Showing posts with label Yakushi Nyorai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yakushi Nyorai. Show all posts

29 Jul 2016

TEMPLES - Iyo Yakushi Pilgrimage

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Iyo 12 Yakushi Temples, Shikoku 伊予十二薬師霊場

This pilgrimage was created about 30 years ago for Yakushi Temples around Matsuyama castle in the directions of the 12 zodiac animals. With a car or bus they can be visited in one day.

01 - 東林寺 Torin-Ji - Nezumi 子(ね)
02 - 医座寺 - Ushi 丑(うし)
03 - 蓮華寺 - I 亥(い)
04 - 西法寺 - Tora 寅(とら)
05 - 正観寺 - U 卯(う)
06 - 香積寺 - Tatsu 辰(たつ)
07 - 長隆寺 - Mi 巳(み)
08 - 雲門寺 - Uma 午(うま)
09 - 金蓮寺 - Saru 申(さる)
10 - 長楽寺 - Tori 酉(とり)
11 - 浄明寺 - Inu 戌(いぬ)
12 - 薬師寺 - Yakushi-ji - Hitsuji 未(ひつじ)

A pilgrimage to the 12 zodiac animals.

There are 12 zodiac animals, also representing one of the heavenly directions.

. ne 子 (nezumi 鼠) Rat (mouse)
. ushi 丑 Ox (cow, bull) .
. tora 寅 Tiger .
. u (usagi) 卯 Rabbit .
. tatsu 辰 Dragon .
. mi (hebi) 巳 Snake, Serpent .
. uma 午 Horse .
. mi (hitsuji) 未 Ram (sheep) .
. saru 申 Monkey .
. tori 酉 Rooster (chicken, cock) .
. inu 戌 Dog .
. i (inoshishi) 亥 Boar (wild boar) .

. 干支霊場 Pilgrimages to 12 Zodiac Animals Temples .
- Introduction -

The Seven Yakushi Temples of Iyo 伊予七薬師霊場
founded by
. Gyooki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu . (668 - 749)
-- see below --


01 - Toorinji 東林寺 Torin-Ji
松山市福角町甲645 / Matsuyama

shuin 朱印 stamp

yakuyoke Yakushi 厄除け薬師

- Homepage of the temple
- source :


02 小谷山医座寺 Iza-Ji
愛媛県松山市東大栗町甲656 / 656 Higashioguricho, Matsuyama, Ehime

Shusse Yakushi 出世薬師 for a good career
The letters of this huge stone memorial were carved according to the writings of 伝教大師最澄聖人 Dengyo Daishi, the founder of the Tendai sect.
On the ground is a memorial with sand from all the Yakushi temples of the Henro pilgrimage to 88 temples in Shikoku.
There are also stones from the 中国天台山 Chinese Tendai Temple and from インドの仏跡 Buddha relics of India.

This temple has been founded by Gyoki Bosatsu in 706.
In 829 the honorable priest Koojoo 別当大師光定 Betto Daishi Kojo (779 - 858) of 伊予の国風早 Kazahaya made it to a temple of the Tendai sect, with a tradition of 1300 years burning the light of the Buddhist Law.

The temple is about 5 km away from 堀江町 Horie villlage.
The villagers call this temple.
おおぐりのおやくしさん Ooguri no O-Yakushi San.

Once upon a time in a village of the 医座山(白山) "White Mountain" there was 一位木(あららぎ) a sacred Araragi tree. The tree was so huge it made a large shadow on the nearby fields and the farmers asked Gyoki for help. So he felled the tree. To appease the spirit of the tree he then carved seven statues of Yakushi Nyorai and placed them in seven temples, which he founded in Iyo.
伊予七薬師霊場 The Seven Yakushi Temples of Iyo.

医座寺 Iza-Ji / 十輪寺 Jurin-Ji / 03 蓮華寺 Renge-Ji / 安養寺 Anyo-Ji / 05 正観寺 Shokan-Ji / 08 雲門寺 Unmon-Ji / 西光寺 Saiko-Ji

安養寺 is now known as 石手寺 Ishite-Ji.
The 12 Yakushi Temples of Iyo were later added as a pilgrimage.

