. Legends about Onsen Hot Springs 温泉と伝説 - Introduction .
Eight old Hot Springs 八古湯
since the Heian Period - 平安時代の「八古湯」
- according to 延喜式神名帳 Engishiki Jinmyocho -
有馬温泉 - Arima Onsen - Hyogo
道後温泉 - Dogo Onsen - Ehime
岩井温泉(鳥取県)Iwai Onsen - Tottori
いわき湯本温泉 - Iwaki Yumoto Onsen - Fukushima
川渡温泉(宮城県)- Kawatabi Onsen - Miyagi
鳴子温泉 - Naruko Onsen - Miyagi
玉造温泉 - Tamatsukuri Onsen - Shimane
湯元温泉 - Yumoto Onsen - Ibaraki
- - - among them the three oldest are 三古湯 / 三函の御湯
Arima, Dogo and Iwaki Yumoto.
under construction
. Arima Onsen 有馬温泉 Arima Hot Spring . - Hyogo
. Dōgo Onsen 道後温泉 Dogo Hot Spring . - Ehime
Iwai Onsen 岩井温泉
Tottori 鳥取県 岩美郡岩美町 Iwami

- - - - - HP with the specialities of the Onsen
- source : www.yukamuri.net
Once upon a time
The second child of the courtier Fujiwara no Fuyutsugu 藤原冬嗣 (775 - 826), named Fuyuhisa 冬久, was very wise and learned, so his mother wanted him to take over the family name and business. (Customary it was the eldest son, not the second one.) Since it was against all reason, it could not be and his mother was very upset about it. He also lost his mind completely, developed a skin disease and finally left the home to take residence at Iwai.
One day he met a woman who showed him a hot spring:
"I am the Deity of Healing, 医王 I-O. I have waited for you here. Please make this hot spring available to all people to come here and get healed!"
Then the deity vanished.
Fuyuhisa later offered a statue of Yakushi Nyorai and founded the temple 東源寺 Togen-Ji.
He was soon known as 宇治長者 the Elder from Uji to all people.
Since 859 this is one of the Eight Old Hot Springs of the Heian period.

yukamuri 湯かむり dolls
One special way of using the hot spring here is called 湯かむり yukamuri, where the bather covers his head with a hand towel and pours the hot water over it with a special dipper 柄杓 while he chants a special song, 湯かむり歌 yukamuri uta, to count the time.

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. Naruko Onsen 鳴子温泉 . - Miyagi *
- - - oldest hot springs in Kyushu
亀川温泉(浜田。 - 以上『豊後国風土記』)、
雲仙温泉(温泉山。 - 以上『肥前国風土記』)、
source : www.city.chikushino.fukuoka.jp
There are also hot springs called
Furuyu Onsen 古湯温泉 "Old Spa Hot Spring"

One is in 556 Fujicho Oaza Furuyu, Saga 佐賀.
- reference -
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. ONSEN 温泉 . おんせん Hot Springs .
- Introduction -
. Japanese Legends and Folktales .
- Introduction -
. Legends about Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 / 薬師様 / 薬師さん .
The Buddha of Medicine and Healing
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. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
Posted By Gabi Greve to Omamori - Japanese Amulets on 3/30/2015 03:00:00 am
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