13 Nov 2016

FUDO - Fukuoka Pilgrims

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. 九州三十六不動尊霊場 Kyushu - 36 Fudo temples .

- Fukuoka 福岡県

32 清岩寺 開運厄よけ不動 - Kaiun Yakuyoke Fudo
33 不動院 身代り不動尊 - Migawari Fudo
34 鎮国寺 波切り不動 - Namikiri Fudo
35 恵光院 五鈷不動 - Goko Fudo
36 東長寺 結願不動 - Ketsugan Fudo

Some Temples also belong to the Henro Pilgrimage.
This number is given in brackets (xx).

source : setokeiichiro.com


32 Seiganji 清岩寺 Seigan-Ji
開運厄よけ不動 - Kaiun Yakuyoke Fudo

福岡県甘木市三奈木町三奈木15 / Fukuoka Amakishi

Fudo Statue in the hall 上動堂
- source and more photos : shikisokuzekuu.net/36hudou -

- quote -
Seiganji temple belongs to the Shingon sect Ninnaji school.
The temple was established inviting Eisai in 1175. Eiasi was a priest related to Ninnaji and so he stayed at this temple which faced the sea for fourteen years and dedicated himself in purchasing all the sutras the Sung ships brought into the country.
- source : m.6918thhakata.com -

The temple was later supported by
黒田忠之 Kuroda Tadayuki (1602 - 1654) and became the Kuroda clan temple.
The High Priest 法印正範大和尚 resided here.
The main statue is of 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai.

. Myōan Eisai, Myooan Eisai 明菴栄西 Myoan Eisai .
(1141 – 1215)


Fudooin 不動院 Fudo-In
Nr. 33 (92) 大原山 Daigensan - 不動院
身代り不動尊 Migawari Fudo

福岡県北九州市門司区吉志171-3 / Kishi, Moji Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka

On request of the Kamakura Bakufu government in 1244, 藤原親房 Fujiwara Chikafusa came to the region to supress the Heike completely. He changed his name to 門司 Moji and unified 6 districts under this name. In the course of history the region was governed by various local lords.
The temple is located in the South-Western part of the Moji peninsula and overlooks the 周防灘 Suo-Nada sea.
The founder of the temple, 心玉阿闍梨 Shingyoku Ajari, was the son of a rich farming family. He build it in 1863 as a place to pray for protection from fire and other natural disasters.
In the temple compound are some old trees and two special statues of Jizo Bosatsu
- miminashi Jizo 耳なし地蔵 Jizo without ears
- agonash Jizo アゴなし地蔵 Jizo without a jaw



shuin 朱印 stamp

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : fudouin-kitakyushu.jp/guide.html


- reference source : kyushyu88.com/temple92 -

. Agonashi Jizo Temples 腮無地蔵 .


Chinkokuji 鎮国寺 Chinkoku-Ji
Nr. 34 (88) 屏風山 Byobusan - 鎮国寺
波切り不動 Namikiri Fudo

福岡県宗像市吉田966 / Yoshida, Munakata, Fukuoka

Founded by Kobo Daishi in 806, after he had visited 宗像大社 Munakata Shrine.
He carved statues of the three deities venerated at Munakata,
大日如来 Dainichi Nyoria, 釈迦如来 Shaka Nyorai and
薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai.

Then he carved Fudo Myo=O to protect the people from all kinds of disaster.

The temple is known for its beautiful blossoms in all seasons.


The statue of Fudo inside the temple is a hibutsu 秘仏 hidden statue.

shuin 朱印 stamp

profile of the priest

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : chinkokuji.or.jp


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

4月28日 - April 28 fire ceremony for the hidden Fudo Statue


35 恵光院 五鈷不動 Eko-In - Goko Fudo
瑠璃山医王密寺 Rurisan Iomitsu-Ji


福岡県福岡市東区馬出5-36-35 / Fukuoka, Higashiku, Maidashi

Founded by 黒田忠之 Kuroda Tadayuki (1602 - 1654), the lord of the 筑前国 domain.

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : hakataboy.com/temple


Toochooji 東長寺 Tocho-Ji / 東長密寺 Tochomitsu-Ji
Nr. 36 (01) 南岳山 Nangakuzan - 東長寺 
結願不動 - Ketsugan Fudo

This is the last temple of the Kyushu Fudo Pilgrimage.
ketsugan, kechigan means the fulfillment of the vow to complete a pilgrimage.

福岡市博多区御供所町2-4 / Gokushomachi, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka

The temple was founded by Kūkai Kobo Daishi, who had come back from his travels to China and landed in Hakata.
It was completed in 806, making it the oldest Shingon temple in Kyushu.

The main statue is a standing Kannon with 1000 arms and 11 faces.
十一面千手観音 Juichimen Senju Kannon

The temple had the strong support of 黒田家墓 Kuroda Tadayuki (1602 - 1652), the second lord of Fukuoka province, who has his grave in the temple compound.

The temple is also Nr. 24 on a pilgrimage to
九州24地蔵 24 Jizo Bosatsu temples in Kyushu.

