. Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
uguisubari うぐいす張 / 鴬張 / 鶯張り nightingale floor
CLICK for more photos ! 二条城 Jijo-Jo Castle, Kyoto
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Lit. "nightingale floor".
Floor boards which rub together when walked on to produce a pleasant and delicate sound. This type of board flooring was used in the corridors, rouka 廊下, of some shrines jinja 神社, temples tera 寺, and palaces kyuuden 宮殿.
When the floor boards are dry the sound occurs naturally. However, from the early 17c onward, techniques were developed purposely to produce this sound in order that a person's approach would not go undetected. It was one of many methods devised to prevent the possibility of insurrection.
Perhaps the most famous extant example is in the Nijoujou Ni-no-maru Goten 二条城二の丸御殿 (17c), and the Chion-in Hondou Mieidou 知恩院本堂御影堂 (1619), both in Kyoto.
- source : JAANUS
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The corridor running along the rooms in the Ninomaru Palace has a specially constructed floor that makes a sound like that of a nightingale when you walk on it. This corridor is known as the Uguisu-bari corridor. This construction is actually an alarm system because it generates sound whenever anyone walks on the floor of the corridor, warning of the presence of an intruder even at night. The floor contains special fittings and clamps, called mekasugai that generate the sound.

There are a countless number of these clamps (about 12 cm long) located between the beams that support the floorboards of the corridor. There are two spike holes in each of the clamps and each hole has an iron spike in it. When someone walks on the corridor above a clamp, the clamp moves up and down causing the spike to rub against the clamp, producing a sound like the cry of a nightingale.
Incidentally, the Daihojo Hall at Chionin Temple, employed by the Tokugawa family for official affairs, has an Uguisu-bari corridor similar to that at the Ninomaru Palace.
- source : micro.rohm.com/en
- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -
uguisubari fumasete kuru hadashi kana
walking along
the nightingale floor
with bare feet . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
山崎和枝 Yamazaki Kazue

source : 散歩日記X
. WKD : hadashi 跣足 (はだし) barefeet, barefoot .
- - kigo for all summer - -
Mount Fuji hidden
in a nightingale floor -
Joys of Japan
Gabi Greve, April 2015

At Nishi Honganji
- source : うさぎの会旅行記

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Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 4/19/2015 01:18:00 pm
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