23 Nov 2014

DARUMA - Grafitti rakugaki


Street-art in Japan

- Photo Collection
- source : www.fatcap.com


- - - - - Books - - - - -

Graffiti Japan
by Remo Camerota

Japan has long been a breeding ground for innovative appropriation of Western traditions, as with cinema and baseball. But the fanatical embrace with which Japanese artists have welcomed graffiti has made for a street-art scene wholly apart from its Western origins. As the first English-language book dedicated to Japanese graffiti, Graffiti Japan is an obvious choice for a paperback edition, featuring all the same great photographs and artist interviews with KRESS, BELX2, FATE, TENGA, EMAR, SUIKO, QP, and many more.

The graffiti featured in Graffiti Japan replicates the calligraphic intricacies of the Japanese language with spray paint, depicting how anime and manga characters, national pride, as well as foreign influences, are integral parts of the country's scene. From sprawling, legally sanctioned murals to illegal throw-ups hidden in alleyways, this work could not exist in any other country.
- source : www.amazon.com

- rakugaki 落書き -

RackGaki: Japanese Graffiti
by Ryo Sanada

Badges, buttons and pins have been around for over a century. Today they're everywhere: on lapels and bags all over the world and in the sketchbooks and on the screens of some of the hottest graphic designers, artists and illustrators. A badge can be a cheap and easy way to display political or cultural affiliations or it can simply be a fashion accessory. Cheap to produce and easy to make at home, the humble badge is the new Tshirt.
A guide to the best and most beautiful badges being produced right now be they graphic, textual or plain illustrative this book explores the rich variety of uses of the badge since the year 2000 whether it be promotion, revenue-raising or simply decorative. It will appeal to graphic designers, illustrators, fashion designers, artists, music lovers and badge enthusiasts of all ages.
- source : www.amazon.co.uk


Grafitti / Graffiti / Graffitti

***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


CLICK for more

Graffiti (singular: graffito; the plural is used as a mass noun) is the name for images or lettering scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any manner on property. Graffiti is any type of public markings that may appear in the forms of simple written words to elaborate wall paintings. Graffiti has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire.

In modern times, spray paint, normal paint and markers have become the most commonly used materials. In most countries, defacing property with graffiti without the property owner's consent is considered vandalism, which is punishable by law. Sometimes graffiti is employed to communicate social and political messages. To some, it is an art form worthy of display in galleries and exhibitions; to others it is merely vandalism.

Graffiti has since evolved into a pop culture existence often related to underground hip hop music and b-boying creating a lifestyle that remains hidden from the general public.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Berlin Wall Art and Graffiti

CLICK for more photos
source : planetware.com

In 1976 East German Border Troops begun to erect a new typ of Wall in Berlin, the so-called 'Border Wall 75'. This concrete Wall was 3.60 meter (11.81 ft) high and white painted. Although painting was not allowed, the complete Wall system was on the territory of East Berlin, many artists begun to paint on the Western side of the Wall in the beginning of the 80s.

Artists like Thierry Noir and Keith Haring discovered the Berlin Wall as the world's longest canvas which had to be painted.
Many known and unknown artists painted on the Wall in the following years and the paintings were often painted over within hours or days. The Wall art was not protected, everybody could paint on the Wall. On the Western side of the Berlin Wall the Wall was colorful whereas the Eastern side was white or grey.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 the Eastern side of the Wall was also painted by artists.

source and much more information

. WKD : Berlin Wall (Berliner Mauer )  


Alcatraz Island
is an island located in the San Francisco Bay, 1.5 miles (2.4 km) offshore from San Francisco, California. Often referred to as The Rock, the small island early-on served as a lighthouse, a military fortification, a military prison, and a federal prison until 1963.
Due to its isolation from the outside by the cold, strong, hazardous currents of the waters of San Francisco Bay, Alcatraz was used to house Civil War prisoners as early as 1861.
During World War I the prison held conscientious objectors, including Philip Grosser, who wrote a pamphlet entitled 'Uncle Sam's Devil's Island' about his experiences.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

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Photo Gallery about Alcatraz Graftiti

22 Nov 2014

DARUMA - Yaizu Hariko



Yaizu town 焼津市


- source : www.asahi-net.or.jp

Yaizu sakana tako 焼津魚凧 fish kite
maguro tako まぐろ凧 Bonito kite

Yaizu Daruma 焼津だるま


19 Nov 2014

FUDO - thread art Ishikawa



Artwork by - source : Kintaro Ishikawa‎ - fb

. Namikiri Fudo Talisman .
Shooryuuji 青龍寺 Shoryu-Ji, Tosa Shikoku
A Fudo Pilgrim's temple


gofu 護符 talisman, amulet
fuda 札 paper amulet

Amulets that carry the power of Fudo Myo-O.
Sold at temples dedicated to this deity.

