9 Jan 2022

SHRINE - Rokusho Jinja legends


Rokusho Six Places Legends

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

rokusho 六所 six places, six things

Shrine Rokusho-Gu 六所宮 / Yufusan Jinja 木綿山神社 / Oita


The main 六所神社 Rokusho Jinja Shrines
六所神社(山形県鶴岡市) - Yamagata, Tsuruoka city -- 出羽国総社 Dewa no Kuni
六所神社(埼玉県所沢市) - Saitama, Tokorozawa city
六所神社(千葉県館山市)- Chiba, Tateyama city -- 安房国総社 Boso no Kuni
六所宮(東京都府中市) - Tokoy Fuchu city -- 現名称「大國魂神社」、武蔵国総社 Musashi no Kuni
六所神社(千葉県市川市) - Chiba, Ichikawa city -- 下総国総社 Shimosa no Kuni
六所神社(神奈川県中郡大磯町) - Kanagawa, Oisu town -- 相模国総社 Sagami no Kuni
六所神社(島根県松江市) - Shimane, Matsue city -- 出雲国総社 Izumo no kuni
六所神社(大分県豊後高田市) Oita, Takada city

Regional Rokusho Shrines

- - - 東北地方 Tohoku Region
嶽六所神社(秋田県大仙市) - Dake Rokusho - Akita
六社神社(山形県山形市) - Yamagata

- - - 関東地方 Kanto Region
旧六所神社(茨城県つくば市) -- Now Shrine Kokage Jinja 蚕影神社
六所神社 (大田区)
六所神社 (世田谷区赤堤)
六所神社 (世田谷区野毛)
六所神社 (世田谷区給田)

- - - 中部地方 Chubu Region
六社神社(静岡県磐田市) 六所神社(愛知県豊田市松平郷) -- related to 鹽竈神社 Shrine Shiogama Jinja

- - - 近畿地方 Kinki Region
六所神社(京都府京都市山科区) -- Many in Yamashina district

- - - 四国地方 Shikoku Region

- - - 九州地方 Kyushu Region
六所宮(大分県由布市) -- 宇奈岐日女神社の別称 Better known as Unagihime Shrine
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- - - Rokusho Shrine - Six Deities
伊弊諾尊(いざなぎのみこと) Izanagi no Mikoto
伊弉冉尊(いざなみのみこと) Izanami no Mikoto
天照大神(あまてらすおおみかみ) Amaterasu Omikami
月夜見尊(つきよみのみこと) Tsukiyomi no Mikoto
素盞嗚尊(すさのおのみこと) Susano-O no Mikoto
大巳貴尊(おおなむちのみこと) Onamuchi no Mikoto
- reference source : kankou-shimane.com ... -

Rokusho Shrines in Sagami (now Kanagawa) 相模国総社六所神社
They are resting places for the deities on their journey to Izumo.

平塚八幡宮 Hiratsuka Hachimangu
- reference source : rokusho.jp/history ... -

. kannazuki 神無月 "gods-absent month", 10th lunar month .
The tenth lunar month (now November), after the harvest when the Japanese gods had done their duty,
they left their local shrines for a bit of a vacation.
They would all go for an audience and to celebrate at the great shrine of Izumo,
so the rest of Japan was "without gods".


. Rokusho-Gu 六所宮 .
Better known as Unagihime Jinja 宇奈岐日女神社 Unagi-Hime Shrine
also read Unaguhime, Unagu-Hime (うなぐひめじんじゃ/うなきひめじんじゃ)
2220 Yufuincho Kawakami, Yufu, Oita / 大分県由布市湯布院町川上2220


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 .....
揖斐郡 Ibi district 揖斐川町 Ibigawa town

. ryuukotsu 竜骨と伝説 Ryukotsu, Legends about dragon bones .
Once there was a drought and the priest from 六所神社 the Shrine Rokusha Jinja
took out ryuukotsu 竜骨 the dragon bones.
And indeed, it soon begun to rain.
But then it rained more and all was flooded.
Since then, the dragon bones are not shown any more.

