16 Jun 2017

EDO - Yatsukoji district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Yatsukooji 八つ小路 Yatsukoji district
"Eight corners", "Eight small roads", "Eight Streets"

On the Southern side of 筋違橋 Sujikaibashi was the 筋違橋御門 Sujikaimon gate and nearby the Yatsukoji district.
The local people also called it
八つ辻 Yatsu-tsuji or 八辻が原 Yatsujigahara.

source : edo-tomo.jp/saiji/saiji-kako/saiji-kengaku...

The eight roads which met here are

01 - to the West to 昌平橋 Shoheibashi bridge
02 - to the South-West to 芋洗坂 Imoaraizaka slope
03 - to 駿河台 Surugadai
04 - to 三河町 Mikawacho
05 - to 連雀町 Renjakucho
06 - to 須田町 Sudacho 須田町
07 - over the river to 柳原土手 Yanagihara dote embankment
08 - to the 筋違橋御門 Sujikaimon gate

柳原堤 Yanagihara embankment

In Tokyo, there is the now the
Kotsu Hakubutsukan 交通博物館 Transportation Museum
東京都千代田区神田須田町1-25 / 1 Chome-25 Kanda Sudachō, Chiyoda-ku, Tōkyō


Sujikai-uchi Yatsukoji / Sujikai Yatsu Koji 筋違内八つ小路 Yatsukoji, inside Sujikai Gate
Yatsukoji Square Inside Sujikai Gateway / Yatsukoji junction
Open area at Yatsukoji with trees, men and women.
歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige

This has even become a stamp:

This print shows the Hirokoji leading from 筋違橋御門前 to 外堀(神田川) the Sotobori of the Kanda river. In the front is part of 筋違橋御門の櫓 the watch tower and in the far back part of 神田神社 Kanda Jinja.
It is at the beginning of the 中山道 Nakasendo along the Sotobori. Nearby is 昌平橋 Shoheibashi. Crossing the river leads to a road to Ueno, for the Shogun to visit 上野寛永寺 the graves at Kanei-Ji.
Since eight small roads come together here, the name was given to this district.

In the front is a 大名行列 Daimyo Gyoretsu, procession of a lord and his samurai warriors.


Edo Tokyo Hakubutsukan 江戸東京博物館 Edo-Tokyo Museum 
a museum of the history of Tokyo during the Edo period.
The Metropolitan Edo-Tokyo Museum opened its doors in March 1993 as a space to reflect on the history and culture of Edo-Tokyo and envision the city and life of the future. Housed in a unique building modeled after an elevated-floor type warehouse, the museum has been a landmark and popular tourist attraction in Tokyo since its opening.
The permanent exhibition,
showcasing original objects and replicas, offers visitors a journey through the 400-year history of Edo-Tokyo since Tokugawa Ieyasu entered Edo. In addition to the permanent exhibition, the museum holds special exhibitions at the first floor gallery five to six times a year and carries out various other events, including lectures and workshops on the history and culture of Edo-Tokyo.

東京都墨田区横網1-4-1 / Tokyo, Sumida, Yokoami 1-4-1
- source : edo-tokyo-museum.or.jp -

江戸東京博物館 友の会 Edo Tokyo Hakubutsukan - Tomo no Kai
東京都墨田区横網1-4-1 -
- reference source : edo-tomo.jp/index -


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #yatsukoji #edotokyomuseum - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 6/12/2017 10:23:00 am

13 Jun 2017

EDO - Gofunai temples 80 and 81

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

Nr. 80 - Chooenji 長延寺 Choen-Ji

- 太元山 Taigenzan 宇賀院 Uga-In 長延寺 Choen-Ji
港区三田4-1-31 / Minato ward, Mita 4-1-31
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

The origin of this temple is not quite clear.
It was moved to 数寄屋町 Sukiyacho in 1611 and to 八丁堀 Hatchobori in 1635.
Its founder in maybe 秀晃僧正 priest Hideaki.
The main statue is 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu.

