23 May 2020

KAIDO - Ryujin Kaido Highway


Ryujin Kaido Highway

. Famous People of Japan .
. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Ryujin Kaido 龍神街道 Ryujin Highway of the "Dragon God"
Now National Highway Nr. 371.

This road was used by Tokugawa Yorinobu, the 10th son of Tokugawa Ieyasu.
He was the lord of Wakayama and often called
Nanryuko 南龍公 "Honorable Southern Dragon".
He went to the hot spring 龍神温泉 Ryujin Onsen "of the Dragon God".

In modern times, there are two courses
江戸時代コース Edo Jidai course
and the
らくらくコース Rakuraku course for easy hiking, also called
平成の龍神街道 Heisei no Ryujin Kaido

- reference source : ryujin-kanko.jp... -


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Ryujin Onsen 龍神温泉
is a Japanese onsen, hot spring located in Ryūjin village, now the part of Nakahechi town in Wakayama Prefecture.
Ryujin Onsen was discovered in the 7th century by Ennogyoja, the founder of Shugendō.
Kobo Daishi, founder of Shingon Buddhism visited the spot in the 9th century.
During the Edo era (1603-1868), the onsen was used as a resort area by the Tokugawa ruling family, whose castle was in Wakayama city.
Today there are old Japanese inns, ryokans, using the names Kamigoten (Royal Palace) and Shimogoten (Lower Lodgings), from the old feudal system.
It is said to be the third best onsen for beautifying your skin in Japan.
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. En-no-Gyôja 役行者 En no Gyoja .


Tokugawa Yorinobu 徳川頼宣
(1602 - 1671)

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Born under the name Nagatomimaru (長福丸), he was the 10th son of Tokugawa Ieyasu, by his concubine Kageyama-dono. On December 8, 1603, Yorinobu received the fief of Mito, then rated at 200,000 koku, as his fief. Mito had formerly belonged to his older brother, Takeda Nobuyoshi. Following his stipend increase to 250,000 koku in October 1604, he came of age on September 12, 1606, taking the name Yorimasa, and receiving the court rank of junior 4th, lower grade (ju-shi-i-ge) and the title of Hitachi no Suke.
On January 6, 1610, he was transferred to a 500,000 koku fief in Suruga and Tōtōmi Provinces (thereby founding Sunpu Domain centered on Sunpu Castle), and took the name Yorinobu.
However, after a little under a decade in Suruga, he was transferred to the 550,000 koku Wakayama Domain on August 27, 1619, following the transfer of the previous rulers, the Asano clan, to Hiroshima, in Aki Province.
Yorinobu thus became the founder of the Kii branch of the Tokugawa family.
Yorinobu's wife, Yorin-in (1601-1666) was the daughter of Katō Kiyomasa.
By the end of his life, Yorinobu had achieved junior 2nd court rank (ju-ni-i), as well as holding the title of dainagon ("major counselor").
Yorinobu had four children:
his successor Tokugawa Mitsusada, Yorizumi, the founder of the Iyo-Saijo Domain, Inaba-hime, who married Ikeda Mitsunaka of the Tottori Domain, and Matsuhime, who married Matsudaira Nobuhira of the Yoshii Domain.
Following his death, he was referred to by the title Nanryū-In 南龍院.
In 1915,
Yorinobu was posthumously promoted to senior 2nd court rank (shō-ni-i).
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. Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康 . (1543 - 1616) .


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. Ryuujin 龍神 / 竜神 Ryujin, the Dragon God .

. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #ryujinkaido #nanryuko #wakayama #nanryuin #ryujinhotspring - - - -