....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 .....
Saitama 大宮市 Omiya city

. u no hi 卯の日 legends about the first day of the rabbit .
The first unohi 卯の日 day of the rabbit in the 5th lunar month is related to お六所様 O-Rokusho Sama.
If people plant the rice fields on this day, they will die.

Saitama 戸田市 Toda city / 六所宮 Shrine Rokusho Gu / 六社神社

The sixth day of the 5th lunar month is related to オロクショ様 O-Rokusho Sama.
On this day the deity does the rice planting.
Therefore normal farmers do not plant rice on this day.

....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
府中市 Fuchu city // 六所明神 Rokusho Myojin

The Deity 六所明神 Rokusho Myojin was once made to wait under matsu 松 a pine tree.
Therefore the Deity dislikes pine trees.
. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree / 松の木 matsu no ki .

- - - Tokyo 府中市 Fuchu city

. u no hi 卯の日 legends about the first day of the rabbit .
On the day of the rabbit the Rokusho Deity オロクショウサマ O-Rokusho Sama is planting rice.
Therefore the farmers should not plant rice on that day.
It they do, there will be death in the family.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- ##rokusho #rokushoo #rokusha #sixplaces -


8 Jan 2022

TEMPLE - Jodoji Kannon Akasaka


Jodoji Kannon Akasaka

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .

Joodoji 浄土寺 Jodo-Ji, Akasaka
平河山 Hirakawazan 源照院 Gensho-In 浄土寺 Jodoji
Jodo 浄土 the paradise of Amida Nyorai.

港区赤坂4-3-5 /Minato ward, Akasaka

The Kannon statue is 正観世音菩薩 Sho Kannon.
The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.

The temple was founded by 聖公和尚 Priest Seiko (? - 1503)
in Chiyoda ward, 平河 Hirakawa.
It was relocated to its present place in 1665.


shuin 朱印 stamp


- - - - - Reference of the temple
- reference source : tesshow.jp ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 31 of the
. 山の手三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples along the Yamanote Line .

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Shō Kannon 聖観音 / 正観音 Sho Kannon / 聖観世音菩薩

. Tokyo Akasaka 赤坂 "the red slope" district .

. Hirakawachoo 平川町 Hirakawa-Cho, Hirakawa district .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県  
知多郡 Kita district 美浜町 Mihama town

Daikai Ryu Okami 大海龍大神 Great Dragon King of the Sea
In 1909 a huge kame 亀 turtle was washed ashore dead at the beach of 小佐 Kosa.
This turtle had appeared in the dream of the priest of 浄土寺 the Temple Jodo-Ji as an old man with white hair.
It had told the priest that if he would venerate the turtle as a deity, all his wishes would come true.
When the turtle died, the priest made a grave for it under ケヤキ a keyaki tree and prayed for it.
On the back of the turtle was an inscription 大海龍大神.
There was also an inscription of 谷村佐助 the clan of Tanimura Sasuke.
Sasuke had been to 伊勢神宮 the Great Shrine at Ise and prayed for the health and wellbeing of his clan.
A turtle appeared in his dream to let him know, his clan would be fine.
. keyaki 欅と伝説 Legends about a Zelkova tree .
. Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮 Great Shrine at Ise .
. ryuujin 竜神 /龍神 と伝説 Ryujin, Legends about the Dragon Deity .

....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 
京都市 Kyoto city / 左京区 Sakyo ward

. Amida Nyorai Legends 阿弥陀如来と伝説 .
浄土寺 The Temple Jodo-Ji is at the foot of 如意ヶ嶽 Mount Nyoigatake (472 m).
Once there was a fire at the temple.
The statue of Amida Nyorai 阿弥陀如来 went up to the mountain and produced 大光明 a bright light to stop the fire.
Since the origin of the letter dai 大 "big",
which is lit up on the mountain in Kyoto at the end of the O-Bon rituals for the ancestors.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #Jodoji #hirakawa #nyoigatake #joodoji -


7 Jan 2022

TEMPLE - Enseiji Doji Fudo Furuhagi


Enseiji Fudo Furuhagi

[ - Indroducing Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 - ]
. 18 Fudo Doji Temples of Yamaguchi 十八不動三十六童子

Enseiji 円政寺 Ensei-Ji - Furuhagi
月輪山 Gachirinzan 金毘羅社 Konpirasha 円政寺 Enseiji .