- General Introduction :
. Shinsatsu 神札 , Mamorifuda 守り札 .  


source : shugendo.org/content
Fudō-son Inori Kyō (不動尊祈り経) Fudo Prayer Sutra

source and more : pt-watcher.blog.so-net.ne
From Meguro Fudo in Tokyo

厄除け - 魔除け - 不動尊札 yakuyke, mayoke - Fudo-Son
. Tenkooji 天光寺 Tenko-ji - 臼杵山 天光寺 .


source : www.h2.dion.ne.jp/~mahou-03

source : shop.ginzatanaka.co.jp/shop
with real gold

source : tenshyo.shop-pro.jp
開運 護符 不動明王

source : www.amazon.co.jp
ゴールドカード護符 gold card amulet

source : ameblo.jp/reddragon5014
Fudo and Dragon
Super natural power / financial success, human networking power, goal achievement, self-actualization

. Pendants with KAAN 梵字ペンダント .
and more Fudo amulets


shugobutsu 守護仏 protector deity,
guardian Buddha amulets

source : www.amazon.co.jp

pure gold 滝田商店ブランド 純金

CLICK for more samples !





18 Nov 2014

FUDO - Kozen-Ji Tsugaru Daishi 05



Koozenji 弘前寺 Kozen-Ji

Nr. 05 成田山 Naritasan- 弘前寺 Kozen-Ji - 初不動 Hatsu Fudo

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .


弘前市常盤坂3丁目4-1 / 3 Chome-4-1 Tokiwazaka, Hirosaki

This is a direct sub-temple of the main Narita Temple in Chiba.
It obtained a statue of Fudo Myo-O from there in 1948 at the founding of the temple by 1he 18th head priest of Narita, Akari san 荒木照定.
The temple was relocated to its present place in 1953.
This new place is related to the third lord, Tsugaru Nobuyoshi 津軽信義 (1619 - 1655), who had a restplace to drink tea here.
It has a fine view, "which one can not find in China".
In the compound is a memorial stone with a poem of Lord Nobuyoshi.

Statue of Koyasu Daishi 弘前寺子安大師 caring for children

- Chant of the temple
ほのぼのと 薫る茶山の 常盤坂 かわらぬ誓い あなありがたや
穢土の世の 罪咎深き わが身をば 清め給えや 南無や遍照


Hatsu Fudo 初不動 "First Fudo ritual" is especially important on January 28.
A large chauldron is brought to the boil and from its sound 釜鳴り the outcome of the harvest of the coming year is divined.


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : kouboudaishi.main.jp/fudasho


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

1月1日 元朝、新年大護摩
1月28日 初不動、午前11時より不動護摩厳修
2月3日 節分会
2月28日 初不動大護摩、釜鳴り
3月28日 午前11時より不動護摩厳修
4月28日 午前11時より不動護摩厳修
5月28日 午前11時より不動護摩厳修
6月27日 大祭
7月28日 夏大祭
8月20日 盆灯篭流し
8月28日 午前11時より不動護摩厳修
旧暦9月8日 八大龍神祭
9月28日 午前11時より不動護摩厳修
10月28日 午前11時より不動護摩厳修
11月28日 報恩感謝祭
12月28日 納め不動、(御札守)焚上げ


- - - reference - - -

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Fudo Myo-O at Mount Koyasan 高野山の明王像 .

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .


. 東北三十六不動尊霊場 - 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .  

. Pilgrimage to 18 Shingon Temples .
The 18 Head Temples of Shingon School have a very long history.


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46


WKD - November calendar days



. Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .


November - juuichigatsu 十一月

A lot of the goroawase combinations start with
ii いい 11 good, well

.................... 01 .................................................................................

. Day of classical literature 古典の日 .

. Sushi Day 寿司の日 Sushi no hi .

. Banseietsu 万聖節 All Saints' Day .

. Shareisai 諸霊祭 All Souls Day .

. Maizuru Daruma Festival 舞鶴だるま祭 .

. Samhain Festival - Ireland .

koocha no hi 紅茶の日 day of black tea
since 1983. In 1791 on this day black tea was introduced for the first time in Japan.

wan wan wan ワンワンワン 11 1 - 犬の日 day of dogs
(the sound is like wan 1. goroawase)

.................... 03 .................................................................................

. Culture Day 文化の日 bunka no hi.
airing the treasures of the Shosoin 正倉院曝涼, kazeire 風入れ 

. Meiji Shrine Festival 明治神宮祭 Tokyo .

aroma no hi アロマの日 day of aroma
part of the culture day. Aromatherapy and fragrance

gojira no hi ゴジラの日 day of gozilla
since 1954, when the first movie was released on this day.

hankachi-fu no hi ハンカチーフの日 day of the hankerchief
since 1983.
Hankerchiefs had been used by Mari Antoinette, and this day is the first holiday (in Japan) close to her birthday on November 2.

ii osan no hi いいお産の日 day of a good birth
goroawase. 11 03

ii rezaa no hi いいレザーの日 day of leather
goroawase. 「いい(11) れざー(03)」

manga no hi まんがの日 day of manga
since 2002. On the culture day, to put manga on a level in Japanese Culture.

mikan no hi みかんの日 day of mikan citrus fruit
goroawase. ii mikka いいみっか a good third day

rekoodo no hi レコードの日 day of music records
since 1957. As part of the culture day

sandoichi no hi サンドウィッチの日 day of the sandwich
goroawase. 「いい(11) サン(3)ド」

.................... 05 .................................................................................

ii ringo no hi いいりんごの日 day of apples
since 2001 in Aomori. goroawase with い(1)い(1)りんご(5)

.................... 06 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Hattori Ransetsu 服部嵐雪 .

temaki rooru keeki no hi 手巻きロールケーキの日
day of roll cake, every month on the 6th.
If the cake is cut, the surface looks like the number 6. goroawase with ro(ku) 6.

