Tono Fudo Monogatari 遠野不動明王物語
Tōno Fudō Monogatari
Yanagida Kunio 柳田國男
Tono (Toono) 遠野 is an area in Iwate, Tohoku, where old legends abound.
. Tōno monogatari 遠野物語 Legends of Tono - Introduction .
. Tono Jisha Meguri 遠野寺社巡り temples and shrines in Tono .
. Tono Shichi Kannon 遠野 七観音 The Seven Kannon Temples of Tono .
. . . . . another pilgrimage in Tono! - see 笹谷観音 Tozen-Ji, Sasaya Kannon
. Toono Matsuri 遠野祭り Tono Festival . - Tonogo Hachimangu Shrine
. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .
The following collection of Fudo Myo-O statues from the Tono area are inspired by this page
- source :
All photos below, unless stated otherwise, are by dostoev.
His is a wonderful long BLOG about Tono and its many wonders
不思議空間 遠野
- quote
Tōno is located in central Iwate Prefecture, in the floodplain of the Sarugaishi River 猿ヶ石川, surrounded by a ring of mountains. Mt. Hayachine sits at the northernmost point of the city where Hanamaki, Kawai and Tōno meet. At 1,914 meters it is also the city's highest point. Mt. Rokkoushi, (1,294 meters) dominates the landscape to the east and Mt. Ishigami (1,038 meters) is the highest mountain in the west. Together these peaks form Tōno's "big three" mountains. The highest points in southern Tōno are Mt. Sadato (884 meters) on the border of Sumida and Mt. Tane (871 meters) on the borders of Sumita and Ōshū.
There is an ancient legend that in the past the hills in Miyamori blocked the Sarugaishi River creating a large lake in the Tōno area. Miyamori itself is characterized by a series of valleys to the west of Mt. Ishigami that flow west into the Sarugaishi River just below the Tase Dam.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Mount Hayachine 早池峰 is closely related to the belief in Fudo Myo-O.
. Hayachine san 早池峰山 Mount Hayachine - Introduction .
- google map of the Tono region -
Introdcing Tono, with a useful map in English.
- source :
ABC list of the places.
Arakawa Fudo 荒川 不動尊
near Tsukimooshi 附馬牛町 Tsukimoshi village
In honor of the waterfall 荒川の滝 Arakawa no Taki.
The small sanctuary was constructed by the Yamabushi.
The meaning of ARA 荒(アラ) seems to indicate that there was iron and other metals nearby. So this Fudo is also protecting the road where metal was transported.
With another stone memorial containing the name of the
Suijin 水神 "God of the Water"
and the area called よろずばた Yorozubata (Yorozuhata)
This might be a connection to the ancient deity already mentioned in the Kojiki
萬幡豊秋津師比売命 Yorozuhata Toyoakitsushihime no Mikoto
another name for 栲幡千千姫命 Takuhata Chijihime no Mikoto
Since 1954 Tsukimoshi village is now a small community comprizing
附馬牛町上附馬牛・附馬牛町下附馬牛・附馬牛町安居台・附馬牛町東禅寺 (Tozen-Ji).
. Yamabushi 山伏 mountain ascets and Shugendo 修験道 .
- quote
Yorozuhata toyo akitsushi hime no mikoto (Kojiki)(Nihongi)
Other names:
Ame yorozu Takuhatachihatahime, Takuhatachijihime yorozuhatahime no mikoto, Honotohatahimekochijihime no mikoto (Nihongi).
The daughter of Takamimusuhi, and according to an "alternate writing" transmitted by Nihongi, the younger sister of Omoikane. She wed Amenooshihomimi no mikoto, who had been ordered to descend to the Central Land of Reed Plains, but while waiting for the pacification of the Central Land, she gave birth to Ninigi, and he later descended in Oshihomimi's place.
Kojiki and an "alternate writing" in Nihongi also relate the birth of Hoakari no mikoto, elder brother of Ninigi and ancestor of the clan Owari no Muraji. The Nihongi version also states that Amaterasu made Toyoakitsushihime the consort to Oshihomimi. An alternate version of the episode says she was the consort to Amenooshihone no mikoto, while yet another tradition states that Tamayorihime, child of Yorozuhatahime, became consort to Amenooshihone no mikoto and gave birth to Amenokihohookise no mikoto (Ninigi).