萩市古萩町6 / Hagi, Minamifuruhagi 6


Nr. 08 - Shitara Doji 質多羅童子

- quote -
Constructed in 1254, Enseiji Temple has a torii gate at its entrance — despite being a temple and not a shrine — and this stone torii is a city-designated Tangible Cultural Property.
The temple grounds contain the Konpira-sha Hall (a Municipal Tangible Cultural Property) with its statues of the 12 zodiac signs.
It is an important location, being a rare example of the syncretism between Buddhism and Shinto.
The precincts also contain the rocking -horse (sacred horse) that Shinsaku Takasugi and Hirobumi Ito played with in their youth.
- source : japantravel.navitime.com/en ... -

The temple was built on request of 大内氏 the Ouchi clan of Hagi as their clan temple.
After the extinction of the Ouchi clan, in 1604, 毛利輝元 Mori Terumoto became regent of the region.
He relocated the temple to 塩屋町 Shioya district (now there is 多越神社 the Shrine Taetsu Jinja.


shuin 朱印 stamp

- Reference of the temple
- source : tabi-mag.jp
- reference source : omairi club ... -


Also on the following pilgrimages :

中国四十九薬師霊場 Pilgrimage to 49 Yakushi Temples - Nr. 33
- reference source : -


This temple is Nr. 08 of the
. 18 Fudo Doji Temples of Yamaguchi 十八不動三十六童子
. The 36 Attendants of Fudo Myo-O 三十六童子 .
- Indroducing Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 -


. Join the Fudo Myo-O Group on Facebook .


- - ##enseiji #enseijidoji #yamaguchi #taetsushrine #taetsujinja -


6 Jan 2022

TEMPLE - Seiganji Kannon Sugamo


Seiganji Kannon Sugamo

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .

Seiganji 清巖寺 Seigan-Ji, Nishi-Sugamo
長仙山 Chozenzan 清巖寺 Seiganji // 日照山 Nissozan 光明院 Komyo-In 清巌寺 Seiganji

東京都豊島区西巣鴨4-8-24 / Toshima ward, Nishi-Sugamo

The Kannon statue is 十一面観世音菩薩 Juichimen Kannon Bosatsu.
The main statue is 釈迦如来 Shaka Nyorai.

The temple was founded in 1615 by 国伝寒達 Kokuden Kandatsu
on request of 加藤勘助重正 Kato Kansuke Shigemasa (1575 - 1645).
Many graves of members of the Kato clan are in the compound.
It was first built in 1615 in 小日向 Kohinata.
In 1922 it was relocated to its present place.


- - - - - Reference of the temple
- wikipedia -

- reference source : tesshow.jp ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


