25 Feb 2018

DARUMA - sennin immortals hermits legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals

The recluse from the political scene has always been an ideal of the Chinese and later Japanese intellectuals.
Some mountain recluses were seen as Tengu, others as Sennin.
shinsen 神仙 Sennin of the Shinto tradition
bosatsu 菩薩 is an honorable title given to Buddhist Immortals

. sennin 仙人 immortals, mountain hermits.
- Introduction -

. China - The Eight Immortals 八仙 Pa Hsien .

. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

Chōkarō Sennin 張果老仙人 Chokaro Sennin releasing the horse from the gourd

Sennin are immortals living in the mountains - some kind of hermits.
They are capable of a lot of magic tricks like flying on an animal in the air.
Sennin may appear mortals in their dreams. There are about 500 of them.
Like in life, only a few of the sennin are frequently mentioned and depicted.
The rest belongs to the "silent majority".
By the way, the Japanese mythology knows not only male but female sennin as well.
source : artelino.com/articles


. senninike, sennin-ike 仙人池 Sennin-Ike, "Pond of the Immortal" .

. senningatake 仙人岳 Mount Senningatake . - Yamagata
- 仙人ヶ岳 Tochigi. ... *

. sennin no iwa 仙人の岩 "Rock of the Immortal" . - Kanagawa
- 仙人岩 Sennin-Iwa. Kagoshima ... *


. Bikoo sennin 鼻高仙人 Biko Sennin "with a long nose".
Ono no Tobito 小野富人 - around 672

. En no Gyooja, En no Gyōja 役行者 En no Gyoja / 役小角 En no Ozuno .

. Gama Sennin 蝦蟇仙人 "Toad Immortal" - 劉海 Liu Hai .
- and Tekkai Sennin - 李鉄拐 Li Tieguai.

. Gyooki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu (668 - 749) .

. Hitachibo Kaison Sennin 常陸坊海尊仙人 .
Retainer of 源の義経 Minamoto no Yoshitsune (1159 - 1189) - 清悦 Seietsu

. Hoodoo Sennin 法道仙人 Hodo Sennin .
法起菩薩 Hoki Bosatsu - Saint Tokudo 徳道上人 is an incarnation.
- Karahachi Sennin 空鉢仙人 "Mountain hermit with the empty begging bowl"

. Ikkaku Sennin 一角仙人 "One-horned Immortal" .

. Kame Sennin 亀仙人 "Turtle Immortal" / Muten Roshi 武天老師 Master Roshi .

. Kikujidoo, kiku jidoo 菊慈童 Kikujido, "Chrysanthemum Boy" .

. Kinkoo Sennin 琴高仙人 Kinko Sennin - Qin Gao .

. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) .

. Kume no Sennin 久米の仙人 Kume Sennin 久米仙人 .
founder of the temple Kumedera 久米寺 Kume-Dera, Nara

. Rishuu sennin 利修仙人 Risshu Sennin.
founder of the temple 鳳来寺 Horai-Ji, Aichi

. toita sennin 戸板仙人 Sennin of the Wooden Door .
Tokushima - 大麻比古神社 Oasahiko Shrine

. Torakichi 虎吉 sennin no moji 仙人の文字 letters of Torakichi .

Fukurokuju 福禄寿 and 寿老人 Jurojin are considered Sennin
. Seven Gods of Good Luck 七福神 Shichifukujin  .


- - - - - Art motives with Sennin

. sennin to netsuke 仙人と根付 Netsuke of Immortals .

- - - - - kokeshi, ukiyo-e and more to come

- - - - - porcelain figures
Li Tieguai, Cao Guojiu, Lan Caihe, Zhang Guolao, Han Xiangzi, He Xiangu, Lü Dongbin and Zhongli Quan (Zhongli Han)
- reference source : artgallery.nsw.gov.au -


Basuu, Basū 婆薮仙 Basu the Immortal Basu
Also read Basuusen. Basu, the Immortal, sennin 仙人.

An Indian sage, whose Sanskrit name, Vasu, may be an alternative name for one of the Seven Rishi or seers. Basusen appears as an Indian ascetic who, with *Kichijoten 吉祥天, flanks *Senju Kannon 千手観音 in the *Taizoukai mandara 胎蔵界曼荼羅. Thus he often appears, along with Kichijouten (although sometimes replaced by Kudokuten 功徳天, a form of Kichijouten), in paintings of Senju Kannon. Basusen is also one of the *nijuuhachi bushuu 二十八部衆 (the twenty-eight attendants) of Senju Kannon. He usually appears either as an ascetic or as a fully dressed old man, and carries a text, usually a palm-leaf book. The later is a symbol of the Prajnaparamita texts, HANNYAKYOU 般若経 (the sutra of The Perfection of Wisdom), which is central to the attainment of enlightenment and therefore to all forms of Buddhism. Basusen is a protector of these texts and, as such, appears in paintings such as the images of *juuroku zenshin 十六善神, along with other protectors.
- source : JAANUS -


日本の仙人 ― 仙人の研究 (2)

仙人の研究 (1)



日本の仙人37人 The 37 Immortals of Japan

本朝神仙記伝 / 本朝神仙伝 Honcho Shinsenden - Lives of Japanese immortals
Honcho shinsen den - Lives of Japanese Spirit Immortals / Biography of Japanese immortals
By 大江匡房 Oe no Masafusa

孫右衛門 Magoemon - - see below, Yamanashi -

Michinori Honcho Shinsenden - Accounts of Japanese Immortals
For a broad discussion of these Japanese immortals, see Hori, "On the Concept of Hijiri (Holy-man)."

sennin : immortal; transcendent; genie; mage; djinn; sage; hermit", mountain saint
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

天狗・仙人妖怪ばなし by とよた 時 Toyota Toki (toki.moo)
- reference source : google -

- collecting -

Kinoko Sennin (きのこ仙人), meaning Mushroom Hermit or Mushroom Mystic,
from Super Mario
. He tells Mario that the only way to save the Mushroom Kingdom and Princess Peach is to find the three legendary items:
a mushroom, a flower, and a star.

