23 Aug 2019

YAMANOKAMI - Yamanashi

. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .

Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from 山梨県 Yamanashi

. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .

. Yamanokami Senbonzakura 山の神千本桜 "Senbonzakura Park" .
Otorii, Chuo, Yamanashi // 中央市大鳥居1619-1

Yamanokami Shrine 山之神社 near たいら山 Mount Tairayama (934 m)
- reference and more photos : city.chuo.yamanashi.jp/soshiki... -


. Yamanokami and Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin .

The 17th day of the third lunar month is the Spring Festival for the local Tengu.
On this day Yamanokami comes down to cut setchigi セチギ(節木)a tree for the festival and people are not allowed to go to the mountain forest to work.
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. somabito 杣人 forest workers and shakuhachi 尺八 bamboo flute .
the 天狗 Tengu, who is the 山の神 "Deity of the Mountain", liked to hear Shakuhachi.
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. toriigi トリイギ(鳥居木)sacred Torii tree .
In Yamanashi this tree is used by the Deity of the Mountain or a Tengu.
People are not allowed to cut it, if they do not want to be cursed by Yamanokami and the local Tengu.
To pray people cut small branches and stick them in the ground to show respect.

北巨摩郡 Kita-Koma district 須玉町 Sutama cho town

Women are not allowed to climb 金峰山 Mount Kinpusan (2599 m)
If a boy has long hair and comes to climb, Yamanokami will blow him back.
There are frightening sounds, as if a Tengu was falling from a rock and rain is falling.

甲府市 Kofu city 中道町 Nakamichi machi town

. Tengu to matsu 天狗と松 Legends about the Tengu pine .
The pine tree of Yamanokami is also called
o-tengo matsu オテンゴマツ pine of the Tengu.
The Tengu who lives there is also abducting humans.

Yatsushiro district 八代郡 / 芦川村 Ashigawa village

. tengudaoshi 天狗倒し "Tengu knocking down trees" .
In the hamlet of 中芦川部落 Naka-Ashigawa
a man once stayed over night in the mountain hut. He heard the loud noise of trees being cut down.
They say this is the work of Yamanokami.

Yatsushiro district 八代郡 / 上九一色村 Kamikuishiki village 豊富村 Toyotomi village

Yamanokami has the features of a Tengu with very sharp eyes.
The real identity of this Tengu is a powerful deity named 山野の神 Sanno no Kami.
It is also called アマツキツネ Amatsukitsune. At night it might jump in the sky and fly around.


Yamanokamisha 山神社 / 山之神社 Yamanokami Shrine
山梨県中央市大鳥居 Chuo city, Otorii

The people living here call it
「お山の神さん」 O-Yama no Kami San.
Along the access road are 1000 cherry trees, see above 山の神千本桜 "Senbonzakura Park".

The shrine was founded in 1715, according to a stone memorial in the compound.
The deity is venerated to protect farmers and craftsmen and good business.
People come from far away, not only Yamanashi, to pray here.

The main festivals are on the 17th day of April and October.


Yamanokamibashi 山の神橋 Yamanokami bridge
山梨県甲府市 右左口町 Kofu, Ubaguchichō


. Mikaribaba, Mikari Basan 蓑借り婆さん / ミカリバアサン "old hag Mikari" .
And her companion, me hitotsu kozo 目一つ小僧 (Hitotsume Kozo) the boy with one eye.

....................................................................... Fujiyoshida city 富士吉田市 .....

The 17th day of the first lunar month is sacred to Yamanokami and people are now allowed to go to the mountain forest.
Yamanokami is shooting arrows and people might get hurt.
Once the ancestor of 舟久保富雄 Funakubo Tomio went to the mountain on this day and tried to swing up his 斧 ax, but he could not move it down after that.
He became a follower of Yamanokami and prayed to it.
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. Yamanokami no tenbatsu 山の神の天罰 heavenly punishment of Yamanokami .
and his messenger, the inoshishi 猪 wild boar .
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hime 姫 a princess
Once a upon a time,
a farmer went to draw water from a pond, but however early he went, there had already been someone else before him.
He thought that strange and followed the water drops on the ground. He lost sight of deep down in the mountain. He waited all night and saw a beautiful princess drawing water and then disappearing deep into the mountain forest.
After that the water dried up and only the slope down to the pond remains, now called
O-Hime Saka 御姫坂 Slope of the Princess.

Now the road おひめ坂通り O-Himezaka-dori

蛇の化身と「乙女池」- お姫坂
The princess had been a serpent !
- reference source : y-shinpou.co.jp/timei-minwa... -

- map of Ohimezaka-dori.

