21 Sept 2014




Akita Prefecture

Akita Prefecture (秋田県, Akita-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located in the Tōhoku Region of northern Honshū, the main island of Japan. The capital is the city of Akita.
Separated from the principal Japanese centres of commerce, politics, and population by several hundred kilometres and the Ōu and Dewa mountain ranges to the east, Akita remained largely isolated from Japanese society until after the year 600. Akita was a region of hunter-gatherers and principally nomadic tribes.
Like much of the Tōhoku Region, Akita's economy remains dominated by traditional industries, such as agriculture, fishing, and forestry.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

The town of Uga and sketches of pretty girls advertisements
秋田県羽後町, Aoi Nishimata 西又葵
Akita Komachi あきたこまち (the belle of Akita) Rice Brand

. The Kanto Matsuri 竿燈 "pole lantern festival"  
beginning of August


Regional Dishes from Akita 秋田の郷土料理

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

akebi no karakkozuke アケビの殻っこづけ akebia skin stuffed with meat and vegetables
akebi no nikuzume
CLICK here for photos
also eaten in Yamagata
akebi no tenpura from the skin of the plant.

asazuke あさづけ vinegared rice, a summer dish


hatahata ハタハタ

hatahata sushi ハタハタ寿し hatahata fish sushi
hatahata, Sandfisch, Arctoscopus japonicus
Its season is winter.
It is essential for the people to survive in the winter months.
Beliebt als Sushi oder mit Salz gegrillt (shioyaki) in Akita.
Er hat keine Schuppen und wenig kleine Gräten und die Wirbelsäule lässt sich leicht vom Fleisch ablösen. Wenn man den gegrillten Fisch fest am Schwanzende anfasst, lässt sich die Wirbelsäule einfach vom Kopfende her herausziehen.
Der weibliche Hatahata trägt die Eier, die als „Eiersack"-Snack beliebt sind (burikko ぶりっこ). The egg sack can be the size of a man's fist.
buriko ブリコ
. . . CLICK here for burikko Photos !

Hata-hata is really sticky and strange-looking fish because it doesn't have any scales. What the most famous about Hata-hata is its egg, Buriko. It is really big about to explode, and the taste is chewy and jelly like. It is cooked as Shotsuru nabe, Hata-hata pot, Hata-hata sushi, and broiled fish. Many old Akita people love it because of its history.

According to my parents, people in my grandparents and my parents generation ate Hata-hata almost every day in winter instead of sweets since fishermen had a big catch of Hata-hata, and it was really cheep like 500 yen per one box which contained about 50 Hata-hata. However, the number of Hata-hata decreased because of too mach catch, and Hata-hata costs 500 yen for 3 at present. Therefore, old Akita people miss Hata-hata in their memory, and want to eat it even if it costs high.

鰰、  魚雷
In Japanese, Hata-hata is expressed in Kanji as Fish plus God, or Fish plus Thunder. Since Hata-hata gather close to beach when it thunders, people might think Hata-hata is God of fish.
source : discover-jp.blogspot.com : kayanon

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
hatahata ハタハタ is the name of the fish, but its roe is called "roe from buri" (buriko). During the Edo period, the lord of Satake (former name for Akita) forbid to eat the roe of hatahata. So the fishermen caught it nevertheless and called it "roe from buri" (buriko).
Another story tells of the lord of Mito, Satake Yoshinobu 佐竹義宣, who was transferred to live in Akita. Since yellowtail (buri) was not served for the New Year food, he called the other roe BURIKO and enjoyed it as such as a nostalgic food.

buriko are the round sacks of eggs that float in the sea. The roe taken from the fish after cutting it up is much softer.
buriko is seldom eaten raw, because the egg membrane is very hard. It is put in vinegar and soysauce and sometimes fried just a little.
The semem sacks of the male are called shirako 白子.
It is a deep-sea fish that comes to shallow wates along some areas, where rivers flow into the sea and there is plenty of kelp to shelter the young fish. The buriko is said to be in various colors, according to what the fish eat most.

Grilled hatahata was one of the fish arranged on a tray as offering for the Namahage Demons during the New Year celebrations of the Oga peninsula.
Namahage Demons
Daruma Museum

The fish was caught in such numbers, that it was fermented in large barrels into a salty liquid called "shotsuru" or "shottsuru しょっつる【塩汁】
". This process laste for three years, until the fish was almost completely discomposed. This shotsuru liquid is used to flavor many dishes in Akita, best known is a hodgepodge with hatahata and this sauce, shotsuru nabe しょっつるなべ【塩汁鍋】 (kigo for winter).
. . . CLICK here for shottsuru Photos !
This is a kind of fish sauce, gyoshoo 魚醤(ぎょしょう).

shottsuru was also used to make a special sushi of cooked rice and pieces of hatahata.
This kind of sushi is very ancient, called "cooked rice sushi" (izushi, iizushi いずし)。
Izushi 飯寿司, Summer Food
hatahata sushi ハタハタ寿


hikiwari nattoo ひきわり納豆 fermented soy beans, hacked small
eaten with sugar
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Hinaidori 比内鶏(ひないどり)/ Hinai jidori 比内地鶏 Chicken from Hinai, Odate. Kiritanpo with these chicken
WASHOKU : Kiritanpo (kiritampo) きりたんぽ skewers of mashed rice

iburi gakko, iburigakko いぶりがっこ smoked pickles with radish
smoked radish pickles
from Yokote town
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

imo no ko jiru, imonokojiru いもの子汁 with satoimo yam

Inaniwa udon 稲庭うどん noodles from Inaniwa town. With a long tradition.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


ishiyaki ryoori 石焼料理 prepared with hot stones
from the Hunters of Oga Peninsula to keep warm. Stones from Oga are especially strong when thrown in water. Nowadays it is prepared in barrels of cedar wood

Ishiyaki – Kochen mit heißen Steinen

Es zischt und brodelt – plötzlich steigt Dampf auf. Geschickt lässt der Koch einen heißen Stein in den kleinen hölzernen Bottich gleiten. Im Nu wird alles gegart!

