29 Aug 2014

FUDO - tenchigan the eyes of Fudo



The Eyes of Fudo Myo-O 不動明王の目

8 The left eye is closed, the right one wide open.
8 左の目を閉じ右の目を開いている.

tenchigan, tenchi gan 天地眼
"eyes (and teeth) of heaven and earth"
The left eye is facing heaven, the right eye is facing earth.
The same holds for his left and right fang.

. 19 Characteristic Signs of Fudo Myo-O .
不動十九観 / 不動十九相観

The left eye is squinting or looking askance.

- quote
His face is characterized by the tenichi-gan arrangement of the teeth and eyes: the right eye is open and swollen, looking straight ahead, with the bottom right tooth pointing up;
the left eye is downcast and narrowed while the top left tooth projects downward.
- source : www.humanities360.com

Sample from Rokusho Kitan 六菖綺譚

source : www.rokushokitan.com


江戸の五色不動明王 Goshiki Fudo
The Five Fudo with different colored eyes in Edo


CLICK for more photos !

Good explanation in Japanese:

My Article about the symbol of the five colors
- Goshiki Color Symbols -

Temple Ryusenji (Meguro Fudo 目黒不動) is the oldest Fudo temple in Japan and counted as one of Japan's three largest Fudo temples, the 18th temple of the Kanto Pilgrimage Temples of 36 Fudo Myo-O, one of Edo Goshiki Fudo (Five Different-colored Fudo statues in Edo) to protect the Castle of Edo.


日本語のリンク Japanese LINKS

五色不動 各寺院の沿革

Meguro Black 目黒不動 天台宗 龍泉寺 

Mejiro White 目白不動 真言宗 豊山派金乗院 
(豊島区高田2丁目)もと新長谷寺 (文京区関口2丁目)にあったが戦災で廃寺になったために金乗院に移転。

Me-ao Green (blue) 目青不動 天台宗 教学院 

Me-aka Red 目赤不動 天台宗 南谷寺 (文京区本駒込1丁目)もともと三重県赤目山で授かった赤目不動が本尊で、家光の勅令で目赤に改名。

Meki Yellow 目黄不動 天台宗 永久寺 
(台東区三輪2丁目)と天台宗 最勝寺(江戸川区平井1丁目 旧所在地は、本所区東駒形)目黄不動だけは、なぜか複数存在する。他にも渋谷の龍巖寺など全部で六ヶ所あるようだ。(未確認情報)

Map of the temples

© http://suzuki-t.hp.infoseek.co.jp/5fudou.htm


Aka Fudo 目赤不動 Red

Aoi Fudo 青不動 Blue .

Ki Fudo 黄不動 Yellow - TBA -

Kuro Fudo 黒不動 Black

Shiro Fudo 白不動明王 White


goma seihai 護摩聖灰 sacred ashes from a Goma fire ritual
in Fudo five colors (goshiki)

. Fukagawa Fudo Do (Fudoo Doo) 深川不動堂 .



28 Aug 2014

FUDO - Miminashi Arakawa



Miminashi Fudoo 耳無不動 "Fudo without ears"

Tokyo, Arakawa ward - 荒川区荒川3-22
三峰神社境内にある - 袈裟塚の耳無不動

kesazuka no miminashi Fudo 袈裟塚の耳無不動

This special mound for kesa priest's robes is in the compound of Mitsumine Shrine in Arakawa ward, Tokyo.

It used to be in the compound of temple Senkooin 仙光院 Senko-In.


This mound has been built by priest Kooe 光慧法師 Ko-E of the temple 仙光院 Senko-In. Ko-E was involved with the pleasure quarters of Yoshiwara in Edo.
The story was even published "三河島御不動之記".

Ko-E was a samurai from Fukuoka, Yanagawa Han 福岡県柳川市. His name was Tana-Ami Kosaburo 田名網 光三郎.
He had a beautiful fiance, O-Kinu お絹, but as life goes, she was seduced by 佐野兵馬 Sano Hyoma and taken to Edo with him. Kosaburo went after them to kill him (adauchi 仇討ち), but O-Kinu had already been sold to the Yoshiwara pleasure quarters. So the two could not meet again.

Kosaburo gave up normal life and became a Buddhist priest at temple 上野寛永寺 Kanei-Ji in Ueno, taking on the name of 光慧 Ko-E.

