20 Jun 2017

MINGEI - Tottori kasuri ikat

. Kasuri 絣 Ikat - Introduction .

San-In-gasuri 山陰絣 San-In Kasuri - Ikat from Tottori 鳥取県

is a speciality of the San-In Area, located in the north-western part of the main Island of Honshuu.
The main production areas are in 広瀬 Hirose, 倉吉 Kurayoshi and 弓浜 Yumihama.

................................................................................ Hirose 広瀬  

Hirose-gasuri, Hirose Kasuri 広瀬絣

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島根県安来市広瀬町 Hirosemachi Nogigun, Yasugi City, Shimane Prefecture.
Hand woven cotton fabric with "Kasuri" designs which look more like folk craft. One of the Three Figure Kasuri in the Sanin District. Designs are delicately woven. It was once praised as good for its large designs in comparison to the middle sized designs in "Bingo (Hiroshima Prefecture) Gasuri" and small designs in "Kurume Gasuri." Most of the designs are "Sho-Chiku-Bai"(Pine, Bamboo, Plum) and "Tsuru-Kame"(Crane,Turtle), both of which are regarded as being auspicious in Japan. The futon mat in which "Hirose Gasuri" is used was a bridal mat as well as a death mat. It was a custom for the bride to take a futon mat made with Hirose Gasuri to her bridegroom as one of the bridal items. After it was used on the wedding night the mat was carefully kept and was used again as a death bed for the same woman.
A special technique called "Makase" is used in this Kasuri weaving. The part to be left undyed is not marked with Chinese ink (as is usual in most Kasuri weaving) but it is copied onto the pattern paper.
Uses: Clothing, bedding, cushions
Hirose Gasuri was originated in Hirose where a doctorユs wife started weaving it after she studied the technique of dyeing and weaving "Yumigahama Gasuri" in Yonago in the Bunsei Era(1818-30). After that, the production flourished as the feudal government protected it. In and after the Koka Era(1844-48), an official designer of the government created a large design, which became widely known as characteristic of Hirose Gasuri. Its production equaled that of "Kurume Gasuri" in the Meiji Period. In the Meiji Era starting in 1897, some changes in the loom(from low to raised looms) and the threads(from hand to machine spun) were made for mass production. However, a big fire in 1915 and the WWII damaged its production. It is being revived today by a man named Amano, who is good in the technique of Kasuri weaving.
- source : kimono.or.jp/dictionary/eng -

. Tsuru Kame 鶴亀 Crane and Turtle patterns - Introduction .

................................................................................ Kurayoshi 倉吉  

Kurayoshi-gasuri, Kurayoshi Kasuri 倉吉絣

- quote -
Cotton fabric, in which thick indigo dyed threads are used for both warp and weft. Designs are mostly traditional patterns. The fabric is thick.
Uses: Clothing, bedding, cushions.
The newest among the 3 types of Kasuri of Sanin (Tottori, Shimane and northern Yamaguchi Prefectures). The Kurayoshi Kasuri was first woven under the influence of "Kurume Kasuri" and "Yumigahama Gasuri" and widely traded throughout Japan in the early Meiji Period. The designs at first were woven only with the weft. Since the middle of Meiji Period complicated designs were woven in "double ikat" (dyed threads are used both for warp and weft). Farmers side jobs at first, it was mechanized and produced in large amounts in the end of the Meiji to the Taisho Periods. After the Taisho, production declined. There are signs, however, that the Kurayoshi Gasuri will be revived today.
- reference source : -


........................................................................... Yumihama, Yumigahama 弓浜  

Yumihama-gasuri, Yumihama Kasuri 弓浜絣

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Yumihama-gasuri Textile 弓浜絣
Japan's famous medieval warlord Hideyoshi Toyotomi was the man who ended the nationwide feudal wars and became the head of the entire nation in 1590. After his death, the Tokugawa Shogun family took over his reign and the Edo period began, lasting from 1603 to 1868. During this time, Japan enjoyed great societal stability. Furthermore, the provincial samurai lords had promoted industries and trades within their territories. It was a great time in history when many arts and crafts were born and flourished. These objects were actively traded among provinces. Both Tottori and Shimane prefectures are famous for Kasuri fabric and Yumihama-Gasuri, which is characterized by a nice contrast between white patterns and dyed indigo blue. Both of these fabrics became increasingly popular at this time.

