21 Sept 2019

HEIAN - Raijin Thunder God Legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

Raijin 雷神と伝説 Legends about the God of Thunder and Lightning

- Raijin 雷神 / ライジン God of Thunder and Fujin 風神 God of Storm

August 14, 2019
. 超大型 super strong typhoon Krosa is coming our way .

September 19, 2019
. 大型 strong typhoon Tapah is coming our way .

. kaminari, rai 雷 thunder and lightning .
The word kaminari seems to be derived from the meaning:
the gods are sounding, kami ga naru 神が鳴る.

. Fuujin 風神 Fujin - Kaze no Kami 風の神 Wind God Legends .

. kaminari 雷と伝説 Legends about Thunder and Lightning .

. taifū 台風 と 伝説 Typhoon legends - Taifun Legenden .
- Introduction -

raiden 雷電 = かみなりといなびかり 雷鳴 kaminari (raimei) and 電光 inabikari - thunder and lightning.


The passage of Raijin as thunder and lightning is often quite predictable. Strikes of lightning and damage are often along the same path and in many regions the Deity is therefore venerated in a Shrine along this path, called
Raiden Jinja 雷電神社.

Raiden Shrine at Itakura (板倉町) Gunma


okami 龗 オカミ Okami
A deity that reigns over rain, snow and water. Maybe identical with ryuujin 竜神 Ryujin, the Dragon Deity.

In the old records 豊後風土記 Bungo no Fudoki they mention that OKAMI makes hail and thunder fall on the earth.
To drive it away people have to use something to make a rattling sound.
In 山国 a mountainous country they had a ritual named 雷狩 "hunting for thunder". When performing this, the thunder could be driven out of the area.
The sound of thunder was equal with the idea of raijin 雷神 the God of Thunder.
OKAMI would handle the clouds.
With the rattling sound of the ritual, both could be driven away.


雷神研究 / 郷土趣味
努賀媛 Princess Nugahime

. The serpent and thunder (lightning) are the same .

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

......................................................................................... Aichi 愛知県
知多郡 Chita district 美浜町 Mihama

. kaminari matsu 雷松 "pine of thunder" .

......................................................................................... Fukushima 福島県

raijinkoo 雷神皇 "Emperor Raijin"
In 楢葉郡浅川 the hamlet Asakawa of Nahara district the villagers always come to pray at the shrine 雷神宮 Ikazuchi no Miya (Raijin no Miya).
Once in Spring, a couple went out to their fields to work and placed a cradle with their baby on the side. There came a large wolf with white hair and wanted to eat the baby.
In that instant there was a stroke of lightning and killed the wolf. This was the way of the deity to show its gratitude.
- - - - -
The place for getting rain water for the fields is sacred.
The 6th day of the 5th lunar month is called
Raijin Sama no Hi 雷神様の日 day of the venerable Thunder god.
On this day farmers are not allowed to go work in the fields.

......................................................................................... Gunma 群馬県
佐波郡 Sawa district

. ritual nawa no goshinji ナワノゴシンジ "Ritual of the rope" .
at 角折神社 Tsunoori Jinja (Tsuno-ori) "Shrine of the Broken Horn" of the Demon

......................................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県
神戸市 Kobe city

. Raijin and Yakushi Nyorai 雷神と薬師様 .

......................................................................................... Ibaragi 茨城県
勝田市 Katsuta city

. amagoi 雨乞いと伝説 Legends about rain rituals .
In the third lunar month, farmers come to pray to the Thunder Deity at Mito, to get an amulet for rain and a good harvest.
Strong men from the village run to the Shrine, receive bamboo poles filled with water and bring them to the village. The water is spread to the fields and soon it will rain . . . they say.

......................................................................................... Iwate 岩手県
花巻市 Hanamaki city

When lightning strikes a home, they go to the small shrine to pray to 雷神様 Raijin Sama.
In いわき地方 the Iwaki region they place four green bamboo poles with ritual paper slips. If they do not do this, 雷様 Rai Sama will not go back to the sky but will stay on and devastate the fields. If they put up bamboo poles, he can use them to go back to the sky.

......................................................................................... Kagawa 香川県
高松市 Takamatsu city 圓座 Enza district

When it begins to thunder, people shout to the sky*
"Rai San go back to Enza, go back to Enza and take the navel (bellybutton) out of people there!"

- quote -
Bellybutton folklore from Japan and where they came from
Every child in Japan has at some point or other, when exposing his (or her) belly button, heard an adult tell (him or her) half-jokingly, that Kaminari-sama, the thunder god would get him (or her).
..... Etymology:
Yakusa no ikazuchi no kami: Yakusa (八, eight) and ikazuchi (雷, thunder) and kami (神, spirit or deity)
- Why is Raijin attracted to navels?
While it is said that Kaminari-sama would seek out little children's bellybuttons or navels, in recorded folklore, it was actually Raiju, the thunder beast that accompanies Raijin, that actually seeks out human navels, and that likes to nestle there to sleep.
Raijū (雷獣,"thunder animal" or "thunder beast")
- Read the most extensive explanation here :
- source : japanesemythology.wordpress.com... -

. the monster 雷獣 Raiju and its legends .

......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
船井郡 Funai district

Once a dead body had disappeared when the thunder was howling. Then this happened many more times.
When the priest of the temple 圓通寺/円通寺 Entsu-Ji begun to hold proper funeral rituals for the people,
this stopped.

source : chanto.jp.net...

