25 Sept 2014

FUDO - Kotakuji Yamagata



Kootakuji 荒沢寺 Kotaku-Ji

Nr. 06 羽黒山 Hagurosan 正善院 Shozen-In - 荒沢不動尊 Arasawa Fudo
Kootakuji 荒沢寺 Kotaku-Ji, Kotakuji
Yamagata 山形県 - 布施の道場 - fuse

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .

. Haguro San 羽黒山 .
羽黒出羽三山 Three mountains of Dewa .

- Introduction -


Kootakuji 荒沢寺 Kotaku-Ji, Kotakuji

Yamagata, Tsuruoka, Haguromachi town, Toge 231/232

It was part of a large complex of temples and the center of Haguro Shugendo in Yamagata. During the 1870's Shrines and Temples were separated.
Kotaku-Ji was the innermost temple.

Important statues in the temple are
大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai ,  阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai
and 観音菩薩 Kannon Bosatsu.

- Chant of the temple
闇き世を 明らけくこそ 照らすらし 

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- quote
Shozenin Koganedo Temple, Mt. Haguro 黄金堂
Designated a national treasure in 1929 and a national important cultural property in 1950.
This Buddhist temple belongs to the Hagurosan Kotakuji Shozenin Temple and is the first of the 33 sacred Kannon pilgrimage sites in Shonai.
In contrast to Daikondo Temple ("big gold temple") on top of Mt. Haguro (formerly Jakko Temple, Mt. Haguro and currently Sanshin-Gosaidan, Mt. Haguro), this temple is Shokondo ("small gold temple"), but came to be called Koganedo Temple ("gold temple") after the 33 statues of the goddess of mercy, Kannon that reflect a golden color.
Although tradition says it was built in 728 by the order of the Emperor Shomu, very likely it was constructed in 1193 by Minamoto no Yoritomo who appointed Sanehira Doi to build it to pray for suppression of the Fujiwara Clan in Hiraizumi.

Fudo Myo-O is written on the blue flag.

Later, in 1593 the castle lord of Sakata, Kagetsugu Amakasu and Uesugi's vassal, Naoe Kanetsugu conducted large-scale renovations over 3 years, resulting in the Koganedo Temple of today. Legend also says there is buried treasure within the temple grounds.
A 5ken (1ken=1.8m; counter used to number the gaps between pillars), 4-sided, 1-story construction with copper roofing.

Mt. Haguro did not escape efforts in the Meiji Period to eliminate Buddhist temples and statues as the result of an edict separating the Shinto and Buddhist religions. Koganedo Temple is one of 3 existing temples that survived during the destruction of the 10 large temples that formed Mt. Haguro at the height of its golden age. The proper name is Hagurosan Chojuji Kondo.

There are Buddhist images enshrined within Koganedo Temple from various eras, such as the Heian, Kamakura, Muromachi, Azuchi-Momoyama, and Edo periods, as well as 2 pairs of kongo rikishi statues (one at the main temple gate created by Kouon in 1633 and one within the hall made by Zenkei in 1695), a Zenbutsu object of worship that was once housed in the Five-storied Pagoda on Mt. Haguro, and 33 life-sized statues of Sho Kanzeon Bosatsu (goddess of mercy)—a rarity even in Tohoku.

In addition, the Dewa Honjibutsu (original Buddhist divinity; Kannon, Amitabha, and Dainichi) of the three mountains that were in the sanctuary at Daikondo Temple (formerly Jakko Temple, Mt. Haguro and currently Sanshin-Gosaidan, Mt. Haguro) on the top of Mt. Haguro can be worshipped at Otake Dainichido Hall located within the same grounds.
- source : shonai-bunka.jp/en

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- quote
The Autumn Peak - aki no mine-iri 秋の峰入り
..... In Toge on August 25, shugenja make last preparations before journeying in procession to Kotakuji, in the depths of Mt Haguro. They eat their last meal for the next three days. The Tobu Daisendatsu wraps a sheet of white paper folded into the shape of a sword over his leggings. This is identical to what is placed on the head of a dead person for the funeral. It symbolizes the separation of death from life, and in addition is a representation of the sword of Fudo Myoo, a divinity associated with Shugendo. The white robes that both he and the Sho-Daisendatsu wear are identical to those worn by the dead.
..... The former Fudo Hall has now been converted into a shrine called Otaki Jinja.
..... There was once a statue of Fudo Myoo almost two meters high enshrined here. The shugenja, who have yet attain the realm of enlightenment, see Fudo, an avatar of Dainichi Nyorai, as a frightening figure.
Namu Arasawa Taisho Fudo Myoo
(I place my trust in Taisho Fudo Myoo of Arasawa)

Namu kimyo shorai tobu daisendatsu Fudoin Hodo daiajari
(I place my trust in the Tobu Daisendatsu, the Great Ajari Fudoin Hodo)

A long article, read here
- source : hagurokanko.jp/en

- Haguro Shugendo - The Autumn Peak
- source : Mark Schumacher
(long PDF file)


source : hinokuruma.at.webry.info

namu Fudo Myo-O 南無不動明王

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : www.tohoku36fudo.jp


- quote
... In Haguro, Yamabushi living close to the temple, during the weeks which precede the autumn pilgrimage in the mounts of Dewa-Sanzan and with the Kotakuji monastery, meet to carry out the preparation of material of clothing and the equipment necessary for the pilgrimage. For Mine-iri in the Omine mounts, they are the monks of Shogoin who prepare in the temple of Kyoto all the material necessary. Nevertheless, the purchase of the costume of yamabushi (worn by ritual which is essential for all shugenja considering its comfort and its utility) remains the responsibility of each one according to his rank and capacities (financial).
- source : www.shugendo.fr/en



- quote
Otake Dainich-nyorai engi emaki
(History of the Otake Buddha)

The Otake Dainichi-nyorai engi emaki is painted on three scrolls and in the possession of Kotakuji-Shozenin, the headquarters and training center of the Haguro Shugendo sect.
This emaki explains the origin of the Otake Dainichi-do, a sanctuary within the temple's compound enshrining Otake Dainichi Buddha. The scrolls depict the legend of the woman Otake, who is considered by Haguro Shugendo to be an incarnation of Dainichi Buddha.
This database, with digitized pictures of the emaki and Otake related resources, was created with the full support
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp

- MORE about
. O-Take Nyorai 於竹大日 .
and a haiku by Kobayashi Issa


- - - reference - - -

Matsuo Basho and 出羽三山 羽黒町 - 手向の宿
正善院黄金(こがね)堂 and the remains of the home of his disciple Romaru 呂丸宅跡
- source : bashouan.com

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Haguro San 羽黒山 .
羽黒 出羽三山 Three mountains of Dewa .

- Introduction -

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46


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