- reference source : mario.wikia.com/wiki/Mushroom_Hermit... -

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

O-Daishi sama お大師様
弘法大師空海 Kobo Daishi Kukai got a priest's fly whisk (hossu 払子) from a Sennnin who told him:
"With this whisk you can get rid of any disturbing monster and will be protected from anything!"
Once a young woman and her brother were trying to hang out with him and pestered him, eventually trying to shoot him to death. But they could not hit him at all.

飛騨の昔話から - from the Tales of Hida

. Kobo Daishi and 仙人岳 Mount Senningatake .
Yamagata 山形県


iruisha 異類者 different beings
They are not Sennin, but strange people who have come to live deep in the mountains. They lost in a battle during wars many hundred years ago and fled to the mountain forests, became hunters or lumberjacks. They are some kind of somabito 杣人 forest workers.


yamabito no tsutaeshi kusuri 仙びとの伝えし薬

亀仙人 Kame Sennin - "The Turtle Immortal"
Kokeshi by Usaburo 卯三郎こけし

............................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
大沼郡 Onuma district 金山町 Kaneyama

shiragamizu 白髪水 "white hair water" flood

During the great flooding in 1785 (天明5年の大洪水) most of the region of Aizu was under water.
People saw a Sennin with shiragami 白髪 white hair riding on a big tree in the flood downriver.
Hence the name of this flood.

............................................................................... Gunma 群馬県

沼田市 Numata 戸鹿野町 Togano machi

roosoku to sennin 蝋燭と仙人 the Sennin and the candles
Once a family put a pole in the garden to hang a lantern with a candle. The smoke of the candle welled up all the way to ハッカイサン Mount Hakkaisan, where a Sennin lived.
The Sennin breathed all the smoke and used it to prolong his live.

蝋燭能「一角仙人」Noh performance in candle light - Ikkaku Sennin

Ikkaku Sennin 一角仙人 "One-horned Immortal"
a Noh play by Konparu Zenchiku (金春禅竹, 1405-1471).
Ikkaku was born in 波羅奈(はらな)国 Harana, India. His mother was a 鹿 deer, so he had one horn on his head.

............................................................................... Iwate 岩手県

. O-Shirasama, oshirasama おしらさま、オシラサマ "White Deity" .
legends of 飛行というと天狗 a flying Tengu or the sennin 仙人 helping humans


Jizoo 地蔵 Jizo
A Sennin lived as a recluse in a temple, he liked to tell stories of the mountains in the region.
But statue of Jizo betrayed the Sennin and told the others about his real identity, making the nose of the Sennin all red.
So the Sennin turned the nose of the Jizo statue around.

西磐井郡 Nishi-Iwai district 平泉町 Hiraizumi

鬼三太仙人 / オニサンタセンニン Oni Santa Sennin ,清悦 Seietsu
At the river 衣川 Kinugawa there lived a strange person. He had a shaven head and sharp looking eyes. He never said his name, but he was strong and very learned and could heal all kinds of illnesses. He never took any thank-you money.
He drank 枸杞茶 a special health tea made from kuko 枸杞 Lycium chinense.
He only had one laquered box to carry his belongings.
Once Lord 伊達政宗 Date Masamune ordered him to open the box.
Inside were 三軸三翰三張 three scrolls, three scriptures and three papers - and 観音像 one statue of Kannon Bosatsu. On the statue was an inscription that his name was Oni Santa, a name given to him by the priest Kurama Tookooboo 鞍馬東光坊 Toko-Bo from Mount Kurama, Kyoto.

鬼三太 Kisanta
A warrior at the end of the Heian period, beginning of Kamakura period.
Kisanta was a retainer of 源義経 Minamoto Yoshitsune. He was also called 御馬屋の鬼三太 Go-Umaya no Kisanta.
In 1185, on orders of 源頼朝 Minamoto no Yoritomo the priest 土佐房昌俊 Tosabo Shoshun (1141 - 1185) came to Kyoto to attack the living quarters of Yoshitsune, but Kisanto prevented it.
Sometimes his name is spelled 喜三太.
Kisanta died at the battle of Kinugawa.

Later he became a character in Kabuki plays about Yoshitsune.

鬼三太 尾上菊五郎 Kisanta played by Onoe Kikugoro
豊原国周 Toyohara Kunichika

大船渡市 Ofunato 猪川町 Ikawa

奥州の仙人伝説 Legends about the Sennin from Oshu
At the temple 龍福山長谷寺 Hasedera there lived an old priest, 阿光坊澄水法印 Akobo Sunzu Hoin.
In 1597 on the 21st day of the 9th lunar month, he suddenly asked his disciples to put water in a tub and place it in the garden. The then sprinkled the water with his fingers.
When they asked him why he did this, he said there was a fire at Mount Koyasan and he wanted to help extinguish the fire.
At that hour, there had indeed been a fire at Mount Koyasan.

. Koya San in Wakayama 高野山 和歌山県 .

............................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県

. Japanese Immortals On Satsuma Pottery .
- 薩摩焼 Satsumayaki

............................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県

senkyoo 仙境 Senkyo, fairyland
Once upon a time, the フウマ一族 Fuma clan liven in a place called Senkyo, just above 舟原 Funahara.
This was the place where the Sennin lived.