22 May 2020

HEIAN - haibyo lung diesase legends


haibyo lung disease legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

haibyoo 肺病と伝説 Haibyo, Legends about lung diseases
shiwabuki 咳病 influenza

病とむきあう江戸時代 ― Diseases of the Edo period 

岩下哲典 Iwashita Tetsunori
(目次) table of contents
第1章 外患(ロシア船の出没)と藩医
第2章 藩医の出張旅行と酒・肉食
第3章 藩医の好んだ酒と酒を好んだ大名の話
第4章 「うつ」の藩士をどうするか
第5章 御掘で心中した男女
第6章 幕末籠城と懐妊・出産
第7章 廃藩時期の公務・子どもの死・出産
第8章 災害にむきあった写真大名
第9章 医師シーボルトが見た幕末日本「これが日本人である」
第10章 病とむきあう江戸の医師たちを学ぶ


ie no kai-i 家の怪異 families with a weird story
A certain family tells of an ancestor who was a priests. He took a consort and worked hard to become very rich. But
even now when the children grow up to become adults they get 肺病 a lung disease and die. Very seldom the skin of their arm looks like 蛇の鱗 the scales of a snake.
Another family tells of ancestors who killed kusuri uri 薬売り a medicine vendor and buried him in the back of the estate. They became rich for a short time and then the family died out.

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

haibyoo no kami 肺病の神 Haibyo no Kami, deity of lung diseases

Hyogo 姫路市 Himeji city 飾磨郡 Shikama area

If a person has died from a lung disease, he is placed into the coffin together with a
mizugame 水瓶 large water pot and carried out of the house.
The haibyoo no kami 肺病の神 deity of lung diseases is usually lurking in a mizugame 水瓶 a large earthenware water pot and can thus be carried out of the home too.


......................................................................................... Aichi 愛知県
北設楽郡 Kita-Shitara district 東栄町 Toei town

. Karasu Tengu 烏天狗 Crow Tengu .
the hunter 為義 Tameyoshi and the reiyaku 霊薬 a wonder-drug, miraculous medicine

......................................................................................... Akita 秋田県
仙北市 Senboku city 西木町 Nishiki town

kamidana no tatari 神棚の祟り curse of the shelf of the Gods
A man named 田口イシノ Taguchi Ishino used a stone to perform uranai 占い fortune telling. She was called イシガミサマ Ishigami Sama.
She could find out the cause of a disease that a doctor could not cure any more or find out where a missing person was living.
She would use tsukemono ishi 漬物石 a heavy stone for making pickles and mumble prayers and then suddenly the heavy stone would feel very light.
When the husband of 赤倉ハルエ Akakura Harue had died of haibyo 肺病 a lung disease, she found this:
He had not put water offerings on the kamidana shelf for 天照大神 the Sun Godess Amaterasu Omikami and had thus been cursed.
While Ishino san was telling this, she trembled terribly.

. kamidana 神棚 household Shinto altar .

......................................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
東白川郡 Higashi-Shirakawa district 塙町 Hanawa town

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
At a hamlet named 浅川 Asakawa a villater became a lung disease and drunk the blood of shimahebi 縞蛇 a striped living snake (Elaphe quadrivirgata).
The lung disease healed, but his child born soon after was a little snake. His wive became crazy and died. They say this was
hebi no tatari 蛇の崇 the curse of the serpent

Fukushima いわき市 Iwaki town

otoko no kuseyami 男のクセヤミ morning sickness of a man
Once a young farmer with a sudden lung disease was greatly discriminated by the fellow villagers.
Some whispered that his wife had also caught the disease. After a while all rumours died down and then his wive gave birth.
Now the villagers understood that the couple had suffered from kuse クセ(tsuwari つわり) morning sicknes

......................................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県

If a person with a lung disease sleeps with kuroneko 黒猫 a black cat in his arms, he will recover.
- In 三重県 Mie prefecture 鳥羽市 Toba city 志摩 Shima
A person with a lung disease should look at kuroneko 黒猫 a black cat.

......................................................................................... Iwate 岩手県
和賀郡 Waga district

Grilling mikan みかん tangerines before eating will cause the outbreak of a lung disease.

. mikan 蜜柑 (みかん) mandarin orange, tangerine .

......................................................................................... Kochi 高知県
安芸郡 Aki district 奈半利 Nahari

kosodate yuurei 子育て幽霊 a ghost rearing a child
Once upon a time a woman named 由里 Yuri had an affair with shoya 庄屋 the village headman and gave birth to a baby. But soon she became a lung disease, went back to her family and died soon. At night there was a knock at the gate of the village headman and they heard the voice calling the name of the baby. When the baby heard the voice, it woke up and begun to move its mouth like sucking the breast. This went on for quite a while and they thought the ghost of Yuri had come back to feed her baby.

