22 Aug 2018

EDO - Chayazaka Meguro


Chayazaka slope Meguro

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

Chayazaka 茶屋坂 Chayazaka "Tea Stall Slope"
Meguro 目黒区三田二丁目 Mita second district, 中目黒二丁目 Naka-Meguro second district

In the Edo period, this was a steep meandering slope with many pine trees on both sides, providing a view of Mount Fuji on the way.

江戸名所図会 Edo Meisho Zue


- - - - - Meguro no Sanma 目黒の秋刀魚 Sanma fish from Meguro - - - - -
Grilling Sanma on a small brazier "Shichirin" and adding some soy sauce is the most popular recipe. "Shichirin" is a traditional Japanese charcoal cooking stove, which was used in many households but gradually gave way to gas cookers. You can still see them used in some barbecue restaurants. There are other ways to serve Sanma, such as in Sushi-style, broiled, boiled, fried and in sashimi-style.

- - - The story of "Meguro no Sanma"
A long ago, sometime around the Edo Period, the Shogun felt hungry while he was performing falconry in Meguro. He dropped by a teahouse named
Jiji ga Chaya, Jiji-ga-chaya 爺々が茶屋 Grandfather's Tea House,
belonging to the farmer 彦四郎 Hikoshiro. There the Shogun was served a grilled Sanma (which was ordinary people's every day dish).
He loved it so much and this became the origin of the name "Meguro-no Sanma".
Some say,
the two Shoguns 3代将軍家光 Iemitsu and 8代将軍吉宗 Yoshimune came here to eat. Iemitsu liked the old farmer Hikoshiro so much, he called him "Jiji", my Grandfather, giving way to the name. Other Shoguns also came by and usually left a piece of silver as payment.
When 10代将軍家治 the 10th Shogun, Ieharu (1737 - 1786) passed by, he also became dango 団子 dumplings and dengaku 田楽 tidbits on skewers, grilled with misopaste.

. WKD : sanma さんま Pacific Saury,mackerel pike, (Cololabis saira) .

目黒さんま祭り Sanma Festival in Meguro

The Meguro Sanma Festival has been taking place every year since 1996. At the festival they give away about 7000 grilled Sanma fish (Pacific Saury) for free - you have to line up in the 1 kilometer queue though.
It is said that moons ago,
a feudal lord was riding on his horse in Meguro and came across the smell of some Sanma being grilled. When he asked the local peasants what it was, they replied that it was a fish called Sanma and that it was not appropriate for a lord to consume. The lord requested for some of this fish to be brought to him and he discovered how tasty this om nom nom Sanma was. The festival is said to celebrate this story.
source and more photos : www.dannychoo.com


stone memorial for the fresh water of the tea stall


Grandpa's Teahouse and the path down the slope to Meguro river
Utagawa Ando Hiroshige 広重


stamp from Meguro Station

. chaya 茶屋 tea stalls in Edo .

. saka, sakamichi 坂道 the slopes of Edo .


茶屋坂街かど公園 Chayazaka Machikado Koen Park



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. 目黒区 Meguro ward .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #chayazaka - - - -

19 Aug 2018

GOKURAKU - Bansho Jizo red pepper togarashi


bansho togarashi red pepper Jizo

- Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC-List -

banshoo Jizoo 蕃椒地蔵 Bansho "Red Pepper Jizo"
tongarashi Jizoo トンガラシ地蔵, とうがらし 唐辛子地蔵 Togarashi Jizo  

Tokyo, Akiruno, Haranomiya 東京都あきる野市原小宮101

People came here to pray for healing of a toothache or a swelling.
The small sanctuary has been removed to its present location in 1933.
On the 24th of October, the Special day of Jizo Bosatsu, there is a ritual held,

The red pepper used comes from the nearby fields of 原小宮 Harakomiya.
They also bring red pepper from 内藤トウガラシ the fields of nearby Naito Shinjuku


Red pepper was also used to ward off evil influence and even evil foxes bewitching people.
Burning red pepper as an offering will ward off the danger of fire.