....................................................................... Hokuto city 北杜市 .....
白州町 (はくしゅうまち) Hakushu machi town

On the 17th day of the first and 8th lunar month, Yamanokami is shooting arrows and nobody is allowed to go into the mountain.
People might get hit and hurt.
Once a man forgot that and went hunting for yamadori 山鳥 pheasants.
That night his home shook heavily for three times.

. kiji, yamadori 雉と伝説 Legends about pheasants - Fasan .

....................................................................... Kitatsuru district 北都留郡 .....

yamadori no tatari 山鳥の祟り the curse of the pheasant
Once upon a time
a farmer saw a pheasant in his field and took a gun to shoot it. When he looked closer, two animals were dead, they must have been Yamanokami as husband and wife.
When the farmer came home, he soon became very ill. This happened on the 21st day of the first lunar month, and since then people are not allowed to go to the mountain on this day.
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Yamanokami no tatari 山の神のたたり the curse of Yamanokami
The 17th day of the 10th lunar month is sacred to Yamanokami.
The 21st day of the first lunar month is also sacred to Yamanokami.
The hunters and charcoal makers from Nagasaku bring offerings of ritual Sake to 鶴峠 the pass Tsurutoge
If something very unpleasant happens to man they say it is the curse of Yamanokami.
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Yamanokami no ikari 山の神の怒り the anger of Yamanokami
The 21st day of the first lunar month is sacred to Yamanokami.
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In the hamlet 橋立 Hashitate
they have Ebesu ko エベス講 a yearly ritual for the Ebisu followers, where they knock down poles.
This is done because on the 21st day of the first lunar month Yamanokami is shooting arrows and the poles might be hit.
In Kanazawa they celebrate from the 17th to the 21stt day of the first lunar month. On these days nobody goes to the forest. If someone goes to the forest, he will be hit by an arrow or wounded by an ax. So forest workers sty in a home and eat and drink.

. Ebisu えびす / 恵比寿 / エベス .

Kitatsuru 小菅村 Kosuge village

On the second day of the first lunar month, workers take a rest and go to the mountain.
They bring offerings of sake 酒 rice wine in bamboo tubes and place sasa ササの葉 bamboo grass leaves in it. They pour these offerings over the leaves of a tree.
This tree will then become a sacred tree for Yamanokami.
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The 17th day of each month is sacred to Yamanokami.
In the first lunar month it is the Spring day for Yamanokami, in the tenth lunar month it is the Autumn day for Yamanokami.
Forest workers take a rest and celebrate. They bring special dumplings as offerings to a tree and Yamanokami might think this is his special tree.
On festival days people are not allowed to cut trees in the forest. Yamanokami is out there shooting arrows and might hit them.
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オオヤマツミノミコト Oyamatsumi no Mikoto
Ōyama-tsumi - This is another name for Yamanokami.
He is an old man with a white beard and a long robe, carrying a walking stick. He is full of poser and when he gets angry, his face becomes red.
He protects the forest workers.

. Ooyamatsuminomikoto 大山祇神, 大山積神, 大山津見神 Oyama Tsumi no Mikoto .
- Ōyama-tsumi, Oyama-Tsumi / オオヤマツミノミコト

Kitatsuru 上野原町 Uenohara town

Yamanokami no tatari 山の神のたたり the curse of Yamanokami
People think that Yamanokami lives right there in the mountain.
If they work in the mountain forest and have an accident and get hurt, they feel it is the curse of Yamanokami.
Before cutting a tree they perform special purification rituals to appease the deity.

....................................................................... Minamikoma district 南巨摩郡 .....
早川町 Hayakawa town

On the 17th day of each month Yamanokami shoots arrows and people are not allowed to go to the mountain.
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Yamanokami no shirase 山の神様の知らせ advise from Yamanokami
On the other side of the hamlet Murohata オウマ谷は室草里 there is a place where the wood cutters take a rest and have lunch.
One day there seemed to be a typhoon and a man in white robed came and told them:
"This is going to be dangerous, better run fast and take shelter!"
Those who followed his advise were safe, but the others who had stayed up there were caught in a landslide and fell deep down into the valley.

....................................................................... Minamitsuru district 南都留郡 .....
Minamitsuru 道志村 Doshi mura village

kitsune no koe 狐の声 the voice of a fox
Yamanokami makes the sound of ofui-ofui オフイオフイ, but this is really the voice of a fox.

