2 Oct 2014

FUDO - Saisho-Ji Hirosaki Aomori

Fudo stabbing a Monster Cat
猫突 Nekotsuki Fudo

『猫突』(ねこつき). 猫突不動明王

This is a secret statue (hibutsu 秘仏)
at the temple Saishoo In 最勝院 Saisho-In,
Hirosaki, Aomori prefecture.
最勝院秘仏 猫突不動明王

63 Dōyamachi, Hirosaki-shi, Aomori

This statue had been at the temple Daizen-In 高賀山大善院. It was already mentioned in old books of the Tsugaru peninsula.

Kongoozan Saishoo-in 金剛山 最勝院 - 金剛山光明寺最勝院

The main statue is Dainichi Nyorai 大日如来.
People come here to pray for a good harvest and peace in the land.
There is also a statue of 文殊菩薩 Monju Bosatsu in the temple.

After the unification at the beginning of the Edo period, on advise of Priest Tenkai, there were five Shingon temples established:
津軽真言五山 Tsugaru Shingon Gozan.
Saisho-In was the leading Head of these temples. It also supervised shrines 千百三十三社 in the region for the Bakufu government in Edo. It was the most powerful temple in the region.
In the Meiji period, when Buddhism and Shinto were separated, the temple was relocated from the "Demon Gate" 弘前鬼門 side of Hirosaki to its present location at the remains of 連光山大圓寺跡 Daien-Ji (now temple Nr. 22 in the Kobo Daishi Pilgrimage).

The most prominent feature is the five-storied pagoda in the compound.

- quote
Five-Storied Pagoda in Hirosaki
Speaking about Hirosaki-city, tourists always give first choice to visit Hirosaki Castle. If you had time after visiting Hirosaki Park, or if you kinda missed the best days for viewing cherry blossoms, I recommend to stop at Five-storied Pagoda which is located to the southeast of the castle park. It will take about 15 minutes on foot from the castle.

This pagoda, 31.2 meters high, was build in 1667 for the repose of the soul of fallen soldiers. It is installed in the precinct of Saisho-in Temple.

- source : aomorimori.wordpress.com

- quote
The pagoda at Saisho-in temple was built around 350 years ago to commemorate those who died in battle during the reunification of the Tsugaru district in which Hirosaki is located. It's five stories high and stands just over 31 meters tall, and is said to be the most beautiful of its kind in Tohoku.

The komainu guardians are rabbits here.
- source : en.japantravel.com

- Chant of the temple
いつの世も 変わらぬ恵み 深くして 御教え高く そびえ立つ塔
澄みわたる 津軽国府の 中空に 最勝の塔 そびえて立てり

- Main Festivals
1月1日 修正会
1月15日 歓喜天祈祷会
2月1日 厄払い
旧暦3月21日 正御影供
旧暦4月8日 彿生会
旧暦6月13日 午頭天王例大祭
10月15日 七五三祝祷会
12月31日 除夜の鐘

- Belongs to the following pilgrimages
東北三十六不動尊霊場 第十五番札所 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku
北国八十八ヶ所霊場 第五十九番札所 88 Henro Temples in the North
津軽八十八ヶ所霊場 第四十九番札所 88 Henro Temples in Tsugaru
津軽一代様 卯年生まれ - Tsugaru Personal Protectors - year of the hare

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
Pilgrimage to 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .



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