Beim nur in dieser Gegend typischen Ishiyaki werden Steine im Feuer erhitzt und dann in die Suppe gelegt, um sie zu erwärmen. Diese Zubereitungsart entdeckten die Fischer entlang der Halbinsel Oga, die oft den ganzen Tag auf dem Meer unterwegs waren. Mittags kam ein hölzerner Bottich mit frischen Fischen und Meeresfrüchten auf die Planken, die Würze brachte das salzige Meerwasser.

Auch am Strand wurde oft auf diese Art gekocht. Wenn sich dort kein Holzbottich fand, wurden die Fische einfach mit Wasser in eine Felsvertiefung gelegt und die Vulkansteine dazugegeben, die auf einem Feuer erhitzt worden waren. Das lokale Vulkangestein Ignimbrit oder Schmelztuff erwies sich in Japan als besonders geeignet, da dieses Gestein enorm temperaturfest ist.

Heute ist die Brühe meistens eine gesalzene Suppe, es wird aber auch Miso-Paste verwendet. Die Würze der Brühe basiert in jedem ­ Restaurant traditionell auf einem Familiengeheimnis. Im großen Bottich aus Zedernholz werden die tagesfrischen Fische und das Gemüse der Saison in mundgerechten Bissen in der Brühe angerichtet. Anschließend wird der Bottich auf den Tisch gestellt und die Zutaten werden mit heißen Steinen gekocht. Jeder kann sich nach Belieben aus dem Bottich bedienen. Dazu werden Reis und kleine Teller mit eingelegtem Gemüse und Häppchen gereicht.


junsai nabe じゅんさい鍋 junsai vegetable hodgepodge

kasube no karagya ni かすべのからぎゃ煮
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
kasupei is dried manta fish. Boiled with soy sauce it is a dish for a celebration in the Akita region.
There is also a kasube matsuri festival

keiran けいらん

kiritanpo nabe きりたんぽ鍋 hodgepodge with kiritanpo
kiritanpo is also a speciality of Aomori.

koi no amani 鯉の甘煮

kujira くじらかやき whale meat soup
kujirajiru くじら汁
salted whale meat in miso soup

matsukawa mochi 松皮餅

orandayaki, oranda yaki オランダ焼き "Holland waffles"
a kind of Imagawa yaki waffle, but filled with ham and mayonaise.
The dough is sweetened with honey.


shottsuru, shotsuru nabe しょっつる鍋
sauce from salted, fermented hatahata fish, when this fish was caught in large quantities.
. . . . . dadami nabe だだみ鍋

- quote
Shottsuru (しょっつる) is a type of fish sauce from Akita Prefecture, which is one of the 3 major fish sauces of Japan along with Ishiru from Ishikawa Prefecture and Ikanago-shoyu from Kagawa Prefecture.
Akita's fish sauce is distinctive in its ingredients. It is made from Hatahata (sandfish) caught off the coast of Oga Peninsula.
Shottsuru (塩汁、塩魚汁) (lit. salt fish broth)
can be dated back to the early Edo period, and was traditionally made solely with the fish and salt. Now it has been produced in modern technique with additional ingredients, but there is a brewery who still produces it in the traditional method
Hatahata is a sandfish. Akita Prefecture has the largest catch of Sandfish in Japan. The fish has been an important protein sauce for Akita people in the old days, which was even sung in a famous folksong ("Akita-Ondo"). Today even designated as the prefectural fish!

How does Shottsuru taste like?

Despite how fishy it may sound, it is surprisingly mild and rich in flavor. Shottsuru is the main ingredient in Akita's signature winter dish, Shottsuru-nabe, a hot pot with Hatahata and tofu and other ingredients. Also, in recent years, contemporary chefs are adopting some innovative ideas and recipes: the most popular style is the Italian style as in the picture !
- source : ohtazawako.blogspot.jp


tamago mochi だまこもち
tamakko nabe だまっこ鍋


Yokote yakisoba 横手やきそば fried noodles from Yokote
Thick wheat noodles with a fried egg on top, and fukujinzuke pickles.
It was served to children after WWII as a snack in the afternoon.

In 2009 the fourth B-1 Grand Prix was held in Yokote City in Akita Prefecture
A total of 26 dishes competed in the 2009 contest. The winner was a dish called Yokote yakisoba (fried noodles) from the host city itself. Yakisoba is eaten throughout Japan, but the Yokote variety is different in that it features noodles that are straight, thick, and boiled (rather than steamed), has cabbage and ground pork as its main other ingredients, is topped with a fried egg, and comes with sweet, crunchy pickles called fukujin-zuke on the side. The sauce used to flavor the noodles is a combination of Worcestershire sauce with a fish or other broth. Many established restaurants in Yokote have their own secret sauce recipes that have been handed down from generation to generation.