Minamitsuru 忍野村 Oshino mura village

o koto no kami オコトの神 honorable Deity
On the 8th day of the 12th lunar month, O-Koto no Kami walks around from home to home.
He brings illness and harm to families, then called 疫神 Yakujin (Yakubyogami, see below Uenohara.
People also say Hitotsume Kozo is coming.
He is also called oyookasama お八日様 O-Yoka sama, who comes to count eyes.
People put up a mekago basket with many eyes to catch him.

. mekago 目籠 basket to ward off evil .

Minamitsuru, 山中湖村 Yamanakako village

. 六部 A Rokubu pilgrim and 白馬 a white horse .

....................................................................... Tsuru city 都留市 .....
saru さる/ サル monkey
Once upon a time
a man went into the mountain forest and said a lot of bad things about saru 「さる」the monkeys.
A lot of stones came falling down on his head and he died.
Since then people do not use the word SARU in the mountain.
This is a curse of Yamanokami.

. さるはちぼんのう Saruhachi Bonno Monkey deity .
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Chichigami san 乳神サン "breast deity"
This deity is venerated in 堀ノ内川久保 Kawakubo, Horinouchi.
A priest of the temple used to pray for mothers who did not have enough milk and when her milk was flowing, they erected a stone memorial to thank the deity.

. chichigami 乳神 "breast deity" .


On the 17th day of the first lunar month, (some say the 16th day or the 17th day of the fourth lunar month)
) Yamanokami goes to the mountain ユミイリ to shoot arrows.
Sometimes he looses his kanmuri 冠 crown and comes to pick it up later.
オカンムリヒロイ picking up the crown may also be on the 21st day.
If people go to the mountain on these days they will get hurt.

....................................................................... Uenohara city 上野原市 .....

yakubyoogami 厄病神 deity of diseases
In the hamlet of 用竹 Yotake the deity of diseases comes on the 16th day of the first lunar month to see if there are any ill people.
Sometimes this job is handed over to Yamanokami, who then comes and makes noise and burns straw at the door, so that Yakubyogami can not go into the house.

. Yakubyoogami 疫病神 / 厄病神 Yakubyogami, Deity of Diseases .


- reference source : nichibun yokai database -


. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .


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. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #yamanashi #chichigami -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Japan - Shrines and Temples on 3/14/2019 09:30:00 am

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13 Aug 2019

EDO Akiba Kaido

Edo - the EDOPEDIA -

Akiba Kaido Highway

Posted: 09 Aug 2019 10:44 PM PDT

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Akiba Kaido 秋葉街道 Akiba Highway
遠信古道 Enshu Kodo

Now mostly along the National Hiahway 152.
信州街道 Shinshu Kaido in Shizuoka.

source : tohyamago.com/experience/akibakaidou...

This road is related to the belief in the deity
. Akibagongen 秋葉権現 Akiba Gongen .

It is also related to
. shio no mich 塩の道 the Salt Road .
120 km long and connected the Sea of Japan at Itoigawa 糸魚川 in Niigata (Echigo) with Matsumoto 松本.

"Southenr Salt" 南塩 from 相良 Sagara (in Enshu, now Shizuoka) was transported to 諏訪湖 Lake Suwako and Nagano.
In Shizuoka the road was called 信州街道 Shinshu Kaido
connecting Sagara with 長野県飯田市 Iida city in Nagano
via 牧之原台地 Makinohara Daichi, 掛川 Kakegawa (crossing the Tokaido), 森 Mori and 春野 Haruno, along 天竜川沿 the river Tenryugawa and 秋葉山 Mount Akibasan.
crossing the pass 青崩峠 Aokuzure Toge into Nagano. and via the pass 小川路峠 Ogawaji Toge to Iida city.

Yanagida Kunio used to call the road also
諏訪路 Suwa ji or 遠山通り Toyama-dori.


In 浜松市 Hamamatsu city was the famous Shrine
秋葉神社 Akiha Jinja (Akiba Jinja)

秋葉山本宮秋葉神社(あきはさん ほんぐう あきはじんじゃ)Akiha san Hongu Akiha Jinja
静岡県浜松市天竜区春野町領家 / Harunocho Ryoke

