tagaya 箍屋 hoop repairman, clamp repairman
taga 箍 is a hoop or clamp, a ring around a wooden barrel or bucket. In the Edo period the hoop was usually made of bamboo or metal.
The tagaya walked around in Edo, calling out for his service.
oke yui 桶ゆい / 桶結い repairing buckets, barrels and tubs
wagae, wa-gae わがえ / 輪替え "changing rings" (hoops) of buckets, barrels and tubs

Some took the buckets home to repair them, others carried their tools and did the repair work right away at the roadside.
taga o kakeru 「―をかける / 掛ける」 / taga o shimeru 「―をはめる / 締める」

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tagakake wa no no ji shi no ji te hi o kurashi
to repair a hoop
he spends his day bending
and stretching it
This is a visual pun with the hiragana letter NO の。
tagakake ni shi-go ken saki ni inu ga jare
when the hoop repairman works
dogs is playing and biting at it
four, five meters away
The repairman had to stretch and fold the long bamboo string many times before applying it around the bucket. During that time the animals would play with one end.
tagaya 箍屋 hoop repairman, clamp repairman
taga 箍 is a hoop or clamp, a ring around a wooden barrel or bucket. In the Edo period the hoop was usually made of bamboo or metal.
The tagaya walked around in Edo, calling out for his service.
oke yui 桶ゆい / 桶結い repairing buckets, barrels and tubs
wagae, wa-gae わがえ / 輪替え "changing rings" (hoops) of buckets, barrels and tubs

Some took the buckets home to repair them, others carried their tools and did the repair work right away at the roadside.
taga o kakeru 「―をかける / 掛ける」 / taga o shimeru 「―をはめる / 締める」

- source :
tagakake wa no no ji shi no ji te hi o kurashi
to repair a hoop
he spends his day bending
and stretching it
This is a visual pun with the hiragana letter NO の。
tagakake ni shi-go ken saki ni inu ga jare
when the hoop repairman works
dogs is playing and biting at it
four, five meters away
The repairman had to stretch and fold the long bamboo string many times before applying it around the bucket. During that time the animals would play with one end.
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