27 Oct 2022

TEMPLE - Komyozenji Yakushi Jitcho


Komyozenji Yakushi Jitcho

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

Koomyoozenji 光明禅寺 Komyozen-Ji, Jitcho
源忠山 Genchuzan 光明禅寺 Komyozenji
鹿児島県指宿市十町南迫田2768 / Kagoshima, Ibusuki city, Jitcho town, Minami-Sakoda

The main statue is 釈迦如来 Shaka Nyorai.
There is also a wooden statue of a standing 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai, painted with black laquer.
This statue was made in the Kamakura period (1185 - 1333).

The temple was founded in 607 by 定彗和尚 Priest Joe (643 - 665). .
Its predecessor was calles 光明寺 Komyo-Ji in 697.
It was located on 唐山 Mount Tozan and had a statue of 十一面観音菩薩 Juichimen Kannon.
The Kannon Hall fell was greatly damaged during the years.
Around 1400 it was restored by the 島津元久 the Lord Shimazu Motohisa (1363 - 1411)
and moved to 南迫田 Minami-Sakoda.
It became the family temple of the Shimazu clan.


shuin 朱印 stamp


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : koumyouzenji.com ...
- source : oyakushi.com ...
- reference source : kagosima-koumyouzenzi/ ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 25 of the pilgrimage
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai Bhaisajyaguru .
the Buddha of Medicine and Healing


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #komyozenji #koomyoozenji #koumyouzenzi #yakushikyushu #yakushipilgrims #薬師如来 -


26 Oct 2022

TEMPLE - Chuzanji Kannon Seita


Chuzanji Kannon Seita

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Ise Saigoku 33 Kannon 伊勢西国三十三所観音巡礼 Pilgrimage .

Chuuzanji 中山寺 Chuzan-Ji, Seita
Shingohō, Shingoho 神護峯 Chuzanji 中山寺 (ちゅうざんじ)

三重県伊勢市勢田町411 / Mie Prefecture Ise Seita 411

The Kannon statue is 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon.

- quote
Chūzan-ji was founded in 1651 by 愚堂東寔 Gudō Tōshoku (also called 大円宝鑑国師 Daien Hōkan Kokushi, 1579-1661), a 137th head monk of Kyoto's Myōshin-ji temple.
It was built according to the wish of 石川昌勝 Ishikawa Masakatsu – a Lord of Kameyama province, who was converted to Rinzai Zen Buddhism by Gudō himself.
The temple construction was sponsored by Ishikawa Shōji – protector of the Ōsumi province and official commissioner (bugyō) of Ise region at the time. Chūzan-ji was built at the land in between two sanctuaries – Naikū (inner) and Gekū (outer) of Ise Shrine. It is the oldest and most famous Rinzai sect's temple in the region.
According to the temple's records, the Main Hall was built in the 3rd month of 1656.
It is 26.22m (86ft) wide and 14.3m (46ft10in) long building which has a hipped roof covered in tiles. This Main Hall is one of the best surviving examples of Rinzai sect's traditional large scale architecture and one of few remaining in the region in such a good condition. Among the statues enshrined in the hall, the wooden ones on the side altar: statue of the temple's founder – Gudō Tōshoku, statue of the temple's 2nd abbot - 雪潭 Settan Hōgyoku and 4 statues carved by Enkū (1632-1695, a monk and a sculptor) are especially worth mentioning.
After entering Chūzan-ji temple's ground through the Main Gate, stands a hall which enshrines 乾達婆 Kendatsuba – a Buddhist god (Gandharva), one of eight legions (hachibushu) accompanying Buddha Shakyamuni.
For more than 300 years, a festival during which young parents pray to this Kendatsuba for help with their infant's nervousness, sleeping problems and night crying is held on the 15th of each month.
Between the Main Hall and Kendatsuba Hall stands a Kannon Hall and Jizō Hall (Hall of Jizō, Bodhisattva who looks over children, travelers and the underworld.
The statue of Eleven-Faced Kannon enshrined in one of them came to Chūzan-ji from another temple named 蓮台寺 Rendai-ji. Rendai-ji belonged to Tendai sect and hold number 5 on Ise Kannon pilgrimage route. It disappeared in the middle of 19th Century (Meiji period), during times which were very difficult times for Buddhism in Japan. Chūzan-ji temple by welcoming and taking care of the Eleven-Faced Kannon statue from Rendai-ji, also inherited its pilgrimage site number.
The tombstones of official commissioners (bugyō) of Ise region: lord Saegusa (deceased 1841) protector of Iyo province and lord Koide (deceased 1848) protector of Buzen province stand on Chūzan-ji grounds.
There is also a monument engraved with poetry of 徳田椿堂 Tokuda Chindō (1758-1825) – a local haiku poet.
Since summer of 2005 a replica of a Dragon and Clouds painting by 曽我簫白 Soga Shōhaku (1730-1781, Edo painter) is on display on the fusuma sliding doors in the Main Hall. The original painting is stored in Boston Museum of Fine Arts. It used to be a possession of Chūzan-ji, but it was sold in 19th Century. After more than 100 years the replica was put where the original used to stand.
- source : otera_list_en/chuzanji ...