The temple is now located in the underground floor of a modern building on Sakurada street.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 國分寺 / 国分寺 Kokubun-Jii in Shikoku :
国を分け野山をしのぎ寺々に 詣れる人を助けましませ
Kuni o wake noyama o shinogi teradera ni maireru hito o tasukemashimase

. Nr. 80 白牛山 Hakugyuzan 千手院 Senjuin  國分寺 Kokubun-Ji/ Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

Fudo Myo-E is represented as a kote-e こて絵 stucco relief painting by 今泉善吉 Imaizumi Zenkichi, a student of the famous stucco master 伊豆の長八 Izu no Chohachi.
不動明王霊夢 Fudo Myo-O Reimu
But this image is not shown to the public.

The other subject of a kote-e is
『龍図』 Dragon and 『俵藤太』Tawara no Tota.

source : ameblo.jp/2055masumi

- Page about this temple
- source : ameblo.jp/2055masumi

. Introduction of Jizo Bosatsu .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .



- - - - - #edohistory - - - - -

. kote-e 鏝絵 / こて絵 kote art relief pictures .
Izu no Choohachi 伊豆の長八 Izu no Chohachi - Irie Choohachi 入江長八 Irie Chohachi

. Tawara Toota Hidesato 俵藤太秀郷 Tawara Tota .
Fujiwara no Hidesato 藤原秀郷, fighting a dragon


Nr. 81 - Koozoo-In 光蔵院 Kozo-In

- 医王山 Iozan 光蔵院 Kozo-In
港区赤坂7-6-68  / Minato ward, Akasaka 7-6-68
Shingon Sect : 智山派

The temple looks more like a modern family home, with a roof above the gate, reminding of a temple.

This temple was founded around 1640 in 板倉 Itakura.
It was a sub-temple of 芝愛宕真福寺 Shiba Atago Shinpuku-Ji and also the Edo outpost of Kawasaki Daishi.
It burned down during WWII and was re-built in 1962

The main statue is 弘法大師 Kobo Daishi, known as
厄除け板倉大師 Yakuyoke Itakura Daishi, warding off evil influence.

source : kazu1950.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1514

. Kawasaki Daishi 川崎大師 .
Kawasaki, 4-48 Daishi-machi

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 白峯寺 Shiromine-Ji in Shikoku :
Shimo samuku tsuyu shiratae no tera no uchi mina o tonafuru nori no koegoe

. Nr. 81 綾松山 Ryoshozan 洞林院 Dorin-In  白峯寺 Shiromine-Ji / Shikoku .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Page about this temple
- source : kazu1950.blog.fc2.com



- reference : 御府内八十八 長延寺 -
- reference : 御府内八十八 光蔵院 -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


. Join the Updates of Facebook ! .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @edopilgrims #edohenro #choenji #kozoin - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/08/2017 09:51:00 am

12 Jun 2017

FUDO - Fudo Myo-O and Oni

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

Fudo Myo-O 不動明王と鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends and Fudo

. 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O - Acala - Vidyaraja .
- Introduction -

jaki o fumu Fudo Myo-O 邪鬼を踏む不動明王
Fudo Myo-O stepping on a Jaki demon

- The complete scroll is here :
- source : yahoo auctions June 2017 -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

............................................................................ Aichi 愛知県
名古屋市 Nagoya 熱田区 Atsuta

高蔵不動院 Takakura Fudo-In - O-Yakushi no Oni Matsuri 大薬師の鬼祭 Demon Festival
During the Shusho-E 修正会 rituals on the fifth day of the New Year at the Temple Takakura Fudo-In there is a ritual called
O-Yakushi no Oni Matsuri, "Festival of the Demons of Yakushi Nyorai". 12 men from nearby Atsuta, aged 25 and 42 are chosen to participate as Oni. On leap years there are 13 men.
The demon masks of the temple are made of strong thick paper and ward off evil influence for the coming year. The masks are imitations of the one's from the "Bull Festival of Kyoto" 京都牛祭 (太秦の牛祭).