- Homepage of the temple
- source : -

. Shusse Yakushi 出世薬師 .  *

. ichii, araragi 一位 yew tree, Taxus baccata .
- various kigo -


Kinoyama Jinja 木野山神社 Shrine Kinoyama

Deities in residence
素盞鳴命 Susano no Mikoto / 大山積命 Oyamatsumi no Mikoto

This shrine is located int he back mountain of Iza-Ji, whereas the temple is located at its foot. The mountain was named 医座山 Izayama or 白山 Hakusan "White Mountain" (since salt was found there.)

- reference :


03 室岡山蓮華寺 Renge-Ji
愛媛県松山市谷町257 / 室岡山 Shikkoozan Rengeji / Murookayama Rengeji

On the 17th day of the 6th lunar month in 743, the bright light of Yakushi was seen over the mountain. Since Gyoki was there on his pilgrimage, he founded the temple
The present main hall has been re-constructed in 1674.

- Chant of the temple
信あれば病はなおる蓮華寺 るりのくすりを 与えまします

extra Fudasho on the Shikoku Pilgrimage to 88 Holy Sites in Matsuyama


04 Saihooji 大楽山西法寺 Saiho-Ji

薬師如来(伝教大師作) Statue of Yakushi Nyorai carved by Dengyo Daishi
. Saicho, Dengyo Daishi 伝教大師最澄 (766-822) .

The temple is located between Dogo Onsen and 奥道後温泉 Oku Dogo Onsen in a small valley.

usuzumizakura, usuzumi-zakura 薄墨桜 "light black Cherry blossoms"
"pale grey cherry blossom"
This famous cherry tree has been in the compound of the temple since the Asuka period.
- reference : -

- quote -
Usuzumi yokan (sweet bean jelly)

This yokan has green tea flavor and its elegant sweetness. Usuzumi yokan was named after the Usuzumi cherry blossoms at Saiho-ji Temple in Matsuyama. The white beans in the jelly colored like a dark green leaf reminds you of the petals of the cherry blossom. This yokan is said to have originated in 1874 and has been awarded many prizes and is one of the famous confections in the nation.
- source : -


05 Onoyama Shookannji 小野山正観寺 Shokan-Ji
松山市北梅本町 1745 / 1745 Kitaumemotomachi, Matsuyama

小野薬師 Onoyama Yakushi
It used to be one of the 伊予七薬師 Seven Yakushi of Iyo and was then called
Yamada Yakushi 山田薬師

- reference and more photos : -

The temple was founded by Gyoki Bosatsu about 1200 years ago.
It was located differently, but Lord 河野通廣 Kono Michihiro (? - 1263) had it rebuilt in its present location.
Now people have a festival on the 17th of July.
Onoyama is also spelled 長尾山. It is related to 住吉神 Sumiyoshi no Kami.

It is related to Ono no Komachi and thus a temple where people come to pray for health and beauty.

Ono no Komachi took a retreat for 100 days of prayer here, on request of the Sumiyoshi Deiry, to cure an illness.

春雨の降ると見えしか霽にけり その箕笠をそこに脱置く

It seemed that rain was falling, but the weather returned to fair, and the kasa was put aside

When she visited the region three years later, she had a new statue of Yakushi carved, inside who's head she inserted the verse.
- source : Bernard Faure - google books

. Three famous regional Yakushi Temples .
Shimane Prefecture, Ichihata Yakushi 島根県 一畑薬師
Fukuoka Prefecture, Kurume, 永勝寺 Eisho-Ji
Ehime Prefecture, Yamada Yakushi 愛媛県宇和町 山田薬師

. Ono no Komachi 小野 小町 Waka Poetess and Famous Beauty . (825 — 900

- reference : -


06 Kooshakuji 瑠璃山香積寺 Koshaku-Ji
愛媛県東温市田窪1504 / 重信町田窪1504 - Toon town, Tanokubo

Katade Yakushi 隻手薬師 "Yakushi with one arm"

A temple related to Mount Koyasan and Kobo Daishi.

o-mamori お守り amulets
A special amulet about Hariko Daishi 張子大師 "papermache doll Daishi" is available.