............................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
南丹市 Nantan

konzoo 金像 golden Buddha statue
Around 808, the hunter 小野胤世 Ono went to see a Sennin who was talking about 法華経 the Hokekyo sutra, but he could not see anybody. There was something shining and when he shot an arrow at it, there was a golden Buddha statue of about 10 cm. The statue was so heavy he could not move it.
Reporting it to the lord 藤原定房 Fujiware no Sadafusa, they built a temple for the statue.
When there was a fire, it would take off and fly into the sky.

瑞光山玉泉寺 Zuikozan Gyokusen-Ji
- reference source : tanbarakuichi.sakura.ne.jp/nantan... -

............................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
石巻市 Ishinomaki 鮎川浜 Ayukawahama

Senninzawa no hebi 仙人沢の蛇 the serpent from Sennin Swamp
At the 金華山祭 Kinkasan Festival in May the 姉神 Elder Sister Deity from 網地島 Ajishima island turns into a huge serpent 大蛇 (竜蛇 "dragon serpent") and spits out the tide all night, swimming over to the Kinkasan island to help the 妹神 Younger Sister Deity from Kinkasan. Some villagers have even seen her swim. But those who see her will die.
She is also called the serpent from Sennin swamp.

. Kinkasan 金華山 (Kinkazan) .
a small mountainous island at the tip of the Oshika Peninsula, not far from Sendai.

仙人沢・仙人大滝 The Great Sennin Waterfall

刈田郡 Katta district 七ヶ宿町 Shichikashuku

Iwagamiyama 磐神山 イワガミヤマ / ?磐山 - ?仙磐山)
They say there lived a Sennin. It is South of 二井宿峠 Niijuku toge pass. Down the valley is 仙人沢 Senninzawa.
The Sennin used to walk there with his dog, but rarely showed himself to the villagers. The dog eventually turned into a rock called
inu-ishi 犬石 "Dog Stone".


Anpanman finger doll - baikin sennin "Germ Sennin"
アンパンマン 指人形 バイキン仙人

Baikin-Sennin is a Germ from the Anime TV Series Anpanman.
An old germ hermit who lives in a house in the mountains, he acts like a mentor to Baikinman and friends. He is very tough on Baikinman, punishing him with work, or hitting him on the head if he fails. He is also tough on Horrorman, but gets along better with him than Baikinman. He has a soft spot for Dokinchan, and spoils her. He can fly on a magic cloud, or with a UFO that looks like a convertable car. He keeps an array of mystical and magical relics at his home.
- Baikinman
A germ from Baikin Planet (Germ Planet), and Anpanman's sworn enemy and rival. Baikinman was born from an egg that fell to Earth the same day Anpanman was born. ...
- source : awgosh.com/anpanmanchara...-

............................................................................... Nagano 長野県
佐久市 Saku

Mount Senningatake 仙人ヶ嶽 - 637 m
The chi no ike 血の池 "blood pond" of Senningatake is about 150 m to the North of 閼伽流山 Mount Akarusan.
The pond got its name from a Hotogogisu, who sang at the pond and spit out blood so the water got all red.
If a priest performs rain rituals there, it will definitely rain soon. They even did it in the Showa period.

. hototogisu ホトトギス, 時鳥 little cuckoo .
Cuculus poliocephalis.
The inside of the mouth of this cuckoo is so red that it looks like blood when the bird is singing.

. amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals .

There are other mountains named Senningatake 仙人ヶ嶽 in other regions.

下条村 Shimojo

ushigatsume no ushi-ishi 牛ヶ爪の牛石 stone with bull hoof imprints
Once a wicked villager did not tell the proper road to a blind Sennin. He wandered around and finally died with his bull beside him.
His resentment against the wicked villager turned into the imprints of the bull in the stone and now people in this area learned the lesson and never deceive people.

............................................................................... Nara 奈良県
吉野町 Yoshino

shiragami no sennin 白髪の仙人 Sennin with white hair.
Mother had been ill and to pray for her recovery the son went to the center of the 黒住教 Kurosumi-Kyo religion. On the way an old man with a white beard, like a Sennin, stopped him saying "Don't go, don't go. Nobody can help you. "
On that night mother had died.
Maybe the Sennin wanted to remind him that some things are impossible to ask for.

............................................................................... Okayama 岡山県

akaushi ni notta sennin 赤牛に乗った仙人 the Sennin who rode on a red bull

The farmer 作蔵 Sakuzo had a lot of cows and went to his field every day to cut fodder for them. In his village was a waterfall and people said:
At the Narutaki 鳴滝 waterfall there lives an Immortal riding a red bull and his bull comes to eat the grass around the waterfall. So farmers are not allowed to cut it, otherwise they will be cursed by the Immortal.
One day as Sakuzo was out cutting grass, he realized that one bundle was missing. When he looked up he found himself standing near the waterfall. "Oh well, just one bundle will not do much harm" he thought and begun cutting the grass. Suddenly above the waterfall the Immortal on his red bull appeared:
"Don't ever tell anybody you saw me here!" the Immortal shouted at him.
Sakuzo begun to tremble with fear and run home. He had almost lost his mind. His wife asked: "What happened to you?"
He wanted to tell her he had seen the Immortal but he was too scared and just kept repeating "It's nothing, nothing happened..."
Within a short while he and his wife disappeared from the village and the house was left there to rot.

............................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県

. The Immortal from 菊川村 Kikugawa .
and Muken no Kane 無間の鐘 "Unlimited Bell", "Soundless Bell", "the Bell of Muken"

............................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県

. 新左衛門 Shinzaemon from Mount Kayagatake .
The sennin 仙人 Immortal from 金が岳 Mount Kanagatake (1,764 m) named 新左衛門 Shinzaemon
and the Tengu from 茅ヶ岳 Mount Kayagatake (1,703 m) named 江草孫右衛門 Magoemon from Egusa ...


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

not to mix sennin 仙人 with somabito 杣人 forest workers.

. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .


仙人と呼ばれた男 ― 画家 - 熊谷守一の生涯 The life of Kumagai Morikazu (1880 - 1977)
田村祥蔵 Tamura Shozo


仙人入門 - Introducing Sennin



葛城仙人 Katsuragi Sennin
まんが日本昔ばなし 1465

- reference source : nihon.syoukoukai.com/modules/stories... -

Sennindoo 仙人堂 Sennin Do Hall
- click here for photos


. Shugendo and Yamabushi 修験道 - 山伏 .
Yamabushi are Japanese mountain ascetic hermits.

. sokushinbutsu 即身仏のミイラ the Living Mummies of Japan .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- - - - - #sennin #immortals -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 2/10/2018 10:16:00 am

DARUMA - sennin netsuke

. sennin 仙人 immortals, hermits - Introduction .

sennin to netsuke 仙人と根付 Netsuke of Immortals

Most Netsuke have as their subject the
. Eight Immortals 八仙 Pa Hsien from China .

. Netsuke with Daruma san .
- Introduction -

. Amulets in the form of a netsuke 根付お守り netsuke omamori .

. Gama Sennin 蝦蟇仙人 "Toad Immortal" .


Bashiko, another Taoist immortal, is considered by the Japanese to be the first veterinary surgeon. He supposedly lived in China in the years 2697-2597 B.C. and cured a dying dragon by operating on its throat. Bashiko is rarely depicted in art, while another Taoist sage, Chinnan, is more popularly shown with dragons.


Chokaro - Chowkaro
Chokaro traveled a lot and had an elegant solution to the transportation problem. He had a magic pumpkin. He only had to blow into the pumpkin and out of it came a horse. Chokaro therefore is always shown with a pumpkin of which a horse is peeping out.

Jittoku and Kanzan
Jogen Fujin

. Kinkoo 琴高仙人 Kinko Sennin - Qin Gao.
Kinko, who lived beside a river and was a painter of fish.
One day a giant carp offered to take him for a ride into the realm of the immortals. He returned after a month, telling his followers never to kill another fish. He then jumped into the river, where he was transformed into a carp himself. Kinko is usually shown reading a Taoist scroll while riding on the back of the magical fish.



Sennin Koshohei with a short stick in his hand leaning slightly over a small rock that turns into a goat. Koshohei led a herd of goats to the mountains and stayed there for 40 years in meditation. His brother found him after all that this time and was wondering where the goat were. Koshohei touched the boulders around him with a stick, and they turned into goats.


Seiobo - Queen of the West
"Sei-o-bo" (Si Wang Mu in Chinese. Queen of the West).
The Taoist deity who lives in Konron (Kuen Lun) mountains. She cares for the mythical peach tree which bears fruits every three thousand years. Eating this peach bestows immortality. According to the legend, Tobosaku stole and ate the peach and made himself "sennin".


Tobosaku is the bad guy in the Japanese mythology who stole not only one, but three peaches out of Seibo's garden. So he became immortal. No wonder that Tobosaku is always shown as an old man, with a broad smile and a peach in his hand. Happy old man!


Tsugen - another name for Chokaro / Chang Kuo-lao
- associated with a mouse
Sennin Tsugen mit zotteligem Haar und langem Bart fröhlich lachend in tänzerischer Pose mit Astknotenstab in der Rechten, an dem hinter seiner Schulter eine Kürbisflasche hängt.

- reference source : google books -
Netsuke Subjects: A Study on the Netsuke Themes with Reference to Their Interpretation and Symbolism : Containing Photographs and Details on More Than 400 Netsuke
By Karl M. Schwarz

Dmitry Levit Asian Art 16 pages
- reference : SENNIN -


. Kooan - 黄安仙人 / 黄安 Koan, Kame Sennin .
Kame Sennin 亀仙人 "Turtle Immortal"


. . . CLICK here for Sennin Netsuke Photos !

. Reference - netsuke immortals .

. sennin 仙人 immortals, hermits - Introduction .

. Join the Sennin on facebook ! .


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - #senninnetsuke #sennin #netsukesennin - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Omamori - Japanese Amulets on 2/20/2018 02:26:00 pm

16 Feb 2018

YAKUSHI - Yakushi legends 05 Ibaraki Ishikawa

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .
. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and
legends from Ibaraki 茨城県 and Ishikawa 石川県


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Ibaraki 茨城県

菖蒲沢薬師如来坐像 Shobusawa Yakushi Nyorai
At 菖蒲沢薬師堂 the Yakushi hall
Also known as one of the Four Yakushi of Tsukuba, 筑波四面薬師.
- reference source : city.ishioka.lg.jp/page... -


Yakushi statue at the temple 妙香寺 Myoko-Ji
- reference source : edu.pref.ibaraki.jp/board/bunkazai... -


延命寺の薬師如来 Enmei-Ji Yakushi Temple
茨城県坂東市岩井4365番地 Bando town
- reference source : city.bando.lg.jp/sp/page...-

東村 Higashi

Yakushida 薬師田 / ヤクシダ "Fields of Yakushi"
Near the bus stop 釜井駅 Kanai along the national road Nr. 294 there is a 薬師堂 Yakushi-Do hall. About 3000 square meters of former field land was used, but soon people begun to get ill in the neighbourhood.
Later the land was sold and a mansion was built there

- - - - - Yakushiden / Yakushida 薬師田 as a place name in
秋田県秋田市飯島薬師田 Akita
福島県福島市在庭坂薬師田 Fukushima
小川の薬師田 Ogawa no Yakushida

水戸市 Mito

keikeigami ケイケイ神,seki no kami 咳の神 Kami of coughing
Near the Yakushi of 台町 Daimachi there is a sanctuary for the God of Coughing. It used to be a shrine for Lord Kuruma Tsunatada, 車斯忠丹波守 (? - 1602) . He had lost a battle and tried to hide in the forest, but could not suppress his coughing, was found out and killed.
After his death, he became the local 百日咳の神 "God of the whooping cough".