............................................................................ Akita 秋田県
山本郡 Yamamoto district 二ツ井町 Futatsui Machi

鬼神集落 Onigami village
The protector deity of this village is called オボシナサマ Oboshina Sama (Fudo Myo-O).

Its festival is on the 28th day of the 3rd lunar month, now on May 8. On the evening before the festival people put their boiled vegetables in a Bento lunch box and meet at the shrine, to eat it all together. They are not allowed to eat any meat on this occasion.
Then in 1956 some brave one eat some meat and what do you say - the next day was a huge fire in the hamlet and 17 homes burned down.

............................................................................ Kyoto 京都府
加佐郡 Kasa district 大江町 Oe Machi

Shuten Dooji 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji / 不動堂 Fudo-Do Hall

Onigajaya, Oni-Ga-Chaya 鬼ヶ茶屋

- reference source : city.fukuchiyama.kyoto.jp/onihaku .. onityaya -

Near the place where the remains of the mansion of Shuten Doji are supposed to be there is a huge boulder. There is also a place where the river flows upstream when the demons wash the bloody robes; this is where the villagers later they build the 不動堂 Fudo Hall below the waterfall 千丈ヶ滝下 Senjogataki.
Even further up in the mountain, where Shuten Doji was defeated by Raiko Yorimitsu there is now the shrine
鬼獄神社 Onitake Jinja / 鬼嶽稲荷神社 Onitake Inari Jinja.
Raiko had prepared Shinben Kidokushu 神便鬼毒酒 a special rice wine with poison for the Oni and was thus able to kill it.

Oni-take Inari Jinja 京都府福知山市大江町北原 Fukuchiyama, Kyoto
. Shuten Dooji 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji "Sake Child" Demon .

Onitake-Inari Jinja Shrine at the 8th station of Mt.Oe. With a beautiful view of the sea of clouds in Autumn.

............................................................................ Miyagi 宮城県
玉造郡 Tamatsukuri district 鳴子町 Naruko

鬼首村 Onikobe village (Demon Head Village) 
Once upon a time
a demon wanted to enter the village of Onikobe, but Fudo killed him and burned the body.
From the ashes arose many many many mosquitoes which to our day suck the blood of the people.

............................................................................ Nara 奈良県
生駒市 Ikoma 鬼取町 Onitori Cho

En no Gyoja met a couple of Oni who were eating humans. He asked them not to do that any more but they did not listen to him. He hid in a cave but they wanted to give him human flesh to eat even there.
Then 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O comes along and pressured the couple not to eat humans any more. Now they promised to change their ways.
Zenki went to 洞川 Dorogawa (now a famous hot spring), and Goki went to 十津川 Totsukawa .

At 生駒山 Mount Ikomasan、En no Gyoja had a dream given to him by 孔雀明 Kujaku Myo-O.
He should capture the two Oni from the foot of Ikomasan and turn them into decent beings. He stayed in prayer for 21 days and on the last day, with 不動緊縛の法 Fudo Kinboku, a special ritual of Fudo Myo-O he could capture them.
So the Oni cut off their hair and became the pious disciples of En no Gyoja.

The mountain is now called Onitorisan 鬼取山 "Mountain of capturing the Demons",
and the village is still called that way, 鬼取 Onitori.

 . Zenki 前鬼 and his wife Goki 後鬼 .

............................................................................ Oita 大分県
直入郡 Naoiri district Yamaga

Fudo Iwa 不動岩 Fudo Rock
Once upon a time,
the bottom of the 阿蘇の盆地 Plain of Aso was a lake.
A demon tried to fill the lake with earch and carried earth to the place, but he broke the pole of his carrier. The earth fell down and this became 上萩岳 Upper Ogidake mountain and下萩岳 Lower Ogidake mountain.
The Demon became angry and pressed against the boulder 不動岩 Fudo-Iwa but could not move it. Since that time, there are the remains of the demon's head, back and both hands on the boulder.

. Oita 大分県の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends .

This formation was named in the Heian Period by a mountain ascetic who venerated Fudo Myo-O here. It has three Fudo Rocks, the front, middle and back Fudo. The highest Front Fudo, Mae Fudo 前不動 is 80 meters high and more than 100 meters in circumference.