- quote -
Shigemasa Kato 加藤重正
Shigemasa Kato (Kato Shigemasa, (1575 - 1645) ) was a samurai in the early Edo period.
He is Hatamoto. He is commonly known as Kansuke. He served Ieyasu Tokugawa, Hidetada Tokugawa, and Iemitsu Tokugawa.
His father is Shigetsune Kato. He has a daughter (Yoshinaga Omori's wife) as a child, Shigenaga Kato (the second son of Yoshinaga Omori) as an adopted child, and Masatoshi Kato.
His brothers are Masamitsu Kato, Shigekatsu Kato, and Tadashige Kato, who are separated from each other.
- - - Lifetime
Kansuke Kato Shigemasa is known as an equestrian.
His ancestor Shigehide Ueda (equestrian) taught him Ueda style equestrian. He served Ieyasu Tokugawa from the 5th year of Tensho (1577) and Hidetada Tokugawa, the second shogun from the 2nd year of Genna (1616), and received 400 stones of knowledge. Shigemasa was entrusted with Mima by Hidetada Tokugawa about the sword fighting on horseback, and became famous (there is another description that he told the third shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu about this).
In the 9th year of Genna (1623), when Hidetada went up, he served. In the 10th year of Kanei (1633) after Hidetada's death, he was entrusted with 30 concentric humans (guns) and was allowed to wear cloth. In the 11th year of Kanei (1634), he received 500 new stones of land, and became 900 stones in Kai and Musashi provinces.
He died on June 22, 1645. He was 71 years old.
He was buried at Seiganji Temple in Kohinata Daimachi, Koishikawa.
After that, Seiganji Temple became the burial ground of the Kato family for generations, and it is said that Shigemasa was opened with this. In 1922, Seiganji was relocated to Nishisugamo, Nishisugamo-cho, Toshima-ku (currently 4-chome, Nishisugamo, Toshima-ku) due to the expansion of the city planning road in Tokyo.
A stone pagoda with the name of Shigemasa engraved on the current Seiganji Temple still exists. It can be read as "Seiganji Ichibin Somi Daishi". Seiganin (Seiganin) in Fussa City is also known as the founder of Nakako, and the legal name of Shigemasa Kato, "Seiganin-den Ichibin Somi Daishi".
- source : wikipe.wiki .. -


This temple is Nr. 30 of the
. . 山の手三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples along the Yamanote Line .

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Shō Kannon 聖観音 / 正観音 Sho Kannon / 聖観世音菩薩

. Juichimen Kannon 十一面観音 Senju Kannon 千手観音 Kannon with 11 faces and 1000 arms .


. Temples with legends .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #seiganji #yamanoteseiganji #sugamo #kannon -


5 Jan 2022

TEMPLE - Nanbaraji Fudo Mine


Nanbaraji Fudo Mine Isa

[ - Indroducing Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 - ]
. 18 Fudo Doji Temples of Yamaguchi 十八不動三十六童子

Nanbaraji 南原寺 Nanbara-Ji - Isa
桜山 Kazan 南原寺 Nanbaraji

山口県美祢市伊佐町南原 / Yamaguchi, Mine city, Isa town, Nanbara


Nr. 07 - Chiedoo Doji 智慧幢童子 Chiedo Doji  

- - - - - The main statue is
Imashime Fudo 戒め不動 Fudo to remind us to be careful

- Chant of the temple
御仏の御法の 花の 桜 山 宮香は四方に 現われにけり

This temple is the oldest in Yamaguchi.
The temple was founded by 聖徳太子 Shotoku Taishi.
It is also related to 神功皇 Empress Jingu Kogo.
花山法皇 Emperor Kazan Tenno revitalized the temple.
He stayed there for a long time because of 美祢尼 the Nun Mine, who gave birth to his child.
She later became a nun at the temple 利生山永福寺 Rishozan Eifuku-Ji.

- quote
Emperor Kazan (花山天皇, Kazan-tennō (968 – 1008)
was the 65th emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession.
Kazan's reign spanned the years from 984 through 986.
He commissioned the Shūi Wakashū.
- MORE in the Wikipedia


shuin 朱印 stamp

- Homepage of the temple
- source : nanbaraji.com ...
- reference source : omairi club ... -


- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -

Time for blossom viewing - 花ごよみ
しだれ桜  4月初旬~中旬 - Shdarezakura
シャクナゲ 4月中旬~下旬 - Shakunage
カラー    5月初旬旬~6月末 - Calla  
彼岸花   9月中旬~9月末 - Higanbana
紅 葉   11月中旬~12月初旬 - Momiji red autumn leaves
- reference source : nanbaraji.com/haikan -


This temple is Nr.07 of the
. 18 Fudo Doji Temples of Yamaguchi 十八不動三十六童子
. The 36 Attendants of Fudo Myo-O 三十六童子 .
- Indroducing Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Hyogo 兵庫県 
神戸市 Kobe city 兵庫区 Hyogo ward // 永福寺 Eifuku-Ji

. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
Every morning the body of the dragon on the gate of 永福寺 the Eifuku-Ji was all wet.
The dragon would go off to the nearby beach and swim.
To keep him in place, an iron wire was placed around him.

