25 Sept 2020

HEIAN - tora tiger legends


tora tiger legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

tora 虎と伝説 Legends about the tiger

. Tora トラ - 虎 - 寅 the Tiger Toys .
- Introduction -

. Tora Yakushi 寅薬師 "Tiger Yakushi" - Yakushi Nyorai .

. 2010 - the Year of the Tiger 寅年 toradoshi
the white tiger in the West 白虎

Chopstic rests - white tiger


Toragaishi, tora ga ishi, 虎御石 / Toragoishi 虎子石 Tiger Stone
Temple 延台寺, Endai-Ji, Oiso, Naka District, Kanagawa

歌川豊重 Utagawa Yoshikazu - active 1850-1870

- quote -
Once there was a couple wanting to have a child. They went to 弁財天 the Benzaiten Shrine every day to pray. One morning there was a stone beside the pillow of the woman and she could get pregnant. This child was the torame 虎女 "Tiger Woman". As the girl grow up, the stone beside the pillow begun to get bigger too.


Here is another story, about the woman 虎御前 Tora Gozen.

This stone is also called the 十郎の身代り石 the substitute stone of Juro
It relates to the story of 曽我物語 the Soga revenge, who fought here against 工藤祐経 Kudo Sugetsune. Remains of the imprint of arrow heads are seen on the stone. Also the cut of a large sword can be seen.
- reference source : town.oiso.kanagawa.jp.. endaiji.. -
- reference source : Oiso Temple Endaiji -

北斎 東海道五十三次 大磯 Hokusai Tokaido 53 stations
- source : galleryonoblog.com... -

. Tora Gozen 虎御前 Lady Tora and the Soga brothers .

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

......................................................................................... Tokyo
Chuo district

. a bull wrapped in tiger skin .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
112 to collect


. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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- #tora #tiger #tieger -

24 Sept 2020

Utageya Daruma


Utageya Art Daruma うたげやart達磨

. . . CLICK here for many more Photos !
- Utageya on Facebook

- source : utageyaartdaruma.com... -


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. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Edo no shokunin 江戸の職人 Edo craftsmen .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - #utageya - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Omamori - Japanese Amulets on 9/02/2020 01:03:00 pm

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MINGEI Azechi Umetaro painter


Azechi Umetaro Painter

. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .

Azechi Umetaro 畦地梅太郎
(1902 - 1999)

- quote -
Umetaro Azechi a Japanese printmaker and mountain climber. He was known for his prints of mountains and people who live in them.
Azechi was born on December 28, 1902 to a poor farming family in what is now Uwajima, Ehime. He enrolled in an art correspondence course where he would send his work to Tokyo for critique. In 1920 he had the opportunity to move there, but returned home to Shikoku after the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake. He moved back to Tokyo in 1925, where he worked for a printing company.
Azechi's prints were noticed by Unichi Hiratsuka, who took him under his wing. He belonged to the Japan Print Association and the Kokugakai Arts Association. After his works were shown in some of their exhibitions, he quit his job and became a freelance artist. During this time, he was heavily influenced by Maegawa Sempan and Kōshirō Onchi.
During World War II, Azechi was sent to Manchuria. When he returned to Japan, he also immediately returned to making art.
Azechi's work was shown at the São Paulo Art Biennial in 1953. It was also shown at the Lugano International Print Biennial in 1956.
Azechi died on April 12, 1999. The Umetaro Azechi memorial museum opened in Uwajima in 2003.
- Style
His early work was reflective of the monochrome sosaku hanga style. He began to develop his own style in the late 1930s. Azechi became known for his paintings of mountains and the people who live there. He became a regular mountain climber, and became well-known for his writing on the topic. His art style was primitive, but intentionally so in the same way as the naive artists. He used the same striped patterns on both people and animals, showing the similarities between the two. Because he did so many landscapes and art depicting the natural world, he used mostly cool colors like blues, greens, and purples.
Museums that hold Azechi's works include the Museum of Modern Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and the British Museum.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