shuin 朱印 stamp


- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -

・春・秋季彼岸入りの日:施餓鬼会・塔婆供養 Spring and Autumn Equinox
- reference : isekannon.jp/otera ... -


Also on the following pilgrimage :

東海白寿三十三観音霊場 Tōkai Hakuju Kannon 33 kasho meguri) - Nr. 09
Tōkai 33 sites Kannon pilgrimage for Seniors
- reference : wikipedia -


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : otera_list_en/chuzanji ...
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 05 of the pilgrimage
. Ise Saigoku 33 Kannon 伊勢西国三十三所観音巡礼 Pilgrimage .

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Juichimen Kannon 十一面観音 Senju Kannon 千手観音 Kannon with 11 faces and 1000 arms .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 
宝塚市 Takarazuka city 中山寺 Chuzanji

koma no hizume ishi 駒蹄石
聖徳太子 Prince Shotoku Taishi が馬に乗ってこられたときの馬の蹄のあとの残る石が駒蹄石(こまのひづめいし)である。

....................................................................... Osaka 大阪府

abura kaheshi アブラカヘシ


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #chuzanji #chuuzanji #nakayamadera #isesaigoku ##isesaikoku ##isekannon -


25 Oct 2022

TEMPLE - Myojoji Yakushi Yoshimura


Myojoji Yakushi Yoshimura

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

Myoojooji 明星寺 Myojo-Ji, Yoshimura
開眼山 Kaigenzan 明星寺 Myojoji

宮崎県宮崎市吉村町寺ノ下甲2319 / Miyazaki, Yoshimura town, Teranoshita

The main statue is 釈迦如来 Shaka Nyorai.

The temple was founded in 1212 by 松平七郎兵衛尉上総入道景清公 Matsudaira Shichirobe Kagekiyo .
In 1538, the Zen Priest 徳尭隣公禅師 renewed it.
Priest Kagekiyo 入道景清 was a member of the Heike clan. In a grudge against 源頼朝 Minamoto no Yoritomo (1147 - 1199)
he pulled out both his eyes and lived alone in the mountains of Kirishimayama.
In his memory, 生目神社 the Shrine Ikime Jinja (Shrine for Living Eyes) was built.
People come here to pray for healing of eye diseases.
In 1633, 清水与右衛門 Shimizu Yoemon revived the temple
In 1820, the temple burned down.
In 1872, it was abolished as a temple.
Later Priest 恭山満堂和尚 revived it again.
In 1948, many victims of the war were buried here.
The priest also built a nursing home for the elderly,
宮崎市立老人ホーム明星園 Miyazaki Shiritsu Rojinhomu Myoji-En.
This home was later removed to 阿波岐原町 Awakigahara town.
In 1965, the kindergarden 明星幼稚園 was opened.

A cultural property of the temple is a statue of 虚空蔵菩薩 Kokuzo Bosatsu.