As life goes, he comes to meet the prostitute 紅山 Momijiyama, who was in fact his former fiance O-Kinu and begins to visit her frequently. He spent a lot of money from the temple Kanei-Ji and was dispelled from there finally.
With the help of 植木屋久兵衛 Uekiya Kyubei from 三河島村 Mikawashima village (now part of Arakawa, Tokyo) he became the head priest of the temple Senko-In. By that time, Ko-E had already contacted a severe illness (maybe pestilence 悪疫 or a veneral disease? ) and his earlobes had fallen off.

With a wish to be healed, he built a mound on the access road to his temple, called it Kesazuka 袈裟塚 and erected a stone statue of Fudo Myo-O. Even this would not heal his illness and he died in 宝暦7 1757.
O-Kinu, who had become a Buddhist nun, followed him soon by stabbing her neck near a pine tree at the temple gate.

In 1764 Tomoeya Densuke 巴屋伝助 from the New Quarters of Yoshiwara performed rituals for the souls of Ko-E and O-Kinu. From that time on, somehow, this Fudo had become known for healing veneral diseases (karyuubyoo 花柳病 karyubo "illness of flowers and willows) and many people from the pleasure quarters came here to pray.

The statue of Fudo on this mound does not have the left ear.

Now the statue is also venerated by people to cure ear diseases. People offer a wooden rice bowl with a hole to make their wish.

. kesa 袈裟 kasaya - Monk's robe .
- Introduction -

. Amulets for Health . 

. Mimi 耳 amulets for ears .
Mimigo Okami 耳明大神

- Japanese reference -


ー Not to mix with :
. Mitsumine Jinja 三峰神社 Mitsumine Shrine .  
in Chichibu 秩父
298-1 Mitsumine, Saitama Prefecture 369-1902


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .



27 Aug 2014

MINGEI - oshi-e raised cloth picture



oshi-e 押し絵 / 押絵 raised cloth picture

Edo Oshi-e Hagoita - Padded Collage Paddles are probably the most famous.
. Hagoita 羽子板 Battledore, Shuttlecock .

In some regions, hina dolls are made as oshi-e.
. Hina Doll Festival (hina matsuri 雛祭り) .


source : uu chan

押し絵 - 弁慶 Benkei

. Musashibo Benkei 武蔵坊弁慶 .


- ABC - List of oshie  from the Prefectures


. . . . . . . . . . Akita
Kakunodate 角館町

Hina meguri walking in Kakunodate 雛めぐりガイド
- source : ohtazawako.blogspot.jp

Find Your Favorite Hina Dolls in Kakunodate:
Sign Up for A Walking Tour and Stamp Rally For Special Services!
February to early March is when we begin to see the decorations of hina dolls all over Japan: It is when we celebrate the girls on hinamatsuri, the Hina Festival, on March 3.

Kakunodate Town, a town known for its rustic historical scenery, is also dubbed as Little Kyoto of Tohoku. Here, you can recollects the memories from the Samurai era with the houses and items that has been passed down over generations.

From February 18 to March 20, many shops in town display their family-owned hina dolls and make them available for public viewing; meanwhile, they offer you special discounts and festival-themed souvenirs available only during this time.

Look at more from a local exhibition here :
- source : kakunodate-kanko.jp

oshi-e bina 押し絵雛 hina dolls from raised cloth technique


. . . . . . . . . . Nagano
Matsumoto 松本

CLICK for more photos !

oshi-e bina 押し絵雛 Hina dolls from raised cloth

How to make them (まつもとおしえびな)
Study the parts and how to fix them together !

- source : www.geocities.jp/mtmt1952/rekisi


oshi-e Princess Daruma
押し絵色紙 だるま雛

source ウイン21/ WIN21 Co.,Ltd.

. Shikishi  色紙 Decoration Art Board .


source : item.rakuten.co.jp/medetaya


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Reference - 押し絵 .

- reference : oshi-e raised cloth pictures -
with regional workshops for foreign residents


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011



FUDO - tatoo by Roberto Borsi



Roberto Borsi

a modern tatoo artist

- Roberto Borsi is on Facebook -

-  Roberto online
- source : www.primordialpain.net


- shared on facebook -


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .



TEMPLE - kiganji kiganjo



kiganji 祈願所 "place for special prayers"
this could be a Buddhist temple or Shinto shrine

Temples for the imperial family were called
kiganji 祈願寺 kigan-ji "temple of supplication"
or chokugan-ji.