- quote -
The Akihasan Hongū Akiha Jinja (秋葉山本宮秋葉神社) is a Shinto shrine in Tenryū-ku, Hamamatsu (the former town of Haruno in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan). The shrine is located near the summit of Mount Akiha, on the southern slopes of the Akaishi Mountains. It is the head shrine of the 800 Akiha shrines around the country.
The main festival of the shrine
is held annually over three nights in December, and features ceremonies using huge flares and other fireworks.
The primary kami of Akibasan Hongū Akiba Jinja is the Hinokagutsuchi-no-Okami (火之迦具土大神), the kami associated with protection against fires. During the Edo period, this kami was popularly called the Akiha Gongen (秋葉権現) and was identified with Kannon Bosatsu under the Shinbutsu shūgō system of combined Buddhism and Shinto.
... Per shrine tradition, the Akibasan Hongū Akiha Jinja was established in 701 as a Buddhist temple by the famed priest Gyōki. It was named Akiha-dera (秋葉寺) from a poem written by Emperor Saga in 709. During the Heian period it became a center for the Shugendō cult and was associated with the Shingon sect, although much of its subsequent history is uncertain.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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EDO - Hijiyama Kaido

Edo - the EDOPEDIA -

Hijiyama Kaido Highway

Posted: 08 Aug 2019 10:07 PM PDT

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Hijiyama Kaido 比治山街道 Hijiyama Highway

Mount Hijiyama is a small mountain in Hiroshima, about 70 m high.
Hiroshima was established on the delta coastline of the Seto Inland Sea in 1589 by powerful warlord Mōri Terumoto. Hiroshima Castle was quickly built, and in 1593 Mōri moved in. Terumoto was on the losing side at the Battle of Sekigahara. The winner of the battle, Tokugawa Ieyasu, deprived Mōri Terumoto of most of his fiefs, including Hiroshima and gave Aki Province to Masanori Fukushima, a daimyō who had supported Tokugawa.
From 1619 until 1871, Hiroshima was ruled by the Asano clan.
- wikipedia -

Hijiyama Koen Park 比治山公園
Hijiyama Park, Hijiyamacho Minami-ku Hiroshima-shi,Hiroshima

- quote -
Located in the city of Hiroshima as a famous site for cherry blossoms.
You can get a full view of the metropolis from the top of a small hill and the art museum and manga library inside the park are places to relax.
... a site that extends north and south along the 71m-high Mt. Hiji. From the 2 observation points inside the park, you can get a view of the city of Hiroshima and the Seto Inland Sea, and enjoy both the daytime and nighttime views. Also known for its cherry blossoms, approximately 1300 cherry trees go into full bloom between late March and early April, attracting many flower-viewing visitors. Aside from the art museum and the manga library in the park, there are also outdoor sculptures everywhere. Equipped as an art park, it has become a place of rest for the citizens.
- Japan's first public modern art museum
A park building which will draw your attention is the Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art. Located at the top of Mt. Hiji, it first opened in 1989 as Japan's first public modern art museum. There are approximately 1500 exhibits which were mostly created by young artists after the Second World War. Along with special exhibitions, the museum introduces various ways to enjoy the contemporary art including Artists' Talk where you can hear the real voices of the artists, talks by the curators, and monthly workshops which are popular with the kids. Next to the shopping center beside the park, there is a 207m-long moving sidewalk and escalator known as the Hijiyama Skywalk which will connect you to the museum. Right in front of the museum is the stop for the convenient Hiroshima sightseeing bus Meipuru-pu.
- A library specializing in manga, unique in the country
The Hiroshima City Manga Library which is located at the north side of the park is a unique facility specializing in manga as a public library. There are 120,000 of the latest manga magazines and the newest single volumes of manga which have become films, dramas and anime.
- source : planetyze.com/en/japan/hiroshima... -


Hijiyama Jinja 比治山神社 Hijiyama Shrine
広島県広島市南区比治山町5-10 / 5-10 Hijiyamacho, Minami Ward, Hiroshima

The Deity in residence was 黄幡大明神 Oban Daimyojin and the shrine was located in a valley South of Mount Hijiyama, the 黄幡谷 Obandani.
In 1646 the Shrine was relocated to its present place.

- HP of the Shrine
- reference source : hijiyama-jinja.jp.. -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Jizoo sama 地蔵様 Jizo Bosatsu
The daikan 代官 assistant deputy governor passed along the old Hijiyama Kaido and took a rest.
There came a beautiful young woman and offered him some tea. Then she disappeared.
The local farmers thought it must have been an incarnation of Jizo Bosatsu and made an offering of a field.
This is the Jizoden 地蔵田 Jizo Field to our day.

. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .

There is a famous historic site in Akita called Jizoden.
4 Chome-16-8 Goshonojizoden, Akita

- quote -
Jizouden Site - the Paleolithic Culture - Report of Excavation,1985
The Jizouden Site is located in the southern suburb of Akita City, Akita Prefecture. It is situated on the lower river terrace of the right bank from the Iwami River in Akita Plains where is at a height of 31m above sea level. The site was discovered by the Akita City Board of Education in 1985.
A total of 4,447 paleolithic artifacts were discovered from the Jizouden Site.
- source : city.akita.lg.jp/kurashi... -

Jizoden is also the name of Sake from Akita :

source : takashimizu-shop.com... Akita


There is a 地蔵田 Jizoda in Otsubocho, Miyazaki, 880-0951 


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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. Kaido 街道 The old highways .

. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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EDO - Shinjuku ward legends

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Legends from Shinjuku ward

. Shinjuku 新宿区 Shinjuku Ward .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

A legend from Shinjuku and Nakano ward 新宿区,中野区

daija no hone 大蛇の骨 bones of a huge serpent
At the temple 円照寺 Ensho-Ji in Shinjuku and 豊仙寺 / 宝仙寺 Hosen-Ji in Nakano there are parts of the bones of one huge serpent kept as secret treasures.
River water can be poured over the bones for an oracle about coming rain.
At the temple Hosen-Ji the waster from the well 井の頭 Inokashira is used for offerings.

. Temple 豊仙寺 / 宝仙寺 Hosen-Ji . - Nakano ward

. Inokashira 井の頭 "Head of the Well" .

. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake legends .


. Ochiai 落合 Ochiai district .

Ochiai no Kappa 落合の河童 The Kappa from Ochiai
In 1571, there was a great famine in Edo. From spring to July it was only raining and everything was overflown.
In 落合村の下落合 the village of Ochiai in Shimo-Ochiai there was a mountain priest named 佐貫坊 Sanuki Bo, who had caught a Kappa. This Kappa had fallen in love with a 人魚 "human fish".
Sanuki Bo promised the Kappa that his love would be fulfilled, if he would stop the rain and flooding.
Thus he saved the area.

Kappa bottom right, human fish top right !


. Ushigome 牛込 Ushigome district legends .

. Yotsuya 四谷 / 四ッ谷 Yotsuya district legends .
Yotsuya Kaidan 四谷怪談 the famous Ghost Story of Yotsuya and many more


. Ichigaya Sanaizaka 市谷左内坂町 Ichigaya Sanaizaka district .

. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
Once a man fled from the Great Fire at Meguro Gyoninzaka and in Ichigaya Sanaizaka he found a woman crying.
She had fled her home because of the fire, so he brought her back and she said she would give him something to eat. All of a sudden he fell asleep.
When he woke up, the woman was also sleeping, but he saw hair around her mouth and thought she looked like an old Tanuki. It was a male badger with his larte testicles hanging out showing burns. He tried to kill the Tanuki, but he woke up and run away as fast as he could.

. Meguro 目黒行人坂の大火 Meguro Gyoninzaka (Meiwa no taika fire) .


Yonbangai 四番街 / 四番町 Yonbancho "fourth district"

In a small alley in Yonbangai there was the estate of 織田屋敷 the Oda clan. The living quarters in the storehouse suddenly collapsed and people say it was the doing of chiyo 地妖 an earth monster.


. datsueba 奪衣婆 / ダツエバ the Hag of Hell .
She sits near the river crossing to Hell and takes the cloths of people who can not pay properly for the crossing.
On a cold evening
a begger came to the Buddha Hall where a statue of Datsueba was kept and stole a cushion to sleep warm in a different place.
In his dream, Datsueba appeared and said "The cushion you stole must be quite warm!"
The beggar woke up, regretted his deed and brought the cushion back the next day.

. kojiki 乞食 beggar .


. The Deity Hachiman Daibosatsu 八幡大菩薩 .
- Matsudaira Naotsugu 松平直次 and the Owari Tokugawa Family

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. kitsune 狐 fox and 茶の木稲荷 Chanoki Inari .
at Ichigaya Hachiman 市ヶ谷八幡


. Kooshin 庚申 The Koshin Deity .
Once a child was hit by a car, but did not have and injuries.
On another day, a car bumped right into a restaurant, but there were no people and nobody got hurt.
People say that Koshin Sama is protecting this area.


Once a stingy chooja 長者 very rich man buried his gold and silver in a lonely field and then killed the servant who had helped him.
He threw the dead body from a bridge into the nearby river.
This bridge is therefore called 姿不見橋(すがたみず)Sugatamizubashi or 橋や俤橋(おもかげ)Omokagebashi.
When his daughter found out about this, she turend into a serpent.
The rich man changed his attitude and died peacefully later on.