- photo by Bradford of facebook -

Fukuoka Daibutsu (Great Buddhist statue)
The carving of the statue started in 1988 and it took 4 years to finish. The statue is 10.8 meters in height and 30 tons in weight. This is the largest statue of a seated Buddha among the ones in Japan. The ring of light behind the Buddha stands 16.1 meters in height and is carved with numerous images of Buddha. Besides the statue is a treasure exhibition hall.
- source : wikipedia -


source : setokeiichiro.com


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : akatanomiryoku.com


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事
1月 1日 新春はつもうで
2月 3日 節分大祭
3月21日 正御影供
6月15日 弘法大師誕生祭 Birthday of Kobo Daishi
8月16日 大施餓鬼会
10月20日 土砂加持法要


東長寺 Tocho-Ji is the last temple of the Fudo Pilgrimage
and the first of this one :
. 九州88ヶ所108霊場 Kyushu - 88 and 108 Henro temples .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


- - - reference - coara.or.jp/~rinsaiji 福岡県 - - -


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .

- #fukuokapilgrims #tochoji #ketsuganfudo -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Fudo Myo-O - Introducing Japanese Deities at 11/08/2016 02:00:00 PM

8 Nov 2016

TENGU - and cedar tree legends


Tengu cedar legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

Tengu, sugi 天狗と杉と伝説 Legends about Tengu and Cedar trees

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -

. sugi 杉 Japanese Cedar, Cryptomeria japonica .
- Introduction -

This tree grows in many sacred grounds and some are really huge
oosugi 大杉 Osugi, Big Cecar Tree
ipponsugi, ippon sugi 一本杉 "solitaryt cedar tree

source and more photos : tensugi.blog119.fc2.com
「越後の天杉日記」Echigo no Tensugi Nikki : 天狗の大杉 / 天杉杉太

The Tengu like to reside in these trees and some are even called
Tengusugi, Tengu-sugi 天狗杉 Tengu Cedar Tree.

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 ............................

飛騨地方 Hida district

Once a child had a high fever, so the Tengu from Ipponsugi came down to comfort it.

揖斐郡 Ibi district 春日村 Kasuga

To build a new bridge a 大檜 huge hinoki cypress tree and a cedar tree growing downstream of the river were cut down. THat night a Tengu appeared in the dream of the land owner and scolded him: "Now you have taken away my home, so I will destroy your village!"
And indeed, that night a fire broke out and most of the village burned down.
This was the great fire of Meiji 10, 明治10年1月18日.

加茂郡 Kamo district

The Tengu is also called 狗賓 Guhin / Kuhin.
He lives in the deep forest and produced balls of fire at night to frighten the villagers. There are a few large cedar trees where he lives. When people have to walk here at night, they might hear a laughter if the Tengu is in a good mood.
If he is in a bad mood, he will throw pebbles and sand an the people. People who experience this will soon have more misfortune in their lives.

吉城郡 Yoshiki district

Once a child was abducted by the Tengu and later found dead under the solitary cedar tree.

.......................................................................... Ishikawa 石川県 ............................
小松市 Komatsu

Come on down to Osugi between Oct 2-10 2016 to see our fun and fabulous
"Yokubari Tengu" よくばり天狗 (The Greedy Goblin).
We first did this show in 1997, and again in 2003, followed by three sequels! This is the original, telling how the tengu statue in Osugi turned to stone.

In our village of Osugi there is a statue of a Tengu, made by Kurakichi Okura in the 1970's. This statue is the inspiration for our tengu musicals and projects.
We first produced Yokubari Tengu (The Greedy Goblin) in 1997, a "new legend" about how he turned to stone. In 2004, we put on Yokubari Tengu II: I'm Back!
This year the saga continues with Yokubari Tengu III: Adventures on the Tengu Planet.

- source : osugi musicaltheatre.com -

.......................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 ............................

役行者 En no Gyoja and 雲遍上人 Unpen Shonin

- - - - - The story is similar to the one told at Nikko (Tochigi).
Around 700 the two came to a large waterfall. A thunderstorm came with heavy rainfall and the Tengu, who lived in a huge cedar tree, appeared.
The two were undisturbed in their prayers and then in beams of light Jizo Bosatsu, the Dragon God, 富婁那 Punna the Arhat, Bishamonten and Aizen Myo-O appered and the Tengu was gone.
The two built a sanctuary in the mountains and venerated the huge cedar tree as
Kiyotaki 清滝 the Dragon Deity of the Pure Waterfall.

鞍馬山 Mount Kuramasan

. The Tengu Sōjōbō 僧正坊 of Mount Kurama .
He often came to the Tengu Sugi to rest his wings.

.......................................................................... Miyazaki宮崎県 ............................

Near the old burrial ground and 古墳 Kofun there are many old trees. One is the 天狗杉 Tengu Sugi. This Tengu with wings and a red face likes to fly from cedar to cedar and sometimes even stays in a 松 pine tree.

清武町 Kiyotake

Near the Kofun of 岩見田 Iwamida there are some Tengu Sugi, where the Tengu lives:
Shoode no Tengu sugi 正手の天狗杉 Tengu cedar from Shode
Ookubo no Tengu sugi 大久保の天狗杉 Tengu cedar from Okubo
The one at Shode burned down after a thunderbolt hit it.
The one at Okubo was cut down to make room for housing.