家内安全 traffic safety, 病気平癒 health, 厄除け warding off evil, 安産 safe birth

- Homepage of the temple
- source :


07 Chooryuuji 興福山長隆寺 Choryu-Ji
松山市来住町 Kishimachi 996−4

長隆寺禅寺 Choryu-Ji Zendera


08 - 雲門寺 Unmon-Ji
愛媛県松山市星岡1丁目1-8 / Matsuyama, Hoshioka

岡薬師瑠璃光如来 Oka Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai
The Yakushi Hall of this temple is at the top of 星岡山 Mount Hoshioka san.

During the Sengoku period of the warring states, Hoshioka was a region of constant fighting. The Yakushi Hall 薬師堂 of the temple is on these grounds, it was built in 1073.
This Yakushi helps to cure warts and other skin troubles and since olden times pilgrims came here from Okayama, Hiroshima and other parts of Japan.

The main festival is on the 17th of July.

- Homepage of the temple
- source : -


09 玉松山金蓮寺 Konren-Ji
松前町西古泉65 Masaki Cho, Nishikoizumi, Iyo-Gun, Ehime
A temple of the Shingon sect.
The old name of the temple was
Shoojinji 性尋(しょうじん)寺 Shojin-Ji
It has been found in the Heian period around 808 by the 河野氏 Kano clan.

source and more photos :

Later in the Kamakura period, a priest named 明海上人 Myokai Shonin layed a new foundation.
It also relates to 義農作兵衛 Gino Sakubei (around 1732) and a great famine at that time.

ryuutoo Yakushi 龍灯薬師 Yakushi of the Dragon Lantern

Once upon a time
the fishermen of Masaki went out to the sea for fishing, when the weather suddenly turned bad. They tried to get back to land as fast as they could, but the strong wind and currents drifted the boat further out to sea. The fishermen rowed the boat with all their might, but eventually lost all their strength and just sang the Amida prayer:
「南無阿弥陀仏。南無阿弥陀仏。」 Namu Amida Butsu, Namu Amida Butsu.

Suddenly they saw a light on the horizon, and then one more, and one more. They rowed the boat toward that light in hope for help. The three lights kept flickering as if they wanted to encourage the fishermen to do their best. This light came, in fact, from a pine tree in the compound of the temple.

ryuutoo no matsu 龍灯のマツ the Dragon Lamp Pine

The fishermen rowed faster and faster to reach this light and finally came to the beach.
"Thanks to the Buddha from temple Konren-Ji. Let us give thanks and pray!"
The fishermen stood in front of the pine and looked up to see the light again, but now all was dark.

"This must have been a dragon dancing and thus bringing light to the sea of Masaki!"

Eventually years later in a storm this pine tree broke down, but before it died, the fishermen took a branch and planted it anew. And to their surprize the new tree had three main stems. Thus they understood that this pine tree was the dancing dragon.
The tree we can see now is a much later generation.

. ryuutoo 竜灯 / 龍燈 "dragon lamp", dragon lantern .
phosphorescent lights seen at sea at night, thought to be the torches of the Dragon King

A phenomenon at the Ariakekai sea in Kagoshima, Kyushu, in the evening hours.
It is also seen in other parts of Japan as a light that the Dragon God sends out to honor the deities of Shinto and Buddhism in Japan.


10 Choorakuji 長楽寺 Choraku-Ji
松山市西垣生町1250 / Nishihabu

In the very South of Matsuyama is a region called 今出(いまず) Imazu. At its entrance is a magnificent gate, almost like the entrance to a Dragon Palace.
the Mitsujoomon 密乗門 Mitsujo-Mon Gate.

In the temple compound is also a hall for 弁天堂 Benten, where businessmen come to pray.