The various versions are also inconsistent regarding the title of Ninigi's mother, but they agree in including elements relating to weaving, cloth, and bountiful harvests, and in their depictions of Toyoakitsushihime as a link between the two kami Amaterasu and Takamimusuhi, and the imperial line.
- source : Mori Mizue - Kokugakuin 2005
Ashizawa Fudo / 鷲沢 / 足沢 / あしざわ不動堂 Ashizawa Fudo Hall
綾織町小峠 Ayaori Cho,
Ashizawa 足沢 is in the back of temple 福泉寺 Fukuzen-Ji, a small rivulet.
This little hall is in quite a desolate condition nowadays. It seems there is also a Fox Deity - Inari - お稲荷さん venerated now.
- source :
Bodaiji 菩提寺 Bodai-Ji
Together with 福泉寺 Fukusen-Ji a place for cherry blossom viewing in Tono.
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. Fukusenji 福泉寺 Fukusen-Ji .
Temple Fukusen-Ji is Nr. 21 on the Fudo Pilgrimage in Tohoku.
. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O in Tohoku
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .
Hassen Jinja 八泉神社 shrine Hassen Jinja
Located in Kamigo 上郷町, just a small shrine.
The center of worship here is Fudo Myo-O. Other deities are
弥都波能売神 Mizuha no me no kami
大荒神 Dai Kōjin - Kojin
Modern 上郷村 Kamigo mura has various parts
Inubuchi Fudo 犬淵 不動尊
Inubuchi Tsukimoushichō Shimotsukimoushi, Tōno-shi
Close to Inubuchi no Taki 犬淵の滝 Waterfall, also called Shirataki, with a shrine called 白滝神社 "White Waterfall shrine".
The main festival for Fudo at the small hall is on the 28th day of the sixth lunar month.
source and photos : jinsan/tak51inubuchi
犬淵の白滝 Shirataki Waterfall at Inubuchi
Kogarasegawa Fudo 小烏瀬川 不動尊
A small waterfall is the object of veneration 御神体.
The Fudo Hall for the stone statue is nearby.
In the cliff at the back are three small hokora shrines:
Suitengu Sha 水天宮社
Inari Hokora 稲荷社
Yakushi Daijin Sha 薬師大神社
- quote
Sarugaishi River 猿ヶ石川
The Sarugaishi River rises in the just south of Mt. Yakushi in Tōno and empties into the Kitakami River in Hanamaki.
The Kogarasegawa is a large tributary that forms near Tachimaru Toge Pass and joins the Sarugaishi in Matsuzaki.
National Route 340 follows along this scenic river for most of its length.
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Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 is the Buddha of Healing.
There are many temples in his honor in the Tohoku region.
There are some shrines in his name too, Yakushi Jinja 薬師神社.
. Yakushi Nyorai, the Buddha of Medicine 薬師如来 .
Komedoori no Fudo 米通の不動尊 Komedori Fudo
Komedōri Tsuchibuchichō Tochinai, Tōno-shi / 岩手県遠野市土淵町栃内米通
This statue stands on a huge boulder, almost like on a huge tortoise.
It is located near a river, which will eventually flow and bring the soul of a diseased person to the Paradise in the West 極楽浄土.
Kotohata no Fudo son 琴畑の不動尊 Kotohata Fudo
Kotohata Tsuchibuchichō Tochinai, Tōno-shi / 岩手県遠野市土淵町栃内琴畑
The statue had been placed in the shrine
Hayachine Jinja 早池峰神社
But in the Meiji period, it had been placed in its own Fudo Hall 不動堂 to mark a distinction between Shinto and Buddhism.
Now the place is called
Shirataki Jinja 白滝神社 "Shrine of the White Waterfall".
Kotohatagawa 琴畑川 is the name of a river flowing in Tono.
Kujuuzawa 九重沢不動尊 Kujuzawa
A sanctuary for the yamabushi on their way to the mountain top.
They used the rivers around Tono for their access to the mountains.
The mountain in the background is Monomiyama 物見山 Monomi-Yama.
Mount Rokko-Ushi 六角牛山 (1294 m) Rokkoushi-san is also nearby.
Kujuuzawa Okumiya 九重沢 奥宮 Inner Shrine at Kujuzawa
Now the amount of water in this river is very small, compared to the olden times, when people came here to pray for water.
A stone monument for Mount Rokko-Ushi 六角牛山 (middle)
Fudo Myo-O and the Deity of Water are revered.