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : fishaqua.gozaru.jp ...
- source : oyakushi.com ...
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


- quote -
The 生目神社 Shrine Ikime Jinja
Tucked away a short drive west of Miyazaki City lies one of Miyazaki's many great hidden gems, Ikime Shrine.
Perched on a large hill called Mt. Kamei, it is surrounded by massive trees.
While not as grandiose as the hugely popular Udo and Miyazaki Shrines, Ikime Shrine holds its own charm and appeal. Being tucked away from the city, it is one of the few shrines you can likely enjoy to yourself for some time.
The architecture style is also truly marvelous.
The Shrine itself is dedicated to Emperor Ōjin, the 15th emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession, as well as Taira no Kagekiyo, a famous samurai rom the Taira clan during the late Heian period.
However, after talking with some locals in the area, I learned that many come to the shine to pray for healthy eyes and to cure eye diseases, as it is thought to be a place of healing.
- source : en-miyazaki.com/culture ... -


This temple is Nr. 24 of the pilgrimage
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai Bhaisajyaguru .
the Buddha of Medicine and Healing


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #myojoji #ikemejinja #ikemeshrine #yakushikyushu #yakushipilgrims #薬師如来 -


24 Oct 2022

TEMPLE - Tamiyaji Kannon Tamaki


Tamiyaji Kannon Tamaki

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Ise Saigoku 33 Kannon 伊勢西国三十三所観音巡礼 Pilgrimage .

Tamiyaji 田宮寺 Tamiya-Ji, Tamaki
富向山 Fukozan 田宮寺 Tamiyaji
度会郡玉城町田宮寺322 / Mie, Watari district, Tamaki town, Tamiyaji

One Kannon statue is Juichimen Kannon .
The temple has two Kannon Statues.

- quote -
Book : 勢陽五鈴遺響 Seiyō Gorei Ikyō
 たみやでら神も仏もひとつなれ わきておがまぬかたちだになし
Tamiya-ji temple, where Shinto Gods and Buddhist Gods become one, you don't pray to each separately because from the beginning they don't have any form. According to the records it is a place where Mifune vessel from Ise Shrine is stored.
According to temple's legend, it was founded by 行基菩薩 Gyōki (668-749), a famous monk who traveled around Japan to preach to commoners, in September 725.
. 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu (668 - 749) .
As ordered by Emperor Shōmu (701-756), he named the temple Jingū Hōraku-ji and as a main statue he made two statues of Eleven-faced Kannon. Between 767 and 770 the temple's buildings were lost in the fire. They were rebuilt thanks to Kūkai (Kōbō Daishi, 774-835, the founder of Shingon sect), who stayed at the grounds for some time after his return from China. Later when Tamiya-ji prospered again, Kūkai was acknowledged and worshiped as a rebuilder of the temple.
According to commentary written by Ōnishi Gen'ichi and included in the official temple's pamphlet issued by supporter group, Tamiya-ji was built between 995 and 999 by a head of Arakida clan, who was also a head priest at the Ise Shrine. Since then the temple became Arakida's family temple and abbots were also chosen from members of that clan (and Shingon sect monks at the same time). Because the records from 1496 state that the temple was rebuilt once again that year, it probably fall into a decline at some point.
In Nara (710-794) and Heian (794-1192) period, when Buddhism prospered in Japan, Buddhist temples (Jingū-ji) were built within main Shinto shrine's grounds. For example a Jingū-ji temple connected to Ise Shrine was placed in Ōkase in Taki-chō district. Tamiya-ji was also constructed as a Hōraku-ji temple – a temple bringing Buddhist teachings and Enlightenment to Shinto gods of Ise Shrine. At its grounds there was a hall called Mifune Hall which would store a box called Mifuneshiro (vessel to transport the divine artefact, originally in a shape of a boat) used during the Shikinen Sengū ritual (rebuilding of the shrine) at the Ise Shrine. The new Mifuneshiro would be presented to Tamiya-ji each twenty years, after it has been used for the ceremony.
Regional powerful clans of Kitabatake, Tamaru and Aisu donated lands of Tamiya-ji village, Katsuta, Yano and Hara village to the temple. According to the land survey conducted in 16th Century, among the temple's land an equivalent of 5.95 ha (14.7 ac) was the donated land. During 17th and 18th Century this land produced 2t of rice every year.
Beside the Main Hall, more buildings such as Daishi Hall (Hall of Kūkai), Tenjin shrine (Shinto God of Knowledge and Thunders = Sugawara no Michizane), Mifune Hall (Hall with the divine vessel), Shōten Hall (Kangiten, Ganesha, a god of conjugal harmony and long life), Fudō Hall (Hall of Fudō Myō-ō – Immovable Wisdom King), Dainichi Hall (Great Illuminating Buddha) and buildings of a sub-temple (tacchū) Higashinobō Kōgi-in used to stand. But after the order of Separation of Shinto and Buddhism (shinbutsu bunri) was issued by Meiji government in 1869,
Tamiya-ji seized to exist. All buildings except for Shōten Hall and living quarters of the abbot were torn down.
Main statues of Tamiya-ji are two 167cm high statues of Jūichimen Kannon (Eleven-Faced Kannon) made in the 9th Century (beginning of Heian period). Each is made from single block of Japanese hinoki cypress. One of the statues has some coloring left, while on the other some gold foil can still be found.
These two Kannon statues were first registered as National Treasure in 1915, to be registered also as Important Cultural Properties in 1950. Both of them are enshrined in the Shōten Hall of the Tamiya-ji temple.
On the 18th of every month a temple's festival is held. Many visitors from close and far come to pray and whish for: expelling of bad luck, finding love, happy marriage, family members' luck, fortune in business, safety of the household, abundant crops, protection from disasters, good fortune, pregnancy and safe childbirth. Two Kannon statues are shown to the public during special ceremonies on the 18th of February and 9th of August.
- source : isekannon.jp ..