.......................................................................... Nara 奈良県 ............................

桜井市 Sakurai

. Hasedera 長谷寺 Temple Hase-dera .

When the Head Priest Eigaku 英岳大僧正 was still a young acolyte at the temple, he did not study much. Eigaku had to light all the lanterns, but the Tengu from the Cedar Tree (in the form of a squirrel) run around and extinguished them and caused other trouble at night. So Eigaku collected all his wits and eventually threatened the Tengu:
"When I become High Priest here, I will cut down all the cedar trees and you will have no more place to live here!"
Eigaku was not really a dilligent student, but from this time on he changed his ways and eventually at the age of 60 became the High Priest 大僧正 Daisojo of the temple.

source : sacredjapan.com/Temple

He had all the huge cedar trees cut down and used the wood to repair the temple buildings.
Only one of the trees he did not cut down, the 天狗杉 Tengu Sugi, to remind him and the people in the future of the Tengu, who eventually helped him to become a dilligent student and high priest.

山辺郡 Yamabe district

Jinyaji 神野寺 Temple Jinya-Ji
At this temple there was a huge Tengu Sugi tree of some ten meters high and 3 meters in circumference. The bark of the trunk and the branches had come off. This is because a Tengu lived there and instructed his disciples, practising the jump from branch to branch and up the trunk.


Tengusugi 天狗杉
Once upon a time it the forest of Nara there was a very old temple and a large forest of cedar trees surrounded it. A lot of たちの悪い天狗 bad Tengu lived there.

This is basically the story of Hasedera, but the priest here is called
Fugaku 芙岳(ふがく)

- read Manga Nihon Mukashibanashi :
- reference source : nihon.syoukoukai.com/modules -

.......................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 ............................
久米郡 Kume district

From 二上山 Mount Futakami, the highest peak in this area, there is a great view to Mount Daisen. Sometimes the Tengu from Mount Daisen takes a flight and comes here to rest his huge wings.

. Ryosan-Ji 両山寺のニ上杉、大杉 "Futakami Sugi" 天狗杉 Tengu-Sugi .

.......................................................................... Tochigi 栃木県 ............................
日光市 Nikko

En no Gyoja 役小角 and 雲遍上人 Unpen Shonin once came to a 清瀧 waterfall in the 日光山 Nikko Mountains to practise austerities. Suddenly a black cloud hang over the waterfall and a terrible thunderstorm rattled and strong wind blew.
The two of them were 一心不乱 undisturbed by all this, sat down and said their esoteric mantras in deep quiet.
Suddenly the sky cleared again and now they saw a Tengu sitting in the branches of the large cedar tree. The Tengu faded from sight in no time.

. Nikkoozan Tookooboo 日光山東光坊 Tengu Tokobo. Toko-Bo from Mount Nikko .
There used to live many Tengu in the mountains of Nikko, and their boss was Tokobo.
He is seen as in incarnation of Tokugawa Ieyasu.

.......................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 ............................
板橋区 Itabashi

In the middle of the fields there was a huge cedar tree. Its branches hang down to the ground. This is because a Tengu often came here and sits on it. So it is called 天狗杉.
Now it is at the bottom the slope 松山の坂 Matsuyama no Saka, which is also called
天狗坂 Tengusaka, Tengu-Saka.


- quote -
Up for Spiritual Waterfall Training?
..... try doing a pilgrim at Mount Mitake.

Along the way, you will see mother nature's beauty at its best. An example of this is the 350-year-old cedar tree called Tengu-no-Koshikake.
- source : jpninfo.com/39507 -

.......................................................................... Toyama 富山県 ............................

. Tengosama テンゴサマ / Tengohan テンゴハン .
Tengu in the Toyama dialect.

.......................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県 ............................

Tengu no koshikake sugi 天狗の腰掛杉 Cedar where the Tengu sits down
A few meters up from this cedar tree there was a huge boulder in the middle of the road. Around 1640 a stone mason tried to split this boulder and begun to make a hole in it.
Suddenly he heard a loud voice coming from the cedar tree
"Hey you there, what you think you are doing?"
He became frightened for his life and run away as fast as he could.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
天狗杉 (ok) / 大杉 (ok) 一本杉 (ok)
75 tengu and 杉 to explore (00)

天狗杉のたたり the curse of the Tengu
manga nihon mukashibanashi
- source : nihon syoukoukai com -


. En no Gyôja 役行者 Founder of Shugendo .
En no Ozuno 役小角 "En with the small horn"

. Unpen Shoonin 雲遍上人 Saint Unpen Shonin .
Taichoo, Taichō 泰澄上人 Saint Taicho Shonin / Taicho-Daishi 泰澄大師 (682 ?683 - 767)
Etsu no 越の大徳 Etsu no Daitoku - Great Man of Virtue from Etsu
Shiramine Daisoojo 天狗 白峰大僧正 Tengu Shiramine Daisojo

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .

- #tengucedartree #tengusugi #sugitengu -



7 Nov 2016

MINGEI - Nagasaki Folk Toys


Nagasaki Folk Art 長崎県

Shimabara (島原市, Shimabara-shi)
is a city located on the north-eastern tip of the Shimabara Peninsula, facing Ariake Bay in the east and Mount Unzen (including Fugendake) in the west, in Nagasaki Prefecture, Kyūshū, Japan.
Shimabara is a castle town, and was the capital of Shimabara Domain during the Edo period. It was the site of considerable foreign trade and missionary activity during the late Muromachi period, and in the early Edo period, a large percentage of the population were Kirishitan, Christians.

. Shimabara and Amakusa clay dolls 天草土人形 .

under construction

Shimabara Wakimizukan しまばら湧水館 Museum for spring water
wakimizu, fresh water welling out from the mountains.

Look at more photos of the clear water from Shimabara :
source : susono.jugem.jp

konna ni umai mizu ga afurete iru

such delicious water is overflowing here

. Taneda Santoka (Taneda Santooka) 種田山頭火 .

He has written quite a lot of haiku about fresh water during his travels.
source : Santoka in Kumamoto

Fukue town 福江市
Goto Retto 五島列島 Goto island chain

baramondako, baramon tako バラモン凧 Baramon kite
Gotoo Baramon tako 五島バラモン凧 Baramon kite from the Goto Islands

hinodezuru, hinode tsuru 日出鶴 kite with a crane
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

This kite is said to be transferred from east Asia, such as India, Malaysia and Indonesia. The shape of this kite is very unique and not so popular in Japan. This type of kite is made at Hirado, Iki and Goto islands in Nagasaki prefecture located in southern part of Japan.This kite has an hummer on it. The design of the kite is that Damon bites the helmet of old soldier, Samurai.
. tako 凧 Kites of Japan - Introduction .

Hasami 波佐見

Hasamiyaki, Hasami-yaki 波佐見焼 Hasami creamics
is located close to Arita and Imari, but not nearly as famous.
Its manufacturers historically focused on mass-market ceramic products for ordinary Japanese people.
. hahsioke Daruma 箸置け chopstick rest from Hasami .

- quote -
Hasami Porcelain
Tasteful and stylish, Hasami porcelain has been enjoying a resurgence in popularity in Japan. The craft can be traced back over 400 years to 1599, when three multi-chambered climbing kilns (called renboshiki-noborigama) were installed in the town of Hasami in central Nagasaki Prefecture. Marking the dawn of the area's ceramics industry, this was the origin of Hasami porcelain.

While Hasami originally produced glossed ceramics known as yuyaku-toki, the discovery of natural deposits of porcelain constituents led to a gradual shift in production. In time, the local focus centered around celadon porcelain (called seiji in Japan) and blue and white sometsuke porcelain.

Traditional Hasami porcelain focused on everyday necessities, with standout products including the kurawanka bowl and the konpura bottle. The kurawanka bowl was a thick, durable porcelain bowl with arabesque designs called kurawanka applied by brush. Through mass-production—still uncommon at the time—common people were able to buy these bowls at an affordable price, leading to nationwide popularity.
Meanwhile, the konpura bottle was a dyed white porcelain bottle used to store products such as soy sauce and saké for export to Europe—a necessity since Nagasaki was the only area permitted to engage in international trade during the Edo Period (1603-1868). It's even said the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy had a konpura bottle on his study desk.

By developing products that met people's everyday needs, Hasami porcelain has long been valued both inside and outside of Japan. Characterized by elegantly shaped, nearly translucent white porcelain contrasted with gosu indigo pigment, its techniques are still passed on today, and will surely continue to be appreciated by people of all generations.
- source : japan-brand.jnto.go.jp/crafts -

kurawanka くらわんか is a local dialect, meaning " Why don't you eat something ?"

Hirado town 平戸 

kintoki yoochoo 金時凧 / 金時ようちょう kite with Kintoki

Kintoki (Kintaro) is a famous hero and there are various kites with his face. This one from Hirado.
His face is all red to express his strength.
His big round eyes are specially made to change from golden to silver as the kite moves in the sky.

. Kintaro 金太郎 "The Golden Boy" Kintoki 金時 .
源頼光と坂田金時 Minamoto Yorimitsu "Raiko" and Sakata Kintoki


. konaki sumoo 子泣き相撲  Sumo wrestling dolls of children .

maki ningyoo まき人形 / マキ人形 Maki dolls

Made by 篠屋(ささや) Sasaya, 平戸市崎方町842-1 - 平戸マキ人形
- reference : pref.nagasaki.jp/koho/plaza -


shita dashi saru 舌出し猿 monkey showing his tongue

CLICK for more photos !

Through its long contact with the outside world during the Edo period, Hirado has developed a pottery tradition of its own.
One is the monkey sticking out his tongue, a kind of Sanbaso dancing monkey, with the head moving and the tongue coming in and out.

- quote -
"Tanemaki Sanbasô"
is one of many sanbasô musical dances. Originally sanbasô was derived from a Nô play called "Okina", a very sacred ceremonial play. This spirit has been foremost among plays. A sanbasô serves as a special dramatization to celebrate a special anniversary or a shûmei. When the curtain rises two performers come on the stage, deified beings in the form of men--a man in his heyday (Senzai) and a holy performer (Sanbasô). The two are considered to represent longevity and happiness. They dance solo and as a duet in commemoration of this lucky day and lucky people (including the audience). They thank the mercy of the gods.