筑波郡 Tsukuba 谷田部町 Yatabe

katame no sakana 片目の魚 fish with one eye
The 弁天池 Benten Pond in the village of 島名 Shimana was also called Yakushi no Ike 薬師の池 and Yakushi was venerated there.
If a person with eye disease would release a living fish in the pond, he got cured, but the fish in the pond lost one eye.

牛久市 Ushiku

byooninda 病人田 / ビョウニンダ - byooninbatake 病人畑 "sick field"
There was a "sick field" dedicated to Yakushi at the temple 薬師寺 Yakushi-Ji. It was cursed and nobody wanted to use it for farming.
Once some young farmers decided to use it together, but soon some of their members died from mysterious accidents, so they stopped the project.

稲敷の病人田(忌地)伝説 Legend of the Byoninda of Inashiki
- reference : nichibun yokai database -


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Ishikawa 石川県

龍護寺 Ryugo-Ji
The statue is 120 cm high.
- reference source : pref.ishikawa.lg.jp/kyoiku/bunkazai... -

羽咋郡 Hakui district 富来町 Togi

ryuutoo 龍燈 "dragon lantern"
The statue of Yakushi in the 高爪山の観音堂 Kannon Hall of Takatsumeyama was carved from some wood found on the beach.
Every year during the festival on the 18th day of the 8th lunar month, there is a strange "dragon lantern" light seen from the large tree in the compound.

. ryuutoo, ryūtō 龍燈 Ryuto, "dragon lantern" .
a light phenomenon at the Ariakekai sea in Kagoshima, Kyushu, and other areas, in the evening hours.

輪島市 Wajima

funetogame no Yakushi 船咎め薬師 Yakushi blamed for ship traffic
The Yakushi who was responsible for safe ship traffic off the coast once caught the anger of the boatmen. So they cut off his left arm.


. Yakushi Legends from Iwate 岩手県 -Tohoku .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

- - - #yakushilegends - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 2/02/2018 06:00:00 pm

13 Feb 2018

YAKUSHI - Yakushi Legends 04 Fukui to Hyogo

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .
. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from
Fukui 福井県, Gifu 岐阜県, Gunma 群馬県, Hiroshima 広島県 and Hyogo 兵庫県


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Fukui 福井県

source : info.pref.fukui.jp/bunka/bunkazai...

. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 legends from Fukui 福井県 .
with many photos of Yakushi Statues.


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Gifu 岐阜県

. 円空上人と小さな仏さまたち Saint Enku and the small Buddha Statues .
- 飛騨の国の正宗寺 - Temple Shoso-Ji in Hida // kamishibai 紙芝居

益田郡 Mashita district 下呂町 Gero

Two legends about an ema 絵馬 votive tablet painted with a horse:
蚕飼薬師堂 Kogai Yakushi Hall
上原村薬師堂 Ueharamura Yakushi Hall

Once 狩野法眼 Kano Hogen painted a votive tablet of a horse. But the horse left the plate every night and devastated the fields. So eventually he painted some golden braidle to keep it in place.

. Kano Eitoku 狩野永徳 - 古法眼 Kohogen, . (1543 - 1590)

多治見市 Tajimi town

Yakushi no tatari 薬師の祟り the curse of Yakushi
At the temple Gensho-Ji 元晶寺 in 小泉村根本 the hamlet Nehon of Koizumi village, there is a golden statue of Yakushi of the size 1寸8分
(1 sun 寸 is about 3 cm, 1 bu 分 is about 1/10 of a sun).
A young farmer's girl had found it along the river Kisogawa, but whereever it was kept, it brought misfortune to the people.
Finally it was therefore dedicated at the temple in Nehon 根本.


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Gunma 群馬県

太田市 Ota

Yoneyama Yakushi 米山薬師
Once a man as large as the Daibutsu took the 米山薬師 Yakushi from Yoneyama on his back, set it up at 丸山 Maruyama, sat down at 金山 Kaneyama and washed his feet in the river 渡良瀬川 Watarasegawa.
His straw boots became the Big and Small Mount Maruyama 大丸山 - 小丸山.

米山薬師 Yoneyama Yakushi

- many other Yoneyama Yakushi in Japan, here are just two of them:
米山薬師、Kagoshima-ken, 姶良市 Aira-shi, 鍋倉 Nabekura
米山まいり / 米山薬師堂 in Niigata, 柏崎市 Kashiwasaki
- reference source : lib.city.kashiwazaki.niigata.jp... -

多野郡 Tano district 神流町 Kanna

daija 大蛇 great serpent
At the 池の薬師 Yakushi Pond there lived a husband and wife serpent. The husband snake got killed by a shot. The wife snake shapeshifted into a young woman, went to the temple and told the priest about it. Then she disappeared.
Later when the priest went to the pond to perform amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals, it would always rain after his prayers.

. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Hiroshima 広島県

呉市 Kure 蒲刈町 Kamagari

hi no tama 火の玉 ball of fire
Around 1898 on a summer night it was raining heavily. From the temple of Yakushi there came three balls of fire rolling over toward the beach and disappeared.
Since Yakushi and the deity 明神 Myojin are enshrined in the same temple, some villagers said it might have been Myojin.

. hinotama, hi no tama 火の玉と伝説 Legends about fire balls .

- - - - -

Jizoo sama 地蔵様 Jizo Bosatsu
Once upon a time a fisherman wanted to take the Jizo statue from the Yakushi temple home, but it was so heavy he could not bring it to his boat, so he threw the statue into the water.
A few days later a man walked along the beach and saw a strange sparkle in the water - It was the statue of Jizo!
He saved it and brought it back to the Yakushi temple.

