26 Jan 2015

JIZO - from Tajimi, Gifu



Yamashita Jizo 山下地蔵 
Tajimi Gifu 多治見市 - collecting Tajimi Jizo 多治見地蔵

On the children's park of Yamashita-cho in Tajimi (Gifu Prefecture) stands a statue of "Yamashita Jizo," a deity who often grants wishes.

Long ago, people whose wish had been granted gave thanks by making a new Jizo. That is why 30 Jizo statues are lined up side by side. At first, they were in Doba-bora Cave (under Yosei Elementary School) but because few people visited there, they were moved to the base of a nearby chestnut tree, where they were also collectively called the "Chestnut Tree Jizo."

After that, a road was opened there, so the Jizo were again relocated, this time to its present site. Every August 24, the place becomes crowded with the Jizo Bon (the Jizo Festival of the Dead).
When wishes are granted these days, the Jizo may be lightly embraced.
- source : Hayato Tokugawa, facebook

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Watanabe Jizo 渡辺地蔵

A large statue of more than two meters 2m45cm, the tallest in this region of Tajimi.

山下町虎渓山出張所に在住の故加藤みね老女子の話しに、小路に米銀と言ふ屋号の米屋あり、米の仕入に妻木の地へ行かれた折、小川に地蔵尊が橋になっていま した。勿体ない事とて渡辺の地に祭られたと聞きましたが、今から四十年程前土地の都合にて山下町(新屋敷)に移されました。妻木にて知る人もなく多治見で も知る人の少ない時代となって、詳かに出来ないことを残念に思います。 地蔵盆八月廿四日夜お祭を催しています。
- source : tounourekisi.cocolog-nifty.com

- - - - - And more Jizo from Tajimi - tba

首切り地蔵 Kubikiri Jizo
乳地蔵 Chichi Jizo


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