Yokote yakisoba was first produced in 1953, the creation of a local restaurant that specialized in okonomiyaki (thick, savory cabbage pancakes). Though originally designed to be a children's snack, the noodles caught on and soon came to be served as a regular main dish. Four restaurants were chosen as the Yokote yakisoba champions for 2009 in a competition in which the judges considered such criteria as how the noodles were fried and the balance between the noodles and sauce. Two of the four, Kuidoraku Yokote Ekimae Shiten and Idehaya, are conveniently located near Yokote Station.
- source : web-japan.org/trends


yoochuu chokoreeto 幼虫チョコレート chocolate in the form of insect larvae
mostly like little beetle larvae from kabutomushi カブトムシの幼虫
They are covered with white sugar and the face is dark.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
from Yokote town

Akita 郷土料理 レシピー

Things found on the way

Dämonen von der Halbinsel Oga 
»Whoooooohoho! War einer nicht brav? Weint etwa jemand? Hat die Schwiegertochter auch alle ihre Aufgaben im Haushalt ordentlich erledigt? Whoooooohoho!«

Mit großen hölzernen Messern und Wassereimern erscheinen gespenstisch aussehende Dämonenpaare am Neujahrstag, brüllend und wild umherspringend toben sie von Haus zu Haus. Manchmal dringen sie bis in die Wohnküche vor und erschrecken die Kinder.
Die Namahage-Dämonen sind mit riesigen Holzmasken und langen Strohmänteln kostümiert und kommen jedes Jahr zu Neujahr in die Häuser. Der Mann trägt eine rote, die Frau eine blaue Maske. Der Ursprung des Wortes Namahage erklärt auch gleich den Grund für das Erscheinen der Dämonen. Namahage stammt von namomi o hagu und bedeutet »kleine Brandwunden abkratzen«. Dabei handelt es sich um kleine Brandverletzungen an Händen und Beinen, die man sich schnell an der offenen Feuerstelle in der Küche zuziehen kann. Wer viele Brandstellen hat, zeigt damit, dass er im Winter faul am Herd gelegen hat. Die Namahage-Dämonen kommen mit ihren riesigen Messern ins Haus, um die faulen Kinder und Schwiegertöchter zu strafen, indem sie ihnen »die Brandstellen abkratzen«. Zur Besänftigung erhalten die Dämonen vom Hausherrn Reiswein und Mochi-Reiskuchen. Als Boten der Götter segnen die Namahage sowohl den Haushalt als auch alle Bewohner und versprechen Gesundheit, eine gute Ernte sowie gute Fischfangerträge im neuen Jahr.

Die Halbinsel Oga reicht wie eine spitze Zunge ins wilde Japanische Meer. Bezeichnenderweise heißt der höchste Berg in dieser Region »Berg des kalten Windes« (Kanpūsan). Neben dem Leuchtturm, der hoch oben auf diesem Berg in die Luft ragt, kann man mit Maiskorn-Softeis die Aussicht auf die Vulkanseen und das Gebiet Hachirōgata genießen. Hachirōgata war ursprünglich einer der größten Seen Japans, bevor er 1964 trockengelegt und in Ackerflächen umgewandelt wurde. Das Gelände liegt vier Meter unter dem Meeresspiegel und ist damit der tiefste Punkt Japans.

Am Ende der Halbinsel, dem Kap Nyūdō, befinden sich neben einem großen Parkplatz einige Souvenirläden. In den Hinterzimmern hocken die Namahage und trinken Tee. Sie warten nur darauf, dass der nächste Touristenbus eintrudelt. Dann laufen sie brüllend los und erfüllen vor den Läden ihre Pflicht als groteske, monströse Fotomodelle.

18 Sept 2014

FUDO - Daiju-In Yamagata



Daijuu-In 大樹院 Daiju-In

Nr. 04 上野山 - 雷不動明王 Kaminari Fudo
Daijuu-In 大樹院 Daiju-In
Iwate 岩手県 - 精進の道場 - shoojin

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


640 Aono, Yamagata

Aono village is situated in the Eastern corner of the Yamagata plain, extending South from 大岡山 Mount Ooka. There are many fruit tree plantations in the area.
In the back of the temple there are apple plantations along the mountain slopes.

- Chant of the temple

大樹院 Daiju-In - lit. "Big Tree Temple"


- Legend knows this:

Shoo-u Ryuu 請雨瀧 Sho-U Ryu
The Dragon God who brings rain

請雨瀧不動尊 Sho-U-Ryu Fudo
When Kobo Daishi Kukai left Mount Yudonosan 湯殿山 after founding a temple there, he came to the village 最上荘大早魃. People asked him to pray for some rain, so Kobo Daishi bowed to the direction of the Dragon (tatsumi 辰巳 - south-east).
Soon "Thunder Fudo" appeared and it began to rain large drops in the plain.
Kobo Daishi then asked the farmers to pray to this deity.


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : www.tohoku36fudo.jp


There is another "Kaminari Thunder Fudo" 雷不動 along the Shikoku Pilgrimage
. Joodoo-Ji 浄土寺 Jodo-Ji - Nr. 33 .

- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. 弘法大師 空海 Kobo Daishi Kukai . (774 - 835) .