. Legends about Jizo Bosatsu - 地蔵菩薩 .


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Hyogo 兵庫県

神戸市 Kobe 東灘区 Higashinada ward

Yakushi Ishi 薬師石 Yakushi Stone
Near West Hirano Village 西平野村 in the direction of Daibutsuhara 大仏原 there is an old kofun in pine grove. In the hall is a "Yakushi Stone" 薬師石.
Once a carpenter 大工 wanted to build a house and this stone was in his way, so he wanted to dig it up. But things did not go so smooth. The carpenter was dead from a stomach illness withing three days.
So a statue of Yakushi Nyorai was placed before it to appease the stone.

- - - - -

Raijin and Yakushi sama 雷神と薬師様
Once upon a time
the God of Lightning fell into a tree, but Yakushi got hold of him, before much damage happened.
Since that time there are no more lightning accidents in 有馬 Arima.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

- - - #yakushilegends - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 2/02/2018 02:55:00 pm

8 Feb 2018

HEIAN - kimon demon gate legends

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

kimon 鬼門の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Gate Legends

The north-east ushi-tora 丑寅 ox-tiger direction
is considered an un-auspicious region and needs protection from real and imagined enemies, fiends and demons.

. Kitamuki Fudo 北向き不動 and the Kimon direction .

Why do Oni have horns ?

The explanation relates to the concept of
kimon 鬼門 Oni gate - Demon Gate
The zodiac animals associated with this 北東の方角 Northeastern region are
ushi-tora 丑寅 the bull and the tiger.
Oni are therefore usually depicted with bull horns and tiger fangs, wearing loincloths made of tiger skin.
(Tigers were not known in Japan.)
. tsuno 鬼の角 伝説 Oni Demon Legends about their horns .


- quote -
Kimon, the "Demon Gate" 鬼門,
Chinese geomancy (Ch: feng shui), a system for determining auspicious or inauspicious placements and orientations of cities, temples, houses, and graves. In Chinese thought, the northeast quarter is considered to be particularly inauspicious. The northeast direction is known as the "demon gate," which can be loosely translated as the place where "demons gather and enter." This belief was imported by the Japanese and is referred to as Kimon (literally "Demon Gate").
Kimon generally means ominous direction, or taboo direction. In Japan, both the monkey and the fox are guardians against evil Kimon influences.
source : Mark Schumacher

Photo source : 神霊の思頼

. Konjin, Konjin Sama 金神, 金神様 deity of metal .

Kimon Konjin 鬼門金神
an itinerant deity who changes his main direction of activities.


ura kimon, ura-kimon 裏鬼門 the "back" demon gate
in the south-west

kimon-sumi no nagaya 鬼門隅の長屋 Nagaya living quarters at the Kimon corner
. nagaya 長屋 / ながや row house, long house .
living quarters for the people in service of a lord


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

The outhouse toilet should never be placed in the Kimon direction of a house.
There are some trees that should never be planted in the Kimon direction of a house.
Others should be planted to bring good luck and avoid disaster.

A 汗穴 sweat pore is called Kimon. A Demon can use a 汗腺 sweat gland to invade a human body.

daiku no nyoobo 大工の女房 Legends about a carpenter making a mistake.

............................................................................ Aichi 愛知県
幡豆郡 Hazu district

A new house should not face the northern Kimon direction.
Never dig a hole in the Kimon direction beside a house.
Planting a sarusuberi さるすべり crape myrtle tree in the Kimon direction protects the house from burglars and other disaster.

. sarusuberi さるすべり / 百日紅 crape myrtle tree .
lit. "Even monkeys fall from trees! "

In 小原村 Obara village, planting a nashi 梨 Japanese pear tree in the Kimon direction prevents people from becoming ill.
. nashi 梨子 Japanese pear, Pyrus serotina .

............................................................................ Aomori 青森県
三戸町 Sannohe

saru ishi, saru-ishi 猿石 "monkey stone"
At the estate of 足沢左十郎 Ashisawa Sajuro in Sannohe, the main building did not have a corner at the Kimon direction. Instead they had placed a stone, saru-ishi 猿石 of about 1 foot size. It was big enough for a monkes (saru - a pun with 去る to go away of bad luck). If a human touched this stone, he would be cursed, so people tried to avoid walking around this corner.

............................................................................ Gunma 群馬県
沼田市 Numata

. kasha カシャ / 火車 Kasha Demon "burning chariot" .
and Kasha neko – The Corpse-Eating Cat Demon 火車猫
When the Kasha demon comes to get hold of a corpse, people shoot an arrow in the Kimon direction to drive it away.

勢多郡 Seta district

. enju エンジュ / 槐 Japanese pagoda tree .
Planting an Enju tree in the Kimon direction will protect the home from fire and disaster.
enju is a play on words with long life, enju えんじゅ【延寿】.

............................................................................ Hyogo 兵庫県
姫路市 Himeji

mawari konjin 廻り金神 Konjin coming around
A home should not be built in the direction of Kimon, Urakimon or the Konjin deity to avoid people living there from getting ill.

............................................................................ Kanagawa 神奈川県
津久井郡 Tsukui district 藤野町 Fujino

鬼門へ向かって飛んだ首 the head flying in the Kimon direction
Once upon a time
a 大工 carpenter had cut three pillars too short and did not know what to do about it. His clever wive suggested to use kushigata クシガタ(枡形)(masugata) square boxes. He did as suggested and all seemed well at first. But the carpenter was worried that his wife tell about his mistake and cut her head off to keep her silent.
The head took off and flew away in the Kimon direction in no time.