. toogarashi 唐辛子 Togarashi, Tongarashi, red pepper, hot pepper .
- Introduction - Capsicum annuum, roter Pfeffer, dried chili pepper -


- Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction -

. Pilgrimages to Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - 地蔵霊場 Jizo Reijo .

. Legends about Jizo Bosatsu - 地蔵菩薩 .

. Join the Jizo Bosatsu Gallery - Facebook .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

- - - #torarashijizo #redpepperjizo - - -

18 Aug 2018

EDO - Dogenzaka slope district Shibuya


Dogenzaka slope Shibuya

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Doogenzaka, Dōgenzaka 道玄坂 Dogenzaka slope
渋谷区 道玄坂 (道元坂) Shibuya ward, Dogenzaka
(The name refers to the district and to the one slope with its name.)

Named after 大和田太郎道玄 Owada Taro Dogen.
During the Kamakura period the 和田 Wada clan held power here. They were threatened by the Hojo clan and came to live here secretly.
和田義盛 Wada Yoshimori i (1147 – 1213) - see below
Owada Dogen was a descendant of Yoshimori, and lived in a temple called 道玄庵 Dogen An (道玄寺 Dogendera) on this slope.
He was more like mountain bandit than a Samurai. He used to climb on a high pine tree and watch the road. When he saw a suitable traveler, he signaled to his retainers and they stopped the traveler, taking his money.
The tree was called 道玄松 Dogen Matsu.
Later in his life he became a monk and lived in the temple Dogendera.

The name Dogen can be written 道玄 or 道元.
The slope is on the Western side of the valley of the river Shibuyagawa.

- quote -
和田義盛 Wada Yoshimori (1147 – 1213)

an early Kamakura period military commander.
A gokenin retainer of the Kamakura shogunate, he was the first director (bettō) of the Samurai-dokoro.
He was the son of Miura Yoshiaki and grandson of Sugimoto Yoshimune, making him a descendant of the Heike. Among his sons were Wada Yoshinao, Asahina Yoshihide, and Wada Yoshishige. He also had a nephew, Wada Tanenaga.
Yoshimori "was attached to Noriyori as his samurai daisho (general of soldiers)." He fought in the battle of Ichi-no-Tani (1184).
He also fought in the Battle of Dan-no-ura, where he engaged Chikakiyo of Iyo in an archery duel.
Later, he participated in the campaign against Kiso Yoshinaka (1184) and Fujiwara Yasuhira (1189).
Like many others,
he and his family became victims of the struggle for power that followed the death of the first Kamakura shogun Minamoto no Yoritomo. Tension had been growing between the Hōjō Regents and Wada, and open war started when Wada Yoshinao, Wada Yoshishige and Wada Tanenaga were accused of conspiracy and arrested.
Yoshimori, who was in Kazusa, returned to Kamakura and managed to free his two sons. Tanenaga was however detained and exiled to Mutsu province. War ensued (the so-called Wada Gassen (和田合戦)) and in 1213 he was defeated and killed together with his family.
The Wada are traditionally supposed to be buried in the Wadazuka Mound in Kamakura, however this is only an unproven theory born after excavations in situ during the Meiji period.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !



江戸名所図会 Edo Meisho Zue

Coming down from the Fujimizaka slope there was the river Shibuyagawa. Crossing the bridge on the other side was a swamp with many reeds. Passing this swamp, there was Dogenzaka. The road in former times had many bends and turns.
At that time, it was part of 大山道 the pilgrim road to Mount Oyama.
You can see the Dogen Matsu pine tree in the front right.

Modern-day Dogenzaka is a place with busy nightlife, eateries, bars, Karaoke entertainment and all kinds of shops.
. . . CLICK here for nightlife Photos  !


Shibuya109 - SHIBUYA109
2 Chome-29-1 Dogenzaka
Coming from the station of Shibuya, Dogenzaka is the slope to the left of the modern building Shibuya 109.