Eifuku-Ji, 兵庫県神戸市兵庫区南仲町49


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Join the Fudo Myo-O Group on Facebook .


- - #kazan #hanayama #nanbaraji #yamaguchi #eifukuji -


4 Jan 2022

LEGENDS - Azure Dragon Seiryu


Seiryu Azure Dragon Legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

seiryuu 青龍と伝説 / 青竜 Legends about Seiryu, Azure Dragons

. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
- Introduction -

. goshiki ryuujin 五色龍神 Dragon Gods of five colors .

. Shooryuuji 青龍寺 Shoryu-Ji .
Shikoku Henro Temple Nr. 36

. Seiryuuji 青龍寺 Seiryu-Ji .
東北三十六不動尊霊場 Pilgrimage to 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku - Nr. 18 

. Temples named Seiryu-ji or Shoryu-Ji .
The Azure Dragon is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations.
It represents the east and the spring season.
Kukai Kobo Daishi visited the Seiryu-Ji in China.


. 青龍寺 Seiryu-Ji Kyoto . - tba

Seiryu-Ji Okayama, Niimi
Seiryu-Ji Tottori, Yazu
Temples named 青龍山 Seiryuzan - TBA

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

. Chishoo Daishi 智證大師 Chisho Daishi / Enchin 圓珍 . - (814 - 891)
After Priest 智証大師 Chisho Daishi came back from China, he turned into the South-West direction,
took a water ablution and folded his hands.
When his disciples asked him about the reason, he told them
"There is a fire at 青龍寺 the Temple Shoryu-Ji and I want to help to extinguish the fire."
. Shooryuuji 青龍寺 Shoryu-Ji - Kochi .

......................................................................................... Aichi 愛知県

A Zen-priest named 無因 Mu-In hit the corner of a rock with his staff many times.
The rock burst and water came flowing out. White clouds came up and
seiryuuu 青龍 an Azure dragon came out and moved to heaven.
This is the origin of the Temple name 青龍山瑞泉寺 Seiryuzan Zuisen-Ji.
愛知県犬山市瑞泉寺 - Zuisenji-7 Inuyama, Aichi

......................................................................................... Aomori 青森県
The same legend is told in 秋田県 Akita.

. 八太郎 Hachitaro and the Lord of 八郎潟 Hachirogata. .
The lord of 十和田湖 Lake Towadako was a large unagi 鰻 eel.
Once a Yamabushi 山伏 mountain priest fought with 八郎太郎 Hachirotaro and regained the land.
On the land he was venerated as Seiryu Gongen 青龍権現 Venerable Seiryu Azure Dragon.
Another version mentions a priest from 三戸郡科町龍現寺 Temple Ryugen-Ji in Sannohe.
The priest shape-shifted into a serpent and drove Hachirotaro away.
. unagi うなぎ / 鰻 と伝説 Legends about the eel .


- quote -
Seiryū-ji (青龍寺)
is a Kōyasan Betsuin (affiliate temple) located in Aomori, Aomori Prefecture.
The temple was founded by a Great Acharya Ryuko Oda (織田隆弘),
who later built Shōwa Daibutsu (昭和大仏) in 1984.
Roughly 21.35 meters in height, it is the tallest seated bronze figure of Buddha in Japan.
Yamazaki 45-2 Kuwabara, Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture
- reference source : wikipedia -

......................................................................................... Gunma 群馬県
館林市 Tatebayashi city

青龍山 Seiryuzan 茂林寺 Temple Morin-Ji
A Tanuki turned tea kettle (or a tea kettle turned Tanuki) is told for more than 400 years at 青龍山茂林寺 the temple Seiryuzan Morin-Ji.
. Bunbuku Chagama 文福茶釜 / 分福茶釜 the Lucky Tea Kettle Story .

