26 Aug 2014

FUDO - Tsujimura Jusaburo


Tsujimura Juusaburo 辻村寿三郎 Tsujimura Jusaburo

from the Tsujimura collection 辻村寿和

- quote
2011年制作 Made in 2011
a work made on order.

- source : ameblo.jp/jusaburo

- Take a look at his website :
- source : www.jusaburo.net


Small dolls make with Jusaburo (1999)

ISBN: 4140310979
- source : www.amazon.com


- quote
Jusaburo Tsujimura:
Creating Dolls that Reawaken Long Lost Memories

Jusaburo Tsujimura is a doll and puppet maker who works on every aspect of the craft, from facial expressions and costumes to the puppetry itself. He started out making kabuki props, but became interested in puppets after receiving a commission to create some for a television show. Tsujimura has developed his own unique style that combines the traditions of both Japanese and European puppet theater.
- source : www3.nhk.or.jp


- quote
Dolls Exhibition by TSUJIMURA Jusaburo

TSUJIMURA Jusaburo, born in 1933, is not only a famous artist to make dolls but also an art director of films and theater.

This exhibition will feature about 85 dolls with the theme of Japanese famous ancient novel, Tale of Heike. His new works with images of Buddha and the twelve signs of the Chinese Zodiac will be displayed as well.
- source : www.greentour-kyoto.net/arts


- quote
Jusaburo Tsujimura is one of most authentic doll artists in Japan. Most of his dolls are traditional Japanese in Kimono, but he also makes some western style dolles. They are so sultry as if they are really alive.
There is "Jusaburo" museum shop in Nihonbashi, Tokyo.
You can learn doll making there as well. If you have any chances to visit Tokyo, it is one of the places worth to take a look at.

By the way, Jusaburo is 80 years old men still very active and energetic ! He was born in 1933. Today one of Japan's finest doll-makers, he actively expands the scope of his art into areas such as costume design, direction, and script writing for stage and film. His performances have received high acclaim including those in America, Europe and Hong Kong.
- source : kimokame.com/kimono-fashions


- reference : 辻村寿三郎

- reference : tsujimura jusaburo


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .



FUDO - Aizen and Fudo



ryootoo Aizen 両頭愛染 Ryoto Aizen with two heads

. Aizen Myo-O 愛染明王 .
- Introduction -


Aizen with two heads, one of them is Fudo Myo-O

Aizen mit zwei Köpfen (ryoozu Aizen, ryootoo Aizen)
Einer der Köpfe ist Fudo Myo-O.

- quote


理想は、智慧と慈悲、理と情と分けるのではなく、その両者が合体したものですよね。それが、完璧な状態でしょう。その完璧な姿を現したのが、この両頭愛染なのです。智慧と慈悲、理論と愛情、父と母の統合型なのです。理想と愛情の狭間に悩む方、頭ではわかっているけど感情的にはどうも . . .と悩んでいる方は、この両頭愛染を拝むといいでしょう。
- source : www.sakai.zaq.ne.jp/piicats

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


Koyasan Museum 愛染明王 - 高野山霊宝館

Kobo Daishi Kukai introduced  Aizen Myo-O to Japan.

弘法大師によって日本に伝えられた愛染明王は、愛情などの敬愛を祈るほか、息災・増益・ 調伏を祈る本尊として、特に鎌倉時代以降に広く信仰されるようになりました。

- source : www.reihokan.or.jp/syuzohin


Exhibition in Osaka - treasures from Koyasan

室町~江戸時代 和歌山・金剛峯寺 Kongobu-Ji, Wakayama

- source : amidatempel.wordpress.com

. Koya San in Wakayama 高野山 和歌山県 .


Manganji 満願寺 Temple Mangan-Ji
島根県松江市西浜佐陀町879 / 879 Nishihamasadachō, Matsue-shi, Shimane


When Mori Motonari 毛利元就 (1497 - 1571) was ill, he made a donation of this statue and prayed for healing.
Aizen Myo-O and Fudo Myo-O.

- source : www1.ocn.ne.jp/~manganji


Even as a tatoo - by Wakatomo

- source : wakatomo.sblo.jp


金沢文庫・特別展 「愛と怒りのほとけ愛染明王」
Kanazawa Bunko Exhibition

- source : blog.goo.ne.jp/touhaku-choukoku

. Kanazawa Bunko (金沢文庫) .
a private museum located in Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, Japan.


. Aizen Myo-O 愛染明王 .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .



FUDO - Aizen Myo O Introduction



Aizen Myo-O 愛染明王 Aizen Myō-ō

C: http://www.sakai.zaq.ne.jp/piicats/aizen.htm

Read Mark Schumacher about Aizen in English.