There used to be a Fudo Waterfall 不動の瀧 at Rokko-Ushi-San and a shrine called
Ootaki Jinja 大瀧神社 Otaki Jinja "Waterfall Shrine".
Yamabushi started their access to the mountain top from here.
Kurikara Fudo 倶利伽羅不動
Oozawa Fudoo Doo 大沢不動堂 Ozawa Fudo Hall
Ōsawa Ayaorichō Kamiayaori, Tōno-shi
The inscription is by the first priest of Fukuzen-Ji 福泉寺初代、Sasaki Yuutaka 佐々木宥尊師 Sasaki Yutaka.
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. Kurikara 倶利伽羅 the Sword of Fudo Myo-o .
Mataichi no taki 又一の滝 不動尊 Mataichi Waterfall
With a stone statue of Fudo Myo-O 不動の滝 Fudo Waterfall
related to Mount Hayachine
The waterfall is located at Mount Yakushidake 薬師岳 (2038 m), East of Iwate volcano. It is about 20 meters long and 5 meters wide, .
不動の滝 Fudo Waterfall
A little walk left of the Yakushi Hall 薬師堂.
source :
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Iwate Volcano - Iwate Kazan 岩手火山
1: Introduction
Iwate Volcano is an active volcano situated about 18 km north of Iwate City with three known records of eruptions even for the limited time span since Edo period. From March 1998 seismic activity became vigorous with crustal deformations suggesting underground movement of magma. It didn't lead to eruption, however.
... Higashi-Iwate Volcano repeated mountain-building activity cycles three times, each of which consisted of 10,000 to 20,000 years' eruptions followed by dormant periods. These are named Higashi - Iwate - Onimata stage, Higashi - Iwate - Hirakasafudo stage, and Higashi - Iwate - Yakushidake stage, respectively, in ascending order.
4.5 Higashi-Iwate - Hirakasa Fudo stage
About 30,000 yBP, NE part of Nishi-Iwate Volcano collapsed forming Yamakozawa debris avalanche. After this, Hirakasa Fudo Volcano was formed by 20,000 yBP with its center around the place where current Yakushidake stands. Hirakasa Fudo Volcano is a basaltic stratovolcano overlying Nishi - Iwate Volcano in the north and Onimata Volcano in the south.
4.7 Higashi-Iwate - Yakushidake stage
About 7,000 yBP, Hirakasa Fudo Volcano collapsed towards NE resulted in Hirakasa debris avalanche . . . Third Yakushidake lavas were erupted after the eruption of Oide scoria and distributed in NE rim of Yakushi crater, Fudodaira / Fudotaira 不動平, and north and east foot areas. owards the end of these activities, a little amount of silicic glassy ash ( Yakushidake - Fudotaira ash ) was ejected.
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東岩手- 平笠不動 ステージ Hirakasa Fudo stage
御不動平坂峰 Fudo Hirasaka
Metaki Fudo 女滝 不動尊 "Fudo at the Female Waterfall"
There is also a "Male Waterfall" (Otaki 男滝) nearby.
There used to be a waterfall, but thanks to earthquakes and mudslides, it is no longer existant and its remains are dry.
A Fudo statue reminds us of its presence.
The statue has been lost (stolen) in the Showa period (1926 - 1989) but been re-established later. It is a rather mysterious area.
Toozenji 東禅寺 Tozen-Ji
遠野市附馬牛町東禅寺13地割 - 13 Chiwari Tsukimoushichō Tōzenji
I introduced the temple here in the Tono Kannon Pilgrimage
. 笹谷観音 Sasaya Kannon .
The original temple 附馬牛山長洞寺 was built in 807.
Yobiishi, Yobi-Ishi Fudo 呼石 不動尊 Yobi-Ishi Fudo
(maybe "stone to call the deity")
This little shrine was originally built by 神田阿部マキ Kanta Abe Maki. Nearby is a small rivulet.
The deity venerated here is Fudo Myo-O, who's name is carved in the stone.
The name of the area is also 神田(カンタ) Kanta. Nearby villagers now take turns each year to care for the place.
- - - not related -
呼石大明神 Yobi-Ishi Daimyojin
A huge stone in Hanamaki, Iwate
- source :
. Tono Jisha Meguri 遠野寺社巡り temples and shrines in Tono - Introduction .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .
Tono Fudo Monogatari 遠野不動明王物語
Tōno Fudō Monogatari
Yanagida Kunio 柳田國男
Tono (Toono) 遠野 is an area in Iwate, Tohoku, where old legends abound.
. Tōno monogatari 遠野物語 Legends of Tono - Introduction .
. Tono Jisha Meguri 遠野寺社巡り temples and shrines in Tono .
. Tono Shichi Kannon 遠野 七観音 The Seven Kannon Temples of Tono .
. . . . . another pilgrimage in Tono! - see 笹谷観音 Tozen-Ji, Sasaya Kannon
. Toono Matsuri 遠野祭り Tono Festival . - Tonogo Hachimangu Shrine
. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .
The following collection of Fudo Myo-O statues from the Tono area are inspired by this page
- source :
All photos below, unless stated otherwise, are by dostoev.
His is a wonderful long BLOG about Tono and its many wonders
不思議空間 遠野
- quote
Tōno is located in central Iwate Prefecture, in the floodplain of the Sarugaishi River 猿ヶ石川, surrounded by a ring of mountains. Mt. Hayachine sits at the northernmost point of the city where Hanamaki, Kawai and Tōno meet. At 1,914 meters it is also the city's highest point. Mt. Rokkoushi, (1,294 meters) dominates the landscape to the east and Mt. Ishigami (1,038 meters) is the highest mountain in the west. Together these peaks form Tōno's "big three" mountains. The highest points in southern Tōno are Mt. Sadato (884 meters) on the border of Sumida and Mt. Tane (871 meters) on the borders of Sumita and Ōshū.
There is an ancient legend that in the past the hills in Miyamori blocked the Sarugaishi River creating a large lake in the Tōno area. Miyamori itself is characterized by a series of valleys to the west of Mt. Ishigami that flow west into the Sarugaishi River just below the Tase Dam.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Mount Hayachine 早池峰 is closely related to the belief in Fudo Myo-O.
. Hayachine san 早池峰山 Mount Hayachine - Introduction .
- google map of the Tono region -
Introdcing Tono, with a useful map in English.
- source :
ABC list of the places.
Arakawa Fudo 荒川 不動尊
near Tsukimooshi 附馬牛町 Tsukimoshi village
In honor of the waterfall 荒川の滝 Arakawa no Taki.
The small sanctuary was constructed by the Yamabushi.
The meaning of ARA 荒(アラ) seems to indicate that there was iron and other metals nearby. So this Fudo is also protecting the road where metal was transported.
With another stone memorial containing the name of the
Suijin 水神 "God of the Water"
and the area called よろずばた Yorozubata (Yorozuhata)
This might be a connection to the ancient deity already mentioned in the Kojiki
萬幡豊秋津師比売命 Yorozuhata Toyoakitsushihime no Mikoto
another name for 栲幡千千姫命 Takuhata Chijihime no Mikoto
Since 1954 Tsukimoshi village is now a small community comprizing
附馬牛町上附馬牛・附馬牛町下附馬牛・附馬牛町安居台・附馬牛町東禅寺 (Tozen-Ji).
. Yamabushi 山伏 mountain ascets and Shugendo 修験道 .
- quote
Yorozuhata toyo akitsushi hime no mikoto (Kojiki)(Nihongi)
Other names:
Ame yorozu Takuhatachihatahime, Takuhatachijihime yorozuhatahime no mikoto, Honotohatahimekochijihime no mikoto (Nihongi).
The daughter of Takamimusuhi, and according to an "alternate writing" transmitted by Nihongi, the younger sister of Omoikane. She wed Amenooshihomimi no mikoto, who had been ordered to descend to the Central Land of Reed Plains, but while waiting for the pacification of the Central Land, she gave birth to Ninigi, and he later descended in Oshihomimi's place.
Kojiki and an "alternate writing" in Nihongi also relate the birth of Hoakari no mikoto, elder brother of Ninigi and ancestor of the clan Owari no Muraji. The Nihongi version also states that Amaterasu made Toyoakitsushihime the consort to Oshihomimi. An alternate version of the episode says she was the consort to Amenooshihone no mikoto, while yet another tradition states that Tamayorihime, child of Yorozuhatahime, became consort to Amenooshihone no mikoto and gave birth to Amenokihohookise no mikoto (Ninigi).