畦地梅太郎の郷里である愛媛の山々や奥秩父、北アルプスなどの山行を綴った47編におよぶ紀行随想集。 文章に合わせて随所に挿絵が入り、絵本の体裁にしてあって、見ているだけでも楽しい。 1957年、朋文堂から『山の眼玉』が初めて刊行され、後に1986年、美術出版社版では『山の目玉』と改題されるが、 「平凡社ライブラリー」版で再度『山の眼玉』にもどされた。 「平凡社ライブラリー」版も口絵にカラー8ページを使い、代表的な畦地ワールドを再現しているが、 今回は「山男シリーズ」など、カラー口絵で16ページ組み、読者にさらに親近感をもたせた内容になっている。
source : amazon com




Daruma だるま
. Daruma Museum Japan .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Ehime 愛媛県

私の郷里のカッパの話 Stories about the Kappa in my Hometown
A man from outside went to the river side to catch namazu 鯰 catfish, but he drowned. This was the bad deed of a Kappa, said the villagers.
The horse of another villager was pulled into the river by the Kappa, but the farmer pulled the horse back and saved it.

. 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Kappa, the Water Goblin of Japan! .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


. Mingei 民芸 Folk Art from Japan . 

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! .

. Japanese Aesthetics エスセティクス - Nihon no bigaku 日本の美学 .


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. - - - PERSONS - ABC - LIST of this BLOG - - - .

- - - #azechi #umetaro #painter #azechiumetaro #umetaroazechi - - -

22 Sept 2020

SHINTO - Ishigami legends


Ishigami Stone Deity 2

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

Ishigami 石神 Stone Deity
石の神 Ishi no Kami

手力男命 / 天之手力男神 / 天手力男神 Ame no Tajikara Onokami, Amenotajikara O no Kami
天手力男神 Amenotadikaraonokami / Ame-no-tajikarao

Jinseki 石神 a place name in Hiroshima


. Iwagami 岩神 "rock deity" .
Often a special rock or boulder venerated by the villagers.

. Shibagami 柴神 / シバガミ Shibagami / 柴取り神 Shibatorigami .
and トンビョウ神 Tonbyogami


Isonokami, iso no kami 石上 (ishi no ue) 石上サン on a stone

- quote -

homepage of isonokami.jp

. Isonokami Jingu 石上神宮 .


- - - - - Various shrines with the name Ishigami Jinja 石神神社 / 石神社 - - - - -

- quote -
The "Ishigami-san" (Stone God) on the grounds of 神明神社 Shinmei Jinja Shrine
is worshipped by the women divers since the old days as a god who "grants at least one wish of a woman".
In the present day, many women from all parts of Japan come to worship here.
All you have to do is to write just one wish on the "Wish Paper", and post the Wish Paper in the wish box in front of "Ishigami-san", then pray.
A rather unique good luck charm, which has the embroidery of a star and grills, is also popular.
Because a star could be drawn in one stroke, the women divers believed "they could return where they started after the dive".
Also, the grills implied that "there is no open space from where a demon could enter".
- source : kankomie.or.jp/en/spot... -


source : pmiyazaki.com/takachiho/isigami...

高千穂の石神神社 (いしがみじんじゃ)in Takachiho
Deity in Residence is 牛神大明神 Ushigami Daimyojin
. ushigami 牛神 Kami of cattle .
= Ta no Kami, Ta-no-Kami 田の神 Tanokami, God of the Fields


. Onishi Jinja 鬼石神社 Onishi Shrine .
Onishi 鬼石町(おにしまち) was a town located in Tano District, Gunma Prefecture.
The region produced many stones 石の産地.
The protector deity of stones was called 鬼石明神 Onishi Myojin and is known at least since 1703.

oni ishi 鬼石 lit. Demon Stone

- Reference : kojiki.kokugakuin...