Since the Heian period the most well known Myo-O beside Fudo.
He is considered an incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai, Kongoo Satta, Kongoooo and Kongooai Bosatsu.

In the Shingon sect he is venerated in special ceremonies, Aizenhoo 愛染法、Kyooaihoo 敬愛法.


- quote
Myoo identified with Dainichi Nyorai or Kongou Satta; The main vow is love and compassion; embodies the perfect state of spiritual concentration leading " Eearthly desires are spiritual awakening. For that, his countenance is full of wrath and violence, however, he has the original vow of great love in his mind.

He has three eyes and six arms carrying various weapons. The three eyes give the achievement of Buddha to common people of the three worlds. The body is red carrying flame of the sun on his back; vanquishes illusions. His hairs are being stuck violently with wrath, and he is carrying a fluke with five hooks over his head; gives health and wealth.

Tenkyu aizen-Myoo
This deity is more popular these days among people because of the meaning of Kanji letter "Aizen" which means "dyed with love". He has an arrow aimed at the Heaven.
(tenkyuu aizen 天弓愛染)

Ryoto aizen-myoo
The another transformation of Aizen Myoo. Aizen Myoo and Fudou Myoo are Combined together holding their both head, meaning the both Myoo.
(ryootoo Aizen 両頭愛染)

Copyright © 2005 KURITA TRADING CO.,LTD

With links to more Myo-O figures.

. ryootoo Aizen 両頭愛染 Ryoto Aizen with two heads .
Look at more photos here on my page.


Aizen on a horse

Nichiren is recording the formal visitation of Aizen and Fudo
Dated the 25th day of the 6th month of the 6th year of Kencho (1254).
Newly authenticated and added to the Gohonzonshu in the 1999 edition.


C: Great link about Goma Ceremonies:



敬愛法(愛染明王) (きょうあいほう)Kyooaihoo

おん まからぎゃ ばさら うしゅにしゃ ばさら さた(と)ば じゃくうんばんこく 

密教の五種法、息災・増益・敬愛・調伏・鉤召のうち「敬愛法」(きょうあいほう) がもっ とも広範におこなわれたようです。 敬愛法には、「出世間法」と「世間法」の二法あります。 平安貴族や皇族の中には、出世のために相手を殺すような呪術 として利用したものも あるようです。しかし、一般的には「夫婦の不和の修復や、かなわぬ恋愛の成就、衆人 からの敬愛の獲得などを願って修されたようで す




C: 詳しいことはこちら:


- quote
Aizen Myo'o (King of Lust)
Ragaraja, Buddhist Lord of Passion, traveled from India to Japan, where he transformed into Aizen Myo'o, venerated by Japan's esoteric Buddhist sects as King of Love, Lust, and Desire, patron of erotic love and sacred sexuality. He helps convert earthly, physical desires into transcendent love and spiritual awakening.

Aizen Myo'o is King of Lust because he helps control it, explore it, or transform it into enlightenment. He is petitioned for assistance with the physical and emotional frustrations of suppressed sexuality. Aizen Myo'o is revered as patron of gay love, but he may be invoked for assistance with any kind of love or romance, including self-love.

Aizen Myo'o has three eyes, six arms, and either one or two heads (with three eyes per head). He wears a crown with a Shishi dog over his wild hair.
- source : shop.hauntedcuriosities.com



kigo for mid-summer

Aizen matsuri 愛染祭 (あいぜんまつり) Aizen festival
..... Aizen mairi 愛染参(あいぜんまいり)Visiting the Aizen temple
Shooman mairi 勝鬘参(しょうまんまいり)visiting temple Shoman-in
Shooman-e 勝鬘会(しょうまんえ)

Festival in honor of Shotoku Taishi, at the temple Shooman-in 勝鬘院, in Osaka.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Reference : Shoman-In Aizendo


- source : facebook butsuzoo


Aizen (Raagaraaja, Ragaraja)
Seit der Heian-Zeit nach Fudoo am besten bekannter Myôô in Japan.
Inkarnation des Dainichi Nyorai, Kongoo Satta, Kongoooo und Kongooai Bosatsu.
Sutra: Yugikyoo (Suutra of all Yogas and Yogiis of the Pavilion with the Vajra-Top)

In der Shingon-Sekte in der Zeremonie "Aizenoohoo" verehrt.
Aizen repräsentiert die Reinen Gefühle, die Reine Liebe.
Er wandelt die irdischen Leidenschaften der Menschen direkt in die rechten Gefühle eines Bosatsu um.
In der Tachikawa-Sekte des Shingon spielt er eine besondere Rolle in den verschiedenen Zeremonien.