There are seven kigan-ji for the Tokugawa family.

Before the Meiji reform, many temples and shrined resided side by side in the same compound.

Many shrines were "clan shrines" for the clan deity 氏神 (ujigami).

Nanatsudera 稲園山 長福寺(七寺)

Official temple for the Owari Tokugawa clan 尾張徳川藩祈願所
- source : www7b.biglobe.ne.jp

Yudonosan Dainichibo 湯殿山 大日坊
Yudonosan ranks with Ise and Kumano as one of the three great sacred places in Japan.
Kiganji of Tokugawa Shogunate
In the 8th year of Keicho (AD 1603), Tokugawa Ieyasu established the Edo Shogunate. Two years later, he retired to Sumpu Castle, making his son, Hidetada his successor as Shogun. Ofuku (Kasuga-no-Tsubone), who was appointed the official wet nurse on the birth of Takechiyo, Hidetada’s son in 1604, became a major influence ruling O-Oku (the inner palace).
The ostensible reason for Ofuku’s visit in supplication to Yudonosan and the statue of Dainichi-Nyorai(Mahavirocana) which was made by Kukai Kobo Daishi and the principle image of Yudonosan Dainichibo was for recovery from illness of Hidetada, but in fact, a desperate and secret supplication was made to strengthen Takechiyo physically and establish him as the successor to the Shogunate.
As a result, Takechiyo became the third Shogun, Tokugawa Iemitsu 徳川家光.
Kasuga-no-Tsubone donated the statue of Dainichi-Nyorai to Yudonosan-Dainichibo, and since then, it was recognized as one of the seven Kiganji (Temples of Supplication) located through Japan under the patronage of the Tokugawa-Shogunate.
- source : www.dainichibou.or.jp

Kannon-in 観音院 ,
formally known as Fudarakusan Jigen-ji Kannon-in (補陀落山慈眼寺観音院?), is a Buddhist temple in Uemachi district of the city of Tottori, Tottori Prefecture. Kannon-in was built early in the Edo period (1603 – 1868) and is noted for its Edo-style Japanese garden.

Kannon-in built in the early Edo period and its history is closely related to that of the Ikeda clan. Ikeda Tadakatsu (池田忠雄) (1602 – 1632), daimyō of the Okayama Domain in Bizen Province and lord of Okayama Castle, died at a young age and was succeeded by his 3 year old son Ikeda Mitsunaka (池田光仲) (1630 – 1693). The Tokugawa shogunate named the infant Mitsunaka daimyō of Tottori Domain in Hōki and Inaba provinces.
Mitsunaka's oldest son, the second lord of the Tottori Domain, named Kannon-in a kiganji (祈願寺) prayer temple. The temple attained the high status of one of the eight prayer temples (八ヶ寺 hachigatera) of the domain, a status it would retain throughout the Edo period.
- source : wikipedia

- further reference - TBA -



FUDO - Dainichi-Bo Yudonosan


source : www.tohoku36fudo.jp

Nr. 02 Yudonosan 02 湯殿山 大日坊 - Dainichi-Bo
御瀧大聖不動明王 - O-Taki Daisho Fudo Myo-O
Honorable Fudo at the Waterfall

Nyūdō-11 Ōami, Tsuruoka-shi, Yamagata

Its original name was
It was the last temple on the pilgrimage to Yudono san where female pilgrims were allowed.

- Chant of the temple
みちのくの 湯殿の秘奥 たらちねの 
慈悲のみすがた ここに御不動

source : dainichibou.or.jp - treasures

お瀧に大聖不動明王(交通安全・厄難消除)Fudo and the Waterfall
with amulets for safety on the road and protection from evil influences

shuin 朱印 stamp of the temple

- - - - Yearly Festivals
1月 1日 元旦祈祷会
1月 3日 大黒天祭
1月 5日 大般若祭
1月 7日 七草祭
如月 2月 3日 節分/星祭り 節分の豆まきです。
2月 初午
弥生 3月 15日 釈尊ねはん祭
卯月 4月 8日 釈尊花まつり
4月 21日 大師御縁日(初大師)
水無月 6月 1日 湯殿山と大日坊お山開き
文月 7月 14日 湯殿山大網遍照講大祭
葉月 8月 14日 うら盆会/真如海上人入定御縁日
8月 30日 八朔大祭
師走 12月 9日 大黒様年夜
12月 31日 行く年くる年/除夜の鐘

- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.dainichibou.or.jp

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples in Tohoku 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .   .