At the Yakushi Do 薬師堂 Yakushi Hall
the villagers from Habu come to pray for good fortune, a good harvest and protection from illness.
In former times there were three large pine trees in the compuond. People picked up the pine cones, burned them to put the smoke and smell on their bodies and prayed. The ashes of the pine cones were said to heal warts.
In front of the main hall is a statue of
ichigan Fudo 一眼不動尊 "Fudo with one eye"
who also grants just one wish (ichigan 一願) of the worshippers.
(With two eyes, Fudo sees very clearly all the bad points of a human, with one eye he sees only half and can thus extend his benevolence and mercy to more people.)
There are other temples with such a Fudo statue in Japan.
. Ichigan Fudo 一願不動 One Wish Fudo .

shuin 朱印 stamp of the temple


村上霽月 Murakami Seigetsu (1869 - 1946)
His grave is at the temple Choraku-Ji.

. Seigetsu Ki 霽月忌 Seigetsu Memorial Day .
- kigo for spring - February 15.


11 Joomyooin 浄明院 Jomyo-In
松山市別府町546 / Matsuyama-shi, Befuchō, 546 / 飯岡山

The temple is surrounded by a white mud wall. The 仁王門 Nio-O Gate is new with two new statues. Red flags are placed along the access to the Yakushi Hall.

- reference -


12 瑠璃光山薬師寺 Yakushi-Ji
松山市泉町122 / Izumimachi

周囲はビルで囲まれる境内で参道は長く古木の並木で在り寺院の後ろに見えるビルは似合うとはいえない 山門を過ぎて驚くは超モダンな本堂でコンクリートは理解出来るが其の色付けが奇抜で在る 前には生駒山から勧請したと云う聖天堂が古い形で保たれる

- reference -


Nokyo-Cho 納経帳 stamp book

source : xxx

At the end of the pilgrimage !
伊予十二薬師  記念台紙

- reference -


伊予七薬師霊場 The Seven Yakushi Temples of Iyo
- - - see the numbers above - - -
02 医座寺 Iza-Ji
03 蓮華寺 Renge-Ji
05 正観寺 Shokan-Ji
08 雲門寺 Unmon-Ji


Anyooji 安養寺 Anyo-Ji
松山市二神甲 640

. Ishiteji 石手寺 Ishite-Ji - "Stone Hand Temple" .


Juurinji 十輪寺 Jurin-Ji
松山市庄甲 810

庄薬師堂 Sho Yakushi

This temple originated in manor (荘園), but the statue of Yakushi was heavily damaged.
Two statues are now 重要文化財指定, dating back to the Heian period.

- reference : -


Saikooji 西光寺 Saiko-Ji
松山市枝松町 1-2-26 / 1 Chome-2-26 Edamatsu, Matsuyama, Ehime

source :

This temple belongs now to the Zen sect and offers 座禅 meditation courses.


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ] - - - #iyoyakushipilgrimage #gyokibosatsu - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 7/20/2016 02:48:00 pm

18 Jul 2016

YAKUSHI - pilgrimages


. Aizu Wakamatsu 会津若松 Yakushi Pilgrims .

Aizu Go Yakushi 会津五薬師 Five Yakushi temples in Aizu

center - 勝常寺(福島県湯川村)- Shoojooji- Shojo-Ji
East - 慧日寺(福島県磐梯町)- Enichi-Ji
West - 上宇内薬師堂(福島県会津坂下町)- Kami-Unai Yakushi Do - 調合寺 / 峯の薬師
North 北山薬師(福島県北塩原村)- Kitayama Yakushi - 大正寺 Taisho-Ji
South - 野寺薬師(福島県会津若松市)- 慈光寺 Jiko-Ji, Nodera

- and

Aizu Wakamatsu Juuni Yakushi Mairi 会津若松 - 十二薬師巡り 12 Yakushi temples


Kyoto 京都十二薬師霊場 / 洛陽十二薬師
- source : - 京都十二薬師霊場会

第一番 平等寺
第二番 東寺
第三番 水薬師寺
第四番 壬生寺
第五番 地福寺
第六番 福勝寺
第七番 雙林寺
第八番 大超寺
第九番 薬師院
第十番 大福寺

第十一番 西光寺 - Tora Yakushi - 11 Saiko-Ji
- temple prayer
あさぼらけ 寅の頭にゆめさめて

at dawn I wake up seeing the head of a tiger -
I see the light of the Lapis Lazuli Buddha - how wonderful !

