. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .
. Tengupedia - ABC-Index 天狗 .
Yakushi Nyorai and Tengu Legends 薬師と天狗伝説
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Temple Yakuo-In 薬王院 .
At Mount Takao-san 高尾山 in Tokyo Yakushi is venerated, and so are the Tengu.
The Izuna Daigongen deity at Mount Takao used to be called
飯縄不動尊 Izuna Fudo Son
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. Folktales, legends about Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 / お薬師様 / お薬師さん .
................................................................................. Aichi 愛知県
北設楽郡 Kita-Shitara district 本郷町 Hongo
kamikakushi 神かくし spirited away
A boy born with 生来痴鈍 an intelligence defect left home for a walk when he was about 15 or 16 years and did not come back in the evening.
Next morning when he came home, he said he had been in the mountains and played with Yakushi Nyorai and some Tengu.
................................................................................. Iwate 岩手県
平泉町 Hiraizumi
Karasu Tengu 烏天狗
In the 中尊寺薬師堂 Yakushi Hall of temple Chuson-Ji there is 頭蓋骨 a skull of a 鳥天狗 Karasu Tengu in the treasure hall.
................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府
中京区 Nakagyo
tengu no tsume 天狗の爪 nail of a Tengu
Since about 1715, at the temple 丹州国分寺 Kokubun^Ji in 丹州 anshu (the Tango/Tanba region) they show a statue of Yakushi Nyorai and also the nails of a Tengu.
. tengu no tsume 天狗の爪 tengutsume 天狗爪 nails of a Tengu .
................................................................................. Nagano 長野県
下伊那郡 Shimo-Ina district 上村 Kamimura
Tengu sama 天狗様
Once a family prayed to Tengu sama to have children - and what do you know, next morning a baby was sleeping at their front door.
They took it in as their own child and loved it dearly. But they were quite busy with other things and the child died when it was just 4 years.
Now the family thought this was the punishment, because they did not care properly for the child of a Tengu.
They begun to venerate it as 薬師平の三倉の明神 the
Deity of Mikura of Yakushidaira.
Yakushi-Daira 薬師平 Yakushi Daira "Yakushi Plain"
下伊那郡 Shimo-Ina district 高森町 Takamori
Guhin sama 狗賓様 - 稚児石 Chigoishi stone At the river 小田沢川 Odakozawagawa there is a boulder called Chigoishi 稚児石 "Stone of a Child".
It is said if you rub a Daikon radish on the stone when it rains there will be blood flowing from it.
On the 8th day of the 4th lunar month during お薬師祭り the festival of Yakushi there is chigo mai 稚児舞 a dance of children. To be selected as a child to participate is a great honor but also a danger, because if the child makes a mistake during this dance, it will have bad luck.
Once a child took a wrong step and Guhin sama grabbed the child and flew away with it. He sat on a huge boulder at Odakozawagawa and ate most of the child.
The rest he took to river 片桐松川 Katakirimatsukawa and ate it.
Since then the dance of the children was stopped.