......................................................................................... Nagano 長野県
岡谷市 Okaya city

kimotori キモトリ taking out the liver
There is a place where they say someone takes out the liver of a person to make medicine, which is good for healing 肺病 lung diseases.
Nobody should go to this place alone, and certainly not at night !

......................................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県
佐世保市 Sasebo city

. migawari Daishi 身代わり大師 Kobo Daishi substitutes for us .
Once a man became 肺病 a difficult lung disease and the specialist doctor told him he had maybe just half a year to live.
The man got an amulet of Kobo Daishi to substitute for him, got healed and could continue to work in the fields as a farmer.

......................................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県

If your head is ill, you must eat the head of a buta 豚 pig.
If your lungs are ill, you must eat the lung of a pig.

......................................................................................... Osaka 大阪府
大阪市 Osaka city

haibyoo no kusuri 肺病の薬 medicine for lung diseases
At a certain temple behind the Shrine 露の天神 Tsuyu no Tenjin there is the grave of a woman named かしく Kashiku, who was a whore and always drunk, even killing her brother. She was executed and buried here.
In front of the grave is a small hand water basin. People take the water home and boil it with medicine to heal 肺病 their lung disease.

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Tsuyu-no-Tenjinja Shrine (Ohatsu Tenjin)
The shrine takes its name from a poem by the great Heian era scholar Suguwara Michizane.
However, today the shrine is better known for its romantic associations as it is a key setting of the bunraku puppet play: The Love Suicides of Sonezaki.
- source : osakastation.com/tsuyu-no-tenjinja... -

. Tenjin Sama - Sugawara Michizane Legends 天神菅原道真伝説 .

......................................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県
西伯郡 Saihaku district 中濱村 Nakahama village

. healing with a sotoba 塔婆 grave marker .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .

. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


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EDO - Kunigami Hosei Kaido

Edo - the EDOPEDIA -

Kunigami Hosei Kaido

Posted: 16 May 2020 10:08 PM PDT

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Kunigami Hosei Kaido 国頭方西海道 Kunigami Hosei Sea Road
国頭方西海道 Kunigamiho Nishikaido - Western Sea Road
国頭(くんちゃん) Kunichan

Now mostly Highway 58.
At the Northern tip of Okinawa Island, the "head of the land" (Kunigami).
(In Okinawa many names can be read in Japanese or the dialect of the area.)

An old highway under the direction of the Ryukyu Okoku 琉球王国 Ryukyu Kingdom in Okinawa.
Shukumichi 宿道(しゅくみち)/ 宿道(すくみち) Sukumichi

There were four roads in the area
In 西 the West of Okinawa
中頭方西海道 Nakagamiho Nishikaido
国頭方西海道 Kunigamiho Nishikaido

- In 東 the East of Okinawa
中頭方東海道 Nakagamiho Tokaido
国頭方東海道 Kunigamiho Tokaido

The road via 読谷 Yomitan and 喜納 Kina to 恩納 Onna was called 「国頭方西海道.

In 1690, under the direction of 薩摩 the Satsuma clan the roads were paved with stones 石畳道 and about 1.5 to 3 meters wide. Many parts of the stone roads can still be seen today.

- Places along the road -
Shuri 首里
Mount Urasoe 浦添山
Kunigami region 国頭地方
Onna village 恩納村
Maeda no ichirizuka 真栄田の一里塚
Feeree iwa フェーレー岩
Nakadomari Iseki 仲泊遺跡
Nakadomari no ichirizuka 仲泊の一里塚
Hiyagonbira ishidatami michi 比屋根坂石畳道


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Shuri (首里, Okinawan: スイ Sui or Shui, Northern Ryukyuan: しより Shiyori)
is a district of the city of Naha, Okinawa. It was formerly a separate city in and of itself, and the royal capital of the Ryūkyū Kingdom. A number of famous historical sites are located in Shuri, including Shuri Castle, the Shureimon gate, Sunuhyan-utaki (a sacred space of the native Ryukyuan religion), and royal mausoleum Tamaudun, all of which are designated World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.