.................... 07 .................................................................................

. rittoo 立冬 Ritto. beginning of winter .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気

.................... 08 .................................................................................

ii pakku no hi いいパックの日 day of good packing
goroawase with 11 8. Since 1991.

ii ha いい刃 - 刃物の日 day of knives (hamono)
goroawase 11 8.

.................... 09 .................................................................................

. Honorable tenth night ritual 十夜法要.
Prayers of the Jodo sect of Pure Land Buddhism

kureepu no hi クレープの日 day of crepe pancaces
every day with a 9 is crepe day. goroawase with ku 9 九.

hyakujuukyuuban no hi 119番の日 - 119 day of the fire brigade
Call the number 119 in case of a fire. goroawase.

ii kuuki no hi いい空気 - 換気の日 day of good ventilation
goroawase 11 9

.................... 10 .................................................................................

. Memorial Rituals for Yuima Vimalakirti 維摩会 Yuima E .
Temple Kofuku-Ji, Nara 興福寺

toire no hi" トイレの日 Toilet Day
goroawase 「いいト」イレ) to i 11 10+1

erebeeta no hi エレベーターの日 Elevator Day
since 1979. In 1890 on this day the first elevator was activated in Asakusa, Tokyo.

ii te いい手(ハンドクリーム)の日 day of hand cream
goroawase 11 10 (ten)

.................... 11 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Saint Kuya 空也上人 .

. Armistice Day, Rememberance Day .
Veterans Day, Poppy Day

. Pocky no Hi - pocky sticks day .
ポッキー&プリッツの日. Since 1999. goroawase. four sticks look like 1111.

chiizu no hi チーズの日 day of cheese
since 1992.

denchi no hi 電池の日 day of electric batteries
goroawase (十一十一) plus minus plus minus

geta no hi 下駄の日 geta day
gorowasee. the footprints of geta look like 二 二.

hashi no hi 箸の日 day of chopsticks
goroawase. four look like 1111.

kagami no hi 鏡の日 day of mirrors
since 2006.
goroawase. 「11 11」や縦書きにした「十一 十一」が左右対称であること

kiritanpo no hi きりたんぽの日 day of kiritampo food.
goroawase. four look like 1111.

kutsushita no hi 靴下の日 socks day
since 1993.
goroawaes 11 11 looks like two pairs of socks. Lovers buy each other socks on this day.

moyashi no hi もやしの日 day of soy bean sprouts.
goroawase. four threads look like 1111.

piinatsu no hi ピーナッツの日 - peanuts day
since 1985.
goroawase. out of one sheath there come two pea nuts, like twice the same number 1.
(シーズンで数字が並んでいる) (11のぞろ目の日)

sake no hi 圭 → 鮭の日 salmon day
in Niigata since 1987.
goroawase. the old letter for 圭 looks like 十一十一 10+1 10+1

sakka no hi サッカーの日 sakka (soccer) day
goroawase 11 players vs 11 players

.................... 12 .................................................................................

ii hifu いい皮膚の日 day of nice skin
goroawase . 12 hitotsu futatsu

.................... 13 .................................................................................

. urushi no hi はうるしの日 day of laquer .

.................... 14 .................................................................................

. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's Memorial Day - India .

pachinko no hi パチンコの日 day of pachinko
the permission for the first store was given in 1979

.................... 15 .................................................................................

. Shichigosan, Shichi Go San 七五三祝 .
hakamagi 袴着 Wearing the hakama for the first time.

. "Night of the tenth day 十日夜 (tookanya) .
Harvest thanksgiving for the god of the fields.

ii yuigon (igon) no hi いい遺言の日 day of a good testament
goroawase. 「い(1)い(1) い(1)ごん(5)」

kamaboko no hi かまぼこの日 day of the Kamaboko food
since 1983.
goroawase. This food had first been mentioned is literature in the year 1115 (永久3)年.

kimono no hi きものの日 day of the Kimono
(relates to people dressing nicely for shichi go san.

konbu no hi こんぶの日 day of Kombu seaweed
since 1982.
Eaten for shishi go san as auspicious food (yorokonbu - to be happy)

nama konkuriito no hi 生コンクリート記念日 day of wet concrete
since 1949. The first day when this material was sold in Japan.

okashi no hi お菓子の日 day of sweets
every month on the 15th. The first exhibition of sweets and cakes was in the past on April 15.