......................................................................................... Nara 奈良県
生駒郡 Ikoma district 三郷町 Sango town

. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
Once 雷神 Raijin fell down from the sky when he was a small child and a local farmer couple took him in as their child.
From then on their fields always had enough rain, even in a kanbatsu 旱魃 drought all around them.
A while later the child became a dragon and moved into the sky.
Since then the field was called tatsuta 竜田 and Tatsuta became the name of the area too.

......................................................................................... Osaka 大阪府
和泉市 Izumi city

Once there was a region troubled by a lot of lightning.
One day a brave young man saw the lightning fall into a well and took a large stone to cover the well.
Now 雷神 Raijin was in confinement.
The young man made Raijin promise never to come to this region again, then he let him go.
Since then there have not been any strikes of lightning in this area.

泉南郡 Sennan district 岬町 Misaki town

kaminari no manako 雷の眼 The eyes of the Thunder Deity
Once there was a region troubled by a lot of lightning.
One day the deity 住吉明神 Sumiyoshi Myojin picked out the eyes of 雷神 Raijin and then let him go.
Since then there have not been any strikes of lightning in this area.

......................................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県
伊香郡 Ina district 余呉町 Yogo town

Once a woodcutter helped helped 雷神 Raijin to climb back to the sky.
Then the man remembered that his village was often suffering from water shortage. Therefore he called Raijin.
And Raijin came back to the village and became a lake.

Shiga 大津市 Otsu city

In the year 1717, a was rakurai 落雷 a stroke of lightning at the home of a family in Otsu.
It came with a fragrant smell of jakoo 麝香 musk and left a piece of string like a navel. Since the smell was so good, it was used to make raifun medicine 雷糞 "like the poop of the Thunder god".

......................................................................................... Tochigi 栃木県
小山市 Oyama city

raiden sama 雷電様 honorable Thunder deity
The family of 茂呂定夫 Moro Sadao venerates 雷神様 Raijin Sama, who had come from Itakura.
Once the ancestors had visited the shrine 雷神神社 / 雷電神社 Raiden Jinja in Itakura, Gunma and asked the deity to come to their home once.
When they came back to their home, there was a strong thunder and 雷様 Rai Sama had been rolling bottles from the front door and out of the back door.

Raiden Jinja 雷電神社
群馬県邑楽郡板倉町板倉2334 / Itakura, Ora District, Gunma

Built in 598.

- HP of the Shrine
- reference source : town.itakura.gunma.jp -

......................................................................................... Tokyo 東京都
浅草 Asakusa

. Kaminarimon 雷門 Kaminari Mon "Thunder Gate" .
浅草寺 Sensoji, Temple Senso-Ji

- quote -
"Kaminarimon" is actually not the official name of this gate. Its official, full name is Fujin Raijin mon, meaning "The Gate of the Gods of Wind and Thunder". "Fujin" refers to "The God of Wind", while "Raijin" means
"The God of Thunder". The gate is popularly referred to as "Kaminarimon" because "kaminari" is the Japanese word for "thunder".
... the lantern is 3.9 meters high, 3.3 meters wide, and weighs 700 kilograms.
- The Dragon-Shaped Engraving at the Base of the Lantern
dragons who reside in oceans are said to have power over the clouds and the rain. In the past, Asakusa was a town filled with wooden buildings, flimsy and weak to fire, packed closely together. Being a dragon that lived in water, this dragon was revered as a god that could save Asakusa from fire with its power over water. ...
- source : matcha-jp.com... -

......................................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県
西牟婁郡 Nishi-Muro district

Once there was a hesu 臍 belly button of Raijin on the ground in 紀州 Kishu.
It had the quality of a pottery piece and the form and size like the heart of a bora 鯔 mullet (Mugil cephalus).
When 雷神 Raijin came to get it back, the villagers asked him to show his body.
First he showed his eyes, then his nose and then the mouth.
They wanted to see what was below the bellybuttoo, but he refused and disappeared.

......................................................................................... Yamagata 山形県

raijin no taiko 雷神の太鼓 the big drum of Raijin
Once a man was sucked into a wind cave on top of a mountain, taken into the sky and asked to hit the drums of Raijin.
He had a lot of fun and did too much, losing his step on the clouds and fell down to 羽黒山 Mount Hagurosan.
Many people came to see him and he told his story.
Since the drum was made of clouds, it had the power to heal all kinds of illness.
When he hit it in front of an ill person, the person would be healed.

source : kaiyodo.co.jp/k-blog...


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
49 雷神 to explore (19)
15 雷電 raiden "thunder and lightning"
55 落雷 rakurai - lightning strike
412 雷 to collect

an essay about Naru-kami, narukami 鳴神餘響

風神雷神 雷の章
柳広司 Yanagi Koji (1967 - )
He is a member of the Mystery Writers of Japan.


. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- #raijin #thundergod #gewitter -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 8/14/2019 10:03:00 am

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20 Sept 2019

HEIAN - ari ant legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

ari 蟻と伝説 Legends about ants - Ameisen

. ari 蟻 (あり) ant, Ameise .
- Introduction - kigo for haiku -

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

ariana, ari-ana 蟻穴 anthill
If someone destroys an anthill, it will soon rain.

- - - - -

Once someone was drying medical plants in the middle of a hot summer, when extremely many ants came too. So he took some boiling water and wanted to pour it over the anthill to kill them all.
He was stopped by the thought of killing so many and put up a sign in front of the anthill:
"If you leave here within three days, I will not put hot water over this hill!"
And indeed, the ants left in due time.

......................................................................................... Aichi 愛知県
幡豆郡 Hazu district

If ants or hyakusoku 百足 millipedes come into a home, it will rain soon.