. nekomata 猫俣, 猫又, 猫叉, 猫股 "forked cat" monster .
Once a traveler had taken a prostitute to a lodging.
She begun to lick the oil of the lamp all night and he thought she must be a cat monster.
But she then told him she had hurt her tongue and tried to heal the wound with oil.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -

. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .


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. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 11/12/2018 09:27:00 am

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EDO - Shubi no Matsu Taito

Edo - the EDOPEDIA -

shubi no matsu Taito Kuramae

Posted: 03 Aug 2019 10:09 PM PDT

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Shubi no Matsu 首尾の松 "Pine of Success"
台東区蔵前一丁目三番 Taito ward, Kuramae, first sub-district

- quote
About 100 meters (about 330 ft.) down the Sumida River from this monument, on the riverbank, there used to be the famous Matsu tree Shubi no Matsu. (pine tree of success).
The origin of the name of the pine tree Shubi is not exactly clear but here are some explanations:
- 1.
It was named because a man, a shogun's retainer, 'successfully' rode a horse across the flooded Sumida River from the pine tree to the other bank in the presence of the third shogun, Iemitsu.
- 2.
Men of the world talked together under this pine tree about their 'Shubi (success)' at Yoshiwara when they crossed the Sumida river.
- 3.
Laver (edible seaweed) used to be harvested here using ひび 'hibi' (long sticks to collect laver) stuck in the river, and the pronunciation of 'hibi' was corrupted into 'shubi.'

The first 'Shubi no Matsu'
was blown down during the An'ei era (1772-1780), its successor died during the Ansei era (1854-1859), the third pine died at the end of the Meiji era (around 1910), and their successors were entirely destroyed by the fires of the Kanto Great Earthquake of 1923 and the Second World War. In December, 1962, members of Asakusa-nanbu Association of Commerce, Industry and Tourism regretted the loss of these pines and built a monument close to this bridge in cooperation with the local people.
The present pine monument is said to be the seventh tree.
- source : taito-culture.jp/city

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

大川 (隅田川)  Okawa is another name for Sumidagawa
This pine is mentioned in the old record 『江戸名所花暦』
首尾を果たす松 - related to Yoshiwara


浅草川 首尾の松御 厩河岸 Asakusa-gawa Shubinomatsu Onmayagashi
Ando Hiroshige

source and details : adachi-hanga.com/ukiyo-e...
歌川国芳 Utagawa Kuniyoshi


Ôkawa shubi no matsu 大川首尾の松 The Pine Tree of Success on the Sumida River
Fireworks at Shubinomatsu

"Okawa Shubinomatsu" (literally "Pine Tree at Okawa River")
高橋松亭 Takahashi Hiroaki Shotei


. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree / 松の木 .


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. Taitoo, Taitō 台東区 Taito Ward .

. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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8 Aug 2019

YAMANOKAMI - Legends Yamagata Yamaguchi


Yamanokami Regional 31 Yamagata Yamaguchi

. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .

Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Yamagata 山形県 and Yamaguchi 山口県

. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .


....................................................................... Yamagata 山形県 .....

More than 200 statues of Yamanokami ! - 山神神社 Shrine Yamanokami Jinja

- source and more photos : chindera.com/yamagata-yamanokami... -

岩野村 Iwano mura village

hakuba 白馬,arauma, ara-uma 荒馬 wild horse,shinme 神馬 sacred horse
At the beginning of the mountain trail to 獄山 Mount Gakeyama Yamanokami is venerated.
Around 1575 Yamanokami became quite angry and caused a large landslide. A lot of sand covered the village. Then a white horse appeared and flew off to the sky.

. hakuba 白馬と伝説 Legends about a white horse .

最上郡 Mogami district 金山町 Kaneyama town

sankichi sama 三吉様 / 三吉神 Sankichi Deity
The mountain deity of 太平山 Mount Ohirasan (Mount Taiheizan 太平山 (1,170 m)) is 荒神様 a wild deity called Sankichi Sama.
Once a 大男 large man named ロクノジョウ Rokunojo from Sugizawa hamlet carried a heavy bundle of rice walking over the pass and even chased a kiji 雉 pheasant while carrying the bundle - he was really strong. He went to Akita to 相撲大会 a Sumo wrestling tournament and won easily. Quite happy he went to have a bath when 小僧 a young priest came and carried the bath tub with him outside to clean the bathroom. He became quite afraid and fled secretly at night.
The young priest had been an incarnation of Sankichi Sama.