.................... 16 .................................................................................

. Leonid Meteor Shower .

. Opening the tea jar (kuchikiri 口切の茶事 ) .

ii iro no hi いいいろの日 day of nice color
since 1991, first created in Aichi, also for painting colors.

ii iro いいいろ塗装の日 day of nice (color) painting
since 1998.
goroawase いい色 ii iro ichi roku 16.

jinensho no hi 自然薯の日 day of Dioscorea japonica vegetable
goroawase, 6を「も」の字に見立て、「11(いい)16(いも)」- nice potatoe

rokuon bunka no hi 録音文化の日 day of recording culture
created by the Media Association

yoochien kinenbi 幼稚園記念日 day of kindergarden
In 1875, the first indergarden was introduced in Ochanomizu, Tokyo.
In 1876 on November 16, another one opened next to the School for Ladies 東京女子師範学校.

.................... 17 .................................................................................

. shoogi no hi 将棋の日 day of shogi Japanese chess.

dorafuto kinenbi ドラフト記念日 draft memorial day
In 1965, the first draft for professional baseball was started.

haigan bokumetsu dii 肺がん撲滅デー day of eradicating lung cancer
introduced in 2000 in America

renkon no hi 蓮根の日 day of the lotus root
created in 1994 by the lotus farmers of Ibaragi.
This was the first day of their "lotus summit" (renkon samitto 「蓮根サミット」.
. renkon 蓮根 lotus root .

Shimabara boosai no hi 島原防災の日
day of protection from natural disaster in Shimabara
Introduced in 1990 in Nagasaki, Shimabara town.
This was the day when the volcano Unzen Fugendake 雲仙普賢岳 erupted after 200 years of silence.

.................... 18 .................................................................................

doboku no hi 土木の日 day of civil engineering
since 1987.
goroawase. 「土木」を分解すると「十一」「十八」

kasupikai yoogurto no hi カスピ海ヨーグルトの日
day of Caspian Sea yoghurt
This yoghurt has been introduced in Japan by 家森幸男 of kyoto University.
On this day in the year 2006 more than 1000000 people had bought this yoghurt.

. kinkatsu 菌活 active bacteria .

mikki mausu no tanjoobi ミッキーマウスの誕生日
birthday of Mickey Mouse (in the year 1928 in New York)

mori to furusato no hi もりとふるさとの日
day of the forest and homeland
created in 1994 by 国土保全奨励制度全国研究協議会.

. yukimi daifuku no hi 雪見だいふくの日 day of yukimi daifuku sweet buns .
goroawase. 11 for ii (tasts good), 18 : when you open the package, there are two sweets and a pink stick, looking like 18.

.................... 19 .................................................................................

midori no obasan no hi 緑のおばさんの日
day of the green old lady
created in 1959. She helps to protect school children on their daiyl way.

shuukuriimu no hi シュークリームの日 day of chou cream puff
- - - シューク - juu ku ジューク 10 9 goroawase

sekai toire no hi 世界トイレの日 World Toilet Day
since 2001. created by WTO

.................... 20 .................................................................................

. Universal Children's Day - UN .

bojuree nuuboo ボジョレー・ヌーボー解禁日 First day of Beaujolais nouveau wine
(or the third Thursday in November)
It used to be November 11.

hoteru no hi ホテルの日 day of the hotel
In 1890 the Teikoku Hotel帝国ホテル opened in Tokyo.

ii fuaa no hi いいファーの日 day of good fur
goroawase. いい(11) - 20(ファー)

pizza no hi ピザの日 day of pizza
created in 1995.
This is the birthday of queen Margerita of Italy. She had a pizza made in the colors of the Italian flag, white mozarella cheeze, green basil leaves and red tomatoes.

Yamanashi kenmin no hi 山梨県民の日
Day of the People of Yamanashi Prefecture
This prefecture was created in 1871 - 1871(明治4)年11月20日(旧暦).
In the modern calendar it should be December 31, but the people still celebrate it on the old lunar calendar day.

.................... 21 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Ishida Hakyo 石田波郷 .
Hakyoo Ki 波郷忌, Nintoo Ki 忍冬忌, Fuukaku Ki 風鶴忌, Shakumyoo Ki 惜命忌

furaido chikin no hi フライドチキンの日 day of fried chicken
Cornel Sanders カーネル・サンダース
The first shop opened in Japan in 1970 on this day.

intanetto kinenbi インターネット記念日 day of the internet
since 1969

sekai haroo dii 世界ハロー・デー World Hello Day

.................... 22 .................................................................................