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46


17 Sept 2014

MINGEI - kago basket



kago 籠 / 篭 / かご basket, baskets of all kinds
zaru ざる / 笊 flat bamboo basket, bamboo tray

. tsuzura 葛籠 / つづら wicker box, wicker clothes hamper .

Baskets were made from all kinds of natural material, mostly woven to keep them as light as possible.

- quote
A basket is a container which is traditionally constructed from stiff fibres, which can be made from a range of materials, including wood splints, runners, and cane. While most baskets are made from plant materials, other materials such as horsehair, baleen, or metal wire can be used.

Baskets are generally woven by hand. Some baskets are fitted with a lid, others are left open.

Baskets serve utilitarian as well as aesthetic purposes. Some baskets are ceremonial, that is religious, in nature. While baskets are typically used for storage and transport, specialized baskets are as sieves, for cooking, for processing seeds or grains, for tossing gambling pieces, rattles, fans, fish traps, laundry, and other uses.

The phrase
"to hell in a handbasket" means to rapidly deteriorate.

- - - Look at samples from all over the world :
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


kagoshi, kago-shi 駕籠師 craftsman making baskets
kago shokunin 籠職人
kagozukuri 籠作り making a basket

dejoku 出職 craftsman getting an order from a client and works at client's home
ijoku 居職 craftsman working at home, after getting an order from a client

Simple baskets were made at home by anyone skilfull in a farming family furing the winter time, but many were also made by professionals, especially in the towns.

籠職人—竹編みの技 - 吉羽和夫

Click image for more books about baskets.


- - material used for baskets

. akebi あけび【通草/木通】acebia, akebia vine . - Akebia quinata

. igusa 藺 (い) / 藺草(いぐさ)い草 rush . - Juncus effusus

. take 竹 bamboo .

. too 籐 rattan / toozuru 籐蔓 rattan vine .

. yanagi 柳 willow tree shoots .


- - different kinds of weaving

ajiro 網代 wickerwork
ami 編み simple weaving
kagoyui, kago yui  籠結 two people making a basket
mutsume "six eyes", hexagonal
yotsume "four eyes", four corners

かご編みの技法大全: 編む・かがる・組む・巻く・結ぶ
by 佐々木麗子

Click image for more books about basket weaving techniques.

- three steps of weaving a basket
sokoami 底編み weaving of the bottom part
dooami 胴編み weaving of the body part
fuchi shiage 縁仕上げ finishing the top edge

- - - - and various methods for the edges
tomobuchi shiage  共縁仕上げ
makiguchi shiage 巻口仕上げ
jabara shiage 蛇腹仕上げ 
nodaguchi shiage 野田口仕上げ


mekagao 目籠 openwork woven bamboo basket
kagome 籠目 holes in a basket

A corruption of "kakome" ("surround")
The shape of the holes in a traditional basket, a hexagon
The shape of the holes in a traditional, including the woven material, a hexagram (Star of David).
kagome 籠女 - a pregnant woman
kagome - a caged bird
kagome - "Circle you"

Kagome Kagome (かごめかごめ, or 籠目籠目)
is a Japanese children's game and the song associated with it. One player is chosen as the oni (literally demon or ogre, but similar to the concept of "it" in tag) and sits blindfolded (or with their eyes covered). The other children join hands and walk in circles around the oni while chanting the song for the game. When the song stops, the oni tries to name the person standing directly behind them.

The song is a subject of much interest because of its cryptic lyrics which vary from region to region, and many theories exist about its meaning and origins, but neither have been definitely explained.

かごめかごめ 籠の中の鳥は -- Kagome kagome / Kago no naka no tori wa
いついつ出やる 夜明けの晩に -- Itsu itsu deyaru / Yoake no ban ni
鶴と亀が滑った -- Tsuru to kame ga subetta.
後ろの正面だあれ -- Ushiro no shoumen daare

When, oh when will it come out
In the night of dawn
The crane and turtle slipped
Who is behind you now?

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- Some special kinds of Japanese baskets have been introduced separately.

. ajiro 網代 (あじろ) wickerwork fishtraps .

. ajirogasa 網代笠 bamboo hat / sugegasa 菅笠 sedge hat .

. bentoobako 弁当箱 Bentobako, lunch box .
magewappa Bento Boxes まげわっぱ / 曲げわっぱ
chigibako 千木筥 / 千木箱 auspicious box

. chiku fujin 竹婦人 "bamboo wife" .
"hug basket" dakikago 抱籠(だきかご)
sleeping companion, soine kago 添寝籠(そいねかご)
kago makura 籠枕 "basket pillow"
Woven baskets, small ones for cushions and larger ones to embrace while sleeping, to keep the cool air close to your body.

. kago 篭, 駕, 駕籠 かご palanquin, sedan chair .

. meshizaru 飯笊 (めしざる) basket for rice .
..... meshikago 飯籠(めしかご)
ohachi-ire 飯櫃入 container to keep the rice warm
..... jikiroo 食籠 jikiro, lidded food container


. mushikago 虫かご / 虫籠 basket for keeping insects .


seiokago, seoi-kago 背負いかご / 背負い籠 backpack basket

They had to be especially light.


. uzura kago 鶉籠(うずらかご)basket for a quail .