shuin 朱印 stamp


- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -

On the 18th of every month a temple's festival is held.
Many visitors from close and far come to pray and whish for: expelling of bad luck, finding love, happy marriage, family members' luck, fortune in business, safety of the household, abundant crops, protection from disasters, good fortune, pregnancy and safe childbirth.
Two Kannon statues are shown to the public during special ceremonies on the 18th of February and 9th of August.
- reference : otera_list_en/tamiyaji ... -


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : otera_list/tamiyaji ...
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 04 of the pilgrimage
. Ise Saigoku 33 Kannon 伊勢西国三十三所観音巡礼 Pilgrimage .

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Juichimen Kannon 十一面観音 Senju Kannon 千手観音 Kannon with 11 faces and 1000 arms .


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #Tamiyaji #isesaigoku #isesaikoku ##isekannon #tamaki -


23 Oct 2022

TEMPLE - Fudo Hall Omagi


Fudo Hall Omagi

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Adachi 100 Fudo Temples 足立百不動尊霊場 Pilgrimage .

Fudo-Do 不動堂 Fudo Hall - Omagi
八丁観音堂内 in the compound of Hatcho Kannon Do
Hatcho Fudo-Do 八丁不動堂 Hatcho Fudo Hall

さいたま市緑区大間木1906 / Saitama, Midori ward, Omagi

The Fudo Myo-O statue is seated, with two acolytes at the side.

Nearby is
大間木稲荷神社 the Inari Shrine of Omagi, which was founded in 1731,
so the Fudo Hall might have been constructed at the same time.

- source : tesshow ...


Also on the following pilgrimage:

. 足立坂東三十三ヶ所霊場 Adachi Bando 33 Kannon Temples . - Nr. 34


- - - - - Reference of the Temple
- reference source : tesshow -
- reference source : hanaetabi.fc2web.com/hudou/index ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This Temple is Nr. 20 of the
. Adachi 100 Fudo Temples 足立百不動尊霊場 Pilgrimage .


. Temples with legends .

. Kita Adachi 88 Fudo Temples 北足立八十八ヵ所霊場 .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #hatchokannondo #hatchofudo #Fudoomagi #omagifudo #fudohall #adachifudo #busoo #busou -


22 Oct 2022

TEMPLE - Kofukushi Yakushi Kyushu


Kofukuji Yakushi Hiraiwa

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

Koofukuji 幸福寺 Kofuku-Ji, Hiraiwa
寶来山 Horaizan 幸福寺 Kofukuji
宮崎県日向市平岩9983 / Miyazaki, Hyuga city, Hiraiwa

The Yakushi statue is 幸福薬師 Kofuku Yakushi - Yakushi to bring happiness.
The main statue is 釈迦牟尼仏 Shakamuni Buddha.

The temple was founded in 1595 by the local lord 松葉源之亟景守 Matsubara Gennojo,
who later became a priest called 棟岩謹呈和尚.