. shoosetsu 小雪 Shosetsu "small snow" .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気

. ii fuufu いい夫婦 day of good couples .
goroawase 11 22

botan no hi ボタンの日 day of the button
created in 1870 the uniforms for the marines became stylized and various rows of (decorative) buttons sowed to it.

daiku san no hi 大工さんの日 day of the carpenter
created in 1999.
This is the memorial day of prince Shotoku Taishi 聖徳太子, the deity of the carpenters.
goroawase. 「11二二」- 11はニ本の柱をあらわし、ニは土台と梁あるいは桁を表して軸組合の構造体となり 11 are two pillars, ニ are the frames for a building

Nagano ken ringo no hi 長野県りんごの日 Apple Day in Nagano
created in 1999 by the apple farmers. The main apple type is FUJI ふじ.
goroawase. ii fuji 「いい(11)ふじ(22)」
goroawase. 「いい(11) ふうふ(22)」(いい夫婦) good couple (the "good couple" is Adam and Eve in paradise - and the apple story . ..

Wakayama ken furusato tanjoobi 和歌山県ふるさと誕生日
birthday of Wakayama prefecture
Founded on this day in 1871. The day was created in 1989.

.................... 23 .................................................................................

. Labour Thanksgiving Day 勤労感謝の日 .
kinroo kansha no hi
- niiname no matsuri 新嘗祭 official Harvest Festival

. Harvest Thanksgiving at Izumo Shrine 出雲大社新嘗祭

. Memorial Day for Higuchi Ichiyo 樋口 一葉 .

. World Mother-in-Law's Day. Mother in Law .

chinmi no hi 珍味の日 day of delicacies
On this day at the imperial court and Ise Shrine specialities from the mountains and the sea are offered.
goroawase. ii tsu mami 「い(1)い(1)つ(2)まみ(3)」
. chinmi 珍味 delicacies .

gaishoku no hi 外食の日 day of dining out
created in 1984.

haatokea no hi ハートケアの日 day of taking care of the heart
Together with the Labor Thanksgiving day.
created in the hope to prevent heart diseases

ii famirii no hi いい家族(ファミリー)の日 day of a good family
goroawase. 「いい(11) ファ(2) ミ(3) リー」

ii fumi no hi いい文の日 day of a good letter
started by the post office. Every day on the 23 (fu mi) is "letter day".
goroawase. 「い(1)い(1)ふ(2)み(3)」

ii fusai no hi いい夫妻の日 day of a good couple
goroawase. 「い(1)い(1)ふ(2)さい(3)」

ii niisan no hi いい兄さんの日 day of the elder brother
goroawase. 11 23 「い(1)い(1)にい(2)さん(3)」

jeiriigu no hi Jリーグの日 day of the JLeague
created in 1993.

tebukuro no hi 手袋の日 day of gloves
created in 1981. Together with the Labor Thanksgiving day. From now on, people will need gloves to work outside.

.................... 24 .................................................................................

. katsuobushi no hi 鰹節の日 day of dried bonito pieces .

opera no hi オペラの日 day of the opera
since 1894. On this day the first opera has been performed in Japan at the Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku 東京芸術大学. It was a scene of FAUST by Charles Franois Gounod. Members of the Austrian embassy in Tokyo helped with the stage. The conductor was the German フランツ・エッケルト Franz Eckert.

.................... 25 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Mishima Yukio 三島 由紀夫 .

haibijon no hi ハイビジョンの日 day of high vision
from 19 to 25 is High Vision Week. Since 1987, NHK uses 1125 scanning lines.

kanagata no hi 金型の日 day of metal molds
since 1957. The Japan Die and Mold Industry Association 日本金型工業会 fas founded on this day.

o-eru no hi OLの日 day of the OL (office lady)
since 1963, the word "office lady" was used. In 1994, the OLネットワークシステム (OL network system) was founded.

.................... 26 .................................................................................

ii chiimu no hi いいチームの日 day of a good team
created by 日本浴用剤工業会 Japan Bath Additive Industry Association.
goroawase - ii fu ro 「いい(11)ふろ(26)」

. ii furo no hi いい風呂の日 day of a good bath .

. pen no hi ペンの日 day of the writing pen .

.................... 27 .................................................................................

ii funa no hi いい鮒の日 day of a delicious crucian carp
goroawase. i i fu na 「い(1)い(1) ふ(2)な(7)」

koosei hogo kinenbi 更生保護記念日
day of social readjustment and offenders rehabilitation
since 1952. created by the 東京・日比谷で更生保護大会

nooberu shoo ノーベル賞制定の日
day of the establishment of the Nobel Prize
since 1901.

.................... 28 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 .
Bashoo ki 芭蕉忌, Okina no hi 翁の日, Shigure ki 時雨忌, Toosei ki 桃青忌
The 12th day of the 10th lunar month of 1694.

taiheiyoo kinenbi 太平洋記念日 Day of the Pacific Ocean
The name "Pacific Ocean" was created by Ferdinand Magellan in 1520. On this day he reached the Pacific Ocean after passing the Magellan Straits.

seikan kinenbi 税関記念日 day of customs
created by the Customs Office 財務省 in 1952.

.................... 29 .................................................................................

ii fuku no hi いい服の日 day of good cloths
goroawase. 「いい(11)ふく(29)」fu ku

ii niku no hi いい肉の日 day of good meat
goroawase. 「いい(11)にく(29)」ni ku

.................... 30 .................................................................................

. Bonifacio Day - Philippines .