- quote -
109 (Ichi-maru-kyū) is a department store in Shibuya, Tokyo.
The store is operated by Tokyu Malls Development (TMD), a subsidiary of the Tokyu Group.
History and description
The building, located just across the street from Shibuya Station, opened in April 1979. The architect was Minoru Takeyama. Tokyu, the building's operator, designed the building as a "Fashion Community" containing small retail stores targeting the early-30s female consumer. Tokyu intended the store to compete with Seibu Department Stores, which was making inroads into the Shibuya area.
The name of the building, 109, is a form of word play (goroawase,
specifically numerical substitution) and is taken from the Japanese characters (meaning 10) and kyū (9) as in Tōkyū.
The interior of the building is designed to move shoppers in a loop on each floor from the elevators past various shops. A movie theater was originally planned for the top floor, but the fire department would not grant approval due to emergency-evacuation routes not meeting appropriate standards. Although originally targeted at women in their 30s, the building later became more known as a sanctuary for young women from the gyaru subculture.

109 briefly had its own emoji, which still shows up on Twitter.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


道玄坂地蔵尊 Dogenzaka Jizo statue


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Shibuya 渋谷

hitokui matsu 人喰松 "man-eating pine"
At the 渋谷道玄坂 Dogenzaka slope in Shibuya there is a pine tree with this name.
During the restructuring of modern Tokyo, this tree had to be moved. Two sisters living in Setagaya were very pious, chanting the 法華経 Hokekyo Sutra and got a message from the Deity.
In former times something bad had been buried under the roots of this tree and cursed the people. When they eventually dug below the roots, they found the bones of a hebi 蛇 serpent. During the recital of the Sutra, the serpent turned all white and made its way up into the heaven.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

meedii ka doogenzaka ni kakarikeri

May-day songs
come down from the
Dogenzaka slope

Tr. Gabi Greve

中谷五秋 Nakatani Goshu





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16 Aug 2018

GOKURAKU - Hell paintings


Jigoku hell paintings

. jigoku 地獄 the Buddhist Hell .

. jigokue, jigoku-e 地獄絵 paintings of hell .
- Introduction -

- - - - - Paintings from a temple in Nagano

photos from a facebook friend


. jigokue, jigoku-e 地獄絵 paintings of hell .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #jigokuhell #jigokupainting #jigokue -

15 Aug 2018

EDO - Sukiya district Sukiyabashi


Motosukiya district Sukiyabashi Chuo

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Motosukiyachoo Moto-Sukiya cho 元数奇屋町 Moto-Sukiya district, Chuo ward
Chuo ward 中央区 銀座 五丁目 Ginza 5th district
"Former Sukiya district" - 元数寄屋町 (奇 different Chinese character)

sukiya 数奇屋 originally means "tea ceremony room", see below.

The original bridge 数奇屋橋 Sukiyabashi of the Edo period is now lost. At the Sotobori outer moat of Edo castle there was a gate called

Sukiyabashi gomon 数寄屋橋御門 Sukiyabashi Gate.

The bridge had been built in 1629 and in the following year the gate was finished.
The area South-east of the gate was called 元数奇屋町 Moto-Sukiya district.
Since 1625, homes of the townspeople were built in this district, from the first to the fourth sub-district.

The name of the area refers to the living quarters of many sukiya boozu 数奇屋坊主 Sukiya Bozu "monk tea masters".
There were about 50 of them, serving tea in Edo castle and placed under the jurisdiction of the Bakufu Government Wakadoshiyori 若年寄 junior counselor.
The Chabozu served the Shogun and his harem, and also the many Daimyo lords. Some had a great influence over their master and there are Kabuki plays about them.

The most famous was
. Oda Urakusai Nagamasu 織田有楽斎長益 . (1547 - 1621)
The district Yūrakuchō 有楽町 Yurakucho is named after him.
He was the younger brother of Oda Nobunaga. Nagamasu built his mansion here on land near the Sukiya-bashi Gate of Edo Castle granted by Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Around 1700 there was a fire and all burned down. Later kimono dealers settled here from the district near 呉服橋 Gofukubashi bridge, so the area was re-named

Now there is also the
Sukiyabashi Kooen 数寄屋橋公園 Sukiyabashi Park, in the area called Yurakucho.