Äußerlich furchterregender Gesichtsausdruck, aber er plant immer nur die Erlösung der Menschen von ihren verderblichen Leiden~schaften. Er verwandelt die verschlingende Liebe in die Reine Liebeskraft des religiösen Herzens um. In der Edo-Zeit die Schutzgottheit der käuflichen Damen im Yoshiwara-Viertel.
Da er Waffen in den Händen hält, wurde er von den Samurai besonders verehrt.

Es gibt auch einige Mandalas, in denen Aizen die Zentralfigur ist.
Eine ausführliche Beschreibung über Aizen Myoooo findet sich bei Goepper (4).

Roter runder Nimbus mit Flammen oder spezieller Nimbus aus drei Kreisen oder einem großen Kreis, der die Sonne symbolisiert.
Rote Körperfarbe als Ausdruck der Leidenschaften.

Einen Kopf, drei Augen, sechs Arme. Krone mit einem Löwenkopf, über dem auch ein Haken mit fünf Spitzen (gokokoo) sichtbar sein kann.

In den Händen:
Donnerkeil-Glocke, Donnerkeil mit fünf Zacken, Lotusblüte, Pfeil, Bogen u.a.
Die Gegenstände in den Händen beziehen sich auch auf verschiedene esoterische Zeremonien, bei denen Aizen eine Hauptrolle spielt.
In den linken Händen trägt er die Gegenstände der Lehre, also machmal auch das wunscherfüllende Juwel (Gebet um Glück) oder ein Sonnenrad (Gebet um Schutz des eigenen Leibes).
Selten mit drei Köpfen.
Mit Pfeil und Bogen als Gottheit der Liebe.
Nur sitzende Statuen auf einem Lotussockel. Unter dem Sockel eine Vase (kenbyoo), aus der alle Schätze fließen.

Besonders Statuen:
Aizen mit dem Himmlischen Bogen (tenkyuu Aizen)

Aizen mit einem Bogen mit aufgelegtem Pfeil zum Himmel gerichtet "als würde er auf die Helligkeit aller Sterne zielen" [Goepper (4)]. Daher auch frei als "Der nach den Sternen zielende Aizen" (shatenzoo) übersetzt.
Der Bogen wird hoch über dem Kopf gehalten.
Insgesamt sechs Arme. Mittlere Hände mit Donnerkeil und Donnerkeil-Glocke. Eine rechte Hand mit Lotusblüte.

Eine der linken Hände hält manchmal einen abgeschnittenen Kopf.
Möglicherweise eine Version des indischen Liebesgottes Kama bzw. des römischen Cupid.

Fünf Finger großer Aizen
(goshiryoo Aizen 五指量愛染)

「瑜祇経」の愛染王の印に、「五股(鈷)の印」があります。  東寺に伝えられた最極の秘印だったそうです。   ここでは、梵字が書けませんので、音だけです。 短の「ウン」、重の「ウン」 

Look at the statue here / 写真はこちら
鎌倉時代の1297(永仁5)年、称名寺でつくられた五指量の愛染明王の坐像です。五指量 像とは、左手親指の幅を5本分あわせた長さ、あるいは親指から小指までの手の長さの幅でつくられて、本来、白檀製の像で、お守りとして身につけておくもの でした。愛染明王は、さまざまな悪いものを消滅させていく強い攻撃力をもっていますが、五指量像はその力をお守りに使っています。称名寺伝来のこの愛染明 王坐像は、称名寺長老の念持仏と伝えられ、金銅製で、厨子に納められています。随所に精巧なつくりのみられる優品で、国の重要文化財に指定されています。 台座底面に「永仁五年二月廿七日、金沢寺是作、大工左近入道浄胤、子息藤右衛門尉秀吉」とあり、作者がわかります。

県立金沢文庫主任学芸員 永井晋


- quote
Aizen, Mantra-König der Liebe
Aizen Myōō wird oft schrecken­er­regender als Fudō dar­gestellt. Erkennbar an seiner feuer­roten Haut­farbe und an Pfeil und Bogen (neben anderen Waffen) kann er bis zu sechs Arme und Beine besitzen. Auch er erfuhr vor allem im esoterischen Bud­dhis­mus große Ver­ehrung. Sein Name bedeutet zwar wörtlich „Mantra-König der Liebe", doch bedeutet das lediglich, dass er die irdischen Leiden­schaften der Menschen in die rechten Gefühle eines Bosatsu verwandelt — und das mit seinen Methoden.

Wie die meisten anderen Myōōs (außer Fudō) dürfte Aizen mit dem Rück­gang des esoterischen Buddhismus in der Edo-Zeit an Bedeutung verloren haben und ist daher heute ver­hältnis­mäßig wenig bekannt. Doch noch in der Edo-Zeit fühlten sich Liebende — oder die, die mit der Liebe handelten — zu ihm hingezogen. Er galt zu dieser Zeit als der Be­schützer der Geishas in Yoshiwara, dem Freudenviertel von Edo.
- source : www.univie.ac.at/rel_jap - Uni Wien


Aizen mit zwei Köpfen (ryoozu Aizen, ryootoo Aizen)
Einer der Köpfe ist Fudo Myo selbst.

Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who,
Ein Wegweiser zur Ikonografie von japanischen Buddhastatuen

by Gabi Greve 1994




Gabi Greve - Darumapedia said... pilgrimage to 17 temples of
Aizen Myo-O in Saikoku Western Japan.

01 . 愛染堂勝鬘院
02. 東光寺
03. 鏑射寺 - Kaburai-Ji
04. 摩耶山天上寺
05. 大龍寺
06. 正覚院
07. 大聖寺
08. 東寺
09. 覚性律庵
10. 高野山増福院
11. 愛染院
12. 久修園院
13. 西大寺
14. 宝山寺
15. 施福寺
16. 福智院
17. 金剛三昧院

Kaburaiji 鏑射寺 Kaburai-Ji - Kobe

25 Aug 2014

FUDO - Fukui Fudo-Ji



Asahisan Fudooji 朝日山不動寺 Fudo-Ji
4 Chome-1-12 Nishikida, Fukui, 福井市
Somewhere in the mountain range of Asuwa Yama 足羽山山麓

- quote
Asahisan Fudoji Temple in Fukui city.

Built in 1711, the statues of this temple have been protecting local people here from natural disasters and evils in their lives. Asahisan can roughly be translated as 'a mountain of morning sun'.
Before the temple was built, people were suffering from natural disasters. Since there was a saying here that if Fudomyoo (Acala) is placed in the morning sun he would save humans from harm's way, people built this temple at the foot of Mt. Asuwa, aka, the place under the morning sun (Asahisan) in the hope that the Fudomyoo would protect them. When you look at the formidable-looking statues of Fudomyoo here, you may probably be convinced that they could truly protect us!
- source : Takako Sakamoto


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


DARUMA - FUDO - Chokugan-Ji temples



Chokuganji 勅願寺 Chokugan-Ji, "Imperial Temple"

temples established by direct orders from an Emperor

temples constructed on behalf of an emperor, with the wish to bring peace and unity to the land of Japan.
a temple built upon Imperial orders, in the name of an emperor

temple built at an imperial behest

a temple where prayers are offered for the well-being of the Imperial Family and the peace of the country, sometimes an existing temple was claimed for this purpose later after its founding.

When an emperor decided to have a temple built with a certain vow to the deities, he usually entrusted a high priest with the effort to visit that region and supervise the construction.
The founder of a temple is called

. kaisan 開山 temple founder, "opening the mountain" .

The kaisan is usually the first head monk (juushoku 住職 jushoku) of this temple.

The hall to honor this priest is the
kaisandoo 開山堂 "Hall of the Founder".

- to be updated -

The most well-known is probably the

. Toodaiji 東大寺 Todai-Ji . - Nara.
by Shoomu Tennoo 聖武天皇 Shomu Tenno (701 - 756)

Other temples dedicated by this emperor are

太田山 豊楽寺 Buraku-Ji - Kochi (真言宗、高知県大豊町)
躑躅山 林昌寺 Rinsho-Ji - Osaka (真言宗、大阪府泉南市)
巌金山 宝厳寺 Hogon-Ji - Shiga (真言宗、滋賀県長浜市)
阿星山 長寿寺 Choju-Ji - Shiga (天台宗、滋賀県湖南市)
石光山 石山寺 Ishiyamadera - Shiga (東寺真言宗、滋賀県大津市)
鼻高山 霊山寺 Ryozen-Ji - Nara (真言宗、奈良市)
泉生山 酒見寺 Sagami-Ji - Hyogo (真言宗、兵庫県加西市)

忍辱山 円成寺 Enjo-Ji - Nara(真言宗、奈良県奈良市)
聖武天皇・孝謙天皇 Shomu Tenno and Koken Tenno (718 - 770)

大悲山 慈眼院 Jigen-In - Osaka (真言宗、大阪府泉佐野市)
天武天皇・聖武天皇 Tenmu Tenno ( ? - 686) and Shomu Tenno


Amidaji 阿弥陀寺 Amida-Ji
Teramachi-dôri, Kyoto

Emperor Ôgimachi正親町天皇 (1517-1539) Ogimachi
founded around 1532-1554 by Saint Seigyoku Shônin

Seigyoku had deep connections to the Oda family, and on 1582/6/2, on the day of the Honnôji Incident (when Oda Nobunaga was betrayed and killed), it is said he gathered the bones and/or other remains of Nobunaga, Nobutada, and the roughly one hundred followers who died that day, and buried those remains here at Amidadera.
- source : toranosuke


Choofukujuji 長福寿寺 Chofukuju-Ji
Chiba 千葉県長生郡長南町

桓武天皇 Kanmu Tenno (703 - 806)
by Dengyo Daishi Saicho 伝教大師 最澄 in 798

- - - With elephants at the gate !
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


. Daiyuuji 太融寺 Daiyu-Ji .
Kita, Osaka 大阪市北区太融寺町3
Kobo Daishi built this temple on the strong wish of Emperor Saga in 821.