This dance is also called "Shitadashi Sanbasô" or Sanbasô with his tongue sticking out. This is because at the climax the protagonist, Sanbasô, sticks his tongue out while dancing to the rhythmical tune of a drum.
- source : www.kabuki21.com -

Once a pottery maker was invited by the Lord of Nagasaki to dance this Sanbaso. He was very skilfull and the Lord gave him the name "Like a Monkey" 如猿 Joen. The potter then begun to make these dolls.

. shita dashi Sanbasoo 舌出し三番叟 Sanbaso dancer sticking out his tongue .
Hasami 波佐見, Mikawachi 三川内, Hirado 平戸 


oniyoozu 鬼洋蝶 kite with a demon face
oniyôcho, oniyoochoo

. Oni 鬼 Demon Amulets .

There is even a shochu 焼酎 shnaps with this label.

Ikinoshima Iki no Shima 壱岐島 Iki Island

ondako 鬼凧 "demon kite"

Related to the Demon Legend of Iki Island.
source : ikishi.sakura.ne.jp


Iki no hassakubina, hassaku hina 壱岐の八朔雛 hassaku Hina dolls

Since olden times, people pray for the well-being of their children on the Hassaku day and put up paper dolls to celebrate. In the Inland parts of the island, they celebrate
ta no mo no sechi 田面の節 たのものせち (tanomo), with prayers for a good harvest.
They are also related to the custom of drinking green tea, coming from China.
- reference : ikinoshima.web.fc2.com -

. hassaku 八朔 first day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar .

Nagasaki town 長崎 

. Koga ningyoo 古賀人形 Koga dolls .
Acha san 阿茶さん Portugese from Nagasaki
tori daki saru 鶏抱き猿 monkey embracing a rooster

. bekkoo 鼈甲 / べっこう / べっ甲 tortoiseshell craft .

. Urashima Taro (浦島 太郎) Koga Doll .

biidoro ビードロ "Vidro" Bidoro glass art
. hoppen, poppen ぽっぺん glass ball plopping .

. kujira no shiofuki 鯨の潮吹き whale spouring, blowing .

. Nagasaki hata 長崎ハタ Hata kite from Nagasaki.

. peeron ペーロン Peron dragon boat for racing .


太鼓山 festival float with big drum
コッコデショ Kokkodesho the Flying Drum
(樺島町) from Kabashima
During the festival the bearers throw it high in the air and then catch it again.

. Nagasaki Okunchi 長崎おくんち Festival .


tengu men 天狗面 Tengu mask

At the 諏訪神社 Suwa Jinja shrine of Nagasaki, there is a famous mask. But the Tengu looks more like an oni, 鬼 a demon. They are an amulet to ward off evil.
It is small, only about 8 cm and made from papermachee. Three little bamboo stick horns, painted white, come out of the head.
After the war they were not made any more.


Nagasaki yaki 長崎焼 Nagasaki pottery

Kameyama yaki, Kameyamayaki 亀山焼 Kameyama Pottery
Kameyama-yaki suddenly appeared in the early 19th century and 60 years late in the early Meiji period, it disappeared. It is now a phantom ceramic.

CLICK for more photos !

Of interest is the mention of an Englishman by the name of James Lord Bowes from Liverpool, who was recognized as a consul by the Meiji Emperor, the first as an Englishman. He noted on the Kameyama-yaki in his book, indicating the exported Kameyama-yaki was known in England, and analyzing that the Kameyama-yaki had an influence from Chinese ceramic . . .
- source : micnoski.blog.fc2.com -

- and with the name of Kameyama

亀山社中 Kameyama Shachu of Sakamoto Ryoma :
- Nagasaki Kameyama Shachu - reference -


Nagasaki ningyoo 長崎人形 Nagasaki dolls

CLICK for more photos !

They are clay dolls, made rather recently to please the tourists.
A potter from Saga named 江口勇三郎 Eguchi Yuzaburo instrulcted the potters from Nagasaki while he lived there until around 1990.
The figures show manly persons in costumes of the town.

. 弓野人形 Yumino dolls - Eguchi Yuzaburo .


nanbansen, nanban no fune 南蛮船 boat of foreigners

It has become the motive on pottery, Kimonos, picture scrolls . ...
Tee ships are also called 紅毛船 Komosen.