Originally established as a castle town surrounding the royal palace, Shuri ceased to be the capital when the kingdom was abolished and incorporated into Japan as Okinawa prefecture. In 1896, Shuri was made a ward (区, ku) of the new prefectural capital, Naha, though it was made a separate city again in 1921. In 1954, it was merged again into Naha.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Onna village 恩納村


Maeda no ichirizuka 真栄田の一里塚 distance marker mound


Feeree iwa フェーレー岩 Fērē Rock, Fere Rock


Nakadomari Iseki 仲泊遺跡 Nakadomari ruins


Hiyagonbira ishidatami michi 比屋根坂石畳道 stone-paved road


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Kunigami (国頭村, Kunigami-son, Kunigami: Kunzan, Okinawan: Kunjan)
is a village in Kunigami District, Okinawa Prefecture.
- - - - - History
According to Chūzan Seikan, the goddess Amamikyu consecrated the first utaki in Asa Forest at Hedo, in what is now Kunigami; the forest is also mentioned in Omoro Sōshi.
Ceramics from the Jōmon-period Uzahama Site (宇佐浜遺跡) resemble those found in the Amami Islands. Chūzan Seikan records the prayers of the Kunigami council for the recovery of Shō Sei after an abortive attempt to occupy Amami Ōshima in 1537, while Kyūyō recounts the appointment of the son of the Kunigami Oyakata as aji after the successful takeover of the Amami Islands by Shō Gen in 1571.
Kunigami District was established in 1896 and, upon the abolition of Kunigami magiri, Kunigami Village was founded in 1908. During the Battle of Okinawa, the area saw an influx of refugees fleeing the heavy fighting in the south. In September 1945, the occupying government merged the three villages of Kunigami, Higashi, and Ōgimi into the new city of Hentona (辺土名市); the merger was reversed the following year.
- - - - - Chuzan Seikan (中山世鑑, lit. Mirror of Chūzan),
compiled in 1650 by Shō Shōken, is the first official history of the Ryūkyū Kingdom. In six scrolls, the main text occupies five and an accompanying summary the sixth. Unlike later official histories such as Chūzan Seifu and Kyūyō, which were written in kanbun, Chūzan Seikan is largely written in Japanese, other than for the summary and a number of quotes in Chinese.
The account of Shō Nei, whose reign saw invasion and subjugation by Satsuma, opens with the statement that the kingdom had been in subordinate vassal status to the Shimazu clan since the Eikyō era. The account of the siring of Shunten by Minamoto no Tametomo was similarly exploited during the Meiji period and after to help legitimize the annexation of the kingdom and its reconfiguration first as the Ryūkyū Domain and subsequently as Okinawa Prefecture.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Okinawa

kurukanizaashi 黒金座主,mimichiri booji 耳切坊主
The Gruesome Story of Kurogane

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A younger brother of the Ryukyu King lived in this enclosure near Shuri Castle.
Prince Chatan and, his pregnant wife were residents of this place, called Ufumura Udun.
Kurogane, a hairy, dark skinned Buddhist Monk, was accused of witchcraft.
The king, ordered Prince Chatan, to eliminate him.
The Prince invited Kurogane to his home for a game of Go (chess) and, they placed bets.
If the Prince lost, he would cut off his topknot and, give it to the Monk.
The Priest, pulled his ears, grinning, "You can have these if, I lose."
The game started and, Kurogane decided it would be best, to cheat.
He began whispering some magic words.
- - - - - continue reading here
- source : ryukyulife.com/2015... -


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
31 国頭 (01)


- - - - - P O E T R Y - - - - -

さびしき春も 深みゆくなり

釈迢空 Shaku Choku / 折口信夫 Orikuchi Shinobu (1887 - 1953)


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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EDO - Tetsugakudo Koen Park

Edo - the EDOPEDIA -

Tetsugakudo Koen Park

Posted: 18 May 2020 10:07 PM PDT

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Tetsugakudo Koen 哲学堂公園 Philosophy Hall Park

- source : Nakano City Library -
The design is in a triangular form, like the Sangaku Tei 三学亭 triangluar pavillion for three philosophers.
This is a play of the sound sangaku and sankaku 三角 triangular.

