
Once upon a time
a skilful fisherman and woodworker lived in the village. One day he forgot to offer ritual Sake to the Tengu before starting to work. He even said something bad about the Tengu.
While he was busy, the sky suddenly turned dark with clouds and rumbling. Then a huge boulder came falling from the sky and burried everything under it, the workers and the lumber - such is the revenge of the Tengu.

Once upon a time
the village temple went out of business and the 釣り鐘 temple bell was given to the pawn shop. It was sold to another village, where soon a fire started. The local fortune teller said it was the temple bell bringing bad luck, so it was given back. This legend is called
Tengu-sama no tsurigane 天狗様の釣り鐘 the Temple bell of the Tengu.

. bonshoo 梵鐘 Bonsho, temple bell - Introduction .

大滝村 Otaki

tengusama no ki 天狗様の木 The tree of the Tengu
When they cut it down, blood was flowing from the cut.

両神村 Ryokami village

kamikakushi 神かくし kidnapped !
A little girl of 3 years went to the mountain forest with her mother, but the girl lost her way. She was found 3 days later, more than 4 km away. She must have walked a way impossible to walk for such a yuong girl, so they say she was kidnapped by a Tengu.

寄居町 Yorii

yama no kami 山の神 - 天狗松 Tengu-Matsu
At the pass toward Higashi-Chichibu village, the Deity of the Mountain is venerated at the Tengu Pine.
But one day the huge tree was to be cut down. But however much they hacked at it, it would not fall. So the workers rested for a while. While they sat down, the tree fell on them all by itself and hurt the workers badly. This was the curse of the Mountain God.

source :
Tengu-Matsu at 牛伏山 Ushibuseyama, Gunma

吉田町 Yoshida

Once upon a time, it was customary for the local craftsmen to drink a cup of the when they had finished work and were on their way home.
There was one 畳屋 Tatami straw mat maker, who went home without drinking his tea.
After walking for a short while, he heard the sound of cutting wood and it became so dark he could not see the road. Unable to proceed he went back to borrow 提灯 a lantern.
The home owner told him this was the trick of the local Tengu. When he walked back again, it was so light, he almost did not need a lantern.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - Index - .

- - - - - Chichibu no Oni 秩父の鬼 Demon Legends from Chichibu - - - - -

東秩父村 Higashi Chichibu

Once an Oni went to the village to catch a human to eat. He shape-shifted into a woman and tried to seduce a man, but the man held on to the branche of a tree and finally escaped.
When the Oni realist his pray was gone, he went right after him. But at the home of the man it smelled like 菖蒲とよもぎ iris and mugwort. The Oni can not stand this smell and run off very fast.
During the celebrations for 端午の節句 Setsubun, the Boy's Festival on March 5 people hang Iris and Mugwort from the eaves of their roofs to ward off the Demons.

. oni wa soto 鬼は外 "Demons, get out!" - Setsubun .

小鹿野町 Ogano

Once in the deep mountains there lived a strong Oni. Every day he came down to the village and caused trouble, scolding the priest and digging up the fields.
The priest consulted with the cleverest men in the village, about what to do. They found a ruse, telling the Oni that humans were much stronger than he and eventually the Oni left.
(This legend is also told in other villages.)


Oni yarai 秩父神社の鬼やらい Driving out the Demons at Chichibu Shrine - Setsubun
. Onibabari 鬼払い driving out the demons, .


秩父の鬼うどん Chichibu no Oni Udon Noodle Restaurant / 定峰峠の鬼うどん
Chichibu District, Higashichichibu, Shiroishi, 333 - Sadamine Toge Pass


. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference - 秩父 天狗-
- reference - tengu from chichibu -


. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #chichibutengu #kawatengu #tenguiwa #tengutsurigane -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 6/26/2017 10:12:00 am

20 Jun 2017

TENGU - Tengu kanban Kamban

. Kanban 看板 Kamban Shop Signs - Introduction .

kanban to tengu 天狗と看板 shop signs with Tengu goblins

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .
- Introduction -

quote - Japan Times
Japan's kanban' are still hanging in there
Little information remains about the personal life of the artisan Kojiro Shimizu.
His personality and interests, his passions and motivations — all are shrouded in mystery. What we know is that he worked in Kyoto in the late 19th and early 20th century and that he appeared to be on good terms with members of the business community. He also happened to be a master carver of kanban, the traditional shop signs of Japan, and on rare occasions, when he produced a particularly elaborate piece, he marked it with his seal, perhaps succumbing to a brief moment of pride. Had he not done so, he would likely be completely unknown to us.
- snip -
Kanban could be sumptuous objects indeed. The most remarkable were carved in keyaki (Japanese zelkova) wood, valued for its rich grain and durability, and covered in lacquer. Many were enlivened with flowing calligraphy and decorated with gold leaves. Mother-of-pearl was also sometimes used to make details sparkle.
- snip -