In times of epidemics and famine, he held special rituals and helped the people.
People come to this temple to pray for good health and safety for the family.
In the compound is 観音堂 a Kannon Hall with a statue of
Senju Kannon (Koyasu Kannon) 千手観音 (子安観音) Kannon with 1000 arms to help bring up children.


shuin 朱印 stamp


- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -

A long list :
- reference : miyazaki/jiin ..-


- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : miyazaki-koufukuzi ...
- source : oyakushi.com ...
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 23 of the pilgrimage
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai Bhaisajyaguru .
the Buddha of Medicine and Healing


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 
菖蒲町 Shobu town

taikozaka 太鼓坂 the slope of the big drum
Once upon a time, near 幸福寺 the Temple Kofuku-Ji there lived ryuu 竜 one dragon.
He was the master of kanetsukidoo 鐘つき堂 the Temple Bell Hall.
One day the dragon went to the local pond and when he came back, he found that someone had stolen the bell.
The dragon became quite crazy about the loss, took the big drum and run away, shouting
"I am going to borrow this, when the bell comes back, I bring it back!"
After that, nobody had seen the drum any more.
If people walk along the slope of the temple, they can hear the sound of
"ponpon, ponpon" - the big drum.
Anyway, the bell was stolen by the dragon from 筑波山 Mount Tsukubasan.
If the bell rings at Tsukuba Temple, people can hear it sing:
kayama koishi 栢間恋し I long for Kayama.

- - another legend from the temple
One evening a beautifully dressed 弁天様 Benten Sama came here and stepped on the ground.
There was the sound of a drum. Benten liked the sound, begun to play her Biwa and danced.
When morning came, she disappeared.
Now people called the place "slope of the big drum".
- reference : 菖蒲町の坂 -
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #kofukuji #kofukuzi #tsukubasan #yakushikyushu #yakushipilgrims #薬師如来 -


21 Oct 2022

TEMPLE - Matsuo Kannonji Ise


Matsuo Kannonji Kusube

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Ise Saigoku 33 Kannon 伊勢西国三十三所観音巡礼 Pilgrimage .

Matsuo Kannonji 松尾観音寺 Matsuo Kannon-Ji, Kusube
龍池山 Ryūchizan 松尾観音寺 Matsuo Kannonji

伊勢市楠部町 松尾山 156-6 / Ise City, Kusube town, Matsuosan

The Kannon statue is 十一面 Juichimen Kannon.

- quote
According to temple's records, Matsuo Kannon-ji was built in Nara period (712) by Gyōki – a high priest who came to Mount Matsuo during his pilgrimage to Ise Shrine. This temple does not have branches (matsuji) or associated believers (danka), also it does not belong to any Buddhist sect. Matsuo Kannon-ji is a temple specialized in prayer for divine favors.
Its main statue is a miraculous Jūichimen Kannon (Eleven-Faced Kannon), accompanied by
Bodhisattva Jizō (Bodhisattva who looks over children, travelers and the underworld) and 
Bishamon (God of Treasure, Wealth, & Warriors). Many visitors come and pray to them asking for warding off calamities, bringing good fortune and many other favors.
For generations Matsu Kannon-ji was protected by the Kitabatake clan, a family of Governors of Ise. After Kitabatake clan was united and changed their surname to Kotsukuri, the temple became their official family temple (ujidera).
The Main Hall of the temple is made from Japanese zelkova. It was donated by Kotsukuri Nagasato and constructed 200 years ago in 1820.
In 1998 Kannon Hall was rebuilt thanks to donations gathered from all over the country in a fund-raising campaign organized by local supporters.
- - - 10.000 sutra copies in a finial of the roof
During the construction works at the roof of the Main Hall in 1954, 10.000 copies of Lotus Sutra were found inside the finial of the roof. All of them were written by hand and put in 500 boxes. To protect the sutras from bookworms, they were wrapped in oiled paper and sealed in boxes together with tobacco leaves.
- - - The legend of pond dragons that protect the main statue
There is a legend which explains the Mountain name of this temple – Ryūchizan (Dragon pond mountain). 
The name comes from two ponds behind the Main Hall which are called 
Futatsu ike (Two Ponds) or Ryū ike (Dragon Ponds).  
People believe that since ancient times there are two dragons living in them, a male dragon in the eastern pond and a female dragon in the western. Their role is to protect Goddess Kannon enshrined in this temple. According to a legend, 600 years ago in 1403, when the Main Hall was on fire, two dragons protected the Goddess from burning. The male dragon flew down from the sky and while sucking in the flames, he wrapped the statue with his own body. Then the female dragon took water from the pond in her mouth and sprayed on the fire protecting them both from burning.  
Since then in the end of every month, monks offer sake, eggs and rice in front of both of the ponds. This is to show their gratitude to the dragons for saving Goddess Kannon on that day.  
Because of that legend people started to believe this Kannon has power to protect people from disasters.  
Also because dragons appearing in the story are male and female, people also believe that the Goddess has power to bind men and women together and grant them children. These beliefs are passed down from generation to generation and even now people still come to pray and ask Kannon and the dragons for protection.  
- - - Mount Matsuo – a treasury of tradition and literature
Matsuo Kannon-ji grounds are also visited by people pursuing local culture. This temple is a home for many monuments engraved with poetry, as well as statues of Bodhisattva Jizō, each having its own legend.
Among the most prominent examples of poetry are:

My heart calms down seeing cherry blossoms in a cold evening.
Atake Sohaku (Ise, Kawasaki)

In twilight flowers and water give way to each other.
Ōnushi Kōu (Ise, Yōkaichiba)

One of the poems is about an old battle ground at Mount Kaibuki (Conch blowing mountain) in Uji Yamada area.
Visiting the remains of enemy's defense lines, it occurred to me that conch is just a name and the mountain storm is the only thing that blows.
Kanamori Tokusui

In the Main Hall there are many colorful votive tablets hanging on the wall. They were offered by the believers and are a precious evidence of Matsuo Kannon-ji's Kannon being the oldest example of Kannon's warding off calamities cult. That is why it attracts attention of many local historians.

Especially the votive tablets from the middle of 19th Century have pictures that depict customs of the time. All of them were donated as a prayer and gratitude for granted wish. A tablet offered by a Geisha from Furuichi red light district is very colorful and bewitching. It gives a slight hint of mood of those times. Many other have pictures of dragons and sneaks, which probably were influenced by the temple's Mountain name – Ryūchizan (Mount of Dragon's pond)
- - - Seiyōzakki  西洋雑記
In the mountain of Matsuoda Kurose village ground stands a Kannon Hall. The land is controlled by Kushimoto clan. Temple number 3 of Mie Saikoku 88 Sacred Grounds Ise Pilgrimage. Main statue of Ryūchizan Matsuo-ji is Eleven-Faced Kannon. 
Oh Matsuo, where the light spreading over two ponds. A place where a vow of compassion and mercy still remains. 
- source : matsuokannonj ...


shuin 朱印 stamp

enumsubi omamori お守り amulet

ema 絵馬 votive tablet


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : matsuokannon.jugem ...
- source : hommania.com/home ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 03 of the pilgrimage
. Ise Saigoku 33 Kannon 伊勢西国三十三所観音巡礼 Pilgrimage .

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Juichimen Kannon 十一面観音 Senju Kannon 千手観音 Kannon with 11 faces and 1000 arms .


. Kannon-Ji Temples in Japan .

. Temples with legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #Kannonji #Matsuokannonji #isesaigoku ##isesaikoku ##isekannon -


20 Oct 2022

SHRINE - Hinazuru Shrine Yamanashi


Hinazuru Jinja Tsuru

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

Hinazuru Jinja 雛鶴神社 (ひなづるじんじゃ) Hinazuru Shrine, Yamanashi
山梨県都留市 / Yamanashi, Tsuru city 上野原市 Uenohara city

- - - - - Deities in residence - - - - -
Hinazuru Hime 雛鶴姫 Princess Hinazuru.
大塔宮護良親王 Her son Moriyoshi Shinno.
葛城綴連王 (かつらぎのみやつづれおう) Her son Katsuragi no Miya Tsuzure-o.

In the Kamakura period, Princess Hinazuru had to flee Kamakura while she was pregnant.
In Uenohara she gave birth to two princes, but both died.
In their memory, two matsu 松 pine trees were planted 300 years ago.
. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree .
Hinazuru also died after giving birth.

The shrine was erected in 1989.

