8 Sept 2014

DARUMA - Kokuzo Shrine Iwate



Kokuuzoo Jinja 虚空蔵神社 shrine Kokuzo Jinja
Tono, Iwate

Miyamoricho Tatsusobe, Tono

The date of its foundation is not clear. At the beginning of the steps leading up to the shrine is a stone memorial for mount Gassan 月山の石塔, near the torii gate are more monuments reminding of The Three Mountains of Dewa 出羽三山.
Maybe there was an influence of Tendai or Shingon Buddhism.

There is a saying in the Tendai scriptures, where the celestial elements of Sun, Moon and Stars are mentioned as the beginning and end of our life and wisdom.


Fugen in this shrine is maybe seen as the deity of the star
Kinsei 金星 Venus

At the back of this shrine is mount Dogusoku Yama 胴具足山 (615 m).
Legends of the Abe clan 安倍一族 are many in this region. This clan also revered a shrine dedicated to the stars
星ノ宮神社 Hoshi no Miya Jinja .

source : dostoev.exblog.jp - 遠野の不思議

. Tono Jisha Meguri 遠野寺社巡り 
temples and shrines in Tono, Iwate .

Abe no Sadato 安倍貞任 (1019 – 1062)

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There is one more 虚空蔵神社 in Akita, Yuzawa Hot Spring

- Deities in residence
Shin-Oo no Mikoto 神王尊 シンノウノミコト
Kamurogi no Mikoto 神漏岐尊 カムロギノミコト
Kamuromi no Mikoto 神漏美尊 カムロミノミコト

- quote
Kamurogi, Kamuromi
Terms referring generically to male and female ancestral kami (sojin).
Examples can be found in the Shoku Nihongi, Engishiki, norito, Nakatominoyogoto, Hitachinokuni fudoki, Izumonokuni fudoki, Shoku Nihonkōki, and Kogoshūi. Commentators are agreed that the truncated kam means kami, while gi and mi refer, respectively, to male and female, but opinion is divided regarding the significance of the element ro.
Kamo no Mabuchi interpreted kamuro to mean divine king, with the result that he understood the terms as referring to emperor and empress. Motoori Norinaga added the concept of ancestral deity to Mabuchi's interpretation, claiming that the two referred to divine ancestral deities of the emperor and empress. In the most general sense, the deities can be understood as ancestral kami. When the two deities are mentioned individually, they refer respectively to male and female kami, and when mentioned jointly as a pair, they refer to ancestral kami as a whole.

  Various suggestions have been made regarding to which specific kami these names might have originally referred. The Kogoshūi claims that the two refer to the kami of begetting, Takamimusuhi and Kamimusuhi, but Kamo no Mabuchi argues that the reference is broader, extending to all imperial ancestral kami. In contrast, Motoori understands the terms to refer to Takamimusuhi and Amaterasu. At present, the terms are believed to refer not to any specific kami, but to different beings in accordance with the context of the historical materials in which the terms are found.
- source : Endō Jun, Kokugakuin 2005


Kokuzo is the last of these 13 deities:

. Jusanbutsu, Juusanbutsu 十三仏
13 Protector Buddhas
Annual Temple Visit for Children
(juusanmairi 十三参り)

. Nine Stars Crest ... 九曜紋 ... Kuyoo Mon  

4 Friday, Kokuuzoo Bosatsu
kinyoosei 金曜星(きんようせい、虚空蔵菩薩)(四緑木星)


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