. shingun 神軍 / jingun ジングン heavenly army phenomenon .
Stones like arrowheads falling from the sky.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -




- - - Ishigami 石神 often refers to an unusual stone formation, venerated as a deity.

reference : 蒲生郡安土町老蘇式内奥石神社『神社本紀』

青森県黒石市牡丹平大山祇神社 砲弾鬼石神
大山祇神社(おおやまづみじんじゃ)Oyamazumi Jinja


Hakoishi Jinja 箱石神社
in 宮城県 Miyagi 石巻市 Ishinomaki city

. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
A ujigami 氏神 clan deity of the ashigaru 足軽 soldiers of the Sendai domain, who lived in 成田町 the Narita town, along 北上川 the river Kitakamigawa.
When 坂上宿禰高道 Sakanoue Sukune passed here in 863 to fight the Emishi, he found his death here.
His soul turned into a dragon and caused great flooding. To appease his soul, the shrine was erected.

. ashigaru 足軽 "light legs", common foot soldier .

. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811) .


Retsuishi Jinja 裂石神社 "split stone" Shrine
in Yamanashi 山梨県, Enzan city - 岩盤から湯が湧出
The saddle of the deity riding to Retsuishi Shrine became a stone.

At the temple 裂石山 雲峰寺 Retsuishizan Unpo-Ji
source : rubese.net/gurucomi...


Shizukuishi Jinja 滴石神社

Iwate 岩手県


Tateiwa Jinja 立石神社 "standing stone" in various places / 立石稲荷
- photos -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

// 石の神
There is 自然石の神 a natural stone deity called 松倉様 Matsukura sama.
They say if flew here in one night.

source : www43.tok2.com/home/hikeaomori...
Matsukura Jinja 松倉神社
Aomori, 五所川原市前田野目


....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....
今治郡 Imabari district // 石神サン

There is kyoseki 巨石 huge stone megalith and if people touch it, their stomach will begin to ache.

There are various large stones in Imabari.

伯方島 宝股山 石神
石清水八幡神社 磐座
伯方島 喜多浦八幡神社の亀石
- reference and more photos : shamon/kyoseki/ehime/imabari... -

Ehime 西条市 Saijo city 千町 Sencho town // 石の神体

osainoki san, o-sai no ki san おさいのきさん honorable tree at the border
This type of tree is located ath the borders of a village.
One is at 旧加茂村内部落 Kamo village Murauchi hamlet at the pond 御代池 / 御代ヶ池(みよがいけ) Myogaike, where ia rock is venerated as Kami.
At its side are many zoori 草履 straw sandals.
It is venerated as tagori no kami タゴリの神 (tagori means coughing).
If prayers have helped to cure, people offer straw sandals.

. Sekigamisama 咳神様 Deity of coughing .

....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 .....

source : webgunma.com/189...

hanasaki ishi 花咲石 - ハナサキイシ Hanasaki Stone
Yamato Tekeru was on his way to Northern Japan to fight 悪勢(おぜ)Oze, a bad grouop of people.
In the mountains lived majin 魔神 a bad deit (Oze), which did not follow the orders of the Imperial Court but brought trouble to the villagers.
This bad deity was overpowered and burned. His daughter was a pure girl, but the soldiers of Takeru captured and killed her. Her maid servant cried herself to death and her soul became a stone. The stone was called Hanasaki "Stone of flowering blossoms".
The stone is now a historical landmark in 片品村 Katashina village.
Another version of the legend tells of the wife of Oze, which had hidden in a cave. The enemy set fire to the cave and she died in the flames. Her dead body begun to grow into a large stone, with the pattern of rainbow-colored botan 牡丹 peony blossoms.
After her death, the villagers begun to get ill and have misfortunes, so they built a red torii 鳥居 Shrine gate and venerated the place as
This part of Katashina village is called 花咲 Hanasaki Hamlet.

. Yamato Takeru 日本武尊 .

. majin 魔神 - akushin, akujin 悪神 devil, Teufel .