南設楽郡 Minami-Shitara district 長篠村 Nagashino village

aodaishoo, ao daishoo 青大将 Japanese rat snake
Elaphe climacophora
Once a man killed a Japanese rat snake, because it was trying to climb into the nest of a tsubame 燕 swallow. But after that the babies of the swallow did not grow any more.
When he examined the nest, he found many ants trying to eat the baby swallows. The snake had been frigtening the ants away.

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .

......................................................................................... Akita 秋田県

Ise mairi 伊勢詣 pilgrimage to Izu
This pilgrimage was very popular in the Edo period.
If someone had killed ants, his boat would capsize on his Izu pilgrimage.

. Ise Jinguu 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingu, Great Shrine at Ise .

......................................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県
加茂郡 Kamo district 太田町 Ota town

If someone had killed ants, his boat would capsize on his Izu pilgrimage.

高山市 Takayama city

Arikura no baba 蟻鞍の婆 Old Hag from Arikura

She was an old woman with supernatural powers who lived in Takayama.
She used prayer to stop the eruption of a mountain after it had been rumbling for seven days, and turned the hot water of an onsen cold by throwing a horse's hoof into it.
- - wikipedia/pinterest -

......................................................................................... Gunma 群馬県
吾妻郡 Agatsuma district 中之条町 Nakanojo town

shaberi ishi しゃべり石 / 囀石 a stone which talked

At 大道囀石 there is a huge triangular boulder called "Shaberi Ishi".
They say this stone can talk.
Once a man from the Chugoku region of Japan spent a night at the foot of this boulder. The boulder begun to talk and told the man the place where he could fight with the enemy of his parents.
Other people had similar experiences.
Later a huge man from 北越 Hokuetsu took his sword and put a deep cut into the stone, which then stopped talking.
Part of the boulder flew far away and can now be seen at the river 蟻川 Arikawa.

Arikawadake 蟻川岳 Mount Arikawadake. 853 m

......................................................................................... Iwate 岩手県

A frostbite can be healed by grounding 蟻の子 young ants and place the pulp on the frostbite.

......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都府

In April of the year 887 there was a strong earthquake, the 仁和地震 Ninna jishin.
From the Tatchimon gate of the 平安京大内裏 Imperial Inner Court there was a cloud like smoke rising up to heaven, even sparkling like a rainbow.
But in fact it was a huge group of haari 羽蟻 flying ants.

北区 Kita ward

kohebi 小蛇 a small snake
In 1722, a person from 西陣 Nishijin and two from 中京 Nakagyo went fishing to the pond 上賀茂蟻が池 / 蟻ケ池 Kamigamo Arigaike, "the Ant Pond".

- Arigachi Park -
They caught a small serpent and tried to kill her by hitting it. but they begun to hallucinate and run away in fear.
The man from Nishijin died soon after.
The two from Nakagyo developed high fever and died a while later.

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .

Arigaike is also written 阿禮ケ池.

阿礼神社 / 阿禮神社 Shrine Arei Jinja in Nagano.


- googeling for 蟻が池 / 蟻ケ池

......................................................................................... Osaka 大阪府
泉佐野市 Izumisano City

aridooshi no kami 蟻通神 / アリドオシノカミ The Aridoshi Deity

Arimichi Jinja, Aritoshi Jinja 蟻通神社 Shrine
814 Nagataki, Izumisano, Osaka

- reference source : aritooshi.org... -

- quote -
Aritoshi Shrine in Osaka – Historic Shrine with an Ancient Legend
The origin of the shrine dates so far back to ancient times that the details are not clear. Here I would like to introduce to you about the shrine along with its legend related to Ki no Tsurayuki.
The shrine is known to have a legend related to Tsurayuki Kino. Tsurayuki Kino is a nobility who lived in the Heian Period, from around the 9th to 10th century and became famous as a great poet.
According to the legend, he was on a trip and kept on horseback as he was passing by Aritoshi Shrine. Then the sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds and it began to pour and making his horse collapse and go ill, to his great perplexity.
- - - - - Noh Play "Aridoshi" Based on the Legend
*The shrine is named "Aritoshi" but the noh play is titled "Aridoshi."
Based on the legend, Zeami, the grandmaster of noh (a form of Japanese traditional play), wrote a drama around the 15th century, or Muromachi Period, which was about 400 years after the time when Tsurayuki lived.
In the drama, an old shrine guard with an umbrella and a torch in his hands appear in front of Tsurauki, whose horse had collapsed and was at a loss. The old man told him that the god had probably punished him for his impious behavior to pass by the shrine without dismounting from a horse.
Not having realized that he was trespassing within the shrine site, Tsurayuki was deeply awed and recited a poem of apology to the god in accordance with the old man's advice. As soon as he finished, the horse rose up quickly and recovered its health.
Tsurayuki was very pleased by the god's forgiveness and the old man recited a congratulatory verse and dedicated his ritual dance to the god. Then the old man told Tsurayuki that he was actually the incarnation of the god of Aritoshi Shrine and disappeared into the darkness.
The story of the noh drama comes to a close as Tsurayuki, excited by his blessed audience with the god, gets back on his journey again. ...
- source : goinjapanesque.com...-

. Ki no Tsurayuki 紀貫之 (872 - 945) .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


- - - - - Place Names with ARI 蟻 - - - - -

Arizukajo 蟻塚城 Arizuka castle (anthill castle)
長野県伊那市 Nagano Ina town
It belonged to the 笠原氏 Kasahara clan, who were a branch family of the Kasahara Shinto priests from 諏訪神社 Suwa Shrine.
The castle is also called Naka no Jo 中の城 "castle in the middle", because it is positioned in the middle between
守屋山城 Moriyasan castle and 天神山城 Tenjinyama castle.
There is also a place called Arishiro 蟻城 "ant castle" nearby.