Quails were kept in special baskets and their masters meet to hear them sing.


yurikago ゆりかご / 揺り籃 cradle


zaru ざる / 笊 bamboo basket
used in the kitchen, usually flat to dry things

zarume ami ざる目編み weaving the "eyes" of a zaru

zarusoba ざるそば buckwheat noodles on a basket

zaru used to dry umeboshi 梅干し

debozaru 鉄砲ざる / てぼざる short form debo テボ
with a specially low bottom, used for making Sanuki udon 讃岐うどん
The "udon ball" (udon no tama 「(うどんの)玉」) is placed on them to re-heat quickly in hot water. This is a pun with the TAMA of a teppodama gun 鉄砲の弾.

- Proberbs with zaru

ざるで水をすくうような (いくらやっても無駄な意)

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- - - - - How to make a zaru

- source : ~sao-masa/takekougei

kaikozaru, kaiko zaru 蚕ざる flat tray to keep silk worms
. kaiko 蚕 (かいこ) silkworm .
..... kokago 蚕籠(こかご) basket for keeping silkworms
..... kuwa kago 桑籠(くわかご) basket for leaves
..... mayukago 繭籠(まゆかご)cocoon basket


- ABC - List of baskets from the Prefectures


. . . . . . . . . . Kagawa 香川県 - Sanuki

Sanuki no hanakago 讃岐の花かご flowerbasket, flower basket from Sanuki

The basket is made from wrapped pine wood sheets (kyoogi 経木製), the handle is made from bamboo.
They used to be sold on the access road to the Konpira shrine, but dealers have vanished now.

In former times in the Western Sanuki region, instead of bride dolls  a common present was this hanakago filled with some presents.
Now still made by Akiyama san in Marugame.

- source : www.asahi-net.or.jp


. . . . . . . . . . Tokyo / Edo 江戸

zarukaburi inu 笊かぶり犬 dog wearing a basket
The dog is from papermachee, the basked woven from bamboo.
The basked is an amulet for raking in good luck and a healthy upbringing of small children.
The Chinese character for bamboo basket 笊 is a pun with the meaning of the compuond images of the character, bamboo on top of a dog, which is similar to "smile" 笑. This toy will keep the children laughing.

The auspicious basket will also let the wind pass through it, so when it is hung over the baby bed, it will prevend the child from getting a stuffed nose or catch a cold.

When the children grow up, they play with these dolls and eventually break them and tear them apart. This shows the parents that the child has grown strong and healthy and they are happy about it and do not scold the kids.

. Inu 戌 / 犬 Dog toys and amulets .


. . . . . . . . . . Yamagata 山形県 

. izumeko いづめ子 baby in basket .
ejiko えじこ baby in a basket


kanban de koto o osamenu kago-zukuri

This is a pun with
koto osame 事納め last ceremonies before the New Year.

. osamefuda 納札 bringing back the old year amulets .


mikankago, mikan kago みかん籠 / 蜜柑籠 "basket for tangerines"
- synonym for an abandoned child


hey, come out -
to start with you have been
an abandoned child

初代柄井川柳 Karai Senryu I (1718 - 1790)

oidipusu omae mo moto wa mikan kago

you too originally have been
an abandoned child

- source : tokyo.senryukai

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo .


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011



MINGEI - tsuzura wicker box


tsuzura 葛籠 / つづら wicker box, wicker clothes hamper

. kago 籠 / 篭 / かご basket, baskets of all kinds .
- Introduction -

Originally a kind of box or basket with a lid, is woven out of tsuzurafuji (Sinomenium acutum, otuzurafuji) vines.
Other tsuzura are made of bamboo.

CLICK for more photos !

Many of these boxes are made to order, often at the wedding, and come with a family crest (kamon 家紋).

. koori 行李 wicker trunk, box to carry luggage  . -
yanagigoori 柳行李 wicker trunk (made from willow branches)
fuji goori 籐行李 from wisteria vines
take goori 竹行李 from bamboo
koori, katani 行李片荷 carrying boxes for travellers
It is also used to store things in the home.

. tsuzura つづら、tsuzurakazura 葛籠葛(つづらかずら)acebia vine .
tsuzurafuji 葛藤 (つづらふじ) Sabia vine
kigo for late summer
- see below -

tsuzura is also written as '九十九' (tsukumo) - winding and twisting - is the origin of the vine of Tsuzurafuji that twists and turns.

tsuzura-ori つづらおり / 葛折り a winding zig-zag mountain road


tsuzura uma 葛籠馬 Tsuzura-horse
a packhorse of the Edo period, with a luggage wicker box hanging on each side and a person sitting on its back.

source : www.tobunken-archives.jp

from Sakata, Yamagata, shrine Hie Jinja, a tsuzura-uma at the festival
酒田 日枝神社 祭礼当日の葛籠馬


. hina tsuzura 雛葛籠(ひなつづら) box for the hina dolls .
..... hina no hitsu 雛の櫃(ひなのひつ) / hina bako 雛箱(ひなばこ)
kigo for mid-spring
- see below -


In Teijo-zakki 貞丈雑記 (Teijo's memorandums) written by Sadatake Ise 伊勢貞丈 from 1763 to 1784, there is a description of a tsuzura and its material that had changed to bamboo.

In the case of a take tsuzura bamboo tsuzura, very thin bamboo stripes of the same width are woven in a matrix pattern and made into a square box shape.


source : blog.livedoor.jp/luanasakamoto

. kamon 家紋 family crest, Familienwappen .


CLICK for more photos !