....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....
神石郡 Jinseki district 神石高原町 Kogencho town // 石神さん

A 伊勢参りの旅人 pilgrim to the Ise Shrine forgot a package on iwa 岩 a rock, but the villagers found it. First they wanted to throw it away but the next day they put it back in the rock. This went on for a few days and eventually they opened it.
Inside were tamagushi 玉串 branch offerings. The villagers placed them on the rock and venerated them as shintai 神体 the Body of Kami.
Later a stone mason wanted to split the rock, but red blood came out of it.
The stone had originally been the size of a bed, but now it begun to grow more and more into the sky.

. tamagushi 玉串 offering of a sacred Sakaki branch .

. shintai 神体 "body of the deity" .

Hiroshima 庄原市 Shobara city 東城町 Tojo town

. Ishigami san 石神さん The Venerable Stone Deity .

....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 .....
明石市 Akashi city // 明石の神 Kami from Akashi

. Kakinomoto Jinja 柿本神社 Shinto Shrine in Akashi, Hyogo .
moojoozakura 盲杖櫻 / 盲杖桜 "Blind Stick Cherry".
A blind person from 筑紫 Tsukushi no Kuni province come here and repeated the prayer for a certain time:
ほのゞとまこと明石の神ならば 我にも見せよ人丸の塚
When he could see again, he placed his blind stick here and it grew into a cherry tree.

Hyogo 神戸市 Kobe city まや山天上寺 Mayasan Tenjo-Ji

yakusui shinkoo 薬水信仰 belief in healing water
At the temple Tenjo-Ji there is a special stone monument with a hole on the top, where the water collects.
In former times this was attributed to 石神 Ishigami or 石仏地蔵碑 a stone statue of Jizo Bosatsu.
The water would heal eye diseases.

. Maya san Tenjooji 摩耶山天上寺 Tenjo-Ji .

....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....
さぬき市 Sanuki city // 田石の神様 Taishi no Kamisama

. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
The neighbour of 広瀬 Hirose san once said "I am going to pray at 田石の神様 Taishi no Kamisama sanctuary. When he wanted to go back, it was already quite dark. Suddenly 白い狸 a white tanuki appeared in front of him. This Tanuki, quite a Yokai monster, was called Ashimagari 足まがり Ashi-Magari, trying to prevent him from going straight .
But he kicked the animal with one leg, so it disappeared.
It took him more than 12 hours to get home.

....................................................................... Kochi 高知県 .....
幡多郡 Hata district 西土佐村 Nishi-Tosa village // 石神さん

. kannazuki 神無月 month where the Kami are absent .
kami no rusu 神の留守 the gods are absent
This is the 10th lunar month, when the Kami father at 出雲 Izumo.
During that time Izumo no matsu 出雲の松 the pine of Izumo begins to bend.
Konpira san 金毘羅さん and 石神さん Ishigami san do not go.

. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree / 松の木 matsu no ki .

....................................................................... Mie 三重県 .....
河藝郡 Kawage district 栗眞村 Kurima village // 石神

A woman in the village became ill. An oracle told her, it was because the family had burned down the little forest around the local Shrine for 石神 Ishigami. Since then the family begun to pray at the Shrine and never cut a tree from there again.

....................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県 .....
西都市 Saito city 銀鏡 Shiromi // 石神

tatsu no koma 龍の駒 horse of a dragon
On the Westernn slope of 龍房山 Mount Ryubusuyama there is a hamlet called 秋切集落 Akkiri.
There is 石神 a stone deity named Ryu no Tama 龍之玉. In the nearby river the tatsu no koma 龍の駒 horse of the deity comes do drink.

銀鏡(しらみ)神社 Shirami Jinja / 銀鏡神社(しろみ神社) Shiromi Shrine
- reference source : pmiyazaki.com/siromi_j... -

....................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 .....