In 1878, the district belonged to 京橋区 Kyobashi ward. Now Chuo ward.


数寄屋橋公園 Sukiyabashi Park
Tokyo, Chūō, Ginza, 五丁目一番一号 / 5-1 Ginza

with an art clock statue memorial by 岡本太郎 Okamoto Taro.
1966, small version of his 太陽の塔 Taiyo no To statue.
. 岡本太郎 Okamoto Taro (1911 - 1996) .

- quote -
May 18, 2016
Twenty Friendship-Blossoms dogwood trees will be planted in Sukiyabashi Park, Tokyo.
The park is located at the entrance of Ginza, a thriving, well-visited international center for tourism and commerce.
The planting represents foreign exchange and commercial ties between the United States and Japan.
- source : bridgingfoundation.org... -


Tōto sukiyagashi 東都数奇屋河岸 Sukiyagashi Riverbank in the Eastern Capital
Ando Hiroshige : Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji

Wonderful Edo scene in wintertime.
The rooftops of small houses, a fisherman's canal and Fuji rising in the distance all covered in a fresh winter snow.
source : www.fujiarts.com/cgi-bin...


- quote -
This photo was taken at Shirobe landing around 1870. It shows four of the large wagons known as daihachiguruma. The waterway in the background is the Imperial Palace (formerly Edo Castle) moat, around the Sukiyabashi area.
Behind the house is a boat, and since this spot was a landing point, cargo had probably been transferred
from the boat to the wagons.
- source : web-japan.org/tokyo/know... -


- quote
sukiya 数寄屋
A tea ceremony room *chashitsu 茶室, distinguish from a genuine tea ceremony house, and points to buildings in the tea house style, or buildings in sukiya style *sukiya-zukuri 数奇屋造, or include both, and call them sukiya. However, the distinctions are not clear.
Historically, sukiya zashiki 数寄屋座敷, in BUNRUI SOUJINBOKU 分類草人木 (1564), could be seen as an early example. A tea ceremony room was usually called *zashiki 座敷 or referred to by the number of its mats. Heinouchi Yoshimasa 平内吉政 and his son Masanobu 政信 (?-1645) famous carpenters in the Edo period state in their secret book *SHOUMEI 匠明 (1608), that calling a tea ceremony room a sukiya began around the time when the mansion Jurakudai 聚楽第 was being built for Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 (1536-98) in 1587.
The use of the word sukiya is thought to have originated by Soueki 宗易 (Soeki, Sen Rikyuu 千利休; 1522-91) in Sakai 堺.
Nevertheless, it is certain that the name sukiya was used by Sen Rikyuu in place of zashiki or *kozashiki 小座敷 (small room), or enclosure *kakoi 囲, within a large room.
During Keichou 慶長 era (1596-1615), the use of the term sukiya became popular. Especially, used at Furuta Oribe 古田織部 (1544-1615) and Kobori Enshuu's 小堀遠州 (1579-1647) tea ceremony, it seems it was a custom to call a small room a sukiya in contrast to larger rooms *shoin 書院 or *kusari-no-ma 鎖の間. The Sen Family, Senke 千家 was critical of this trend, and Rikyuu's great grandson Koushin Sousa 江岑宗左 (1613-72) stated that ;
To call a tea ceremony room sukiya is offensive to hear, so it should be called kozashiki, as in the past. We avoid saying sukiya.
Thus, around this time, an effort was made to distinguish kakoi from sukiya. The CHAFU 茶譜 says ;
The word sukiya was not used in the Rikyuu style, and the tea room was called kozashiki. Kozashiki is a separate building that guests enter through a small door, kuguri くぐり from the tea garden *roji 露地. An enclosure kakoi means an enclosure that has sliding paper doors *fusuma 襖, which were placed in a shoin room to enclose a special area for fixing tea.
This was accomplished by using partitions. There was an alcove, a small entrance, a middle post, a push up window, a back door way *katteguchi 勝手口 and owner's entrance *kayoiguchi 通い口. Further, the CHAFU states that sukiya and kozashiki were built independently in tea gardens.
Examples: Nishihonganji Kuroshoin 西本願寺黒書院 (late 16c), Manshuin Koshoin 曼珠院小書院 (mid-17c), all tea houses at Katsura Rikyuu 桂離宮 (mid-17c), all in Kyoto.
- source : JAANUS