- quote

Tetsugakudo Koen
Meiji-era philosopher Enryo Inoue founded this park in 1904 as a sanctuary for self-cultivation. The Shiseido building is dedicated to Confucius, the Buddha, Kant and Socrates, and was originally known as the Tetsugakudo (House of Philosophy), thus providing the park's name.
The various buildings and sculptures are all physical manifestations of the spirit world, inviting visitors to embark on a journey of enlightenment and discovery.
1. This traditional wooden shrine memorialises four famous philosophers – Confucius and Buddha from the East, and Socrates and Kant from the West.
2. A red hexagonal tower pays tribute to six Asian sages, two each from China, Japan and India.
3. Every aspect of the park celebrates philosophy, including this serene triangular stone pavilion dedicated to three Japanese scholars.
4. The sound of water and the smile of a stone Buddha statue offers a relaxing spot to sit and meditate.
5. Even the design of the park's gate encourages you to pause and think.
- source : tokyo.com/guide...

- quote -
Tetsugaku-dō Park (哲学堂公園, Tetsugaku-dō Kōen)
("Park of the Philosophy Shrine" or "Temple Garden of Philosophy")

is a public park in Tokyo, Japan. Most of the park is in Nakano Ward, while approximately 7% (at the south-eastern edge) is in Shinjuku Ward.
It was created successively during the years 1904 to 1919 by the philosopher and founder of Toyo University, Inoue Enryō. Inoue thought of this philosophical theme park as a place for mental cultivation.
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Seishido 四聖堂(しせいどう) Hall of Four Sages
dedicated to Confucius, the Buddha, Kant and Socrates

Rokkendai 六賢台(ろっけんだい) Pavillion for six sages
a tribute to six Asian sages

Sanso Hi 三祖碑(さんそひ) Stone memorial for three sages

三学亭(68番)Triangular Pavillion for three Philosophers
triangular stone pavilion dedicated to three Japanese scholars / 三学 sangaku / sankaku 三角 /

Yokai 妖怪 ghosts and monsters
A lot are found in the park while walking from one place to the next.


Guide to the Temple Garden of Philosophy
Rainer Schulzer
- reference source : toyo.ac.jp/uploaded... long PDF file -


- source : youtube.com photos - Akira Inagaki -


- quote -

Inoue Enryō (井上円了, 1858 – 1919)
was a Japanese philosopher, Buddhist reformer, educator, and royalist. A key figure in the reception of Western philosophy, the emergence of modern Buddhism, and the permeation of the imperial ideology during the second half of the Meiji Era.
He is the founder of Toyo University and the creator of Tetsugaku-dō Park 哲学堂公園 (Temple Garden of Philosophy) in Tokyo. Because he studied apparitions (妖怪, yōkai) in order to debunk superstitions, he is sometimes called
Professor Specter (妖怪博士, Yōkai Hakase) and the
Spook Doctor (お化け博士, Obake Hakase).
..... the foundation of the Morality Church 修身教会 (1903) and
the building of the Philosophy Shrine 哲学堂 Tetsugaku Do (1904).
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. Nakano ward .
. Shinjuku ward .

. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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20 May 2020

EDO - Rokujurigoe Kaido Highway


Rokujurigoe Kaido Highway

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

Rokujurigoe Kaido 六十里越街道 Rokujurigoe Highway Pilgrim Road
A pilgrim road for mountain priests, leading to 湯殿山 Yudonoyama, Yudono san.
Yudonomichi ゆどのみち Yudono Michi

- Stations along the Rokujurigoe Kaido
Tsuruoka 鶴岡 Niigata 新潟県
Matsune 松根
Juo Toge Pass 十王峠
Oami 大網
Tamugimata 田麦俣
Yudonoyama 湯殿山
Oguki Toge Pass 大岫峠
Shizu 志津
Hondoji Temple 本道寺
Sagae 寒河江