Wave-parting Fudo . 波分不動明王 .
Namiwake Fudo

at Temple Dainichibo, Yudonosan

When Kukai Kobo Daishi was on his way to China to study Buddhism, this Fudo saved the ship when he was travelling from the severe storm.
Now the statue is revered as protector of the fishing boats and granter of a good catch.

source : www.kotobuki-p.co.jp

Dainichiboo 大日坊 Dainichi Bo

Yudonosan 湯殿山 ranks with Ise and Kumano as one of the three great sacred places in Japan. From ancient times, it was called the "unspeakable mountain", and there was a strict religious commandment forbidding anyone to speak of the sacredness of Yudonosan.

Dainichibo was founded in the second year of Daido (AD 807) by Kukai Kobo-Daishi. The correct title of the temple is Yudonosan-Ryusuiji-Kongoin, and in fact, "Dainichibo" is the main hall of the temple though we usually recognize it as the generic name of the temple.

In the 19th year of Keicho (AD 1614), Kongoin-Ryusuiji was dedicated as an inner shrine of Ise. Dainichi-Nyorai (Mahavirocana) was enshrined in Dainichibo where many priests belonged, and Dainichibo flourished as the main hall of the temple.

Since women used to be forbidden to visit Yudonosan, Kukai Kobo-Daishi founded this temple for them to worship Yudonosan-Daigongen out of pity. This is the beginning of the temple, Yudonosan-Dainichibo.
The temple has suffered a number of misfortunes such as Haibutsu-Kishaku, a fire, and a landslide, but has continued to maintain its religious traditions for 1,200 years. Today the chief prieast covers 95 generations.
source :  www.dainichibou.or.jp


This kind of Namiwake Fudo is also worshipped at the Shrine
Funatama Jinja in Hakodate, Hokkaido.
Funadama Jinja 「船魂神社(ふなだまじんじゃ)」

CLICK for more photos

The high priest Ryonin came here and built a temple dedicated to Kannon in order to spread the Yuzu Nenbutsu Buddhism, saying that this place is designated as holy by the Goddess of Mercy. The temple is said to have originated in 1135 and to be the oldest one in Hokkaido, but this has not been confirmed.
There is also a legend that when Yoshitsune Minamoto came from Tsugaru, his ship was in danger of being ship wrecked, but was saved by virture of Funadama' s gracious diety.

This temple used to be called Kannondo (a temple dedicated to Kannon) but was renamed Funadama Gracious Diety at the end of the Edo period. The Funadama Shrine became a villege shrine in 1879. As the main building of the Shinto shrine, rebuilt in 1892 , was ravaged by a disastrous fire in 1907, the object of worship was temporarily removed to the Hakodate Hachiman Shrine in Yachigashiracho.
The main shrine was built in 1932. The present building was built in 1962.
source :  The city of Hakodate


At the Temple Dainichi-Bo there are many more interesting statues, here I want to introduce just two more Gongen types.

Ii no Yama, Byaku-I Gongen 飯山白衣権現

This statue is said to be more than 1000 years old. It is in fact a White Kannon (byaku-i Kannon) with a strong female aspect. Women come to this statue to pray for an easy birth and healthy children.

Izuna Gongen, Iizuna no Gongen 飯網の権現

This is an incarnation of the Fox Deity, Inari. People pray to him for a bountiful harvest and good luck in business. He looks like a Tengu, a long-nosed goblin.
Some Yamabushi sects thin Iizuna (Izuna) is the original Japanese form (honji) of Fudo Myo-0, especially at Mt. Takao near Tokyo.

. Izuna Daigongen 飯縄大権現 at Mt. Takao  
Fudo with the face of Garuda

飯縄不動尊 Izuna Fudo Son
. Tengu and Fudo Myo-o 天狗と不動明王 .

source : www.kotobuki-p.co.jp

Here is a modern version of Iizuna Gongen :

In the Nanbokucho era, Shungen of Godaiji-temple in Kyoto entered Mt.Takao (near Hachioji in Tokyo). It is said that he was manifested by Iizuna Gongen. Since then, Mt. Takao has been the principal place of Iizuna Gongen belief, however, mountaineering ascetic is originally the religion which came from the area of Mt. Iizuna, Mt. Togakushi in Shinshu. He has the same style of Akiba Gongen.