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. Chūō 中央区 Chūō-ku, "Central Ward" - wikipedia .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #sukiyabashi #motosukiya #sukiya #sukiyapark - - - -

13 Aug 2018

EDO - Samegahashi district Shinjuku


Samegahashi district Shinjuku

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Samegahashi 鮫ヶ橋 / 鮫河橋 "Shark bridge" district
新宿区 Shinjuku ward, Wakaba 若葉, Minami-Motomachi 南元町
(Sometimes spelled Samagahashi in English.)

The bridge was rather small, only 3,6 m long, as can be seen in the depiction of the Edo Meisho Zue.
It was a bridge over the Sakuragawa 桜川支流鮫川.

江戸名所図会 Edo Meisho Zue

- Various explanations for the name are known :

Samegamura 鮫が村 "Shark village"
Samegahashi, Kitacho 鮫河橋北町 Northern District of Samegahashi.

The bridge over a river called Samegawa 鮫川 / 鮫河 "Shark river".
In the Edo period the district was on a plateau above the sea, and shark could be seen from above.
Nearby was 豊島の入江 Toshima no Irie inlay.

- - - - - Another hint for the naming:
In the Edo period, a horse with white eyes was called
sameuma, same-uma 𩥭(さめうま)

- - - - - sameuma kanji with horse and fish
A tale knows this:
Once a priest from the temple 牛込行願寺 Gyogan-Ji in Ushigome had brought such a Sameuma as an offering.
But he fell down from the bridge and both were killed. The bridge was then called after the horse,
さめ馬ヶ橋 Samegahashi.

- - - - - Another hint for the naming:
The bridge was located over tani 谷 steep valley, which was only filled with water when it rained a lot
- 雨 ame .. same - 雨(さめ)ヶ橋 - - - 雨ヶ橋 "Rain Bridge".

it was a 駮馬 Sameuma horse belonging to 源義家 Minamoto no Yoshiie.
Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu had a 駮馬 Sameuma and when it died, it was carried from 千駄ヶ谷村 Setagaya village for a burial. While crossing the bridge the horse fell into the valley.
samizu 冷水(さみず) cold water was flowing below the bridge.

- Another district with the name SAME
. Samezu 鮫洲 "Shark sand bar" district . - Shinagawa

In the Edo period, there were various Samegahashi districts
元鮫河橋仲町 - 旧字仲殿田
元鮫河橋南町 - 旧鮫河橋千日谷町
元鮫河橋陽光寺門前 - 江戸時代後期には空き地化
鮫河橋新伊賀町 - 後に鮫河橋谷町

In the beginning of the Meiji period, the following names were used

元鮫河橋町 - 明治5年(1872年)元鮫河橋表町南部、元鮫河橋仲町、武家地が合併
元鮫河橋南町 - 明治2年(1869年)元鮫河橋八軒町、明治5年武家地を合併
鮫河橋谷町一丁目 -(1872年)鮫河橋谷町南部、元鮫河橋北町、元鮫河橋陽光門前、武家地、寺地が合併して成立
鮫河橋谷町二丁目 - 明治5年(1872年)鮫河橋谷町北部、寺地が合併して成立

In 1911, the district of Samegahashi was split into districts in Yotsuya ward:
- reference : wikipedia

In 1696, the village along the bridge had become quite large and got the name
Samegahashitanichoo 鮫ヶ橋谷町 Samegahashi Tani Cho "Valley of the Shark bridge"

. Edo goyaku 江戸五役(ごやく) the five official worker groups of Edo castle .
御駕籠之者 okagonomono, o-kago no mono
They had to look after the kago 駕籠 palanquins for the Shogun and his heirs.
Their quarters were relocated to 四谷鮫ヶ橋 / 鮫河橋 Yotsuya Samegahashi.