. Mibudera 壬生寺 Mibu-Dera .
31 Mibunaginomiyacho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto,

In 1077 the Emperor Shirakawa 白川 (r.1073-87) awarded Mibu-dera Temple the status of Chokuganji.


. 大内山 仁和寺 Ninna-Ji .
in 888 by Emperor Uda 宇多天皇.
京都市右京区 - Kyoto


Senjuji 高田山 専修寺 Senju-Ji, Takadayama
Mie, Tsu 三重県津市

by Gotsuchi Mikado 後土御門天皇 (1442 - 1500)

Founded by Shinran in 1226
- source : wikipedia


- List of the most important chokugan-ji

- - - - - 後醍醐天皇 Godaigo Tenno (1288 - 1339)
具足山 妙顕寺 Myoken-Ji Kyoto (日蓮宗、京都市上京区)
塔尾山 如意輪寺 Nyoirin-Ji - Nara (浄土宗、奈良県吉野郡) - 後醍醐天皇


- - - - - 光仁天皇 Konin Tenno (709 - 781)
秋篠寺 Akishinodera - Nara(単立、奈良県奈良市)
根本山 神峯山寺 Kabusan-Ji - Osaka (天台宗、大阪府高槻市)


- - - - - 推古天皇 Suiko Tenno (554 - 628)
比金山 如意寺 Nyoi-Ji - Hyogo (天台宗、兵庫県神戸市)
那智山 青岸渡寺 Seiganto-Ji - Wakayama (天台宗、和歌山県那智勝浦町)


慶徳山 長保寺 Choho-Ji - Wakayama (天台宗、和歌山県海南市)
一条天皇 Ichijo Tenno (980 - 1011)

普門山 長久寺 Chokyu-Ji - Shiga(真言宗豊山派、滋賀県彦根市)
後三条天皇 Gosanjo Tenno (1034 - 1073)

深雪山 醍醐寺 Daigo-Ji - Kyoto (真言宗、京都市伏見区)
醍醐天皇 Daigo Tenno (885 - 930)
. Daigoji 醍醐寺 Daigo-Ji .

龍池山 大雲院 Daiun-In - Kyoto (単立、京都府京都市)
後陽成天皇 Goyosei Tenno (1571 - 1617)

天音山 道成寺 Dojo-Ji - Wakayama (天台宗、和歌山県日高川町)
文武天皇 Monmu Tenno (683 - 707)

清水山 観世音寺 Kanzeon-Ji - Fukuoka (天台宗、福岡県太宰府市)
天智天皇 Tenchi Tenno (626 - 672)

七宝山 本山寺 Motoyama-Ji - Kagawa (真言宗、香川県三豊市)
平城天皇 Heizei Tenno (774 - 824)

正法山 妙心寺 Myoshin-Ji - Kyoto(臨済宗、京都市右京区)
花園法皇 Hanazono Tenno (1297 - 1348)

瑞龍山 南禅寺 Nanzen-Ji - Kyoto (臨済宗、京都市左京区)
亀山法皇 Kameyama Tenno (1294 - 1305)
. Nanzenji 南禅寺 Nanzen-Ji .

小比叡山 蓮華峰寺 Rengebu-Ji - Niigata (真言宗、新潟県佐渡市)
嵯峨天皇 Saga Tenno (786 - 842)

西大寺 Saidai-Ji - Nara (真言律宗、奈良県奈良市)
称徳天皇 Koken Tenno (718 - 770)

法輪山 正明寺 Shomyo-Ji - Shiga (黄檗宗、滋賀県日野町)
後水尾上皇 Go Mizuno-O Tenno (1596 - 1680)

三身山 太山寺 Taisan-Ji - Hyogo (天台宗、兵庫県神戸市)
元正天皇 Gensho Tenno (680 - 748)

薬師寺 Yakushi-Ji - Nara (法相宗、奈良県奈良市)
天武天皇 ( ? - 686) Tenmu Tenno

松島青龍山 瑞巌寺 Zuigan-Ji - Miyagi (臨済宗、宮城県松島町)
淳和天皇 Junna Tenno - (786 - 840)
. Zuiganji 瑞巌寺 Zuigan-Ji and Matsushima 松島 .