青森県八戸市   鮫町     蟻子(ありこ)- Ariko
青森県三戸郡   南部町鳥舌内 蟻塚(ありづか)- Arizuka

岩手県和賀郡   西和賀町   蟻巣山(ありすやま)- Airsuyama
岩手県胆沢郡   金ケ崎町西根 北蟻ケ沢(きたありがさわ)- Kitaarigasawa

宮城県大崎市   蟻ヶ袋(ありがふくろ)Arigafukuro
- - - - - 三本木蟻ヶ袋(さんぼんぎありがふくろ)Sangibon Arigafukuro

秋田県能代市   中沢       蟻ノ台(ありのだい)- Arinodai
秋田県男鹿市   北浦真山     蟻塚(ありづか)- Arizuka
秋田県由利本荘市 蟻山(ありやま)
秋田県大仙市   刈和野      田中蟻塚(たなかありづか)- Tanaka Arizuka
秋田県北秋田郡  上小阿仁村小沢田 蟻沢(ありさわ)- Arisawa
秋田県雄勝郡   羽後町飯沢    蟻坂(ありざか)- Aruzaja

山形県鶴岡市   田麦俣    蟻腰(ありごし)- Arigoshi
山形県最上郡   真室川町大沢 蟻喰(ありばみ)- Aribomi
山形県飽海郡   遊佐町    蟻ノ戸渡(ありのとわたし)- Arinoto watashi
山形県飽海郡   遊佐町北目  蟻塚(ありづか)- Aruzyja

福島県郡山市   片平町    蟻塚(ありつか)新蟻塚(しんありつか)- Arizuka
福島県喜多方市  蟻塚山(ありづかやま)- Arizukayama
福島県南会津郡  南会津町田島 赤蟻甲(あかありこう - Akaariko
福島県南会津郡  南会津町永田 赤蟻(あかあり)- Akaari

群馬県吾妻郡   中之条町 蟻川(ありがわ)Arigawa 蟻川岳(ありがわだけ)- Arigawadake
蟻川川(ありがわがわ)- Airgawagawa

石川県鹿島郡   中能登町 蟻ケ原(ありがはら)- Arigahara

山梨県北杜市   長坂町長坂上条 蟻塚(ありづか)- Arizuka

長野県長野市   蟻ヶ崎(ありがさき)- Arigazaki
長野県長野市   信州新町山穂刈 蟻之尾(ありのお)- Arinoo
長野県松本市   蟻ヶ崎(ありがさき)蟻ヶ崎台(ありがさきだい)- Arigasakidai
長野県上水内郡  信州新町山穂刈 蟻之尾(ありのお)- Arinoo

愛知県名古屋市  守山区上志段味 蟻塚(ありづか)- Arizuka
愛知県安城市   桜井町     蟻路(ぎろ)- Giro
愛知県安城市   藤井町     蟻塚(ありづか)- Arizuka
愛知県知多郡   阿久比町植大  蟻塚根(ありづかね)- Arizukane
愛知県北設楽郡  設楽町津具   蟻越(ありこし)- Arikoshi

京都府京都市   北区 蟻が池(ありがいけ)- Arigaike

大阪府泉佐野市  蟻通神社(ありとおしじんじゃ)- Aritoshi Jinja

和歌山県田辺市  蟻合谷(ありごうだに)蟻ノ越(ありのこし)- Arinotoshi
和歌山県日高郡  日高町 蟻島(ありしま)- Arishima

岡山県岡山市   蟻峰山(ぎほうざん)- Gihozan
岡山県総社市   蟻ヶ峠(ありがとうげ)- Arigatoge

広島県竹原市   蟻ヶ平山(ありがひらやま)- Arigahirayama

香川県三豊市   詫間町詫間 蟻ノ首(ありのくび)- Arinokubi

高知県土佐清水市 蟻崎(ありさき)- Arisaki
高知県幡多郡   大月町 蟻峡口(ありさこぐち)- Arisakoguchi

佐賀県鹿島市   蟻尾山(ぎびざん)Gibizan 蟻尾山大橋(ありおやまおおはし)
蟻尾山公園(ありおやまこうえん)- Arioyama Koen

- reference source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kmr_tds... -


- - - - - 蟻ヶ崎の由来 - the meaning of Arigasaki
This name is known since the Middle ages, but it used to be written
阿礼崎 Arisaki, Aresaki
ARE in this case means a place where the Shinto deities descend.
It refers to Arigasaki mura 蟻ヶ崎村, a village in a high position with a great view below.
- reference source : matsusen.jp... -


. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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- #ari #ant #ameise #aridoshi -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 7/06/2019 10:03:00 am

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18 Sept 2019

HEIAN - mizunokami unagi legends

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

Mizunokami to unagi 水の神とうなぎ / 鰻 Deity of Water and Eel Legends

. Mizu no Kami, Mizunokami 水の神 Deity of Water - Legends

. unagi うなぎ / 鰻 と伝説 Legends about the eel .

Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川国芳


鰻と水の神 Unagi to Mizu no Kami
早川孝太郎 Hayakawa Kotaro (1889 - 1956) / 民俗学者、画家

Most of the legends below are from the essay by Hayakawa san.
Some are about hebi 蛇 a serpent, imori 井守 a newt or Kappa san.

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .


As I am writing about Unagi, there is this news at NHK:

Loch Ness monster 'may be a giant eel'
An international team of scientists says the fabled Loch Ness monster in Scotland, also known as "Nessie," could be a giant eel.
"Nessie" is said to be a dinosaur-like creature with a long neck.
The research team was led by Professor Neil Gemmell, a geneticist from the University of Otago in New Zealand. Gemmell said on Thursday that they did not find any DNA for dinosaur-like creatures in samples taken from some 250 locations in Loch Ness.
But Gemmell said there is a lot of eel DNA in the water and the scientists cannot exclude the possibility the Loch Ness monster may be a giant eel.
The team took samples of so-called environmental DNA from the water and compared this data with known genetic sequences.
- source : NHK September 06, 2019 -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県  .....
新城市 Shinshiro city 長篠村 Nagashina village

. ryuuguu 竜宮と伝説 Ryugu Legends about the Dragon Palace .
At the river 寒渓川 Kankeigawa is an access to the Dragon Palace.
The master of this 川淵 riverside is an eel.
Once or twice a year it hunts for ayu 鮎 sweetfish (trout) and shows his features on the water surface. Its tail is said to be in the form of a hand fan.

....................................................................... Aomori 青森県 .....

The lord of 十和田湖 lake Towadako is an eel which is very very large, maybe more than 1400 meters.
. Hachirootaroo 八郎太郎 Hachirotaro, Hachiro-Taro. .

....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 .....

. unagi to oni 鰻 the Eel and yooki 妖鬼 the Monster Demon .
and 白鰻 one white eel, kami no tsukai 神の使いの鰻 messenger of the deity

....................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県 .....
龍ヶ崎市 Ryugasaki city

. Kokuzo Bosatsu 虚空蔵菩薩 Kokūzō, Akashagarbha .

kami no o-tsukai 神のお使い messenger of the deity
There are various stories about the relationship of the deity 虚空蔵 Kokuzo and the eel.
Kokuzo is the patron deity of people born in ushi 丑 the year of the bull. These people are not allowed to eat eel their whole life.
In the temple ponds are often quite a lot of eels, seen as the local messengers of the deity.
Of course they are not caught by others and never eaten.

うなぎのお寺 彦倉虚空蔵尊 A Temple for Eels - Hikokura in Saitama
- reference source : unagino-otera.jp... -
This statue was erected in 2005.
The spere of about 50 cm represents the space.
Inside are the carvings of two eels and two baby eels.
Every fourth sunday in October there is うなぎ供養会 a special memorial service for the eel.
People come here to express their gratitude for this animal.

- There is reason why this Kokuzo is related to the eel.
Well, many many years ago, a young farmer couple had a baby. The couple went to the fields to work and took the baby, laid it near the edge of the large field, where it fell asleep soon.
The parents worked all day and did not hear the baby.
BUT - when the baby woke up, there came an eel and the baby followed it to the river, where it fell and was taken away by the waves.
When the parents came back in the evening, they could not find the child. They searched everywhere, even the neighbours came searching, but they could not find it.
It must have been kidnapped by the gods . . .
So finally they went home, passing a nearby temple, when they heard the voice of their baby crying. They went inside and found a statue of Kokuzo, all dripping wet, with many eels around its legs. And the baby was there too, with no harm done to it.
Kokuzo had saved and protected the baby with the help of the eels . . .
and thus is became うなぎのお寺 the "Eel Temple".
1-83-1 Hikokura, Misato, Saitama / 埼玉県三郷市彦倉

....................................................................... Iwate 岩手県  .....

imori 井守 (いもり) newt, eft, kind of salamander
In the area of 九戸郡 Kunohe there are legneds about 八郎太郎 Hachirotaro, Hachiro-Taro. He once attacked the guardian dragon of Lake Towada.
A young man from 大川目村荒津平 Okawame village drank water from a spring and swallowed a newt by accident.
When the boy became older, be grew up to be quite a giant and never lost a fight.
Later he became the Lord of
. Hachiroogata 八郎潟 Hachirō-gata .
in Akita.

花巻市 Hanamaki city

In the district of 稗貫郡 Hienuki in a temple forest lives a 蛇 serpent venerated as 雲南権現 Unnan Gongen.

There is a small shrine in its honor.
source and more photos : rubese.net/gurucomi...

宮古市 Miyako city 茂市 Moichi

. Kappa 河童 legends from Iwate .
At the confluence of river 閉伊川 Heigawa and 宮古川 Miyakogawa there is a river pool and a small shrine by its side.
They say a Kappa lives here and sometimes there are water accidents.

....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県  .....

讃岐三豊の水神 Sanuki Mitoyo no Suijin
細川敏太郎 Hosokawa Bintaro

羽方(現高瀬町) Takase Hagata

unagibuchi ryuuoo 鰻淵龍王 the Dragon King of the Eel Pool
is venerated on a rock with a shimenawa 注連縄 sacred rope around it.
There live kuro-unagi 黒鰻 black eels and shiro-unagi 白鰻 white eels.
If people saw a black eel, it would rain. If they saw a white eel, it would shine..
Many people came to find out about the rain in their region.

....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
大島郡 Oshima district 瀬戸内町 Setouchi town

kami no o-tsukai 神のお使い messenger of the deity
At 古仁屋町勝浦 Koniya town, Katsuura, there is one 泉 spring where many eels live.
The people who live nearby venerate them as the messengers of God. and to not hunt them. They have a special black spot on the head, a sign from Mizunokami.

....................................................................... Kyushu 九州  .....