. Independence Day - Yemen .

. honmirin no hi 本みりんの日 day of hon mirin .

kagami no hi 鏡の日 day of the mirror
goroawase. 「いい(11) ミラー(30)」

kamera no hi カメラの日 day of the camera
since 1977.
On this day the camera maker KONIKO 小西六写真工業 began to sell the first auto-focus camera.

.................... end of November

. American Thanksgiving .
fourth Thursday of November

. Advent 待降節 .
Advent begins with the Sunday after the 26th of November.


. Market on the Day of the Rooster 酉の市 .

. November - a month without Gods (kami no rusu 神無月) .

. WKD : November - a Haiku Month .


. WKD : World Days in November .

. Ceremonies, festivals, rituals - November .

. Memorial Days of Famous People - November .


For the worldwide approach to kigo,
we must differentiate between the "Haiku Season" and the natural phenomenon and human activites occuring at a certain season at a certain place.

To complicate our endeavor, we also have to deal with the Asian Lunar Calendar and the 24 seasons (periods), which were applied in Japan before the introduction of the Western Calendar, when kigo were already used in Japanese poetry.

Study the details here, please:

. The Japanese Haiku Calendar.

. Seasons beginning .

. Seasons ending .


. WKD : the complete SAIJIKI list .


goroawase 語呂合わせ wordplay with numbers .

. Japanese Calendar Days .

- Join the friends on facebook
for the whole year ! -

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[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ] - - goronovember -

17 Nov 2014

WKD - poetess Orimoto Kakyo


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Orimoto Kakyoo 織本花嬌 Orimoto Kakyo
(1736 - 1741)

Born in Nishikawamura (now Futtsu) 旧西川村(現在富津市西川) father was 小柴庄左衛門.
Married to the headman of 旧富津村, 織本嘉右衛門 Orimoto san.
Her haikai name was 対潮庵 Taicho-An.
Her husband's haikai name was 砂明 Samyo.
Her brother's haikai name was also Samyo.
Both were priests at the temple 金華山華蔵院 Keso-In in Kanaya.
This temple is Nr. 13 at the pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in Kazusa, Chiba.新上総国三十三観音札所

She was friends with Kobayashi Issa, 雪中庵蓼太 (大島蓼太 Oshima Ryota) and other haijin of her times.

In February of 1798, she had a memorial stone for Matsuo Basho placed at 鹿野山神野寺 Jinja-Ji.

On the 2nd day of the 7th lunar month in 1804, Issa came to Kisarazu and then to 富津 Futtsu in Chiba.
Issa wrote

aki tatsu ya

On the 6th day of the 2nd lunar month in 1808, Issa sent a letter to Kakyo:

On the third day of the fourth lunar month in 1802, Hakyo died.
Her grave is at the temple 普戴山大乗寺 Daijo-Ji in Futtsu.

On the 13thd ay of the 7th lunar month, Issa visited her grave and later the Orimoto family, where he stayed for a while.



- - - Poems by Kakyo 花嬌の句







- reference : members.jcom.home.ne.jp/michiko328


ima kita to kao o naraberu tsubame kana

lining up
with newcomers' faces...

David Lanoue

Mrs. Kakyo Orimoto was Kobayhashi Issa's haiku student as well as reliable sponsor.
1810 July she died, he knew it but couldn't attend her funeral ceremony.
After two years on her memorial day, he came to her tomb to pray for her soul.

- source : Nakamura Sakuo

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .


a girl welcomes her grandmother's returning soul --

aka-himo no zoori mo miyuru aki no yuu

autumn evening --
sandals appear
with red thongs

This hokku is from lunar 7/13 (August 12) in 1810, the hundredth day after the death of Orimoto Kakyou (織本花嬌, hereafter Kakyo), a well-known haikai poet married to a village headman in the area east of Edo. She was one of Issa's most enthusiastic and talented supporters, and Issa must have been deeply grieved when he learned she had died on 4/3. He was traveling at the time, but later he took a boat east across Edo Bay and attended the important hundredth-day requiem service for her at Daijoji, a Buddhist temple of the Pure Land school founded by Honen. On the hundredth day a soul was believed to become a "Buddha," since it had decisively left this world and had entered the other, where it was now on its way to liberation or to the Pure Land.

This hokku is the third Issa wrote on the day of the Buddhist requiem service for Kakyo. It is thought to refer to Kakyo's granddaughter, a budding haikai poet who was being tutored by Kakyo. The age of neither Kakyo nor her granddaughter in 1810 is known, but the granddaughter must have been fairly young, since she is still wearing sandals with red thongs. In the midst of all the dark colors no doubt worn by the other people at the service, Issa seems to regard the granddaughter's red sandal thongs to be a small but strong assertion of the power of life and rebirth. Issa had no doubt met the granddaughter earlier when he visited Kakyo's house to lead haikai meetings there, so he may take the red thongs, which seem to stand out in the dim lantern light, to be a sign that Kakyo's creative spirit still lives on in the haikai and the flamboyant assertion of color by her protege, her granddaughter.