In Akita 秋田県
. Sankichi Oni サンキチ鬼 The Demon Sankichi .
venerated at 三吉神社 Miyoshi Jinja

西村山郡 Nishi-Murayama district

The 17th day of the third lunar month is the Festival of Yamanokami. Forest workers have to stay home. If they go to the mountain and meet Yamanokami, the following year will be full of hardship for them.
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The 17th day of the 10th lunar month is the Festival of Yamanokami. Yamanokami counts the trees of the forest. Forest workers have to stay home.
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The 12th day of the third lunar month and the 12th lunar month is the Festival of Yamanokami.
In Spring he goes down to the fields, in Autum he goes back to the mountain.
- - - - -
On the 12th day of the 3rd lunar month it is not allowed to cut trees in the forest.
Once upon a time a pour husband went to the forest on this day, his wife came running after him when she saw a beautiful woman sitting on the tree, the jealous female Yamanokami. She made the tree fall down and killed the husband.
- - - - -
The festival day of the personal Yamanokami of the family of 佐藤弥蔵 Sato Yazo is on the 12th day of the third and 12th lunar month.
In Spring Yamanokami comed down from the sky, in Autumn he goes back to the sky.
- - - - -
Yamanokami is a female deity with three daughters.
. Yamanokami and miso 味噌 と伝説 Legends about Miso .
ozuke おずけ is the local dialect for Miso soup.
- - - -
Oshiragami オシラ神 "White Deity"
In the hamlet of 長沼 Naganuma people are not allowed to go the the forest on the 17th day of the second and 10th lunar month, the Festival of Yamanokami.
From Spring to Autumn Yamanokami becomes the "White Deity" to protect the kaiko 蚕 silk worms.
. O-Shirasama, oshirasama おしらさま White Deity .
Protector deity of the silk worms.
- - - - -
Tanokami 田の神 God of the Fields
On the 13th day of the tenth lunar month, Yamanokami becomes Tanokami. People make offerings of 13 botamochi ボタ餅 rice cakes at kamidana 神棚 the shelf of the gods.
On this day people are not allowed to work in the fields or sow seeds. They are also not allowed to go into the mountain forest.
- - - - -
A pine tree in the form of the letter Y is called kaeroo matsu かえろう松 pine tree to come home to. Those growing in the East-Western direction are especially disliked.
Before cutting such a tree, people have to make offerings of o-miki 御神酒 ritual rice wine. If they do not have this wine, they must 小便 pee on the tree. If they do this, Yamanokami will not come to stay on this tree.

西置賜郡 Nishi-Okitama district 小国町 Oguni town

On the 15/16 day of the lunar tenth month, Tanokami goes back to become Yamanokami. People prepare
Tanokami dango 田の神団子 dumplings for Tanokami and place them on the side of the komebitsu 米びつ rice container. They hit the mortar with a pistle to invite the Deity.
- - - - -
On the 16th or 17th day of the second lunar month Yamanokami goes through the forest to count the trees and then comes down to the fields. On this day people make offerings of dumplings.
The female Yamanokami likes songs, On this day people are not allowed to sing while they work outside.
- - - - -

source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/bbpapajp...

三つ又の大木 A large tree with 3 main stems is sacred to Yamanokami. Before hunting for bears the hunters come here to pray.
. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree .

米沢市 Yonezawa city

. Benten 弁天と伝説 Legends about Benten .
At 西簗沢 Nishi-Yanazawa there is a deity called 杉山弁財天 Sugiyama Benzaiten, who is a curse for the local people.
Once she bewitched a young man who was very good at making charcoal and singing.

米沢市 Yonezawa city 笹野町 Sasano town

On the 17th day of the third lunar month, Yamanokami becomes Tanokami in the fields.
On the 12th day of the tenth lunar month or the 29th day of the 9th lunar month, Yamanokami goes back to the mountain.
Each month on the 17th day, Yamanokami comes to count the trees and if people are in the forest, they will also be counted and turned into mountains.
- - - - -
Yamanokami does not like the fires to burn a dead person, but likes the fires used during the birth of a baby. She is therefore revered as
san no kami 産の神 Deity of Birth.
. o-san no kami お産の神 the deity of birth .
- - - - -
About 50 years ago, the local children imitated the festival of Yamanokami in a game. One of the children got bewitched by Yamanokami and begun to hop around like crazy.


....................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 .....