- source :

Yakushi rurikoo 薬師瑠璃光 Yakushi Ruriko, Medicine Buddha of Lapis Lazuli Radiance

第十二番 永福寺


Kyuushu, Kyushu 九州四十九院薬師霊場 - Kyushu
. 49 temples in Kyushu - Introduction .


Saikoku 西国四十九薬師巡礼 - Western Japan
. 49 temples in Western Japan - Introduction .


. Banshu 播州薬師霊場 21 Yakushi pilgrim temples in Banshu - Harima / Hyogo 兵庫県 .


Bunan 武南十二薬師霊場 - Yokohama 12 Yakushi Pilgrim Temples

- source :


Busoo 武相薬師霊場 Buso
(Musashino and Sagami 武蔵(むさし) - 相模(さがみ)
- source :


中部四十九薬師霊場 Chubu Pilgrimage to 49 Yakushi Temples
49 temples and some bangai

01 - 信濃国分寺 Mino Kokubun-Ji
49 - . Gankooji 大寺山願興寺 Daiji San, Ganko-Ji .
Mitake no Kani Yakushi 御嵩の蟹薬師 "Crab Yakushi"

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


因幡薬師霊場 Inaba Yakushi Pilgrimage
. Inaba Yakushi 因幡薬師 .
The pilgirmage was initiated by 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu.
Now 30 temples are participating.

01 - 最勝院 Saisho-In
30 - 薬師堂 Yakushi-Do

- reference : inabayakusireizyoukai -


Inage 稲毛七霊場 - Seven Yakushi Temples in Yokohama and Kawasaki

1 薬王山 塩谷寺 天台宗 馬頭観音 横浜市港北区高田町
2 威徳山 影向寺 天台宗 薬師如来 川崎市宮前区野川
3 医王山 正福寺 天台宗 薬師如来 川崎市宮前区土橋
4 天文山 西光院 天台宗 薬師如来 横浜市港北区日吉本町
5 長栄山 光明寺 天台宗 薬師如来 横浜市鶴見区獅子ヶ谷
6 円瀧山 興禅寺 天台宗 十一面観音 横浜市港北区高田町
7 医王山 薬師院 臨済宗 薬師如来 川崎市高津区新作
- source :

Inage Yakushi 稲毛薬師霊場
- source :


. 伊予十二薬師霊場 Iyo 12 Yakushi Temples . - Shikoku
One for each Zodiac animal.


出雲十大薬師霊場 Izumo Pilgrimage to 10 important Yakushi temples

01 一畑薬師 Ichibata Yakushi     
02 平田薬師 Hirata Yakushi
03 荘原薬師 Shobara yakushi (Shoobara)   
04 岩野薬師 Iwano Yakushi
05 川跡薬師 Kawato Yakushi  
06 出雲薬師 Izumo Yakushi
07 高松薬師 Takamatsu Yakushi    
08 真幸薬師 Masaki Yakushi
09 半分薬師 Hanbu Yakushi    
10 立久恵薬師 Tachikue Yakushi

- reference : -


関東九十一薬師霊場 Kanto Pilgrimage to 91 Yakushi temples

01 - 醫王山国分寺 Kokubun-Ji(真言宗豊山派、東京都国分寺市西元町1-13-16)
91 - 日本寺 Nihon-Ji 曹洞宗、千葉県安房郡鋸南町元名184)

- reference : -


東海四十九薬師霊場 Tokai Pilgrimage to 49 Yakushi temples

01 - 福成就寺 Fukujoju-In
49 - 普済寺 Fusai-Ji

東海四十九薬師霊場会 Nagoya
- reference : -


Tootomi 遠江四十九薬師霊場 Totomi 49 Yakushi Temples
Mostly in Shizuoka, with Bangai 51 temples.

01 - 國分寺 Kokubun-Ji
49 - 慈恩寺 Jion-Ji
bangai - 福王寺 Fukuo-Ji and 長泉寺 Chozen-Ji

- reference and map -


Tsuzuki Tachibana 都筑橘樹薬師霊場 12 temples in 2 districts of Yokohama

01 - 蓮華寺 Renge-Ji
12 - 大乗寺 Daijo-Ji

- source :


Tora歳薬師 Pilgrimage to statues shown only in the year of the Tiger
- source :


. Tama Shikoku Henro 多摩四国八十八箇所 Pilgrimage .
with 10 Temples dedicated to Yakushi Nyorai.