- - - - - 奄美大島の水神 Amami Oshima no Suijin
- - - - - 山下文武 Yamashita Fumitake

This Suijin does not like "long things", like the eel.
If people who belief in Siujin eat an eel, they will fall ill and will be cursed.
So nobody even tried to eat eel.

....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県  .....
栗原市 Kurihara city 金成町 Kannari town

Where the river is very deep and few people come, there is the living ground of the honorable Eel.
Sometimes children come here and have accidents. One day two blind people came from the North and killed the eel.

....................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県  .....
浜松市 Hamamatsu city

kami no tsukai 神の使い messenger of the deity
One of the
Tōtōmi no Nanafushigi 遠江七不思議 The Seven Wonders of Totomi
At 引佐郡奥山村 Inasa district, in Okuyama village, there is 鰻井戸 / うなぎ井戸 a well where eels live.
In Summer and Winter, people can see eels swim in the water and think it is the messenger of Mizunokami.

....................................................................... Tochigi 栃木県  .....

Mizu no Kami 水の神
Iwadakemaru 岩嶽丸
The villain Iwadakemaru was beheaded, and his head flew away and got stuck on a large tree, he then fell into a nearby pond and died.
The vengeful spirit of Iwadake Maru became a daija 大蛇 large serpent and caused much trouble.
The villagers built a Shrine to apease his soul and venerated him as 八竜神 one of the eight Dragon Deities.
He is now the protector of the waterways and the fields.

. Hachiryuu 八龍神社 Eight Dragon Shrines .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -




. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .

- #mizunokamieel #eelmizunokami #unagi -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Japan - Shrines and Temples on 6/06/2019 12:43:00 pm

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KAIDO - Takenouchi Kaido

Edo - the EDOPEDIA -

Takenouchi Kaido Highway

Posted: 15 Sep 2019 10:20 PM PDT

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Takenouchi Kaido 竹内街道 / 竹ノ内街道 Takenouchi Highway
also called
Yoko-Ooji 横大路 Yoko-Oji, Yokooji
Now mostly highway 166.

- reference source : city.katsuragi.nara.jp... -

From 大阪府堺市 Sakai in Osaka past the foot of 二上山 Futagamisan via
the pass 竹内峠 Takenouchi Toge (286 m) on the border to Nara
and on to 奈良県葛城市 Katsuragi in Nara.
About 26 km. From there on to Ise.
This old road is already mentioned in the 日本書紀 Nihon Shoki records.
History knows that Prince 聖徳太子 Shotoku Taishi crossed the pass on his way from the temple
Shitenno-Ji 四天王寺 to 飛鳥 Asuka.

Takenouchi Kaido entrance 竹ノ内街道

- quote -
Japan's Oldest National Highway with a History of 1400 Years
On the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes, the sun rises from Mt. Miwa, passes above Mt. Nijo, and sets in Osaka Bay. For this reason, the straight road from Osaka in the east to Nara in the west is known as the 'Road of the Sun'.
The 'Road of the Sun', which is over 20 meters wide, was built by Emperor Suiko in 613 AD. In ancient times, missionaries from China arrived in Asuka City through Naniwa (present-day Osaka) along this road and introduced technology and Buddhist culture.
During the Middle Ages,
the road connected many important trading towns, and in modern times it has flourished as a way station for people traveling on pilgrimages to the Grand Shrine of Ise in Mie Prefecture.
The Takenouchi Kaido/Yokooji historic road offers travellers, depending on the location, a fascinating variety of scenes and experiences.
Visitors to the heritage sites along this road will be able to encounter and appreciate the historical changes in the area over the past fourteen centuries.
- source : japan-heritage.bunka.go.jp... -

- quote -
Daido 大道
Spanning a length of around 26 kilometers, the Takenouchi Kaido is the oldest major road in Japan with a history of 1400 years.
Designated a Japan Heritage, this old walking route linked the port city of Sakai with today's Nara Prefecture and became an important part of the road network connecting Osaka to the ancient capital of Asuka. On the spring and autumn equinoxes, the road roughly maps the route of the sun from sunrise to sunset.
Parts of the old route still remain,
and visitors can take a walk through time to see some of the things that the ancient travelers would also have seen, as well as other historical monuments and buildings related to the days of old. On this trip, I checked out some places near and along the Takenouchi Kaido, taking in the cultural sights as well as local delights. ...
... Sakai is known as a merchant and a craft city, and one of the major industries in Sakai is forging blades.
... Habikino City - Konda Hachimangu ...
... One of the many interesting features of the Takenouchi Kaido route is the presence of burial tombs of past emperors, known as kofun, and my walk took me past the keyhole-shaped Hakuchoryo Kofun. According to Nihon Shoki which is one of the oldest written records, this burial mound is said to be where the legendary prince Yamato Takeru visited. He apparently flew to that spot after turning into a swan following his death in Ise. ...
... Taishi Town ... Eifukuji Temple and the former Yamada Village.
These days, the area that makes up Yamada Village is a small neighbourhood east of the temple and near the base of Mount Nijo, a mountain easily identified by its twin peaks. The main street in the village, which is part of the Takenouchi Kaido, is narrow with just enough space for a single car to pass. There, I visited the small Takenouchi Kaido Road Historical Museum which has displays of the route as well as excavated remains that were unearthed in Taishi Town.
... Katsuragi City - Temple Taimadera,
... Yamato Takada City
... Kashihara City - Kashihara Jingu Shrine constructed in 1890...
... Asuka Village
Asuka Village is often referred to as the birthplace of Japan as a nation, ... Temple Asukadera ... Amakashi no oka Hill ...
... Sakurai City - Omiwa Jinja Shrine
This shrine is said to be one of the oldest in Japan, and its object of worship is not a deity but a holy mountain,
- source and many photos : japan-guide Raina Ong -


- Homepage of the Takenouchi Highway
- reference source : takenouchikaidou... -


- source and many photos : matsubara city-
難波大道 Naniwa daido


. Prince Yamato Takeru 日本武尊 .
(circa 72 - 114)

. Prince Shotoku Taishi 聖徳太子 (574 - 622) .

