27 Sept 2014

MINGEI - Sadowara dolls



Sadowara mingei 佐土原民芸 folk art and crafts from Sadowara

. Miyazaki Folk Art 宮崎県 Kyushu .


Sadowara no bunguruma 佐土原のぶんぐるま spinning top making a sound

Made by Hyoodo Masakazu 兵頭正一 Hyodo Masakazu.

bunguruma is a spinning top that makes a sound (bun), a kind of unarigoma うなりごま.
During the spring fair of Sadowara many farmhouses sold them to the visitors, so they were also called

harugoma 春ごま spinning tops of Spring
jindaikoma 神代こま spinning top "for the age of the Gods".

The father of Masakazu began to sell them regularly and gave them this name.

In Kyushu there are many kinds of unarigoma うなりごま spinning tops that make a sound, made of bamboo covered with paper, then smoked with pine branches to make them strong. From the oil of the bamboo and the pines they become all black and when the paper is taken off, some patterns appear. The top and bottom are then laquered in red and make a nice contrast with the black body.

The shop of Hyodo Masakazu

jindaigoma, jindai no koma 神代独楽 spinning top making a sound
They were made by the lowly samurai to earn a living. They are hollow bamboo pieces and have an opening at the side to make a sound. As a pattern they feature the clan kamon 家紋 family crest of the Satsuma.

The kamon is put on the green bamboo and then all is blackened over a smoky fire. Thus the kamon later shines green and the top is polished black.
Since it is something "to enjoy alone 独楽", it is given to a boys at the festival on May 5.

. Spinning Top 独楽(コマ) koma .


Sadowara hagoita 佐土原羽子板 battledore (to play with)
Sadowara kazari hagoita 佐土原飾り羽子板  battledore  as decoration

The battledore for play is about 20 cm long and rather wide.
Girls used them during the New Year celebrations until the beginning of the Showa period.

The battledore for decoration is about 70 cm ling and 15 cm wide.
The motive here is Tokiwa Gozen with her torn hat, embracing the baby Minamoto no Yoshitsune.

. Tokiwa Gozen 常磐御前 Lady Tokiwa .
wife of Minamoto no Yoshitomo. (1123 - ?1180)
Mother of Minamoto no Yoshitsune.


kujiranobori, kujira nobori 鯨のぼり streamers in the form of a whale

. Carp Streamers (koinobori 鯉のぼり) .
for the Boy's Festival on March 5.


Sadowara ningyoo 佐土原人形 dolls from Sadowara

The history of Sadowara dolls goes back at least 400 years. Color is applied using mud and earth pigments, and the simple folk-style of these dolls continues to warm the heart.
- source : www.m-tokusan.or.jp

Since Kabuki was popular in this region, there are many Kabuki actor dolls. Often two or three make a group (組み物人形).

- source : www007.upp.so-net.ne.jp

Kanki 甘輝
about 44 cm high.
The head and arms are added extra (sashikubi さし首, sashite さし手) but both arms are now lost.
A piece from the mid-Meiji period.

A figure from the play
Kokusenya Kassen 国性爺合戦 The Battles of Coxinga
of Chikamatsu Monzaemon 近松門左衛門.

- quote
The Battles of Coxinga 国姓爺合戦 Kokusen'ya Kassen
is a puppet play by Chikamatsu Monzaemon. It was his most popular play: first staged on November 26, 1715, in Osaka, it ran for the next seventeen months, far longer than the usual few weeks or months. Its enduring popularity can largely be attributed to its effectiveness as entertainment: its many scenes over a period of more than seven years follow the adventures of Coxinga (based on the adventures of the real historical figure Koxinga; as the play is loosely based on real history, it is a jidaimono play, not a domestic play) in restoring the rightful dynasty of China and features effects uniquely suited for the puppet theater, such as the villain Ri Tōten gouging out an eye (ostensibly to prove his loyalty); in addition, Donald Keene suggests that the adventures in exotic China played well in isolationist Tokugawa Japan.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Watonai 和藤内, the Tiger Hero .
He was a warrior from South China, named Coxinga (Koxinga).
Zheng Chenggong, Cheng Ch'eng-kung
In Japan the playwright Chikamatsu Monzaemon celebrated him on the stage . . .
and more folk toys with Watonai


宮崎市佐土原歴史資料館 Sadowara Historical Museum

- source : galerienne.com/blog

CLICK for more photos !


source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/nobo498

stamps from the year 2005, representing the
Akita Dog 秋田犬 as Sadowara doll


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. - Reference - .


- quote
Miyazaki History
Modern day Miyazaki Prefecture was divided among a number of clans (domains) during the Edo Period (1603-1867) including the powerful Shimazu clan 島津氏 based in Kagoshima to the south, the Nobeoka clan to the north around the modern town of that name and the Sadowara and Obi clans.
In 1577, Shimazu Iehisa entered Sadowara Castle, and the possession of his land was assured in 1588. In 1603, Shimazu Yukihisa entered the Sadowara Castle. 30,000 koku 三万石. The domain continued to the termination of the han system. Sadowara town was composed of areas samurais lived and townspeople lived. It was the castle town of the Sadowara domain of the Shimazu clan.
Sadowara clay dolls were produced.
- source : www.japanvisitor.com


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. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011


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