- - - - - Reference - - - - -

Buddha of Medicine and Healing - Yakushi literally means Medicine Teacher
Lord of the Eastern Paradise of Pure Lapis Lazuli
(Jp. = Jōruri 浄瑠璃, Skt. = Vaiduryanirbhasa).
Yakushi's full name is Yakushi-rurikō 薬師瑠璃光,
meaning Medicine Master of Lapis Lazuli Radiance.
Commonly shown holding medicine jar in left hand.
- source : Mark Schumacher -


. Yakushipedia ABC-Index 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai Bhaisajyaguru .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- #yakushipilgrimage -

8 Feb 2016

YAKUSHI - placebo effect

placebo and Yakushi

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

placebo effect プラシーボ効果 and Yakushi Nyorai

- quote -
A placebo ( Latin placēbō, "I shall please" from placeō, "I please")
is a simulated or otherwise medically ineffectual treatment for a disease or other medical condition intended to deceive the recipient. Sometimes patients given a placebo treatment will have a perceived or actual improvement in a medical condition, a phenomenon commonly called the placebo effect or placebo response. The placebo effect consists of several different effects woven together, and the methods of placebo administration may be as important as the administration itself.
..... The placebo effect points to the importance of perception and the brain's role in physical health. Placebos can produce some objective physiological changes, such as changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and chemical activity in the brain, in cases involving pain, depression, anxiety, fatigue, and some symptoms of Parkinson's. In other cases, like asthma, the effect is purely subjective, when the patient reports improvement despite no objective change in the underlying condition.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. jujutsushi 呪術師 magic healer .
The healer chanted special prayers and spells and poured water over the affected body part.

..... a more simple way of healing (possibly with a stronger placebo effect).
The healer would write the character の over the affected body part, chant some incantation and that was it.
As an aside, even now mothers use the spell for all kinds of pain
itai no itai no tonde ike (tondeke) 痛いの痛いのとんでいけ pain, pain go away


. Abe no Seimei 阿倍晴明 (921 - 1005) .
He performed a lot of rituals to heal people of high rank and his power in this respect is now attributed to the placebo effect プラセボ効果 known to modern medicine.


Curing with Kaji (加持 ritual incantations)
..... mentions complementary (hokan 補完) and alternative (daitai 代替) medicine, yet disparagingly analyzes all such modalities in light of the placebo effect.
- source : Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture - - PDF file


- quote -
・安心正巳 など至れり尽せりで他の如来のような精神的・哲学的なご利益などでは無く非常に実利的かつ菩薩的なご利益である、また神仏融合の先駆け的如来でもある、除病安楽を謳う薬師如来のプラシーボ効果(placebo)は大きな信仰を得た様である。
- source : -


- reference : プラセボ効果 薬師如来 -


東大寺ミュージアム Todai-Ji Museum

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Todai-Ji Temple Nara 東大寺
..... Yakushi Nyorai Buddha of healing, situated outside.
If you touch him, then touch the place where you're in pain, it will feel better.
Placebo effect? Maybe, but it worked for me!
- source : -


The Cult of the Healing Buddha in East Asia
Donghwasa Temple, South Korea, May 29–30, 2013.

The cult of the Healing Buddha (Skt. Bhaiṣajyaguru, Ch. Yaoshi, K. Yaksa, J. Yakushi) constituted one of the major cults in East Asia. And yet, with the exception of Raoul Birnbaum's seminal work (The Healing Buddha, first published in 1979), it has been until now largely neglected in Western scholarship. The present conference is intended as a first step toward redressing this neglect.
The functional relation between Bhaiṣajyaguru and healing opens up a large area of research on the relationships between Buddhism, medicine, and healing cults. ..... More specifically, the extent to which Bhaiṣajyaguru's cult contributed to promoting Buddhist priests as healers remains unexplored territory.
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The esoteric Bhaiṣajyaguru as a cosmic deity, at the center of the spatio-temporal framework formed by the bodhisattvas Suryaprabha and Candraprabha and the twelve spirit-commanders (who are linked to the twelve zodiacal signs). In his capacity as an astral deity, Bhaiṣajyaguru is also associated with the cult of the seven Bhaiṣajyaguru and the pairing of this septet with the seven stars of Ursa Major (i.e., the Big, or Northern, Dipper). In Japan, for example, this cult provided a bridge between esoteric Buddhism and the so-called Way of Yin and Yang (Onmyōdō).
- snip -
in Japan the pestilence god Gozu Tennō 牛頭天王 is often considered a manifestation of Bhaiṣajyaguru.
- source : -


