18 Jul 2014

EDO - abura uri oil vendor



abura uri 油売り oil vendor

Abura no Kamisama 油の神様 Deity of Oil
Rikyu Hachimangu Shrine in Oyamazaki-cho

At the temple Enryaku-Ji on Mount Hieizan in Kyoto there is an "eternal flame" and all lanterns are kept alight since more than 1000 years.
The lanters use oil flames for light,
and the oil 油 YU should not be "cut off" 断 DAN,
so the flame could continue to light the temple and show the way to enlightenment for the visitors.

This is the origin of the saying
yudan taiteki 油断大敵 Do not be inattentive.

. yudan taiteki 油断大敵 Be attentive ! .


The oil vendor had to make sure he got the right amount to pour into the flask his customer had placed in front of him. This took a long time and so the proverb says:

abura o uru 油を売る to sell oil
goof off when you should be working
to spend time chitchatting or to waste time in the middle of a task

- quote
In old Japan, there were roadside merchants who specialized in the selling of oil for cooking and other household purposes. Even then, cooking oil was a low-margin commodity. Therefore, this occupation did not provide a very high level of income.

There are no longer roadside oil merchants in Japan, but the phrase abura o uru has become a metaphor for any low-value-added activity. The expression usually refers to office workers who putter about doing meaningless tasks, or spend too much time at the coffee machine or in the smoking area.
- source : www.japanese123.com

abura-uri abura wa urezu abura uru

the oil vendor
does not sell any oil
but oils the conversation

- reference - proverb japan abura uru

source : gakuyaura.chesuto.jp

oil vendor from the Hokusai Manga 北斎漫画

He carried two barrels with oil on his pole. The barrels were laced with copper in the inside.

The most common was rapeseed oil for lamps (tane abura 種油).

Egoma oil 荏胡麻油 / 荏油 was used for lighting up the Imperial Court, shrines and temples. Then gradually it spread and come to used by the general public.

Tsubaki abura 椿油 camellia oil was used for the beauty care of the ladies.

Gyoyu 魚油 fish oil was used for lamps.

Goma-abura ごま油 sesame oil was used for cooking.

When dispensing oil, the vendors got their hands dirty and had to carry some straw to wipe the hands clean.

uchiwara o tenugui ni suru abura uri

the oil vendor
uses cut straw as a towel
to wipe his hands

. tenugui 手ぬぐい small hand towels .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu in Edo .


source : www.eonet.ne.jp/~kumonoue
山崎油売り oil vendor from Yamasaki



. aburazara, abura-zara 油皿 oil dish, oil plate .

to be put under a portable room lantern (andon 行燈). They were frequently used in every household until the electric light took over.


abura boozu 油坊主 oil monk

- quote
This tsuba illustrates the 12th-century story of the oil monk from Yasaka shrine in Kyoto.
On a stormy night, reports circulated in the city of a fire-breathing monster. Taira no Tadamori went out to capture the monster and discovered that it was actually a poor monk walking to Yasuka shrine. He was carrying an oil lamp that emitted flames when he blew on it.
The monk is on the right side of tsuba, carrying the lamp and an umbrella. The moon and a small bird in flight are at the upper left. The rain is highlighted in gold.
On the back, the gate to Yasuka shrine is depicted.
- source : art.thewalters.org

source : ukiyoe.cocolog-nifty.com

平忠盛 Taira no Tadamori and 油坊主 abura boozu


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. - Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .



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