The various versions are also inconsistent regarding the title of Ninigi's mother, but they agree in including elements relating to weaving, cloth, and bountiful harvests, and in their depictions of Toyoakitsushihime as a link between the two kami Amaterasu and Takamimusuhi, and the imperial line.
- source : Mori Mizue - Kokugakuin 2005
Ashizawa Fudo / 鷲沢 / 足沢 / あしざわ不動堂 Ashizawa Fudo Hall
綾織町小峠 Ayaori Cho,
Ashizawa 足沢 is in the back of temple 福泉寺 Fukuzen-Ji, a small rivulet.
This little hall is in quite a desolate condition nowadays. It seems there is also a Fox Deity - Inari - お稲荷さん venerated now.
- source :
Bodaiji 菩提寺 Bodai-Ji
Together with 福泉寺 Fukusen-Ji a place for cherry blossom viewing in Tono.
- source :
. Fukusenji 福泉寺 Fukusen-Ji .
Temple Fukusen-Ji is Nr. 21 on the Fudo Pilgrimage in Tohoku.
. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O in Tohoku
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .
Hassen Jinja 八泉神社 shrine Hassen Jinja
Located in Kamigo 上郷町, just a small shrine.
The center of worship here is Fudo Myo-O. Other deities are
弥都波能売神 Mizuha no me no kami
大荒神 Dai Kōjin - Kojin
Modern 上郷村 Kamigo mura has various parts
Inubuchi Fudo 犬淵 不動尊
Inubuchi Tsukimoushichō Shimotsukimoushi, Tōno-shi
Close to Inubuchi no Taki 犬淵の滝 Waterfall, also called Shirataki, with a shrine called 白滝神社 "White Waterfall shrine".
The main festival for Fudo at the small hall is on the 28th day of the sixth lunar month.
source and photos : jinsan/tak51inubuchi
犬淵の白滝 Shirataki Waterfall at Inubuchi
Kogarasegawa Fudo 小烏瀬川 不動尊
A small waterfall is the object of veneration 御神体.
The Fudo Hall for the stone statue is nearby.
In the cliff at the back are three small hokora shrines:
Suitengu Sha 水天宮社
Inari Hokora 稲荷社
Yakushi Daijin Sha 薬師大神社
- quote
Sarugaishi River 猿ヶ石川
The Sarugaishi River rises in the just south of Mt. Yakushi in Tōno and empties into the Kitakami River in Hanamaki.
The Kogarasegawa is a large tributary that forms near Tachimaru Toge Pass and joins the Sarugaishi in Matsuzaki.
National Route 340 follows along this scenic river for most of its length.
- source :
Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 is the Buddha of Healing.
There are many temples in his honor in the Tohoku region.
There are some shrines in his name too, Yakushi Jinja 薬師神社.
. Yakushi Nyorai, the Buddha of Medicine 薬師如来 .
Komedoori no Fudo 米通の不動尊 Komedori Fudo
Komedōri Tsuchibuchichō Tochinai, Tōno-shi / 岩手県遠野市土淵町栃内米通
This statue stands on a huge boulder, almost like on a huge tortoise.
It is located near a river, which will eventually flow and bring the soul of a diseased person to the Paradise in the West 極楽浄土.
Kotohata no Fudo son 琴畑の不動尊 Kotohata Fudo
Kotohata Tsuchibuchichō Tochinai, Tōno-shi / 岩手県遠野市土淵町栃内琴畑
The statue had been placed in the shrine
Hayachine Jinja 早池峰神社
But in the Meiji period, it had been placed in its own Fudo Hall 不動堂 to mark a distinction between Shinto and Buddhism.
Now the place is called
Shirataki Jinja 白滝神社 "Shrine of the White Waterfall".
Kotohatagawa 琴畑川 is the name of a river flowing in Tono.
Kujuuzawa 九重沢不動尊 Kujuzawa
A sanctuary for the yamabushi on their way to the mountain top.
They used the rivers around Tono for their access to the mountains.
The mountain in the background is Monomiyama 物見山 Monomi-Yama.
Mount Rokko-Ushi 六角牛山 (1294 m) Rokkoushi-san is also nearby.
Kujuuzawa Okumiya 九重沢 奥宮 Inner Shrine at Kujuzawa
Now the amount of water in this river is very small, compared to the olden times, when people came here to pray for water.
A stone monument for Mount Rokko-Ushi 六角牛山 (middle)
Fudo Myo-O and the Deity of Water are revered.