In Edo Period Japan (1603-1868), patronage for artists and craftspeople grew to unprecedented levels, but strict sumptuary laws limited conspicuous display of opulence. Though these rules were unevenly enforced, they nevertheless imposed limits on the extravagance and glitter that merchants could use to advertise their wares. Partly as a result, savvy entrepreneurs came to rely on codes, puns and double-entendres adroitly presented on kanban in order to appeal to the sophisticated consumer classes of Japan's largest cities.

For instance, shops purveying cards, a game disliked by the bakufu (shogunal government) because it was a gamblers' favorite, often displayed a long-nosed tengu (goblin) on their kanban. This is because in Japanese, the name for cards, hanafuda, literally "flower cards," can also be read as "nose cards."
Other cases, equally playful, simply tried to elicit a smile from customers: stores selling sweets often advertised their goods using a wild horse, or ara-uma, which was a play on the term "Ara, umai!," literally meaning, "Whoa, how sweet!"
- snip -
source :

hanakaruta 花かるた  鼻かるた 

. Tengu hanafuda 天狗花札 Tengu Playing Cards .

京都大石天狗堂 - 任天堂 Nintendo 1889





. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

. Kanban 看板 Kamban Shop Signs - Introduction .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - #kanban #kamban #tengukamban #tengukanban - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Omamori - Japanese Amulets on 6/20/2017 10:01:00 am

16 Jun 2017

TENGU - Tengu Kendo Armour

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

kendoo 剣道 Kendo - 天狗 Tengu and The Way of the Sword

What is the connection between the sword and Daruma ?
During the Edo period, many "WAYS" were developed, based on the principles of Zen and practised by the samurai, and "The Way of the Warrior" (Bushido) was of course one of them. One aspect of Bushido is "The Way of the Sword" (Kendo) and the "Way of the Bow" (Kyuudo).
. katana 刀 the Japanese sword .
- Introduction -


剣道独稽古 - 山本晴幸
Kendo Hitori Keiko - Practising Kendo Fencing by yourself

- quote -
karasu to Tengu 烏と天狗 Crow and Tengu
Introducing two postures with a Tengu as partner.


- source :


1.Yositsune riding on the Tengu to take his fencing lessons at Kurama Yama

2.Taibo : a fabulous bird : the Japanese "Roc"
source :

. Kurama Tengu and Yoshitsune .


Japanese Tengu Armour - yoroi 鎧 and kabuto 兜 with Tengu

source :

CLICK for more photos !


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

宮城県 Miyagi, 伊具郡 Igu district 丸森町 Marumori

Tengu no hijutstu 天狗の秘術 Secret Teachings of Tengu
Once upon a time
at the home of 佐藤松吉 Sato Matsukichi there lived a young warrior called 理八 Rihachi.
The family was very poor and Rihachi was sent to work for the rich family of 小田 Oda in 館矢間村 Tateyamamura. From there he could take part in the Kendo training of 高木与惣兵衛 Takagi Yosoemon at the local training hall.
After three years, when Rihachi was 20 years old, there was no other student who could beat him. Yet the teacher did not promote him. Finally Rihachi understood he was not yet ready, pulled himself together and started anew to practise alone at a wild place called 万騎の峰, which the locals called "Tengu no Miya" 天狗の宮 "Palace of the Tengu".
On the mountain path there were dangerous wolves on the road and beautiful ladies trying to distract him and even severed human heads were flying around - but despite all these terrible things, Rihachi was undisturbed and continued his practise.
Finally on the 107th night at midnight the Tenug showed up and took him to the 天狗の角力場 Training place of the Tengu, where he was shown how to fly in space.
Later Rihachi himself was venerated as a 天狗尊 Tengu in the village and he opened a training hall for martial arts.
He became very famous and won many official competitions and got the name Riken 飛剣 "flying sword".

- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


Tengu no Ken 天狗の剣 The Sword of the Tengu

Fujimoto Hitomi 藤本ひとみ


Tengutoo, Tengutō 天狗党の乱 Tenguto no ran, Tengutō Rebellion
Mito no ran 水戸幕末争乱 rebellion between May 1864 and January 1865
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- reference - 剣道 天狗 -
- reference - kendo tengu -


. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #tengukendo #kendutengu -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 6/14/2017 12:59:00 pm

6 May 2017

TENGU - wakiri Okami Tengu

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Kabasan Iwakiri Ookami 加波山石切大神 Kabasan Iwakiri Okami
Iwakiri Okami, "Great Deity of Stone Cutting"
Iwakiri Daigongen 岩切大権現


Mt. Enzan (燕山), left and Mt. Kaba (加波山), right. A view from Sakuragawa city.

- quote -
Mount Kaba (加波山 Kaba-san) is a [709 m (2,326 ft)] mountain located within the borders of Suigo-Tsukuba Quasi-National Park, Japan.
Mount Kaba is located in the southern part of Ibaraki Prefecture, bordering the cities of Sakuragawa and Ishioka, and north of Mount Tsukuba.
The mountain is granite. There are many stone quarries, in the center of the western part of Kabasan, Sakuragawa city (old town, 真壁町 Makabe). It is nationally known as a center of stone cutting.
At the summit of the mountain, there is the Haiden of Kaba Shrine; a Shinto shrine.
Makabe haiden (Satomiya) Shrine
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- quote -
加波山神社 Kabasan Jinja

- - - - - Deities in residence
伊弉冊神(伊弉冉) Izanami no Mikoto
速玉男神 Hayatama O no Mikoto (God of War)
事解男神 Kotosakano O no Mikoto (born from the words Izanagi exchanged with Izanami in Yomi no kuni, the Nether World)
- also known as
泉津事解之男 / 豫母都事解之男命 Yomotsukoto Saka no O no Kami

The area was used by Shugendo priests in a mixture of Shinto and Buddhist lore, including the Tengu, which were very much alive on this mountain.
The locals are fond of their 岩切神 "Stone Cutting Deity".

The faces of these Tengu in the Shrine are square.
- reference source : -

Iwakiri Okami was the strongest among the Tengu living there. He could split a rocky mountain range with a stomp of his foot.
At Mount Tsubamedake (燕山 Enzan) there is a sanctuary in his honor - 天狗祠.
People often bring salt as an offering and hope to get healed from diseases if they pray here.

Amulet from the Shrine

stamp from the Shrine


- Some photos from an extensive page about this mountain:

the red Tengu

三尊石 three Cut Stones

天狗七飛石 Tengu Jumping Stone

「加波根不動尊」- 寝不動 Kaba Nefudo - Fudo of Roots, Fudo lying down

- Look at more photos of the buildings and stones :
source :


Iwakiri Okami Tengu 岩切大神天狗
He has wings and a long nose, but is in fact a 烏天狗 Karasu Tengu.
Sometimes he sits on a kitsune 狐 fox and is shown with flames in his back halo, almost like Fudo Myo-O.

Some legends say there lived 48 Tengu at Mount Kabasan. Their leaders were Iwakiri Okami Tengu and
天中坊天狗 / 天中坊 大天狗 Tenchu-Bo Dai-Tengu

- reference :

Tengu no Niwa 天狗の庭 Garden of Tengu / 岩切大権現 Iwakiri Daigongen
- reference : -


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

- reference - 加波山石切大神-


加波山事件 "The Kabasan Incident"

An attempt to kill the governor of Tochigi, Mister Mishima.
In October 1884, intensifying Jiyu Minken Undo culminated in the Kabasan Incident (a failed terror attack attempt and subsequent harsh crackdown on activists of Jiyu Minken Undo in Ibaraki and Tochigi Prefectures), prompting Itagaki to dissolve the Liberal Party for the time being.
- reference source : -

The 加波山事件 "Kabasan Incident" of 1884 is related to the influence and spirit of this Tengu in the local thinking.


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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #iwakiriokami #kabsantengu #iwakiridaigongen -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 5/02/2017 01:15:00 pm

14 Mar 2017

TENGU - Tengu Legends Fukushima

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. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

Tengu Legends from Fukushima

Let us start with a sip of the local Daitengu Sake !