赤坂御用地鮫が橋門 Akasaka Samagahashi Gate


鮫ヶ橋せきとめ稲荷 Samegahashi Sekitome Inari Shrine
9-9 Minamimotomachi, 新宿区 Tokyo


- quote -
Ke Brigade, Fifth Group, Samegahashi
Actor Jitsukawa Enjaku I as Yomoshichi,
from the series Flowers o Edo and Views of Famous Places (Edo no hana meishô-e)
「江戸の花名勝会 け 五番組」 「与茂七 実川延雀」(初代実川延若)
The term "flowers of Edo" (Edo no hana) can refer, among other things, to fires. The title panel for each print in this series shows the lanterns and identifying standard (matoi) for one of the brigades of firefighters (hikeshi) assigned to various districts. On the west side of the Sumida River were 48 brigades named for the symbols of the kana syllabary and grouped into 8 numbered groups (1 to 10, minus the bad-luck numbers 4 and 7). On the east side of the river, brigades were numbered and assigned to directional groups. Outlying districts were covered by special brigades, here designated "extra" (bangai).
Each title gives the name or number of a brigade, its group, and its district, followed by the kabuki scene chosen to match it.
- source : Museum of Fine Arts, Boston -


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. Shinjuku 新宿区 Shinjuku Ward .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #samegahashitani #samagahashi #samegahashi - - - -

EDO - Shibuya ward


Shibuya ward

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Shibuya ku 渋谷区 Shibuya ward

- quote
Shibuya, literally "Astringent Valley",
is a special ward in Tokyo, Japan. A major commercial and business center, it houses the two busiest railway stations in the world, Shinjuku Station (southern half) and Shibuya Station.
The name "Shibuya" is also used to refer to the shopping district which surrounds Shibuya Station, one of Tokyo's busiest railway stations. This area is known as one of the fashion centers of Japan, particularly for young people, and as a major nightlife area.
- - - - - History
Shibuya was historically the site of a castle in which the Shibuya family resided from the 11th century through the Edo period. Following the opening of the Yamanote Line in 1885, Shibuya began to emerge as a railway terminal for southwestern Tokyo and eventually as a major commercial and entertainment center.
The village of Shibuya
was incorporated in 1889 by the merger of the villages of Kami-Shibuya, Naka-Shibuya and Shimo-Shibuya within Minami-Toshima County (Toyotama County from 1896).
The village covered the territory of modern-day Shibuya Station area as well as the Hiroo, Daikanyama, Aoyama and Ebisu areas. Shibuya became a town in 1909.
The town of Shibuya merged with the neighboring towns of Sendagaya (which included the modern Sendagaya, Harajuku and Jingumae areas) and Yoyohata (which included the modern Yoyogi and Hatagaya areas) to form Shibuya suburban ward of Tokyo-fu (outside of the central Tokyo City) in 1932. Tokyo-fu became Tokyo Metropolis in 1943, and the present-day Shibuya-ku was established as an urban special ward on March 15, 1947.
- source : wikipedia

- - - - - Shibuya districts

幡ヶ谷地域 Hatagaya
笹塚、幡ヶ谷、本町 - Sasazuka, Hatagaya, Honmachi

. Yoyogi 代々木 Yoyogi district .
Uehara, Ōyamachō, Nishihara, Hatsudai, Motoyoyogichō, Tomigaya, Yoyogikamizonochō

千駄ヶ谷地域 Sendagaya
千駄ヶ谷、神宮前 Sendagaya, Jingūmae

大向・恵比寿地域 Ebisu-Ōmukai
Kamiyamachō, Jinnan, Udagawachō, Shōtō, Shinsenchō, Maruyamachō, Dōgenzaka, Nanpeidaichō, Sakuragaokachō, Hachiyamachō, Uguisudanichō, Sarugakuchō, Daikan'yamachō, Ebisunishi, Ebisuminami