There are three huge rocks on this hill in Yamaga city which are collectively called "Fudo Iwa" which means literally immovable rocks. These rocks are individually known as: Mae-Fudo, Naka-Fudo, and Ato-Fudo.
Mae-Fudo is the biggest one, and from here you have a great view of mountain and sunset.

There is a story about these rocks that once upon a time,
Fudo-Iwa and Hikodake (Mt. Hiko, located in Yamaga city) were step-brothers. Their mother always treated only Fudo-Iwa with affection because she gave birth to him, but treated the other Hikodake harshly.
One day,
the mother told them to try the pulling rope game with their neck. She said, I will give the family treasure of 3 balls handed down for long time to the winner. When they started the game, because he was always eating soft and tasty beans the head of Fudo-Iwa came off easily and fell into the Kubishi Pass where it remains turned into stone.
Now it is said
that the rest of the body of Fudo-Iwa is the Fudo Iwa at present. Because Hikodake was always eating hard beans, he grew so big and tough. There is a footpath around here to enjoy walking while looking at the seasonal flowers until you reach to the observatory.
. Fudoo Iwa 不動岩 Fudo Rocks - Introcuction .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


不動明王の邪鬼退治図 Fudo driving out the Jaki

source : subarukouboushop.hamazo.tv


. - - - Join the Onipedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #fudooni #onifudo -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 6/08/2017 01:12:00 pm

EDO - Ginza Hatcho Jinja shrines Inari

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Ginza Hatcho Jinja 銀座八丁神社 Shrines in 8 Ginza districts

. Ginza 銀座 Ginza district - Introduction .

- source : jinja-kikou.net/syuin-ginza -

Ginza Hatcho no Inari 銀座八丁のお稲荷さん - Inari Shrines in the Ginza

This is a pilgrimage to 10 Shrines in the Ginza, some sources list more than 10.

Some Shrines are located on the rooftop of buildings or inside.
Others are still small sanctuaries by the roadside in the back alleys.



1.幸稲荷神社 Saiwai Inari Jinja  

Saiwai - Happiness !

The shrine dates back to the Edo period. During the development of the area, it was located to the Hiei Shrine.
The present small building was erected in 2014.


2.銀座稲荷神社 Ginza Inari Jinja  
(銀座2-6鎮座。銀座トレシャス。銀座ガス灯通り1階。)First floor of Ginza Gasto Building.

It also is part of the Pilgrimage to the Seven Gods of Good Luck
銀座七福神の寿老人 - Jurojin.

. Seven Gods of Good Luck 七福神 Shichifukujin  .


. 3.龍光不動尊 "Fashion" Ryuko Fudo Son, 松屋銀座屋上 Matsuya Rooftop .


4.朝日稲荷神社 Asahi Inari Jinja
(銀座3-8-10鎮座。大広朝日ビル一階に遥拝所。屋上に本殿。)Rooftop of Asahi Building

There is also a small shrine near the entrance of the building, but the main shrine is on the rooftop on the 8th floor.
There is a microphone at the roadside shrine, connected to the roof temple to have the prayers heard right up there !


. 5.銀座出世地蔵尊 Ginza Shusse Jizo for a career .  


6.宝童稲荷神社 Hodo Inari Jinja  
(銀座4-3鎮座。和光並木館裏。)Back side of Wako Namiki Building

The original shrine was in the castle of Edo, erected for the protection of the children of the Shogun.
Now it is a small sanctuary in a back alley.


7.あづま稲荷神社 Azuma Inari Jinja  
(銀座5-9鎮座。あづま通り。)On Azuma Street

People come here to pray for protection from fire.


8.靍護稲荷神社 Kakugo Inari Jinja  
(銀座6-10鎮座。銀座松坂屋屋上。)Rooftop of Matsuzakaya

First erected in 1815 and moved to the roof garden of Matsuzakaya in 1929. GSIX is now a large shopping complex in the Ginza.
The sanctuary is very small. People pray here for the protection from fire.