Kasuri fabrics are made of natural cotton. Making the fabrics was an important daily job for women in the villages. They made beddings as well as clothes for all occasions. Fans, turtles, cranes, fish, chrysanthemums, treasures, etc. were favorite patterns used for Kasuri, which is loosely woven and has a natural feel. One can easily sense the love and wisdom of a woman who chooses a certain pattern to wish her loved ones good luck for a special life event. For example, a mother might choose an anchor for her young bride to safely settle down in her new sea (environment), or an eagle for her newborn child or grandchild to "fly bravely" into the future like a bird.

In the 18th century, Yumihama-Gasuri became a major industry in Tottori, thanks to the hardworking women in the farming villages. They attended cotton fields during the day, and made and wove threads at night. In fact, Yumihama-Gasuri was an important source of income for the families. There were about 54 weaving houses in 1836.

Later on, rapid industrialization made the time consuming Yumihama-Gasuri method almost obsolete, with a lack of skillful successors to keep the craft alive. However, thanks to the recent popularity of handmade objects, people began rediscovering the beauty of the mystic dancing of white and indigo colors, set on weavers that emanate love and warmth. Although production is still limited to this day, local organizations have been working to train the next generation of Yumihama-gasuri artists. They also make accessories such as bags, hats, coin purses, porches, table cloths and so on, which are more affordable, but still send you love and good wishes.

- - - - - 2-124 Higashimachi Tottori-shi Tottori-ken
- source : japan-brand.jnto.go.jp/crafts -

. The White Rabbit of Inaba 因幡の白兎 .
and Okuninushi no Mikoto (Daikoku)


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

Legends about Kasuri Ikat
Even animals like to wear it . . .

秋田県 Akita 雄勝郡 Ogachi district

kongasuri コンガスリ / 紺絣 blue Ikat
Around 1899. Children wearind blue Ikat robes were abducted from the village. The roads were then closed over night.

群馬県 Gunma 利根郡 Tone district みなかみ町 Minakami

kappa カッパ Water Goblin
Once a member of the 林家 Hayashi family came back after washing his horse in the river to cool it. He heard a strange sound in 馬の舟 the food box of the horse. A Kappa was there waiting for the horse to come back. The man let the Kappa run away without punishment. From that day on, every night the Kappa brought a barrel full of fish to the house.
Then one day when a Kimono with an Ikat pattern was hanging on the line to dry, the Kappa saw it and never came back.
Ikat is one of the things a Kappa dislikes. So if people want to bath in the river, they better wear a light Ikat-pattern Kimono.

. things a Kappa dislikes and fears 嫌物 .

岩手県 Iwate 九戸郡 Kunohe district 軽米町 Karumi

zashiki warashi 座敷わらし child spook
They live in the 曲がり家 Magaria farm houses and wear robes with blue Ikat patterns. Some are boys, some are girls.
They bring good luck to the family that lives there, but they are never really seen. If people try to take a peek, the child disappears.
They are also called ザシキボッコ Zankibokko.

. zashiki warashi 座敷童子 / ざしきわらし girl spooks .
in Iwate, Tono, Tohoku / 岩手県遠野 に伝えられる精霊的な存在

奈良県 Nara 橿原市 Kashihara

kitsune 狐 Fox
Once an old person went to the Shrine, when he saw a nice girl standing there. Her hair was made up and she wore an Ikat Kimono. She even had her teeth blackened and laughed with a strange giggle. It was in fact not a human, but a Fox.

吉野郡 Yoshino district 十津川村 Totsukawamura

nozuchi 野槌 / tsuchinoko ツチノコ Hammerspawn
They creep up at people and kill them. Once an old man saw a very large Tsuchinoko which wore a robe wit an Ikat pattern.

. nozuchi 野槌 / tsuchinoko ツチノコ Hammerspawn .

岡山県 Okayama 笠岡市 Kasaoka

koboozu 小坊主 a young priest
At midnight a young priest in a Kimono with Ikat pattern appeared. Even if it was night and he was far away, people could clearly see the Ikat pattern of his robe.
But coming too close, nobody was there after all.

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/mitoyawool

滋賀県 Shiga 愛知郡 Aichi district 愛東町 Aito

tanuki たぬき Tanuki badger
Tanuki like to shape-shift in a woman wearing a Kimono with an Ikat pattern. If people turn around to have a second look at them, there is nobody to be seen.