......................................................................................... Ishikawa 石川県
七尾市 Nanao city

. ryuutoo 龍燈 / 龍灯 / 竜灯 と伝説 Legends about Ryuto, "Dragon Lantern" .
A Seiryu 青竜 Azure Dragon sometimes brought a light to the hands of the Kannon Statue.
Therefore the temple was named
龍燈山竜華樹院観自在寺 Temple Ryutozan, Ryugeju-In, Kanjizai-Ji.
This Kannon had come from the sea, riding on a deer.
It was also called Kashima Kannon 鹿島観音 Kannon from Kashima.
Kanjizai (観自在) is the name of Avalokitesvara (観音 Kannon Bosatsu)
which is used in the Heart Sutra (般若心経 Hannya Shingyo).

......................................................................................... Kagawa 香川県
高松市 Takamatsu city 川部町 Kawanabe town

. The treasure of 長福寺 the Temple Chofuku-Ji .

......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都府

. nozuchi 野槌 / 槌の子 tsuchinoko ツチノコ Hammerspawn .
The priest of the temple 清滝不動院 Kiyotaki Fudo-In, 青龍住職 priest Seiryu,
had frequently chased something like a Tsuchinoko from the temple compound.
Even visitors had seen the creature. They all helped searching,
even along the deep slopes, but could not find it.

......................................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
- quote -
Seiryuzan Zuigan-ji (青龍山 瑞巌寺, Seiryuzan Zuigan-Ji)
is a Rinzai Zen Buddhist temple in located in the town of Matsushima, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. Belonging to the Myōshin-ji-branch of Rinzai Zen, it was founded in 828 during the Heian period by Jikaku Daishi.
91 Matsushima Chōnai, Matsushima-chō, Miyagi-gun, Miyagi-ken
- source : wikipedia -

. Jigaku Daishi Ennin 慈覚大師仁円 Legends .

......................................................................................... Osaka 大阪府
大阪市 Osaka city 天王寺区 Tennoji ward

seiryuu ike 青竜池 the pond of the Azure Dragon
Below the Golden Hall of 四天王寺 the temple Shitenno-Ji there is
the Seiryu-Ike 青竜池 Pond of the Azure dragon.
In former times there was a large pond where 青竜 the Azure Dragon lived.
When building the temple, the pond was filled, but to appease the dragon,
a small pond was left. It became the source of
kamei no mizu 亀井の水, where fresh water from the Turtle Well always flows.
. Shitennoji 四天王寺 Temple Shiteno-Ji .

......................................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県
大津市 Otsu city 坂本本町 Sakamoto Honmachi

. Chishoo Daishi 智證大師 Chisho Daishi / Enchin 圓珍 . - (814 - 891)
When Enchin went to China, he stayed at 青龍寺 the Chinese Temple Seiryu-Ji.
When he was head priest at 比叡山 Hieizan, he once used his water ladle and threw water in the sky in the Western direction three times.
When his students asked him about it, he told them there was a fire at 青龍寺 the Temple Seiryu-Ji and he wanted to extinguish it.
Next year a man from China came to the temple and told them that during the fire there was suddenly a great rainstorm, extinguishing the fire.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- ###seiryu #seiryuu #azuredragon #dragon #セイリュウ #shooryuu -


3 Jan 2022

TEMPLE - Nomanji Fudo Yamaguchi


Nomanji Fudo Tawarayama

[ - Indroducing Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 - ]
. 18 Fudo Doji Temples of Yamaguchi 十八不動三十六童子

Noomanji 能満寺 Noman-Ji - Tawarayama
悉地山 Shijizan 能満寺 Nomanji

長門市俵山2441 / Yamaguchi, Nagato, Tawarayama

長門不動 Nagato Fudo


Nr. 06 - Keishini Doji 計子爾童子

The main statue is 聖観音菩薩 Sho Kannon Bosatsu.
And a Kannon statue in the compound:


- quote
An ancient Shingon-Buddhist temple to the west of Tawarayama Onsen.
Nouman-ji Temple was erected in 806 by the reknowned Japanese Buddhist monk Kukai, who had recently returned from a scholarly expedition to China.
Visitors to the temple today will be met with the bright scarlet of the temple gate, main hall, and small surrounding shrines at the crest of the temple's stone steps.
The ceiling of the temple's main hall is graced with ink paintings of flowers and islands by the master ink wash 雪舟 painter Sesshu, and within the small shrines dotting the temple grounds, wooden statues of the bodhisattva Kannon.
On the hill behind the temple grows a great tree (the "Shii-no-ki"), and at the crest of the hill, the temple's inner sanctum, which comprises part of a great pilgrimage path for followers of Shingon Buddhism.
Nouman-ji Temple is especially beautiful in autumn, partly for the two great gingko trees which grow on either side of its main gate.
- source : visit-nagato.com/en

. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) .


- Homepage of the temple
- source : visit-nagato.com/en
- reference source : omairi club ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree .. -


This temple is Nr. 06 of the
. 18 Fudo Doji Temples of Yamaguchi 十八不動三十六童子
. The 36 Attendants of Fudo Myo-O 三十六童子 .
- Indroducing Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 -

. Chitose Fudo 千歳不動尊 "Fudo of one thousand years" .
星王山 Hoshiozan 寶蔵院 / 宝蔵院 Hozo-In 能満寺 Noman-Ji
川崎市高津区千年354 / Kanagawa, Kawasaki city, Takatsu ward, Chitose


. Join the Fudo Myo-O Group on Facebook .


- - #nomanji #noomanji #tawarayama #yamaguchi #noumanji #nagatofudo -


2 Jan 2022

TEMPLE - Entsuji Legends


Entsuji Temple Legends

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .

Entsuuji 円通寺 / 圓通寺 Legends about temples named Entsu-Ji


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県  
北宇和郡 Kita-Uwa district 津島町 Tsushima town

The priest 恵林 Erin from 円通寺 the Temple Entsu-Ji was very rich.
He died, his soul still hanging on to the riches.
People who got part of the money were cursed.
The villagers finally built a small sanctuart for him, calling him
Saguragi Myojin 桜木明神 the Sakuragi Myojin Deity of the Cherry Tree. On day 8 of the 7th lunar month, they hold special rituals for him.

....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府  
京丹後市 KyoTango city

. Raijin 雷神と伝説 Legends about the God of Thunder and Lightning .
and the disappearance of a dead body.

....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県  

- quote -
Yamanotera (山の寺) "Mountain Temple"
is the collective name for a group of temples located on a hill in Nanao, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan.
In 1581, Maeda Toshiie, the Sengoku period ruler of Noto Province ordered the construction of 29 Buddhist temples as part of the defenses of Nanao Castle.
All of the major Buddhist sects were represented, with the exception of the Jōdo Shinshū sect, which was the sect of the Ikkō-ikki movement that Maeda Toshiie was attempting to suppress.
Today sixteen temples remain in 1581 and are considered of great historical importance to the local people.
- source : wikipedia -

仙台市 Sendai city 泉区 Izumi ward

Yamanotera Dounji 山ノ寺洞雲寺 The Mountain Temple Doun-Ji
宮城県仙台市泉区 - Miyagi, Sendai city, Izumi ward
Sakanoue no Tamuramaro spend some time as a child in this temple.
Around 820, Jigaku Daishi revitalized this Mountain Temple.
Around 1730, a priest from 輪王寺 the temple Rinno-Ji reconstructed the temple with a large compound.
. Ennin - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 / 慈覺大師 (794 – 864) .
. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811) .

- - - - -

In 1400, 祥三和尚 the priest Shozo revitalized the temple.
Every day a young couple came to help.
One day the couple told the priest they were a pair of daija 大蛇 large serpents.
The priest held special rituals for them, so they could go to the Buddhist Paradise.

....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県  
十日町市 Tokamachi city 中条 Nakajo

. honzon no tatari 本尊の祟り the curse of the Amida Buddha statue .