- reference - yakushi nyorai placebo -


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7 Feb 2016

YAKUSHI - Yakushi Paradise and Mandala

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

The Paradise of Yakushi Nyorai
Yakushi Rurikoo Joodo 薬師瑠璃光浄土 Yakushi Ruriko Jodo
Toohoo Rurikoo Joodo / 東方瑠璃光浄土 Toho Ruriko Jodo

He resides in the
Eastern Paradise of Pure Lapis Lazuli 東方浄瑠璃世界 Toho Joruri Sekai.

joodo 浄土 Jodo is a general term for the region where a Buddha lives, where humans go after death,
often also called gokukraku 極楽 paradise.

source :

薬師浄土曼荼羅 Yakushi Jodo Mandala
Temple Yakushi-Ji 薬師寺

Painting from the Edo period. about 2.4 meters wide and 4 meters long.
According to the Sutra 薬師如来本願功徳経 Yakushi Nyorai Hongan Kudoku Kyo,
Bhaisajyaguru-vaidurya-prabha-raja Sūtra


With Nikko and Gakko Bosatsu at his side 日光菩薩 / 月光菩薩.
Surounded by the 12 Heavenly Generals 十二神将.

- quote
- source : 神仏絵師の昌克

. Nikko Bosatsu (Sunlight) / Gakko Bosatsu (Moonlight)
Nikkoo to Gakkoo 日光菩薩と月光菩薩 .

Suryaprabha and Candraprabha
For a 24 hour watch over our health and well-being.

. Yakushi sanzon 薬師三尊 Yakushi Triad, Trias, Trinity .


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[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ] - - - #yakushiruriko #yakushiparadise #paradiseyakushi - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 2/02/2016 04:10:00 pm

YAKUSHI - sanzon triad

Yakushi Sanzon Triad

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Yakushi sanzon 薬師三尊 Yakushi Triad, Trias, Trinity
薬師瑠璃光如来三尊佛 Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai Sanzon

Three Buddhist deities, the principal image chuuson 中尊 Chuson in the center,
and an attendant kyouji, wakiji 脇侍 Wakiji on each side.
. sanzon 三尊 triad / sanzonbutsu 三尊仏 .
- Introduction -

The two attendants of Yakushi are Nikkō on the left and Gakkō on the right.
If you think of Yakushi as a doctor of a hospital, Nikko is the nurse for the day shift and Gakko has the night shift.
So you are in good hands for 24 hours.

. Nikkoo Bosatsu (Sunlight) 日光菩薩 - Gakkoo Bosatsu (Moonlight) 月光菩薩
Suryaprabha and Candraprabha - Nikko and Gakko .

. 円空 Enku : Yakushi Sanzon 薬師三尊 .


薬師三尊 (魅惑の仏像 5)
西村公朝 Nishimura Kocho, 小川光三 Ogawa Kozo,


. 刀田山鶴林寺 Kakurin-Ji Todasan .
Toda no Taishi 刀田の太子
Hyogo, Kakogawa 兵庫県加古川市加古川町北在家424


The statues date back to the Heian period and are made in the style of Joochoo 定朝様 Jocho. They are made from hinoki 檜 Japanese cypress. Even after 900 years there are rays of golden color coming from the face, neck and breast.

. 大島山瑠璃寺 Ruri-Ji Ojimasan .
Nagano - 薬師瑠璃光如来三尊佛 Yakushi Ruriko Sanzon


Yakushi-Ji Nara 薬師寺旧金堂

source : wikipedia


By Yo Ikon 葉偉混
- source : -


CLICK for more photos !