島根県 Tottori

At the local school a ghost was seen regularly. Below the school was a grave and in the evening a man wearing a Kimono with an Ikat pattern was seen walking around. He went up to the school and to the toilet at the back, straight into the room for the "big delivery". When people peeked inside, there was nobody to be seen, only a strange red flame.
Sometimes they even heard a sound from the toilet room.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - #tottorikasuri #kasuri #yumigahama #hirose - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Omamori - Japanese Amulets on 6/19/2017 10:06:00 am

TENGU - Tengu kanban Kamban

. Kanban 看板 Kamban Shop Signs - Introduction .

kanban to tengu 天狗と看板 shop signs with Tengu goblins

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .
- Introduction -

quote - Japan Times
Japan's kanban' are still hanging in there
Little information remains about the personal life of the artisan Kojiro Shimizu.
His personality and interests, his passions and motivations — all are shrouded in mystery. What we know is that he worked in Kyoto in the late 19th and early 20th century and that he appeared to be on good terms with members of the business community. He also happened to be a master carver of kanban, the traditional shop signs of Japan, and on rare occasions, when he produced a particularly elaborate piece, he marked it with his seal, perhaps succumbing to a brief moment of pride. Had he not done so, he would likely be completely unknown to us.
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Kanban could be sumptuous objects indeed. The most remarkable were carved in keyaki (Japanese zelkova) wood, valued for its rich grain and durability, and covered in lacquer. Many were enlivened with flowing calligraphy and decorated with gold leaves. Mother-of-pearl was also sometimes used to make details sparkle.
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In Edo Period Japan (1603-1868), patronage for artists and craftspeople grew to unprecedented levels, but strict sumptuary laws limited conspicuous display of opulence. Though these rules were unevenly enforced, they nevertheless imposed limits on the extravagance and glitter that merchants could use to advertise their wares. Partly as a result, savvy entrepreneurs came to rely on codes, puns and double-entendres adroitly presented on kanban in order to appeal to the sophisticated consumer classes of Japan's largest cities.

For instance, shops purveying cards, a game disliked by the bakufu (shogunal government) because it was a gamblers' favorite, often displayed a long-nosed tengu (goblin) on their kanban. This is because in Japanese, the name for cards, hanafuda, literally "flower cards," can also be read as "nose cards."
Other cases, equally playful, simply tried to elicit a smile from customers: stores selling sweets often advertised their goods using a wild horse, or ara-uma, which was a play on the term "Ara, umai!," literally meaning, "Whoa, how sweet!"
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source : japantimes.co.jp/life/2017

hanakaruta 花かるた  鼻かるた 

. Tengu hanafuda 天狗花札 Tengu Playing Cards .

京都大石天狗堂 - 任天堂 Nintendo 1889





. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

. Kanban 看板 Kamban Shop Signs - Introduction .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - #kanban #kamban #tengukamban #tengukanban - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Omamori - Japanese Amulets on 6/20/2017 10:01:00 am

PERSONS - Fuma Kotaro ninja

. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .

Fuuma Kootaroo, Fūma Kotarō 風魔小太郎 Fuma Kotaro
(? - 1603)

source : dustin on facebook
drawing from the Hojo Godaiki (written by Joshin Miura, 1565-1644) depicting Fuma Kotaro and his band of rappa (ninja) raiding a Takeda camp.

He was like an ONI demon - 鬼のような異相の持ち主であったという

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - Index - .


- quote
... the name adopted by the leader of the ninja Fūma clan (風魔一党 Fūma-ittō) during the Sengoku era of feudal Japan. According to some records, his name was originally Kazama (風間).
The Fūma clan and Fūma Kotarō
The clan was based in Kanagawa Prefecture, specializing in horseback guerrilla warfare and naval espionage. According to some sources, the family has roots in the 10th century when they served Taira no Masakado in his revolt against the Kyoto government. The use of the name started with the first leader (jonin) of the clan: originally surnamed "風間" (Fūma), with a different kanji, it was later changed to homophone 風魔. Each subsequent leader of the school adopted the same name as its founder, making it difficult to identify them individually. This school was in the service of the Hōjō clan of Odawara.

