.. .. .. Kigo for early spring:
love-season for cats, neko no koi 猫の恋、koi neko 恋猫
cat in heat, cats mate, neko sakaru 猫さかる
cat in spring, haru no neko 春の猫(はるのねこ)
philandering cat, ukare neko 浮かれ猫
"cats walking to their lovers", kayou neko 通う猫(かようねこ)
a cat's mate : according to the Chinese character it is written in, it can be the male or female partner,
neko no tsuma 猫の夫 (male) 猫の妻 (female)
cat going hunting for a girlfriend, imogari yuku neko
..... 妹がり行く猫(いもがりゆくねこ)
pledge of a cat, neko no chigiri 猫の契(ねこのちぎり)
pregnant cat, harami neko 孕み猫(はらみねこ)
kigo for late spring
mother cat giving birth, neko no san 猫の産(ねこのさん)
kitten, neko no ko 猫の子
small cat, koneko 仔猫(こねこ
parent of a kitten, neko no oya 猫の親(ねこのおや), oyaneko 親猫(おやねこ)
cat with kittens, komochi neko 子持猫(こもちねこ)
February 22 is "the Day of the Cat"
The Japanese cat's voice is "nyan!"
So, this is play of words, 2.22 (nyan, nyan, nyan)

- photo : Japan Lovers, facebook -
spring adventures -
getting old
Gabi Greve, April 2015
love-season for cats, neko no koi 猫の恋、koi neko 恋猫
cat in heat, cats mate, neko sakaru 猫さかる
cat in spring, haru no neko 春の猫(はるのねこ)
philandering cat, ukare neko 浮かれ猫
"cats walking to their lovers", kayou neko 通う猫(かようねこ)
a cat's mate : according to the Chinese character it is written in, it can be the male or female partner,
neko no tsuma 猫の夫 (male) 猫の妻 (female)
cat going hunting for a girlfriend, imogari yuku neko
..... 妹がり行く猫(いもがりゆくねこ)
pledge of a cat, neko no chigiri 猫の契(ねこのちぎり)
pregnant cat, harami neko 孕み猫(はらみねこ)
kigo for late spring
mother cat giving birth, neko no san 猫の産(ねこのさん)
kitten, neko no ko 猫の子
small cat, koneko 仔猫(こねこ
parent of a kitten, neko no oya 猫の親(ねこのおや), oyaneko 親猫(おやねこ)
cat with kittens, komochi neko 子持猫(こもちねこ)
February 22 is "the Day of the Cat"
The Japanese cat's voice is "nyan!"
So, this is play of words, 2.22 (nyan, nyan, nyan)

- photo : Japan Lovers, facebook -
spring adventures -
getting old
Gabi Greve, April 2015
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