マユイシノカミは前石の神である。// makoishi no kami

// モンイシノカミ mon ishi no kami / 門の石の神 stone deity of the gate

パライシノカミ para ishi no kami
パライシノカミ(腹石 hara no ishi)は柱石の神である。

シティイシノカミshitii ishi no kami

ウヤイシノカミ waya ishi no kami

....................................................................... Saga 佐賀県 .....
東松浦郡 Higashi-Matsuura district 鎮西町 Chinzei town // 石の神

ochosusama, o-chosu sama おちょす様 Deity to protect children
At the roadside is a stone deity named O-Chosu Sama, venerated in a small shrine with a thatched roof.
On the 20th day of the New Year there is 的射り a ritual of children shooting at a target. The small shrine was once relocated to 十二社宮 the place for 12 Shrines, but a priest said this was not good, so it was brought back to its old place.

....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
練馬区 Nerima ward

. Shakujii Park 石神井公園 Shakujii Koen .
石神井神社 Shrine Shakujii Jinja

sakana 魚 fish
At 石神井の池 the pond in Shakuji Park there lived a strange fish, each of its scales looked like a torii 鳥居 gate of a Shinto shrine.
During flooding this fish is swept out to the surrounding rice and vegetable fields. The villagers revere it as a messenger of the deity of Shajuji Shrine and never catch it.

- - - - - 石神井川 River Shakujigawa
Once a man heard the bell of a bicycle along the river Shakujigawa.
There were very few bycicles in this area and it might have been the mischief of the ghost of someone who had once fallen into the river and drowned.
Suddenly the place became quite popular and many people came to look out for the ghost.
Finally they realized it was the voice of frogs and the excitement died down.

....................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 .....
防府市 Hofu city // 立石

Tateishi Inari 立石稲荷 / 立石稲荷神社
Dannouracho, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi

Built in the slope in three steps.

....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 .....
// 石の神

- folk belief -
On the 14th day of the New Year the Dosojin 道祖神 Wayside Gods are venerated as 石の神 Ishi no Kami. The fire of the ritual will protect children from getting ill.
. Doosojin 道祖神 Dosojin, Dososhin - Legends about Wayside Gods .

. Yooka sama. Yōka 八日様 Yoka Sama, the Honorable Day Eight .
oyooka sama お八日様 O-Yoka Sama


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
35 ishigami 石神 (18) / 石の神 ok // 飯石明神 Iiishi Myojin / 生石明神 Oishi Myojin / 羅石明神 ?Raishi Myojin



- #ishigami #stonedeity #stone #rock #iwagami #rockdeity #tateishi #shibaori #jizo #jinzeki #shakuji -

18 Sept 2020

FUDO - Kongo Fudo Zuihoji


Kongo Fudo Tochigi

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼 .

Kongo Fudo 金剛不動尊
古峯ヶ原 Furuminegahara 金剛山 Kongozan 瑞峯寺 Zuiho-Ji

栃木県鹿沼市草久2239 / Tochigi, Kanuma city, Kusagyu

The temple was founded in 757 by 勝道上人 Saint Shodo Shonin.
勝道上人 Priest Saint Shodo Shonin (735 - 817) practised Shugendo rituals in Nikko and helped deepen the belief in the Tengu, who would protect people from misfortune and extinguish fires in the region.
. 勝道上人 Saint Shodo Shonin .

今から凡そ1250年前、聖武天皇の御代、天平宝字元年(757年)に、日光山を開いた勝道上人(しょうどうしょうにん)によって当山奥之院三昧石(三枚石)が開創されました。 御年二十三歳の時であります。下野の名刹出流山(いずるさん)より奥之院にきた時に、峯に古色蒼然とした広大な原野があるので、古峯原(こぶがはら)と名づけられました。一説には華供(はなく)の峯が供峯(くぶ)になり古峯(こぶ)になったともいわれています。 金剛山という名称は、弘法大師が上人の遺弟道珍法師に金剛界の大法を授けた説と、建武年間(1234―1235)に後醍醐天皇の勅願によって大和の国(奈良県)葛城別当賢道(けんどう)僧正によって、葛城金剛山の分霊を奉じて本尊金剛童子を祭った説があります。 中古以来日光山発展と共に古峯原も峯修行に多くの修行者来山し、興隆してまいりましたが、明治初年の神仏分離令による政体の変更、大正8年の大洪水による本堂並びに庫裡、客殿の流出等、諸般の事情により、当山も一時哀徴の一途をたどりましたが、先師の努力により、霊域も回復、有縁の浄地を現在地に求めて、堂宇を建立、法燈を護持して今日に至っております。
- quote
- source : temple history...