氷川・新橋地域 Hikawa-Shimbashi
渋谷 Shibuya、東 Higashi、広尾 Hiro、恵比寿 Ebisu


Shibuyakawa, Shibuyagawa 渋谷川 Shibuya-gawa, River Shibuya

広尾ふる川 River flowing through Hiroo
広重 Hiroshige (名所江戸百景)


. 渋谷 ハチ公 Hachiko statue of the faithful dog !


渋谷金王丸伝説 The Legend of Shibuya Konnomaru - Kabuki play

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Shibuya 渋谷区

. Hatagaya Fudo 幡ヶ谷不動 / 荘厳寺 Shogon-Ji .
藤原秀郷 Fujiwara Hidesato came here to pray for victory against 平将門 Taira no Masakado.


bakemono ばけ物 Monster
In 1929, there were rumours about a monster at the student's dormitory of 青山の大学 Aoyama University.
Someone heard a strange voice, saying 「はっ、はっ、はっ」 ha-ha-ha.
Later the origin of the voice became clear. It was an old white dog passing by.


hitokui matsu 人喰松 "man-eating pine"
At the 渋谷道玄坂 Dogenzaka slope in Shibuya there is a pine tree with this name.
During the restructuring of modern Tokyo, this tree had to be moved. Two sisters living in Setagaya were very pious, chanting the 法華経 Hokekyo Sutra and got a message from the Deity.
In former times something bad had been buried under the roots of this tree and cursed the people. When they eventually dug below the roots, they found the bones of a hebi 蛇 serpent. During the recital of the Sutra, the serpent turned all white and made its way up into the heaven.


ishi no zoo 石の像 stone statue
At the temple Chokoku-Ji (Hasedera) in Shibuya there was a stone statue of an onigo 鬼子 "demon child". It used to grant wishes and was thus quite popular. But after about 6 month, nobody came any more. This statue had originally been in the private garden, but this family had gone extinct.
When the statue was moved to another estate, the people also got ill . . . so the statue was placed in the temple.

東京都港区西麻布二丁目 now Minato ward, Nishi-Azabu / former 下渋谷村 Shimo-Shibuya mura
The temple was founded in 1598, but was completely distroyed in the second world war.
The new modern building houses a statue of Kannon Bosatsu which is 10 meters high.

It is Nr. 22 of the pilgrimage 江戸三十三箇所観音霊場

. . Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .


. 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Kappa, the Water Goblin of Japan! .

Once 折口信夫 Orikuchi Shinobu gave a lecture in Shibuya about the literature of Kappa.
Suddenly all became quite dim and dark and people heard the footsteps of a Kappa walking over the desk, leaving wet spots on it. Then the footsteps went on to the door and out.

Shinobu Orikuchi (1887 - 1953),
also known as Chōkū Shaku (釋迢空 Shaku Chōkū), was a Japanese ethnologist, linguist, folklorist, novelist, and poet. As a disciple of Kunio Yanagita, he established an original academic field named "Orikuchiism" (折口学 Orikuchigaku), which is a mixture of Japanese folklore, Japanese classics, and Shintō.

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. kori 狐狸と伝説 Legends about fox and Tanuki badger .

The lord of the castle from 下総国印旛郡佐倉 the Sakura domaine in Chiba, 堀田備中守正篤 Hotta Masahiro (堀田正睦 Hotta Masayoshi), had his Shimoyashiki residence in Edo in Shibuya.
Once late at night, the doctor 三輪玄春 Miwa Genshun had been visiting and on his way back, he got lost and did not come home. A few days later they found his dead body in the weeds way back in the garden. He must have been bewitched by a fox or Tanuki.


. Oman enoki オマンエノキ nettle tree of Lady O-Man .
O-Man お万の方, concubine of 徳川家康の側室 Tokugawa Ieyasu


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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