. Nanban 南蛮 Namban, the "Southern Barbarians" .
- Introduction -


ryuu odori 龍踊り dragon dance from Nagasaki

source : upp.so-net.ne.jp/u1cku/gangu5

Sasebo town 佐世保市

gankake ushi 願かけ牛/ 願掛け牛 bull / ox for making a wish

source : e-nagasaki.com/contents/catalo

In the Muromachi period, the lord of Sasebo, 松浦藩主 Matsuura went all the way to Kyoto to get a written certificate that he was the official Daimyo 大名 Lord of the Region.
But the Shogun 足利善政 Ashikaga Yoshimasa did not grant him an audience for a long time. In one night Lord Matsuura saw a red bull in his dream, telling him his wish would soon come true. And indeed soon after that, he got his written certificate (お墨付き).
The amulets are now made of cast metal or carved in wood.

source : yushu.or.jp/english
50 yen New Year's Stamps for 2009
"Gan-kake ushi", a folk toy of Sasebo, Nagasaki, in association with the year of the ox.


source : sasebokoma.jp/
Sasebo koma 佐世保こま spinning top from Sasebo
It has the form of a chive, ラッキョウ型 rakkyuu. Made from wood of the beech tree (a kind of buna, Lithocarpus edulis). It has rings in the five auspicious colors from the Chinese Yin-Yang lore : green, red, yellow, white and black..

kujuuku koma 佐世保九十九(くじゅうく)こま 99 varieties of spinning tops
Made by Yamamoto Yukitoshi  山本幸俊
Sasebo koma 佐世保こま spinning top from Sasebo

bunbunkoma ぶんぶんこま
kasa koma かさこま like an umbrella
nasu koma なすこま like an eggplant
niji koma 紅こま with rainbow colors
ryuugo りゅうご
rokkaku koma 六角こま with six sides
toojin koma 唐人こま "Chinese man"
掛けこま / 坊主こま / 太鼓こま / 銅座こま / とんがりこま /ぎんがいこま / 松笠だんがい / ひねりこま / かぶこま / むちこま / ひょうたんこま / 神代こま / へそこま / 曲こま / 二重じぐりこま / 源水こま / 手回しこま

博多こま Hakata koma
日奈久こま Hinagu koma
飯坂こま Iizaka koma
高知平こま Kochi hira koma
大鰐こま Oowani koma
大阪平こま Osaka hira koma
佐世保こま Sasebo koma
島原こま Shimabara koma
館山こま Tateyama koma
東北平こま Tohoku hira koma
鳥取平こま Tottori hira koma
山梨平こま Yamanashi hira koma

Look at many photos of all kinds
- source : wakwak.com/~eohashi

. Spinning Top 独楽(コマ) koma .


yasobotoke, yaso botoke 那蘇仏 "Jesus-Buddha"

- Kobayashi Issa wrote

kimi ga yo ya shigeri no shita no yaso-botoke

Great Japan --
overgrown with weeds

Tr. David Lanoue

- source : Nakamura Sakuo -

the realm at peace --
in a thicket, down low
a Jesus Buddha

This summer hokku is from 1793, during Issa's wanderings in western Japan, when he was on the southwestern island of Kyushu. In the spring he was staying at a Buddhist temple whose head priest was also a haikai poet in the small city of Yatsushiro, so he must have heard about the uprising in 1637 by Roman Catholic Christians in Amakusa on the island just offshore from Yatsushiro. This rebellion against the local lord sent to control the area by the shogun happened together with a big rebellion by Christians in the Shimabara area just to the north that nearly defeated shogunal troops sent to put down the uprising. Earlier, in 1614, the shogunate had outlawed Christianity in Japan, since it regarded missionaries as the agents of the colonialist powers, but after the 1637 rebellions the arrest and persecution of Christians began in earnest. Some Christians were crucified, while many others were deported to Spanish and Portuguese colonies. Further, all Japanese were forced to register as a believer at a Buddhist temple, so the remaining Christians went underground and continued worshiping in secret. Soon after the shogunate was overthrown in 1868, about 30,000 "hidden Christians" came out of hiding.

In Issa's time the shogunate was no longer worried about an attempt by western countries to colonize Japan in the name of Christianity, and the public persecution of Christians had virtually stopped, though it was still illegal to be a Christian, so the statue mentioned in the hokku seems to be tucked away inside a thicket, though Issa has managed to find it. Almost invisible on the ground below branches and leaves is a stone statue of Jesus done in a style that suggests Buddhism, either as a disguise or because the sculptor was more familiar with Buddhist statues. Since the hidden Christians were Catholic, the most common form of "Jesus Buddha" was a Madonna and child statue in which Jesus is a baby and Mary resembles the bodhisattva of mercy Kannon (Avalokiteśvara), who is usually represented as female in Japan. Kannon may be the "Buddha" in the hokku, since bodhisattvas, too, were referred to as Buddhas.

The statue could be either an object of worship or the marker of a hard-to-see Christian grave or graveyard. The statue probably wouldn't be placed right beside the road, but it hasn't been hidden completely away, either. The statue could be either contemporary or something from the past, and Issa's own attitude isn't completely clear, but he does seem to feel grateful that in the peaceful reign of the present shogun, a century and a half after the Christian rebellions, there is no longer a pressing need to persecute Christians and that a kind of harmony between Christianity and Buddhism is possible, as symbolized by the tranquil fusion of Mary and her child with the bodhisattva Kannon.

