25 Oct 2014

EDO - Samurai Books


Books about Samurai

warriour, tsuwamono, bushi 兵、武士、兵士
samurai, buke 侍、 武家
Lord of a Domain,Daimyo, daimyoo 大名
"light legs", ashigaru 足軽 common foot soldier
yakko 奴 Yakko servants, carrier at a Daimyo Estate

. Samurai of the Edo Period - Introduction .


Samurai Painters (Great Japanese art)
Stephen Addiss

- The text covers the following subjects:
Origins of the Samurai, The Heian Samurai, The Emergence of Warrior Government, Samurai Arts and Zen, The World of the Muromachi Shogun, The Momoyama and Early Edo Periods,
Miyamoto Musashi: Swordsman and Artist.
It features 8 works by Miyamoto Musashi (Niten): Horse, Shrike, Dove on a Red Plum Tree, the screen of the Waterfowls, Hotei Watching a Cockfight, Cormorant, Daruma Crossing the River, and Daruma Meditating. There is just one work by Kaiho Yusho: a detail of the Pine and Peacock hanging scroll.
- source : www.amazon.com

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