- quote
The Dutch East India Company
and Japan
Maritime Asia, as I use the term, encompasses the lands in and around the Japan Sea, the East China Sea, the South China Sea, and the Bay of Bengal, as well as all of Indonesia and the Philippines. The peoples of this densely populated, economically vibrant area, which includes southern coastal China and Japan, have been linked by maritime commerce for centuries, thanks to the seasonal sea breezes caused by temperature differences between the water and surrounding land masses.

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the Dutch East India Company, also known as the VOC (short for Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie, or United East India Company), played a key role in sustaining these links, in the process of building a network that covered almost the entire region.
- Continue :
- source :
Holland (Oranda)
***** Location: Europe
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Humanity
Holland is a region in the western part of the Netherlands.
The term Holland is also frequently used as a pars pro toto to refer to the whole of the Netherlands. This usage is generally accepted but disliked by part of the Dutch population, especially in the other parts of the Netherlands.
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oranda オランダ / 阿蘭陀 Holland
In the WASHOKU SAIJIKI, there are a lot of food items
"from Holland"
oranda ichigo オランダイチゴ "Holland strawberries"
oranda jisha オランダ蒿苣 "lettuce from Holland"
oranda kiji kakushi オランダ雉隠し Spargel beans blossoms
oranda オランダ 豌豆 kind of endomame beans
oranda yaki オランダ焼き "Holland waffles"
..... a kind of Imagawa yaki waffle
. oranda sekichiku 和蘭石竹 "carnation from Holland".
..... oranda nadeshiko 和蘭撫子 Dianthus caryophyllus
. oranda genge オランダげんげ "Dutch clover weed" .
clover from Holland
. oranda shishigashira 和蘭陀獅子頭 goldfish from Holland .
. oranda tsutsuji オランダ躑躅 " Azalea from Holland" .
Dutch learning 蘭學 / 蘭学 rangaku
by extension "Western learning"
is a body of knowledge developed by Japan through its contacts with the Dutch enclave of Dejima, which allowed Japan to keep abreast of Western technology and medicine in the period when the country was closed to foreigners, 1641–1853, because of the Tokugawa shogunate's policy of national isolation (sakoku).
A meeting of Japan, China, and the West, Shiba Kōkan, late 18th century.Through Rangaku, Japan learned many aspects of the scientific and technological revolution occurring in Europe at that time, helping the country build up the beginnings of a theoretical and technological scientific base, which helps to explain Japan's success in its radical and speedy modernization following the opening of the country to foreign trade in 1854.
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. Hiraga Gennai 平賀源内 Rangaku in Edo .
sakoku seru gotoku miyuki no mura no ari
as though in the period
of national seclusion
a village in deep snow
Tr. Fay Aoyagi
Yasuda Hofu 安田畝風
Akita ranga (秋田蘭画),
also known as the Akita-ha (秋田派),
was a short-lived school of painting within the larger Japanese genre of ranga, or Dutch-style painting which lasted roughly from 1773-1780. Based in the Akita feudal domain, it was headed by the domain's lord Satake Shozan and his retainer Odano Naotake. Though many ranga artists, most prominently Shiba Kōkan, produced works of European themes, the Akita painters for the most part painted traditional Japanese themes and compositions using Western-style techniques and an approximation of oil paints.

Odano Naotake"Toeizan Shinobazuike"(1770s)
Shinobazu no Ike, Pond in Ueno
Akita Museum of Modern Art
Some of the chief features that distinguish Akita ranga from traditional Japanese painting are the inclusion of shadows, the use of perspective, reflections in water, and the use of blue for sky and sea. In addition, ranga artists left little or no blank space on a work, emulating Western art traditions and going against East Asian ones, and used oils and resins in addition to Japanese pigments to simulate the appearance of oil paint. Many of their works feature a large foreground subject which displays techniques in light and shadow, with a small, distant, landscape, displaying an understanding of perspective techniques.
The school got its start when rangaku (Dutch studies) scholar Hiraga Gennai was invited to the domain, in the Tōhoku region of Honshū, to help advise the daimyō Satake Shozan on the management of the domain's copper mines.
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Nanban art (南蛮美術)
refers to Japanese art of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries influenced by contact with the Namban (南蛮) or 'Southern barbarians', traders and missionaries from Europe and specifically from Portugal. The term also refers to paintings Europeans brought to Japan.
Namban art developed after the first Portuguese ships arrived in Kyushu in 1543. While Christian icons and other objects were produced, Namban byōbu (南蛮屏風) or folding screens are particularly notable.

Artists of the Kanō school were joined by those of the Tosa school in combining foreign subject matter with Japanese styles of painting. Canons of western art of the period such as linear perspective and alternative materials and techniques appear to have had little lasting influence. The persecution and prohibition of Christianity from the end of the sixteenth century and the Tokugawa policy of sakoku that largely closed Japan to foreign contact from the 1630s saw the decline of Namban art.
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"BIOMBO — Japan Heritage as Legend of Gold
Exhibition in Tokyo, 2007
biombo (a transliteration of byobu: a folding screen, or wind-block)
to underscore the historic importance of screen paintings as diplomatic gifts.
. WKD : East and West in mists of gold . "
Worldwide use
oranda オランダ / 阿蘭陀 Holland
Related words
. Place names used in Haiku
- quote
The Dutch East India Company
and Japan
Maritime Asia, as I use the term, encompasses the lands in and around the Japan Sea, the East China Sea, the South China Sea, and the Bay of Bengal, as well as all of Indonesia and the Philippines. The peoples of this densely populated, economically vibrant area, which includes southern coastal China and Japan, have been linked by maritime commerce for centuries, thanks to the seasonal sea breezes caused by temperature differences between the water and surrounding land masses.