Issa obviously feels that his very ability to wander freely around Japan is due to the enforced peace that has continued under the shoguns since the Tokugawa regime came to power in 1603, and he wrote several hokku during his years of wandering in the west that use kimi ga yo, "under the present ruler." The phrase usually expresses gratitude and refers to peace or harmony. It comes from ancient waka and does not refer only to the emperor, and it has no nationalistic overtones or any relation to the post-1868 national anthem, which uses this phrase differently in a context of emperor worship. In Issa's age "ruler" most commonly referred to the shogun, especially if you lived in Edo, though in Kyoto and among supporters of the emperor it referred to the emperor. In ceremonial hokku, "ruler" is more likely to refer to the emperor, and in hokku about history or politics, it is more likely to refer to the shogun or the shogunate. Since it was the shogunate that outlawed Christianity and enforced the peace, I take Issa to be referring to the present shogun.
Chris Drake

Ideology and Christianity in Japan
By Kiri Paramore
They call it Yaso, it has also been called Tenshu . . .
... the religion of Yaso ...
... A small place of worship was built in Nagasaki and a few Japanese were baptized. ... They asked many questions about O Deus Sama (God), O Yaso Sama ...
- source : books.google.co.jp -


. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Folkcraft Samurai .
. Reference and Photos . Isamu Folk Toys .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .


. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Japan

. Nagasaki Folk Toys - this BLOG .

. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- #nagasaki #kyushu #shimabara #hirado -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Omamori - Japanese Amulets on 8/14/2011 12:48:00 pm

6 Nov 2016

FUDO pilgrims - Koboji Kyushu 48

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. 九州88ヶ所108霊場 Kyushu - 88 and 108 temples .

Koobooji 弘法寺 Kobo-Ji
Nr. 48 - Yakuyoke Daishi

Kagoshima 鹿児島


Kushiracho Shimoobaru, Kanoya, Kagoshima

The main statues is Dainichi Nyorai
at his side are Kobo Daishi and Fudo Myo-O


本尊:大日如来 脇侍:弘法大師、不動明王

五大明王 Godai Myo-O

- More Photos of the Temple compound
- reference source : synapse.ne.jp/koubouji/potfile -


弘法寺内の滝行場 waterfall rituals
(Note the two statues of Kappa on the right !)

厄除大師 yakuyoke Daishi stone statue
聖観音菩薩 Sho Kannon stone statue
役行者 神変大菩薩 En no Gyoja stone statue
薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai stone statue - standing
水子地蔵 Mizuko Jizo stone statue
馬頭観音 Bato Kannon stone statue
Graveyard with 6 Jizo and Fudo Myo-O statues

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : synapse.ne.jp/koubouji


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

毎年2月の第一日曜日 Every year on the first Sunday in February

毎月第二、第四、日曜日午前- 護摩供養 Goma Kuyo


. 弘法寺 Kobo-Ji in Tsugaru, Aomori .
o-yasumi Daishi お休み大師 Kobo Daishi taking a rest.


- - - reference 弘法寺 鹿児島 - - -

. 九州88ヶ所108霊場 Kyushu - 88 and 108 temples .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .

- #kobojikyushu #koboji -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Fudo Myo-O - Introducing Japanese Deities at 11/03/2016 09:11:00 PM

3 Nov 2016

EDO - ensoku excursions and guide books

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

ensoku 遠足 excursion, day trip and guidebooks

Taking a day off to enjoy nature was popular in Edo.
Taking along some food and sake to enhance the joy of being with friends and family.

. WKD - ensoku 遠足 (えんそく) excursion .
kigo for spring and 秋の遠足 aki no ensoku, kigo for autumn.

- - - - - There were some guide books:

. Edo Meisho Zue 江戸名所図会, "Guide to famous Edo sites" .
Edo Meisho Hanagoyomi 江戸名所花暦 Flower Calendar of Famous Places in Edo


Edo no gaidobukku 江戸のガイドブック Guidebooks for Edo

- quote -
In Edo, books introducing meisho (famous places), meiten (famous shops) and meibutsu (famous products) were sold, much like modern day guidebooks. These guidebooks were used not only by people visiting Edo, but by Edo residents as well, holding the guidebook in one hand as they enjoyed travelling around famous places. These guidebooks also became popular as souvenirs from Edo. The National Diet Library also maintains a large number of these guidebooks in its collections. Please enjoy the prosperity of the meisho in Edo from those times.

Edo Meishoki by Asai Ryoi, printed by Kono Michikiyo in 1662
Edo suzume 12 volumes, by Kinko Entsu ; illus. Hishikawa Moronobu, printed by Tsuruya Kiemon in 1677
Kokyo gaeri no Edo banashi by Kagiya Heiemon, et al. in 1687, 8 books
Murasaki no hitomoto by Toda Mosui copied in 1714, 2 books
Edo sunago 6 volumes, by Kikuoka Senryo and Tajihi Chikatomo, printed by Suharaya Ihachi, et al. in 1772
Funai biko / Gofunai Biko edited by Mishima Masayuki and Kamiya Nobuyori, copy, 45 books
Edo hanjoki by Terakado Seiken, printed in 1832-36

Edo meisho zue 7 volumes 江戸名所図会
by Saito Choshu, illus. Hasegawa Settan, printed by Suharaya Mohei, et al. in 1834-1836, 20 books
Published from 1834 to 1836. This is an illustrated geographical booklet of meisho in Edo and surrounding areas. It has been praised as a comprehensive geographical booklet on Edo. The work was compiled by three generations of fathers and son, Saito Yukio (Choshu), Yukitaka (Kansai) and Yukinari (Gesshin). Consists of 7 volumes and 20 issues. Illustrations are by Hasegawa Settan. The work is written as on-site investigations of the history and current conditions of shrines, Buddhist temples and meisho and historical sites, and is of very high historical value. In particular, the drawings of Settan, that conveyed the customs, events and scenery, were sketches of the actual locations, with many portraying the scenes in extreme detail, making this work an extremely good historical reference of the scenery and customs of the time. The National Diet Library also holds a manuscript copy of the Koyu Manroku [134-270] which is a record of Yukitaka's site surveys.