....................................................................... Shimane 島根県  
飯石郡 Iishi district

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
A man named 横屋 Yokoya was able to remove the bewitching of a fox.
The pries of 円通寺 the Temple Entsu-Ji also used to remove the bewitching of a fox.
Families with a healed person were not welcome and their children usually could not marry.

....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都  
八王子市 Hachioji city 高月町 Takatsuki town

. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
There is a painting of 布袋渡河 Hotei crossing the river at 円通寺 the Temple Entsu-Ji.
Hotei had found out that the a Tanuki had shape-shifted into the priest of 円通寺 the Temple Entsu-Ji
and had made this painting to remember the event.
When there was a fire at the temple, this painting was safe.
It is now kept as an amulet against fires at the temple storehouse.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #entsuji #entsuuji #entsujitemple #yamanotera #dounji -



28 Oct 2021

KAPPA - Pokemon names



- Yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - - ABC-Index -

Pokemon ポケモン Pocket Monsters

- quote
Pokémon (an abbreviation for Pocket Monsters in Japan)
is a Japanese media franchise managed by The Pokémon Company, a company founded by Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures.
The franchise was created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1996, and is centered on fictional creatures called "Pokémon".
In Pokémon, humans, known as Pokémon Trainers, catch and train Pokémon to battle other Pokémon for sport. All media works within the franchise are set in the Pokémon universe. The English slogan for the franchise is "Gotta Catch 'Em All!".
There are currently 905 Pokémon species.
The franchise began as Pocket Monsters: Red and Green (later released outside of Japan as Pokémon Red and Blue), a pair of video games for the original Game Boy handheld system that were developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo in February 1996.
It soon became a media mix franchise adapted into various different media. Pokémon is estimated to be the highest-grossing media franchise of all time. The Pokémon video game series is the fourth best-selling video game franchise of all time with more than 380 million copies sold and one billion mobile downloads.
The Pokémon video game series spawned an anime television series that has become the most successful video game adaptation of all time with over 20 seasons and 1,000 episodes in 183 countries. The Pokémon Trading Card Game is the highest-selling trading card game of all time with over 34.1 billion cards sold.
In addition, the Pokémon franchise includes the world's top-selling toy brand, an anime film series, a live-action film (Detective Pikachu), books, manga comics, music, merchandise, and a temporary theme park. The franchise is also represented in other Nintendo media, such as the Super Smash Bros. series, where various Pokémon characters are playable.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


-source : M.Lucero -
Yokai: The Folklore Roots of Pokémon

Kappa - Lombre
Tengu - Shiftry
Kotengu - Nuzleaf
Futakuchi Onna - Mawile
Kyubi no Kitsune fox - Ninetales
Amikiri to cut nets - Gligar
Sazae Oni - Slowbro / sazae snail (Turbo cornutus)
Baku - Drowzee
Jinmenju, or ninmenju - Exeggutor
Yamanba, Yamamba - Jynx
Nekomata cat - Espeon
Kamaitachi, Kama Itachi "sickle weasel" - Sneasel
Chochin Obake - Dusclops
Kirin - Suicune
Yuki warashi, Yukinbo - Snorunt
Hakutaku - Absol
Ho-O, hō-ō, hōō - Ho-Oh
Tsuchinoko - Dunsparce
Tatsu (Dragon) - Rayquaza
Wani (dragon-like monster) - Gyarados
Basan (chicken) - Magmar
Tanuki (badger) - Zigzagoon
Ungaikyo 雲外鏡 (mirror) - Bronzor
Yuki onna (snow woman) - Froslass
Fujin (God of Wind) - Tornadus
Raijin (God of Thunder) - Thundurus
Sogenbi (fire head) - Gastly

Matthew Meyer's own website, - yokai.com -
is a highly-recommended, thoroughly-researched guide to the monsters, ghosts, and creatures of Japanese folklore.
His images are with permission of the artist.


. - - - Join my Yokai friends on facebook ! - - - .


- Yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - - ABC-Index -

. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .
- Reference -

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Kappa densetsu 河童伝説, Kappa minwa 河童民話 - Legends - Introduction .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- ##pokemon #pocketmonster #monster #yokai -