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守りamulets

- Homepage of the temple
- source : kongousanzuihouji...


- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -

Fire walking ritual

- reference : Zuiho-Ji -

More festicals at the temple:
- source : Temple Zuiho-Ji - events -


This temple is Nr. 17 of the
. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #kongofudo #tochigi #zuihoji -

17 Sept 2020

EDO - takumi masters teachers legends


takumi master craftsman

. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 Craftsmen of Edo - List.

takumi 匠と伝説 legends about master craftsmen
takumi is often used for master carpenters.
shishoo 師匠 teacher, mentor

source : craft.city.taito.lg.jp...


source : www.hida-takumi.jp

. Hida no Takumi 飛騨の匠 Master Builders from Hida .
Hida no daiku 飛騨の大工 carpenter from Hida, architect from Hida
Hida No Takumi Bunkakan - The Takumikan Craft Museum


. shokunin 職人と伝説 legends about craftsmen, artisans .

Edo no waza to takumi 江戸の技と匠 The skilled craftsmen of Edo

. Hidari Jingoroo 左甚五郎 Hidari Jingoro .
Japanese artist, sculptor and master carpenter.


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

akuryoo 悪霊 evil spirit
When the evil spirit of 藤原広嗣 Fujiwara no Hirotsugu begun to make cursed, his shishoo 師匠 mentor
吉備真備 Kibi no Makibi drove away the evil spirit.

- quote -
The Fujiwara no Hirotsugu rebellion (藤原広嗣の乱, Fujiwara no Hirotsugu no ran) was an unsuccessful Nara period rebellion led by Fujiwara no Hirotsugu (藤原広嗣) in the Japanese islands, in the year 740. Hirotsugu, dissatisfied with the political powers, raised an army in Dazaifu, Kyushu but was defeated by government forces.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Kibi no Asomi Makibi 吉備真備 (695 – 775)
... In 737, he received promotion to the junior fifth rank. His influence at court triggered the Fujiwara no Hirotsugu Rebellion of 740. ...
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

................................................................................. Ehime 愛媛県
松山市 Matsuyama city // 長狐が我等の師匠 master fox

chooko 長狐 a long (master) fox
The wife of 河野通直 Kano Michinao (1564 - 1587), Lord of 伊予国 Io no Kuni, was bewitched and became two women. Nobody knew who was the real one. While eating her ears would begin to move, so they torured her to find out. And indeed, an old fox appeared in her place. When they tried to kill it. all the foxes from the Shikoku region came along.
They said this fox was the messenger 貴狐明神 of 稲荷 Inari and the master of all foxes in Japan. If they would not kill her, the foxes would leave Shikoku and do no more harm.
Michinao believed them and let the fox go. All the other foxes also left Shikoku.

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .

- This fox could have been the Japanese version of 貴狐天皇(ダキニ天) Dakini Ten
貴狐天王(きこてんのう) Kiko Tenno

source : youkaitama.seesaa.ne...

