furugata Hakata Ningyo 古博多人形 old Hakata Dolls

舞姫 ♥ Woman Dancing with Fan
- other motives on this page
花見娘 ♥ Woman go to see the cherry-blossoms
三味線持ち ♥ Shamisen player
ふくめん ♥ Woman Put On Okosozukin
三味線弾き ♥ Child Plays Shamisen
子守 ♥ Baby‐sitter
鶏押え ♥ Child Catching Chicken
鯉抱き ♥ Child Catching Carp
太鼓 ♥ Child on Drum
鈴持ち ♥ Child Holding Hand-bell
鯛乗り ♥ Child on Sea Bream
子供恵比寿 ♥ Child Modelled after Ebisu
子供猿廻し ♥ Child and Monkey
お膳座り ♥ Ozen-suwari - Traditional ceremony in Fukuoka
獅子舞 ♥ Shishimai Lion Dancer
猿持ち ♥ Monkey Trainer for Amusement
俵持ち ♥ Man Holding Rice Bale
お米屋さん ♥ Rice Dealer
高札持ち ♥ Man Holding Notice Board
ポチ(学生) ♥ Student Fonding Dog Pochi
稚児天神 ♥ Young Tenjin on Ox
笹野才蔵 ♥ Sasano Saizō
- source : kohakata.html

Sasano Saizoo, Sasano Saizō 笹野才蔵 Sasano Saizo
with his monkey carrying a gohei 御幣 wand
Most dolls are made by the Nakanoko family 中ノ子家.
中ノ子吉兵衛 Nakanoko Kichibei was also a famous potter and is called the "Father of Hakata Dolls".
He was the son of a rich man in Hakata, warding off the deity of smallpox by jumping out of the window of his home to hit the monster. He is now a helpful amulet to ward off disease. Paintings of Saizo are attached to the entrance door of a home.
Dolls of Saizo are made in many parts of Northern Kyushu.

CLICK for more samples !
The story of Saizo is also part of Kabuki and Noh performances.

「今様百花撰之内」「笹野才蔵」Sasano Saizo
歌川国貞 Utagawa Kunisada (1768 - 1864)
. Daruma, Smallpox and the color Red .
Hoosoogami, Hoosooshin 疱瘡神 deity of smallpox
furugata Hakata Ningyo 古博多人形 old Hakata Dolls

舞姫 ♥ Woman Dancing with Fan
- other motives on this page
花見娘 ♥ Woman go to see the cherry-blossoms
三味線持ち ♥ Shamisen player
ふくめん ♥ Woman Put On Okosozukin
三味線弾き ♥ Child Plays Shamisen
子守 ♥ Baby‐sitter
鶏押え ♥ Child Catching Chicken
鯉抱き ♥ Child Catching Carp
太鼓 ♥ Child on Drum
鈴持ち ♥ Child Holding Hand-bell
鯛乗り ♥ Child on Sea Bream
子供恵比寿 ♥ Child Modelled after Ebisu
子供猿廻し ♥ Child and Monkey
お膳座り ♥ Ozen-suwari - Traditional ceremony in Fukuoka
獅子舞 ♥ Shishimai Lion Dancer
猿持ち ♥ Monkey Trainer for Amusement
俵持ち ♥ Man Holding Rice Bale
お米屋さん ♥ Rice Dealer
高札持ち ♥ Man Holding Notice Board
ポチ(学生) ♥ Student Fonding Dog Pochi
稚児天神 ♥ Young Tenjin on Ox
笹野才蔵 ♥ Sasano Saizō
- source : kohakata.html

Sasano Saizoo, Sasano Saizō 笹野才蔵 Sasano Saizo
with his monkey carrying a gohei 御幣 wand
Most dolls are made by the Nakanoko family 中ノ子家.
中ノ子吉兵衛 Nakanoko Kichibei was also a famous potter and is called the "Father of Hakata Dolls".
He was the son of a rich man in Hakata, warding off the deity of smallpox by jumping out of the window of his home to hit the monster. He is now a helpful amulet to ward off disease. Paintings of Saizo are attached to the entrance door of a home.
Dolls of Saizo are made in many parts of Northern Kyushu.

CLICK for more samples !
The story of Saizo is also part of Kabuki and Noh performances.

「今様百花撰之内」「笹野才蔵」Sasano Saizo
歌川国貞 Utagawa Kunisada (1768 - 1864)
. Daruma, Smallpox and the color Red .
Hoosoogami, Hoosooshin 疱瘡神 deity of smallpox
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