Fūma Kotarō was the fifth and the best known of the Fūma clan leaders.
Born in Sagami Province (modern Kanagawa Prefecture) on an unknown date, he became notorious as the leader of a band of 200 Rappa "battle disrupters", divided into four groups: brigands, pirates, burglars and thieves. Kotarō served under Hōjō Ujimasa and Hōjō Ujinao. His biggest achievement came in 1580, when the Fūma ninja covertly infiltrated and attacked a camp of the Takeda clan forces under Takeda Katsuyori at night, succeeding in causing severe chaos in the camp, which resulted in mass fratricide among the disoriented enemies. In 1590, Toyotomi Hideyoshi laid siege to Odawara Castle, which eventually fell, and the Hōjō clan was forced to surrender.

When the Tokugawa shogunate came to power, the remnants of Fūma-ryū were reduced to a band of brigands operating in and around Edo. A popular but fictional story says that in 1596, Kotarō was responsible for the death of Hattori Hanzō, a famous ninja in the service of Tokugawa Ieyasu, who had tracked him down in the Inland Sea, but Kotarō has succeeded in luring him into a small channel, where a tide trapped the Tokugawa gunboats and his men then set fire to the channel with oil. Kotarō was eventually caught by the shogunate's special law-enforcement force, guided by his rival and a former Takeda ninja Kosaka Jinnai (高坂甚内), and executed through beheading by an order of Ieyasu in 1603.

- - - - - In folklore and popular culture

In a folk legend, he is often an inhuman figure: a supposedly part-oni monstrous giant (over 2 meters tall) with inverted eyes.
In fiction portrayals, Fūma Kotarō is often depicted as Hattori Hanzō's arch-rival. As the name Fūma literally means "wind demon", Fūma Kotarō's depiction is frequently more flamboyant, fantastical, and sometimes even demonic. In contrast, Hanzō is usually rendered with a relatively subdued appearance.
Kotarō is a player character in the video game Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny as a young ninja in the service of the Hōjō clan, also returning in the spin-offs Onimusha Tactics and Onimusha Soul. He is also a main character in the World Heroes fighting game series (as "Fuuma"), also featured in Neo Geo Battle Coliseum together with his main rival Hanzo.
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© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Onimusha 鬼武者 Demon Warrior

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Onimusha (鬼武者, literally "Oni Warrior") is a series of video games by developer Capcom.
The series makes use of the historic figures that shaped Japan's history, retelling their stories with supernatural elements. Most of the games are of the action-adventure game genre, a combination of third person combat and puzzle solving, where the protagonist wields the power of the Oni, enabling them to fight the Genma, the main enemy of the series. As of 2012, Onimusha is Capcom's sixth biggest franchise, behind the Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Mega Man, Monster Hunter, and Devil May Cry series.
- - - - - Onimusha: Warlords
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


忍者 - 鬼忍

. ninja 忍者 spies - Introduction .
Hattori Hanzo 服部半蔵, the famous Ninja from Iga (1541 - 1596) 
February 22 is the Ninja Day 忍者の日.


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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - Index - .

. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .

- - - #fumakotaro #Kotarofuma #fumaninja - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to PERSONS - index - PERSONEN on 6/16/2017 01:19:00 pm

17 Jun 2017

EDO - Gofunai temples 82 and 83

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

Nr. 82 - Ryuufuku-In 龍福院 Ryufuku-In

- 青林山 Seirinzan  龍福院 Ryufuku-In
台東区元浅草3-17-2 / Taitō ward, Motoasakusa 3-17-2
Shingon Sect : 智山派

This temple was founded by 如桂法印, who died in 1687.
It was moved to its present location in 1645.

The main statue is 金剛界大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai, said to be carved by Kobo Daishi.
There is also a seated statue of Yakushi Nyorai.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 根香寺 Negoro-Ji in Shikoku :
宵の間のたへふる霜の消えぬれば あとこそ鉦の勤行のこえ
Yoi no ma no taefuru shimo no kienureba ato koso kane no gongyoo no koe

. Nr. 82 根香寺 Negoro-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

The 山門 iron gate is often closed, so it is a good idea to contact before visiting.

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/taito

. Introduction of Dainichi Nyorai .