. Mount Katsuragisan 葛城山 .
and the deity Hitokotonushi 一言主

. Shrine Kashihara Jingu 橿原神宮 .

. Shrine Konda Hachimanguu 譽田八幡宮 .
It is said to be the oldest Hachimangu Shrine in Japan, dedicated to Emperor Oojin 応神天皇,
later to become deified as Hachiman himself.

. Shrine Omiwa Jinja 大三輪神社 .

. Temple Taimadera 当麻寺 / 當麻寺 .
on Mount Futagamisan (Futakamisan)

. Ise no Kaido 伊勢の街道 Pilgrim roads to Ise .



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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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14 Sept 2019

KAIDO - Akita Kaido Highways

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Akita Kaido 秋田街道 Highways in Akita

There are quite a few highways in Akita.

- reference source : thr.mlit.go.jp/akita/jimusyo... -

Many routes were use for
. 参勤交代 Sankin Kotai - Daimyo attendance in Edo .
from the local castle towns to the main Kaido connecting with Edo.

. Ōshū Kaidō 奥州街道 Oshu Kaido .
connecting Edo with Tohoku


. Ushu Kaido, Ushū Kaidō 羽州街道 Ushu Highway .
- Postal stations in Akita:

21. Innai-juku (院内宿) (Yuzawa)
22. Yokobori-juku (横堀宿) (Yuzawa)
23. Yuzawa-juku (湯沢宿) (Yuzawa)
24. Yokote-juku (横手宿) (Yokote)
25. Kanezawa-juku (金沢宿) (Yokote)
26. Rokugō-juku (六郷宿) (Misato, Senboku District)
27. Omagari-juku (大曲宿) (Daisen)
28. Jingūji-juku (神宮寺宿) (Daisen)
29. Kariwano-juku (刈和野宿) (Daisen)
--- Kamiyodokawa-juku (上淀川宿) (Daisen)

30. Sakai-juku (境宿) (Daisen)
--- Wada-juku (和田宿) (Akita)
31. Toshima-juku (豊島宿) (Akita)
32. Kubota-juku (久保田宿) (Akita)
33. Tsuchizakiminato-juku (土崎湊宿) (Akita)
34. Okubo-juku (大久保宿) (Katagami)
35. Abukawa-juku (虻川宿) (Katagami)
36. Okawa-juku (大川宿) (Gojōme, Minamiakita District)
37. Hitoichi-juku (一日市宿) (Hachirōgata, Minamiakita District)
38. Kado-juku (鹿渡宿) (Mitane, Yamamoto District)
39. Morioka-juku (森岡宿) (Mitane, Yamamoto District)

40. Toyooka-juku (豊岡宿) (Mitane, Yamamoto District)
41. Hiyama-juku (檜山宿) (Noshiro)
42. Tsurugata-juku (鶴形宿) (Noshiro)
43. Tobine-juku (飛根宿) (Noshiro)
44. Niageba-juku (荷上場宿) (Noshiro)
45. Kotsunagi-juku (小繋宿) (Noshiro)
46. Imaizumi-juku (今泉宿) (Kitaakita)
47. Maeyama-juku (前山宿) (Kitaakita)
48. Tsuzureko-juku (綴子宿) (Kitaakita)
49. Kawaguchi-juku (川口宿) (Ōdate)
50. Odate-juku (大館宿) (Ōdate)
51. Shakanai-juku (釈迦内宿) (Ōdate)


. Ani Kaido 阿仁街道 .
and the Sumitomo silver mines

Gojome Kaido 五城目街道
From Gojome City via 阿仁 Ani village to 米内沢 Yonaizawa Town. Used by the Ani silver mines.
Now National Highway 285.

Heiwa Kaido 平和街道
From 岩手県北上市 Kitakami city in Iwate to 秋田県横手市 Yokote city in Akita.
Part of National Highway 107.

Honjo Kaido 本荘街道
From 西馬音内 Nishimonai to the 羽州街道 Ushu Kaido (near 湯沢付 Yuzawa village).
Used for Sankin Kotai by the 六郷氏 Rokugo Clan.

Junisho Kaido 十二所街道
- also called 鹿角街道 Kazuno Kaido
Used for Sankin Kotai from the 久保田藩 Kubota Domain along 川口 Kawaguchi to Junisho. Then past Kakunodate to 滝沢 Takizawa in Iwate.
Also used by 藤原氏 the Fujiwara clan from 岩手県平泉町 Hiraizumi.

Kakunodate Kaido 角館街道
From 大曲宿 Omagari station via 長野宿 Nagano to the castle town of Kakunodate.
Used by the 戸沢氏 Tozawa clan for the army.
Now National Highway 46 and 105.
- - - - - . Miyako Kaido 宮古街道 Miyako Highway . - Iwate

Kameda Kaido 亀田街道
This highway was established in the Edo period by the 久保田藩 Kubota domain, from the town 刈和野 Kariwano to the town of Kameda.
It was a waki kaido 脇街道 byroad to the 川大内街道 Kawaono Kaido and used for Sankin Kotai.
It was also called Tonosama Kaido 殿様街道 "Kaido for the Daimyo".
It was used for the transportation of seafood and used by many travelers and pilgrims.
The three domaines of Kameda, Kubota and 矢島藩 Yashino bordered on this highway and they were often fighting for the territory.