大天狗酒造株式会社 -福島県本宮市 Motomiya town - - - Dai Tengu


Some legends about Tengu, the Mountain Goblin, are told in all of Fukushima, some are related to a special district or village.
Many legends have been collected by 柳田国男 Yanagita Kunio
in a collection named
妖怪名彙 / Yōkai Dangi 妖怪談義 Yokai Dangi

. Yanagita Kunio 柳田國男 .
Kunio Yanagita, Yanagida 柳田国男 (1875 - 1962)

Yanagita Kunio, "Tengu no hanashi" (1909)


Tengudaoshi, Tengu-daoshi 天狗だおし / 天狗倒し
"Tengu knocking down trees"
- - - 空木倒し sora kigaeshi
- - - 天狗の木倒し Tengu no kidaoshi

The sound of cutting down a tree with a saw or ax is heard at night, but next morning nothing is to be seen.
This refers to strange noises in a lonely forest.
Also in 相馬郡 Soma district 飯舘村 Iidate and 田村郡 Tamura district
This phenomenon is also known in other parts of Japan.

- - - Tengusama 天狗様 Tengu Sama
On the 8th and 9th day in the second and 12th month of the old lunar calendar people were not allowed to work in the mountains. That would certainly bring them bad luck.
Someone who tried to go to the mountain on the 9th day of the second lunar month got hit by a boulder, fell down a crevice and died.


In the very remote mountains of Fukushima, where people rarely come,
Tengu throw down trees.
Another Yokai monster creature living there is
オンボノヤス Onbonyasu / オボノヤス Obonyasu.
He can blow fog and make the region unsafe. People easily loose their way in his fog.
Maybe 尾のある妖怪.
- reference source : wikipedia -

福島県田村地方の山 The Tamura Mountains, where Obonyaku lives

福島市 Fukushima city

- - - Yama no Kamisama 山の神様 Deity of the Mountain
Every year on the first of January, February 2 and October 17, the Deity of the Mountain comes down to visit. He is most probably a male Tengu. On these days people involved in forest work come together in the main family home, eat rice cakes and drink Sake. On these days it is not allowed to go to the forest to work.

東白川郡 Higashi Shirakawa district 古殿町 Furudono

Hime no Gozen Yama 姫の御前山 /姫御前山
at "the Mountain of the Princess" there lives a Tengu.

東白川郡 Higashi Shirakawa district 塙町 Hanawa

- - - Tengu no ashiato 天狗の足跡 footprints of a Tengu
They say the footprints of a Tengu are still visible here.

- And at 古殿町 Furudono Town, 鎌倉岳 Mount Kamakuradake

The legend tells of Waka Poet Sarumaru.
「歌人猿丸が大同年間に葛野より狩りに出て、 たまたま姿を現した白鹿を追って日光に至る途中、鎌倉岳で休みうたた寝をした。

- - - - -
In the early Meiji period, some pilgrims wanted to visit Kobugahara.
There was a wicked one among them. When they stayed at an inn in Furudono, he went to have a bath, but he was taken away, including the bath tub, by a tengu.

. Kobugahara 古峯ヶ原 / 古峰原 / コブガハラ Kobugahara . - Gunma
and the Tengu Hayatoboo 隼人坊 Hayato-Bo, Hayatobo

飯坂町 Iizakamachi

- - - kami kakushi 神隠し kidnapped by the gods
At 七つ森の峠 Nanatsumori Toge pass on the way to Miyagi

- - - Tengu-daoshi Tengu-daoshi 天狗だおし / 天狗倒し

石川郡 Ishikawa district 平田村 Hirata village

A forest worker took his lunchbox to the forest and hung it on a tree branch, while doing his work. At lunchtime, he wanted to eat, but the box was empty.
A Tengu must have had eaten his lunch - for sure.

いわき市 Iwaki city

The Tengu lives at 団子山 Mount Dangoyama.
Once a man with a twisted neck was healed by this Tengu. Since the man was a painter, he painted the Tengu to show his gratitude.

At いわき市川中子の愛宕神社 the Atago Shrine of Iwaki

いわき郡 Iwaki district 石城郡 いわきのこおり Iwaki nokoori 田人村 Tabitomura

- - - Tengu no warabuchi-ishi 天狗の藁ブチ石
This is the name of a boulder at the Northern side of the Shrine.

- - - - -
- - - - - Takegarayama 竹柄山 / 竹がら山 Mount Takegarayama
Takegarayama Yazawa, Sukagawa-shi, Fukushima
On the highest place lives a Tengu. When the weather changes to the worst, this Tengu beats a loud drum to warn the people.

喜多方市 Kitakata town

- - - Tengu no sumootori ba 天狗の相撲とり場
At the place where the Tengu used to practise sumo wrestling, a Tengu once had his long nose come off.
It turned into the flower of 水バショウ Mizubasho, skunk cabbage.