................................................................................. Fukushima 福島県
東白川郡 Higashi-Shirakawa district 塙町 Hanawa town // 縫物の師匠

. kitsunebi 狐火/ キツネビと伝説 Legends about the "fox fire" .
The father of 藤田スイ氏 Fujita Sui, 藤原金次郎 Fujiwara Kinjiro, was nuimono no shishoo 縫物の師匠 a famous craftsman for sewing. He went with two companions to トウドウさん /東堂山 Mount Todo San (668 m) and on their way home they took chikamichi 近道 a shortcut. They were wearing fashionable scarlet coats. On the way they sat down to have a smoke.
They saw a kitsunebi 狐火 fox fire appearing and disappearing, coming and going. They looked at it for a a while with enjoyment and then went home.
The family members told them they were smelling of shit. Their scarlet coats were full of fox shit.

Temple 満福寺 Manpuku-Ji at mount Todo San

Founded in 807, people came here to pray for prosperity and protection of their farm animals.

Fukushima 耶麻郡 Yama district 猪苗代町 Inawashiro town // 師匠

jisatsu no shirase 自殺の知らせ message of a suicide
Late one evening two people came to the temple. The priest (師匠) told them they need not tell him anything, he knew already that two people had committed suicide by hanging.
The tow messengers became quite afraid.

Fukushima 耶麻郡 Yama district 高郷村 Takasato village // 師匠

waka sama ワカ様 fortune teller
Female fortune tellers are called Waka Sama.
When 夏井 Natsui is taking over a woman in a session, she might jump up quite a bit when this happens.
Then she would turn toward the mentor and say:
"I am the protector deity of this place. I am コンピラサマ Konpira Sama. If you want to ask somethins, go ahead!"
Questions about something lost or a lost person would especially lead to a good result.

................................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県
大野郡 Ono district 宮村 Miyamura village // 飛騨の匠

. uma 馬 koma 駒伝説 horse legends .
The horse statue made by a master craftsman from Hida at 一ノ宮 the Shrine Ichi no Miya ran away every night and devastated the fields.
So they crushed its eyes to keep it in its place.

- quote -
Hida Ichinomiya Minashi Shrine
As Hida's Ichinomiya (the highest ranking Shinto shrine in the area),
this shrine has been worshipped by local residents since ancient times. Many people visit the shrine to pray at the Hida Ikibina Matsuri (Live Doll Festival), Reisai (annual festival) and Hatsumode (the first shrine visit on New Year's Day).
- source : hida.jp/english... -

................................................................................. Gunma 群馬県
// 師匠

. Kashozan 迦葉山 a Tengu mountain .
群馬県 沼田市上発知町445番地 Gunma, Numata
The founder of this temple, Tenson Keijun 天巽慶順, was a great teacher and mentor.

................................................................................. Ishikawa 石川県
鳳球郡 Hosu district 穴水町 Anamizu town // 飛騨の匠

hiryuu 飛竜 Hiryu, a flying dragon
At the entrance to the home of 長谷家 the Hasegawa family there was a carving of a dragon made by a craftsman from Hida.
At night the dragon would fly away to the near fountain, take a bath and make steam float in the air.

. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .

................................................................................. Iwate 岩手県
奥州市 Oshu city // 師匠

In the year 1877, the teacher of a terakoya 寺子屋 temple school saw the shadow of a young man moving on the sliding doors.
A hebi 蛇 serpent had shape-shifted into the young man to seduce the wife of the teacher priest.

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .

. terakoya 寺子屋  "temple school", private school .

Iwate 遠野市 Tono city // 師匠

norikoshi ノリコシ
Norikoshi is almost like a kagebooshi 影法師 Kageboshi, the full shadow of a person.
First the bold head of a priest becomes visible. Because it is not clear, people look closer. and it becomes bigger and biger, going over a roof. Then it comes down down again.
In the village 土淵村 Tsuchibuchi mura there lived kajiya 鍛冶屋 a blacksmith named 権蔵 Gonzo. One evening he came back to the house of his shishoo 師匠 teacher when he saw a man peeking at the daughter. He seemed huge like a rock and then shrinking rapidly. He soon jumped over the roof and disappeared.

- photo by takaoffice -
. kagebooshi 影法師 the full shadow of a person .