Kariwano Kaido 刈和野街道
From the town of Kariwano to 角館 Kakunodate.
Mentioned in records of the Edo period from 1681.
Kariwano was an important station of the 羽州街道 Ushu Kaido. It had the daikansho 代官所 government official's residence.
Goods could be transported via the river 雄物川 Omonogawa.

Kawaono Kaido 川大内街道
From the town of Kameda to Honjo, connecting to the Oshu Kaido.
Passing over the pass 駒泣峠 Komanakase Toge (Pass where the horses weep).
Mostly used by the 岩城家 Iwakishi clan for Sankin Kotai.

Kei Kaido 繋街道
From the hamlet Kei past the river 上淀川 Kamiyodokawa along the river 荒川 Arakawa to Kakunodate.
Mostly used to transport merchandise.
Nearby was the Arakawa koozan 荒川鉱山 Arakawa mine, supported by the 久保田藩 Kubota domain.

Numadate Kaido 沼館街道
A byroad to the Ushu Kaido. From 大曲 Omagari to the 角間川 river Kakumagawa, Numadate and on to 湯沢 Yuzawa.
The Daimyo of the 久保田藩 Kubota domain used it often. The river was useful for transporting merchandise.
Most stations were in 横手市 Yokote city.

Obonai Kaido 生保内街道
From 六郷 Rokugo, a postal station of the Ushu Kaido to 角館 Kakunodate.
Obonai village is now part of 仙北 Senboku.
The road was often used by the local Daimyo on their many war expeditions and is
one of the 100 historical roads, 歴史の道百選.

歴史の道百選 by 森田敏隆 Morita Toshitaka


Oga Kaido 男鹿街道
Leaving the Ushu Kaido at 追分 Oiwake to turn to 男鹿半島 the Oga peninsula harbour town 船川 Funakawa.
. Namahage なまはげ Monsters from Oga Peninsula. .

Omagoshi Kaido 大間越街道
Developed in the Edo period from the station and castle town 檜山宿 Hiyama on the Ushu Kaido with the temple 金光寺 Konko-Ji via 能代 Noshiro and 八森 Hachimori to the castle town 弘前 Hirosaki.
Noshiro was an important harbour town at the river 米代川 Yoneshirogawa, where the kitamaebune 北前船 trade ships for Hokkaido stopped.
The road from the temple Konko-Ji to Noshiro is also called
能代道 Noshiro michi.

Oyasu Kaido 小安街道
From the hamlet 十文字 Jumonji on the Ushu Kaido, leaving the 手倉街道 Tekura Kaido, then via 川連 Kawatsura, 稲庭 Inaniwa to 小安 Oyasu and then on to Miyagi prefecture.
This is an old road for warfare, already known at the time of the senkunen no eki 前九年の役 in the late Heian period and gosannen no eki 後三年の役 (1083).

In the Edo period the hot spring 小安温泉 Oyasu Onsen became quite popular and the road was frequented.
- quote -
Yuzawa city is located in the southeast of Akita Prefecture. In the city there are many hot springs.
The Oyasu Hot Spring Village is one of them, where you can see steam blowing out dynamically from the valley.

Yuzawa city is the home of Inaniwa udon noodle. Enjoy very smooth and beautiful noodles.
Furthermore, there is the traditional storage (Uchikura) in Masuda on the way from the Port of Akita to Yuzawa city.
- source : cruise-japan.jp/en... -


- for large size - click here -
Raiman Kaido 来満街道
From 花輪 Hanawa via 毛馬内 Kemanai, 大湯 Oyu to 三戸 Sannohe, where 南部氏 the Daimyo of the Nanbu domaine used to reside.
The road was therefore also called
殿様道 Tonosama no Michi or 殿様街道 Tonosama Kaido, Highway for the Lord.
It was part (or another name) of the
三戸鹿角街道 Sannohe Katsuno Kaido.
The pass 来満峠 Raiman Toge (611m) is on the road.
In the Edo period it was also used for transportation from the 尾去沢鉱山 Osarizawa mine.

Tekura Kaido 手倉街道
From the hamlet 十文字 Jumonji on the Ushu Kaido via 増田 Masuda, 田子 Takko and the pass 手倉峠 Tekura Toge to 水沢 Mizuzawa, Iwate.
The road dates back to the times of
. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811) .
It was used for transportation and warfare from the Pacific ocean side of Japan to the Nihonkai 日本海 Sea of Japan side.
Mostly used for transportation of goods.

. Ushu Hamakaido 羽州浜街道 . - and - Ushu Kaido 羽州街道

Yajima Kaido 矢島街道
From the 本荘藩 Honjo domaine via the 矢島藩 Yajima domain, along the river 真室川 Mamurogawa
in 山形県 Yamagata.
Along the river 子吉川 Koyoshigawa.
It was used by the 生駒氏 Ikoma clan for Sankin Kotai.
From Honjo to 笹子 Sasago is the present-day highway Nr. 108.

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/kayaba_1938...


- source and many photos : akitabi.com...


In Iwate there are connections to

岩崎街道 Iwasaki Kaido
沢内街道 Sawauchi Kaido


Miyazawa Kenji "Akita Highway" (Akita kaido)

. Kenji Miyazawa 宮沢賢治, Miyazawa Kenji .
(1896 - 1933)


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #akita #akitakaido #akitahighways #yuzawa #yokote #omagari #hiyama #kawaguchi - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 8/16/2019 10:16:00 am

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