福島市土湯 「びっき沼の水芭蕉」-
Tsuchiyu Hot Spring : Mizubasho from Bikkurinuma swamp

鼻かけ天狗 Tengu who lost his nose
Mukashibanashi story 山梨県 from Yamanashi
- reference source : -

南会津郡 Minami Aizu district

- - - Tengu-doori 天狗通り Tengu passing
It happens during daytime in the mountain forest. First there is the sound of pyuuun, then the sound of wings flapping.
This is also heard by farmers who try fishing in mountain rivers in the evening.
Another version of Tengu-daoshi.

- - - kami kakushi 神隠し kidnapped by the gods

- - - Tengusama 天狗様 Tengu Sama
In Inamura village 伊南村の宮澤の人が黒谷入という所で魚を釣っていると影がさした。じっとみると水鏡に赤い顔で鼻の高い人が覗いていた。天狗様だろうということであった。
- - - 朝日村 Asahi village 丸山岳 Mount Maruyamadake
Tengu no Hanabatake 天狗のお花畑
Flower Garden of the Tengu

This mountain is the dwelling place of Tengu since olden times. It has a large plain on its top, where many mountain flowers blossom.
The locals call it the Flower Garden of the Tengu.

- - - Hachiroozaemon 八郎左衛門
The Honest, Pious Hachirozaemon

Hachirozaemon had a large swelling on the cheek To get healed he had to dance with a Tengu, who then took away the lumpy swelling.
Another man who could not see with one eye tried the same. But he was a bad, wicked person and thus he did not get healed but instead even got the lump of Hachirozaemon on his cheek too.

- - - - -

- - - Tengu tsubute-ishi 天狗礫石 Tengu throwing gravel stones
At night there is a sound of stones hitting the wooden rain shutters. They say a Tengu is trying to take an aim.

- - - - -

- Odegusama, O-Degu Sama オデグ様
"The honorable huge one", 男の神様 a Mountain Deity

Once a woman at the other side of the river had a competition with him, throwing stones. The stones war called Tengu Ishi 天狗石 Tengu stones. They have fallen down along the mountain forest of O-Degu Sama.

南会津郡 Minami Aizu district 大宮村 Omiyamura village

Below the 天狗岩 Tenguiwa boulder is a 天狗堂 Tengu Hall.

大沼郡 Onuma district 金山町 Kaneyama

Tengu-Iwa 天狗岩 Tengu Boulder
In former times at the Tengu-Iwa 天狗岩 Tengu Boulder, people could hear the sound of Tengu cutting wood.


白川郡 Shirakawa district 表郷村 Omotego village

At Mount Tenguyama 天狗山 Tengu-Yama,
there lives the Tengu. He lives in the high regions and has a very long nose.
Shirakawa's Tengu Mountain - a beautiful scenery with large rice fields at the feet of the mountain.

相馬郡 Soma district

- Tengu no Mori 天狗の森 Forest of the Tengu

相馬郡 Soma district 飯舘村 Iidate

- - - Above のべがみ森 Nobegamimori Forest
there lives a Tengu. Some people have been shocked and surprized by him.

耶麻郡 Yama district

kasakake matsu 笠かけ松 / 笠掛けの松 pine to hang a straw hat


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Fukushima Masanori 福島正則 (1561 - 1624) .


Tengu no ashiato 天狗の足跡 footprints of a Tengu

see above 東白川郡 Higashi Shirakawa district.

- CLICK for more regional photos ! -

茨城県 Ibaraki 新治郡 Niihari district 八郷町 Yasato machi


愛宕山は天狗 From the Tengu of Mount Atagoyama

香川県 Kagawa 高松市 Takamatsu city


飯野山 Iinoyama (讃岐富士 Sanuki Fuji )

長野県 Nagano 駒ヶ根市 Komagane city


和歌山県 Wakayama 西牟婁郡 Nishimuro district 日置川町 Hikigwacho village


山梨県 Yamanashi 南巨摩郡 Minamikoma district 早川町 Hayakawa village

At 奈良田に天狗森 Tengu no Mori in Narada Hot Spring



Tengu Sumoo 天狗 相撲 Tengu and Sumo wrestling

22 legends to explore

How the Tengu lost his nose

- reference source : -



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. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- tengulegendsfukushima -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Japan - after the BIG earthquake on 3/10/2017 10:43:00 am