9.成功稲荷神社 Seiko Inari Jinja  
(銀座7-5鎮座。資生堂本社ビル。)Shiseido Building, rooftop

The deity is the Dragon Deity 満金龍神成功稲荷 Mankin Ryujin Seiko Inari,
but only shown during the official pilgrimage in November.
People pray here for success in business and money matters.


10.豊岩稲荷神社 Toyoiwa Inari Jinja  
(銀座7-8-14鎮座。銀座すずらん通り路地。)On Suzuran street
Nearbyis a restaurant called やす幸 Yasuko.

Legend says that Akechi Mitsuhide built the Shrine to pray for the peace of Japan. It might have been a proper Inari Shrine at that time.

Deity in residence is 宇気母智神(うけもちのかみ)Ukemochi no Kami He is the tutelary deity of food.
People come here to pray for good luck in finding a life partner.
Kabuki actors also come here to pray for the enhancement of their acting, 市村羽左衛門 Ichimura Uzaemon visited quite often.


- - - - - two additional Shrines - - - - -

八官神社 Hachikan Jinja  
(銀座8-4鎮座。単立神社。)Individual Shrine.

The deity in residence is 倉稲魂命 Uka no Mitama no Mikoto.

. Uga no Mitama no Kami 宇賀御魂神 .
and Uga Benzaiten 宇賀弁財天,


宝珠稲荷神社 Hoju Inari Jinja  
(銀座3丁目鎮座。単立神社。)Individual Shrine



You get a stamp at each Shrine - a form of Stamp Ralley.


- reference : 銀座八丁神社 -


. Pilgrimages in Edo - Tokyo .

. shinbutsu in Edo 江戸の神仏 Kami and Hotoke in Edo .
- 114 -


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. Ginza 銀座 Ginza district - Introduction .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #ginzahatchojisha #ginzashrines - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 6/10/2017 01:23:00 pm

EDO - Ginza district

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Ginza 銀座 Ginza district
Silver Guild (monopoly office or guild).

東京名所図会 銀座通煉瓦造

. Money and payment in Edo .
Money was in the form of gold and silver slabs and small change
ryoogaeya 両替屋 money changer

. bugyoo, bugyō 奉行 Bugyo officials in the Edo government .

. Kinza 金座 Gold Guild .
was the Tokugawa shogunate's officially sanctioned gold monopoly or gold guild (za) which was created in 1595.
Honryoogaechoo 本両替町 Hon-Ryogae-Cho district "money changer" district

Ginza Main Street, from sub-district 1 to 8, between Kyobashi and Shinbashi.
Ginza was a district of craftsmen!
- reference source : s.webry.info/sp/8mada.at.webry.info -

The making of silver coins (coin making workshop) was done by
湯浅作兵衛常是 Yuasa Sakubei Joze from Sakai, Osaka.
Tokugawa Ieyasu gave him the surname 大黒 "Daikoku", so
Daikoku Sakubei Joze 大黒常是 Daikoku Joze (Daikoku Tsuneze) became controller (inspector, governor) of the ginza silver mint. the oginfukiyaku 御銀吹役.
(engineer in charge of the coinage)

The title was kept in the Daikoku family for many generations.
In 1800, the family head was charged with fraud and lost the title. The Ginza was then moved to
Nihonbashi Kakigaracho 日本橋蠣殻町 (now 人形町 Nihonbashi Ningyocho).
The need for the silver mint "ginza" was lost in the Meiji restauration, but the name remained.