- - - - - #edohistory - - - - -

In the compound is a memorial stone of the Ukiyo-e artist
小林清親 Kobayashi Kiyochika

清親画伯之碑 Kiyochika

- quote -
Kobayashi Kiyochika
(10 September 1847 – 28 November 1915) was a Japanese ukiyo-e artist, best known for his ukiyo-e colour woodblock prints and newspaper illustrations. His work documents the rapid modernization and Westernization Japanese underwent during the Meiji period (1868–1912) and employs a sense of light and shade called kōsen-ga  inspired by Western art techniques.

His work first found an audience in the 1870s with prints of red-brick buildings and trains that had proliferated after the Meiji Restoration; his prints of the First Sino-Japanese War of 1894–95 were also popular. Woodblock printing fell out of favour during this period, and many collectors consider Kobayashi's work the last significant example of ukiyo-e.

..... Kiyochika's depictions of the Westernization of Meiji Japan has both benefited and hindered later assessment of his work; it disappoints collectors looking for an idealized Japan of old that lures many to ukiyo-e, while it provides a historical record of the radical changes of the time.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Nr. 83 - Renjoo-In 蓮乗院 Renjo-In

- 放光山 Hokozan 蓮乗院 Renjo-In 千眼寺 Sengen-Ji
新宿区若葉2-8-6 / Shinjuku ward, Wakaba 2-8-6
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded around 1580 by 鏡現上人 Saint Kyogen.
It was moved to its present location in 1611. The old buildings were lost in the fires of WWII.
The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.
There is also a statue of 十一面観音菩薩 Kannon with 11 Heads.

On the left side of the entrance gate is a stone memorial with the red inscription for Kobo Daishi:
南無大師遍照金剛 Namu Daishi Henjo Kongo


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 一宮寺 Ichinomiya-Ji in Shikoku :
Sanuki Ichinomiya no mimae ni aogimite kami no kokoro o dare kashira yuu

. Nr. 83 神毫山 大宝院 一宮寺 Ichinomiya-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/shinjuku

. Introduction of Amida Nyorai .



- reference : 御府内八十八 龍福院 -
- reference : 御府内八十八 蓮乗院 -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


. Join the Updates of Facebook ! .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @edopilgrims #edohenro #Ryufukuin #renjoin - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/10/2017 09:52:00 am

16 Jun 2017

TENGU - Tengu Kendo Armour

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

kendoo 剣道 Kendo - 天狗 Tengu and The Way of the Sword

What is the connection between the sword and Daruma ?
During the Edo period, many "WAYS" were developed, based on the principles of Zen and practised by the samurai, and "The Way of the Warrior" (Bushido) was of course one of them. One aspect of Bushido is "The Way of the Sword" (Kendo) and the "Way of the Bow" (Kyuudo).
. katana 刀 the Japanese sword .
- Introduction -


剣道独稽古 - 山本晴幸
Kendo Hitori Keiko - Practising Kendo Fencing by yourself

- quote -
karasu to Tengu 烏と天狗 Crow and Tengu
Introducing two postures with a Tengu as partner.


- source : japanbujut.exblog.jp


1.Yositsune riding on the Tengu to take his fencing lessons at Kurama Yama

2.Taibo : a fabulous bird : the Japanese "Roc"
source : db.nichibun.ac.jp/ja/d/GAI/info

. Kurama Tengu and Yoshitsune .


Japanese Tengu Armour - yoroi 鎧 and kabuto 兜 with Tengu

source : hu.pinterest.com/pin

CLICK for more photos !


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

宮城県 Miyagi, 伊具郡 Igu district 丸森町 Marumori

Tengu no hijutstu 天狗の秘術 Secret Teachings of Tengu
Once upon a time
at the home of 佐藤松吉 Sato Matsukichi there lived a young warrior called 理八 Rihachi.
The family was very poor and Rihachi was sent to work for the rich family of 小田 Oda in 館矢間村 Tateyamamura. From there he could take part in the Kendo training of 高木与惣兵衛 Takagi Yosoemon at the local training hall.
After three years, when Rihachi was 20 years old, there was no other student who could beat him. Yet the teacher did not promote him. Finally Rihachi understood he was not yet ready, pulled himself together and started anew to practise alone at a wild place called 万騎の峰, which the locals called "Tengu no Miya" 天狗の宮 "Palace of the Tengu".
On the mountain path there were dangerous wolves on the road and beautiful ladies trying to distract him and even severed human heads were flying around - but despite all these terrible things, Rihachi was undisturbed and continued his practise.
Finally on the 107th night at midnight the Tenug showed up and took him to the 天狗の角力場 Training place of the Tengu, where he was shown how to fly in space.
Later Rihachi himself was venerated as a 天狗尊 Tengu in the village and he opened a training hall for martial arts.
He became very famous and won many official competitions and got the name Riken 飛剣 "flying sword".

- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


Tengu no Ken 天狗の剣 The Sword of the Tengu

Fujimoto Hitomi 藤本ひとみ


Tengutoo, Tengutō 天狗党の乱 Tenguto no ran, Tengutō Rebellion
Mito no ran 水戸幕末争乱 rebellion between May 1864 and January 1865
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- reference - 剣道 天狗 -
- reference - kendo tengu -


. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #tengukendo #kendutengu -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 6/14/2017 12:59:00 pm

EDO - Yatsukoji district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Yatsukooji 八つ小路 Yatsukoji district
"Eight corners", "Eight small roads", "Eight Streets"

On the Southern side of 筋違橋 Sujikaibashi was the 筋違橋御門 Sujikaimon gate and nearby the Yatsukoji district.
The local people also called it
八つ辻 Yatsu-tsuji or 八辻が原 Yatsujigahara.

source : edo-tomo.jp/saiji/saiji-kako/saiji-kengaku...

The eight roads which met here are

01 - to the West to 昌平橋 Shoheibashi bridge
02 - to the South-West to 芋洗坂 Imoaraizaka slope
03 - to 駿河台 Surugadai
04 - to 三河町 Mikawacho
05 - to 連雀町 Renjakucho
06 - to 須田町 Sudacho 須田町
07 - over the river to 柳原土手 Yanagihara dote embankment
08 - to the 筋違橋御門 Sujikaimon gate

柳原堤 Yanagihara embankment

In Tokyo, there is the now the
Kotsu Hakubutsukan 交通博物館 Transportation Museum
東京都千代田区神田須田町1-25 / 1 Chome-25 Kanda Sudachō, Chiyoda-ku, Tōkyō


Sujikai-uchi Yatsukoji / Sujikai Yatsu Koji 筋違内八つ小路 Yatsukoji, inside Sujikai Gate
Yatsukoji Square Inside Sujikai Gateway / Yatsukoji junction
Open area at Yatsukoji with trees, men and women.
歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige

This has even become a stamp:

This print shows the Hirokoji leading from 筋違橋御門前 to 外堀(神田川) the Sotobori of the Kanda river. In the front is part of 筋違橋御門の櫓 the watch tower and in the far back part of 神田神社 Kanda Jinja.
It is at the beginning of the 中山道 Nakasendo along the Sotobori. Nearby is 昌平橋 Shoheibashi. Crossing the river leads to a road to Ueno, for the Shogun to visit 上野寛永寺 the graves at Kanei-Ji.
Since eight small roads come together here, the name was given to this district.

In the front is a 大名行列 Daimyo Gyoretsu, procession of a lord and his samurai warriors.


Edo Tokyo Hakubutsukan 江戸東京博物館 Edo-Tokyo Museum 
a museum of the history of Tokyo during the Edo period.
The Metropolitan Edo-Tokyo Museum opened its doors in March 1993 as a space to reflect on the history and culture of Edo-Tokyo and envision the city and life of the future. Housed in a unique building modeled after an elevated-floor type warehouse, the museum has been a landmark and popular tourist attraction in Tokyo since its opening.
The permanent exhibition,
showcasing original objects and replicas, offers visitors a journey through the 400-year history of Edo-Tokyo since Tokugawa Ieyasu entered Edo. In addition to the permanent exhibition, the museum holds special exhibitions at the first floor gallery five to six times a year and carries out various other events, including lectures and workshops on the history and culture of Edo-Tokyo.

東京都墨田区横網1-4-1 / Tokyo, Sumida, Yokoami 1-4-1
- source : edo-tokyo-museum.or.jp -

江戸東京博物館 友の会 Edo Tokyo Hakubutsukan - Tomo no Kai
東京都墨田区横網1-4-1 -
- reference source : edo-tomo.jp/index -


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 6/12/2017 10:23:00 am