22 Oct 2014

MINGEI - sennichi mairi pilgrims




sennichi mairi omamori 千日参, sennichi moode 千日詣 pilgrimage of 1000 days

If you visit on a special day, varying from temple to temple, you get the merit of one thousand days.


Karasaki no sennichi mairi 唐崎の千日参 Karasaki pilgrimage of 1000 days
Karasaki mairi 唐崎参 (からさきまいり) Karasaki pilgrimage
Karasaki no harai 唐崎の祓(からさきのはらい)purification at Karasaki

July 28 and 29
At the shrine Karasaki Jinja 唐崎神社, Shiga, with its famous pine tree.

People perform the rituals for the summer purification, like walking through the sacred ring 茅の輪 chi no wa, and floating ritual paper dolls 人形流し hitogata nagashi, to wash away their sins.
There is also a huge goma 護摩 fire ritual.
It is a very old festival, already mentioned in the Tales of Genji 源氏物語.

. Karasaki matsuri 唐崎祭 Karasaki festival .
- observance kigo for late summer -


- ABC - List of sennichi mairi amulets from the Prefectures


. . . . . . . . . . Kyoto

Kiyomizu sennichi moode 清水千日詣
Kiyomizu hoshikudari 清水星下り (きよみずほしくだり) "a star comes to Kiyomizu"
. . . . . and
..... yokubi 欲日(よくび), shiman rokusennichi 四万六千日(しまんろくせんにち)
tempel Kiyomizudera, Kyoto. August 9


Sennichi Mairi Pilgrimage to Mt. Atago 愛宕神社

This is an annual spiritual event in which thousands of pilgrims climb Mt. Atago altitude 924m, located on the northwest part of Kyoto city. At Atago Shrine on the top of the mountain, the pilgrims can obtain fire protection amulets.

- source : www.greentour-kyoto.ne

. Atago Jinja 愛宕神社 . - Kameoka


. . . . . . . . . . Osaka

. Nozaki mairi 野崎参り Nozaki Pilgrimage .
kigo for spring


- source and photos : nozakikannon.or.jp


千日まいりカード式お守り sennichi mairi card

sold at 四天王寺4万灯供養(大阪市天王寺)Shitenno-Ji

- source and photos : sasazuka.blog.ocn.ne.jp/nakano

. Shitennooji 四天王寺 Shitenno-Ji .

. "Ganzan Daishi" , Gansan Daishi 元三大師. .
Ryōgen 良源 ( 912 – January 31, 985 AD)


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Reference .


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011



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