- quote
Iwai Tsuzura Store - Tokyo
Tsuzura is a craftwork that was first made by craftsmen in Kanda, Tokyo, early in the Genroku era. Although there were more than 250 tsuzura stores all over Japan at the beginning of the Showa era, there are only two stores left in Tokyo today. One of them is "Iwai Tsuzura ten" in Chuo-ku. The popularity of tsuzura has been growing again recently, not just as a container for kimono or accessories but as a home decoration and a gift for overseas.

... we introduce maestro Ryoichi Iwai of "Iwai Tsuzura-ten," located on Amazake Yokocho Street, Nihonbashi, the only store that crafts and sells Tsuzura products in Chuo-ku today. The store was established at the end of the Edo era, and has been handing down the traditional technique of crafting "Tsuzura" for the past 200 years, since the 17th Century.

At our store, we put "washi" - Japanese rice paper made in Ogawa city in Saitama, over the bamboo basket weaved by a bamboo craftsman in Sado, Tateyama or Kyoto, to strengthen the basket. Then, we paint with a mixture of persimmon and tannin over the paper for base coating, which holds the lacquer. I inherited this special technique from my father but it took me seven to eight years to learn it. Although I strongly hope to hand down these traditional technique to the next generation, I strongly doubt my children will inherit it because in the division of labor, other craftsmen such as basket makers and lacquerware brush makers are also decreasing. The brushes sold at home centers are not thick enough for our work. Thinking from various angles, it is difficult to pass down all these techniques to next generations,...
- source : www.tokyochuo.net/issue

Its height was from the Meiji period to the Taisho period and there were many tsuzura craftsman in Nihonbashi (Chuo Ward, Tokyo), a famous town for kimono, and there was also a tsuzura traders' union.
- quote - wikipedia -


kyoo tsuzura 京葛籠 wicker box from Kyoto

by Watanabe shop 渡邉商店

made from moosoochiku 孟宗竹 Mosochiku bamboo grown in Kyoto, which is used to the differences of temperature in summer and winter.
The corners are softened with handmade washi Japanese paper paper from 宇和島 Uwajima, Ehime.
Their boxes are well liked by Kabuki actors and Sumo wrestlers.

- source : www.shinise.ne.jp/receive - Watanabe

- different kinds of tsuzura made by Watanabe san

ageko 明荷(あけに)- for Sumo wrestlers

文楽・歌舞伎 - for Bunraku and Kabuki
道具入れ - for the tea ceremony
呉服入れ - for robes
文箱 - for letters and writing utensils

Look at photos of the production procsss and more :
- source : www.wanogakkou.com - tudura


- ABC - List of wicker boxes from the Prefectures


. . . . . . . . . . Nara

Tsuzura woven out of Tsuzurafuji in the possession of the Shoso-in Treasure Repository.

onsho no hako 御書箱 (おんしょのはこ)box for writing utensils

- and
sekishitsu nuri no yanagibako 赤漆塗柳箱 (せきしつぬりのやなぎばこ)
box woven from the thin branches of a willow tree
painted with red laquer

These boxes were important to keep robes and washi paper dry and protect them from insects in times when chests, cabinets and closets were not widely used yet.
- source : www.wanogakkou.com - tudura -

. Shoosoo-In, Shōsōin 正倉院曝 Shoso-In Treasure House .


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Reference .


. tsuzura つづら、tsuzurakazura 葛籠葛(つづらかずら)acebia vine .
tsuzurafuji 葛藤 (つづらふじ) Sabia vine
kigo for late summer

urasenke rooma doojoo hina tsuzura

Roma training center
box for hina dolls

- source : www.mmjp.or.jp/aoi - 藍生 主宰句

. Urasenke 裏千家 and the Tea Ceremony .


Hina Tsuzura - Haiku Collection 雛葛籠: 句集
by 千代 代々木 / 代々木千代 Yoyogi Chiyo


kobusuma ya tsuzura no naka ni neru soozu

this little quilt -
the high priest sleeps
in a wicker box

Tr. Gabi Greve

imo hakobu soozu no saru ya mura shigure

the abbot's monkey
hauls potatoes ...
steady winter rain

Tr. David Lanoue

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .

soozu - sôzu is one rank of a Buddhist priest, often translated as "high priest", taking care of the nuns in a temple:

大僧都 / daisoojoo 大僧正
大僧都 daisoozu
権大僧都 gon no daisoozu
少僧都 shoosoozu
権少僧都 gon no shoosoozu

大律師 dairisshi

soogoo 僧綱(そうごう)rank of Buddhist priests
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA and weblio!


shii no hana tsuzura no naka no yubi ningyoo

flowers of the Shii-oak
there are finger dolls
in the wicker box

Futamura Noriko 二村典子

. shii no hana 椎の花 (しいのはな) flowers of the Shii-oak .
kigo for mid-summer

. yubi ningyo 指人形 finger dolls .



養浩 - 芭蕉庵小文庫



- a poet with the name of Tsuzura

suteteko ya sento no aru machi ni sumi

my loose underpants -
I live in a town
with a public bath

Tsuzura Kensuke 葛籠堅助

. suteteko すててこ loose underpants for men .
kigo for summer


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011



16 Sept 2014

FUDO - Taiko-Ji Hiroshima



Taikooji 太光寺 Taiko-Ji

It is located on the top of a mountain with a splendid view over the town below.