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the Dutch East India Company, also known as the VOC (short for Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie, or United East India Company), played a key role in sustaining these links, in the process of building a network that covered almost the entire region.
- Continue :
- source :
Holland (Oranda)
***** Location: Europe
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Humanity
Holland is a region in the western part of the Netherlands.
The term Holland is also frequently used as a pars pro toto to refer to the whole of the Netherlands. This usage is generally accepted but disliked by part of the Dutch population, especially in the other parts of the Netherlands.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
oranda オランダ / 阿蘭陀 Holland
In the WASHOKU SAIJIKI, there are a lot of food items
"from Holland"
oranda ichigo オランダイチゴ "Holland strawberries"
oranda jisha オランダ蒿苣 "lettuce from Holland"
oranda kiji kakushi オランダ雉隠し Spargel beans blossoms
oranda オランダ 豌豆 kind of endomame beans
oranda yaki オランダ焼き "Holland waffles"
..... a kind of Imagawa yaki waffle
. oranda sekichiku 和蘭石竹 "carnation from Holland".
..... oranda nadeshiko 和蘭撫子 Dianthus caryophyllus
. oranda genge オランダげんげ "Dutch clover weed" .
clover from Holland
. oranda shishigashira 和蘭陀獅子頭 goldfish from Holland .
. oranda tsutsuji オランダ躑躅 " Azalea from Holland" .
Dutch learning 蘭學 / 蘭学 rangaku
by extension "Western learning"
is a body of knowledge developed by Japan through its contacts with the Dutch enclave of Dejima, which allowed Japan to keep abreast of Western technology and medicine in the period when the country was closed to foreigners, 1641–1853, because of the Tokugawa shogunate's policy of national isolation (sakoku).
A meeting of Japan, China, and the West, Shiba Kōkan, late 18th century.Through Rangaku, Japan learned many aspects of the scientific and technological revolution occurring in Europe at that time, helping the country build up the beginnings of a theoretical and technological scientific base, which helps to explain Japan's success in its radical and speedy modernization following the opening of the country to foreign trade in 1854.
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. Hiraga Gennai 平賀源内 Rangaku in Edo .
sakoku seru gotoku miyuki no mura no ari
as though in the period
of national seclusion
a village in deep snow
Tr. Fay Aoyagi
Yasuda Hofu 安田畝風
Akita ranga (秋田蘭画),
also known as the Akita-ha (秋田派),
was a short-lived school of painting within the larger Japanese genre of ranga, or Dutch-style painting which lasted roughly from 1773-1780. Based in the Akita feudal domain, it was headed by the domain's lord Satake Shozan and his retainer Odano Naotake. Though many ranga artists, most prominently Shiba Kōkan, produced works of European themes, the Akita painters for the most part painted traditional Japanese themes and compositions using Western-style techniques and an approximation of oil paints.

Odano Naotake"Toeizan Shinobazuike"(1770s)
Shinobazu no Ike, Pond in Ueno
Akita Museum of Modern Art
Some of the chief features that distinguish Akita ranga from traditional Japanese painting are the inclusion of shadows, the use of perspective, reflections in water, and the use of blue for sky and sea. In addition, ranga artists left little or no blank space on a work, emulating Western art traditions and going against East Asian ones, and used oils and resins in addition to Japanese pigments to simulate the appearance of oil paint. Many of their works feature a large foreground subject which displays techniques in light and shadow, with a small, distant, landscape, displaying an understanding of perspective techniques.
The school got its start when rangaku (Dutch studies) scholar Hiraga Gennai was invited to the domain, in the Tōhoku region of Honshū, to help advise the daimyō Satake Shozan on the management of the domain's copper mines.
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Nanban art (南蛮美術)
refers to Japanese art of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries influenced by contact with the Namban (南蛮) or 'Southern barbarians', traders and missionaries from Europe and specifically from Portugal. The term also refers to paintings Europeans brought to Japan.
Namban art developed after the first Portuguese ships arrived in Kyushu in 1543. While Christian icons and other objects were produced, Namban byōbu (南蛮屏風) or folding screens are particularly notable.

Artists of the Kanō school were joined by those of the Tosa school in combining foreign subject matter with Japanese styles of painting. Canons of western art of the period such as linear perspective and alternative materials and techniques appear to have had little lasting influence. The persecution and prohibition of Christianity from the end of the sixteenth century and the Tokugawa policy of sakoku that largely closed Japan to foreign contact from the 1630s saw the decline of Namban art.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
"BIOMBO — Japan Heritage as Legend of Gold
Exhibition in Tokyo, 2007
biombo (a transliteration of byobu: a folding screen, or wind-block)
to underscore the historic importance of screen paintings as diplomatic gifts.
. WKD : East and West in mists of gold . "
Worldwide use
oranda オランダ / 阿蘭陀 Holland
Related words
. Place names used in Haiku
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