Two vassals died with Princess Hinazuru:
藤原宗忠 Fujiwara no Munetada
馬場小太郎 Baba Kotaro

雛鶴姫 Princess Hinazuru
- reference : omairi.club/spots ... -


shuin 朱印 stamp


- - - - - Reference of the Shrine
- reference : wikipedia -


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 .....
上野原市 Uenohara city 秋山村 Akiyama village

. kadomatsu 門松と伝説 Legends about pine decorations .
In the village Akiyama, people do not put out kadomatsu 門松 pine decorations for the New Year.
When 雛鶴姫 Princess Hinazuru came to the area on December 28, in memory of 日本武尊 Yamato Takeru,
she became very ill and died.
The villagers had no time to prepare pine decorations.
Instead they cut branches of kunugi sawtooth oak and planted them in the ground.
To our day now in the village they use sawtooth oak branches.

. Yamatotakeru 日本武尊 Yamato Takeru .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- ##hinazuru #hinatsuru #yamanashi #kadomatsu -


19 Oct 2022

TEMPLE - Seitaiji Fudo Urawa


Seitaiji Fudo Urawa

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Adachi 100 Fudo Temples 足立百不動尊霊場 Pilgrimage .

Seitaiji 清泰寺 Seitai-Ji, Urawa
慈了山 Jiryozan 覚源院 Kakugen-In 清泰寺 Seitaiji
さいたま市緑区東浦和5-18-9 / Saitama city, Midori ward, Higashi-Urawa

The temple houses a statue of 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon Bosatsu with 11 heads.
This statue is shown every 12 years in 午年 the year of the horse.
It was probably made in the Kamakura period (1185 - 1333).

The temple was founded by 慈覚大師円仁 Jigaku Daishi Ennin
in the early Heian Period (794 - 1185).
.Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 / 慈覺大師 (794 – 864) .

In the compound are six Jizo statues:


Also on the following pilgrimages :

. 足立坂東三十三ヶ所霊場 Adachi Bando 33 Kannon Temples - Pilgrimage .


- - - - - Reference of the Temple
- source : ukima.info/feature/reijyo/adachi ...
- reference source : tesshow -
- reference source : raifuku.net/junrei/busou ... -
- reference source : hanaetabi.fc2web.com/hudou/index ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This Temple is Nr. 19 of the
. Adachi 100 Fudo Temples 足立百不動尊霊場 Pilgrimage .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 

- source : 霊長山 清泰寺 Yamanashi -

北巨摩郡 Kita-Koma district 白州町 Hakushu town

daija 大蛇

北巨摩郡 Kita-Koma district 長坂町 Nagasaka town

daija 大蛇

wankashibuchi 椀貸淵

- - -
daija 大蛇


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #seitaiji #adachifudo #busoo #busou #Yamanashi -


18 Oct 2022

TEMPLE - Jodoji Yakushi Miyazaki


Jodoji Yakushi Mino

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

Joodooji 浄土寺 / 淨土寺 Jodo-Ji, Mino
医薬山 Iyakuzan 浄土寺 Jodoji
Kurusudera 九流水寺(くるすでら)
宮崎県西都市三納9728 九流水 / Miyazaki, Saito city, Mino (Kurusu)

The temple was founded around 1350 on request of 崇光天皇 Suko Tenno (1334 - 1398).
Around 1580, it was relocated to 上九流水 Upper Kurusu by 高甫主桂和尚 Priest Katsura
and given the name 医薬山浄土寺 Iyakuzan Jodo-Ji.
Later it was renovated by 2世正山宗侃和尚 Priest Kan.
In 1615 it was relocated to 下九流水 Lower Kurusu.
In 1871, it was abolished.
In 1882, 智海和尚 Priest Chikai moved it to its present location.

In the compound is a statue of Jibo Kannon 慈母観世音 Kannon the loving mother :


shuin 朱印 stamp


- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : oyakushi.com ...
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 22 of the pilgrimage
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai Bhaisajyaguru .
the Buddha of Medicine and Healing


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 
知多郡 Chita district 美浜町 Mihama town

Daikairyuu ookami / daijin 大海龍大神
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .

....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 
京都市 Kyoto city

Amida Nyorai 阿弥陀如来
如意ヶ嶽 Kyoto, Mount Nyoigatake / Daimonjiyama (Nyoigatake)
. Amida Nyorai Legends 阿弥陀如来と伝説 .

Kyoto, 左京区 Sakyo ward

daimonji 大文字
. Kōbō Daishi Kūkai 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説  Kobo Daishi Kukai Legends .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #joodooji #jodoji#Joudouji #jodoji #joodoji #iyakuzan #yakushikyushu #yakushipilgrims #薬師如来 -