The founder Jigen Zenji 慈眼禅師 of the Tendai sect came here about 600 years ago to Rikisenyama 力箭山. One of the statues venerated here is En no Gyoja 役行者 in the 行者堂 Gyoja Hall.

JIGEN, Tenkai, 天海(てんかい)
(1536-1643) 1536年(天文5年)? - 1643年11月13日(寛永20年10月2日)
High Priest of the Tendai Sect. He was close to Tokugawa Ieyasu.

- Homepage of the temple 行者山太光寺
- source : taikouji.jp

1 Chome-551-1 Takata, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima City

元亀法難阿弥陀如来御尊像 Genki Honan Amida Nyorai statue
In the year Genki 2 元亀 (1572) the temple was burned down on orders of Oda Nobunaga 織田信長.


Many seasonal festivals are celebrated, expecially August 5
平和の鐘の集い The Bell of Peace


- source : taikouji.jp/event

. En-no-Gyôja - The Founder of Shugendo .


source : facebook

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .



DARUMA - Tono shrines temples



Tono Jisha Meguri 遠野寺社巡り  temples and shrines in Tono

- quote
Tōno is located in central Iwate Prefecture, in the floodplain of the Sarugaishi River 猿ヶ石川, surrounded by a ring of mountains. Mt. Hayachine sits at the northernmost point of the city where Hanamaki, Kawai and Tōno meet. At 1,914 meters it is also the city's highest point. Mt. Rokkoushi, (1,294 meters) dominates the landscape to the east and Mt. Ishigami (1,038 meters) is the highest mountain in the west. Together these peaks form Tōno's "big three" mountains. The highest points in southern Tōno are Mt. Sadato (884 meters) on the border of Sumida and Mt. Tane (871 meters) on the borders of Sumita and Ōshū.

There is an ancient legend that in the past the hills in Miyamori blocked the Sarugaishi River creating a large lake in the Tōno area. Miyamori itself is characterized by a series of valleys to the west of Mt. Ishigami that flow west into the Sarugaishi River just below the Tase Dam.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Tono (Toono, Tōno) 遠野 is an area in Iwate, Tohoku, where old legends abound.
. Tōno monogatari 遠野物語 Legends of Tono - Introduction .

Mount Hayachine 早池峰 is closely related to the belief in Fudo Myo-O and the activities of Shugendo practitioners.
- Mount Hayachine, see below for details -

- google map of the Tono region -

Introducing Tono, with a useful map in English.
- source : www.jnto.go.jp/engpre2
under construction

. Tono Fudo Monogatari 遠野不動明王物語 Fudo Myo-O in Tono .

. Tono Shichi Kannon 遠野 七観音 The Seven Kannon Temples of Tono .

第四百六十一話「中妻観音」 chuudoku Kannon
第六十八話「早瀬観音(沓掛観音)」Mizukake Kannon


第五百九十六話「愛宕神社」- Atago Jinja

. Atago Jinja 愛宕神社 Atago shrines .
main Shinto shrine on Mount Atago, Kameoka, to the northwest of Kyoto.


. Bishamonten Jin Jinja 毘沙門天神神社 Bishamon Tenjin Jinja .
Takkoku no Iwaya Bishamondo 達谷窟毘沙門堂, Hiraizumi
成島毘沙門天 Narushima Bishamonten, Hanamaki


第七百九十九話「八幡神社(海上)」- Hachiman Jinja

. Usa Hachimangū 宇佐八幡宮 Usa Hachimangu .
and Hachiman Jinja 八幡神社 Hachiman shrines


第四十二話「早池峰神社」Hayachine Jinja and related shrines
第四十四話「遠野の街中にある早池峯神社」 Hayachine Jinja in Tono
第六百二十話「早池峰神社仁王像?」Hayachine Jinja
第七百七十五話「伊豆権現神社(松崎)」- Izu Gongen


第七百九十五話「三照稲荷大明神(小林)」- Inari Jinja

. Fushimi Inari Taisha 伏見稲荷大社 . - kyoto


. Kokuuzoo Jinja 虚空蔵神社 Kokuzo Jinja .

虚空蔵菩薩 Kokūzō Bosatsu, Akashagarbha Bodhisattva


第七百九十四話「駒形神社(柿ノ沢)」- Komagata Jinja

. Komagata Jinja 駒形神社 .


第七百三十一話「大洞の熊野神社」 Kumano Jinja

. Kumano Hongu Taisha 熊野本宮大社 Kumano shrines. - Wakayama


第七百九十六話「龍神神社」- Ryuu - Dragon God hrines


第七百四話「多賀神社の御神体」Taga Jinja

. Taga Taisha 多賀大社 Great Taga Shrine . - Shiga
Tagajo 多賀城 Taga Castle, the capital of Mutsu Province


第七百七十七話「天満宮」- Tenman Gu

. Tenman-Gu in Dazaifu 大宰府の天満宮 .
Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真


第三百八話「水内の山神神社」- Yama no Kami

. Yama no Kami 山神 God of the Mountains.
Ta no Kami, God of the Rice Fields 田の神さま


- - - more deities to be explored
... http://dostoev.exblog.jp/i23/

Hayarigami 流行り神 - popular deities
第八百十四話「松崎のハヤリ神」 Hayarigami

第五百九十五話「隠れキリシタンの仏像」Christian deities
第二百四十七話「綾織の疱瘡神」Hosogami - smallpox

第八百二十話「天照皇太神宮」- Amaterasu
第八百十六話「神楽堂」- Kagura Hall

- - - deity for the breast 乳神様
「松崎の妻の神 乳神様(栄養不足の母親達の供養碑)