- - - - - Meisho-e books
Edo meisho zue written and illustrated by Juppensha Ikku in [1813?]
Ehon Edo miyage 2 parts, 6 volumes, by Nishimura Shigenaga, illus. Suzuki Harunobu 1753
Ehon Toto asobi 3 volumes, by Asakusa'an, illus. Katsushika Hokusai in 1802
Kyoka Edo meisho zue 16 parts, edited by Tenmei rojin, illus. Hiroshige in 1856
- - - - - about food and seasons
Edo kaimono hitori an'nai edited by Nakagawa Gorozaemon, printed by Yamashiroya Sahei, et al. in 1824
Edo meibutsu shuhan tebikigusa printed in 1847
Hanagoyomi (floral calendar) and saijiki (compendium of seasonal words) 1834
Edo yuran hanagoyomi Suharaya Ihachi, et al. in 1837
Toto Saijiki 4 volumes,Hasegawa Settan and Hasegawa Settei 1838

- Read the text here :
- source : ndl.go.jp/landmarks -


江都近郊名勝一覧 Edo Kinko Meisho Ichiran


- reference : 四時遊観録 -


江戸ウォーキング (大人の遠足ブック) Edo Walking - Excursions for Grown-Ups

Even in our modern times, walking in "Edo" is quite popular!


Watching blossoms in spring and red autumn leaves in autumn soon became popular in Edo.

ume-mi 梅見 watching plum blossoms
亀戸梅屋敷 Kamei, 隅田川沿いの寺島村 along the river Sumidagawa, 蒲田村 Kamata village

hanami 花見 watching cherry blossoms
上野山 Ueno, 王子の飛鳥山 Asukayama in Oji, 隅田川堤 along the bank of Sumidagawa, 品川の御殿山 Gotenyama in Shinagawa

shiohigari 潮干狩り collecting small animals
on the beach in summer, especially Shinagawa

kawa-asobi 川遊び, fune-asobi 舟遊び
along the 隅田川 Kanda River

hotaru-gari ホタル狩り catching fireflies
along the river 妙正寺川 Myoshojigawa

tsukimi 月見 full moon watching in Autumn
富岡八幡, Tomioka Hachimangu, 飛鳥山 Asukayama

momijigari 紅葉狩り watching red autumn leaves
There were quite a few places in Edo.

All these activities are part of the Saijiki collection of season words for poetry and Haiku.


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ]- - - - - #ensoku #daytrip #excursion - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 11/02/2016 10:12:00 am

FUDO - Ganjoji Itabashi Kanto Pilgrims

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Ganjooji 願成寺 Ganjo-Ji

Nr. 36 清安山 板橋不動院 Itabashi Fudo-In - Ganjo-Ji
- 安産子育不動尊 - Anzan Koyasu Fudo
Seianzan 清安山 不動院 Fudo-In
Ibaraki prefecture 意密の道場 - imitsu

. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .


2370-1 Itabashi, Tsukubamirai / 茨城県つくばみらい市板橋2370

- quote -
Itabashi Fudo-son,
or formally named Seian-san Ganjoji Fudoin Temple, is a temple of Shingon Sect. The temple was established by the great priest Kukai in 808. It had been burnt down by several fires, and in the 16th century, the temple was rebuilt by a high ranked Shingon Sect priest. The Fudo-son (the Buddhist divinity of fire) at this temple is worshipped by a lot of people for his power of bringing about easy delivery and successful childcare.
There are a lot of cultural properties at this temple including National Important Cultural Properties of the statues of Fudo Myoo and Ryo-doji, both of which were carved by Kukai himself, and prefectural Important Cultural Properties of the Main Hall, Sakura-Gate, and the 3-story Pagoda. The 3-story Pagoda was renovated in 1996.
This is one of the few temples in the prefecture which are composed of seven major buildings.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp -

- Map of the buildings

三重塔  three-storied pagoda

walking the 88 pilgrim temples, Yawara Daishi



shuin 朱印 stamp

CLICK for more photos !

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : fudouin.webnode.jp


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

1月1日~7日   初詣で護摩祈祷
1月28日      初不動 お開帳
2月節分       豆まき お開帳
8月10日      施餓鬼法要
11月1日~30日 七五三成長祈願              
11月28日     秋大縁日お開帳

毎月28日      縁日護摩祈祷

毎日   安産子育・成長安全


- - - reference : itabashi fudo-in - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .

- #ganjoji #itabashifudo -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Fudo Myo-O - Introducing Japanese Deities at 10/27/2016 07:00:00 AM