- reference source : asahi-kankou.jp/about... -

- quote -

The ancient road Rokujuri-goe Kaido
Over 1200 years, this road has preserved traces of historical events
"Rokujuri-goe Kaido,"
an ancient road connecting the Shonai plain and the inland area is said to have opened about 1200 years ago. This road was the only road between Shonai and the inland area. It was a precipitous mountain road from Tsuruoka city to Yamagata city passing over Matsune, Juo-toge, Oami, Sainokami-toge, Tamugimata and Oguki-toge, then going through Shizu, Hondoji and Sagae. It is said to have existed already in ancient times but it is not clear when this road was opend.
The oldest theory says
that this road was opened as a governmental road connecting the Dewa kokufu government which was located in Fujishima town (now Tsuruoka city) and the county offices of the Mogami and Okitama areas. But there are many other theories as well.
In the Muromachi and Edo periods,
which were a time of prosperity for mountain worship, it became a lively road with pilgrims not only from the local area, but also from the Tohoku and Kanto areas heading to Mt. Yudono as "Oyama mairi" (mountain pilgrimage) custom was booming.
During the age of Provincial Wars, the Mogami clan and Shonai clan fought fierce battles with each other over their territories. The road was full of troops and battle flags in those days. On the other hand it was also a vital road for common people, they carried seafood and candles from Shonai, and safflower, cotton, beans and leaf tobacco from the inland area on their backs.
From the Meiji year 30 (around the 1900s),
this road was not used much as a new road was opened. But today this ancient road covered in moss is still rich with historic remains.
- source : asahi-kankou.jp/english... -


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. Dewa Sanzan 出羽三山 Three mountains of Dewa .
The three sacred mountains of Dewa are
Mount Haguro, Mount Gassan and Mount Yudono.

. Dainichiboo 大日坊 - Dainichi-Bo . - Yudono San 湯殿山, Yamagata

. Station 30 - Gassan and Yudonosan 月山 湯殿 .
Matsuo Basho, Oku no Hosomichi - 奥の細道


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. kaidoo 街道と伝説 Legends about the old Kaido highways .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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18 May 2020

MINGEI - sanki three oni demons


Sanki three Oni

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

Sanki Son 三鬼尊 Three venerable Oni

満福密寺 Manpukumitsu-Ji / 満福寺 Manpuku-Ji
22-27 Asahicho, Tochigi / 栃木県栃木市旭町22-27

These three Oni help ward off 悪運断ち negative influences in our lives. The three Oni in three different colors

. aka-oni 赤鬼伝説 red Oni demon legends .

. ao-oni 青鬼伝説 blue/green Oni demon legends .

. kuro-oni 黒鬼伝説 black Oni demon legends .


Sanki Daigongen 三鬼大権現 Sanki Do 三鬼堂 Hall for the three Demons

広島県廿日市市宮島の弥山 / 安芸の宮島の大聖院 Hiroshima
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Temple Manpuku-Ji 満福寺 Sanki Do 三鬼堂 Hall for the three Demons
山号を「教王山」、院号を「遍照光院」/ 栃木県栃木市旭町22-27 Tochigi

Main deity is 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai.
Also enshrined are
開運厄除大師 Kaiun Yakuyoke Daishi
三鬼尊 Sanki Son
子授け観音 Kosodate Kannon
縁結び歓喜天 Enmusubi Kankiten
身代り地蔵尊 Migawari Jizo and others
- The three Oni statues (red, blue and black) were maybe made by 左甚五郎 Hidari Jingoro or by Jocho (? - 1057).
- reference source : wikipedia -

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Manpukuji Temple
706, Nowata Nogi-machi Shimotsuga-gun Tochigi
Manpukuji Temple is said to have been built by Kogakubo Ashikaga Shigeuji between 1492 and 1500 and is the site of Shigeuji's grave.The temple also houses a Shaka Nyoraizo statue said to be a work of Gyoki from the Kamakura Engakuji Temple.The cherry blossom at the temple gate is a site to behold when it blooms in the spring.
- reference source : achikochi-kanko.jp/spot.. -


Sanki Do 三鬼堂 Hall for the three Demons 三鬼神
Miyajima 宮島


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- reference source : 満福密寺 / 萬福密寺 manpukuji Tochigi -

. 「福は内、鬼は内」- Fuku wa Uchi, Oni wa Uchi! Oni come in ! .


source : popeye.sakura.ne.jp/tochigi...

三鬼尊土鈴 clay bell with the drunk red demon
He wears a white tenugui 手ぬぐい hand towel around his head and carries a tokkuri 徳利 sake bottle.

. Tochigi Folk Art - 栃木県 .


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. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


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