- - - Persons related to the history of Tohoku -

遠野の安部貞任伝説 - Abe no Sadato, Heian-period general

Abe no Sadato 安倍貞任
(1019 – October 22, 1062)
was a samurai of the Abe during the Heian period of Japan
Sadato was the son of Abe no Yoritoki, the chinjufu shogun (general in charge of overseeing the Ainu and the defense of the north).
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


遠野の坂上田村麻呂伝説 - Sakanoue Tamuramaro

. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 .
(758 - 811)


遠野の義経&弁慶伝説 - Yoshitsune and Benkei in Tono


Hayachine san 早池峰山 Mount Hayachine
at 1,917 m (6,289 ft), is the highest mountain in the Kitakami Range and the second highest in Iwate Prefecture after Mount Iwate.

Mt. Hayachine is unusual in that it lies farther east than other large mountains on Honshu and the land in this area is the oldest in Japan. As such there are flower species that are unique to this mountain.
- - - the WIKIPEDIA !


- quote
Mt. Hayachine – mountain of the gods
The second highest mountain in Iwate
The Mt. Hayachine area consists of several peaks, notably its 1917m-high summit, Kengamine to the east and Nakadake and Keitosan to the west, extending over more than 10 kilometers. Mt. Hayachine is the highest peak in the Kitakami mountain range, and is counted in the book, "One Hundred Mountains in Japan", by Fukada Kyuya (1903-1971).
The neighbors of the mountain, as well as the lord of the Morioka domain, felt deep reverence for it as a site of ancient mountain worship.
The appeal of this mountain lies in its various kinds of alpine flora, starting with Hayachine Usu Yuki So. Hikers have always been fascinated by this beautiful flora growing and blooming in such a harsh natural environment.
The area of this precious mountain and Mt. Yakushidake, a mountain south of Hayachine, is designated as a special natural treasure and a quasi-national park, and great care is taken to conserve its environment.

The view from the top of the mountain is magnificent: a field of alpine flowers, a dense forest below, and the ridge lines of Mt. Yakushidake to the south. Around the summit, there are many oddly-shaped rocks which have become objects of religious faith. "Buchi Ishi," located in the middle of the Kawara no Bo trail (see the picture above), has a folk story about a tengu (long-nosed goblin) that hit his head on this rock.

The second Sunday in June is the opening day of the hiking season at Mt. Hayachine. Many hikers from Iwate and other prefectures gather at the top of the mountain, which holds the innermost sanctuary of Hayachine Shrine. Surrounded by hikers, Shinto priests pray for safe hiking and the sacred local dance, Hayachine Take Kagura, is performed in dedication to the god of the shrine.

Hayachine Mountain Museum
Take Guest Houses
- source : mt_hayachine


Hayachine Jinja 早池峰神社 Hayachine Shrine
Ooha sama 大迫様 - Ohasama is venerated in Hanamaki, Iwate.
located in the Take region of Iwate

- - - Deity in residence
Seoritsu Hime no Mikoto 瀬織津姫命 / 瀬織津比売 / 瀬織津媛

- source : www.genbu.net

Three young female deities of Hayachine 若き三人の女神

早池峯神社 - - 瀬織津姫命 - Hayachine Jinja - Seoritsu Hime (Seori-Tsu Hime)
六神石神社 - - 大己貴命、誉田別命 - Rokkoishi Jinja - Oanamuji no mikoto
石上神社 - - 経津主命、伊邪那美命、稲蒼魂命 Ishigami Jinja - Izanami

伊豆神社 - - 瀬織津姫命 - Izu Jinja - Seoritsu Hime

source and details : furindo/seoritu_toono

- quote
Haraedo 祓戸
The tutelary kami of a place (do) for the performance of purification (harae).
... The haraedo no kami  祓所神  refers to the four kami mentioned by name in the Ōharae no norito for the Great Purification observed on the last day of the sixth month, namely
Seoritsuhime, Hayaakitsuhime (Haya-Akitsu-Hime), Ibukidonushi, and Hayasasurahime.
These four kami purify the Central Land from its imperfections (tsumi) and pollution (kegare), but since the four names are not found in the Kojiki and Nihongi, it is unclear what deities they might refer to in those two works.
Most theories suggest the four are the same kami produced by Izanagi during his purification at Awagihara. Motoori Norinaga, for example, identified Seoritsuhime with Yasomagatsuhi no kami (Yaso-Magatsuhi) ヤソマガツヒ / 八十禍津日神,
Hayaakitsuhime with Izunome no kami, and Ibukidonushi with Kamunaobi no kami.
Some theories further associate Hayasasurahime with Kazaketsuwakenooshio no kami, while still others suggest that the three kami of Sumiyoshi (Uwazutsunoo, Nakazutsunoo, Sokozutsunoo ) should be included with the haraedo no kami.
- source : Matsubara Seiji, Kokugakuin 2005

For Enku, this is an incarnation of 十一面観音 the Eleven-headed Kannon.

. 円空と瀬織津姫 Enku and Princess Seoritsu Hime .  
by 菊池展明 Kikuchi Nobuaki

. Hayachine Kagura 早池峰神楽 Sacred Kagura Dance .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