. kajiya 鍛冶屋 kajishi 鍛冶師 blacksmith .

................................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県
石巻市 Ishinomaki city 桃生 Momou // 師匠

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
Toogoro kitsune 藤五郎狐 a fox named Togoro
On the border along 桃生村 Momou village and 中津山村 Nakatsuyama village there is a bridge over the river 古川 Furukawa called the 八景橋 Hakkeibashi. Around there lived an old fox called 藤五郎 Togoro. The used to bewitch travelers. Once a mentor of the lion dance from Nakatsuyama village named 勘作 Kansaku with his troupe was invited to a village in Nagano and had to cross this bridge. It was evening already and there was a large estate inviting them to stay. They danced all night and got a lot of presents for it. The next morning when they came to 谷地 Yachi near the bridge, they found that all their presents had gone.
This was the wicked deed of the fox Togoro.

................................................................................. Nara 奈良県
月ヶ瀬村 Tsukigase village // 師匠

kitsune 狐 fox
In the middle of 神野山 Mount Konoyama there was koedame 肥溜め an area for fertilizer. A student of 狂言 Kyogen passed here one night and was bewitched by a fox. He undressed and went into the dump all nakes, thinking a peace of shit was soap and smeared it all over his body. Other people passing by begun to laugh and he finally came back to his senses.

Forest Park Konoyama

................................................................................. Niigata 新潟県
阿賀野市 Agano city // 師匠

. kamikuchi 神口 Shamanism .
kamikuchi 神口,hotoke no kuchikiki 仏の口聞き,kami oroshi 神オロシ
In 駒林 Komabayashi lived a blind Shaman. She learned the trade from her mentor since she was 20 years.
She could contact the spirit of a dead person and answer questions from the family.
- - - - - . Tonchibo トンチボ, Tonchiboo トンチボウ Tanuki from Sado .
Tonchibo is also a local name for the Deity of the Forest, Yama no Kami 山の神, and thus a taboo word for the local fisherman.

. Kamioroshi カミオロシ in Sado . .
Held in honor of Tonchibo.

................................................................................. Osaka 大阪府

. yakan 野干 a monster beast from ancient China - maybe fox .
In Nanba lives a strange man who worked in the fields. He would get half naked, show his stomach and if someone shot at him, he was never hit.
Once a group of skilled hunters with their 師匠 master and asked the master to shoot at the man. The master hit the target and the man died. When the students asked how he did it, he said this man was in fact a fox and he had shot at the robes the fox in disguise was wearing.
Later they found the fox, who was shot dead.

................................................................................. Shizuoka 静岡県
御前崎市 Omaezaki city // 師匠

jashin 蛇身 the body of a snake
Near 見付 Mitsuke there is a pond called Sakuragaike 桜が池 "The Cherry Blossom Pond".
皇円 Saint Koen (1074 - 1169), the mentor of 法然 Saint Honen, meditated here waiting for 弥勒 Miroku Bosatsu to come back the earth, trying to become a serpent that would never die. When he was about to die, he jumped into the pond and became a serpent.

. 法然上人 Saint Honen (1133 - 1212) .

. Miroku Bosatsu 弥勒菩薩 .

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
Shizuoka 田方郡 Tagata district 戸田村 Heda village

. kimon 鬼門の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Gate Legends .

................................................................................. Yamagata 山形県
飽海郡 Akumi district 遊佐町 Yuza tow // 師匠

. kooshin 庚申伝説 Legends about the Koshin Cult .
A teacher of the Koshin cult was waiting in the evening before the festival. He prepared a special meal with fish looking like humans. The participants felt uncomfortable, but one ate a lot and the teacher was content.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
師匠 OK // 38 匠 (08)

. Edo, Tokyo 江戸 - 東京 - 伝説 Legends Index .


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. Edo no shokunin 江戸の職人 Edo craftsmen .

. Kaido 街道 Highways - ABC Index .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - The Japanese Home .

. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

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