Akibagongen 秋葉権現
Born in 799 the name is Kanekuni, he became a priest when he was a little child. He lived in a temple in Zaoo-do in Tochio-city in Niigata-prefecture. He was a mountaineering ascetic believing Iizuna Gongen. He was commonly called Sanjaku-bou (small monk 三尺坊権現(さんじゃくぼうごんげん)) because he was small. When he attained Fudou Zanmai Hou he got manifested by a black bird with golden wings holding a sword and a rope in the flame of fire. It is said that he went down to Akiba Yama in Shizuoka-prefecture riding on a white fox for himself. He became the god for calming fire
source : www.butuzou.co.jp : kurita

Akiba Gongen

. 成就院(たこ薬師)Temple Joju-In .
Meguro, Tokoy, with a statue of Akiba Daigongen 秋葉大権現

Iconographically, Izuna Gongen is usually depicted in a form resembling that of a tengu (a mythical winged demon with long nose believed to live deep in the mountains), and riding upon a white fox, a depiction resembling that of the deity Akiba Gongen (Sanshaku Gongen).

Since Akiba Gongen is also believed to have originated in the Mt. Izuna and Togakushi area, the two deities are obviously closely related. Since the Buddhist counterpart (honji or "original essence"; see honji suijaku) of Izuna Gongen is said to be the bodhisattva Jizō (Sk. Ksitigarbha), the cult displays a mutual influence with the Atago cult (which involved an amalgamation with Shōgun Jizō or "Jizō of victory"). As a result, the deities are often referred to by the conjoined name Izuna-Atago.

The Izuna cult also underwent combination from an early period with the cult of the Buddhist deity Dakini (Sk. Dakini), and a kind of magical technique was adopted from the medieval period involving the use of foxes as spirit familiars. This belief spread even among members of the court and warriors; the deputy shogun Hosokawa Masamoto (1466-1507) was known to have practiced the Izuna-Atago techniques (ref., Ashikaga kiseiki, Jūhen Ōninki), and the imperial regent Kujō Tanemichi (1509-1097) is likewise said to have studied Izuna practices (ref., Matsunaga Teitoku, Taionki).
Such practices involving on the control of spirit familiars of foxes (kitsune tsukai) later came to be called izuna tsukai.

The Izuna cult came to be associated with military arts as well, and Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin are known to have shown strong devotion to Izuna Gongen as a martial tutelary.
The school of Japanese fencing called Shintō Munenryū is also said to have originated at Mt. Izuna. In addition to Mt. Izuna in Nagano, Izuna Gongen can be found enshrined at Yakuōin on Mt. Takao (in Hachiōji, Tokyo), Hinagadake in Gifu, and Mt. Izuna in Sendai.

The Izuna Gongen of Sendai goes by the name Izuna Saburō, and is particularly well known as one of the "three tengū of Japan." Some scholars have suggested that belief in this tengu was responsible for the Izuna cult.
source :  Itō Satoshi . Kokugakuin University.

. The Atago shrines of Japan .

CLICK for more English information
Izuna Gongen

Izuna Gongen Hall at Mt. Takao .. CLICK for more photos
Izuna Gongen Hall at Mt. Takao

More Reference : Izuna Gongen


This Fudo is a bit different from the
Namikiri Fudo . 波切不動, the Wave-cutting Fudo.


External LINK

Gongen (Avatars) of Japan
Mark Schumacher


. Dakiniten (Vajra Daakini) 荼枳尼天 .

Dainichi Bo and the Living Mummies of Japan

TENGU and DARUMA 天狗 Long-Nosed Goblins

Inari 稲荷 - The Fox God Cult Kitsune, the animal fox.

Konpira Daigongen . 金毘羅大権現 Kompira Daigongen

Zao Gongen 蔵王権現

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .   .




FUDO - Morioka Goma



Gooma Fudoo, Gōma Fudō 降魔不動尊 Goma Fudo
Fudo subjugating the demons

Nr. 19 宝珠盛岡山 - Goma Fudo 不動尊
Eifukuji 永福寺 Eifuku-Ji - Shingon Zen 真言宗
Iwate 岩手県 - 精進の道場 - shoojin

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .

There are other 降魔不動 Goma Fudo (Koma Fudo, Kouma Fudo) in the temples of Japan.