- - - - - A lot has been written about the famous Ginza, so let us have a look at some quotes:

-- Ginza 銀座 – Silver mint or monopoly office (post-1598).
... is a designation given to the place that played a buying and selling of casting and silver bullion coin in the middle early modern period of Japan's regime.
Edo Ginza Kyobashi / Edo-Kakikara cho Ginza
Ginza silver mints are located in other towns of Japan, the list is here:
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

-- Ginza in Tokyo
a district of Chūō, Tokyo, located south of Yaesu and Kyōbashi, west of Tsukiji, east of Yūrakuchō and Uchisaiwaichō, and north of Shinbashi.
Ginza was built upon a former swamp that was filled in during the 16th century. The name Ginza comes after the establishment of a silver-coin mint established there in 1612, during the Edo period.
After a devastating fire in 1872 burnt down most of the area, the Meiji government designated the Ginza area as a "model of modernization." The government planned the construction of fireproof brick buildings and larger, better streets connecting Shimbashi Station all the way to the foreign concession in Tsukiji.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Ginza Yakusho 銀座役所 memorial stone


. Ginza Kabuki-Za 銀座歌舞伎座 .


. Ginza Hatcho Jinja 銀座八丁神社 Shrines in 8 Ginza districts .

1.幸稲荷神社 Saiwai Inari Jinja
2.銀座稲荷神社 Ginza Inari Jinja
3.龍光不動尊 "Fashion" Ryuko Fudo Son
4.朝日稲荷神社 Asahi Inari Jinja
5.銀座出世地蔵尊 Ginza Shusse Jizo
6.宝童稲荷神社 Hodo Inari Jinja
7.あづま稲荷神社 Azuma Inari Jinja
8.靍護稲荷神社 Kakugo Inari Jinja 
9.成功稲荷神社 Seiko Inari Jinja
10.豊岩稲荷神社 Toyoiwa Inari Jinja
- and 八官神社 Hachikan Jinja // 宝珠稲荷神社 Hoju Inari Jinja


Ginpari, Gin Pari 銀巴里 chanson cafe in the Ginza
Ginpari (Paris in Ginza)

Ginpari from 1951 till 1990, in 東京銀座七丁目 the 7th district of Ginza.
It was the first "chanson cafe" in Japan.
Many singers started from here:
- reference source : wikipedia -

As for the Chanson cafe in Ginza, Ginpari literally means 'Silver Paris'.


The store 白木屋傳兵衛 Shirokiya Denbei
was founded in 1830 in Ginza, first as a tatami-mat maker.
Later on, after specializing in making brooms, the techniques have been handed down from generation to generation. Following the Showa period, as "modern" living came around, vacuum cleaners lowered the demand for brooms. ...

. hooki 箒 / ほうき Hoki, broom, Besen .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

bakemono 化けもの ghost

On the underground pathway that connects the Ginza with 日比谷 Hibiya, there is a Yurei ghost showing up once in a while.
Walking down the stairway from the Ginza side, where is a whirl of golden hair fluttering in the wind, following people. If people try to run away from it, it moves even faster toward them. When they reach the other side at Hibiya, the ghost disappears in a puff.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

kakigoori seriseri to ari ginza no hiru

shaved flavored ice -
lunchtime in the Ginza
is quite busy

Tr. Gabi Greve

伊藤敬子 Ito Keiko

. kakigoori かき氷 shaved ice with flavor topping .
- - kigo for all summer - -








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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #ginza #edoginza - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 6/08/2017 08:38:00 am

11 Jun 2017

FUDO - Ryuko Fudo Ginza

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Ryuukoo Fudoo 龍光不動尊 Ryuko Fudo Son

One of the 銀座八丁神社めぐり Ginza Hatcho Shrines
. Pilgrimage to 10 Shrines in the Ginza .  
- Introduction -

龍光 Ryuko, "Dragon Light" the Chinese characters are a pun with
流行 ryuko, to be fashionable


- quote
Japan Architecture - Ryuko Fudoson in Ginza
Ryuko Fudoson is a shrine located at the roof of Matsuya, a big shopping mall at the center of Ginza. This is also one of the Haccho Shrines of Ginza.
It is famous for good luck in fashion.
- source : takuminasuno.com


Ryuko Fudoson was enshrined on the rooftop of the Matsuya Ginza Flagship Store
松屋銀座 中央区Ginza, 3 Chome−6−1
- source : matsuya.com/co/english -


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #ryukofudoginza #fudoginza #ginzafudo - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Fudo Myo-O - Introducing Japanese Deities at 6/08/2017 10:01:00 PM