............................................................................ Miyagi 宮城県

kamaemono, kamae-mono カマエモノ being cursed by the Kami deity
A local proverb says:
If you put dirty things in the Kimon direction of your house, you will be cursed by the Deity.

............................................................................ Miyazaki 宮崎県
東臼杵郡 Higashi-Usuki district 北浦町 Kitaura

Konjin 金神 is seen as a protector deity of the Kimon direction.

............................................................................ Nagano 長野県

. kimon yoke no keyaki 鬼門除けのけやき .
The Zelkova tree between the Hachiman shrine and the Myojin Shrine is supposed to ward off evil. ...

安曇野市 Azumino

o-inari sama お稲荷様 Inari Fox Deity
A kitooshi 祈とう師 Kitoshi shaman is called ニチレンサマ Nichiren sama in the local dialect.
There was once a family with many ill people and a lot of bad luck. So they asked a Shaman for help. He told them that their local sanctuary for Inari was in the Kimon direction and they should relocate it to the inui 戌亥 north-west direction.
They did it and since then all went well.

. Inari 稲荷 the "Fox Deity" .

............................................................................ Nagasaki 長崎県
松浦市 Matsuura

ike no kimon 池の鬼門 Kimon of the Dragon Pond 龍が池
In the Dragon Pond lived daija 大蛇 a huge serpent. It had moved here after 為朝 Tametomo drove her away from 黒髪山 Kurokamisan.
Tametomo shot an arrow from this lake into the Kimon direction and it landed at the village 古野村 Konomura. There it stuck in the ground, became a bamboo grove and is still to be seen.
. Minamoto no Tametomo 源為朝 (1139 – 1170) .

............................................................................ Osaka 大阪府
豊能郡 Toyono district

kimonburoo 鬼門風呂 bathtub in the Kimon direction
A bath tub and the bathroom should not be placed in the Kimon direction, because that will bring bad luck.

............................................................................ Saitama 埼玉県
戸田市 Heda city

大工の女房 the wife of a carpenter
The story is similar to the one above from Tsukui.
But the wife now came back every night via the Kimon direction and appeared in the carpenter's dream to scare him. So he shot an arrow in the Kimon direction.
The 角材 squared timbers he cut after that all looked a bit like his wife.

............................................................................ Saga 佐賀県
佐賀市 Saga city

kimon-sumi no nagaya 鬼門隅の長屋 long house at the Kimon corner
The estate of the Lord of Bizen (in Edo) seemed bewitched during the time he was living there. Fire pillars were seen in the garden, rain dripped into the kitchen and sometimes the whole house rumbled and shook in strange ways. The local people rejoiced when the Lord had to move out for his yearly stay in Edo.
And every day they held special fire rituals at the long house at the Kimon corner, often calling priests to perform the purifying rituals.

............................................................................ Shiga 滋賀県
伊香郡 Ina district 西浅井町 Nishi-Asai

kimon 忌門 / キモン (another spelling, indicating the taboo direction)
When building a new home, people have to take good care of the direction.

高島市 Takashima

ura kimon 裏鬼門 the "back" demon gate
Nothing should be grown in the Ura-Kimon direction of a home to avoid bad luck.

............................................................................ Shizuoka 静岡県
田方郡 Tagata district 戸田村 Heda

Once upon a time
a 匠 carpenter had cut one pillar too short and did not know what to do about it. His clever wive suggested what do to about it. He did as suggested and all seemed well at first. But the carpenter was worried that his wife tell about his mistake and cut her head off to keep her silent.
The head took off and flew away in the Kimon direction in no time.
Later he made offerings in the Kimon direction to appease her soul.

............................................................................ Tokyo 東京都

The home in the estate of the venerable Honda Tadakatsu 本多忠勝 (1548 – 1610) had a fire on the first day of the New Year.
The mansion had been built with the Kimon taboos in mind. Just before the fire started, the pine decoration at the front gate showed a broken branch and three broken bamboo sticks.
That was really strange.

Honda Tadakatsu 本多忠勝 (1548 – 1610) - general of Tokugawa Ieyasu

. kadomatsu 門松 pine (decorations) at the gate .
- kigo for the New Year -

- - - - -

To protect the Edo castle, 上野の寛永寺 the temple Kanei-Ji in Ueno was constructed in its Kimon direction.

............................................................................ Wakayama 和歌山県
西牟婁郡 Nishi-Muro district 日置川町 Hikigawa

tamashi no yobimodoshi 魂のヨビモドシ calling back the soul
Once a man built his 便所 outhouse toilet in the Kimon dirextion, but he was cursed and died soon afterward.
But his voice came at night from the roof, asking to call him back. A carpenter came and dug under the outhouse and found the bones of a dead person. The family buried the bones properly. And the man came back to life.


艮(うしとら) ushi-tora direction
auspicious directions were
乾(いぬい)inui, inu-i in the north-west
and 巽(たつみ)tatsumi, tstsu-mi in the south-east

- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

- - - - - More legends about
. Konjin, Konjin Sama 金神, 金神様 deity of metal .
Kimon Konjin 鬼門金神


. - - - Join the Onipedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #kimon #demongate -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 2/04/2018 11:01:00 am

4 Feb 2018

YAKUSHI - Yakushi legends 03 Chiba Ehime

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .
. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and
legends from Chiba 千葉県 and Ehime 愛媛県


来福寺 Raifuku-Ji - Tateyama

安房郡 Awa district 鋸南町 Kyonan

Yakushi no reigen 薬師の霊験 the miracle of Yakushi
Once upon a time, a maidservant from a home in 房州勝山 Katsuyama, who was a strog believer in Yakushi Nyorai, braided her hair when suddenly flames and sparkles started to flutter all around. Her master got angry about this and threw her out. His rich wife begun to have one child after the other. In a dream the woman learned that she should start caring for ill people to end her fate of having too many babies. So she had a hospital built near the temple of Yakushi.