山代本谷神楽「山の神」Yamashiro Mototani Kagura
- Kagura dance on youtube -


. Guhin matsu グヒン松 Pine of the Guhin Yokai monster .
(a kind of Tengu)


tatari-yama, tatariyama タタリ山,kegayama ケガ山 cursed mountain
Places where strange things have happened are avoided and trees around there not cut any more. They are called "cursed mountains".
Sometimes people hear the voice of a baby crying or the sound of festival music or even the sound of a big tree falling to the groung, but then they run away fast.


. Yamanba, Yamauba 山姥 Mountain Hag Monster .
yamanba 山姥

On day 20 of the New Year, Yamanokami and Yamanba are cooking rice, and if someone goes to the mountain forest and is hit by the smoke, he will die.
If people stay too long in the forest, yama no ji 山の爺 "Grandfather of the mountain" (Yamanokami) will come and abduct them.

岩国市 Iwakuni city 由宇町 Yu town(清水 Shimizu

yatsugashira no ryuu 八つ頭の竜 a dragon with eight heads
According to the tale of an old man, once there was a special light in 水神浴 the valley of the Water Deity and he saw two dragons playing tenderly while swimming down the river 清水川 Shimizugawa. If someone sees these two dragons, he will become very ill and die.
The whole mountain is therefore dedicated to Yamanokami and called 山の神山 Yamanokami Yama, Mountain of Yamanokami.

Until our day, the village has a special festival for Yamanokami, 『山の神祭り』held once in five years.

- reference source : dydo-matsuri.com/archive/2015 -

美弥郡 Mine district

. Yamanokami and Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin .
Katsuragi san 桂木山 Mount Katsuragi (702 m)
On the 8th station is a forest with large trees, Katsuragi no Mori. It is also called Yamanokami no mori 山の神の森 "the forest of Yamanokami".
This mountain is sacred as one of the three famous training grounds for Tengu. Here Yamanokami is identical with Tengu.

見島 Mishima island

ikiahi イキアヒ iki-ai
Yamanokami is seen as ushi 牛 a bull.
If a normal bull happens to meet Yamanokami in the mountain, he will fall ill and die. This is called "イキアヒに出会う ikiahi ni deau".
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In Oita 大分県
In Oita the wind タチアイの風 "tachiai no kaze" is also called "ikiahi no kaze" or toorigami 通り神 (通神 kayougami) "the deity is passing".
If one happens to feel this wind be it in the mountain forest, be in on the sea, one will become ill.
If grandmother recites the 般若心経 Hanya Shingyo Heart Sutra, one will get better.

. Hannya Shingyoo 般若心経 Hanya Shingyo Heart Sutra .

大島郡 Oshima district

. Aobōzu 青坊主 Legends about Aobozu, a "Blue Priest" .
The Yamanokami of this district often turns into Aobozu and asks people to have a Sumo wrestling match. Since he is rather small, but very strong, people accept and then he throws them around, sometimes to their death.

下関市 Shimonoseki city 蓋井島 Futaoi Island

mori sama 森様 "the honorable fores deityt"
Fuseki no Mori Sama 浮石の森様 the forest of pumice stones, includes the grave of 田の中 Tanokami, where he is called "Mori Sama".
Yamanokami is something different. He is venerated in old trees which are not to be cut down.

- - - - -
oni 鬼 demon
In Futaoi Island there are 山の神の森 four forests sacred to Yamanokami. They come with their legends.
Once upon a long, long time
there came four demons from 新羅 Shiragi, Silla in Korea and wanted to invade Japan. Empress Jingu Kogo gave them poisonous Sake rice wine to drink to get rid of them.
Three of the demons fell down at Futaoi no Mori 蓋井の森, the forest of Futaoi and one demon fell down at Takano no Mori 高野の森, the forest of Takano. Their vengeful spirits brought much trouble to the inhabitants of the island and to appease them, they were venerated as Deities.

. Empress Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 / 神宮皇后 . - (170 - 269)

. Oni densetsu 鬼伝説 Regional Demon Legends .

柳井市 Yanai city 平郡島 Heigun Island

. ike no nushi 池の主と伝説 Legends about the Master of the Pond .
The serpent deity from the pond of 皇座山 / オオザ山 / おおざさん Ozasan wanted to go to the pond on the other side of the island and asked the fishermen to bring her there.
Then the fishermen put their nets in the water and had a great catch, but only once, as they were told by the serpent. The second time they caught only old roof tiles and dirt.
Now the fishermen spread out a large furoshiki 風呂敷 wrapping cloth and - oh wonder - it turned into a large pond.


- reference source : nichibun yokai database -


. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .


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. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


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