- - - - -

竜宝山 大徳寺 Daitoku-Ji - Kyoto (臨済宗、京都市北区)
音羽山 清水寺 Kiyomizudera - Kyoto (法相宗、京都市東山区)
定額山 善光寺 Zenko-Ji - Nagano (無宗派、長野県長野市)

- - - reference - wikipedia -


Temples related to . Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


. Fukagawa Fudo 深川不動堂 . - Edo/Tokyo
by 嵯峨天皇 Saga Tenno (786 - 842)


. Daishooin 大聖院 Daisho-In .
勅願堂 Chokugan Do Hall
Itsukushima in Miyajima
kaisan Kobo Daishi Kukai
by Emperor Toba 鳥羽上皇 / 鳥羽天皇 (1103 - 1156)


. Iwaya Fudo 岩屋不動、岩屋山志明院 - Shinmyo-In .
北区雲ケ畑出谷町261 / 261 Kumogahatadetanichō, Kita-ku, Kyōto
by 淳和天皇 Junna Tenno - (786 - 840)
kaisan Kobo Daishi Kukai


. Jionji 本山慈恩寺 Honzan Jion-Ji .

31 Jionji, Sagae, Yamagata Prefecture

in 746 priest Baramon Sojo 波羅門僧上 Bodaisenna founded the temple
on request of Shomu Tenno (701 - 756)
犬突き不動 Inu-tsuki Fudo, Fudo Myo-o 不動明王 piercing a dog 


北向のお不動さん Kitamuki-Fudo facing North in Kyoto
不動寺 Fudo-Ji - 下京区松原通麩屋町
Emperor Kanmu Tenno 桓武天皇 had four "Iwakura" Sacred Stone Areas constructed in Kyoto, one for each heavenly direction. This temple was in the south : 南岩倉 明王院不動寺, with Fudo facing North.
- and -
北向山不動院 Kitamukizan, Fudo-In, Fushimi
Fushimi 伏見区竹田浄菩提院町61
by Emperor Toba 鳥羽上皇 / 鳥羽天皇 (1103 - 1156)

. Kitamuki-Fudo facing North 北向のお不動尊 .


. Ooyama Fudo 大山の不動 Oyama Fudo .
Afurisan Oyamadera 雨降山 大山寺
神奈川県伊勢原市大山724 / 724 Oyama, Isehara, Kanagawa
by 聖武天皇 Shomu Tenno


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

yamabiru no ochite Hamana no chokuganji

mountain leeches
are falling down at Hamana
imperial temple

Hamada Kozue 浜田小枝

Oogaji 応賀寺(おうがじ)Temple Oga-Ji - 鏡光山応賀寺
静岡県湖西市新居町中之郷68-1 / 68-1 Araichō Nakanogō, Kosai-shi, Shizuoka

Gansuiji 岩水寺(がんすいじ)Gansui-Ji
静岡県浜松市浜北区根堅2238 / 2238 Negata, Hamakita-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka

Makayaji 摩訶耶寺(まかやじ)Makaya-Ji
静岡県浜松市北区三ケ日町摩訶耶421 / 421 Mikkabichō Makaya, Kita-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka

Founded in 724 by 聖武天皇 Shomu Tenno
kaisan is . Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668-749) - Gyōki .


yama kara no koe yoku tooru chokuganji

from the imperial temple
voices are heard
all over the mountain

Yano Noriko 矢野典子










. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .



FUDO - Iwaya Kyoto


Shinmyoo-In 岩屋不動、岩屋山志明院
Iwaya Fudo, Shinmyo-In

北区雲ケ畑出谷町261 / 261 Kumogahatadetanichō, Kita-ku, Kyōto

The temple has been founded by En no Gyoja 役の行者 in 650 but has been revived in 829 by Kukai Kobo Daishi on request (chokugan) of Emperor 淳和天皇 Junna Tenno - (786 - 840).

source : 312224.at.webry.info/201312

- quote
Mt.Iwayasan Shimyoin Temple
Mt.Iwayasan Shimyoin Temple lying at the source of Kamogawa River was built by Kukai in 829. Fudomyo-o Statue, principal image of this temple, is said to have been made by Kukai himself and also to be the oldest Fudomyo-o Statue in Japan. The temple is an ascetic training place surrounded by rich nature and heals the hearts of visitors.

A community of shakunage (rhododendrons) designated as a natural monument by Kyoto City beautifully bloom in April. It is also famous as the setting for Narukami, one of the 18 famous representative Kabuki performances.
- source : www.kyoto-kankou.or.jp

. Chokuganji 勅願寺 Chokugan-Ji, "Imperial Temple" .


More English LINKS

More LINKS to 雷神不動北山桜

CLICK for more photos

23 Aug 2014

FUDO - Nikko Hotokeiwa



Nikko Hotokeiwa 日光仏岩 "Buddha rock" in Nikko

- quote
Hotoke-iwa - Buddha Crag - 開山堂仏岩
Priest Shoto 勝道上人 passed away on March 1st of 817. He was cremated in the valley of crags, which was located near the kaizan-do hall of the founder.

A small and vermilion lacquered hall was built to enshrine Shoto. That shrine is today's Kaizan-doh hall. Wooden image of Bosatsu and seated image of Priest Shoto are enshrined in the Kaizan-doh hall. It is told that those images were made in the Muromachi period. Also, wooden images of ten pupils of Shoto are put on the right and left of the principal image. Rites of Kaizan ceremony are carried out in the hall on April 1st.

There is Gorin-to tower 五輪塔 in the place of Shoto's tomb. Three other tombs are also put there, but these are for his followers. The Gorin-toh tower stands on the back of Kaizan-doh hall.

The crag on the back of Kaizan-doh is called Hotoke-iwa, which means Buddha Crag. Rocks of the crag were like Buddha, but these collapsed during an earthquake. Today, 6 stone images of Buddha are put on hollow place, located on the back of Kaizan-doh hall.
One of the statues is Fudo Myo-O 六部天(1体は不動明王).
- source : www.nikko-jp.org/english


Look at details of the other statues here :
- source : www.geocities.jp/kawai24 -


. Nikkoo Kaidoo 日光街道 Nikko Kaido Road .


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .



FUDO - our seven vows and Daigo-Ji



nana seigan 七誓願 Seven Sincere Vows
in the presence of Fudo Myo-O

・明るい笑顔で奉仕のはげみ-奴僕(ぬぼく)の行 -nuboku
・まごころこめて助け合い-羂索(けんさく)のおさとし - kensaku
・苦難に耐えれば開ける希望-盤石(ばんじゃく)の決意 - banjaku
・精進努力に豊かな実り-燃えさかる火炎 - kaen
・常に冷静 不動の心-ゆるぎなきみ心
・正しい判断さとりのめざめ-利剣(りけん)の智慧 - riken
・いただくご利益(りやく)みんなと共に-加持力(かじりき)- kajiriki

- reference -


A stone statue of Fudo Myo-O from the temple Daigo-Ji in Kyoto, said to be carved by Kukai himself, was brought to the Kanto area to bring peace to the region and marks the beginning of Narita Fudo in Chiba.

. Daigoji 醍醐寺 Daigo-Ji .


22 Aug 2014

FUDO - hairstyle



Hairstyle 髪 of Fudo Myo-O

5 He has seven knots in his hair and a lotos blossom on top of them.
6 On his left shoulder a plait of hair hangs down.

(5)頭頂に七沙髻があり、蓮華をのせている shichishakei
(6)左肩に一弁髪を垂らす benpatsu
19 Characteristic Signs of Fudo Myo-O .
- Introduction -

Fudoo Juukyuu Sansoo
不動十九観 / 不動十九相観 Fudo Jukyu Sanso


source : dr-exhibition.geidai.ac.jp

京都・青蓮院「不動明王二童子像」Kyoto, 青蓮院 Shoren-In
Said to be the first painting with the 19 signs of Fudo.


- quote
5 - Sieben Haarknoten
6 - Links herabhängender Zopf: Ausdruck des allumfassenden Mitleids.

... flache Lotusblüte (chooren) auf dem Haarknoten oben auf dem Kopf (shakei motodori), Haar als Zopf über der linken Schulter (benpatsu; ursprünglich indische Dienerfigur bzw. Trägerfigur). Der Kopf bedeutet die Buddha-Welt, die linke Schulter die Menschen-Welt. Durch den verbindenden Zopf wird die Liebe der Buddhas zu allen Menschen ausgedrückt.
Manchmal sieben Haarknoten, als Ausdruck der sieben wichtigen Vorschriften und Übungen (nanamanhoo) zur Erleuchtung.

Seine Haare sind manchmal in sieben Zöpfen zusammengebunden (shichi shakei), die die sieben Stufen bei der Erlangung der Erleuchtung darstellen.
(Alte Figuren des Myôô zeigen die Haarfrisur mit sieben Zöpfen, zusammengebunden mit einer Ranke (ya). Das ist die Frisur der Sklaven im alten Indien.)
- Fudo Myo-O - Mein Deutscher Text -


5 - shichi shakei 七沙髻
Seven knots in his hair, and a lotus flower.

The seven knots represent the seven steps toward enlightenment.
Older statues also have seven plaits, indicating the figure of a slave boy in India.


6 - benpatsu 一弁髪
On his left shoulder a plait of hair hangs down.

His head represents the Buddha-world, the left shoulder the world of human beings.
With this plait connecting both worlds his compassion and love for all mankind is represented.

- source : kissyarita.blog.fc2.com -


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .



FUDO - Nishikawa Terukazu


. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .

Nishikawa Terukazu Nishikawa 西川輝和

painter 洋画家
Most of his themes are Buddha statues, which he often copies with great detail in an oil painting.

CLICK for more photos !

(1948 - ) - born in Nagoya
He now lives in Osaka 大阪府寝屋川市. 

member of 関西仏教美術会.

- - - - - His Homepage
- source : butsubi.web.fc2.com/nishikawa


- - - statues in the spirit of Mokujiki 木喰 - - -

. Mokujiki (1718-1810) and his Fudo 木喰の不動さま .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


- Reference - 西川輝和 -


. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .



21 Aug 2014

FUDO - Himemachi Fudo Hiraizumi



Himemachi Fudo 姫待不動尊

Nr. 23 達谷西光寺 - 姫待不動尊 Himemachi Fuko
Seikooji 達谷西光寺 Takkoku Seiko-Ji
Iwate 岩手県 - 精進の道場 - shoojin

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


CLICK for more photos !

Takkoku no Iwaya Bishamondo 達谷窟毘沙門堂

Kitazawa-16 Hiraizumi, Nishiiwai District

The main statues are Bishamonten 毘沙門天 and Fudo Myo-O.

Founded by priest Enchin 円珍 in 807 in order to promote the development of the Northern Provinces in Tohoku. In 801 the government sent Sakanoue Tamuramaro to subdue chief 悪路王 Akuro-O. The deity Bishamonten was placed in the temple to show their thanks for the victory.
The buildings burned down various times but have always been re-built. The last re-built was in 1961.
Now people come here to pray for peace.
Some sources quote Jigaku Daishi for carving the statue of Bishamonten.

The main temple is in a cave (iwaya) but has a large compound in the mountains, the building is almost like the temple Kurama 鞍馬寺 in Kyoto, and housed 108 statues of Bishamonten in the Bishamonten Hall 毘沙門堂. Now 33 are still there and shown every 33 years.

- Chant of the temple
大慈心 姫待滝の不動尊 
もるるかたなき ちかいぞうれし

- quote
--- Himemachi-Fudo-do
(Waiting-for-ladies Fudo Hall)

, Takkoku-Seiko-ji Temple. It suggests a dubious legend disrespecting "Akuro-o,"  the legendary lord of the Emishi people.

According to the legend, "Akuro-o" (悪路王) and his followers often kidnapped high-born maidens from Kyoto, confined them in "Kagohime" (籠姫; lit. Maidens' Cage) upstream and enjoyed cherry-blossom-viewing with them in "Sakurano" (桜野; lit. Cherry Field) repeatedly.
They called a waterfall nearby "Himemachi-no-Taki" (姫待ちの滝; lit. "Fall of Waylaying Escaping Maidens"). They also called the stone near the cave "Katsura-Ishi " (鬘石; lit. [Maidens'] Wig Stone) because they cut the maiden's beautiful black hair as a warning to other kidnapped maidens.

Probably the Japanese people in later generations blindly wanted to believe Tamuramaro Sakanoue as a most respectable hero and Akuro-o ("Aterui" or "Acro-o") who fought with Sakanoue as an evil figure.

Kenji Miyazawa wrote a poem about "Acro-o" taking hint from this legend, titled "Haratai Kenbai Ren" (原体剣舞連; lit. "A Verse for Haratai [Village] Sword Dance," dated August 31, 1922) in Spring and Ashura.
- source : p-www.iwate-pu.ac.jp

. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 .
(758 - 811)
conquering the Emishi (蝦夷征伐 Emishi Seibatsu) in Tohoku.


source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/toku29511


原体剣舞連 - "Haratai Kenbairen"
Miyazawa Kenji in 1922

- quote








- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

CLICK for more photos

. Kenji Miyazawa 宮沢 賢治, Miyazawa Kenji .
27 August 1896 - 21 September 1933,
Hanamaki, Iwate, Japan


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : www15.ocn.ne.jp/~iwaya

Takkoku no Iwaya
- further reference -


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

12月27日 - 御不動様御年越祭 - 不動堂
For Fudo Myo-O to pass over to the New Year.
From evening of December 27 till 28 (the Day of Fudo) three special kagamimochi with azuki beans are offered in front of the statue.
But this ceremony is not open to the public.

- source : www15.ocn.ne.jp/~iwaya/mysite1


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 .
(758 - 811)

. Enchin 圓珍 / 円珍 智證大師 Chisho Daishi .
(814 - 891)

. Ennin - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 . (794 – 864)

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46