Inzai Matsumushi, 印西市 松虫 - Matsumushidera 松虫寺

The temple has been founded in 745 on request of 聖武天皇 Emperor Shomu Tenno by 僧行基 Priest Gyoki Bosatsu.

Shichibutsu Yakushi 七仏薬師如来 Seven Yakushi Statues

千葉県印西市松虫 / Matsumushi, Inzai, 印旛 Inba, Chiba
七仏薬師 瑠璃光如来 Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai.
The statues were made in the early Heian period, probably by the same carver. The combination of six standing and one seated Yakushi is very rare.
One more is at 滋賀県の鶏足寺 Keisoku-Ji in Shiga.

松虫姫伝説 - Legend of Princess Matsumushi
The third daughter of Emperor 聖武天皇 Shomu Tenno, called Princess Matsumushi Hime, was very ill and her father sent her to this temple to pray to Yakushi Nyorai. She was eventually healed. She planted her tsue 杖 walking staff in the garden and from it a 銀杏 Gingko tree begun to sprout.
The temple and the village around it started to use her name, Matsumushi.

. Shichibutsu Yakushi 七仏薬師 / 七佛薬師 Seven Yakushi Statues .
- Introduction -

成田市 Narita 遠山村 Toyama

tanishi タニシ mud snails
Once there was a great fire at the temple of Yakushi, but all the mud snails from the fields around came shielding the statue of Yakushi from being burned.
Since then the villagers of Toyama village do not harvest and eat these mud snails any more.
In effect, Yakushi had helped the mud snails !

. tanishi 田螺 / たにし mud snails .

猿島郡 Sashima district 五霞町 Goka

Yakushi-ana 薬師穴 Yakushi cave
Once there lived 山姥 an old mountain hag in the Yakushi cave. She was lending zenwan 膳椀 bowls and trays to the needy.
Once a farmer broke one piece and did not bring another in exchange. Since then she stopped lending.

. zenwanbuchi 膳椀淵 "river pool for trays and bowls" .
in various regions of Japan


- - - - - - - - - - Looking for Yakushi-ana I found

穴薬師古墳 Ana Yakushi kofun
茨城県猿島郡五霞町川妻 / Kawatsuma, Goka, Sashima District, Ibaraki

石室は幅2m、長さ7m、室内の高さは約2mで、中はひょうたん型になっており、中央部両側に長さ1.5m、30cm角の門石で前室と奥室とに区切られている横穴式石室である。 整形された軽石をレンガ積みして石室の側壁が作られたり、奥壁に五輪の塔のような板状の石があてられたり、特異な構造を示している。古墳時代終末期の造営と考えられるが関東地方には例が少なく、学術上貴重なものである。 1971(昭和46)年3月29日、茨城県の史跡に指定された。

- - - - - and

ana no Yakushi 穴の薬師 Yakushi with holes, Yakushi for holes
at 熊谷市樋春 Hiharu, Kumagaya, Saitama

at the 川島薬師堂 Kawajima Yakushido Hall
Yakushi helps with the "holes" in your body, especially the eyed and mouth.
People try to grind a hole in a larger stone and bring it as offering to pray for healing.


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Ehime 愛媛県

今治市 Imabari

enko エンコ Kappa
Once a man named 与一 Yoichi went to work on his field near 薬師堂 the Yakushido Hall. A kappa showed up and asked him for a bout of Sumo wrestling.
Yoichi agreed, but first went into the hall and ate some of お仏飯 the food offerings. The Kappa had observed this and ran away in great fear.

- - - - -

Once a man was late coming home from his work at the town hall. A woman with her hair combed in the Shimada style came toward him and invited him:
"Let's go to the Yakushi Hall and have some fun!"
He went home and told his family: "I am going to the Yakushi Hall now, but first give me some water!"
His daughter thought this was strange, gave him some tea and did not let him go.
In such a case, it is never good to give drinking water to a bewitched person.

. shimada 島田 Shimada-style hair - Introduction .

城辺町 Johen

The statue of Yakushi Nyorai at 若宮神社 Wakamiya Jinja is from the time of Sakuragi Ho Shinno 桜木法親王, who passed here with his entourage and a high priest had carried the statue on his back, when it fell down. Once a priest came from 別府 Beppu and wanted to carry it back home, but he just could not pass the gate. The priest grumbled a lot and went back home, but he died soon after.
All people who want to take this statue away will only live for a short while after.

松山市 Matsuyama

ikuji no juhoo 育児の呪法 spells to bring up a baby
Mumbling inoko inoko 犬の子 "child of a dog" helps to calm a crying baby.
(A pun with yoi ko, to be a good child.)
If a baby cries all night, it is good to paint a cock and make this an offering to
O Yakushi sama 尾薬師様 (Yakushi with a tail, another pun with the honorable  O御),

西条市 Saijo

Yakushi San takes away warts, and helps mothers to produce milk for their babies.
After making a wish and getting help, the person has to paint an octopus as an offering.

四国中央市 Shikoku Chuo Town

. ibotori 疣取り / イボ取り / いぼとり take away warts .
It is best to pray to 水神 Suijin the Water Deity and to Yakushi for healing. If healed, one has to bring offerings.
For Suijin it is grains of rice, for Yakushi it is matsu no fuguri 松のふぐり pine cones.
The number must be the number of the age of this person.

There are more than 30 places in Ehime related to deities taking away warts, Yakushi Nyorai is one, so is Jizo Bosatsu.

宇和町 Uwacho

. Yamadaya manjuu 山田屋 饅頭 Manju Buns from Yamada .
善福寺 Temple Zenpuku-Ji 薬師堂 Yakushi-Do - 山田薬師如来


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


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Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 1/27/2018 01:46:00 pm