In once sense the red sandal thongs may literally refer to Kakyo's return to this world. The headnote, the red color, and the night setting all seem to indicate that this hokku is not about the requiem service but about a later ceremony that evening to welcome Kakyo's soul back to the world of the living. The date of the requiem for Kakyo happens to be the day before the beginning of the very important half-Buddhist, half-shamanic Bon Festival of Returning Souls held on lunar 7/14-16, that is, at the time of the first autumn full moon. It is an evening on which almost all families, especially those with a death during the previous year, pray to the souls of their loved ones, welcoming them and asking them to return and spend the next three days with them.

To welcome the souls, relatives carry lanterns from their houses to the person's grave, and there they place at least one lantern to show the soul the location of the grave. After making welcoming prayers, each family, still carrying lanterns, guides the soul back to its former house. Similar ceremonies are carried out at graves at the end of the festival, when visiting souls are sent off on the evening of lunar 7/16. Kakyo's grave is in Daijoji Temple, where the requiem was held earlier in the day, so lanterns would probably be placed near her grave while relatives and friends welcome her returning soul, which has only recently entered the other world. The red worn by Kakyo's granddaughter may literally seem to Issa to indicate the color of life, and he may believe with others at the grave that Kakyo's soul is alive and temporarily among them once more. Could Issa be seeing a double vision of Kakyo's granddaughter and of the young Kakyo herself, once more young? That would explain why he stresses "visible" or "appears."

Kakyou's husband died in 1794, and she did not remarry, but as the widow of a powerful village headman, she could not have felt free to have affairs with other men. In spite of the class distance between Kakyo and the lowly Issa, however, many commentators are fond of stating that Issa must have deeply but platonically loved the older Kakyo, who became his secret love throughout his life. There is no evidence to either support or disprove this perennial theory, and Issa's main requiem hokku for Kakyo, also written on 7/13 and placed two verses before the above hokku in his diary, is supremely ambiguous:

what you say and tell --
autumn wind

kusabana ya iu mo kataru mo aki no kaze

The haikai name Kakyo means Beauty of Flowers (or Floral Beauty), so Issa seems to be addressing both the autumn flowers of the fields around him and Kakyo's soul. Of course the wildflowers also suggest Issa -- as well as an imagistic overlap of Issa with Kakyo -- so Issa may be indirectly identifying himself with Kakyo here. Autumn wind is traditionally a sad and lonely image, and even the flowers now speak its language, though they may be saying other things as well which will never be explicitly uttered.

source : kyoto-brand.co
An image of Rokuharamitsuji Temple in Kyoto, with soul-welcoming fires and a statue of the merciful bodhisattva Kannon

source : blog-imgs-36-origin.fc2.com/h/a/n/hanpei
Fires lighting the way for souls from a graveyard to a village

source : blog-imgs-35.fc2.com/k/h/s/khsjapan
Soul-welcoming fires at individual houses

Chris Drake


- Reference - Japanese -

. Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets .


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MINGEI - Shimokosuge dolls, Yamagata


Shimokosuge ningyoo 下小菅人形 dolls from Shimokosuge village

CLICK for more images !

Together with Narushima 成島, Shimokosuge is a village about 5 km north of Yonezawa town.
Dolls have been made here since the Meiji period.
In Shimokosuge, the craftsman 山田亀蔵 Yamada Kamezo made these dolls.
In Narushima, 井上弘章 Inoue Hiroaki made these dolls in his free time as a farmer. They have a very special flavor.


Narushima ningyoo 成島人形 Narushima dolls
Yonezawa - Narushima is a suburb of Yonezawa 米沢
They are not made any more.

Daruma, about 12 cm high

The soldier is about 23 cm high.

- source : www.asahi-net.or.jp


16 Nov 2014

EDO - haikai ash buyers



- Let us take a time trip to Edo !

. Recycling and Reuse in Edo - リサイクル と 再生 .

haikai 灰買い buying ashes

Wood and straw was the most common burnable material in Edo. Considering there were about 1.000.000 people living in the city, a lot of ashes were produced every day.
Ashes were used in many ways during the Edo period. Some examples are the indigo dyers, paper makers, sake and silk producers, furniture makers and others.
Furniture makers used it especially for cleaning a surface.
The buyers for ashes of the kitchen fires and hibatchi heaters walked around the cities and then sold their ware at special "ash markets", for example in Kawagoe and in the suburbs of Edo.
In Kabuki there is a famous saying, to express the "most trivial things"

kamado no shita no hai made 竈の下の灰まで
even the ashes from below the stove

In Kyoto and Osaka the people really sold the ashes from below the stove, sometimes with some husks of rice (nuka) or seeds of cotton (tane), so the buyers would call out

nuka tane hai wa gozai 「ぬか・たね・はいはござい」

In Edo, the ash buyers wanted only the pure ashes. They brought their merchandise to a special ash dealer or merchand 灰問屋 (haidonya), got their money and spent the rest of the day happily.

haidonya mina shiraga no wakai mono

the ash merchands
are all white-haired
young men

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo .

One of the rich ash merchands was Haiya Juuyuu 灰屋紹由 Haiya Juyu.

Most ash buyers carried a shoulder pole with two rope baskets with long lines at the four corners, (see above),
others teamed up and shared the burden of the basket, called
- mokko モッコ / もっこ / 畚


FUDO - temple Isshin-Ji



The tallest 日本一の不動明王 (so far)
20 meters high (including the podestal)

source : daizukan9.blog63.fc2.com

Isshinji 一心寺 Isshin-Ji
大分市 Oita Town, Kyushu

305 Megusuno Tuskano Oita City, Oita

The temple has been founded in 1963 by priest 安部一僧正 with the sincere wish to save people.
He made the road, planted the cherry trees and eventually was able to put the statue of Fudo Myo-O here in Tsukano village. The temple grounds are among the largest in Western Japan.

The Fudo here is  初七日導師 who leads the souls of the dead on the 7th day. His fire-halo lights the way for their proceeding to cross "Kurayami Toge"くらやみ峠 , the pass of darkness.
「初七日まもるは不動尊」. The bereaved family members come her on the 7th day after a death in the family and offer candles to light the way too.

Another huge statue (17 meters) is of 薬師観音像 Yakushi Kannon
The Kannon of Medicine, holding a medicine flask 薬壺 like Yakushi Nyorai.
This refers to nr. 12 of the vows of Kannon Bosatsu:

Other statues feature a nehanzo 釈迦涅槃像 of Shaka Nyorai
Saint Kaizan Shonin 海山上人像(安部一僧正)the founder of the temple.

Nearby are the Isshinj Waterfalls 一心寺の滝 and the temple also houses the largest Buddhist bell 念佛鐘 in Japan.
The cherry blossom time is the best to visit.

- Homepage of the temple 不動尊霊山一心寺
- source : issinnji.web.fc2.com


15 Nov 2014

WKD - day of shogi Japanese chess


shoogi no hi 将棋の日 day of shogi
November 17

On this day the 8th Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune declared this day with the first official shogi contest in Edo castle 御城将棋の日.
It was held since then from 1715 till 1745.
In rememberance, the Shogi association created this day in 1975.


Games with Dragons

Shoogi - Shogi 将棋 shōgi, generals' chess.
also known as
Japanese chess,

is a two-player board game in the same family as Western chess, chaturanga, and Chinese xiangqi, and is the most popular of a family of chess variants native to Japan.
Shōgi means general's (shō 将) boardgame (gi 棋).

The earliest predecessor of the game, chaturanga, originated in India in the 6th century, and was brought to Japan sometime in the 10th to 12th centuries, where it spawned a number of variants. Shogi in its present form was played as early as the 16th century, while a direct ancestor without the "drop rule" was recorded from 1210 in a historical document Nichūreki, which is an edited copy of Shōchūreki and Kaichūreki from the late Heian period (ca. 1120).

Promoted rook ("Dragon")
Promoted rook 龍王 ryūō dragon king

Promoted bishop ("Horse")
Promoted bishop 龍馬 ryūma or ryūme dragon horse

© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Shared by Elaine Andre
Joys of Japan
Chopstick rests with Shogi patterns


. Tendoo Shoogi 天童将棋 Tendo Shogi.

. Ryuume, the Dragon Horse.


麻雀 マージャン Maajan, Mahjong

Mahjong, sometimes spelled Mah Jongg,

is a game that originated in China, commonly played by four players (with some three-player variations found in Korea and Japan). The four player table version should not be confused with the popular Western single player (tile matching) computer game (Mahjong solitaire), which is a recent invention and completely different from the table game. Similar to the Western card game rummy, mahjong is a game of skill, strategy and calculation and involves a certain degree of chance. In Asia, mahjong is also popularly played as a gambling game (though it may just as easily be played recreationally).

The game is played with a set of 136 tiles based on Chinese characters and symbols, although some regional variations use a different number of tiles. In most variations, each player begins by receiving thirteen tiles. In turn players draw and discard tiles until they complete a legal hand using the fourteenth drawn tile to form four groups (melds) and a pair (head).

There are fairly standard rules about how a piece is drawn, stolen from another player (melded), the use of basic (numbered tiles) and honours (winds and dragons), the kinds of melds, and the order of dealing and play. However there are many regional variations in the rules; in addition, the scoring system, the minimum hand necessary to win varies significantly based on the local rules being used.

The three dragon (cardinal) tiles
The Red, Green and White Dragon

There are two different honor suits:
the winds and the dragons.
the dragons are Red, Green and White

some winning hands with dragons
Pearl Dragon - All circles and a pong of the white dragon
Ruby Dragon - All characters and a pong of the red dragon
Jade Dragon - All bamboo and a pong of the green dragon
Great Dragons - Three pongs of all three dragons

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Dragons like to play computer games

source : instructionaldesignfusions

Dragon Tiles

- Rererence -

Dragon Game

- Rererence -


. Games with Daruma  .