2 Chome-1-1 Shimoyonai, Morioka

盛岡聖天 永福寺 Morioka Shoten Eifuku-Ji
also known as
shusse Shooten 出世聖天 Shoten for a good career

The temple was first built in 794 in Sannohe 三戸 as one of the 奥州六観音 Six Kannon Temples in the Northern Oshu province by 坂上田村麻呂 Sakanoue no Tamuramaro,

On request of Godaigo Tenno 後醍醐天皇 (1288 - 1339) had a statue of the deity 大聖歓喜天 Daisho Kangiten placed here for worship.
The statue was made by 高野大師 Takano Daishi.

In 1615 when the capital of the Nanbu domaine was located in Morioka, temple Eifuku-Ji was also re-built there as the main temple for the lord of the domain to pray on orders of 南部利直 Nanbu Toshinao. It was placed in the Northern un-auspicious kimon 鬼門 direction of the new castle to protect it from evil influence. It had become a very rich temple in the city, comprizing the
本堂歓喜院 Main Hall for Kangiten
護摩堂 Goma-Hall for fire ceremonies, six quarters for special purposes
and was thus the most important temple in Morioka 筆頭寺院.

At that time the "five important temples of Morioka" 盛岡五山 were also designated.

In the Meiji time it lost its power. Since the temple venerated a deity of esoteric Buddhism, it lost most of its buildings and its influence.

The Hall for Kangiten 歓喜院 was re-build in 1947 at its present location.

It used to be a powerful temple to worship Kangiten and had 45 statues of this deity from India. Therefore it was also called the
Shooten no gozan 聖天の御山 Sacred Temple of Shoten.


- Chant of the temple


The main statue is 大聖歓喜天尊
. Kankiten (Kangiten) 歓喜天, 聖天 Shoten - Ganesh.

At the right side of the torii gate is a Fudo to throw water on

mizukake Fudo 水掛不動尊


After worshipping at the main hall to Kangiten
pilgrims have to come here to Fudo Myo-O and his powers to subdue evil influence.
Throwing water on the statue outside is the first step.
Offering incense at the Goma Fudo statue in the next step.


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : www5.ocn.ne.jp/~eifukuji


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

一月 元旦~十六日 新年特別祈祷会

二月 一日・十五日 取子結縁感謝祭

三月 第二日曜日 光明会(土砂加持会)

五月 第二日曜日 春の大祭(百味供養)

六月 第二日曜日 報恩感謝会

八月 第二日曜日 施餓鬼会

十月 第二日曜日 秋の大祭(百味供養)

十二月 十五日・十六日 越年祭

十二月 十五日~晦日 納め参り

- source : www5.ocn.ne.jp/~eifukuji


Morioka Gozan 盛岡五山 Five Zen Temples of Morioka

Shoojuji 聖寿寺 Shoju-Ji - 盛岡市北山2丁目
founded by 三光国斎国師

大寶山東禅寺 Tozen-Ji (臨済宗)
大宝山 Toozenji 東禅寺
- source : yahoo.co.jp/syory

Kyoojooji 教浄寺 Kyojo-Ji
- source : www.kyojoji.jp

Hooonji 報恩寺 Hoon-Ji
31-5 Nasukawacho, Morioka, Iwate Prefecture
Famous for the statues of 500 Rakan 五百羅漢
- source : wikipedia

Hoosenji 法泉寺 Hosen-Ji
2 Chome-16-8 Kitayama, Morioka
- source : morioka-housenji.com


source : miracakoto/archives

- quote
gooma-in 降魔印 - shokuchi-in 触地印 -
Also read sokuji-in ( Sk: bhusparsa-mudra). Also gouma-in 降魔印.
Earth-touchting mudra.
A type of hand gesture (Jp: *in 印, Sk: mudra) found on Buddhist images. The right hand is placed on the right knee with the palm turned down and the forefinger, pointing downward, almost touching the pedestal *daiza 台座 on which the image is sitting.
This mudra is based on the tradition that when the historical Buddha *Shaka 釈迦, meditating on the adamantine seat *kongou houza 金剛宝座, (Sk:Vajrasana) at Buddhagaya in India, was tempted by demons, he summoned the earth goddess, Sthavara, Kenroujishin 堅牢地神 by touching the earth with his right hand. With the help of the goddess, the Buddha dispersed the demons and then retained enlightenment gouma joudou 降魔成道 (goma jodo) (see *Shaka hassou 釈迦八相).

Hence this mudra is also called goma-in (mudra for subjugating demons).
As a symbol of the Buddha's subjugation of evil and his enlightenment, the shokuchi-in was often used in Indian Buddhist images of Shaka.