There used to be a Fudo Waterfall 不動の瀧 at Rokko-Ushi-San and a shrine called
Ootaki Jinja 大瀧神社 Otaki Jinja "Waterfall Shrine".
Yamabushi started their access to the mountain top from here.
Kurikara Fudo 倶利伽羅不動
Oozawa Fudoo Doo 大沢不動堂 Ozawa Fudo Hall
Ōsawa Ayaorichō Kamiayaori, Tōno-shi
The inscription is by the first priest of Fukuzen-Ji 福泉寺初代、Sasaki Yuutaka 佐々木宥尊師 Sasaki Yutaka.
- source :
. Kurikara 倶利伽羅 the Sword of Fudo Myo-o .
Mataichi no taki 又一の滝 不動尊 Mataichi Waterfall
With a stone statue of Fudo Myo-O 不動の滝 Fudo Waterfall
related to Mount Hayachine
The waterfall is located at Mount Yakushidake 薬師岳 (2038 m), East of Iwate volcano. It is about 20 meters long and 5 meters wide, .
不動の滝 Fudo Waterfall
A little walk left of the Yakushi Hall 薬師堂.
source :
- quote
Iwate Volcano - Iwate Kazan 岩手火山
1: Introduction
Iwate Volcano is an active volcano situated about 18 km north of Iwate City with three known records of eruptions even for the limited time span since Edo period. From March 1998 seismic activity became vigorous with crustal deformations suggesting underground movement of magma. It didn't lead to eruption, however.
... Higashi-Iwate Volcano repeated mountain-building activity cycles three times, each of which consisted of 10,000 to 20,000 years' eruptions followed by dormant periods. These are named Higashi - Iwate - Onimata stage, Higashi - Iwate - Hirakasafudo stage, and Higashi - Iwate - Yakushidake stage, respectively, in ascending order.
4.5 Higashi-Iwate - Hirakasa Fudo stage
About 30,000 yBP, NE part of Nishi-Iwate Volcano collapsed forming Yamakozawa debris avalanche. After this, Hirakasa Fudo Volcano was formed by 20,000 yBP with its center around the place where current Yakushidake stands. Hirakasa Fudo Volcano is a basaltic stratovolcano overlying Nishi - Iwate Volcano in the north and Onimata Volcano in the south.
4.7 Higashi-Iwate - Yakushidake stage
About 7,000 yBP, Hirakasa Fudo Volcano collapsed towards NE resulted in Hirakasa debris avalanche . . . Third Yakushidake lavas were erupted after the eruption of Oide scoria and distributed in NE rim of Yakushi crater, Fudodaira / Fudotaira 不動平, and north and east foot areas. owards the end of these activities, a little amount of silicic glassy ash ( Yakushidake - Fudotaira ash ) was ejected.
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東岩手- 平笠不動 ステージ Hirakasa Fudo stage
御不動平坂峰 Fudo Hirasaka
Metaki Fudo 女滝 不動尊 "Fudo at the Female Waterfall"
There is also a "Male Waterfall" (Otaki 男滝) nearby.
There used to be a waterfall, but thanks to earthquakes and mudslides, it is no longer existant and its remains are dry.
A Fudo statue reminds us of its presence.
The statue has been lost (stolen) in the Showa period (1926 - 1989) but been re-established later. It is a rather mysterious area.
Toozenji 東禅寺 Tozen-Ji
遠野市附馬牛町東禅寺13地割 - 13 Chiwari Tsukimoushichō Tōzenji
I introduced the temple here in the Tono Kannon Pilgrimage
. 笹谷観音 Sasaya Kannon .
The original temple 附馬牛山長洞寺 was built in 807.
Yobiishi, Yobi-Ishi Fudo 呼石 不動尊 Yobi-Ishi Fudo
(maybe "stone to call the deity")
This little shrine was originally built by 神田阿部マキ Kanta Abe Maki. Nearby is a small rivulet.
The deity venerated here is Fudo Myo-O, who's name is carved in the stone.
The name of the area is also 神田(カンタ) Kanta. Nearby villagers now take turns each year to care for the place.
- - - not related -
呼石大明神 Yobi-Ishi Daimyojin
A huge stone in Hanamaki, Iwate
- source :
. Tono Jisha Meguri 遠野寺社巡り temples and shrines in Tono - Introduction .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .