5 Oct 2016

SHRINES Aburahi Jinja in Shiga


Aburahi Jinja Shiga

. Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

Aburahi Jinja 油日神社 Aburahi Shrine, Shiga

滋賀県甲賀市甲賀町油日1042 / 1042 Kokacho Aburahi, Koka, Shiga

- quote
Located in Koka, Shiga Prefecture, not much is known about the establishment of Aburahi-jinja but it is known that Shotoku Taishi founded it. Long ago it is said that the god 油日大明神 Aburahi-dai-myojin ascended the nearby mountain of Aburahidake; upon his ascent he emitted a dazzling light like that of oil that was lit on fire, and thus the name 油火"Aburahi" was given to the mountain.
Due to this legend, this shrine receives much reverence from people who work in the oil industry. The shrine has an unusual "straight line" layout with a solemn "romon" gate, prayer hall, and main hall. All of these were constructed during the Muromachi Period (1336 - 1573) and all of them are designated as Important Cultural Property of Japan.
There are also trees on the premises that are over 700 years old and an umbrella pine tree that is designated as a Natural Monument of Shiga Prefecture.

Every year on the first of May a "Taiko Dance" is held as a prayer for rain; this is designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Asset of Japan.
Another event that is held is the "Yakko-buri"(Yakkofuri); this event is held every 5 years and involves a procession of over 60 people singing unique songs and wearing eye-catching costumes. This event is designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Asset of Shiga Prefecture.
- source : japanhoppers.com/kansai


- - - - - Deitiy in residence - - - - -
Aburahigami, Aburahi no Kami 油日あぶらひ神
油日大神 Aburahi no Okami

In the Eastern Hall 東相殿に罔象女神 - Mizuba no Me no Kami
In the Western Hall 西相殿に猿田彦神 - Sarutahiko no Kami

This deity brings good luck and winning in war and was thus revered by the Samurai.
And also by merchants dealing in abura - Oil.

福大夫面 面、長さ20cm、巾14.8cm、mask

- quote -
福大夫面附ずずい子 mask and zuzuiko figure

徳川の末まで毎年正月初申の夜、拝殿にて上・下の瀬古神主家が勤めていた稲講会、種蒔神事に用いた祭具で、面は、長さ20cm、巾14.8cm、背面には 「奉寄進正一位油日大明神田作福太夫神之面、永正5年(1508)戊辰6月18日櫻宮聖出雲作(花押)」の銘があり、ずずい子は全身像で丈52cm、背面 には「出雲明秀(花押)」の銘があり、花押、出雲などから見て同一人の作と思われる。
彫りは共に素朴で美しく力強い線を出して名工の作とされている。稲講会の歌は21あり、宝暦、安永の古器古書に書き残されている。永禄八年(1565)、 足利義昭将軍当時、覚慶公方が当社にお参りしてこの面をかぶり、ずずい子を抱いて「われは油日のくぐつなり」と自嘲したことはあまり世に知られていない。
- reference source : fdi.ne.jp/koka/koka2.html -

zuzuiko is a word deformation of suzu 鈴 (bell), referring to a strong man with a large penis. It is a symbol of fertility and agricultural blessings for a good harvest.
This figure dates back to about 1508 or 1509. It is about 52 cm high.


- - - - - The Shrine was founded by
聖徳太子 Prince Shotoku Taishi (574 - 622)
用明天皇朝 Yomei Tenno (? - 587) - or - 天武天皇 Tenbu Tenno (? - 686)

. tenpi, tenbi, tenka 天火 "fire from heaven" .
天火(落雷 rakurai) lightning
hi no tama 火の玉 ball of fire

and aburabi 油火 "oil fire"

Aburahidake 油日岳(694m)

The whole mountain Aburahidake is seen as the female deity
. Mizuha no me no kami 罔象女神 Mizuba no Me no Kami .


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulets - Daruma in five colors

- - - - - HP of the Shrine
- source : aburahijinjya.jp-

The shrine has often been a part of TV dramas:
- reference source : aburahijinjya.jp/roke -

- quote -
朝野の崇敬と甲賀の総社 The most important of the Shrines of Koka
元慶以降御代々々神階は累進して弘和の頃正一位に昇り給い、明応の棟札を始め古書古器皆正一位油日大神と見えている。この神階奉授のこと、或は朝臣参向の こと共朝廷の御崇敬の厚かったのを窮い得る。中世に入ると、或は明応の本殿再建、永禄の楼門建立となり、或は天正年間永代神領百石の寄進、元和奉献の鐘楼 など甲賀武士及地頭領主等の数々の尊信の跡を残している。然もこゝに特筆すべきは、郡下官民が当社を以て「江洲に無隠大社」と仰ぎ「甲賀の総社」としてそ の御神徳を敬いまつったことである。
即ち明応年間本殿造営の御奉加は実に近郷一円に亘り、油日谷、大原谷、佐治谷、岩室郷に於いて 頭殿 をはじめ多くの所役をつとめて当社大祭を奉仕し来たことは千年来の事実である。岩室の鎮守瀧樹神社、小佐治の明神佐治神社、石部の古社吉御子吉姫神社等の 間に現に存している幾多の縁由、杣、横田、野洲、遠くは大戸の地域に及ぶ郡下全円その史実古伝に於いて或は神輿を頒ち、之を祭り、祭日を特定し、或は分霊 と伝え、親子の縁を称し、その崇敬の跡を豊富に存している。
野洲川(天安河)の上流祝詞ケ原の聖地からは、常に油日大神と天照大神が遙祭されていた。かくして現に崇敬者は郡下四万余戸に及んでいる。この深い広い崇 敬は即ち社頭の隆盛となり、維新前はその神領に於ても野山除地村内にて五百四十余町歩、近郷にて千百三十余町歩の山手米を有し、境内亦十一町三反七畝歩を 算した。
- reference source : aburahijinjya.jp/yuisyo -


Yearly Festivals 年中行事

Yakkofuri 奴振 Yakko-furi
and Taiko Odori 太鼓踊 Drum Dance

This festival is held every five years on May 1. The last time was in 2016


油日祭りの奴振・甲賀市 - with more photos
- reference source : shigabunka.net/archives -

CLICK for more photos !

- reference : aburahi shrine yakko -

. yakko 奴 halberd-bearers and servants of a Daimyo .

2月18日 祈年祭 New Year Ritual

9月11日 岳ごもり - staying at the top of the mountain and burning a ritual fire all night.

9月13日 大宮ごもり - Autumn Festival
11月23日 新嘗祭 Niiname Ritual

諸願成就月次祭 - 毎月1日 Monthly rituals on the 1st.
油の月次祭 - 毎月13日 Monthly rituals on the 13th.


. Shootoku Taishi, Shōtoku Taishi 聖徳太子 Prince Shotoku Taishi .

- Reference : 油日神社
- Reference : aburahi jinja

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -

aburahi no kami no gosaiden no tagame kana

the giant water bug
from the Shrine fields of the God
Aburahi no Kami . . .

岡井省二 Okai Shoji (1925 - 2001)
Haiku poet from Mie.

. tagame 田亀 / 水爬虫(たがめ) "field turtle" .
Japanese giant water bug / beetle / Lethocerus deyrollei
- kigo for all summer -


- #aburahi #aburahijinja #aburahishiga -

3 Oct 2016

Ohaga Misaki Art World Ichinomiya



美咲芸術世界 / Misaki Art World

美咲町で世界の作品と出会えるイベントのオープニングイベントへcome on!!
小谷野哲郎氏  Koyano Tetsuro
Bali Dance バリ舞踊
- reference : facebook.com/koyano -

八幡神社一宮 Ichinomiya Hachimango Ohaga
. source : facebook

Thank you all !

. Friends of Ohaga - September 2016 .



- source : Misaki Art World - facebook -


. 和田北 一宮神社 Wadakita Ichi no Miya .

. Friends of Ohaga - Facebook .

大垪和 。。。道の駅に戻る – Michi no Eki - BACK



Mingei Ryotsu Kankichi Kochikame


Ryotsu Kankichi Manga

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Ryotsu Kankichi and Kochikame Manga
and temple 種徳院 Shutoku-In

Kankichi Ryotsu (両津勘吉 Ryōtsu Kankichi), often affectionately called
"Ryo-san" (両さん Ryō-san),

is the main male protagonist/antagonist of the long-running Japanese manga and anime series Kochikame by Osamu Akimoto. He is appointed as the Chief Patrol Officer of the Kameari Kouen-Mae Police Box.

Ryoutsu is a middle-aged man of a rather short but robust stature, who sports a crew-cut hairstyle and noticeably thick bouts of body hair, plus visible stubble. His similarly extra thick and curvy 'm'-shaped unibrow is his most famed asset, and serves as the signature image associated with Kochikame in general due to its uniqueness and familiarity with local Japanese fans.

While on duty, he is always depicted wearing his blue police officer uniform, i.e. blue pants and coat which cover his white buttoned shirt underneath, plus black tie. Unlike most other police officers from the series who wear the same uniform as he, Ryotsu keeps his sleeves rolled up to just above the forearm, similar in fashion to Honda. He also has the tendency to favour wearing wooden sandals (called 'geta') whilst at work, but is able to run at rather tenaciously fast speeds with them on (which may, or may not be, the reason as to why he does not wear black shoes).

In his spare time, Ryotsu commonly wears shirts and long pants when out with the others. Holiday episodes set in summer or beach holiday spots usually have him wearing an island shirt with shorts, sunglasses and sandals. When in the midst of intense physical work, he appears to favour wearing white sleeveless tops and jeans or trousers, and may sometimes choose to go shirtless.

. . . . . Background:
source : kochikame.wikia.com/wiki


Shuutoku-in 種徳院 Shutoku-In
栃木県佐野市戸奈良町960 Ibaraki, Sano town

Kankichi is one of the こち亀六地蔵 Kochikame Roku Jizo statues in the temple compound

The six statues are modeled after the characters of the Manga.

People come here to pray for traffic safety.

The temple was founded in 1438. The main hall now war rebuilt in  1853.
There is a large bell tower in the compound.
A hall for the Kannon Pilgrim Number 21 of the
Sano Bando pilgrimage to 33 Kannon temples.

- reference source : wakataketei-onigiri -

Jizoo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu Kshitigarbha .


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Reference : kankichi ryotsu .


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - #ryotsukankichi #kankichi #kochikame - - - - -

28 Sept 2016

TENGU - Zegaibo from China


Zegaibo Tengu

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Zegaiboo, Zegai-bô 是害坊 Zegai-Bo, Zegaibo Tengu
Zenkaiboo 善界坊 Zenkaibo, Zenkai-Bo

Around 966, came all the way from China to challenge the power of the Tengu of Japan.
First he went to 愛宕山 Atagoyama to see Nichiraboo 日羅坊 Nichira-Bo, Nichirabo (Taroboo 太郎坊 Taro-Bo).
Nichira-Bo told him this would not work, so Zengai-Bo went further to Mount Hieizan (Hiei-zan). There lived
比叡山 法性坊 - Hosei-Bo and others.
They were much more powerful then Zegai-Bo, and he was beaten very strongly by a young novice. He even burned his wings. He was hurt badly but the kind Tengu eventually tried to heal him in a hot bath in Kamogawa 加茂川に湯屋.
When he was better, they even organized a large good-bye party for him.
Then he returned to China.
(As told in the Konjaku Monogatari legends.)

. Hieizan 比叡山 and its Tengu .


Zegaiboo-emaki Zegai-bô emaki 是害坊絵巻 Zegaibo Emaki scroll
"The Story of the Mountain Goblin Zegaibo" - 'The Tale of Zegaibo'

- Look at the 12 scrolls here:
- source : New York Public Library -

Zenkaiboo 善界坊絵巻 Zenkaibo Emaki

This image shows a Japanese Tengu, bringing a large radish (daikon 大根) for the fare-well party of Zenkai-Bo.

source : kuusan26bu/39210836

- quote -
Frühe bildliche tengu-Dar­stel­lun­gen (etwa die des diabolischen Zegai-bō, s.u.) zeigen jeden­falls einen Krähen-tengu. Erst später setzte sich die Auf­fas­sung durch, dass nur die min­deren tengu vogel­gestal­tig seien. Gleich­zeitig sollen alle tengu aus Eiern schlüp­fen.

Zegaibō, ein chinesischer Krähen-tengu in Mönchsgewand
(Zegai-Bo, a chinese craw tengu in a monk's robe)

- - - Zegaibō emaki - - -
Gefangennahme und Züchtigung des Zegaibō, eines tengu aus China, durch Tempelknaben auf Berg Hiei.
Illustration einer mittelalterlichen Legende, die von einem chinesischen tengu erzählt, der im Jahr 966 Japan besucht, um sich hier mit den wunderkräftigsten Mönchen auf Berg Hiei zu messen. Er erleidet dabei drei mal hintereinander herbe Demütigungen.
Schließlich erbarmen sich japanische tengu ihres Kollegen, pflegen ihn gesund und schicken ihn zurück nach China.
- source : univie.ac.at/rel_jap -


Zegaibo Ekotoba 是害坊絵詞 / Zenkaibo Ekotoba 

- quote

There are two different types of scroll-painting called "Tengu Zoshi." One represents the reckless conduct of the monks in the monks in the seven great monasteries, satirizing them by an allegrory of tengu, the Japanese name for an imaginary deity of Chinese origin; this we call "Tengu Zoshi E."

The other which is known as "Zegaibo Ekotoba" or "Zenkaibo Ekotoba", depicts a humorous story about the tengu. A scroll which is now in the possession of Viscount Aoyama has hithreto been claimed as the only one to represent this kind of "Tengu Zoshi" known to us, but unfortunately, this scroll seems to be incomplete.

Mr. Shinsei Mochizuki, who has lately discovered a complete version of the "Zegaibo Ekotoba" consisting of two scrolls in the treasury of the Manjuin Monastery in Kyoto, has taken them up for the first time in the present issue of our publication.
The scroll in question are painted in color on paper and measure 24.1 cm. in height. (The complete scrolls are reproduced on P1. VIII-XI) The inscriptions written at the end of the second scroll indicate that they have been copied three times so far, first in 1308, second in 1329, and third year of Bunwa (1354).

Contrary to the scroll in the possession of Viscount Aoyama which is painted timidly in the orthodox way, the present pictures are more or less free from orthodox formalities and painted in an easy manner. They show an unique force of expression which is far beyond the manneristic painting of the Tosa school of those days.
- source : tobunken.go.jp/~bijutsu

是害房と日羅房 Zegai-Bo and Nichira-Bo

. . . CLICK here for Photos of the scroll !

- quote -
Battling Tengu, Battling Conceit:
Visualizing Abstraction in the Tale of the Handcart Priest

By Kimbrough, R. Keller

The sixteenth- or early seventeenth-century Tale of the Handcart Priest tells of an eccentric Zen practitioner's encounter with the legendary Tarobo, a tengu of Mt. Atago who is attracted to the priest because of the priest's excessive pride. This article provides a close reading of The Tale of the Handcart Priest in its historical and literary context, drawing upon such related works as the noh plays Kuruma-zo and Zegai, the otogizoshi Matsuhime monogatari and Itozakura no monogatari, and the puppet play Shuten Doji wakazakari. I discuss the significance of tengu, carts, and handcart priests in Japanese textual and pictorial sources from the twelfth through eighteenth centuries, as well as the possibilities for psychological realism in the larger world of medieval Japanese fiction. Taking a psychoanalytic interpretive approach, I argue that in Kuruma-zo soshi and other medieval and Edo-period literary sources, characters' struggles with tengu can often be read allegorically as externalized depictions of those characters' internal struggles with their own "demons" of conceit.
- source : questia.com/library -

- reference : handcart priest -


. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. 四十八天狗 - 48 famous Tengu of Japan .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #zegaibo #chinesetengu #Zenkaibo -



TEMPLE - Kosho-Ji Iwafune


Koshoji Iwafune Tochigi

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

Kooshooji 高勝寺 Kosho-Ji, Tochigi
岩船山 高勝寺 Iwafunesan, Iwafune-San Kosho-Ji

〒329-4307 栃木県下都賀郡 岩舟町静3 / Tochigi, Shimotsuke-gun, Iwafune-machi, Shizuka 3

This is one of the three most important temples in honor of
Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩.


高勝寺 History of Kosho-ji
Priest Myogan, living in Daisen, Tottori, had a desire to meet a living Jizo (a Buddhist saint) and so, went on a trip to east Japan. He traveled and looked for Jizo, and eventually arrived at Iwafune. As dusk fell, he found a mountain hermitage in the middle of the rock, where a man called Igabo lived. Igabo kindly gave him a night's lodging, and told him a living Jizo would come out on the top of the rock on the 18th and 24th of every month. The priest was happy to hear that and asked Igabo if he could stay at the hermitage for a while.

One day a villager visited Igabo to help him plow a field on the following day. Then a different villager came and told him that he wanted Igabo to thatch his roof the next day. Then another villager appeared and asked him to plane boards for his house, also on the next day. Then yet another villager asked Igabo to dig a well —you guessed it— the next day. Igabo answered "Sure!" to all of them. Myogan murmured, "It looks strange. He received all these requests, but how can he do everything in one day?"

The next morning, Igabo left the hermitage and began to do the work. The priest Myogan followed Igabo secretly. But soon Myogan was given the slip. So, he went around the places where Igabo should have been helping. To his surprised, Igabo was working very hard at all the places he promised.

Igabo came back to the hermitage at night. Myogan thought Igabo must be exhausted from the hard work. But he said in a happy voice, "Let's get up early and go to see a living Jizo tomorrow!"

Early in the morning, Myogan and Igabo scrambled up the rocky mountain and reached the summit. Just at that moment, the sun rose and birds chirped. Myogan sat on a rock and prayed wholeheartedly that a living Jizo would come. Finally, brilliant light was released from the sky and a Jizo appeared. Myogan felt supreme bliss for a while. When Myogan came to, he found himself alone. Myogan was so happy that he didn't realize Igabo had left.

After that Myogan returned to his homeland. And the next year, he came back to Iwafune to see Igabo. But he couldn't find the hermitage Igabo had lived in. He asked some villagers about Igabo, but no one knew about the hermitage or Igabo. He was sad. And then he went to the place the hermitage used to be, and found a stone Jizo statue there. Myogan looked at the Jizo statue carefully, and suddenly realized that the face of the Jizo was exactly the same as Igabo. Eventually, Myogan understood that the living Jizo was Igabo himself!

Myogan established a temple on the rock of Iwafune and enshrined the Jizo statue in 771. After that, Myogan protected the temple and did his best for the villagers, much as Igabo had. Since then, the number of Jizo statues has been increasing, due to the donation of believers.

Tochigi Iwafune-san Kosho-ji Temple

Iwafune-san Rock looks like a boat left on the broad Kanto Plain.
The rock itself has been deified and is worshiped as a god. It is considered to be the place where spirits get together and come back to the next world. The top of the rock has been a sacred place for more than 1200 years and Kosho-ji Temple has been a great support to people living in all over the Kanto district.
- - - - - Jizo statues
There are huge numbers of Jizo statues in this temple. People believe Jizo bless barren couples with children, help mothers with safe deliveries and bless the children with health—all through divine grace. The origin of these Jizo statues is based on the folklore described below.
- - - - - Nio-mon Gate
- - - - - Three-story pagoda
- - - - - Rocky cliffs
The highest point of the rock is 173 meters above sea level. The edges of this rocky mountain are all cliffs, with Jizo statues scattered around along the edges. ...
- source : Tomoko Kamishima 2013 -

shooshin Jizoo 生身の地蔵 living Jizo at 下野の岩船 Mount Iwafune in Shimotsuke (Tochigi).
Iwafune Jizoo 岩船地蔵 Iwafune Jizo

Guseiboo Myoogan 弘誓坊 明願 Guseibo Myogan, priest from 大山 Mount Daisen, Tottori,
came to Tochigi in 777 (宝亀8).

Igaboo 伊賀坊 Igabo, Iga-Bo

Later 徳川吉宗 Shogun Yoshimune had the main hall rebuilt, but it was lost in a fire in 1926.
The pagoda dates back to 1751.

Mount Iwafunesan


shuin 朱印 temple stamp

- Homepage of the temple kousyouji
- source : www.iwafunesan.com


- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -

During the Spring and Autumn Equinox, many visitors come to look at the many Jizo statues to find the face of a loved one.


. Jizoo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu Kshitigarbha .
- Introduction -

. Legends about Jizo Bosatsu - 地蔵菩薩 .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #Koshoji #iwafunetochigi #myoganpriest #igabopriest -

GOKURAKU - Daibutsu in Kyoto


Daibutsu Kyoto

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

Daibutsu in Kyoto 京都の大仏様

. daibutsu 大仏 Big Buddha statues .
- Introduction -
The best known are in Nara and Kamakura.

There have been four BIG BUDDHA statues build in Kyoto in the course of history, but all of them are now lost.

京都大仏御殿盛衰記 - 村山修一

Miyako Meisho Zue : The face of the Daibutsu can be seen in the red circle.
Now there is a public park : 大仏殿跡緑地公園

- reference source : shihobe505/archives -

. Hookooji, Hōkō-ji 方広寺 Hoko-Ji .

Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 ordered its construction to appease the souls of the Tensho earthquake victims, January 18, 1586, with a magnitude of M 7.8.
He had a sculptor from China make a huge wooden statue. 
It was then covered with clay and laquer and finally gold foil.

Hideyoshi was determined that the capital city should have a Daibutsu temple to surpass that of Nara.
He is reputed to have claimed at the outset that he would complete construction in half the time it took Emperor Shōmu to complete the Great Buddha of Nara.

The hall and the statue was destroyed by the Bunroku earthquake before it was finished in August 14,1596.
Two years later, Hideyoshi died.

His son Toyotomi Hideyori 豊臣秀頼 re-built the temple and statue, this time to be cast in bronze to make it last.
But it was again destroyed by fire in 1602.
The next reconstruction was finished in 1612.
That was when the huge bronze bell was cast.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

 Construction of the Great Buddha by Hideyoshi
秀吉の大仏造立 - 河内将芳 Kawauchi Masayoshi


- quote
The 24-meter-high Kyoto Daibutsu (no longer extant) of Hōkōji Temple 方広寺 was built during the reign of Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 (1536-1598).
Toyotomi founded this Tendai-sect temple and ordered the creation of its giant monument to honor the spirit of his dead mother and his ancestors. After his own death it became the Toyotomi mortuary temple. Construction of the giant statue reportedly took only three years (as compared to 20 years for the Nara Daibutsu).
The wood image was made by noted sculpture Kōshō 康正 (1534-1621), the head of the Shichijō Bussho 七条仏所 (Seventh Avenue Atelier), a major sculpting workshop of the Keiha school located in Kyoto. However, the statue was destroyed by an earthquake soon after its completion in 1596.
Another statue was soon commissioned, this time in bronze, but it was destroyed in an accidental fire during the casting process in 1602.
A third effigy was commissioned between 1609 and 1616, but it was ruined in another natural disaster in 1622.
A fourth statue, this time made of wood, was created in 1664 by the Buddhist sculpture Genshin 玄信 (active mid-17th century, part of Kōshō's lineage). It was destroyed by lightning in 1789.

Tokyo National Museum

All that remains of this once spectacular landmark is a small wooden maquette (hinagata 雛形) attributed to Genshin.
Tokyo National Museum attributes the maquette to sculptor Fujimura Chūen 藤村忠円, a student of Genshin. But research by Chō Yōichi (published in TNM's own journal, #554, June 1998) explains why Genshin is the likely creator.

Mode, Attributed to Genshin 玄信.

--- Says scholar Beatrice M. Bodart-Bailey
in A Song for the Shogun: Engelbert Kaempfer and 17th-c. Japan:
"The only detailed pictorial record of the Kyoto Daibutsu is from the drawings of the German physician Engelbert Kaempfer (1651-1712), who stayed in Japan from 1690 to 1692. In his writings, he noted the particulars, from the 'long bovine ears' and the 'frizzy hair' to the fact that there would be space enough for three Japanese mats on its outstretched palm. He measured out the distances for a more detailed record, and noted that the width between the shoulders was equivalent to fifteen paces."
(Site Editor: The effigy he witnessed must have been the statue built in 1664.)

--- Says scholar Jens Hvass in 1999:
..... The Daibutsu at Tōdai-ji in Nara in 752.
..... The Daibutsu in Kamakura in 1252.
The third big Buddha figure was erected in Kyoto in the late 16th century by the big upstart in Japanese history, Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537-98). It was even bigger than its two predecessors were, and by that time in Japanese history, legitimization through architectural manifestations seems to have become an unquestionable necessity of power positions."
- source : Mark Schumacher

Sketch of Hōkōji Daibutsu by Kaempfer - wikipedia -


- quote -
京都 ~まぼろし大仏の旅~
The bridge Shomen-bashi 正面橋 "Front Bridge" was in the front of the Daibutsu Temple.

..... more
- reference source : NHK Historia September 2016 -


Postal stamp : Daibutsu Mae
京都大仏前郵便局 風景印
- reference source : humi.sakura.ne.jp/paco -
方広寺の大釣鐘 Hoko-Ji and the Big Bell


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #daibutsukyoto #kyotodaibutsu #hokoji -

24 Sept 2016

HEIAN shinka divine fire


shinka divine fire legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

shinka 神火と伝説 Legends about "divine fire"
shinka 神火 / シンカ "fire of the gods", "light of the gods"
goshinka, go-shinka 御神火 "divine fire" from a volcano

A "divine fire" can be related to various things.

. jishin 地震と伝説 Legends about Earthquakes .

In July of the year 1780 there was a strong quake of about M 7.4 in the Shonai region.
One month later people saw smoke and a shinka 神火 "divine fire" coming out of 御嶽南の峰 the South peak of Mount Ontake. The smoke like black clouds could be seen from far away.

Kiso Ontake-san,御嶽山 the second highest volcano in Japan
Eruption on September 27, 2014, ...
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. ryuutoo 竜燈 / 龍燈 dragon lantern .
A phenomenon at the Ariakekai sea in Kagoshima, Kyushu, in the evening hours.
It is also seen in other parts of Japan as a light that the Dragon God sends out to honor the deities of Shinto and Buddhism in Japan.

source : 龍燈、龍灯、竜灯- wikipedia

santoo 山燈 Santo, "Lantern of a Mountain"
The "lanterns of the sea or mountain" do not light things clearly, they just seem to fade around in regions where few people live. They are venerated as Shinka, the divine fire.

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 ......................................

At the 老樟 old camphor tree of the 蕨岡 Warabioka family there was a divine light for seven days and seven nights. They called it 熊の権現の神火 the divine light of Kumano Gongen and venerated it at
Mount 篠山 Sasayama (1065 m ).
Years later the Tengu who lived at Sasayama came to live in this tree and played his tricks on the members of the Family. So one day the head of the home shot at him and the Tengu lost one of his wings. To get it back he had to promise never to play tricks around here any more. And to this day, the Tengu protects the Warabioka family.

.......................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 ......................................

Every year on the last day at the spooky time of ushi no koku 丑の刻 double-hour of the bull, there is a strange light coming down from a mountain called (竜が口山 / 龍之口山) 龍ノ口山 Tatsunokuchi, it looks like an arrow being shot from the mountain toward the sea.
People venerate it as they pass into the New Year.

.......................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県  ......................................

Akiba shinka 秋葉神火 divine fire from Mount Akiba

At night a fire ball came flying from 秋葉山 Mount Akibasan to the open sea. People thought this was the グヒン Guhin Tengu of the mountain who went fishing. After that the local fishermen had a bad catch for three days.

. Akiba Gongen 秋葉権現 Tengu 天狗.
The Tengu 三尺坊 Sanjaku-Bo came to Mount Akiba Yama in Shizuoka prefecture riding on a white fox.
He became the god for calming fire.

.......................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 ......................................
国頭郡 今帰仁村 Nakijin

During a typhoon, fishermen were drifting, lost off the coast. Suddenly there was a shinka 神火 "divine light" and showed them the mountains and way to the harbour. So all came home safely to 仲宗根港 Nakasone Port.

.......................................................................... Shimane 島根県 ......................................

 Takibi no Yashiro 隠岐 焚火の社 The Takihi Shrine, Oki Province
Utagawa Hiroshige

Shooka Gongen 焼火権現 Shoka Gongen,Ooyama Gongen 大山権現 Oyama Gongen
ショウカゴンゲン, 焼火山大権現 Shoka Oyama Daigongen / Takuhi Gongen / Takubi Gongen

At night there shines a light, venerated as the sacred apparition of the deity Shoka Gongen.
This deity can calm down wind and waves and help ships in distress at sea. If fishermen pray to this Deity, he will show them a light to follow on the safe way to a harbour.

There is also a shrine
Takuhi Jinja 焼火神社(たくひじんじゃ)
Shimane Prefecture, Oki District, Nishinoshima 西ノ島町美田

After the Meiji restoration there was also a temple
Takuhisan Unjooji 焼火山雲上寺 Unjo-Ji.

The Shrine was called Takuhi no Yashiro (Takubi)、焼火社、焚火社、離火社

The deity in residence is
Oohirume Muchi no Mikoto 大日孁貴尊 (おおひるめむちのみこと)
another name for 天照大神 Amaterasu no Omikami
Oohirume no Mikoto 大日孁尊(おおひるめのみこと)Ōhirume ("great-day-female") 
日女尊(ひるめのみこと)Hirume no Mikoto

Takuhiyama 焼火山 was also called Ooyama 大山 Oyama in former times.
It is 452 meters. The whole mountain is seen as a manifestation of the Deity.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- quote -
Takuhi Shrine
The main shrine building is constructed partly inside a cave.

It is the oldest shrine in the Oki Islands, and is listed as an Important Cultural Property of Japan. Takuhi is dedicated to the deity of maritime safety, so people have come here for many hundreds of years to pray for safety at sea. The hike through the forest to the shrine is very nice, and the views of the islands are amazing.
- source : kankou-shimane.com -

- quote -
On Nishinoshima's highest mountain, Mt Takuhi, sits the island's oldest shrine, the Takuhi-Jinja.
The shrine's Honden (god's sanctuary) building was built into the mountain rock, according to legend the cave came about from the fire of one of the gods. It's dedicated to the god who protects seamen and used to function as a lighthouse for ships traveling to Oki. It also used to be a combined shrine and temple, but during the Meiji period when temples were outlawed the Takuhi shrine temple converted to a shrine. At over a thousand years old it's quite a venerable shrine with a respected history.
- source :en.japantravel.com/shimane / Rory Jackson -

. Wakahirume no Mikoto 稚日女尊 .
The name Wakahirume ("young-day-female") suggests a contrast to Ōhirume ("great-day-female"), another name for Amaterasu).


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


goshinka 御神火 Sake from Izu Oshima
The woman has a tsubaki 椿 camellia on her headband.

goshinka no tsubaki no shima o ehoo to su

Camellia Island
with its Divine Fire shall be
my auspicious direction

原田青児 Harada Saiji

Tsubaki no Shima , Camellia Island, is Izu Oshima with its active volcano.
Izu Ōshima 伊豆大島
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. ehoo 恵方 Eho, auspicious direction of a New Year .







. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #shinka #divinefire #godsfire #takuhi -



23 Sept 2016

TENGU - Tengu Manga

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Manga and Tengu 漫画 /マンガと天狗

. Manga Nippon Mukashibanashi まんが日本昔ばなし Tengu .
- Folktales with Tengu -

. Kako Satoshi 加古 里子 .
Daruma-chan and Tengu-chan だるまちゃんとてんぐちゃん

. Mizuki Shigeru 水木茂 - Tengu .

. Toyota Toki とよた 時 Toyoda Toki - 山里漫画家 Tengu Manga .
with historical background / in Japanese


- - - - - Anime Animo - - - - -
- quote -
..... The earliest tengu were pictured with beaks, but this feature has often been humanized as an unnaturally long nose, which today is widely considered the tengu's defining characteristic in the popular imagination.

Buddhism long held that the tengu were disruptive demons and harbingers of war. Their image gradually softened, however, into one of protective, if still dangerous, spirits of the mountains and forests.

Tengu are associated with the ascetic practice known as Shugendō, and they are usually depicted in the distinctive garb of its followers, the yamabushi.
- source and more photos : Anime Amino

- - - - - CLICK for photos ! - - - - -

- Anime Characters with Tengu -

- Batman : Bruce Wayne "Mask of Tengu" -

- Black Bird Manga : Tengu -

- Cosplay with Tengu -

- Digital Meme : Tengu -

- Kamisama Hajimemashita : Kurama Tengu -

- Kamisama Kiss : Tengu -

- Koppa Tengu : Manga -

- Megan Man : Tengu Man -

- Miikes Yokai War -

- Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan - Karasu Tengu -

- Osamu Tezuka : Tengu -

- Pokemon : Tengu -

- Princess Kurama : Urusei Yatsura -

- Shiftry - a large, brown bipedal Pokémon -

- Soar High! Isami : Tengu -

- Super Mario : Tengu -

- Super Sentai : Tengu -

- Tactics Manga : Tengu -

- Takuma Sakazaki : Mister Karate -

- The Eccentric Family -

- video games : tengu -
Abarenbou Tengu and many more


- - - - - Yokai Watch - - - - -

and Tengloom - Nekurama Tengu


- reference - 天狗 漫画-
- reference - Tengu Manga -


. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #mangatengu #tengumanga -



Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 9/01/2016 05:55:00 am