. 薬師浄土曼荼羅 Yakushi Jodo Mandala .


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. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

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14 Dec 2015

YAKUSHI - Horaiji Aichi Mikawa

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Hooraiji 鳳来寺 Horai-Ji, Aichi

愛知県新城市門谷字鳳来寺1 / 1 Horaiji, Kadoya, Shinshiro-shi, Aichi

In its background is the famous mountain 鳳来寺山 Horaijisan.

- quote
Horai-ji located in Horai-cho, Aichi Prefecture. The temple was built in 703 by the hermit Rishu 利修仙人. It is sacred to Yakushi-Nyorai and is venerated as a place for curing diseases by many powerful men including Takeda Shingen, a daimyo of the 16th century, and Tokugawa Ieyasu, ruler of Japan early in the 17th century.
The influence of the temple has declined since the mid-19th century, however, when the samurai rule of Japan came to an end, with the result that only the sanctuary, Nio-mon ("Deva King Gate"), bell tower, Okuno-in (inner shrine), Ko-do (small hall), and two small annexes remain today. The approach to the temple features 1,452 stone steps lined with gigantic cedar trees. The remains of the buildings and other structures here remind visitors of the prosperity of bygone days.
- source :

The road leading to the temple off the Tokaido was called
鳳来寺道 Horaiji-Do.

It also holds a copy of the Genji Monogatari


shuin 御朱印 stamp of the temple

- Homepage of the temple
- source : wikipedia

- reference -


- Further Information -

One of the three great Yakushi temples of Japan 日本三薬師:

. Hooraiji 鳳来寺 Horai-Ji Yakushi, Mikawa, Aichi .

. Kani Yakushi 蟹薬師 "Crab Yakushi" at 願興寺 Ganko-Ji . - Gifu

. Yamanaka Yakushi 山中薬師 - 瑠璃山医王寺 Rurisan Io-Ji . - Gifu


- Another mountain with this name, related to Matsuo Basho :

. - Hoorai san 蓬莱山 Mount Horai-San - .
Located in Shiga prefecture, Otsu town. 滋賀県大津市


- quote -
Mount Horaiji
Mt. Horaiji is introduced in the guide book called "130 mountains in Aichi Prefecture". Mt. Horaiji is a low mountain and the highest peak is 684.2 meters above sea level in Shinshiro City. There are Horaiji temple main hall, Toshogu shrine, Deep Horaiji temple and so on in the mountain.

The whole mountain is country designation, natural beauty spot natural monument and can expect Gulf of Mikawa across Tosan river plains in the southernmost tip of Mount Horaiji old volcanic group distributed over depths Mikawa. Aged cedars grow thick, and both sides can hear voice of the Buddha, Buddhist dharma and bonze from the beginning of May when they climb stone stairway from Omotesando.

Mount Horaiji Nijo-jo Castle (Ieyasu) lines up to 35 degrees N (mother of Ieyasu) Mt. Chiba Suzaki Shrine (Yoritomo Minamoto), Kuno Toshogu (Ieyasu), Sunpu-jo Castle (Ieyasu), Akiha Shrine, Otori next temple (mother of Ieyasu), Okazaki castle (Ieyasu Tokugawa), Kariya castle, Ogawa castle. Edo-jo Castle, Mount Fuji, Mount Horaiji, Yoshinoyama, Mt. Koya-san is arranged in a straight line, too.
This line and three intersections with medial line are Mount Horaiji.
Otori next temple was founded for 703 years by rishu senjin and used three fearful gods at will. Neck of three ogres was confined in basement of the main hall of a Buddhist temple as guardian deity in quiet simplicity with hermit. Yoritomo Minamoto revived temple (Ishibutsu written, "it is with ogre bone" seemed to be discovered by all letters in 1974.), and, as temple which parents of Ieyasu conceived and prayed for, it was left building Toshogu by Sandai family to inherit the shogunate light.
There is Yuya Onsen in horai kyobanshikikawa (river where we seemed to spread gold-leaf folding screen all over) and is said to be hot water of healing.
- source : -


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Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 12/12/2015 09:42:00 am