After the establishment of Esoteric Buddhism mikkyou 密教 it became the mudra for the Buddha *Ashuku 阿しゅく. In Esoteric teachings, Ashuku is considered to be the head bushu 部主 (Sk: kulesa) of the kongoubu 金剛部 (Sk: Vajrakula ; Adamantine Family) of deities who subjugate enemies of Buddhism.
Although Shaka images with the shokuchi-in are found in Asia, including the principal image *honzon 本尊 attended by the sixteen arhats *juuroku rakan 十六羅漢 at Sokkulam (Jp: Sekkutsuan 石窟庵) in Kyongju 慶州, Korea (751), very few examples have been found in Japan. The few extant examples seem to have been introduced from abroad, such as Buddha statues imported from Ming and Qing China. Other gilt-bronze images influenced by Tibetan Buddhism were brought to Japan from Manchuria and Inner Mongolia before World War II.

In Japan, the shokuchi-in is known as the mudra of Esoteric Buddhas, such as Ashuku in the Kongoukai 金剛界 (see *Kongoukai mandara 金剛界曼荼羅) and Tenkuraion 天鼓雷音 in the Taizoukai 胎蔵界 (see *Taizoukai mandara 胎蔵界曼荼羅). The earliest example of Ashuku with shokuchi-in was the principal of the Koudou 講堂 (presently Kondou 金堂) on Mt. Kouya 高野 (Koya-san), a temple which was founded by *Kuukai 空海(774-835), but this was lost when the building was burnt down in 1926. Having been kept as a secret Buddha *hibutsu 秘仏, no photograph was taken, and so there is no way of verifying whether or not it was the original image.
- source : JAANUS


- - - reference - - -

- source : ameblo.jp/iyasino-oto


. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 .
(758 - 811)

Sitting cross-legged in meditation
gooma za 降魔坐 - the left leg is uppermost
kichijoo za 吉祥坐 - the right leg is uppermost

. Statues with seated Buddhas (zazoo 座像) .

gooma no ken 降魔の剣 goma sword of Fudo Myo-O
sword for subjugating the demons
. Happuu Fudo Son 八風吹不動 .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46


26 Aug 2014

DARUMA - oshi-e raised cloth picture



oshi-e 押し絵 / 押絵 raised cloth picture

Edo Oshi-e Hagoita - Padded Collage Paddles are probably the most famous.
. Hagoita 羽子板 Battledore, Shuttlecock .

In some regions, hina dolls are made as oshi-e.
. Hina Doll Festival (hina matsuri 雛祭り) .


source : uu chan

押し絵 - 弁慶 Benkei

. Musashibo Benkei 武蔵坊弁慶 .


- ABC - List of xyz from the Prefectures


. . . . . . . . . . Akita
Kakunodate 角館町

Hina meguri walking in Kakunodate 雛めぐりガイド
- source : ohtazawako.blogspot.jp

Find Your Favorite Hina Dolls in Kakunodate:
Sign Up for A Walking Tour and Stamp Rally For Special Services!
February to early March is when we begin to see the decorations of hina dolls all over Japan: It is when we celebrate the girls on hinamatsuri, the Hina Festival, on March 3.

Kakunodate Town, a town known for its rustic historical scenery, is also dubbed as Little Kyoto of Tohoku. Here, you can recollects the memories from the Samurai era with the houses and items that has been passed down over generations.

From February 18 to March 20, many shops in town display their family-owned hina dolls and make them available for public viewing; meanwhile, they offer you special discounts and festival-themed souvenirs available only during this time.

Look at more from a local exhibition here :
- source : kakunodate-kanko.jp

oshi-e bina 押し絵雛 hina dolls from raised cloth technique


. . . . . . . . . . Nagano
Matsumoto 松本

CLICK for more photos !

oshi-e bina 押し絵雛 Hina dolls from raised cloth

How to make them (まつもとおしえびな)
Study the parts and how to fix them together !

- source : www.geocities.jp/mtmt1952/rekisi


oshi-e Princess Daruma
押し絵色紙 だるま雛

source ウイン21/ WIN21 Co.,Ltd.

. Shikishi  色紙 Decoration Art Board .


source : item.rakuten.co.jp/medetaya


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Reference - 押し絵 .

- reference : oshi-e raised cloth pictures -
with regional workshops for foreign residents


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

